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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62960313 No.62960313 [Reply] [Original]

Kneel and apologize.

>> No.62960373


>> No.62960539

more like jap company

>> No.62960582
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>> No.62960796

You mean Cover is a company that doesn't kowtow to Kiara when she wants them to.

>> No.62960843

kys sis

>> No.62960908

>thread huts bump limit
>getting btfo
>jumps to new thread

>> No.62960987

All she did was confirm what anyone paying attention already suspected - that Cover is run by stumbling idiots who have had literal years to sort their shit out and still haven't. They aren't a black company. Just fucking retards who got lucky. Their product is still better than their immediate rivals, but holy fuck are they ever asleep at the wheel.

>> No.62961364

Cover is incompetent. They hurt talent by being stupid (Coco anti becoming mod)

Nijisanji is a black corpo. They hurt talent by being greedy (2% and Gundo)

>> No.62961621

MEMEME: The Twitter Space. She's certainly consistent

>> No.62961758

>How dare she use her own twitter to talk about herself
You sound stupider than usual

>> No.62961930

I swear, this board doesn't know what "black company" means, fucking watered down the term because of dumb tribalism.

>> No.62962001

>I don't have any money left, I don't know what I'm gonna do
>Well, it's time to have another vacation in a 5-star hotel with the most expensive city tour possible while shopping for clothes, jewelry and expensive food + plus another thing that I can't mention
Females need someone to tell them how to use their money and their brain

>> No.62962168

I thought they were a yellow one

>> No.62962341

>shopping clothes and jewelry
Nice joke. Kiara still has a poorfag mentality and barely spend her money. The fact that her money is locked in investments doesn’t make her a spender.

>> No.62962453

>nijiEN - has 3 people with 3D showcases and no one with a 3D birthday or 3D anniversary live
>vshojo - lol
>every other EN corpo or branch can't even afford to rent the mocap suits
Where are you going to go Kiara?

>> No.62963144

>Black Company
Look up what that actually means. Favoritism between departments exists in every corporate environment.

>> No.62963413

I have no idea what OP is referring to and I also don't care, so I'll just say I'm surprised there hasn't been a serious push from the EN audience to shit their pants over and change the term "black company"

>> No.62964153

>Cover says no
You're not that important bitch. Why not just graduate and go to a different company?

>> No.62964366

>her own twitter to talk about herself
*company twitter. To shit on the company.

>> No.62964533


>> No.62964628

So they also get 2% now?

>> No.62964650
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Honorary Niji.
Come home, Kiara.

>> No.62964710

you're right, she spends it all on cosplay stuff.

>> No.62964749

Hyperbolic troll thread.

>> No.62964821

Black companies matter

>> No.62964990

She didn't expose shit kek,
Kiara should stop with her Main character syndrome.

>> No.62965456

>Favoritism between departments exists in every corporate environment.
Myth brings in a lot of money and the Dino Gura plushie did break the Hololive sales records. Cover has been shoveling out Myth merch but they have little interest in spending money on them. Kiara has reason to worry whether they will even get a 3D anniversary collab in 2024 which is why she is making noise.

>> No.62965772

is not even her own twitter and she didnt talk about herself only lmao is her dunking on the company on the twitter space given to ger to play that character, why do you think they dont even get to keep their character social media, she rpetty much whinned about not having privileges no one else has on EN either, is always me me me with kiara

>> No.62965864 [DELETED] 

if you know her from before and even now since she still does her irl stuff you would know she goes on spending sprees often and buys cosplays too and also gacha addict, i dont know if shes still an arknights autist but she was spending everything there

>> No.62965937

Did you really ran away from your other threads because the other anons there were laughing at you

>> No.62966028 [DELETED] 

huh no, i just logged in and see another orange lady drama yet again, ive never created a thread before on vt lmao but is funny how the kfps keep defending her every time she is bitching about something different

>> No.62966035
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>"she didnt talk about herself only"
>"is always me me me with kiara"

>> No.62966117

Yeah nevermind it really is you

>> No.62966124

No time for gacha since joining

>> No.62966251

>graduating from holo
kusa, she'll be the one to turn off the lights on holoen if she's not terminated

>> No.62966252 [DELETED] 

amazing how you didnt catch it, she was dunking on the company because she didnt get special treatment, yes is mememe she was framing the company as if the company is being mean to her, should i remind you she has gone on rants even when she started streaming about how people didnt like her as much and how she didnt get along yadayada, theres a reason a lot of us dropped her and trust me i stand her bitchiness for 2 months, i gave her a chance like she asked.

>> No.62966313

what country are you from

>> No.62966338

whatever you say kfp shill lmao everyone you disagree with is one guying you, there cant ever be more people making fun of orange woman behavior am i right

>> No.62966344


>> No.62966367

But enough about Riku

>> No.62966498

>her own Twitter
>owned by Cover
Why are KFP this retarded?

>> No.62966507

I bet /vt/ accuses Kiara as Riku for slandering Cover

>> No.62966555

Yeah yeah sure, everyone that disagrees with you is a kfp, I've heard that one before
Your other orange woman thread is about to hit page 11, why don't you go bump it like you usually do

>> No.62966758

tell me something new

>> No.62966821

Do you disagree that it is not her twitter?

>> No.62966823

what an ungrateful and petty person she turned out to be.

>> No.62966855

It's amazing how he keeps pretending to be different people while accusing everyone he doesn't like as KFPs.

>> No.62966938 [DELETED] 

and here is the kfp still thinking im making threads about his oshit lmao i just came here to laugh at her, no way im wasting my time becoming a hater or hate watching her stuff, not gonna lie is hilarious having every month an "orange woman whines about something here is how she is the victim" thread.

>> No.62966994

If schizos are capable of self reflection then they wouldn’t be schizos

>> No.62967140

To no surprise, this place is full of threadreaders who never actually tuned into her space.

>> No.62967150 [DELETED] 

i love how you people every time you have no more arguments with your orange woman start accusing other people of pretending to be many, ive seen you do this so many times is hilarious, you just cant handle that many people bash your oshit

>> No.62967287
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>"no way im wasting my time"

>> No.62967339
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He's been spamming so much Kiara threads that everyone who cared or even curious about it has already discussed everything they needed to talk or know about
I say just let him samefag in peace for now

>> No.62967489

More like this proved that hololive fans would rather blindly defend the company instead of pushing for the talents to go above and beyond.

>> No.62967494

I bet you half the reason management is unresponsive when it comes to getting 3d lives for the EN girls is because they believe that English fans don't like idol culture. That goes for both EN and JP management.

>> No.62967835
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>pushing for the talents to go above and beyond.
so if they want 3d time all they need to do is book it in a 3rd party studio im sure she has the money to do so

>> No.62967837 [DELETED] 

imagine being this much of a paranoid that you think every person talking about her is the same person lmao the absolute state of kfps, no wonder, you people share the same victim mentality with your oshi, i guess you deserve each other.

