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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 576 KB, 1675x2048, IMG_5289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62994892 No.62994892 [Reply] [Original]

Demon King Edition

Last thread: >>62987988

TEMPUS Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksvy41xvgrjjytwgd9
ARMIS Schedule: https://teamup.com/ks1k7o5vnjzjivuueo

>Regis Altare
>Axel Syrios
>Gavis Bettel
>Machina X Flayon
>Banzoin Hakka
>Josuiji Shinri
>Magni Dezmond [Alumn]
>Noir Vesper [Alumn]

>Jurard T Rexford
>Crimzon Ruze

>OP Template
>Songs Playlist

>> No.62994953

we hate regis altare

>> No.62995037

we rape regis altare

>> No.62995100
File: 154 KB, 640x480, IMG_5245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified

>> No.62995153
File: 196 KB, 1434x2048, F_RUKIzbYAATmlJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poster below me is my gay puppet

>> No.62995161

Bingus…it’s alright

>> No.62995197
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>> No.62995224


>> No.62995252
File: 224 KB, 479x450, 1679850739287969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss my funny jester

>> No.62995259
File: 181 KB, 1170x595, IMG_7419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduation schizo… don’t look…

>> No.62995266

yeah its over

>> No.62995284

I liked Octavio's zatsu a lot. Jurard's oshi talk will help you understand where he's coming from a bit better, but it's also deafeningly loud.

>> No.62995285

He is making it sound serious, did he get cancer or something?

>> No.62995299

he and magni broke up huh

>> No.62995302

I know something happened but I don't know how I am supposed to take this

>> No.62995328

Their buttbaby had to be aborted.

>> No.62995336

Actually read the tweet dramatrannies

>> No.62995349

Time for him to move to a place near Flayon

>> No.62995375

wtf? he sounds very sad.
i think he's grieving someone.

>> No.62995378

do you want serious answer but it's from his rm

>> No.62995404

No, kys

>> No.62995409

>I’m not going anywhere

>Dramaniggers take this as TOTALLU GRADUATING
>Retards “don’t know how to take this”

I think it literally means what it says retard

>> No.62995412
File: 5 KB, 356x475, 1698687080504625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. Jester get well soon so I can rape you again

>> No.62995411

Read Vesper's last tweet. IT'S OVER!

>> No.62995469

Anyone got an archive of dinoboy?

>> No.62995487

Phantom looking mighty tasty...

>> No.62995494

No, fuck off

>> No.62995534

Yes it was posted

>> No.62995546

someone did but they're being stingy with the vod

>> No.62995552

D-did Bettel 2 die?

>> No.62995561

*checks calendar*
Oh yeah, he tried the same thing as Magnoir and got noped too.

>> No.62995572
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, 20230911_084545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away, chink!

>> No.62995581

Bro calm the fuck down. I was mostly wondering what prompted this tweet

>> No.62995589

He had a series of panic attacks

>> No.62995591

As much as i wanna know, best to keep rm stuff off /here/

>> No.62995643

maybe on /t/

>> No.62995678

Why dont watch streams like the good lil dramafag you are.

>> No.62995686

Bettel didn’t curse out management though

>> No.62995694

My guess is, something involving one or both of his parents.

>> No.62995713
File: 9 KB, 669x602, Nurse Shinri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly soul healing

>> No.62995715

he streamed while I was asleep

>> No.62995782

honestly quite incredible

>> No.62995791

you can't protect him forever, he'll slip up again

>> No.62995833

cute... i love this guy...

>> No.62995977

Reminder that this is all Magni's fault for encouraging Bettel to move in close to him.

>> No.62995982
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>> No.62996020
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>> No.62996063
File: 242 KB, 2048x1536, F_Yb71UagAAzzsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuma cute~

>> No.62996067

He should be fine, now, I guess? He's going back to his family for thanks giving and maybe he can extend his stay, idk

>> No.62996068

Pretty sure Bettel was already menhara before he became a Holostar.

>> No.62996129
File: 641 KB, 927x804, 1662616708459406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that I think this actually have text this time around hehehe

>> No.62996132

Honestly quite incredible

>> No.62996159

Is all this drama just because of the new members? What a drama queen and an asshole, at least Altare seethes on his own.

>> No.62996182

No Axelotl-kun, yamerooooo~

>> No.62996202

Well, thats too bad. Got to set an alarm if u wanna farm those sweet sweet (you)s dramafag. Better luck next time.

>> No.62996201


>> No.62996210


>> No.62996213

He found out Magni has another buttbaby on the way, but they don't know the father...

>> No.62996276
File: 435 KB, 2048x2048, F_XPliyagAAXmjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boys, VG especially, seem to be feeling pressure from the newbies. I can imagine somewhat, but I wonder what it's like to be in their position. Change is scary.

>> No.62996288
File: 129 KB, 620x876, F_T0cNXbIAAUOL9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62996289

Who let the projector in here?

>> No.62996297
File: 136 KB, 1801x1734, IMG_1696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rexy love and utter obliteration

>> No.62996362


>> No.62996429

Shinri wants (you)!

>> No.62996436

Not that they'll read this, but if it helps, I was very close to dropping Tempus after losing my oshi and not having any interest in VG. ARMIS is already everything I wanted out of a Gen 3 and I feel ready to support all of HOLOSTARS EN again. I hope they realize it's not all that bad...

>> No.62996441

I just want to watch the stream, anon.
The only dramafag here is (you)

>> No.62996467
File: 162 KB, 1221x808, 1688170777652736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up projectors are allowed /here/!

>> No.62996469

I can't tell who would be a good collab partner with Ruze, he has such a strong personality

>> No.62996496

Him and Rex honestly seem like a great duo

>> No.62996526

It must be sweet to see these newbies being happy and crying that they made it and got into Holostars. Like the senpais can be proud to see these guys being really excited to be here.

