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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62958185 No.62958185 [Reply] [Original]

Four graduations at the same time what the fuck

>> No.62960056

I thought Norio sensei was a good person

>> No.62960172

lmao even

>> No.62960364


>> No.62960446

Probably a fine person until you're employed under them and they're skimming off of you. Some people cannot be trusted to have employees.

>> No.62960537

I know about the marriage. What else did she do?

>> No.62960551

How is she not? She's letting three vtubers using models drawn by her go independent.

>> No.62960642

Norio is a massive narcist

>> No.62960644

If she really was a good person she would've encouraged more r18 Tamaki fanarts of him getting his ass ploughed.

>> No.62960799

Norio is notorious for micromanaging her talents. Not surprised at all.

>> No.62963864

they never stood a chance

>> No.62963983


You dumb fuck, Norio is married now and can't do vtubing shit all the time.

>> No.62965248

>be NoriPro
>hire 12 chuubas
>fire one
>graduate one
>one more graduates but is still around editing videos for your company
>two more graduate but then restart activities under same model as indie half a year later
>now four more graduate
NoriPro is now just Tamaki, Takuma(Norio's husband?), Iroha and Regrush

>> No.62965372

I would feel bad, but she snubbed Hololive after the Taiwan thing happened, so good luck to all the graduates.

>> No.62965649
File: 21 KB, 308x290, Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 06-40-23 _vt_ - NORIPRO IS DONE - Virtual YouTubers - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so apparently spoilers don't work on /vt/ anymore?

>> No.62965689

do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.62965758

It's over

>> No.62966012

I have eyes, go ahead and look at her channel, tell me when was the last time she had a collab with a Hololive member.

>> No.62966113

I remember Aqua showing up for her bday 3d and it was way after the Taiwan incidence

>> No.62967236

This does not really surprise me since they are debuting 10 people starting next year, and Norio has said that the new people will be "creator"-type chuubas (background in video-editing, art, etc.) The current members of NoriPro are pretty much just Norio's friends and don't really follow this vision. From a business perspective, probably just a better idea to make sure that everyone in the agency aligns with the stated identity.

>> No.62968547

Anon she regularly collabed with Rushia until she menhera'd herself, also remember irys and kiara being on her channel not too long ago?

>> No.62968610

Why would it be bad to get married?

>> No.62968766

>She can't work becase she's married
Unless she's pregnant this is a retarded take.

>> No.62969206

https://www.youtube.com/live/b2nelE2wOgU two months ago. if you're autistic about labels, 1 year ago with IRyS https://www.youtube.com/live/ghHq2pm_NFU

>> No.62971106

you can be an okay person and a poor boss at the same time

>> No.62971584

I did say Hololive did not I? 1 whole year and before that there were sporadic collabs when they used to be constant. I won't even bother to try to count the amount of Nijisanji collabs she has in comparison.

>> No.62972051

>1 year
>before that there were sporadic collabs
>when they used to be constant
go look up when the taiwan thing happened
if you still think its >jina then seek mental health assistance immediately

>> No.62972103

Have you considered the fact that maybe you're just a bad speller?

>> No.62973012

She has one of the most cancerous shticks in vtubing, it's like she's doing a cross between a Japanese TV host and a trashy tabloid journalist.

>> No.62973315

Insane they're letting essentially the entire "first gen" go, figured they'd just be obligatory payroll at this point unless they themselves wanted out. At least they're going independent with the same model, I still watch Kurumizawa Momo from time to time, what a cutie.

>> No.62973824


>> No.62974126

Hiding it from fans and said no one realize the difference like she was proud about it

>> No.62976621


>> No.62977513


>> No.62977610

just ctrl+S anon.

>> No.62977735

I always hated that bitch.
The day she showed her true colors is the day I disowned her entire project and her.
I only wished for Mikeneko / Rushia to do the same but sadly she did not.
At least Polka disowned her ass.

