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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63100212 No.63100212 [Reply] [Original]

We can all agree that this is as objective as it gets right?

>> No.63100274
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Singing tier?
heaven yeah

>> No.63100292
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>> No.63100314

Fart noise tier ?
hell no

>> No.63100325

Whoever made this bait list was pretty good. It strikes a nice balance between ollie at the top obvious bait and believably shit taste by someone incredibly retarded.

>> No.63100363

>deaf leech

>> No.63100389


>> No.63100390

I don't know why you guys keep saying Risu is S tier, she is by the far the only person who I don't want to hear singing on repeat.

>> No.63100442

I think Ame has improved enough to bump her up to f tier

>> No.63100481

Nerrisa's latest cover was awful, would drop her to C.

>> No.63100489

it should have been sexyiness tier

>> No.63100495

No complaints

Nah they should be up in SSS also. Or SSS and S+ should just merge entirely.

Mio down one. Moona up one.

Sora and Towa down one.

Okayu up one. Marine up two.

>B+ and B
No complaints.

Kronii up one.

Lamy up one.

>D and F and Kino
No complains.

>Yet to hear them
Botan would be C+

>> No.63100525

The dogs should get a special tier for their extremely kino and entertaining karaokes, otherwise a pretty reasonable singing tier list.

>> No.63100530

Kanata should be lower, Laplus should be slightly higher.

is Zeta really that bad?

>> No.63100598

>>63100495 (Me)
I'd also move Lui up to B

>> No.63100642

Isn't Anya supposed to be pretty good?

>> No.63100644

Gura should be in SS tier

>> No.63100697

Her Magia cover sucked too.

>> No.63100902
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Almost, but still a bit subjective.


>> No.63101429

Didn't you post this last month? Ehat made you think people will agree with you this time?

>> No.63101747

Gura has a good voice, but only for slow emo songs

>> No.63101757

Towa too low
Biboo too high
Lui WAY too low

>> No.63101838

Looks accurate to me
>t. been posting on /VSingers/ since 2021

>> No.63101909

you know you could go listen to Botan right now, right?

>> No.63101928
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Put all of them into the yet to hear them tier, because objectively none of you faggots watch streams.

>> No.63101973

Kino > SSS

>> No.63101975
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love my oshi, but Marine should be way higher then her with singing.
If this is sex, then Roboco should be in SSS+ tier

>> No.63102060

There's at least 10 hololive members that said that Risu is the best singer, including Suisei.

>> No.63102117

tfw my indie oshi can sing better than SSS tier

>> No.63102168

No one ever actually used the term "best singer" in english or japanese or otherwise

>> No.63102172

Did you have a stroke before making this anon?

>> No.63102282

Too lazy to give my input but agree with this dude >>63100495

>> No.63102398

Can we all agree to banish OP and other tier list posters to reddit?

>> No.63102403

I checked the ones in the top tiers and they sound bad. Like very bad. Is this tier list a shitpost or something?

>> No.63102514

Actually agree with Suisei in SSS but move Azki, Irys, and Risu up there with her. Move Kanata down to S

>> No.63102517

Actually a solid list. Move Azki up a tier and we’re good.

>> No.63102535




she’s live karaoke right now btw…

>> No.63102562
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>gawr "sweet voice" gura that low
Nice bait you got there

>> No.63102610

I feel like Mumei gets overrated a bit idk, anyone got a link to something really impressive from her? Mio def goes down 1. Is Flare that bad? I don't listen to her, but when I hear her every so often she sounds ok. From my gut reaction she's at least Nene tier right? Lui is not that bad. Lamy is not Luna tier. Marine and Okayu needs up a tier.

>> No.63102689

Can you provide a non shitpost tierlist? I'd genuinely like to see yours.

>> No.63102709

fuwamoco going to move to JST?

>> No.63102980

Kanata down 2, Kanade and Gura down 1
Watame, Flare up 1

>> No.63103103

Real shit if there is an S-tier ID rep then I’d put Moona there moreso than Risu

>> No.63103173

>shitiori in Kino tier
opinion discarded

>> No.63103533
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>> No.63103584

You're telling me you didn't like it when Shiori sang "fire fire light the fire?"

>> No.63104327

this one is pretty bad to me desu. On first glance what pops out to me is Fubuki, Kobo, Subaru, Mel, Choco all seem a bit too high. Sora, Aki, Okayu, Gura, Risu, Matsuri, Lui all seem too low.

>> No.63104552

>Gura at S and not higher
>Marine and Nerissa at A and not higher
>Pekora Kino and not higher
>Korone at C+ and not lower
you're fucking deaf OP, rest is generally right though and not too far off

>> No.63105145

Hmm, I don't know how you managed to do it but you managed to make the perfect list. Take my (You), good anon and have a good day/night.

>> No.63105195

Kanata should be lower.

>> No.63106701

good enough

>> No.63106762
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>> No.63108675

Okay I call bs

>> No.63108931

are kanade and hajime really that good? I haven't seen too much of regloss yet but I totally assumed these two were more of the comedian types

>> No.63109551

Her Magia cover was dogshit compared to the original.