>> No.62996530

loud and obnoxious Ruze collabs with Shinri in a horror game but instantly turns baby and listens to Shinri's every instruction faithfully all throughout the collab

>> No.62996558

I see that, he kinda balanced him on the collab

>> No.62996582

I hope he teaches Rex how to lower his mic volume

>> No.62996616

I'm also resting but not going anywhere. Resting deez nuts on your face!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.62996622

kek I really wonder how it feels to perceived in this sort of negative (positive) way and whether it's something he signed up for.

>> No.62996631

>loud and obnoxious
Sure thing Jurard.

>> No.62996688

Jurard seems like a good fit since he's even louder and more exaggerated as a character. I think he'd work with chuuni guys like Altare and Hakka as well.

>> No.62996696

It's my turn to put my nuts on his face

>> No.62996740
File: 289 KB, 1536x2048, F_WncfdWgAABCRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruze 2.0 leak

>> No.62996790

Does he really have 42 belts on design

>> No.62996798

>seem to be feeling pressure from the newbies
Good, pressure make diamonds.

>> No.62996846

more. MORE

>> No.62996904

Ruze, oops all belts edition

>> No.62996906


>> No.62996963
File: 1.95 MB, 1385x2048, joejackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62997112

How does that take you out for multiple days?

>> No.62997131

this nigga never had a panic attack before

>> No.62997150

Never forget that this was the happiest Altare this year. Bring me back Almond please...

>> No.62997254

Depends, I had one that was like over a week long

>> No.62997288

He seems like he has good dynamic with everyone honestly

>> No.62997325

How about https://youtu.be/P2basj-iQW8

>> No.62997331

Nah, it was this

>> No.62997348

I hope there's amazing banter

>> No.62997373

That was up there, but I think the happiest Altare this year was birthday Altare. You could really tell how much it all meant to him.

>> No.62997399


>> No.62997429


>> No.62997469

Jnco belt jeans?

>> No.62997502
File: 155 KB, 878x1014, F_NuUDLbsAA_V4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruze's mama really draws him a lot, is cute. The name is familiar, is she the mama of other vtubers?

>> No.62997512

Well, Magni's ego got the better of him, too bad really when he is motivated he really does shine but towards the end you can kinda tell he didnt care anymore.

>> No.62997533

I don't think I have had any severe ones but I have some crippling anxiety that has made me think I was having an actual heart attack but they never made me incapacitated for more than a day

>> No.62997584

He did care, just not about Holostars

>> No.62997612
File: 365 KB, 725x522, hakka battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62997641

god i miss him, it still hurts a lot

>> No.62997661

its probably for the best that shinri doesn't drink on stream anymore

>> No.62997697

Oh thank god Hakka got Mrs. Krabs to back him up, else it'd be a curb stomp.

>> No.62997731

just had a look at her account, jesus she draws some hot dudes

>> No.62997858

Her sense of anatomy and shading is incredible, can't believe I never heard of her up till now

>> No.62998032

Sometimes I rewatch it just to feel something again. I love this silly guy so much even if I can't catch all his streams, I can't believe they managed to pick someone who fits the leader role so well

>> No.62998036
File: 151 KB, 600x785, F90G47mb0AABir6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her female artwork is really cool too.

>> No.62998055
File: 747 KB, 819x885, shotarex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my little brother

>> No.62998076


>> No.62998125

What a cute kid! Would he like some candy? ◉‿◉

>> No.62998126

>waaao, Suisei-senpai daisukii

>> No.62998137


>> No.62998179

How does Octavio work? Does he use the string on his coat to puppeteer or his wand or does it just appear from his hands?

>> No.62998202

yes he would, um could you watch him for a while i have to go to the gym?

>> No.62998242


>> No.62998314
File: 1.11 MB, 2685x2100, F_Dx2DFaUAAPZGQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>78k in less than 24 hours
Come on /MANS/ we can get it to a 100k.

>> No.62998363

I will beat you to death

>> No.62998437
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, 20231119_145000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure! He is in good hands now <3

>> No.62998472

it's over for him

>> No.62998495
File: 493 KB, 726x1026, Walter.C..Dornez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking something like Walter from hellsing where it is hidden and it appears on his hands when in use.

>> No.62998557
File: 192 KB, 349x441, Jurard Insider[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F18v5db.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62998576

>nepo hire
>the worst one of the bunch
it is always like this

>> No.62998627

I’ll be honest the dinosaur is so retarded that I’m almost starting to feel bad for him

>> No.62998630

Hello numberfag raiders, fuck off we're full

>> No.62998646

These shota edits are always so bad

>> No.62998662

Here come the drama fags...

>> No.62998701

Oh fantastic

>> No.62998738

Bait used to be believable...

>> No.62998743 [SPOILER] 
File: 365 KB, 510x460, IMG_1444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he

>> No.62998799

>Post about supporting the boys
>Omg numberfag fuck off
Do you actually want them to fail or something?

>> No.62998818
File: 411 KB, 1600x900, 1692511185517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want peace ffs

>> No.62998819

He mentioned it was from the strings on his coat during debut didn’t he?

>> No.62998824
File: 366 KB, 2048x1455, F_ZyjdSaYAAbjJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will continue to shill him simply because he causes mass seething

>> No.62998870

We are talking about 62998472 they are coming from # thread to spread drama

>> No.62998878

Stream Jenny

>> No.62998891

After watching Octavio's streams, I just want to lay in his lap and drift off to sleep as he talks about whatever...

>> No.62998959

Thats a dramafag my dude, but ok.

>> No.62999041

You will receive none.

>> No.62999171

Numberfags and dramafags are literally the same

>> No.62999211
File: 2.55 MB, 2744x1869, F_TU9TtbUAA7gxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just think they're neat.