>> No.62978163

Milk first up to bat to explain the situation, her first stream in months too

>> No.62978420

Then are we getting Warabe back? Onegai Baa-chan. . .

>> No.62979076

I don't understand how this is even possible when this whole company was literally started based on friendship. Now those friends are leaving but the company will go on? With randos? Fucking why???

>> No.62979129

its just like a small office and its office is probably tamakis house.

>> No.62979936

Being a small agency doesn't mean they're BFFs, it's not a secret that Norio was the type to micromanage them a lot, the first gen especially had strict rules, because she wanted them to be holo lite, meanwhile the second gen was more free.

>> No.62982125

99% of her content is inviting other vtubers and reading question to them through marshmallow, not even her own question
She is the ultimate leech

>> No.62982392


>> No.62983178

Long-time Noripro watcher here. Started following just a few months after the establishment of the agency.
I thought so too for a while, but eventually realized that Norio’s a bona fide sociopath, and the grindset spiel she likes to spout is not a bit, and she unironically sees her self as some sort of Wolf of Akiba. Her parting ways with and never speaking to Nobuhime again, cutting off Inaba Haneru completely, who she collabed with a ton in the past, all five gen 2 members from her agency quitting or getting fired in less than two years, now this. It all adds up eventually, and the final picture is not pretty.
I will still support Mishiro and others, but man, fuck Norio.

>> No.62983485

Don't forget stopping almost all collabs with Hololive after the taiwan incident.
Also, she was one of the only vtubers to copyright strike foreigners uploading translated clips in the beginning, which I think stands out as well.
I wasn't aware that she cut off Haneru, do you have any idea why?

>> No.62983562

The whole thing with Haneru was so weird, although I thought that had to do more with 774 banning cross collabs for all of their members.

But yeah, Norio is clearly batshit menhera either way. At the very least I hope that the talents have more creative freedom as indies. Nekozono is a fucking phenomenal singer, I’m hoping to see more from her in the future.

>> No.62983984

>hiding it from her fans
If I commend Norio for anything, it's that she has always been honest about her relationship in the form of regularly saying that she refuses gachikoi fans and that they should not fall in love with her ever. She said this in much stronger terms than even someone like Suisei, who has simply stated that she cannot return the love of gashikoi and so she doesn't try to appeal to them specifically, but won't reject them either.
Right before Norio got married, she literally announced it on her channel, and her views and superchats didn't seem to change at all.

>> No.62984128

>774 banning cross collabs for all of their members.
Did they really? Why? That seems really dumb considering that they aren't anywhere near as big as Hololive or Nijisanji and collabs with other organizations would help them cross-promote and grow.
Didn't Patra have an ASMR collab with Ui right before she became independent?

>> No.62984232

you only spew your rrat, kosan kidori dramanigger faggot. im not a fan of tamaki and havent watched noripro since warabe graduated, but as of now, as far as ive seen on jp twitter, theres no confirmation that norio fucked them up.

it might just be some financial problem or the result of shitty management since noripro has been handled by only a few people but everything about it is just a speculation.

>> No.62985100

>hiding it from her fans
Yes, by her own admission she was in that relationship even before becoming a Vtuber, to the point her and her boyfriend seriously fought about her being a slut in her vtuber act, prompting they to never again talk about her work again. He never watched her activities from this point on(around her first year).
All this info comes directly from her streams.
>Right before Norio got married, she literally announced it on her channel
Wrong, it was 1 month AFTER the marriage.

During the entire time before marriage she talked about feeling alone, acted that she wasn't in any relationship whenever the "ideal husband stick" came around, pretended to have throat problems that prevented her activities for longer than an hour a day(when she herself admits to talking a lot outside of streams, and going to karaoke with other people).
Basically she's a liar.

>> No.62985384

They didn't Haneru just had a colab with Winning Son a few days ago.