>> No.62967909

I will not kneel to Kiarasanji

>> No.62967971

pretty much, marine said the other day what are the rules of the company, if you want to make a project that the company didnt plan for you then thats coming from your own pocket which mori does all the time, shes mad the company aint funding her personal projects despite having a lot of action with other members and concerts that the company plan for her, shes also turbo mad that her album didnt do as well as expected.

>> No.62968037

>turbo mad that her album didnt do as well as expected.
??? It sold fine.

>> No.62968064

It didn't she's in debt.

>> No.62968129

This has been know forever. Marine has talked a out if before. Polka has talked about it. Suisei has talked about it. It's literally nothing new to anyone who watches chubas that put a bunch of effort into their shit.

>> No.62968169

all i know is that she whinned about money issues for that project too, made fine but not as well to cover the expenses

>> No.62968427

And even if they didn't have enough funds, the company is willing lend some of their funds which will then cut their paychecks to pay off the debt.
Sounds like a good offer if you ask me considering that many holomembers gained all kinds of income outside their paychecks anyway

>> No.62968661

>Ina says the exact same thing
>Takos go "damn that sucks"
>Kiara says it weeks later
>Constant spam in the catalog about it

>> No.62968828

It takes a special kind of mental illness to still be obsessed with Kiara after 3 years, but that's just the type of people this place attracts

>> No.62968884
File: 42 KB, 540x255, 64595631-284B-46D9-8E9E-7B155F7B0A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you suddenly remember all the yuri pandering that occurred when Nerissa debuted, effectively making a new en girl DOA

>> No.62969059

Ina hitting a million subs before her really fucked her up. I don't think she's ever recovered from it.

>> No.62969155 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Only because of people like herself.

>> No.62969200

Elon owns it, not Cover

>> No.62969261


>> No.62969276

Kiara would have a hard time selling out a live solo concert. Gura hasn't even gotten that.

>> No.62969292
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She is beautiful and deserves love.

>> No.62969315

Kiara is running out of money? Gura must be broke then. She never streams and Kiara streams like 5 or 6 days a week.

>> No.62969317

>Clearly states all her considerable funds are tied up in assets
>Money problems are temporary
> Can easily get a loan and has enough yen to survive in Japan
>financial manager admits the situation is HIS fuck up
I do agree she was dumb for not being more on top of her expenses though. Who the fuck gets surprised by an 11k debt notice??

>> No.62969403

Wait, Kiara is mad because she doesn't get to stream a Myth 3rd year 3D concert on her channel? That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.62969423 [DELETED] 

yup, mori even does her old irl suff and goes into concerts podcasts as her other persona, im not a fan of rap etc but i can see the effort she puts on things instead of whinning

>> No.62969441

What fuck caused her to be in 11k of debt?

>> No.62969454

she needs gunrun he is supposed to be like a debt/tax/finance god

>> No.62969475

no kidding, remember how much she whinned about being the underdog back then and her constant whinning only makes it worse lmao

>> No.62969496

No, she's mad that she's never gotten a live 3D solo concert like Mori or Suisei. Gura hasn't even gotten that. She did make a good point that Myth never got a 3 year 3D concert but every JP Gen does and even ID.

>> No.62969548

>and even ID
uh oh, sounds like another poopy EN management shenanigans then

>> No.62969579

that is probly because of how much their members are never present for those things, their schedules and hiatuses are so messed up they dont even bother with EN, ID girls are always there when asked but gura, ame, ina are MIA from time to time or "sick" or unwilling to travel

>> No.62969595

>Gura hasn't even gotten that
Gura would need to care about Hololive first.

>> No.62969684

Having a savior complex is a prerequisite to enjoying Kiara.

>> No.62969961

Look up the cost of a luxury vacation to the Maldives. Stuff like that adds up fast.

>> No.62970029

For real, all the yuribait whore thirsting was a massive filter.

>> No.62970050

Jap company where numbers actually matters. Unfortunately.... her efforts doesn't do numbers really well.

>> No.62970141

>even ID
Nigger ID has never had an Anniversary live either.

>> No.62970342
File: 450 KB, 1080x841, Screenshot_2023-11-20-15-17-39-358-edit_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots found out holo can criticised cover without getting a suspension.
AIEEEE she even got a gift delivered after that space. How do we respond fellow eggs.

>> No.62970396

niji is a black company, holo just doesn't care about the ENs but they still get the basic things

>> No.62970730

She has the third most views in HoloEN. Everyone below her doesn't deserve 3D opportunities?

>> No.62970865

thats actually in yagoos office similar to how the great and powerful riku takes photos for the niji youtube plaques all hail the great riku even yagoo has started to copy him

>> No.62971521

not necessarily. she has some specific goals and once she's met them if she cannot continue with things like 3d lives I could easily see her graduating and moving to vshojo. she knows unlike most of the others her fanbase while smaller than the other en members is also the most likely to follow her to a new chuba persona.

>> No.62971523

You make it sound easy just throw an event, maybe before when they had to do something to get the fans coming, but things change if we had 3D concert for each of the 80+ individual talents I don't think that would benefit anyone nor the company, not even if we just place JP as the standard number of talents which compromise the whole lot of hololive . You also forgot big reasons such as geographical and political issue concerning the company and the talent. When you work at a Japanese company views doesn't matter much for the real realistic numbers are profit and sustainability. Kiara do profit that's not an issue but ironically she does things like these even considering it ain't meant to harm someone or the company but we can't ignore that it makes a bad rp to her and the company. With all that said I wish her luck.

>> No.62971539

Lol if Mori can afford the expensive rent in Tokyo and can easily treat kobo to an expensive restaurant there's no excuse for Kiara except she's dogshit at finances and now want others to take responsibility for her own inability to take care of herself like an adult.

>> No.62971553

>most likely to follow her to a new chuba persona.
Actually true. She should just graduate.

>> No.62971569

You are ignoring my point. If Kiara is struggling to get an Anniversary Live despite being 3rd in views then its going to be even harder for everyone else based on your point "where numbers actually matter"

>> No.62971615

Yes, does this answer your question? I'm being realistic

>> No.62971640

Favouritism exist everywhere you've never worked before if you think otherwise. Either you suck it up and be good at the politics which she seem to fail at or offer something that is indisputable and earns the company shit load of cash. Gura is the former and Mori seems to be doing well at the politics enough to stand working with Universal. Mrs Princess Syndrome here expects all of that to be served on a silver platter to her. She had more days in Japan, is able to speak the language and yet somehow not a single one of the jps has an organic and invested relationship with her. Just look at Bae if you want to see what a people person is like. Kiara's not.

>> No.62971645

Except Cover cancels events for other talents too (Ayame's anniversary and birthday), but she has not gotten permission to complain from them so she can only complain for herself, but keep on being a filthy corpo bootlicker

>> No.62971698

>She didn't talk about herself only
>It is always memememe with Kiara
Holy contradiction, pick a narrative retard

>> No.62971719

then she should leave

>> No.62971735

Who care about Kiara?

