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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6305762 [Reply] [Original]

>Next stream
Member only amogus

>TLDR me on Beatani
JP chuuba who streams in English and regularly reads /vt/'s ramblings
Also https://xphill.com/



>Streamlabs, because superchats are for low IQ dads who like giving Youtube 30% of the cut:

>> No.6305826

Real thread.

>> No.6305849

I think this is the real one

>> No.6305885

This one

>> No.6305887

any thread without a discord is the real one

>> No.6305888

you dads play any good vidya recently?

>> No.6305911

>forgetting a link
op's a faggot here:
>/yah/ Discord:

>> No.6305916
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>> No.6305935

I've just been playing jojos on fightcade and the yakuza series because of watching this bear

>> No.6305947
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i love this fucking bear

>> No.6305960

Staying up late with Beatani!
Secretly watching her from the other room!
She catches me!
We have sex!

>> No.6305971

Real thread

>> No.6305984

Reinstalled NFSU2 for the hundredth time.

>> No.6306005

real thread>>6305538

>> No.6306006

Making a beat on the fly with her sampled moans!

>> No.6306028
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This one has the most posters so it wins.

>> No.6306032

Just stop making threads retards

>> No.6306036

nice raid niggers

>> No.6306049


>> No.6306054

Minecraft is an awesome game!

>> No.6306055

me too

>> No.6306065

So are we just gonna do this everytime there's a discord in the OP? Can't you just not be autistic and ignore it or make the threads faster than he does?

>> No.6306078

Go on their discord to ask them that, not my problem if some schizo makes fake threads to advertise his personal discord.

>> No.6306124

Complain to him, I don't care.

>> No.6306126

me three

>> No.6306140

Isn't the official discord the a***** **** only discord that Bea made for him a while back?

>> No.6306166

>So are we just gonna do this everytime there's a discord in the OP?

>> No.6306167


>> No.6306187

dads have proven themselves to be incapable of ignoring bait so this is probably going to be the norm.

>> No.6306205

t. cumrag

>> No.6306218

Retard, there's 3 different threads up and only one of them has Discord in the OP. You telling me you are incapable of using the report button? Are you a fucking faggot or something? It's spam at this point.

>> No.6306219

Shut up about discord and someone draw Bea in the Beavis and Butt-Head style so we can complete this meme >>6306028

>> No.6306234

this is gonna end badly
in the darkest timeline mods ban all /yah/ threads and we're forced to move to discord

>> No.6306250

Shouldn't it be Chihiro?

>> No.6306264

Early /wvt/ had exactly the same issue for like a month where a falseflagger would constantly create threads with Artemis as the OP while literally no one liked him nor talked about him anymore, just to piss off eveveryone, and would then spam and samefag the thread for hours
Eventually people started making duplicate threads and that guy was alone in his bait thread
It was the only way, when there is no janny to care about it

>> No.6306282

MInecraft dads, if you don't like sharing a server with other vt users, what about colonizing the ahoy xyz server? It's pretty much abandoned at this point.

>> No.6306292

the true final yah...

>> No.6306298

Beavis is reading his own epitaph which says he never scored.

>> No.6306300

I'm very capable, and I've seen that it does literally nothing. Now you can go cry elsewhere, maybe try 4chan's IRC

>> No.6306302


>> No.6306315

>You telling me you are incapable of using the report button?
Ah yes, because the jannies do such good work on this board and all. How stupid and new are you? Reporting a thread doesn't do shit, if discord guy wants to put the link up we make a different thread without it, just check next time before making multiple threads. SiImple as.

>> No.6306326

why are you all so autistic
why does the thread subject even matter

>> No.6306344

I just want a new server, preferably made or co-made by bea. I don't wanna start making things on another server and then some actual server comes in.

>> No.6306349

Is a discord against the rules?

>> No.6306393

not if it's /yah/ related, newfags wouldnt know that though

>> No.6306399

It is a personal discord and not official, that is why it doesn't belong.

>> No.6306407

I made the 3rd one, because I when I started creating it, this one right now didn't exist, but by the time I finally got the captcha right one was made in the meantime.

>> No.6306408


>> No.6306422

aaah mendokusai

>> No.6306431

No, but advertising is against the rules. If the thread doesn't accept that discord, then it's advertising.