>> No.62985942

true, but to be fair, the relay of sad 大切なお知らせ streams isn't paiting the best picture here

>> No.62986341


>> No.62986580
File: 188 KB, 427x439, 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldr of all the their streams

>they can't say why they're quitting
>it's not for something "good"
>they're not leaving because they wanted to quit vtubing
>there has been changes inside of noriopro, but this has nothing to do with them leaving
>the decision to leave was made a long time ago, in miruku's case likely 5-6 months ago, because after her 3D debut she didn't stream anymore
>some will keep their visuals, some will rebrand
overral the impressions is that Norio fucked up, she should make a damage control stream next.

>> No.62986678

Well. At least they get to keep the models.
Noripro had auditions for new talents open just a while back. I doubt new people they got were not told their senpais would be graduating soon before signing contracts. Wonder what they're thinking

>> No.62986761

Sorry for esl. Meant that I don't think they knew what will be happening

>> No.62987518

Inuyama Tamaki the character is a boy who crossdresses as a girl.
You can see the bulge in his panties whenever his skirt rises in 3D

>> No.62988157

Mishiro will collab with males now, tamaki cannot stop unicorn her anymore

>> No.62988358

Oh, fuck off. Everything on this board is speculation that the corps will never explicitly confirm.

The reality, as it stands, is that a bunch of girls are leaving, they're not too happy about it, and some of them even lose their models. I've only watched Mishiro's stream so far because she's my oshi, but she said that she'll be not be able to keep her current model (initially made by Norio and modified several times by Yuzuru) and will be switching to a new one in 2024. Considering that Norio literally knows Mishiro since high school, and she wouldn't give her the rights to the model that she's been using for almost 4 years by now, points at this split being far from amicable. You don't have to be a dramanigger to infer that much, just have a functioning brain.
At the same time Noripro is actively gearing towards getting a whole gen of talents after the Nw Year, so this doesn't seem like financial problems to me. More like Norio's usual sociopathic schtick of cutting people off once they outlive their usefullness to her.
>I wasn't aware that she cut off Haneru, do you have any idea why?
No idea. They just stopped interacting one day completely, seemingly for no reason at all. The info on 774 completely banning cross-corpo collabs is incorret.
>At least they get to keep the models.
Not all of them. Haven't watched the other streams, but at least Mishiro doesn't.
It's not like Norio's been enforcing it either way lately, they had a first gen collab around last Christmas, that included Takuma. Still hate it though.

>> No.62988604
File: 110 KB, 524x425, noripro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62989449

On the brightside Mishiro won't have to be reminded about Tamaki everytime she streams though it's scummy that she can't use the model she's built her career around

>> No.62990311 [DELETED] 

>>some will keep their visuals, some will rebrand
Is Mishiro one of these?

>> No.62991755

Damn...hope for the best for them since this sounds like their hands were forced. This whole situation made me look up how Lilith is doing these days and man...she really fucked up with JP society with the drug allegations and open sex talk didn't she? Rarely gets 1k VOD views and she had a stream months ago celebrating reaching 18.2k subs and now is sitting on...18.1k.

>> No.62992210

High school? No fucking way aren't they hags now? How could this possibly happen where's the loyalty

>> No.62992679

Mishiro was Norio's HS classmate all the way back in Nagano prefecture, where they are originally from, and both are around 30 now. They've talked about it on stream several times.

Now I hope that people understand that I'm not being a dramafag for the sake of it – you have to be a real antisocial piece of work to pull the shit Norio just did on someone you've known for like 15 years and who's been working for you for the last 4.

>> No.62992744

We don't know what happend. It's not strange the fire an friend and if they were real friends they stay friends after this.

>> No.62992946

>retarded sociopath
Many such cases, only marine is safe from the curse.