>> No.62999297

My autism is hates how the boys' links are out of order on Armis' youtube channels

>> No.62999357

Jurard/Hakka because that bird needs to get fucked by a dinosaur right now

>> No.62999399

Channel links are now auto-generated instead of being something a creator has control over, blame the algorithm.

>> No.62999466


>> No.62999490

That's odd because Tempus is correct in Octavio's channel, it's JP that's messed up there

>> No.62999520
File: 156 KB, 636x444, 20231119_204942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62999526

I dont remember him saying it, but it does seem to be from his coat.

>> No.62999571

Uoh the phussy ToT

>> No.62999598

Choose one.

>> No.62999599

even xittersisters caught wind of Rex being a nepohire, it‘s so over for him.


>> No.62999627

Even if it is just playing a character I can't stand him in any manner

>> No.62999644

man he really looks like a red denji in some fanart

>> No.62999651
File: 376 KB, 400x400, 1682667602702652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth to commission some Jurard fanart? An artist I really like has just opened their commissions, but the wait is over a month and I'm afraid that by the time they deliver Jurard will be suspended or even fired. What are the chances of it happening? I ordered some Vesper fanart just after he got his 2.0 and before I got it he was already fired.

>> No.62999668

quick who has all the sexy phantom arts i cant find mine

>> No.62999682
File: 13 KB, 540x107, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62999691

No.. why are they turning on Rex he just fucking debuted....

>> No.62999688

So why are you kissing his ass femanon.

>> No.62999694

you are your own person dude, decide yourself

>> No.62999695

You better hurry the fuck up

>> No.62999712

it's actually over

>> No.62999731
File: 151 KB, 991x1381, phanbet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it, there's gonna be fanart still made of him anyways even if he were axed
been waiting for a moment just like this

>> No.62999736

Yes, do it for me, fag

>> No.62999738

You work fast!

>> No.62999748

He must be real butthurt from that

>> No.62999755

Truly the Chuck Norris of vtubing. I wish i was as cool as him

>> No.62999771
File: 352 KB, 783x705, 1700373727130296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Crimzon Ruze. Do (You) also like Crimzon Ruze?

>> No.62999786


>> No.62999793

You know if you cheat on an exam to get a scholarship and succeed, the last thing you do is to brag about it to your teachers.

>> No.62999815
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1669214116023019.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruze is so cool...

>> No.62999841
File: 142 KB, 1178x1200, 1684977835294567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62999847


>> No.62999849

I enjoy this BlazBlue nigga

>> No.62999902

why is he yellow

>> No.62999907

I think that if something makes you happy and hurts no one you should just go for it

>> No.62999908
File: 351 KB, 1635x1663, F_X4rwQaUAERSJz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cool!

>> No.62999926

How can he be so cool.

>> No.62999935

Yes-ish. He seems like a bro, and I have a lot in common with him, so I'm trying really hard to not get filtered by his voice, which I really do not like. Time will tell if it can grow on me.

>> No.62999936

You can't just ask people why they're yellow

>> No.62999944

The feeling that Vesper won't see nor like the fanart made me thoroughly unhappy.

>> No.62999946

truly the chris pratt of holostarsEN armis

>> No.62999959

The only one who can win against crimzon ruze, is crimzon ruze

>> No.63000016

He has demonic blood (unconfirmed)

>> No.63000029

commissions should be for yourself anon

>> No.63000041


>> No.63000058

So Ruze will probably have tiny knights as a fanbase mascot, right? Mostly because of how they are called.
Octavio probably an octopus design, Rex the obvious lizard design and.. I don't know about GB.

>> No.63000091


>> No.63000108

I really hope they aren't knights or anything overly humanoid even if chibi...

>> No.63000133

Bubbies will be small bulletshaped birds

>> No.63000141

Aren't the machitroons also knights?

>> No.63000153

whats so bad about humanoid mascots

>> No.63000161

I wish you doomtrannies would fuck off already that's what I want

>> No.63000162

that would be so cute...

>> No.63000190

This looks like some big ass elf had to adopt some filthy human kid against his will and is slowly starting to see him as his son despite himself

>> No.63000202

I was thinking bullet chicks too

>> No.63000209


hopefully like that bullet stand from JoJo

>> No.63000224

Just because you're a mindbroken vestie that can't get over his retard trauma doesn't mean the same will happen to everyone else

>> No.63000247

I hate jojo so fucking much

>> No.63000292

Nah, Ruze needs some kind of creature for mascot. I vote for a tiny Armadillo Girdled Lizard

>> No.63000300

I am completely certain that I've seen this concept in like a Sonic or Mega Man game, but can't remember where.

>> No.63000310
File: 532 KB, 749x672, spray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63000323
File: 196 KB, 560x420, 1679727814631057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather a cute design than knights.I still think to this day Magmites and Takodachis are the best fan reps

>> No.63000352
File: 229 KB, 1207x1875, F_V4T5IbMAAZZE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough people are drawing him with his stupid fucking mask on.
I like his stupid fucking mask, man.

>> No.63000359

i hope they come up with decent lore for the mascots, too…!

>> No.63000396
File: 49 KB, 350x494, f_l7tbxb0aa4owi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character he's trying to play is cool mafia prince who's always effortlessly on top of things
>actual personality is a loud idiot who literally can't stop stepping on every rake in a mile radius and falling down the stairs
Is this gap moe?

>> No.63000426

no he's just a retard

>> No.63000431


>> No.63000457
File: 142 KB, 512x808, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Muffled "Beneath The Mask - Rain" in the Distance]

>> No.63000458

unironically, yes. seeing that he’s more like a retarded dog than a person despite his cool handsome avatar made me like him more.