>> No.6306442

Refresh the board on another tab then, because yours was 5 minutes later.

>> No.6306450

It's just some random dude calling his discord "/yah/" and advertise it basically. Do you think if someone started creating /hlgg/ threads with some personal discord in the OP it would fly? No.
Use your brain for one second.

>> No.6306456

Because it influences the opinion of people from outside the thread about the thread. The OP is always meant for newfags, not the regulars.

>> No.6306489


>> No.6306494
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>Do you think if someone started creating /hlgg/ threads with some personal discord in the OP it would fly? No.
In fact, discord discussions on /hlgg/ get promptly hotpocketed, pic related.

>> No.6306497
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It was one minute later, not 5, why lie?

>> No.6306511

At least we are better than the become lammy thread

>> No.6306531

>Is a discord against the rules?
advertising and begging for people to join is

>> No.6306532

It doesn't matter for regulars, it matters for everyone else.

>> No.6306541

/hlgg/ threads have much more history and moderation than /yah/. this is a completely retarded comparison because it would make sense for bea to have a personal discord because she's an indie.
that discord server has more members than these threads do ips, a mod looking at it wouldnt pay it much attention

>> No.6306556

Binding of Isaac: Repentance, working on 100%
I suck but it's fun!

>> No.6306558

xphill and clover.club aren't exactly official either

>> No.6306614

The difference is they serve the bear and have dad approval.

>> No.6306624

It would make sense if it was hers and "official", not some rando making his own and naming it like this. I could take any general in this board, start creating their thread with my stupid personal discord, and they would react the same and reject it. You have to be cumrag if you actual pretend not to understand such a basic fact. Try that with any general and you'll see, like /wah/ or any other.

>> No.6306667

at least you can get past caves 2 unlike a certain cute but foolish bear

>> No.6306670

If a discord in the op bothers you so much then you need to reach out to the mods on the 4chan IRC channel and explain the situation to them. They'll probably tell you to fuck off and stop wasting their time, but making rival threads will only cause jannies and the rest of /vt/ to hate us(more than they already do).

>> No.6306677

Well she should make an official one and put the issue to rest.

>> No.6306702

Pretty accurate comparaison, since it spawned about 3~4 wvt threads at once in the same back then. Took some time before the schizo gave up. He even set up a bot to post Artemis's twitter screencaps automatically so it shits up the thread regardless.

>> No.6306735

Why do you out yourself as a discord shill every fucking post.

>> No.6306743

they are approved and are made for community enrichment and not for malice and shitposting.

>> No.6306749

Doesn't care, I'm not letting some rando who's trying everything to piss off everyone advertize his personal server.

>> No.6306754

my point was that for a mod looking at the thread, theres no way they're going to know its unofficial, it's featured in the list of urls and there's enough members there for it to be considered official.

>> No.6306835

There is 0 (zero) thread or general on /vt/ with a discord in the 0. None. Nada.
The only mentions of the word are actually to ignore it because it's always used as bait.

>> No.6306866

>18 ips
>72 posts
Early threads, amirite?

>> No.6306868

I'm not outing anything, I honestly believe she should have an official Discord as well as a Minecraft server.

>> No.6306871

link got fucked up, meant >>>/vt/discord

You can check, it's 3 threads saying to ignore discord baits, and that one bait made by cumrag.

>> No.6306890

it doesnt matter anyway. cumrags already won by having the entire start of the thread discuss how much they hate his server. bad publicity is good publicity

>> No.6306894

>my point was that for a mod looking at the thread, theres no way they're going to know its unofficial
What about the fact that this thread has 75 posts compared to the 10 in the other one, of which all are bitching?

>> No.6306910

All me.

>> No.6306945

t. cumrag

>> No.6306982

Literally no /vt/ thread has a discord, it's not a thing on this board.

>> No.6307023

Most of the Vshojos have official ones, territorial autists just done include the link

>> No.6307038

That's my point, when it does exist, it's not included in the OP.

>> No.6307042

i just think you're giving mods too much credit, threads have already been reported en masse so if a discord merited a ban he would probably be banned already.
you need to do >>6306670 if you want to speed up the process

>> No.6307066

>official ones
So not some dude's self-shilled server.