>> No.62993079

taking away her model crosses the line for me, I have friends I've known for a similar length of time and at that point you're basically family while I understand things get messy when you mix personal with business it costs norio nothing to just let mishiro keep using the models she already has personally I can't fathom how the split could be interpreted as amicable in light of that

>> No.62993084

I was wondering why there were no more nobu collabs anymore
like nothing

>> No.62993462

>grindset spiel
What kind of stuff has she said? I've never heard a nip talking about that stuff. They tend to not have an entrepreneurial bone in their body.

>> No.62993881

everything is OK - announce of marriage on "someone from management" - I wonder why everything go to hell?
This whore deserve much worse. I hope someday she will announce her divorce on stream it will be hilarious

>> No.62994259

They're women. This much is normal

>> No.62996713

Basically, Norio really, really likes money. She started taking comms and earning somewhere around the average national income doing that back in high school. The only thing she possibly likes more is bragging about having money. The amount of times she brought up making 7 figures (in dollars, not in Jap play money) out of nowhere is staggering. Even one of her infamous “5 requirements to marry Norio” had to do with income. She also talks about working basically all day every day to make that kind of money. As an additional point, she is a devout listener of our god and savior hiroshimoot, talked several times about her respect for him and uses a lot of Hiro-isms in her speech. And if you’d ever listened to a hiroyuki stream before, the one big topic he always talks about is making money and social climbing.

>> No.62997619

what? She's the biggest social climber there is. Only reason she wanted to marry a rich guy was to show off to other women and that marriage already went cold it seems since that rumor that her husband cheated with Yumeno.

>> No.62997991


>> No.62999438

>“5 requirements to marry Norio”
Did her husband fit these criteria too?

>> No.63000611

Yumeno Lilith, the terminated anal vtuber.

>> No.63000676

Yumeno Lilith, 2nd gen at noripro, kicked out for “multiple violations of Japanese law” (allegedly did drugs, her last stream she started the frame, puked audibly and the manager turned off her stream, and that was it). The rrat about her sleeping with Norio’s husband is probably just a trat though – it’s not like there weren’t enough reasons to give her the boot.
Allegedly, according to Norio herself, anyway.

>> No.63001957

Freaked out thinking Mishiro and Shin are graduating for good but good to know they're actually going indie. I don't know much about Noripro and Tamaki, just watch these two occasionally. I can only hope they'll be better off as indies.
>a new model for Mishiro
Fuck. Her model is one of the sexiest chuuba models for me...

>> No.63003390

Watched Miruku’s video and she explicitly takes a shot at the theory that’s been floated on JP twitter – that the graduations are for the best ackshually, and happening now because Norio has decided that she has trained the girls enough to let them become successful indies.
Japs and their desire to take the side of the corpo rather than the individual, I swear to G-d…

>> No.63004228

I imagine she runs her agency with the same mindset/grind set of a mangaka with their assistants. Which makes sense if some people can’t commit or keep up with the goal of meeting deadlines for products.

>> No.63004454

There’s literally nothing wrong with wanting to work hard and earn a lot of money and having the same standard apply to someone else you might have a relationship with. That doesn’t make someone a bad person

>> No.63004591

I've lived in Tokyo doing tech work for a while, and I've meet so many dorks that try to emulate Hiroyuki. He's a reddit tier pseud, and all if his fane are worse because they adopt his persona while being twitter tier retards. Don't trust Hiroyuki fans.

>> No.63008469

>Japs and their desire to take the side of the corpo rather than the individual, I swear to G-d…
he says, on the holodrone board..

>> No.63008942

she only hires friends, plus she is involved in a lot of projects, i dont think she actually has time to manage a vtuber company, plus she does have a little bit of a fame of being a bitch but how knows.

>> No.63009030


>> No.63009255

someone knows nothing about the jp society.

>> No.63009597

I’m not going to side with the “talent” just on the basis of them being on the creative side. That’s just as fucking retarded.

>> No.63010671

>Basically she's a liar.
Or more succinctly in the digital age, she wanted to double dip on gachis and cock.