>> No.62971744

Yeah, yeah whine more samefag

>> No.62971790

>live 3d solo concert
not even a threadreader

>> No.62971899

Tell your oshi to leave then, I'm sure she'd have more freedom in Vwhorejo

>> No.62971967

She should. I think she's the only one in myth that actually gives a shit about the idol side of things. Gura makes bank just by existing, Ame pretty much gave up and doesn't even bother to grind vocals or dance and is fine being like every other twitch streamer, Ina cares a lot more about her illustration and is whatever, Mori has her Universal contract and cares more about writing songs than the idol stuff. So yeah, she really should. It's better for her long term but she's probably hesitant because she's unsure whether she'll get the same recognition and payout if she does leave. Hololive seem to have a lot of stability and will only grow bigger.

>> No.62972018

>Lol he is still pushibg Kiara vs Bae
What is next you are going to talk about how JP viewers like Bae more even though her 3D collab with Korone that has a bog announcement buff got less CCV than Kiara's 2D collab with Korone

>> No.62972071

Being good at office politics has nothing to do with whether the public likes you or not as long as you don't get into any controversy. It's the same reason why that guy you know who is dogshit at their job gets promoted year after year. Or why someone is able to hold a position for so long despite doing nothing. You've never worked once in your life anon.

>> No.62972183

Well you do not know the office politics, so STFU seething retard

>> No.62972260

>Blaming yuri pandering that is not a problem on the JP side
Just shows how cancerous the EN fandom is

>> No.62972290

bvtm and his gooks have been nothing but a plague on this board

>> No.62972299

3 years crying about everything and she still is not done, I hope her vtuber career ends in the worst way possible

>> No.62972443

You're the one seething lmao. It's almost as if you lack the ability to make any inferences or have enough life experience to deduce social cues. Or the fact that a Japanese company by Japanese people will run similar to how most of them operate. Which is to say that the office politics will be similar. This isn't some company detached from reality nor do their escalators run on magic anon. But you'll be happy to get spoonfed by whatever Kiara feeds you so good for you. Careful not to overexert your brain on basic common sense.

>> No.62972476

Any second now, RUMAO

Wow it really has been 3 years of you constantly seething, welp here to many more years to come

>> No.62972490

Tell me the situation that Kiara discussed at the start of her Twitter space? Did you actually watch it? Kiara is more than willing to do cover's bidding despite the difficulties.

>> No.62972513

>I am making up bullshit about Cover's office politics favouring Bae, but why are you not letting me spoonfeed you
Kyd retard

>> No.62972632

now, now, seamonke
no need to be so upset

>> No.62972649

NTA. And? Is there something wrong with that? If she is willing to fund a project, let her. No one is stopping her. It the same CD plaque all over again. Every time Kiara announces a project she complains first and tells everyone that it's made by her own funding. Should we sympathize? Should we save her for the things she plans to do? Nope, just let her do it support, watch and you'll realized it ain't a hard ordeal.

>> No.62972668

That's not how it works. What you described is literally her just doing her job. Making people like you and want to shill you is a completely different skillset than being a yes man. Or in her case being a yes-ish man whose rebellious nature makes the people who she has to work with dislike her even more.

Of course I don't work for cover but it's pretty clear to most that Bae have better people skills than Kiara. Especially when dealing with JP side. It's almost as if people who like you more will be more willing to offer you opportunities.

>> No.62973125

The west HATES idol things. Cover knew it, many of you mocked Japan for doing idol things as some creepy stuff, and you still do, so the concept of Hololive EN was focused on non-idol "creative contents" from the beginning. Its even EN's identity. Given that, Cover doesnt really do anything wrong about the 3D "idol" concert things. EN is by nature not an idol branch.

I kinda understand her frustrations considering her past activity in Japan, but EN was never a western idol branch and she should know it

If Kiara still wants to do idol stuff so much then I guess she still has a lot of things to do. The west isnt the place to do it no matter how many redditors and twitter users support her. They are just loud minorities who dont really support "idols".

>> No.62973189

i can understand her not caring when they stop or massively slow down any projects she wants to do. I distinctly remember her talking about trying to put out shorts and how she had to give them to management first. it took so long she didn't care when they eventually gave her a yes or no for what was just a cute/funny/dumb youtube short

>> No.62973402

Couldn't even answer my question. Not surprised. It's really easy if you listened to the twitter space. Ill give you a hint she had to redo something.

>> No.62973549

Pretty much true, it's even true for this board which is already more into idol stuff than the random casual viewers. I've never seen other fanbases give much of a shit about the lack of 3D performances, whether that's caused by the chuubas lack of interest or from Cover actively denying them.

>> No.62973590

how is it contradicting? she talked about the company because she didnt get what she wanted, literally bashed company because mememe, i know is hard to udnerstand it with a bird brain but cm on, you can go talking about 10 people and make every issue about yourself, did that made it clear for you?

>> No.62973617

Take your meds and stop using terms whose meanings you do not know

>> No.62973670

you people always pretending others didnt watch it or doing mental gymnastics to understand her is funny, theres rules that she agree upon signing contract, she wants to be the center of attention and get things only the big subs get, she keeps whinning about shit on social media and bashing her own company, do you think companies promote the loud employees that bas their own bussiness? they already give her a lot of sit she asks for all the time but she wants more and more, typical mc syndrome

>> No.62973732

I realized something after reading and engaging with the thread. If you watched Kiara, you'd expect this is one of those days at the office. Kiara vents that IRyS was given support for her songs, she funded her own song Sparks. Kiara also vented about an album project. She also went and fund her first album. Kiara vents about anniversary and sololive. Now is planning to fund the project herself. Don't get me wrong. It's overwhelming positive and inspirational to pitch in those ideas/project let alone fund them. Real question, how much return does she get from those investments. Because, if she had a positive return she wouldn't complain and vent anymore for support. She could just straight off pitch the idea and fund them, she already got 2 green lights before, no? At this point it's a bit telling that her investments doesn't do well and I don't think it's the company or the branding is at fault. If she does things we should just support her, but with that said I don't think the amount of support makes even or profit. And for the company side it's their choice to support something failing or not.

>> No.62973733

you just pretend to not hear the answer kfp, stop pretending people didnt watch it, you just want to interpret it differently to shill, another case of dont believe your lying ears

>> No.62973788
File: 348 KB, 2440x1103, Screenshot 2023-11-20 172436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did she mean by this ?

also 187777 yen before the stream has even started

>> No.62973802

she tries to be marine and even marine funding her own projects lose money, mori and marine are way bigger than her and they do it to get more fans not to earn money, is an investment in the long run to make yourself grow, she doesnt understand that she is not some big celebrity that will earn 15m upon doing one song, this is a different market.

>> No.62973805

Still not answering the question. It's in the twitter space. Take a listen. It's a super simple answer. Don't know why you are writing paragraphs.