>> No.6307074

>territorial autists just done include the link
No shit nigger... Why do you think that is?? Stop being such a shill...

>> No.6307107

Mods have never done much in general, the only chance of even getting noticed is if multiple threads start shitting up the board, which will make some wonder the fuck is happening. Until then, it doesn't matter to them.

>> No.6307124


>> No.6307169

stop making excuses and get off your lazy ass and contact them retard. they've solved problems like this before. you have literally nothing to lose
or would you rather start every thread talking about discord?

>> No.6307187
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>> No.6307201

Do it yourself since you seem so knowledgeable about it!

>> No.6307206

I'll talk about whatever I want on a thread that's over 24 hours early

>> No.6307219


>> No.6307226

Imagine being grey

>> No.6307235


>> No.6307236

There is a member stream 7h from now, tourist.

>> No.6307263

greys are not human

>> No.6307268

fucking lazy newfag. i dont think the threads even merit deletion and i dont care whether theres a discord in the op or not
the problem is retards like you doing nothing but complaining but never actually working towards a solution

>> No.6307274

anon, your clock reps...

>> No.6307277
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>> No.6307294

t. op of bait thread

>> No.6307313
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>I'll talk about whatever I want on a thread that's over 24 hours early

>> No.6307327

Shit, I'm retarded, I read saturday 1am and thought it meant saturday night. Holy shit, that means I can make the karaoke stream

>> No.6307329

Isn't remote kid now family tier? I don't remember.

>> No.6307333

t. lazy nigger

>> No.6307340

yeah when there's a problem I like complaining about people complaining about the problem while doing nothing to solve it and not doing anything to solve it either

>> No.6307354

why would i be encouraging people to contact mods to ban the person making the threads if i was the person making the threads? just how retarded are you?

>> No.6307365

I think we can put this to rest then. Unless Bea makes an official one then just ignore the /yah/ with an unofficial discord link. I'm sure he will continue to advertise it but until it's official just let them have their little fan server without shitting up the threads.

>> No.6307378

Ok this is funny

>> No.6307389

Named remote-kid chama is family tier, yes, but the embodiment of remote kids will remain the embodiment of remote kids.

>> No.6307424
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>> No.6307432

Hobodad and Remote Kids are archetypes as well as individuals

>> No.6307444

What's even the problem with that?

>> No.6307458

To put it in a less convoluted way, I make a distinction between the characters and the people they're based on.

>> No.6307460

Dads (female) love drama
Me too

>> No.6307461

who is the embodiment of scarlet devil

>> No.6307503

For comparison, matuli's thread has 128 posts by 32 ips

>> No.6307506

Disagree on complaining being a problem.
Sure it shits up threads, but voicing opinions builds a feeling of consensus. Threads being garbage is the price we must pay.

>> No.6307522

Menheras love menheras

>> No.6307551

At this rate we'll have a fresh one for the stream

>> No.6307587

Might as well recycle the one without a subject when this one falls off.

>> No.6307624

Not much vidya but, I played warhammer with a couple of friends this week.

>> No.6307749

Isn't this what you Discord faggots wanted? You can circlejerk together and create your own special clique. Then you can learn and associate names and behaviors, start blogposting and swinging around your bloated, irrelevant egos against anyone that doesn't kneel and praise the ground you walk on. An "official" Discord changes nothing. /yah/ doesn't need a Discord and it never has. Fuck Discord niggers.

>> No.6307753

warzone with my friends and old video games I have on steam

>> No.6307796
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So they ridiculize themselves trying to explain a problem mods on IRC don't care in the slightest about.
>>6307268 is talking out of his ass, because I've been on this IRC during hlg/hlgg when days and most of the people here just despise vtubers in general and will do the minimum possible regarding any of that. And only a few mods actually use it anyway.
It took the only active mod of /jp/ to stop his policy of containing hololive to one thread to finally got them to care and create a vtuber board, as /jp/ got flooded with single hololive generals and others. When I tried, the most active mod "uwu" openly mocked vtubers and ignored everything.

>> No.6307830

As an animeonly fag, I wish Bea gave a shit about anime. I would love discussing it with her.