>> No.63010798

>she is a devout listener of our god and savior hiroshimoot,
The fuck?, it's all a circle?

>> No.63011031

I'm starting to understand why she never collabed with Polka

>> No.63011079
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>> No.63012897

Yeah I remember watching that too

>> No.63014254

She kinda did. They both appeared in a 3D thing, not hosted by either. I don't remember where, but maybe it was just a bunch of vtubers singing their songs and getting out without any interaction.

>> No.63014940

these threads always fill with accusations against norio but they're never backed up by anything more than conjecture
this leads me to believe it is the work of schizos and/or sisters

>> No.63015119

Anon, this board is filled with nothing but schizos, of course this thread is no exception.

>> No.63016608

Read the thread.

>> No.63018807

>more conjecture and implications
post 1 concrete thing

>> No.63019693

>it's all made up unless you timestamp, translate clips, and upload it outside of youtube for her not to strike it down
Not our fault that you don't know japanese or watch streams. Unless you're complaining about "Yumeno was fired for fucking her husband", which is an obvious joke.

>> No.63019869


>> No.63020646

>im letting them go independent

>> No.63021577

>I'm not investing my time in these fuckers
>get the fuck out of my company
>you can't get your models away
>except these few
>the ones that pissed me off get nothing
>you get to keep your name and your channel
>if you piss me off not even that
>instant termination and fuck your fans
>btw I'm the good guy
Being a slut has nothing to do with anything since she herself hosted pissing edging tetris.

>> No.63021638
File: 240 KB, 1005x1594, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can save her...

>> No.63024229


>> No.63026821

Nobu's case was her company going schizo and ostracizing her within the company while her manager masquerades as Nobu and cutting all relations from everyone around her I think
Unless you mean in present time then I dunno

>> No.63028459

If Norio sensei makes a response or the drama gets any bigger than this, we may have to make a /kuro/ thread about this like we did for Akioair and AuroraliveVR

>> No.63030070

I hope she makes a Mikeneko-like responses to this drama

>> No.63031740

I vaguely remember there was a segment of a past ponpoko24 where she pairs with mishiro and she talked about how at the end of every stream she'd give a bullet list of what's not good enough for her standards looking at mishiro's stream.

>> No.63031995

Found it

>> No.63033139

women bosses, amirite?

>> No.63035368

Look like she was too strict with her employee, demanding too much from them. She loves money afterall

>> No.63035956

I'm glad others are finally seeing just how shitty Norio is now. THIS is what I was talking about. All of this is what I meant.
I know I never linked stuff in the past when people asked me, simply because I washed my hands of her entirely, links included.
But now you finally see it. Now you see how much of a scummy person she is.
About how she hates the idea of "transfer", of "graduation" and how she is fucking over someone she knew for 15 damn years just because she doesn't want her having her model.
Fuck Norio man. Seriously.

>> No.63036498

I don't personally think she will.
She generally has a level head on her, even if she is a pompous smug bitch.
Would be funny though.
I only wished Mikeneko distanced herself from her too, and others. She's poison.
I cut people like that out of my life as well because all they chased was moneymoneymoney. He's poor now.

>> No.63037813

This came so sudden and nothing makes sense to me. Why those three people? Why only Shin and not the other two?
Also why would Norio cut Haneru off? She used to brag about constantly crying to Haneru and eating her cooking?
Hopefully Mishiro gets to collab with more people now that she's out of the unicorn's grip.

>> No.63038059

That was uncomfortable to watch.
Controlling boss who has iron grip on underlings can be a funny trope for comedic effect but it sure isn't amusing anymore

>> No.63038476

Honestly, I noticed a lot of the people that used to be part of that whole clique just sort of distance themselves from Norio over time in general.
Whether it WAS them or Norio herself is the bigger question.
Given the type of person Norio is, I'm leaning more on her. All-professional no-friendship is her t the letter.
Kinda sucks man.

>> No.63039398

where does she say this?