>> No.63000459

why the fuck would he say this

>> No.63000462

>I don't think I have had any severe ones but I have some crippling anxiety that has made me think I was having an actual heart attack but they never made me incapacitated for more than a day
My brother. I've got this too, like you. But my ex had severe, crippling attacks, and it would put him on his ass for a week if it took too much control. Seriously tires you out.

>> No.63000464
File: 29 KB, 565x214, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63000486

miyabi sexo

>> No.63000511
File: 43 KB, 500x578, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's supposed to be a conman through and through
Didn't you see his stats too? He's not supposed to be cool beyond first impressions

>> No.63000515

daisenpai duo…

>> No.63000518

>Ruzaders are little demon creatures with bone masks and back spines that spawned from Ruze's rage mingling with the stray data from the corruption beasts he's slain

>> No.63000525


>> No.63000542
File: 1.17 MB, 400x300, sideshow-bob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was talented I'd put Rex's hair on Bob

>> No.63000544


>> No.63000560

I didn't know those could last for days, what do they feel like? You just can't physically function?

>> No.63000579

Oh all the Globalfags are shitting up the thread that makes sense

>> No.63000585

i can't lie he's so committed to being retarded it's starting to become endearing
i kind of hate his laugh so i probably won't watch him solo but i think he'll thrive in group settings

>> No.63000615
File: 3 KB, 120x74, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bullet-y propeller penguins from Ice Man's stage are called Pepe.

>> No.63000642

What the fuck thats cute and cool I want that

>> No.63000656

Somehow I can see Jurard’s loud retard behavior as sort of endearing but Flayon still just comes off as a creepy sexpest

>> No.63000662

I don't see any shitting other than axelotls?

>> No.63000687
File: 152 KB, 475x475, IMG_5823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruze you have ONE job

>> No.63000711

His laughs are the best though

>> No.63000728

I feel the same but like his laugh and dislike his voice. First collab was fun despite how loud he is

>> No.63000737

Ignore the dramafag, anons are ignoring his post so he is trying to get attention.

>> No.63000762

Vesboner my beloved

>> No.63000766

When I lowered the volume he instantly became 10x better

>> No.63000823

I don't even like Flayon but I legitimately can't understand how you could interpret him as a sexpest. Dude's just a turboautist probably plagued with so many mental issues that he couldn't approach a woman without crying.

>> No.63000839

should've @'d him 3x

>> No.63000909

>couldn't approach a woman without crying
This is exactly what he claims not to be

>> No.63000924

thats so hot

>> No.63000946
File: 83 KB, 1080x360, 20231120_155732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed how tiny his head looks on his wide ass shoulders kek

>> No.63000964

he uses shoulder pads

>> No.63000981

Every conversation turns into him wanting to discuss what he jerks off to or what other people jerk off to, often going back to it when the other party tries to veer off topic. He sexualizes literally everything. It’s not a far reach at all for me.

>> No.63001012

His coat is oversized
But god is his face ugly there

>> No.63001038

I mean, haven't the talents themselves given tips? I remember Kiara even talking about the phone interview.

>> No.63001048

uoh... legal oneshota seggs of flayon being pinned down by women

>> No.63001084

This just sounds like it supports my point. People who talk about jerking off too much are socially incompetent.

>> No.63001106

Brain needs rape correction

>> No.63001108

but enough about Axel

>> No.63001147

>Flayon still just comes off as a creepy sexpest
You're probably detecting the "feminine" (read: ridiculous caricature of women) aspect he gives his voice, which is frequently shared by sex-obsessed weirdos.
And in the same breath, he'll claim everyone besides him is a pervert. If I were in the business of diagnosing total strangers over the internet, I'd suspect he's coping with some kind of severe repression. That /can/ turn into sexpest behavior, but there's zero evidence of it for him.

>> No.63001171

>no 1v1 collabs

>> No.63001192
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, Frl6OS6aMAAME4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost boi(?) is such a whore kek

>> No.63001221

tommy hort

>> No.63001225

If I get a severe one, it usually just lasts like 5-8hours if I cant get a hold of it. But you have no control of your mind, even if you're fully aware that it's an attack.
It starts with something insignificant, for me it might be a heart palpitation(which is harmless), then my heart races, the heart racing makes me anxious, and I start thinking about my heart racing, which makes my heart pound even more. In the end it's the only thing you can think about, and you're in a constant state of worry and panic.
People have different triggers.
But you're just constantly thinking about getting away, constantly pacing, sweating, your feet and hands get cold, you're dizzy, and you get the anxiety shits.
At the end of it, you're exhausted, and have a migraine that's just raping the absolute shit out of your brain. Your muscles are sore, and your ribcage hurts from your heart slamming into it. It can really put you on your ass for a day or two.
tl;dr: Brain go "OH FUCK OH FUCK" for hours, then you're left with no energy and a headache.

>> No.63001229

Flay isn't a sexpest, but the constant insistence on defaulting most conversations, whether solo or collabs, to sex or waifu talk is just exhausting. Even Axel does this sometimes but it's not nearly as intrusive or jarring as Flayon barging into a watchalong and talking about thighs completely unprompted. He's so sweet when he's talking about serious stuff and has such a nuanced opinion of other people. i'd rather hear that side of him.

>> No.63001238

the harem grows bigger every day

>> No.63001244


>> No.63001290

EU/JP anons' status?

>> No.63001307

Sex and waifu talk is for people who have nothing else entertaining to say and are picking the easiest thing to talk about since they can just think with their dick.

>> No.63001313

Eating good with Goldbullet and the return of Shinri morning streams

>> No.63001328

Sure thing Vesper keep telling yourself that.

>> No.63001340

I think you're very off about his voice. It's very animated but I wouldn't describe it as feminine at all aside from the isolated times he VAs as a female character in one of his playthroughs. He actually prefers doing his ikemen voice more.