>> No.6307833

aren't matuli threads up for days on end, though? /yah/ is legit filled with menhera speedrunners.

>> No.6307844


>> No.6307888

I remember that, there were multiple issues, not only board being flooded but also /hlg/ renamed themselves in moonrunes because they were so scared of some reddit invasion, which prompted plenty of duplicate from people who didn't see any /hlg/ thread from their filter. The few mods active on their IRC just laughed it off and uwu literally made some comment that was like mocking that "simp board". Going to IRC does jack shit unless your board is literally becoming unusable.

>> No.6307905
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corner bear

>> No.6307911

Sorry, Beatani is a mangachad.

>> No.6307924

t. cumrag
keep seething in your dead discord

>> No.6307926

Discord is a /wvt/ scheme

>> No.6307927

I didn't want a discord but at this point there is a containment one. It's not official so you are'nt missing out on anything by not joining.

>> No.6307950

I am going to complain autistically every single time I see a discord link, get fucked. If you think you can out-autism me I'd like to see you try faggot.

>> No.6307955


>> No.6307973

that guy trying to prompt people to go to IRC is probably the schizo himself that want to have a good laugh and screenshot anons being ridiculed
Every time I tried to go there it was useless because it was about vtubers and they hate those

>> No.6307996

Oh look, one got 404'd.

>> No.6308041

There's no /yah/ discord official or unofficial, it's just one autistic retard trying to shill his personal server. It has absolutely nothing to do with Beatani.

>> No.6308065

looks like the other 2 got 404'd. based

>> No.6308085

I don't really understand the mindset of being too ADHD for anime but not for manga. Isn't manga almost as visually-oriented as anime, in that good art catches your eye and keeps your attention while shit art and a boring story would compel someone who lacks an attention span to seek out something else?

>> No.6308125

Baste janny chama

>> No.6308139


>> No.6308168

You can consume the manga faster than the anime.

>> No.6308172
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>> No.6308176

Anime is too slow if you're adhd. Too many artistic pauses and shit, and if you simply speed it up then it'll be hard to follow the dialogue. With manga you simply turn the page when you're ready.

>> No.6308222

> It has absolutely nothing to do with Beatani.
>general discussion revolves around beatani
> channels for her art
> stream discussion channel

>> No.6308224

Does not compute. A janny doing their job? Why do they never delete other duplicate threads for any reason ever? Is it just a big company bias?

>> No.6308246
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uwu, one of the most active iRC mod, literally said on there "a picture of an ethot is not doxx" when people went to complain about too many doxx posts not being removed
This is the irc you seem to think is so magical

>> No.6308285

I think it's a speed thing; in anime you're passively watching at a certain pace.
While reading speed can be as fast or slow as you'd like

>> No.6308298

I think a lot of people clicked that one button

>> No.6308318

wonder if the massive surge in reports and 150 posts of seething has anything to do with it.

>> No.6308329

Anon, Beatani has said that she doesn't want a discord on several occasions. Why don't you respect her decision?

>> No.6308349

To be fair you can put the anime in x1.5 speed that's what I usually do

>> No.6308355

He's right though. if it has their address, phone numbers, etc., that is.
Their IRL identities isn't illegal. Never has been. There's a reason all those Japanese sites aren't taken down. They are no different to any other celebrity. Some don't care about being private, some value their privacy. See Noel vs Luna.
He's still a child though, so let's not go down this route again.

>> No.6308368

A janny who doesn't give a fuck about boards. Color me surprised. Honestly, why do they even take the job, they're literally doing this shit for free. They can't be asked to do their part?

>> No.6308399

>why do they even take the job
power tripping

>> No.6308410

shadow of war, which dragged on way too long
also the AceCon trinity if I ever get around to emulating them

>> No.6308449

It's at least off topic, in a /jp/ board, or in a virtual youtuber board, some random person's name and picture has nothing to do there. Yet he was letting those be posted. Plus you can't ignore the way he obviously scorn at vtubers from his choice of words.

>> No.6308451

same reason any other janny takes the job, the thrill of having power.