>> No.62973846

we already listen to it shill, how many times do you want to repeat the same thing? we already did we already comment on it stop pretending to be retarded, i swear to got man you guys are literal recorders.

>> No.62973906

you guys finally woke up?

>> No.62973914

Didn't answer it. What did cover do that made her redo something at the studio? Go ahead answer if you've listened to the Twitter space on repeat. Shouldn't be hard.

>> No.62973924

Dude she threw Jenma under the bus by being all passive aggressive (maybe she didn't do it right or at all). Like my man it takes a planetary level of ego to be this much of an ass to someone who likely has the same amount of workload and has to take shit for and from you while having a much lower pay. You're right, it was so triggering that I couldn't even be bothered to be invested because everything after was MEMEMEME and everyone is at fault except her. How much of an ego do you need to have to think you can do the job of others better just because you feel that way?

>> No.62973945

>It's better for her long term but she's probably hesitant because she's unsure whether she'll get the same recognition and payout if she does leave. Hololive seem to have a lot of stability and will only grow bigger.
true but I suspect kiara will eventually quit regardless.
true, but people say kiara is the one who'll be there last when the irony is she's actually the one most likely to leave while things are still easy and good because she's the type of person who gets restless unless she's working towards and achieving goals. her album release was one of two big goals, the other off collabing with everyone possible in hololive, once that's done if she doesn't see any big things left for her to do she'll start to get restless and explore her options. she's already starting to sound restless as it is.
I won't be the least surprised if when the first myth graduates it's kiara. she won't leave easily but eventually birds need to leave their nests and when she feels it's time she won't hesitate. the others on the other hand still seem trapped by the golden ticket so I can see the rest of myth continuing to idle indefinitely.

>> No.62973957

do you even know the meaning of being a black company?

>> No.62973971

The same thing that they probably made everyone else at EN do too. Or at the very least they had experience it once or twice. But guess who doesn't complain and put the company on the spot? Everyone else except her.

>> No.62973981

So, she complained about Cover publicly and didnt have to stop all activities for 1 week to think about her actions? Damn, Orange Woman strong.

>> No.62974027

Still wrong. It started with your "office politics" and Kiara does what they ask of her and more. So go ahead and try again. I'm waiting.

>> No.62974079

Dumbass. She said she's going to push for a 4th year Anniversary livestream so you're stuck with her for atleast a year more.

>> No.62974121

Did u listen to the recording because she did lol. I know selective listening is a thing but if you somehow miss the fact that 90% of it is her complaining and blaming everything but herself then I don't know man, seek help. I'm sorry for the lack of your listening comprehension anon. I guess your reading comprehension is also pretty bad considering how you didn't get anything I've said or what anyone that is not KFP says. It starts with being able to focus, anon. Just start with 5 seconds and we'll work from there.

>> No.62974139

Even Mori was mocking Japan for dong idol things lol. Holo EN was/is such a western centric branch that doesnt really fit the idol culture. Most Holo EN members dont actually give a fuck about idol things either, and many users here and redditors/twitter users still shit on idol culture and Japan 24/7, so its hard to say Cover is wrong for not making EN members look like idols. The concept of EN is/was always about making "creative contents" and thats why Holo EN succeeded. Cover ditched the idol culture for the western audience.

Some of you demand she be treated like a JP idol vtuber now but there would be a bunch of backlashes, if EN actually became like JP.

>> No.62974190

>3D showcases
>being a guest in lots of 3D lives
>New year's 3D lives
>convention appearances
>chances of her getting cool stuff in the foreseeable future
>a lot of Hololive clout to help her get things done
>all of the above while being the runt of EN and a disrespectful Hololive member in general

It still wasn't enough for this unappreciative phoenix

>> No.62974194

jp "men" are just cucks with tiny clitties who don't even complain about male collabs. not a standard en chads need to be compared to.

>> No.62974213

I'll answer my own question for you since you can't. She sent in data that Cover asked for her ten days early before requested, before she left Japan. They didn't check until the day before, then asked her to redo it. She did redo it despite being in the studio while working on her delayed Bday Live. Kiara understands office politics and is willing to put in the work and sacrifice her time to do what is asked of her. Was that hard to answer?

>> No.62974265

All I know is this ESL guy keep writing entire paragraphs without actually saying anything when he could've just answered the other guy's question to make him shut up.

>> No.62974380

>She did redo it despite being in the studio while working on her delayed Bday Live
wow she did work work that she was asked to do thats super amazing and deserves a pat on the back and a raise

>> No.62974435

Is that not office politics? Doing what's asked of you and more? That's what started this whole conversation.

>> No.62974439

And my point is that it is not exclusive to only her. Most if not all EN that flew over has stated many times that they didn't get any free time because of how packed things are (except for that few times). The data thing is just one of the many and I would argue that the dance part requires more effort on her part. You missed the point about what office politics is, that's just her obeying orders aka doing her damn job. The only side I'm taking here is how fucking unprofessional she is when she is handling the situation. Like okay you can't afford to go to Maldives and then you decided to bitch about it on your work account that is linked to a much larger organisation than yourself. She's lucky she's in EN because in no fucking world is any Japanese employee staying employed if they decided to pull this kind of stunt.

>> No.62974472

Being selective and accurate are two different things anon. Anon, usually KFP tries to gaslit their way by saying clippers cut her out of context. Now it's the other way around. You've focus on something small out of the big picture yet we're the villains again for sating the obvious.

>> No.62974475

no thats doing you job thats called the bare minimum if you want to keep getting paid

>> No.62974566

What? I'm just saying he should've just answered the question, which he didn't, and instead he kept dodging it while also claiming he and everyone else already listened Kiara's twitter space. If he wanted to prove him wrong, he should've just answered his question. That's it. But he didn't even attempt to.
What are you even talking about? I was talking about the other guy. Your English is coherent.

>> No.62974746

Did you really think it's the same person? I could see the anon tagging 2 in each of the question. Anon... I think I'm good with my words. Before you police everyone's english make sure you correct yours.

>> No.62974784

>no fund
>no cover support

idk if its allowed but she should do a kickstarter

>> No.62974801

This is the only place I know that emphasizes on ESL while being obsessed with a culture that doesn't speak their language and couldn't care less about them. It's entertaining to see how much this side of community base their entire self worth on their ability to speak the one language that they didn't even worked to learn. I say entertaining but really I meant sad. Like a squirming worm in a pile of dogshit struggling for a reason to live kind of sad.

>> No.62974867

Kiara really needs to understand that if she was interested in a career in singing/performing then she shouldn't have gone into vtubing or idolshit to begin with. Even in Japan, actual serious artists who care about their music being taken seriously avoid the idol label like the fucking plague because being an idol is inherently associated with being a disposable waifu for the dregs of society, not a real musician.
Her job is to be a bunch of nerd's imaginary girlfriend

>> No.62974989
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>Did you really think it's the same person?
What are you even talking about? I literally said I was talking about the other anon.
>I think I'm good with my words.
Yes, I literally said that in my post too. Why are you getting mad at an insult that wasn't even aimed at you?