>> No.63001354

JST and I feel miserable because I like Aunt and it means I'll miss most of his streams

>> No.63001401

>implying it’s a bit
same though I went from hating him during debut to warming up to him during the collab to finding his retardation pitiful (and endearing in a way) during his last stream. his mistakes seem to be genuine retardation on his part and it makes me want to drawfag this dumb dino in a leash because holy fuck does he need one

>> No.63001459

That sounds super rough, mine never get that bad and I got some strong anxiety meds that help immensely when I do get an attack

>> No.63001481

Ruze will be stream at 1 pm for me, so i can catch him during lunch.

>> No.63001519

Only people I actually see liking Juntard are either dramafags or retarded women who like him because he is also retarded and probably makes them feel better about themselves. There is literally no other reason to defend this nigga that hard.

>> No.63001525

I wish we could go a day without some dumb shit going on. At least most of the boys are alright, I already finished watching their second streams.
I love Ruze but surprisingly I didn't find his zatsu that interesting to watch. I don't know exactly why

>> No.63001555
File: 6 KB, 225x225, j_ffr_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have you forgotten about him, /MANS/?

>> No.63001569

>The Octoposse is a collective of silver/blue cephalopods with ball joints. Theorized to be the souls of those who signed Octavio's cursed contract.
>Bubbies are a bunch of eagles that the Golden Eyed Sniper has befriended during his journey. They have been noted to give their patron signals through their flight patterns when bounty targets have attempted to flee or if there are dangers ahead. None of them would dare shit on his Jeep.
>the Sorawrity is a group of trained miniature t rexes owned by the Rexford family. After their heir left those exalted halls, the herd of pampered pets followed after the young boy who had cared for them from the egg. Capable of loud raucous screeching that can deafen prey or predators.

>> No.63001613

All of this is meh except for Octo's

>> No.63001656

A lot of the times I think he does it just because he doesn't know how to relate to others? Like I remember him initiating the whole thigh or whatever talk with Axel completely unprompted, probably because he has this singular view of the guy as a horny dingo and no other way approach him

>> No.63001664

I found him talking somehow really fast and without any breaks, maybe? I've seen people say he sounds like Karkat and I hate how correct it is

>> No.63001761

Is Octavio really going for the octopus vibe? I thought he might go for dolls because of "Poppets"
If Rex goes for dinos I hope he does something other than a t-rex and if GB goes for a bird something other than an eagle, make it more interesting rather than feel like a self-mascot

>> No.63001788

That might be true but it's still incredibly off putting and makes me dread any collab with him in it

>> No.63001807

Weakest stars fan

>> No.63001858

I could never forget my oshi...

>> No.63001860

imagine the sorawrity being staff belonging to his family home, and they followed him because he‘s too retarded to survive on his own

>> No.63001862

You have now realized why Bettel has so many more yumes compared to Shinri

>> No.63001863

shit eating grin, literally

>> No.63001867

it would be lore accurate for jurard to start shilling NFTs and shitcoins

>> No.63001870

octoposse is cool but this is more like mascots than fan rep

>> No.63001871

I don't think any of them have decided yet, I was tossing some ideas out there because I like cute silly creatures

>> No.63001890

That's Axel's job, he is a treasurer

>> No.63001904

Ruze's stream will be at 5 am for me so ill have to watch the vod back tomorrow, he's my favorite of the new debuts so ill try to keep up with him.
I watched auntie's stream in the afternoon, i hope he will keep that timeslot :3c

>> No.63001914

You mean like magcoin?

>> No.63001947

>sounds like [character without a canon VA]
Is this part of the YouTube comic dub rabbithole, or are you just talking about the typing style that informs it?

>> No.63001949

Still think Dinosaur's fanbase should be called Nuggies

>> No.63002003

Axel wouldn't know what shitcoins are. But Jurard would know enough to try pull some Jew shit on people (and fail)

>> No.63002004

As much as I like the marionette theme, octopuses have more potential to become edible fat fucks, which is what all mascots should aim to be

>> No.63002048

sororitystacies run this shit

>> No.63002061

Typing style, ALL CAPS and rambling describes Ruze's way of talking pretty weel

>> No.63002068

Well duh, remember how people like to accuse Vesper of starting shit? This guy started more shit in a couple of days than Vesper did in his whole career at holopro.

>> No.63002105

Fits because he's an actual child ToT

>> No.63002112

We'll see how quickly Jurard tries to collab with the girls

>> No.63002135
File: 80 KB, 1621x1467, FsmvIDfacAEMB8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edible fat fucks

>> No.63002164

This image mocks me. I know this thing is waiting

>> No.63002169

Axel literally bought some sort of bitcoin adjacent currency and lost a couple thousand aussies

>> No.63002177

I'm just afraid of it being to similar to takodachis

>> No.63002226

I just noticed that there isn't 1 on 1 streams for the first week, weird

>> No.63002232
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>> No.63002256

Nuggies is pretty good, better than SORAWRITY at least

>> No.63002287


unironically whats up, anxiety issues?

>> No.63002298

why do people constantly bring this up like it wasn't the girls who initiated them every time

>> No.63002311

Amending my post: Axel would get rug pulled trying to be legit. Jewrard would get rug pulled trying to be a scammer

>> No.63002329

it's a joke

>> No.63002332

They're in separate units, who the fuck cares

>> No.63002340

who could forget the true idol of EN

>> No.63002345

Imagine, Phantom gets a human male vtuber model and is the Tempus Vsinger

>> No.63002360

his speaking style, typing style, calling everyone names, being a giant asshole (affectionate), also he seems to like libras a lot.. HMMM kinda of adds up, doesn't it?

>> No.63002382


>> No.63002387

Gavis Bettel

>> No.63002415
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>> No.63002420

I think little finger puppets would be cute personally

>> No.63002425

Axel would invest in something he though would actually work, Jurard would advertise a shitcoin for his fans and immediately sell afterwards. Agreed

>> No.63002428
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>> No.63002435
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>> No.63002444

I already thought that magmites were concerningly close, even though I guess they're spiders.
>separate units
Does that really matter when the audience overlap is like 85%?