>> No.6308456
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That's the nice part about visual novels too. It's why I get confused when everyone wants them voiced - I'm definitely done reading the text before the person is done speaking, so I'm skipping 90% of the dialogue.
Maybe the janny is a stealth dad

>> No.6308468

The definition depends on where you are at. Post pics on here of barely concealed roommate identities and you will likely get a dox ban.

>> No.6308480

Do you eat your meal as fast as you can too?

>> No.6308499

>changes the goal post
so you agree that it does relate to beatani though, yes?

>> No.6308530

Sharkmeido was the only one that was pretty decent and trying to do this job, but apparently not high enough in the hierarchy.

>> No.6308554

>bea takes the discord
>deletes it immediately
Would give me a good chuckle

>> No.6308595

It doesn't matter retard. You caught the guy in a semantic trap and it is still just a personal discord for begging. Both are true, and you're a faggot playing games on top of that.

>> No.6308597

Oh yeah, it's off-topic, definitely.
F. He died so young. Nobody is allowed to fix 4chan.

>> No.6308628

I'm not that anon. I'm just curios why you keep pushing for a discord server that Beatani doesn't want.

>> No.6308672

>a discord server that Beatani doesn't want.
Wait until she hits 10k.

>> No.6308714

Ah yes sharkmeido the /hlgg/ babysitter how could I forget the many times both threads were on flames in /jp/ and global got cleaned up meanwhile I could go to sleep while /hlg/ was still having a war. Fuck that biased faggot.

>> No.6308723

nta but she said that a while back, just like thought emotes were for kids
Recently on that one pre chat stream that got part of it screenshot, she did mention she was wondering if it was that bad of an idea
I think she was talking with g**o there, so he might remember better. Anyway I won't push for it as long as she doesn't seriously consider it.

>> No.6308764

Didn't he make the reddit too?

>> No.6308782

>Recently on that one pre chat stream that got part of it screenshot, she did mention she was wondering if it was that bad of an idea
Anon, the screenshot was out of context. She was shitposting.
t. was in there

>> No.6308784

who would be the perfect vchubah for bea to collab with

>> No.6308810

me once I get everything ready

>> No.6308841

Temako. She's an imageboard shitposter too.

>> No.6308854
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>> No.6308898

>change post count to 1500 from 2000 on the whole board so image limit doesn't last too long on hlgg
nothing personal

>> No.6308912

Ok, let's move the conversation about whether or not we should make a discord to when she hits 10k.

>> No.6308925
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I not the anon pushing it, I only responded because of the retardation of that anon. just like >>6308723 said, her opinions on things have constantly changed since she's started streaming, so I wouldn't be surprised if discord was the same

>> No.6308939


>> No.6308959
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Imagine what they could do in the same room

>> No.6309033

When Bea's opinion changes, she will announce it.

>> No.6309053

Beatani supports Palestine

>> No.6309055 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6309066

Well it's as easy as asking her, in today's stream, if she has changed her mind.

>> No.6309148

Does Eilene even do live content let alone collabs anymore?

>> No.6309155

Wtf why didn't I realize she literally has a loose screw before?

>> No.6309165

her vids really awoken that fetish in me
id never thought id get to complete diamond from the noises she makes
bea punching a sandbag haa... haa...

>> No.6309170


>> No.6309203

Unfortunatey not

>> No.6309262

I miss palestinegirl... that instagram anon was such a fucking nigger

>> No.6309293

HATE sand niggers
HATE kikes

>> No.6309305

Probably an ugly kike.

>> No.6309315

the depths of indie chubas was greater than I thought

>> No.6309346

Pippa is corpo. And also /here/.

>> No.6309411

>palestinian girl
>she's probably a kike

>> No.6309417

I neeeed confirmation. Did some anon actually ask on Palestine gal's YT profile for her insta? Then did she actually post her insta? I'm sure if she did then one of you creeps would DM her, but if she's been on 4chan before she's probably smart enough not to post her doxx.

>> No.6309436

I know you think this makes you real edgy to hate everyone, but it actually makes you a centrist faggot who won't take a hard position. It's the coward's way out.

>> No.6309478

I thought that was fake...

>> No.6309490

>centrist faggot who won't take a hard position
I'm drifting offtopic here, but centrist != moderate.