>> No.62975003
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or vent on twitter so her simps will superchat more that the 30k in superchats a month she already gets but cant afford to give back to her community that gives her so much

>> No.62975045

>get asked to do thing
>do it wrongly
>get asked to do it again
How is that doing "more" than what was asked?

>> No.62975137

She did it ten days early in case that happened and they checked it the day before it was finally due.

>> No.62975142

Either he's also an ESL that misinterpreted your post and think you slighted him, or the two guys replying to the kfp asking for proof are actually the same person. Seriously, that "we're the villains" part is just really dubious, while also giving that chuuni "uncloak my venom" vibes.

>> No.62975212

Well that would explain this >>62974801 reply that came out of nowhere. I was wondering why he'd get so mad at me all of a sudden.

>> No.62975223

My bad then go on.
I respect the grind if she makes money out of gullible fans. I couldn't hate her for that, I'm actually impressed. It's like the weird thing comparable to NTR while being cucks and they come to love it.

>> No.62975260

While I am fully enjoying you /vt/s bullying Kiara, I think it makes sense she's discontent with Cover's not letting her do her solo concert in Euro anime convention.
Probably she's the most famous Euro Vtuber and Cover would lose nothing by letting her do as much performance as she wants as far as it's limited in EU region, they only get their EU market expanded.
Or in eyes of Japanese board members EU is not different from China? Unleashing Kiara may cause another conflict like between Russia and

>> No.62975347
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>uncloak my venom
god why are schizos so fucking hilarious
and they actually want people to take them seriously? my sides
come on, 'we're the villains'? lmao

>> No.62975520
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>we're the villains again for sating the obvious
there's so many layers to this post holy fuck
>Anon... I think I'm good with my words. Before you police everyone's english make sure you correct yours.
jesus fucking christ
fuck my sides actually fucking hurts from laughing so much, I'm not even making this up

>> No.62975535

160+ replies and now you niggas spouting headcanons, she just wants an anniversary live, solo or all of myth, like everybody else in jp it's been 3 whole years and none of en have one wtf is this

>> No.62975593

She already said, she's going to fund it. So?

>> No.62975619
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>Like a squirming worm in a pile of dogshit struggling for a reason to live kind of sad.
hoooly fucking shit
so buttmad about an insult that wasn't even directed towards him, you guys are unironically more MEMEME than this orange bitch
I can't take this anymore, my lungs fucking hurt, my god

>> No.62975655
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Damn, shes good. No wonder schizos seethe so hard. Imagine spending all that effort, time and energy for 3 years, anti'ing someone, only to see they achieve all of this.

>> No.62975658

hold up ive read throught all this just because kiara wanted cover to pay for her shit when thats not how it works at all?

>> No.62975824

I don't understand your question. I'll try though. Short answer, A talent could fund herself while asking for the green light or ask for the company's support.

>> No.62975915

You skimmed through a catalog thread and came up with that conclusion. Congrats, I dont know how, but you managed to post the stupidiest thing ITT

>> No.62975950
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oh my fucking god
you're not even a shitposter or a schizo, you're just a fucking retard
imagine falling for kiaraschizo's bullshit, someone that frequently ran away from his very own fucking bait threads because even the catalog laughs at him on a daily basis, you must be the dumbest motherfucker alive on this planet, I bet you actually fell for that fake Aki screenshot too, fucking hell
fuck that's what I get for reentering the thread, I'm out for real this time, else I'm gonna die from laughing so much

>> No.62976185

Anon you sound like you are 18 and just learnt how to shit talk online. This is why parents shouldn't allow their children to go online.

>> No.62976278

You know when an anon is butthurt. When the thread is already dead and everything has been said, but an anon keeps on bumping the thread for attention. Peak entertainment

>> No.62976922

>you're stuck with her for atleast a year more.
she hasn't finished her collab goal yet, so no shit?
'stuck with' implies I dislike her too which is a big fat nope. she was the only member of myth I watched a ton during the first 1.5 or so years.

>> No.62977198

life just isn't fair. why won't they give her all the attention she wants??? kiara wants more attention! cover is so mean! waaah

>> No.62977490

I think Kiara is in the right here. I wish my oshi would say something about it too.
Myth not getting 3D lives this year also means no 3D lives for Promise next year. And that will fucking suck. I guess thats what shes fighting for too.

>> No.62978239

Skimmed through the thread but stopped because of too much retardation. What are people pissed about now or which stream do I need to watch to find out what's being taken out of context?

>> No.62978791

remember kfps were making the excuse that she was european for her bitchy behavior in the last drama she had lmao they are running out of excuses now, this cultists are the same kind of people who worships ecelebs

>> No.62978875

>last drama
Which was?

>> No.62978883

this dudes think the multiple people responding to their ramblings and le check the twitter post (which we all already did) are the same person, they are always calling same fag multiple people in multiple threads, they dont have any combacks is just an excuse.

>> No.62978942

I've been away from the internet for the last few days. Can someone sum up what the fuck happened this time?

>> No.62979047

kiara numberfagging and her mc syndrome yet again, we really need to get used to the orange woman threads every time she does something man, instead of haters doing the threads is her shills doing damage control, thats the funny part

>> No.62979328

Fucking Pippa of all people can have her own solo 3D performances at cons

>> No.62979344

>putting your money in investment means you’re dogshit at finance.
Seems a lot smarter than just spending it all. Her liquidity is a stressful situation, but it’s just an oversight with no serious consequences.
Kiara will retire as a landlord and will never work a normal job again.

>> No.62979636

I don't watch her because her voice irks me, but reading what you kfp lot say makes it seem it's the right choice not to

>> No.62979832

Hololive unironically turns into twitch whores drama kek

>> No.62979906

Kiara vented in a twitter space. Something she does regularly either in twitter spaces or on stream.
Somehow this time it got picked up by randos and posted on reddit and clipped and stuff.
Long short story. She’s fighting to get some studio time for 3D lives. Myth fought for an anniversary live and was turned down, the fought for separate 3D anniversary lives and were turned down again. Kiara blame it on an unfair treatment between EN/ID and JP. Also since she can’t get a 3D concert in front of a real audience, she wants at least to have mini-concerts at conventions.

>> No.62980082

>>3D showcases
Like literally everyone. Except Myth got it 3years after debut (yeah yeah covid. covid is a bit of an overuse excuse)
>>being a guest in lots of 3D lives
???? She was invited like once?
Like literally everyone
Like literally everyone
Like literally everyone
>>New year's 3D lives
Like literally everyone
That was years ago and others have had mini-concerts at convention too.
>>convention appearances
Just as much and as little as anyone
>>chances of her getting cool stuff in the foreseeable future
???? Like what?
>>a lot of Hololive clout to help her get things done
>>all of the above while being the runt of EN and a disrespectful Hololive member in general

Meanwhile holoX gets birthday live, anniversary live, 3D collabs and whatnot just months after debut. You can’t deny the bias.

