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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63005466 No.63005466 [Reply] [Original]

I'm becoming a Vtuber soon and I'm a huge fan of RPG's so I want to have my model and lore be centered around me being a character you would see in an RPG. I want to fully adhere to whatever lore I set up and I want to never break character but I'm worried about how people may react to that.

If you stumbled upon a Vtuber and started to ask her questions and she replied in a way that fully adheres to the lore they set up would you be interested or immediately turned off?

>> No.63005522

Depends on the person, I think it'd be cool. It may also be hard to keep that up 24/7 unless you have autism.

>> No.63005584

Like 99% of them, you would run out of things to talk about unless you had an entire book about "your life" (your character) to draw from, which is why most vtubers end up discarding the actual anime aspects and just talk about their voice actress life, which probably feeds into parasocial delusions now that I think of it.

Damn anon, that's the next stage of vtubing- vtubers with writers for their lore.

>> No.63005718

That sounds cool if you can pull it off. Also sounds like a lot of work.

>> No.63005933

Its fine but the key to good kayfabe is working yourself into your character. Making a vtuber character that's 100% a different person from who you actually are will just cause you to fall into the usual pitfalls. The trick is to blend your real self and experiences in a clever way that lets you take on what is basically an alternate persona rather than a separate person entirely. Your kayfabe should feel like a natural part of your real self that you can turn on at off at will, rather than a completely separate person you're acting out as a role.

>> No.63005938

learn kayfabe or roleplaying from jp vtubers. if its an rpg character noel still mentions her fantasy ability. luna also still focuses on her princess lore and her fans luknight follow it too

if you are an eop fwmc are the only vtubers who are good at it

>> No.63006173
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Hmmm smells like >>62861527
Proceed with caution, bros.

>> No.63006263

I think it would be very hard to be in character 24/7, especially if you do collabos or different types of content

>> No.63006640

I don't think I would personally find it hard to keep up. I will never mention anything about my real life or the real world and that is already easy to keep up.
I have played many RPG's over the years so at the current stage I'm at I have already written lore about my Vtuber persona that includes her parents, when she was born, where she lived, her early life and how she learned magic. The main part of her story will come by being a Vtuber, she's currently searching for something to save her world and she hopes to find it by streaming. Her lore isn't done yet but right now I have 50 pages of it written and even though I've never roleplayed before I find it fun to practice how I want to talk and what I will talk about as this character I created in my head. Also, I don't really have a life so I don't have anything to talk about regarding my real life. I go to work, go home, play video games, sleep and repeat. I have no friends so my contact with people in the real world is minimal to none so there is nothing to talk about with my daily life. If there was something to talk about, such as getting sick, I could work that into the lore and say that I got attacked by monsters and panacea bottles weren't working to cure me.
I personally don't think it'd be a ton of work. I have nothing to talk about regarding my real life so it would be fun to pretend I'm living as my Vtuber persona.
My real self is obsessed with RPG's and fantasy elements and wishes to travel the world and help people. Since my Vtuber persona will be a magic user who travels the world to try and save it I think it won't be hard to keep up the persona.
I have a bunch of magic spells that are already named out and I will have a spell book that I show from time to time where I further explain these spells.
The Vtuber persona is going to be 16 years old so I will not be doing anything lewd nor do I wish to do anything lewd since it is gross and illegal.
I don't think it would be hard at all. Let's say I were to become a Vtuber who is just a regular woman you would see on the street, I still would not tell anyone anything real about me. My real name, real birthday, where I live (I won't even tell anyone the country), if I have any pets, if I have any siblings, what I do for work and the list goes on. There is no reason why people should know anything about my real life so playing a character will not only make it easier to keep my real life a secret from them but it will be a way for me to feel as though I'm doing something in my life since I have nothing going on for me. I don't know if I would ever be able to find someone to collab with but if she can't respect the fact that I strictly stick to a character then I won't collab with her.

>> No.63006728

anon these two threads arent even close. there is no mention of gfe or lewd content from op in this thread. op wants to know about kayfabe. go take your drama somewhere else sister.