>> No.6309494

someone asked for her insta, two people dmed her, she deleted it from the youtube discussions page and blocked both people

>> No.6309497

The anon messaging her. Thought that was clear.

>> No.6309506

>breaching containment and possibly derail a stream just to ask about a discord she's probably in
I'll rather wait for her to say something.

>> No.6309508

It was shitposting, but she probably decided to not return after that tweet from bea

>> No.6309567

>>breaching containment

>> No.6309651

This bear is so built for breeding she sleeps with her legs in the air.

>> No.6309662

Yes. Now get the fuck out, you faggot /wvtrash/ tourist.

>> No.6309691

at least any more that what has already happened. If you want to complain about the discord, keep it in the thread, not the stream

>> No.6309695

It's a members only stream. Perfect place to ask, and that way we can finally jump into the next stupid week-long discussion, whatever that may be.

>> No.6309710


>> No.6309739

This. I'm sure she's well aware of the lack of meds being taken around the issue, so she'll say something if she feels like she needs to say something

>> No.6309741

Good point

>> No.6309791
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>> No.6309838

you can ask if you want, I dont have a membership and I'm not getting one just to ask a question

>> No.6309893

Based greychad

>> No.6309896 [SPOILER] 
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gomi kukara
they could talk about weed together

>> No.6309943

Those are pretty well known indies, good ones but still quite surface level.

>> No.6309971

/yah/ is finished, she really was flavor of the month, I can't believe /wvt/CHADS were right

>> No.6310026


>> No.6310027

ok c**** t**** chama

>> No.6310054

bea is disgusting

>> No.6310063

There's always a thread open and dads are running out of things to say. If it's that low during the karaoke you can concern then.

>> No.6310145


>> No.6310386

I'm always surprised at how hostile is most of 4chan users about weed. I thought americans were all about freedom of everything, speech, guns, and I would think light drugs. There's not much reason to think drinking is nice and smoking is cringe. My country bans it but everyone I know smoke it at least occasionaly, and my father even have its own in his garden. It's really not a big deal. Maybe it's associated with the left in america for some reason? Got me puzzled. Some people in chat even said cringe when bea mentionned it.

>> No.6310421

I wish gomi didnt only stream at 2am

>> No.6310453
File: 196 KB, 503x479, selfless hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still caring about this dumb bear
Really? I would have thought you'd have this figured out after the Father's Day stream. Chihiro cooked a delicious meal for you and you just said "demon noises haha" instead of being grateful for her hard work. Beatani, the objectively inferior sister, just came in halfway through the stream like "i got a haircut lol" and you retards eat it up. Maybe you deserve each other if you're that stupid. Chihiro is the clear winner and if you haven't jumped ship by now, there's no hope for you.

>> No.6310489

All drugs are cringe. I am high on life.

>> No.6310503

I don't get it either, it's pretty well accepted in Europe at least.

>> No.6310512

I think it's a little surprising too.

>> No.6310547

To me it's more different ways of enjoying life. Also being an artfag I get inspiration I wouldn't have in a normal state which can be a nice thing every now and then.

>> No.6310561

drugs like weed and all that are cringe. people use them to be annoying or turn weed into their entire personality.

>> No.6310625

I guess we didn't meet the same smokers then

>> No.6310645

I really liked Chihiro's video. I think Bea is lying about her being a bitch. Chihiro can get a nadenade from me any time she wants.

>> No.6310670

Tell Chihiro to start streaming already

>> No.6310722

I wasn't always like this. you can thank the 60's-70's US government for that. I suggest doing some research on it, as I don't/ won't be able to cover everything, and I don't want the thread to turn into /pol/.