>> No.63002454
File: 338 KB, 479x450, 1686988487360340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63002462

>Human Phantom is suspended for racism
>He's been shouting slurs nonstop as a mute little plush dog and didn't see why he should stop

>> No.63002472

dinomites was actually good and fitting for him, too bad he had to give the name to that 1view

>> No.63002476

don’t remind me of the dogecoin i’m still holding onto sister

>> No.63002481

You just want Octavio inside you, don't you

>> No.63002556
File: 504 KB, 764x914, 1000000215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amen to that

>> No.63002566

rez fans should be the rex-men from the sorawrity
gender equality

>> No.63002581
File: 136 KB, 1200x1200, FxeT4YkWACIsPs9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phantom love, does anyone have that picture of bettel getting throat fucked by phantom's tongue?

>> No.63002583

I'm glad he had to give it up, even if Magni is gone I don't like to share -mites with Trex

>> No.63002597

Yes because the vtuber market is oversaturated and we're only going to get more HoloPro members, no one should gatekeep an entire species

>> No.63002627
File: 3.32 MB, 1557x918, 1700381110258961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell in love pretty quick, idk if I'm ready for another oshi though

>> No.63002644 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.63002645
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>> No.63002648

btw, are the people who brought up Ollie as soon as the dinoman started talking about insiders doxxfags?

>> No.63002671

You got me

>> No.63002687

easy skip for me

>> No.63002714

People have brought up Ollie from the moment he opened his mouth. He's male Ollie. But even louder.

>> No.63002763

considering how many of them they were, no. I think is more so about how much ollie supports everyone

>> No.63002765

oshi at your own risk

>> No.63002811
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>> No.63002825

I'm waiting 2 weeks before investing.

>> No.63002855
File: 86 KB, 640x480, @GhostFallsleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rex is special (retarded)

>> No.63002869
File: 142 KB, 448x448, 1679068441996686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny jork

>> No.63002890

This shithead cat looks like it would bite the fuck out of your shoes and piss on your things for fun while also being a loud retard

>> No.63002906

Unironically, 2 weeks is too short a time, 2 months would be better.

>> No.63002940

you guys choose your oshis and when to oshi them? what a luxury

>> No.63002948

No, trust your heart. It's probably time to go all-in again. You've had enough time to heal.

>> No.63002956

Thanks. I had no idea why was she suspected as an insider

>> No.63002955

I guess as long as they're Octavio's color scheme, it won't matter. The mites were only so similar because of Magni's. Nobody would have noticed if they were Onceler Green or something.

>> No.63002959

Normally yes, but he's speedrunning a lot of things so I feel like 2 weeks is enough to tell.

>> No.63002977
File: 350 KB, 1323x1983, Untitled3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy for now /mans/ i'll be back when there's kino and actual dudes on the general

>> No.63002984
File: 33 KB, 311x318, F_L395taUAEW59-~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just how i like em

>> No.63002990

My kamioshi is still around, there's no healing required

>> No.63002997

no one asked

>> No.63003001

you're right vestmime

>> No.63003015

kys esl scum

>> No.63003023
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1700498035060184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my cat gay?

>> No.63003040

It's confirmed that they knew each other outside of Hololive which is why people are suspicious. That said I doubt that it's actually her because she's connected to 90% of the SEA scene and I honestly don't think Ollie is this careless. They have a lot of SEA staff these days and I don't think Ollie would know about the internal workings of Holostars EN herself.

>> No.63003061

>if they were Onceler Green
Artfags, this sounds pretty cursed. Please oblige.

>> No.63003068

Why is oga and roberu always an exception to the incels?

>> No.63003093
File: 35 KB, 400x366, 1700436388159965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat is cuter than yours :3

>> No.63003106

roberu is the safest JP star to claim as an oshi. either him or astel are the ones every touristfag point to. don't know about oga though.

>> No.63003138

>Ruze is a lizardmen main in TWWH2

>> No.63003139

buy what?

>> No.63003152

Your cat looks like it just took ecstasy.

>> No.63003153


>> No.63003194
File: 54 KB, 320x293, 1693928821032103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat is more racist than yours (it's an actual problem, he scratches anyone darker than a paper bag)

>> No.63003195

maybe he's a gay who only likes japanese ojisans

>> No.63003200

>cheating on your kamioshi

>> No.63003259

this makes me laugh because astel is menhera prime

>> No.63003270

Hey... That used to be my cat... Glad someone else adopted him!

>> No.63003286

i have no idea what this means

>> No.63003297

Man, he's the biggest shit disturber in JP. Do people really make him out to be a safe partner?

When it comes to Oga and Roberu, I think their history of having strong, professional collabs with women actually makes them much more trustworthy to people than talents who avoid Hololive collabs or do them only sparingly. Ultimately I think the idea that most complaints come from unicorns is unfounded, a lot of the people who have problems are just worried about how volatile male/female collabs often end up.

>> No.63003328


>> No.63003351

That is one cute face, I want to pinch it

>> No.63003354


>> No.63003373 [SPOILER] 
File: 321 KB, 505x543, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? Nothing crazy really shown but 'boxed just in case

>> No.63003382

Ruze's take on how modern anime is mostly cookie cutter trash is pretty based

>> No.63003385

Don't be back. Kill yourself instead, faggot

>> No.63003411
File: 40 KB, 400x366, 1700478945314290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this dirty looking cat prowling around my minis. If no one comes forward, I'm adopting him.

>> No.63003423


>> No.63003435

I need altare to rape rex at first convenience

>> No.63003437

yes, can't you hear it's flamboyant lisp when it meows?