All she asks for is ONE Myth anniversary live (after 3 years of nothing). And more conventions mini-concerts. (she got one in her entire career, wow, congrats)

>> No.62980146
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Not everyone agreeing with Kiara is kfp, a non. Im a tako and I agree with her. I want to see more Ina in 3D. Anyone that is not a falseflag shitting on Holo like you, want to see their oshi in 3D. You must be a Niji or Vshoujo defender, jumping at the small sight of opening to attack Hololive.

>> No.62980179

>>>New year's 3D lives
>Like literally everyone
Correction. She had no 3d for new year, what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.62980327

>She’s fighting to get some studio time for 3D lives. Myth fought for an anniversary live and was turned down, the fought for separate 3D anniversary lives and were turned down again. Kiara blame it on an unfair treatment between EN/ID and JP.
On one hand Kiara needs to understand that Cover is a business and they're going to favor things that make more money. The vtuber industry is still extremely healthy in Japan and continues to grow. The vtuber bubble burst 1-2 years ago in the West and has, at best, stagnated. From a business point of view it makes sense to devote more resources to the branches with better potential.

On the other hand that entire argument is thrown out the window by Yagoo's continued fostering of the money sink that is Stars. Will an EN 3D concert be as successful as a JP 3D concert? No. That's never going to happen because the West no longer has the same passion for vtubing as the East. Would an EN 3D concert be a better use of money than basically anything involving Stars? Absolutely. No question. This isn't meant to come off as homo bashing, it's just illustrating the point that typical business practices are clearly not the driving motivation for difference in treatment here. The logic doesn't function both ways.

>> No.62980409

>his isn't meant to come off as homo bashing
>Yagoo's continued fostering of the money sink that is Stars
take discarded

>> No.62980474

>states facts
>retard gets upset
Thank you for outing yourself and admitting that your opinion has zero value.

>> No.62980539

Whether you like them or not. There is no denying that the stars are a passion project. They spend more on them than what they bring.
If Yagoo is okay with passion project and money sinks, he should be ok with giving EN some opportunities.

>> No.62981234

>???? She was invited like once?
fake KFP
>Like literally everyone
nijiEN girls don't get those, indies don't get those
>That was years ago and others have had mini-concerts at convention too.
so "It doesn't count" is your best argument here right?
>Just as much and as little as anyone
nigga please the Korea one was massive compared to what other girls got
>???? Like what?
IDK but can't Kiara wait?
>a lot of Hololive clout to help her get things done
did you really think those artists/musicians/etc were willing to help Kiara with her projects because of her camwhore status?
>all of the above while being the runt of EN and a disrespectful Hololive member in general
this is true, cope harder

not to mention all the big sponsors she received like being "Ambassador of XXX"

>> No.62981385

>Sorry Kiara, we need the studio to record holoX’s 20th 3D collab and Suisei’s training session on top of her actual concert
>But hey you can still play video games in your rooms and be called ambassador or whatever
Yeah, sure she’s not indie and had some kind of opportunities like any other holo, but you can’t deny the bias.

>> No.62981393

>nijisanji 2% black company
>talents can buy land, go to japan with company pays for it
>hololive not black company
>talents need to pay for their trip to japan, not enough money for daily life expense
what is this holobonies?

>> No.62981446
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Hololive recently hired an actual smoker who drinks alcohol on the daily and she's still far less offensive than Kiara. This Kraut cunt is a walking L before AND after being saved by Yagoo. Some people are just meant to be laughingstock for life, man.

>> No.62981499

but they do? hell many of them complain about having too much work given by the company, what kiara is complaining about is that they aint giving her solo concerts and her projects which usually involve famous people and she cant afford them alone, mori, marine, suisei suck it up and fund their passion projects themselves, they aint whinning about it every time, im sure you people would be whinning if you saw all the budget spent on moris projects that involve famous people, well same treatment for all talents, no one gets preferential treatment.

>> No.62981567

kiara had a lot of 3d videos and songs coming this entire time, you want her to be recording 24/7? she just had the holotori thing and other shit

>> No.62981595

>mori, marine, suisei suck it up and fund their passion projects themselves
Kiara found her own project too?? What is this angle?

She asked for a MYTH anniversary, something that Ina, Gura and Ame all wanted too. And something literally every JP had at least once if not every year. That’s not much to ask.

>> No.62981613

Women do that because that's the sort of social circle where you meet rich men, those men will see a women spend a lot of money and think "huh this girl is also rich so I guess I don't need to worry about goldigging" and once they marry them suddenly the women "retires" and leeches off of the male. If men want to live rich they need enough money to last a lifetime, women can just burn through a few millions for a couple years.

>> No.62981695

Anon those 3d music videos are just blender not actual motion capturing

>> No.62981744

the reason they didnt get it is because of guras absense most certainly lmao did you notice just now how myth has been stale since gura started her jp trip?
and yes what i mean by suck it up is that this orange woman just whinnes about everything, this is just one whinning but is the numbers other day and is le haters other day, then she wonders why cover doesnt pick her as the face or for projects, imagine an employee leaking private conversations all the time and whinning about the company, what i mean about the leaking is how shes always talking about private conversations with myth and myth girls getting surprised she said things that were supposed to be between them.

>> No.62981765

None of those are recorded at cover’s studio. Not a single Kiara MV was recorded by cover. Not holotori, not pineapple, not Do U, not one.
It’s 100% just Kiara mocaping herself at Ame’s place and then paying kanauru to render it.

>> No.62981781

The only thing she exposed is, as always, that she's an entitled little shit who whines to her shrinking fanbase about how she can't get all the things she wants to do while also not understanding business basics.

If she ever graduates or gets fired, her constant unprofessional behavior and terrible growth numbers will keep her out of landing any other corporate VTuber deal.

>> No.62981854

Myth was specifically turned down by cover. Twice for both grouped and solo anniversary lives.
Yes, Kiara vents a lot but none of this is private or NDA stuff. She also never in her entire career ever got int trouble for saying stuff. She knows what she can and cannot say. And I’m grateful because without her we would have no idea of what’s happening.

>> No.62981957

>If she ever graduates or gets fired, her constant unprofessional behavior and terrible growth numbers will keep her out of landing any other corporate VTuber deal.
Any corpo would bend backward to recruit Kiara or any other ex-holo.
Not that it matters because you will take away her holo jig from her cold dead hands.

>> No.62981978

>not enough money for daily life expense
kek, the only ones in Holo complaining about not having enough money also happen to be the ones who buy the most overpriced shit to flaunt on their roommate accounts

>> No.62982045

she has a lot of dedicated fans. she'd be fine wherever she went.

>> No.62982072

sure thing man kiara doing all by herself and getting uploaded into the other girls channels with the description not mentioning it lmao just the artists involved, go to lui or subaru channels and read the descriptions instead of making shit up

>> No.62982084
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Kiara (or Myth in general) should listen to 5ch's advice if they want to get 3D consistently. Mainly either
>Move to JP like Bae is going to do next year
and / or
>Spend money on external studios like many HoloJP members do
Well, alternatively, she can pray that Cover will manage to get enough staff for their new studio soon, I guess?