>> No.63109872

We need more green holos

>> No.63110045

Botan and Flare can be moved up to A

>> No.63110088

Kanade is amazing, both as an entertaining streamer and as a singer, can't say anything abour Hajime since I find her voice really annoying.

>> No.63110241

Can I be honest? I thought everyone was joking when they kept saying Kanata was this amazing singer. She sounds SO nasally it’s really really hard to ignore (I believe she’s had some sort of hearing loss or something? That can definitely affect tonality) I know it sounds mean, but I was genuinely surprised. I’m a classically trained singer so those things stand out to me and I literally cant ignore it.

>> No.63110244

For me it’s the kino tier singers

>> No.63112183


Risu is much better at singing than suisei and kanata

>> No.63112236

Heimin make these threads and since no one watches Kanata and have only seen the thing where she holds a note for 23 seconds people just OK it

>> No.63112434

Making a tierlist thread should be a bannable offence.

>> No.63112507 [DELETED] 


>> No.63112570


>> No.63114687

have you ever listened to one of her karaokes? her singing voice is totally different from the way she speaks

>> No.63119155


>> No.63119421


>> No.63119460

Just for overall variety of song options alone being the most versatile in hololive I’d say Gura is S+ her karaoke’s really bring out her real skill but her official releases never really utilize that so I mean I guess S is appropriate.

>> No.63119588

I'm okay with Suisei and Kanata being at the top. I'd put Mio down one.
Gura and IRyS is tricky. IRyS is better technically, but worse at conveying emotions, she doesn't have as much soul (unironically) as Gura for example.
Kobo definitely shouldn't be above the likes of Polka or Chloe.
Putting Kiara in the same tier as Aqua and Nene is an insult to them. Ina in C+? Tako please, good joke.
How the fuck is Lui in D with Ollie and Kaela? Only someone who's retarded would even consider anything close to that.

>> No.63119859

(Not the OP) I don’t listen to much Gura so I could be completely off base but I thought the main criticism of her was that she wasn’t versatile enough being only really good at a few things. Can you send a few links of some wildly different stuff?

>> No.63120032

Kanata is A+
Risu is SSS
Moona is SSS
Gura is S+
Mio is B+
Roboco is B
Marine is B
Kiara and Bae are A
Lui is B

>> No.63120138

That's at least my complaint. She is amazing in anything soft and jazzy but her voice is a bit too niche to perform most genres.

>> No.63120152

>Kiara only one tier above Kiara

>> No.63120186

I’d reccomend looking PTSD shrimp on YouTube, he archives her stuff but in summary I don’t see other members singing country, City pop, Jazz, Disney-like songs, acoustic remixes of songs, etc.

Like most said she really just struggles with high energy fast paced powerful stuff but that’s such a small portion in comparison to what she can do. If anyone inside of hololive is singing anything more that just the average Japanese OST and actually sounds good feel free to name them though, I’d check them out.

>> No.63120659

You think Marine is Hachaama tier and Kiara is better? Be serious.

>> No.63122114

>t. threadreader

>> No.63122798

Yes. She's not a good singer even if her songs are popular.

>> No.63124284

Marine said she likes Gura's singing the most.

>> No.63124378

styles on kids despite going deaf. She deserves this rank.

>> No.63124451

Marine fan here. She has never said "the most."

>> No.63124556

That's not an objective measure. Before Gura it was Rushia and nobody would ever rate her highly just because Marine said so.

>> No.63130290
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>> No.63130510

Suisei called her the "Celine Dion" of hololive so that's pretty much jap for best singer.

>> No.63130565

Cool, doesn't change the fact Gura collab song sucks.

>> No.63130608

impeccable tastes

>> No.63130831

Okayu should be higher.
I want to push FuwaMoco higher too but I guess you didn't pay much attention to karaokes and focused only on single releases?
Probably the best tierlist of this kind i saw on /vt/, good job

Yeep. She fucked up by choosing this song. She's nowhere close the magic of the original. Her Godish is honestly incredible, Vampire is good and gets bonus points for translation but Love Me is meh and Magia just feels bad, the [wtf is this mediocre cover, where's the skip button, i need to listen to real version now] tier. She's very all over the place. Her karaoke are trash too, she really fumbles outside of recording studio.

>> No.63131038

Because Marine has hardcore bias for showa city pop and Gura is the best at that in Hololive. Gura however is relatively lacking in other areas.

>> No.63131226

Based and SEX pilled.

>> No.63134219

Botan's singing is pretty good though

>> No.63134318

you know, I dig, though I think merging pink and purple is a bit debatable

>> No.63138695
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>> No.63139540

Please tell me it's not Tenri, because she's definitely not better. HACHI maybe.

>> No.63140269

>Marine fan here. She has never said "the most."


