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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 861 KB, 2456x3782, F-4RrRAasAArzzt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62927128 No.62927128 [Reply] [Original]

Towa Thread
Previous >>62834252

Checkout her cover of 「Kaiju no Hanauta」!
Also checkout her 1st album, 「Aster」!

Upcoming shows/events:

Previous shows/events:
>hololive Sports Festival 2023
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Solo Live 「Break your ×××」
>Music Verse Live #6
>Mumei 3D Showcase
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>Game Shop Maruyama

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>> No.62927154
File: 251 KB, 2048x1448, F_S4av1aQAAhBVF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music: https://pastebin.com/AkBD5Ztv
>Latest EPs
>Latest Solo/Group Originals and Cover
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8Pl7dXU280 Twilight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScTHsLH_0js Sanvitalia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLp3GDZcBCc Aventure Holic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3J06ircgMA ANEMONE

>「Soreyuke!! Makai Gakkou」 by Moro-yan (JP)
>「Underworld Academy Overload!!」 by Moro-yan (EN/ID)

Merch: https://pastebin.com/yk5HHRSr
>hololive production x ANIPLUS collab café
>hololive Cookie
>Yokai Punipuni
>hololive Closet
>hololive friends with u Vol. 6
>Tete Kore 3
>hololive Starting Voice
>Fuwakororin 3
>hug meets Vol. 4

Interviews/Articles: https://pastebin.com/vAeipX4B

>> No.62927191

It's Towver...

>> No.62927286
File: 742 KB, 2905x2905, 20231119_230204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Towa's right hand doing?

>> No.62927309


>> No.62927385

Apparently a good job if we go by Shuba's face

>> No.62927974

Towa hates me so I hate her back...

>> No.62928118

Why Twi...

>> No.62928324

Towa will never play an FPS game again...

>> No.62928365

I would rather Towa never played fps again than play valo...

>> No.62928479

Towa's sexy kouhai are tempting me...

>> No.62929293

Towa doesn't have any kouhai...

>> No.62929461

towa's sexy blue friend is tempting me...

>> No.62929534
File: 1.02 MB, 2645x3812, 20231119_184956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.62929645

that stupid looking dope im the back is tempting me...

>> No.62929790

ass de gozaru...

>> No.62929943

the other stupid looking dope...

>> No.62930081

Towa doesn't have any friends...

>> No.62930403

>Towa has no friends
>Towa has no kouhais
>Towa has no hair in her crotch area
What else does Towa doesn't have?

>> No.62930441
File: 607 KB, 2026x2865, 1699633683672644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovey dovey sex with Gozaru...

>> No.62930449

tongue piercings...

>> No.62930472


>> No.62930988

Mom who loves her...

>> No.62931206

Towamama loves Towa...especially when she buys her expensive things...

>> No.62931256

My poor poor Towa baby...

>> No.62931423

twi extracts so much money from kenzies because she wants mama to love her...

>> No.62931430

Only for financial gain...

>> No.62931550

She knows what mama really wants...

>> No.62931948

She'll never be able to give it to her so she has to calm her with monetary gifts...

>> No.62932082


>> No.62932108

How many girls did Twi have sex with... how many more will fall to the charms of this devil...

>> No.62932665

Did you just---?!

>> No.62933950
File: 632 KB, 1254x1771, 20231119_142752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is just like me fr...

>> No.62935659
File: 272 KB, 945x1350, 1682756574777485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62935892

Since they are just friends Towa should have no problems with me dating and having sex with Tuna...

>> No.62936244

Good night Towa and menheras!

>> No.62937226

So why did Towa tell us about the second cat then never mention it again...

>> No.62937616

twi... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K2NnusLYzs

>> No.62937723

Startend looks kind of weird...

>> No.62937754

Towa hates trains

>> No.62937903
File: 242 KB, 1816x2048, 1671920315404369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62938960

When will Twi and Zion collab one-on-one?

>> No.62939090 [SPOILER] 
File: 248 KB, 1738x1673, 20231120_065629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62940711

I have a feeling that Towa will play valorant soon...

>> No.62940855


>> No.62941883

what are these boys doing

>> No.62942213

Each other? I dunno...

>> No.62943231

they made my towa sexy...

>> No.62944098

They made Towa even more whorish...