>> No.62982132

she has at least leaked her own name outside holo 3 times lmao she forgets who shes talking to on live streams sometimes

>> No.62982189

Holly history rewrite. She leaked it once, it got clipped into oblivion and she sent strikes to dozen of clips to get them off youtube before giving up.

>> No.62982270

The only reason Kiara usually get a pass for all her whining / rants is "m-muh brutally honest Austria".

>> No.62982303

What the fuck are you even talking about???
Kiara’s MV? Not recorded by cover
The holotori song? Not recorded by cover
The stuff on Lui’s channel?? they’re just clips from her own live. Kiara was a guest once, yoohoo

>> No.62982593

pretty much, eevry time theres a drama thats the cope they bring to excuse her behavior lmao "you have never seen a real woman, thats how all european women are!" the cope has been real for a while, they dont even respond to antis they create their own damage control threads when no one is talking about the bird, just look at the current orange woman threads is this people pretending everyone is attacking her when all the threads were started by kfps shilling her and doing damage control lmao.

>> No.62982793

no, Myth 3D live would never fill the hole in your heart
no, Ame, Mori and Ina would not do anything noteworthy during that 3D live
no, narcissistic chicken, you don't actually want it. you want your own thing, your own show

It is just Kiara's wishful thinking and you fags are playing into her hands

>> No.62982816

>Some people are just meant to be laughingstock for life, man
Like that one time you messed up your Kiara x Bae samefag post and the entire board laughed at you? Yeah, some people are sad like that.

>> No.62982838

Refute her points. You can't.

>> No.62982918

and you kfps keep accusing people of same fagging lmao you already tag me once pretending i was someone else too, i dont think you are that dumb to not realize the dude clearly has better grammar than me.

>> No.62982997

but we dont need too? none of myth came to defend kiaras sperg post, they didnt even come foward asking for any of that shit lmao is yet again a fanfic you kfps made up, most of her sperg was her asking for solo projects not even myth

>> No.62983029

Any EU anon who has ever had the displeasure of interacting with Austrian girls has not been surprised by any Kiara drama since day one.

>> No.62983052

>JuSt mOvE tO JaPaN, iTs tHaT eASy
Retard, how many 3D lives using Cover Studio Mori and Irys had ? Mori had 1 (one) and Irys had 0 (zero). Living in Japan means shit if Cover doesnt want to give you time to use the studio.

>> No.62983099

I went to sleep and you're still here? >>62967287

>> No.62983112

>but we dont need too?
Concession accepted. Thanks for admitted you're not here for an honest discussion.

>> No.62983113

go back to sleep

>> No.62983136

Gura's current situation and continued employment is proof Cover's NOT a black company.

>> No.62983346

Oof, hit a nerve, didnt I?
By the way, Kiara is in Japan right now, recording for her Birthday Live that will happen next month. You better start training your "Bae is better" right now. You dont want to make the same stupid mistake again, would you? Kek
Then again, you're getting bald while seething at an anime woman on the internet for 3 whole years. Guess this is the best you can do, huh?

>> No.62983647

External studios in JP is way cheaper than those in EUs, too. Either that, or Kiara is stingy AF since many JP members use external studios for their 3Ds.
>how many 3D lives using Cover Studio Mori and Irys had?
Depends. If you are talking about solo live, yes, but the same applies to many JP members as well. On the other hand, 3D lives in general (not just their own solo lives)? Plenty. Both Mori and IRyS have been parts of many other members' 3D lives or events.
Keep in mind that just because they can get 3D solo lives (which IRyS said she can) doesn't mean they are going to get it anytime they want. It's hard, but that's a problem for JP members too - that's why many of them had to try to book the studio a year in advance, or had to use outside studios for it. Unless you are part of current Cover's business plan (i.e: HoloX, various company events or concerts, etc.), getting your personal 3D solo live will always be hard.
Not saying that Cover isn't at fault, but until they get enough staffs, this isn't going to change. It's not really some sorts of discrimination against Myth or Kiara, it's just a matter of logistics. Moving to JP will help a lot. That's why Bae said she is moving over next year (and she already scored a decent 3D gig coming soon in a few days)

>> No.62983721

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. She knows she's being an ungrateful ass but she's trying to pivot this into having the community pressure management into giving her what she wants.

Idiot should remember Cover is not above cutting off the cancer to save the company. She just might end up getting rushiaed or like vesper.

>> No.62983731

This, also any Anon that knows about Cosplayers

>> No.62983794

I wouldn't give the worst performing member of myth and possibly the worst performing member of holoEN in general her own sololive either

>> No.62983858

Just wanted to post this as a casual on the catalog these days but impressive how the board has changed and especially /#/. A few schizos could rally the entire board to turn on her but after the multiple actual yabs of NijiEN and other corpos plus the debut of HoloStarsEN and their fuck ups, its so hard for these guys to get casuals and neutrals to rally against her with such snowflakey, forced outrage. There is always this feeling that her antis are trying so hard to generate seethe. If only they were a bit more subtle with their approach.

>> No.62983865

the only black company here is your discord group

>> No.62983884

Bae is unironically better. Kiara's birthday live will be just as bad as it always is. She ruins anything she is in, and that's why she's rarely asked to show up in the 3D of other members. She has a grating personality, an annoying voice, and she is stupid enough to say bad things about her employer on twitter. She's fucking herself and making things worse. She needs to graduate and go stream on twitch.

>> No.62984113

I think KFPs should be collectively lined up against a wall and shot

>> No.62984118

And, at least, he turn himself him. Sorry pal, didnt care to read your nonsense ramblings, just wanted to see how long you'd hold. Thanks for the laughs, see you at your next thread.

>> No.62984122

Honestly, I cannot differentiate between Kiara antis and the twitter woke crowd. They are very sensitive and get offended very easily, they get offended on behalf of other talents and use the same 'tactics' to cancel someone.

>> No.62984185

>Kiara is le oppressed and can't do anything
>Kiara does more than everyone else
Which is it, faggot?
Stop acting like a jew

>> No.62984253

I accept your concession. You know I'm right.

>> No.62984362

Reminder this faggot is shitting on Bae and Kiara in global RIGHT NOW at the same time he always does
He's multi-threading so fucking hard

>> No.62984458

Who? I love Bae.

>> No.62984573

Austrian cosplay girl is a mix only the devil himself could brew.

>> No.62984630

This lmao
>muh euro bluntness
No, she's just a self-centered bitch

>> No.62984713

>Gets BTFO
>Immediately starts replying to another post in the thread

>> No.62984789

This but commies instead of KFP

>> No.62984836

I 'member before Advent premiered Kiara was lamenting that she would never find someone who likes her like Okayu loved Gura. Advent comes around and Nerissa is here, not even 3 months in and Kiara has already run that ship into the ground. Nerissa doesn't even mention her anymore.