>> No.63007242

This is a larp thread done by a troll
Anyone replying seriously to OP is a braindead monkey

>> No.63007255

Personally, I think that the great thing with Vtubers is the association of a character and the human behind the character. Hearing anecdotes and generally everyday stories about someone's life makes the person often more relatable, and offers a bigger room for emphathy.
It all comes down to if you can use your lore to complement your persona or not. Think about it as some sort of reverse method acting, as if the point was to make your character become a part of yourself rather than to become the character.
It's generally impossible to become a character and never break kayfabe anyway, or at least it isn't sustainable on the long run. Just be yourself and talk about your life, it's often what people seek in a Vtuber, otherwise they'd just read a book or something.

>> No.63007331
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>> No.63007443

Well then if you think it is a "larp thread done by a troll" then don't post in here since I'm looking to have a discussion with people.
I get the point you're making but there is nothing going on in my life. I go to work, go home to play games, sleep and repeat. I don't have anyone to call a friend either online or offline so what is there to talk about with regards to my real life? "Hey guys, I ate a sandwich today, that was cool!" There is nothing to talk about regarding my life and if there was something to talk about I wouldn't want to talk about it because I value my privacy.
I don't know what that means, sorry.

>> No.63008005

I'm an animal vtuber and I go on autistic rants about it regularly and I've been told to stop LARPing
In my experience not so many people actually like it
The kind of kayfabe people seem to actually like is just the kind where you filter yourself aggressively instead of talking about your lore constantly

>> No.63008188
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Nijisanji is recruiting actors right now.

>> No.63008214

Well I think a person who roleplays as being a dog or cat is different from someone who wishes to be someone from a fantasy world so I'm not sure if your experience lines up with what I wish to do when I become a Vtuber. Obviously I won't be talking about my lore constantly because I will be talking with viewers or doing something with a game I'm playing, but the responses I give will abide by the lore I set up. For instance if someone asks me about McDonald's I will have no clue what that is and when they explain what a burger is to me I will state that my world has something similar and I will talk about the food from my world.

>> No.63008356

I don't have streaming experience so I am automatically disqualified from auditioning. Also I do not know if it is wise for me to apply for that company even though I do enjoy many of their Japanese members. I would feel isolated by the English branch because I am someone who does not like conflict or drama and I would not want to associate with men which is something that is forced upon the women in the company. Sure, the members are more successful than I am since they are guaranteed to have at least 100 people watching them but I'd rather not be tied down to the rules set in place by the company. My biggest worry is that I would be unable to play the games I really wish to play if I were to join a company.

>> No.63008435

>same posting style
>same mannerisms
I suspect this is an AI or something

>> No.63008452

>The Vtuber persona is going to be 16 years old so I will not be doing anything lewd nor do I wish to do anything lewd since it is gross and illegal.

>> No.63008478

I'm going to be honest and say I think that could get kind of annoying and arbitrary
Are you not going to be playing games? Are you going to pretend the games are beamed into a magic mirror from another dimension? Are you going to acknowledge pop culture?

>> No.63008727

If you have nothing to add to the discussion then I ask that you don't post. I want to see what people have to say about this idea and posts like yours aren't adding anything to the topic.
I will be playing games, yes. A lot of the games I wish to play are things that gave me ideas for my lore so I will often say "Wow, xyz reminds me of my world!" I stated in the beginning that I will explain how I am able to stream and play video games by way of magic, I already drew the glyph for the spell and I have the name for the spell picked out. I don't really know a whole lot about pop culture to begin with...I don't really have a life. I will learn what the viewers teach me and will ask if I'm curious about something they are saying.

>> No.63009366

I hate when vtubers break kayfabe or don't adhere to a lore and just act like regular streamers with an anime avatar. I want to watch a 900 year old demon lord or a real magical girl or a catgirl housemaid, not some boring human that talks about the same shit I do every day. I wish more vtubers had fleshed out lore and roleplayed it more seriously instead of only when it's convenient. Usually for a bad joke or to blow off a serious comment.

>> No.63009521

The Vtubers I watch all play a character but even then some of them don't about real life stuff and it sucks. Noel gets close to being fully in character but sometimes she talks about things that aren't in character, which isn't good or bad but I wish there were Vtubers who would play a character. Mayuzumi Kai was probably the closest Vtuber who played a character to the point where when I heard his roommate laugh I was surprised because Mayuzumi Kai very rarely laughed due to his character.