>> No.63003445

I think it looked different in my mind, like a thick tongue going far into him.
But thank you

>> No.63003466

What minis was he attracted to?

>> No.63003473

Pretty interesting that you faggot keep quiet when someone mentions any of the hologirls. One of them got namedropped above and you didn't say anything? Fuck off

>> No.63003501

sorry he's mine

>> No.63003511

Okay shows over you can all go back now.

>> No.63003520

He's bi

>> No.63003547


>> No.63003560

What happened to my bro, why is he a cat now. EXPLAIN !

>> No.63003604
File: 88 KB, 348x450, 1693931052839351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Bettelion I'm just taking this wretch out for some fresh air.

>> No.63003612

Ryona and scat which one do you think he'll hate more?

>> No.63003619
File: 864 KB, 2480x3508, 1679041084620525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga is Denji and I love him

>> No.63003658

He offered to ryona himself so

>> No.63003662

what the fuck is denji

>> No.63003670
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>> No.63003682


>> No.63003700

redditsaw man

>> No.63003703

My tomb kings

>> No.63003710

Yeah denji is a shit character. No surprises with how i feel about this dude lmao

>> No.63003748

It's sweet how Axel still thinks about Magni, miss my Kintama bros

>> No.63003770

Good, poor thing needs that and some cuddles

>> No.63003796

You ledditors HAVE to go back
I don't care to which but go there and stay there

>> No.63003798

all of Tempus brings him up regularly, just fyi

>> No.63003809

based and khemripilled
Looking forward to those OW minis coming out early next year

>> No.63003814

How bi we talking? like into femboys """"""""bi""""""""" or actually finds men attractive bi.

>> No.63003851

why do they never bring up vesper?
is it because he was a vampire?

>> No.63003919

yes. no they bring him up too, not as frequent but it happens

>> No.63003935
File: 67 KB, 680x483, F_ZyjdSaYAAbjJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely scat

>> No.63003939

Go dig into his rm if someone's sexuality really interests you THAT much, dude.

>> No.63003958
File: 97 KB, 300x300, 1684640377923405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bubbie yume...

>> No.63004002

They bring him up too. not as often as Magni because the latter was very connected with VG and especially good friends with Bettel. But even bettel has mentioned him as recently as just a few days ago.

>> No.63004021
File: 597 KB, 527x1072, 1691104902858932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he doing with those foul Xen-
>Tomb kings
Oh never mind carry on.

>> No.63004025

>It's rm shit
Why even bring it up then. You degen fuck.

>> No.63004032
File: 289 KB, 313x434, F_L62b-bwAAgPQw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could someone upload the vod, i was really looking forward to watching it in my free time. was the one only highlight of my day..

>> No.63004053

They do, but I was watching Axel's zatsu

>> No.63004066

just wait nigga

>> No.63004081

it will be back later

>> No.63004095

didn't know the "sisters don't watch streams" joke was real

>> No.63004114

is everything reddit now i don't get it

>> No.63004134
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>> No.63004135

I want it back as well to hear his moans again

>> No.63004137
File: 50 KB, 680x680, F_TzCy1bsAA9Nc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63004141

You schizos really aren't as subtle as you think. Fuck off.

>> No.63004151


>> No.63004208

>Popular thing = reddit
It's just a buzzword at this point honestly it's lost all meaning because of how many tourists wanted to fit in in 2016

>> No.63004217

i'm sorry i dont like your sEiNeN slop anon

>> No.63004229

dino cute!

>> No.63004268

the part the schizos cared about already got posted, so whatever

>> No.63004311

So, apparently the self destructive controversy machine is liked now? Are the women here retarded? No, I'm asking very genuinely right now.

>> No.63004326

Cute jutard...

>> No.63004361


>> No.63004375


>> No.63004391

A little ryona really adds to his color palette~

>> No.63004427

Yes, the ryona fags and anons cooing about their wittle dinoman aren't 90% women. get fucking real.

>> No.63004435
File: 85 KB, 680x659, F_QdMJQXQAAebKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard mindbroken by catalog

>> No.63004449

we love trainwrecks here

>> No.63004491

I mean he's loud and obnoxious which is annoying to a degree, but only insecure closeted unicucks would seriously mald at him, especially to the point of sending cover letters lmao

>> No.63004535
File: 100 KB, 1170x1396, 1689743884333486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just woke up
>/MANS/ just zoomed through three threads to archive

What happened last night?

>> No.63004575

Tsex moans are too good. i lost count of how many times i‘ve shlicked it to his unique short voice in the debut voicepack

>> No.63004611
File: 374 KB, 2400x1563, 1690693443216925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're now a tourist hotspot, except we don't get any money for it.

>> No.63004613

My theory is that menhera retards attract other menhera retards.

>> No.63004619

tourism and streams during EU hours

>> No.63004656

Jurard admitted he slept with a staff member to get into Holostars, Octavio cried throughout his entire stream, Ruze accidentally exposed his penis, and Goldbullet told us he loves us.

>> No.63004659

Get used to it, every time Rex streams the thread goes to shit because people that hate him because he is a brand risk and people who defend him because he is owning the haters collect here and fight

>> No.63004663
File: 898 KB, 680x623, 1683758917011533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related to the current events.

>> No.63004692

that staff member was altare so its fine

>> No.63004725

Uhhhhh bidet bros????

>> No.63004728

This happened

>> No.63004783

There are no women in /MAN/s only machines built to rape the things that they love, and the train shitters.

>> No.63004784


>> No.63004819

I personally want nothing to do with him anymore, so I don't understand everyone else here desu

>> No.63004825
File: 9 KB, 300x168, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63004832

He’s a retard but he’s a retard I feel bad for

>> No.63004843

Seeing Altare get called “daisenpai” feels so surreal. Wtf

>> No.63004910

it's cute. i wonder how he feels about it

>> No.63004936

Install a bidet you barbarian.