>> No.62944501
File: 40 KB, 928x192, 1673538034342491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62945767

towa spammed ark for weeks to make valo look more appealing...

>> No.62946271

Right after all her friends are sick of it from CR Cup and Vsai? Sounds about right.

>> No.62946432

Certified Towa classic

>> No.62946518

personally i'm expecting towa to start getting sick of ark just in time when people start playing with her before she plays valo

>> No.62947571

I love Towa the most!!!

>> No.62947714

towa should just fuck off already... no one cares about that old bitch anymore..

>> No.62947726

who's off?

>> No.62947818


>> No.62948105
File: 3.58 MB, 2048x1524, 1685652272342631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's she doing?

>> No.62948171

modeling for mami's art

>> No.62949186

i'm finally on break so i can watch all the streams but towa is just on break as well...

>> No.62949317

time to microwave all the ark streams...

>> No.62949732

how can i be with towa...

>> No.62950874

Modeling for me

>> No.62953727
File: 1.06 MB, 3004x4096, F_VgRPobUAA2vzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62954177

Sexy Nenechi

>> No.62954799

Girl and boy as god intended

>> No.62955115

nenene isn't a boy...

>> No.62955885

i love towa

>> No.62958417

I squeezed Towa and she went honhonhon...

>> No.62958961

That was French Towa...

>> No.62959134


>> No.62961285

i want towa to whisper in my ear...

>> No.62961586


>> No.62961816
File: 1.90 MB, 4096x2048, purple babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a purple baby to take home.

>> No.62961881


>> No.62962538
File: 561 KB, 2480x3508, 1692675131469572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight towa... i love u...

>> No.62962592
File: 1.37 MB, 869x1200, 1700153333293887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You come home and see this boy on your couch, what do?

>> No.62962609

have sex with her

>> No.62962635

open my legs

>> No.62963309


>> No.62966296

towa will do a guerilla stream today while i'm asleep...

>> No.62968317

Thank god the T-rex isn't a kenzie

>> No.62968416

i don’t like when towa does collabs because i get jealous that she has more fun with friends than with kenzies…

>> No.62969176

Good morning Towa and menheras!

>> No.62969541 [SPOILER] 
File: 748 KB, 3201x3477, 20231120_124527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is having her day off doing this.

>> No.62969736

i like when towa does collabs and reminds me i have no friends because when we get married, all her girlfriends will be my girlfriends too...!

>> No.62971108

Towa is NOT a queen.

>> No.62971229

Personally my mental illness flares up when her friends have fun without her, I'm thinking what about Twi...
It's not like I can't stand it, I understand, I just get a bit jealous.

>> No.62971258

That's because Towa is a princess...

>> No.62971503

towa is a tsarina...

>> No.62971697
File: 970 KB, 2912x4096, F_TCX0laEAAq23K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62971820


>> No.62971881


>> No.62973328


>> No.62973948

i thought towa was supposed to be taking today off of work…

>> No.62974009

What is Towa gonna stream tomorrow?

>> No.62974777

Remember the time that Towa took over an entire gen?

>> No.62974792

Remember Towa?

>> No.62974874
File: 348 KB, 1430x2348, 20231118_173233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember...

>> No.62975154

I remember the time when this thread not being a picky menhera and enjoy every Towa contents...

>> No.62975184

>I remember the time when this thread not being a menhera
I don't remember not being menhera...

>> No.62975465

The longer towa waits to have kids the more autistic and menhera they get...

>> No.62975855
File: 282 KB, 1451x2048, 20231120_074115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at my boyfriend.
Say something nice about him.

>> No.62976792

She is just like me

>> No.62977141

I'll never see Towa again...

>> No.62978173
File: 373 KB, 1630x2324, F_YAsdObQAAABAv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62978220

Towa's never coming back...

>> No.62978277


>> No.62978853
File: 1.11 MB, 3137x4096, 1698984492773899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her...

>> No.62979697

i dream that towa released a new song and it was hardcore edm…

>> No.62979787

I want to squeeze Towa until she pops...

>> No.62980042

imagine if towa had friends that wanted to play games with her…

>> No.62980070

Imagine if Towa had friends...

>> No.62980109

Imagine if Towa...

>> No.62980147


>> No.62980149

Squeeze her what...?