>> No.63009527

It's a cool idea and I'd probably try out watching it if someone was doing it. But I do think a big part of the appeal of streamers in general tends to be parasocial relationships (not necessarily in a problematic way) and so I do think it might be less appealing to watch someone who is constantly roleplaying and never lets you connect with them as a person. I imagine there'd be an audience for it though still.

>> No.63009605

It's unsustainable. No vtuber is the character so the mask will fall off eventually. Since streaming is a medium where your income comes from people feeling close to the streamer, having a fake back story that limits everything you can do is a massive wall that shouldn't be there. Anyone who talks about kayfab is retarded and not someone you want in your fanbase. You're a human being. Not a wolf dragon vampire orphan born on the moon of Uranus come to earth to suck lava from the urd tree. It's 2 second debut flair and then instantly thrown in the garbage. Just play DnD on stream if you want to RP. Don't limit yourself outside of DnD.

>> No.63009632

something something fuwamoco

>> No.63009743

I think some of you fail to realize that I won't be devoid of personality when being my Vtuber persona. I have things that I like, things that I dislike, things I wish for and more. These are things that can be worked into the character quite easily.
Oh I'm not doing this for money, I have no need for money so there will be no money made from this hobby of mine. Even if I were to have a Vtuber persona that is a regular girl I still would not share anything about myself since I value my privacy, so it would be fun and easier to roleplay as my Vtuber persona and never break character.
They're alright I guess, not for me. A lot of their stuff contains talk about their real selves so it isn't quite what I'm talking about.

>> No.63010013

I don't understand what people on this board mean when they use "kayfabe" because it seems to differ from what I understand as kayfabe.
The most obvious question is: what differentiates a normal human that streams and a supernatural/mystical/whatever non-human that streams, in terms of actions they take on stream? Like, let's say a catgirl exists in real life and they've integrated well enough into modern society. They turn on stream and do streamer stuff. What are the expectations as a viewer on how the catgirl should behave that's different from a normal human streamer?

>> No.63010197

Yeah I think don't seem to understand what it is that I mean. If someone were to ask where I lived I wouldn't say somewhere from the real world, I would say the place I created to be lore friendly. If someone asks me about McDonald's I will have no clue what that is so I would have to have it explained to me. If someone asks me what type of job I have I will say that I am an adventurer so my money comes from doing stuff like taking down monsters. I will still be playing games, I will still be singing songs, I will still be interacting with my viewers but my responses will not reference anything from the real world and will be in character.

>> No.63010523

I think kemonomimis are a bad example because they are just normal girls with a very light lore. Like a cat girl likes to eat and sleep, or a squirrel girl makes deez nuts jokes. It is virtually impossible to break the kayfabe because there is so little of it.

>> No.63010743

Yeah someone being a dog girl or cat girl is not the same as someone living in a fantasy world that can use magic and have a purpose for their journey across this world. I'm talking about having lore for my parents, lore for my birth, lore for my early life and more.

>> No.63010772

Yeah, I see what you mean. That's going pretty extreme on the kayfabe scale. Is the setting also you streaming from some virtual alter world that your virtual persona is from, because you'd have to explain that in some way. I feel it might be easier to digest if you were isekai'd into our world and had already spent some time in our world with surface knowledge of modern society.

Yeah, just substitute with anything else then. Like alien from another planet or monster girl from a parellel universe or something else.

>> No.63010974

Its a novel idea but its somewhat limiting in practice. I find vtubers who begin with a lot of kayfabe usually fall out of it because playing a character creates a bit of a barrier between you and the audience. Some vtubers who become more dedicated to their audience tend to let the mask slip more and more to chip away at that barrier.

>> No.63010983

Honest answer, in a live streaming format it becomes exceptionally hard to maintain something like this. In simple interactions with viewers it only takes a slight casual conversation slip to break character.
Taking your own example here, there is a level of restraint that is needed to not accidentally reply out of character under varied lines of questioning or when it comes time to engage during dead air sections. You eventually run out of things to talk about. I like the idea, but I feel controlled video formats would be easier.