>> No.63140435


>> No.63140473

Botan? Really? The cover she dropped around the time off her 3d debut is still one of my favorites

>> No.63140490

>pekroa in the SOVL tier

>> No.63140654
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I'm gonna feed this ni-

>> No.63140763

I tried listening to Bijou's last karaoke and I'm gonna need to hear a strong argument why she doesn't belong in F tier

>> No.63140804

Should be lower than Choco and Nerissa, but there's already too many tiers

>> No.63141063

suisei is overrated. she is mid, but she is sings loud that's it.
Azki and Gura should be a tier above. Irys can go down one too, she's super overrated as well.

>> No.63141217

if suisei is considered SSS then it doesnt take much.

>> No.63141257

Wrong. Fuck off chumbud.
Just a delusional chumbud.
Needs to lie to shill.
Kill yourself chumbud.
Gura isn't even S.
She's overrated chumbud.

>> No.63141422

there are only a few songs where she actually tries
a few of my favorites:




that said maybe S tier is bit too much

>> No.63141498

this has to be bait

>> No.63141539

Kanata down 4
AZKi up 1
Irys down 2
Mumei down 1
Gurei down 2
Sora up 1
Kobo down 1
Polka up 2
Marine down 1
Shion down 1
Laplus down 1
Kiara down 2
Aqua up 3
Haachama down 1
Korone down 1
Mel up 3
Lamy up 1
Botan in C+

>> No.63141554
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She's the best singer in EN

>> No.63141672

Seethe more faggot

>> No.63141691

Literal garbage

>> No.63141717

this, but suisei also.

>> No.63141808

Fine. Really that means nothing to me, its a low bar, but honestly if all chumbuds were smart enough to leave it at that, I wouldn't have a problem with all of you.
Truth hurts bitch. Stop posting stupid shit and I won't have to call you out.

>> No.63141836


>> No.63143592


>> No.63145069

Gura should be SS or up 1 at least.

>> No.63145151

>Kanata on top
I made this post.
(I don't really think she's up there, but she is in my heart and that's all that matters)

>> No.63145733

Same desu

>> No.63146377

Shiori is definitely not any worse nor any better than fauna, ame and noel

>> No.63146767

Since when were chumbuds this rabid lol

no wonder gura hates streaming now she tryna get away from you retards.

Neither me nor my group or any group is seething about being put below S

>> No.63151223


>> No.63151961
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Risuner has to reach back to some utawakus from summer 21 to find a song that Risu sang a little better (not by much) one month ago.


>> No.63152136

Who is that one blue colored girl in S tier again?The one with the shark thing...

>> No.63152592

kaela -1
rissa +1
kiara +1
shiori -1
qrd me on ina, otherwise +2

>> No.63152999

IRyS and AZKi are exact same retard

>> No.63153434

gura antis continue to be the most mentally ill people on this board

>> No.63154517

shut up, Risu

>> No.63154572

>Polluting brunette tier with orange bitches

>> No.63155574

well, he probably thought a hikki neet (she has a job, but you know what I mean) wouldn't make a great one.

>> No.63155619

People who don't stream belong in the trash, not the top of the list

>> No.63156607

Kanade is at A+. She has the potential to be at S+ but she's just not there yet. List is pretty trash btw rumao.

>> No.63156841

Shit list, shit taste.

>> No.63156895

You're unicorn glasses are clowding your judgment, but I'm proud of you for trying to be objective.

Mumei and Gura should certainly not be that high.

Marine, Mori, and the Mococo twins should all be higher. The triple M's.

>> No.63156925

>objective as it gets
>literally unfinished
go fuck yourself. :)

>> No.63156929

To me the ones that have the combination of talent and soul are Gura, Kobo, Fuwamoco, and Mumei. If I had an audience I wanted to mesmerize and charm, I'd hire one of them.

>> No.63157150

Gura is not that great at this, calm down.

>> No.63157620


>> No.63158440

Switch Mori and Suisei.

>> No.63158673


>> No.63159568

Tonedeaf anon try comparing kobo & polka tondemo wonderz cover
I hope you're not beyond saving

>> No.63159893

The only correct tier
The way a lot of anons listing kobo lower than she actually should is peak insanity

>> No.63159967
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>looks good, but doesn't activate neurons
I crave the strength and certainty of steel!

>> No.63160094


>> No.63160188

Nice try retard, I'm an irystocrat.

>> No.63160266

Nice try, Hoshityomi.

>> No.63160367

Mori should be lower, dogshit "rapper"

>> No.63160425

Move Kanata down. Azki and Irys up. Then the list is pretty good.

Fyi Botan would be about B-ish

>> No.63160662

Sure you are

>> No.63160982

Irystocrat or not, no one will believe you because some faggots are using falsefag fuckery to manufacture a war between chumbuds and hoshiyomis

>> No.63161191


>> No.63161332

And coincidentally all of them are sidebranch shitters

>> No.63161997

everything in there needs fixing

>> No.63163859

>top people are where they need to be
>bottom people are where they need to be
Aside from overrated cry my way up Seisui I have no complaints.

>> No.63164608

Kanata is also overrated.