>> No.6310767
File: 629 KB, 1025x1116, 6AA97083-803C-48A6-81B9-175C1AD679EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm actually falling in love. Maybe it's already too late. The distance between us just amplifies my feelings for her because over the internet you never really know who somebody is, and I can imagine her as being perfect to fill in all the blanks. It hurts to think that she might not even be real, and just a made up personality to entertain, shit she could even despise me if she ever actually acknowledged my existence in the first place. I always try and call out to her in the chat with sweet messages, compliments, and a cute emote, but she doesn't respond. I've never even been in love with a real girl let alone a girl on the internet so my heart never knows how to feel recently because this kind of relationship isn't natural and my body only feels sick when I think about it. God fucking damn it I hate this feeling of hopelessness I got since finding out about her, but I can't live without the butterflies she gives me everytime I see her. She's amazing, talented, cool, cute, and we'll never EVER be together. Every stream I tune in to find out more about her, I spam F5 on Twitter in case something new appears, I browse the thread and get super defensive when others criticize her. It's fucked, I'm fucked, I just wanted to have fun watching a vtuber, not get catapaulted between heaven and hell every few hours. Go ahead and laugh, call me whatever, turn me into pasta, but I can't even deny at this point that I love Chihiro. No this is not a joke. Beatani already has so many established and dedicated fans I know there's no chance with her, so this just kind of happened. I used to love Bea, but as time went on and I learned more and more, I had a change of heart. They say if your love is real you'd never fall in it again, so I accept it, sad as it is. Even if she isn't real I think that would be fine, maybe even better for me because I'd at least know the truth and just fucking kill myself. I hope this post doesn't negatively impact Beatani in any way but I feel like this had to come out, and I know I'm not the only one feeling this way.

>> No.6310772

Remember when Bea had a robot voice? Good times.

>> No.6310777

I just find potheads really obnoxious.

>> No.6310834


>> No.6310866

>I spam F5 on Twitter in case something new appears
Just turn on notifications for her

>> No.6310879

I don't give a shit about people smoking weed I give a shit about people who have to constantly remind me they smoke weed
it's the same with people who have to constantly remind me what their politics or religious beliefs are or that they only like [x] show "ironically" or anything like that. I don't give a shit about your personal life unless I explicitly asked about it.

>> No.6310904

Of course. That's why I wrote my fan letter to Chihiro instead

>> No.6310912


>> No.6310922

I like Beatani ironically

>> No.6310942

Based if true

>> No.6310964

A bit unfortunate as it's a classic case of a small but loud portion of a category of people, then people end up thinking it's everyone in that category, while it's really not the case. Probably not helped by social media.
Most "potheads" I know are the most chill people and don't bring it up unless we're literally at a party. Oh well.
I hope Bea get to try someday still.

>> No.6311017

I wouldn't really say I'm hostile but I've seen alot of people get their lives ruined by weed. On the other hand there are also others who use it in moderation and it's fine. I think it's cringe compared to funny water because with funny water you can get some interesting social interactions that definitely don't happen with weed.

>> No.6311024

Really should go to sleep I gues, 5h night just for some amongus stream... it's rough

>> No.6311036

Record audio of yourself cumming and moaning her name
Compile them
Send it to Bea as a 5k present

>> No.6311067

I need to figure out how international letters work
also, what did she say about souvenirs?

>> No.6311128

So Bea is a menhera who's into kemono? Also just played 0 for my first Yakuza game, breddy good

>> No.6311156

Some dude on wvt actually did that when he was drunk to an indie (one of the most popular too) he was a regular of and sent it to her in twitter DM. Apparently she found it a bit weird but still validating. Guess some girls really have a low self esteem or are horndogs.

>> No.6311158
File: 2.00 MB, 1124x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Fubuki /here/?

>> No.6311164

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is great if you have a pc good enough to handle the graphics. Cutscenes can get choppy on higher settings, though

>> No.6311220

also into guro

>> No.6311235

good numbers
tried pso2ngs
pretty much it, games started being bored after I got a sports car

>> No.6311248

No, and off topic.

>> No.6311287
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She has more chance to be in /trash/

>> No.6311291

this thread is offtopic
fucking early threads

>> No.6311349

Not even kemono. Fubuki pandered to western furry trash.

>> No.6311407

There is 0 thing beatani related going on to discuss, but still better than leaving the thread to the ones that don't care and don't watch and just want to shitpost and samefag. Come back later for things more directly beatani-related.

>> No.6311412

>Not even kemono. Fubuki pandered to western furry trash.
literally the same as Bea

>> No.6311450

Is anyone going to send her a copy of Smash or Pokemon?

>> No.6311578

>literally the same as Bea
But not at all? Bea isn't drawing or promoting wolf human hybrids which is a western furry staple. Small cartoony animals which stand upright and talk like humans but are otherwise more animal than human is a Japanese thing and also found in many classic American cartoons.