>> No.62980416

Giving Towa the world...

>> No.62981200


>> No.62981310

Towa's gonna play that Refind Self game tomorrow... I wonder what her personality is like...

>> No.62981403


>> No.62981469

That's not a personality...

>> No.62982179


>> No.62982438

Hate Twi...

>> No.62982752

deep sexy voice collab...

>> No.62983097

I want to kiss Twi...

>> No.62983171

that's kimoi...

>> No.62983253


>> No.62983541
File: 599 KB, 2570x4075, 1700391438128588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Towa end up like this?

>> No.62983612

deep sexy girls gone... no...

>> No.62983615

I did it...

>> No.62984371

I'm sad...I'm sad...

>> No.62984488

Towa should post pictures of Kota2...

>> No.62985576

Where is Twi...

>> No.62985610

i’m lonely without towa…

>> No.62987870

Give me Towa or give me death

>> No.62987894

No Towa
No Life

>> No.62988127
File: 238 KB, 1206x1905, 1675328372638607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62988314

towa went on break because she saw kimoizoku...

>> No.62989117

towa loves kimoizoku…

>> No.62989810

Towa wants me to punch her...

>> No.62989922

I miss suityan…

>> No.62990187

Pinning Towa down and tickling her feet

>> No.62990571

Pinning Towa down and...

>> No.62990635
File: 336 KB, 1289x2048, 1691567273256816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62990971

What are these boys doing?

>> No.62991015

you've never hugged your boy and grabbed them at the hips?

>> No.62991033


>> No.62991239

humping towa’s leg…

>> No.62991954

According to my sources, Towa is currently naked.

>> No.62991972

prove it

>> No.62992635
File: 938 KB, 2508x3541, 1700301551030874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

towa just sent me this...

>> No.62992668

Towa is sexually harassing me...

>> No.62992696

Get out of the way you fat fuck...!

>> No.62994208
File: 244 KB, 1448x2048, 1679824940290582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62995725
File: 1.79 MB, 2039x2894, 1696957208804180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62996059

Why is she doing that...

>> No.62996065

Taa gives all the girls this look...

>> No.62996081

she's sending a message to tuna

>> No.62996885

Yeah I want to see Bibi...!

>> No.62997382

Towa leaves a slug trail wherever she goes...

>> No.62997407

Those are just the girls following her around...

>> No.63000166

Towa has been lost to the sands of time...

>> No.63001200

i don't love towa anymore

>> No.63001494


>> No.63003341

>常闇トワ followed
>律可/Rikkaホロスターズunplan @rikkaroid

>> No.63003442

what's the mean...

>> No.63003487

there is no mean

>> No.63003587

Now that I think about it rikka is one of the few holostars I don't mind if she collabed with

>> No.63004386

I think Towa shouldn't collab with new people.
Towa should just stream ark for me.

>> No.63004498

towa should do more things with girls

>> No.63004556

what games do you guys want towa to stream? i'm getting a little sick of ark but i don't know what i'd want her to stream instead...

>> No.63004561


>> No.63004670

Ultrakill but the backseating would be too much

>> No.63004818


>> No.63005235


>> No.63005352

IL-2 Sturmovik

>> No.63005412

I had a dream towa and I were madly in love...

>> No.63005614

i had a dream where towa touched girls inappropriately...

>> No.63005679

i had a dream where i had a bunch of sex with towa…

>> No.63005681

That wasn't a dream...

>> No.63005911

but it was me...

>> No.63006159

there are lots of games i would like her to stream but i've come to accept that she'll literally only play games her friends get her to play and cute indie puzzle games she sees on steam

>> No.63006507

what a nightmare...

>> No.63007007 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 276x361, 1700521071148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see her cry...

>> No.63007885

Hollow Knight

>> No.63009564


>> No.63009629

towa is already the protag...

>> No.63009738

towa should create the perfect tuna and then share the card...

>> No.63009784

Taa going to VSPO jail...

>> No.63009873

ive seen the videos of what shes done to tuna in that game...

>> No.63010581

towa will probably stream at night today because she isn't playing ark...

>> No.63010689

Oh that reminds me, what was chuna's announcement?