>> No.63004949

Most of the thread hates him when it isn't tourist hours. It's not us defending him.

>> No.63004950

It makes me feel old

>> No.63004994
File: 989 KB, 2048x2048, F_YbYy5aAAAUNKZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63005006

He is not a brotuber therefore its ok

>> No.63005065

Gavis Bettel@holoTEMPUS【Graduation】

>> No.63005070

This woman is really something

>> No.63005083

begging catalogfags to believe that the only people who like a member you don’t like personally are actually covert ops shitposters or whatever isn’t gonna make them like or respect you any more, sister

>> No.63005118

I love this yume so much, even her schizo drawings are inspiring

>> No.63005134

Lets be real. They deliberately wanted loud masculine, ambitious men in this gen and they got it. They want to inspire the JP stars to be a bit more proactive instead of being fruity herbivores.

>> No.63005145

He is THE brotuber dude, and sisters love Ruze

>> No.63005161

I got a stroke reading this, can you try one more time.

>> No.63005206

Or......maybe a lot of people here don't actually like a toxic menhera, considering the fact one toxic menhera has already done damage to the entire branch just this year?

>> No.63005208

Sure here's a clip >>63004728

>> No.63005215
File: 620 KB, 1005x915, 1700475626716604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I'm bait, don't bite me

>> No.63005230
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>> No.63005240

I finished the VN, it was fun. Could've been hornier though

>> No.63005249

He's the only one in ARMIS I don't care for because he's too damn loud for me. I just don't make every post in here about how much I don't like one idiot who I wont watch (unless if he's in group collabs)

>> No.63005261

Rio is singlehandedly more of a man than anyone from ARMIS what even is this anon saying lmao

>> No.63005287

Rio is a rapist(based)

>> No.63005332
File: 1.80 MB, 2048x2048, F_CAFaVaQAAVFLe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying her travel blogs, but every time she mentions interacting with a man it feels like she's on the verge of raping them. You just know she's violated a man against his will before.

>> No.63005334

jurard is literally just a dumbass ESL. he didn‘t even say anything bad, he just worded „I asked my friend to give me interview advice“ in the worst way possible.

>> No.63005340

Is the armis teamup correct?

>> No.63005364
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>> No.63005369

It was done by the manes, I think it would be weird if they went even farther than they already did

>> No.63005377

I only know English wha....... U-um, it's just a joke? Hopefully?

>> No.63005387

Toxic menheras are the most popular talents in Holostars English usually

>> No.63005430

for example? now I am curious

>> No.63005492

How exactly is it going to benefit idols to be anything but herbivore men?

>> No.63005504

As if, you're Justa Worm.

>> No.63005531

I've been looking at her twitter for fanart and I am often reminded how thankful I am she's on the other side of the world

>> No.63005574

You can't rape a man if you're a woman

>> No.63005616

Do you guys miss the slow thread yet?
I kinda miss it

>> No.63005641

give it a week and a half

>> No.63005652

Just give it a few weeks, things'll get quiet again surprisingly fast. Debuts always bring tourists, it's inevitable.

>> No.63005661

Next thread will be slower.

>> No.63005796

Maybe we'll get some new drawfags and ficanons? I still miss Axeprime and VMS...

>> No.63005801

Maybe if Jurard stops being a fucking dumbass yab machine we'll get them back

>> No.63005807

watching Gibby's zatsu and he's growing on me...should I just cave and buy the acrylic stand now he has potential to be my 2nd oshi and I love his design

>> No.63005848

No. Anon's still kept taking the bait even then, but this time we have more porn

>> No.63005849

VMS visited earlier. I hope axelotlprime is safe and well

>> No.63005857

god I wish I could be a rabbit and they could pull me apart with their teeth together that'd be pretty cool

>> No.63005883

>tie up in basement
>force feed viagra
>have fun


>> No.63005916

babytrapping into alimony is rape.

>> No.63005917

nope. enjoy the constant yabbing from the trex and catalogfags coming in like crazy

>> No.63005919

I wonder if they are gonna be less heavy on the rules this time around. I heard that the newer gens had reduced the collab ban time and the one hour rule thing

>> No.63005993

Can Octavio take his coat off?

>> No.63005996

Man, I sure wish my adult cousin knew this when I was 12 lmao

>> No.63006057

no one cares Vesper

>> No.63006077

it's not possible

>> No.63006080

Yes, nowadays I can't keep up with all the threads. I know things will slow down in the coming weeks but it'll be months before this place returns to its normal speed.

>> No.63006099

You only get 'babytrapped' if you're retarded

>> No.63006121

sounds like you wanna find out

>> No.63006176


>> No.63006251

i want to babytrap axel

>> No.63006266

No, rape is rape. Baby trapping is baby trapping.

>> No.63006269

Sometimes I really have stupid dreams. The other day I had a dream where a new member was introduced to Tempus and it was just Vesper with a mask on his eyes (something similar to Ruze) but going by an entire different name and trying to fool everyone that it was actually a new member

>> No.63006280

is there a term for yume'ing but instead just being a faghag? I think I'm this for Goldbullet I want him to be my friend I can go clubbing with

>> No.63006308

Kek if there's one thing axel is knowledgeable about, it's menhera women. Good luck with that

>> No.63006356

Are you all mentally ill and actually develop parasocial relationships this quick or is it just a bit?

>> No.63006405

Asking a current employee for tips on an interview isn't comparable to cheating on an exam at all, what the fuck?

>> No.63006419
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>> No.63006425

I think its both tourists and mentally ill whores that jump on a shiny new toy, but mostly tourists.

>> No.63006431

I've been told yume can be platonic so you're a fagyume I guess

>> No.63006480

>your broshi
>why the fuck are you in this thread during dead hours?