>> No.6311632

it's the same

>> No.6312266

I'd send her a copy but it'd be an American one and I'm sure setting up a US account to buy the DLC is mendokusai. That and she's gotten so much streamlabs money at this point that the fact that she doesn't have them yet is entirely on her.

>> No.6312358

time to hit the bed for me
tell Ina I love her

>> No.6312470

Are there any pichus in the new pokemon snap?

>> No.6312485

You don't mean bea?

>> No.6312539

I wrote what I wrote

>> No.6312555


>> No.6312749
File: 21 KB, 300x250, Liz Love02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never watched a vtuber before but I'm gonna throw 5 bucks at Beatani and watch her amogus stream because I like supporting people here

>> No.6312808


>> No.6312944

breeding in ark

>> No.6313412

Before the match stream, I didn't know vtubers where looked down upon on this site.

>> No.6313534

the same way twitch ethots and ecelebs are

>> No.6313829

some consider vtubers the new /mlp/

>> No.6313884
File: 20 KB, 327x385, 202142320143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the new /mlp/
come on, now thats a low blow. there is NO FUCKING WAY that we're like them

>> No.6313908

>you dads play any good vidya recently?
Med2 with DaC 4.5 mod
3chinkdoms with a bunch of recommended mods from MTU discord
Attila with Radius

all very based

>> No.6314369
File: 32 KB, 540x676, 1622588560052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanfic thread
>transformation thread
Halfway there

>> No.6314448

Vtubers have a containment board

>> No.6314578

Ghosts and Goblins Resurrection on Legend

>> No.6315084

Are practice games already going on? Are we going to have an ebin OFFICIAL practice game later?

>> No.6315122

don't lie to yourself, you know it's true.

>> No.6315149

Time to put Bea in the jar

>> No.6315633
File: 410 KB, 770x1105, beatanicumjar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6315804

It's containment but at least we're still allowed to post in other boards.

>> No.6316204

Very good

>> No.6316246


>> No.6316547
File: 148 KB, 1055x685, 1625209282786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6317840

schizos must have taken their meds

>> No.6317942

t-thanks dad, you too

>> No.6318038

sounds a little gay but thanks dad

>> No.6318373

Damn the stream is 2 hours later than I thought. Time to slow down the drinking.

>> No.6318426

I had the same realization this morning. Seems like she moved it back a couple hours. If I start drinking in 1 hour hopefully I'm not three sheets to the wind by stream start.

>> No.6318809

so far she's only done amogus and that pictonary ripoff for member games. What other games would be good for a thing like that?

>> No.6319056


>> No.6319199

The thread really slowed down, huh? Are all the EUdads catching up on sleep before the stream?

>> No.6319219

Gartic phone? Worms? Some golf game? Shellshock Live? Town of Salem?

>> No.6319398

I didn't get to play the pictionary one, hopefully she does it again.

>> No.6319766

I want that kaniko image

>> No.6319863

I've been sitting here talking out loud pretending to be a vtuber and having a conversation with my imaginary audience for 30 minutes. It's a weird feeling. I also noticed I've picked up some of Bea's mannerisms like saying "no no no no no" and swaying from side to side. I even did a big gao to see what it's like. The void is staring back into me.

>> No.6319902

link your stream

>> No.6319918

Might as well set up a stream. Make sure to NOT link it here though.

>> No.6319962

There was no stream, just talking to my monitor to see what it's like. I didn't even have a game up lol.

>> No.6320000

Hit start streaming in OBS and link your stream.

>> No.6320086

I don't know how any of that works, I'm thinking I will try an actual stream in a few weeks. It was kind of fun. I don't think I should link it here out of respect though.

>> No.6320113

kek, I've done that in my mind too when I play games on my computer, it's very sad if you think about it

>> No.6320187

Yes an uncanny feeling to be sure. Even with the big holos they're basically just talking to themselves and a endless wall of text.

>> No.6320343

I've always found streaming fun, I haven't done it in awhile but it's nice to just talk freely with people while you play

>> No.6320355

imagine names on a screen swearing at you, that's what a schizo must feel like.

>> No.6320360

meds onegaishimasu