>> No.63010918

She announced her divorce from Towa and our marriage and her pregnancy (I'm the dad)

>> No.63011266
File: 368 KB, 798x714, 1680513398500392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63011822


>> No.63012477

towa should do a mengen for thanksgiving…

>> No.63012640

I don't think she's made it yet probably because vsai went really badly for her. It's probably something about her birthday though.

>> No.63013761

Towa owes me...

>> No.63013881


>> No.63013915

did anyone record that? wtf

>> No.63014048

It's in the usual place

>> No.63015058

Good night Towa and menheras!

>> No.63015561

towa kissed me below the belt...

>> No.63017302
File: 143 KB, 828x1242, 20231120_025712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63017768

I bet Towa wouldn't put me through this...

>> No.63018330

She should let go...

>> No.63018376

she might break her phone...

>> No.63018989
File: 378 KB, 3000x3000, 1672343342646928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63019667
File: 56 KB, 541x807, 1692742000772692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63020153

Towa towaposts post....

>> No.63020722

Radio silence...

>> No.63020734

where is towa... why isn't she tweeting... where is the stream frame... i want to see towa right now... why is she never here when i want her...

>> No.63020797

I'm gonna Twoff myself...

>> No.63020827

finally... an FPS stream...

>> No.63020903

you did this

>> No.63020907


>> No.63020909

towa hates me....

>> No.63020911


>> No.63020962

But you took yesterday off...

>> No.63021017

she was がんばるing...

>> No.63021075

Things still never go back to normal...

>> No.63021082

>only non-ark planned stream is cancelled
i want to say really mean things to towa in her egosearch right now but i won't!!!!!! because i don't want to hurt her feelings!!! stupid fucking retarded bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.63021093

2023 twa was really good until the sololive...

>> No.63021172


>> No.63021200

streaming is just work for towa and it feels like a chore for her unless she's playing with friends...

>> No.63021334

2024 Towa will be better...

>> No.63021414

someone get towa a girl to play with now...

>> No.63021432

There won't be a 2024 Towa...

>> No.63021636

no towa until thursday...

>> No.63021696

Towa will take Thursday off to celebrate Thanksgiving...

>> No.63021721

she just had the date written there it doesn't mean she'll stream...

>> No.63021724

busy with meetings (comfort sex with tsuna)...

>> No.63021833
File: 504 KB, 1445x2048, 1698155283304753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to drink until i forget about towa...

>> No.63021947

Towa is driving kenzies to alcoholism...

>> No.63024490
File: 347 KB, 2047x1224, 20231120_193018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a cat to take home and make kittens with.

>> No.63024514

the one on the right

>> No.63024676

even when i drink i can only think about towa bouncing off my booty cheeks...

>> No.63025376

towa is being overworked and all i can think about is how she isn't streaming for me...

>> No.63025398

towa got dragged into hosting the sf6 tournament on top of the mario kart tournament all while preparing for her anniversary just to make her suffer...

>> No.63025645

so many girls will have to repaid with their bodies...

>> No.63026448

No one wants Towa's disgusting flat and flabby body...

>> No.63026504

i do...a lot...

>> No.63026804

It's all Towa's fault and Towa deserves to be punished for her actions...

>> No.63027058
File: 1.30 MB, 1157x2000, 111877934_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i do...

>> No.63027524

You think you do but you don't...

>> No.63028015

i really fucking do she's all i think about.......

>> No.63028226
File: 826 KB, 3200x3800, 20231117_134708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63028297

towas ass is so big...

>> No.63028476
File: 760 KB, 765x797, 1700303457741097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice towass...

>> No.63028577

doggy style with towa...

>> No.63029223

towa should hump me...

>> No.63029238

you just know...

>> No.63029546
File: 793 KB, 652x1265, 1659568230393585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think this tubby little body can be sexy?

>> No.63029561

Why are kenzies so horny now...

>> No.63029580

towa wont take care of me...

>> No.63029592

i want to hate fuck her...

>> No.63029912

I rather be horny than be a menhera rn...

>> No.63029985 [SPOILER] 
File: 677 KB, 2168x3508, 1696944100920650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63030009

the relationship between towa and kenzies is one of pure hatred...

>> No.63030081

i love towa too much probably… there is no hate…

>> No.63031482
File: 869 KB, 1091x1082, 1669320103229306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight towa... i love u...