>> No.63039432


>> No.63041847

Actually watched all the announcements. They all definitely got canned. Also it sounds like they knew about it beforehand, but most likely was fairly recent. It was hard watching them holding back their tears. Fuck Nori Pro, I hope their 'highly qualified' new recruits flop hard.

>> No.63042346

I always had my doubts but makes me wonder how much bullshit was in that statement against Lilith when she got fired if this is how her friends who have been streaming alongside her for years got treated.

>> No.63042859

Firing someone and wording termination notice in a way that no company would ever hire her again, is definitely shady thing to do

>> No.63043212

> Also it sounds like they knew about it beforehand, but most likely was fairly recent.

I I don’t think it was that recent – Mishiro mentions that she knew for close to a year, which is why she wasn’t doing much outside the usual content in 2023. Apparently, she wanted people, who wouldn’t want to stick around past her graduation because of new model/no longer leaning into the idol image/whatever, to have an easier time leaving her behind.

>> No.63046094


>> No.63046809

literally who

>> No.63048735


>> No.63049325

So we didn't get much explanation for the reasons for all this, but some things were clarified.
> the talents are free to continue using or alter their current models/designs.
> there won't be anything like a collab ban for the former/current noripro members

>> No.63049722

Loyalty is not a part of CEO mindset

>> No.63049864

Woman mindset*
Frankly this should be a redpill on female asians, over half of them are ambicious, money-hungry whores like this.

>> No.63050083

I think Haneru's case is completely different story that has nothing to do with this. Haneru wasn't even working on her own channel that hard this year, if I remember correctly. Probably because all the problems with 774.

>> No.63050259

didn't she have an operation for womb cancer or something
she was on a break for a while

>> No.63050310

>a literal cancer diagnosis
>gundou suspension

>> No.63051168

Let's be real this is /vt/ and Noripro ain't EOP friendly. This thread is 99% tourists or people parroting Norio's usual JP antis.

Been a member of Tamaki's channel for 3 years (why yes I suck his cock), listen to most the member streams. Norio's already rich af from her mangaka money (and presumably investing it), but she's a workaholic who carried Noripro on her back hard anyways til she finally grew some more brain and hired staff to lessen the load.
Culling Noripro of her friends to make it more 'elite' is the last thing she'd have any reason to do. It (was) basically her playground for her and her friends.

That rrat also doesn't add up with the fact that Reg and Iroha and Takuma (a literal who?) aren't leaving. Yuzuru would be much more fitting company with the next gen focusing on pro artists, yet here we are.

That said I still wish we could fucking know the reasons. I'm leaning towards the rrat that she's too restrictive towards her talents with her menhera unicorn ways- particularly the idol group (the variety group is free to fuck with dudes or whatever, but once you're in idol you can't get out).

Shin-sama (only non idol graduating) also leaving is probably because she and Mishiro are so close (gay). Though you'd think she'd stick around with gamers, FUCK I hope they'll still collab

Also regarding the models see >>63049325 (me)

>> No.63052114

> I'm leaning towards the rrat that she's too restrictive towards her talents with her menhera unicorn ways- particularly the idol group (the variety group is free to fuck with dudes or whatever, but once you're in idol you can't get out)
Norio scrapped the idol/variety distinction in Noripro a few months ago, basically when the auditions started. It definitely has nothing to do with graduations.

>> No.63052139

Don’t worry if you don’t understand japanese, Norio used many words to basically say nothing that we didn’t already know from watching the other お知らせ videos

>> No.63052244

>Takuma (a literal who?)
After reading >>62965248 it got me thinking. Maybe Takuma IS her husband.
- To get in a position to monitor him;
- A way to avoid her fight with him in her first year, by pairing her with him;
- She purposely created the character with her idea of perfect looks for a male;
- They go on literal dates;

Or maybe he's really just a friend and she's cucking her husband by going to aquarium with other men.