>> No.63011515

I thought about doing the whole isekai'd thing but I'm not sure if I wish to do that and go the Blaise Shinryu route where she was isekai'd and discovered neet hobbies or if I wanted to use magic to interact with people from the real world. I have 50 pages of lore written and that's from the perspective of me being in the fantasy world.
Well I want to keep my privacy 100% safe from people, even if they declare they're my biggest fan. I think people fail to realize that I can still have conversations with them but my responses will not adhere to real world rules.
I will only be allowed to stream for about 5 hours every day, I don't think that would be hard to keep up especially since I have no life so there is nothing to talk about my real life regardless. If anything, not being part of the real world makes it so that I have more things to talk about and it becomes easier for me to have a conversation since I will have to learn about the real world from my viewers. I have nothing to talk about with regards to the real world, I have no life. Making videos is a no go for me aside from my song covers, I hate the idea of having to sit down and look through hours worth of footage to trim it down to a video which is why streaming appeals to me the most.

>> No.63011758

I think people reading this thread should view it from another angle before they comment. Think about GFE chuubas for a bit, they lie about not having a boyfriend, they lie about loving you, they live about their names and birthdays, etc. Nene Amano? Has a boyfriend, doesn't love you, Nene Amano isn't her name, October 4th isn't her birthday, etc. Nene Amano is roleplaying a character and OP wants to know if playing a character is something people like or if they'd rather a chuuba talk about their real lives. Personally I'd rather not hear about "I went to the DMV today and got McDonald's" because that's the same shit I do, so why would I care if a chuuba does those things?

>> No.63011816

This guy gets it. Just simple stuff too. Instead of "i wet to the store today-" say "i went to the apothecary" or whatever rpg 711 is called

>> No.63012039

You understand me!! Instead of me talking about my real job I would tell people I'm exhausted because I had to travel really far for a request from a townsfolk and the monster was super strong!! The reason why I like this particular video game is not because I played it as a child but because it reminds me of my world!! I would still showcase things that I love but they would be spun to be related to my world instead of the real world.

>> No.63012435

OK, so just filtering your real life through your virtual persona, which many VTubers already do, but dialed up a few degrees.

>> No.63012510

Yes!! Someone understands me, I'm so happy!! Some Vtubers do not talk about their day jobs so instead of me ignoring someone who asks "What do you do for work?" I would protect my privacy but also play into my Vtuber persona by telling them I'm an adventuerer.

>> No.63012740

>The Vtuber persona is going to be 16 years old so I will not be doing anything lewd nor do I wish to do anything lewd since it is gross and illegal.
yea you lost me there, good luck or w/e on what you're doing

>> No.63012777

Yeah, this type of thing is doable. It's more or less what the original era of VTubers were like.

>> No.63014378

Thatd be awesome. I always enjoyed when vtubers did roleplays, but yhey usualy write them off as "asmr". I enjoyed when they actually got into character and mix in the lore they wrote for that stream into whatever is currently going on in chat.

>> No.63014687

Look at fuwamoco. They kept the kayfabe so far. It will work if you are dedicated to it. If you ever run out of things to say, be prepared to conjure lore on the fly then write any updates off stream for consistency.

>> No.63015828

I think it seems like a lot of effort for not a lot of gain. I think the kind of kayfabe you're describing is almost completely irrelevant to whether you'll be an entertaining and engaging chuuba. If you could find a way to make the lore itself interesting, through intricate worldbuilding, or using the lore as a backdrop for interesting stories, maybe I'd try watching. Otherwise it just sounds like what a lot of others already do, just more strict.

>> No.63018478


>> No.63018606

Are you planning on mostly streaming, or will you also do pre-recorded scripted content like a traditional Youtuber? I feel like scripted content is easier for lore / world building than something more "stream of consciousness" live streaming.

>> No.63021845
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Works if you are good at RP, makes short and scripted/half scripted streams.

However, if what you are looking for is just the generic gaming streamer who turns on the new FOTM and streams for 10 hours a day... Nah, the mask will fall very quickly.

Vtubers were never meant to be a long-format thing, no human can keep the facade for so long in front of the camera. It was meant for short-format content like edited videos or short streams with good planning behind.