>> No.63031602

I saw a blue woman...

>> No.63031720

i miss towa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.63032547
File: 821 KB, 1588x2836, 20231120_011910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? The one that is as sexy as Twaps?

>> No.63033035

That one is infinitely sexier than Towa... But I was talking about the troublesome blue woman...

>> No.63033207

she’s not even half as sexy as towa…

>> No.63033577

Which one, kenzies?

>> No.63033721

why doesn’t towa want to spend time with me…

>> No.63034033

Instructor pussy too good.

>> No.63034828

korean women in your area are being hunted down by a weird purple creature...

>> No.63035325
File: 2.01 MB, 1440x2036, 91799995_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63036793


>> No.63036818

Why Twi why...

>> No.63037324

Twa should stream her nap...

>> No.63037433

Towa isn't a twitch streamer...

>> No.63037486

towa should stream her getting her toenails painted...

>> No.63037948

Good morning Towa and menheras!

>> No.63037972

Towa's not here...

>> No.63037994

I ate Towa. She tastes stupid.

>> No.63039074

Towa's scheduled Refind Self stream soon...

>> No.63039349

where is towa

>> No.63039359

she's with me...

>> No.63039865
File: 325 KB, 1450x2048, 1666436307522225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following Towa around the house and asking "need help with that?" when she picks something up

>> No.63040273

Penetrating Towa in every way possible...

>> No.63040286

My Yonkisei collab... Where...

>> No.63041129

With a knife, axe and several other objects...

>> No.63041497

I miss Towa the most...

>> No.63042082

I know where Towa is...

>> No.63042308

She's inside me...

>> No.63042363 [SPOILER] 
File: 583 KB, 1448x2048, 20231121_200325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This becomes your girlfriend.
What do?

>> No.63042575

send her to Paris.

>> No.63042754

Cheat on her...

>> No.63042798

I want to taste Towa's saliva...

>> No.63043341
File: 263 KB, 1274x2048, 1694895109615774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drown between Okayu's fat tits...

>> No.63043442

Marry her and make her happy...

>> No.63043464

Tokoyami Towa.

>> No.63043478


>> No.63043543

You can't say things like that...

>> No.63043587

Love her and cherish her for the rest of our lives...

>> No.63043720

Clean up that potty mouth before I use it as a toilet and shit down your throat

>> No.63043956

I would cum on Towa...

>> No.63044057

That's gay...

>> No.63044221

I would cum in Towa...

>> No.63044245

towa's pregnant...

>> No.63044292
File: 1.72 MB, 1216x1995, 20231121_190410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, boys can't get pregnant.

>> No.63044352

Yeah, with me

>> No.63044395
File: 1.54 MB, 1125x2436, 20231118_212125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These boys got each other pregnant.

>> No.63044659

Towa owes me...

>> No.63044781

I owe Towa...

>> No.63044849

why do kenzies have to post so much...

>> No.63044980

To accelerate the next upcoming thread.

>> No.63045008

/jp/ culture...

>> No.63045180

I love Towa?

>> No.63045245


>> No.63045263

why would you ever love towa...

>> No.63045291 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 630x900, 1698529984735450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63045427

Towa needs to die fast...

>> No.63045650

to relieve stress…

>> No.63046284

Relieving stress with Towa's tummy...

>> No.63046714


>> No.63046808
File: 234 KB, 1412x2048, 20231120_223234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63046920

Towa should send me pictures of her boobies...

>> No.63046945

i don't think towa owns any birds

>> No.63046973
File: 186 KB, 1170x908, towa is not a boy confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, is Towa not a boy?

>> No.63047023
File: 424 KB, 1319x2045, F22LHOsakAApisV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a girly girl.

>> No.63047083

ive seen what shes done to subaru

>> No.63047163

Towa is an other...

>> No.63047162

Subaru has been already stripped off of her human rights.

>> No.63047649

I miss Towa...for real...

>> No.63047673


>> No.63047760

I just heard the news about Towa...

>> No.63047898

No... She Towasamajumped...

>> No.63048155

my heart... is full of towa...

>> No.63048171

Towa's gone for good this time...

>> No.63048451


>> No.63048479

yeah mine

>> No.63048556

Towa should do a private show for me...

>> No.63048583