My point is Kiara has work ethic in spades but she has a pathological need to grab everything that concerns her and squeeze it and it either pays dividends or she kills it.

>> No.62984852

>Some people are just meant to be laughingstock for life, man.
You mean like the anons that constantly seethe about Kiara for 3 year

>> No.62984906

>Narissa does not even mention her anymore
That sounds like bullshit

>> No.62984928

Kiara just wiped out any chances for 3D she had, and she took her genmates with her.

>> No.62984952

>Nerissa doesn't even mention her anymore.
Well that's her only other personality trait gone

>> No.62984962

RUMAO nice delusion

>> No.62985115

NTA, but mind telling me when the last time Nerissa talked about Kiara at length on stream was?

>> No.62985151

>Actually Cover is just like Anykara
Wow good to know that Kiaraschizos does not differentiate between the two, now go watch Nijisanji instead of shitting up the board and Threads of Holochads

>> No.62985182

Cover isn't that petty
The chance of Myth getting an anniversary 3D live was small to begin with, though, with how difficulty it is to get all of them to be in JP at the same time and stay there for months in case of studio reschedule. Not impossible, but minimal

>> No.62985194

>Please spoonfeed me, because I am not the one that made a claim with zero evidence

>> No.62985270

I already said I'm not the other anon, and I didn't make any claim. I don't remember Nerissa mentioning Kiara recently, though, so if anything I'm more inclined towards that guy instead of you
If I'm wrong, feel free to enlighten me. Otherwise, I will just take the other anon's post

>> No.62985274

I'll go watch some holox. They have some really good 3D streams.

>> No.62985280

>External studios in JP is way cheaper than those in EUs, too. Either that, or Kiara is stingy AF since many JP members use external studios for their 3Ds.
Kiara was specifically talking about having a good quality 3D stream, using Cover's studio for it. If we want to talk about using external studios, sure, its possible, but we get low quality streams, like that Okayu one where her neck had a weird gap or that Mori one where the camera kept falling through the ground. And EVEN THEN, Cover needs to give the Ok for it. Remember Gura's last year Birthday that she used Kanauru? It was supposed to be 1hr long but Cover reviewed and remove roughly half the performances, rendering all that recording useless. Gura talked about it on the stream she showed that animation.
And thats seems to be the case for Myth too. Kiara said they all would go to Ame's to record, if only Cover gave the OK for it.

"Sololive" is a term used to talk about concerts in actual avenues, with IRL people attending. In my post I meant normal 3D lives with singing and dancing, with a few guests, like pretty much is capable of doing for both birthday and anniversary.

>It's hard, but that's a problem for JP members too - that's why many of them had to try to book the studio a year in advance.
Indeed. But those are, at worst, delayed. In EN's case, its straight up cancelled. Kiara mentioned in that same space that even if she asked now, 11 months earlier, its not guaranteed Myth will have anything in September 2024, hence the complains.

>Moving to JP will help a lot. That's why Bae said she is moving over next year
Bae pratically lived in Japan this year. And to be able to use the Studio for 1 measly hour, with that horrendous mocopi (not the good Cover suits), for her collab with freaking Korone, she HAD TO SLEEP IN THE OFFICE. So, no, living in Japan doesnt help.
Heck, Kiara may be the EN with more appearances in other 3D lives this year (Aki, Lui, Reine and Kobo) and shes obviously not living in Japan. All it takes is Cover telling her (or anyone) the days they have the studio booked and can use it to record. But thats the entire point.

>> No.62985339

>none of myth came to defend kiaras sperg post
Myth seems to be in the middle of a few different fights and management would be furious if anyone else mentioned the lack of a 3D anniversary. Cover knows that HoloX getting a week of 3D anniversary streams was going to cause problems and there are certainly other members that feel the situation is unfair.

>> No.62985353

>I am not that anon
Sounds like bullshit again

Also why the fuck do I have to look through a Narissa stream for Kiara mention just because you make claims with zero evidence?

>> No.62985390
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>> No.62985426

>Watches Shillox
How does that boot taste?

>> No.62985445


>> No.62985487

Wow why did that anon make Kiara sound based?

>> No.62985494

Kiara is recording her 3D live as we speak moron.
She also has management (EN management at least) in her pocket.

>> No.62985669

So you have no proof, then, I take it?

>> No.62985682

Eggs are completely mind broken. They made a bait thread, were pissed that actual discussion occurred. Then made a second bait thread, but people were still discussing normally. And then they made 5+ bait threads and still couldn’t get people to shit on Kiara for wanting more 3D stuff with EN.
Absolutely pathetic, just like every other time they tried to rile people against her over random garbage.

>> No.62985818

Well I haven't seen any recent clips of it.

>> No.62985844

Hello, I am a unicorn that read this thread for Japanese voices on the searched term "black company".

You guys gotta be out of your mind

>> No.62985847

>whines about money
>goes to 5 star hotels around SEA
choose one

>> No.62985855

Pekora said Mori is the best thing that happened to Hololive. Now, its on you to go find proof that its a lie, ok?
Oh, so you have no proof, then, I take it?

See now how retarded you sound?

>> No.62985888

>It wasn’t clipped so it doesn’t exist
Literally a baby without object permanence.
Nerissa doesn’t have a deciated timestamper on her VODs, but even just at the sport fes she was all over Kiara as always.

>> No.62985962

She’s not whining about money, though. She’s literally just plainly explaining her situation with being short on liquidity.

>> No.62985964

I mean to be fair those hotels are probably cheaper than the average Austrian hotel.

>> No.62986058

Anon, I don't know if you are pretending to be dumb, but have you ever heard of Devil's proof? If you want to claim that something exists, you have to provide the evidence that it does instead of asking other party to find the proof that it doesn't...

>> No.62986091

I think at least half of us here are pretending to be dumb to keep the thread going.

>> No.62986104

Mori still sells a shit ton of music stuff and has a pretty nice music deal with a major company. Even if her merch and superchats dried up she'd still be one of the top earners in en if not THE top earner due to the sheer amount of shit she gets handed.

>> No.62986126

>muh euro bluntness
This is literally just a germoid thing and everyone dislikes them because of it.

>> No.62986161


Thats why I used that as an example to explain to this >>62985270 retard anon.

>> No.62986231

To be fair, Kiara invests and bought some houses to prepare for her post-graduation income. Mori doesn't

>> No.62986245

catalog is always retarded

>> No.62986298

Mori bought a house. Watch streams.

>> No.62986359 [DELETED] 

>Basically you anon, you should cross-reference Narissa streams to see, if she had streams in the past where she did not mention Kiara to see if her attitude y
towards her, also she has no dedicated time stamper so you have to watch the whole streams to know whether that anon is full of shit instead of just reading that he writes like the typical Kiaraschizo

>> No.62986374

You claimed that "Nerissa did mention Kiara recently" (or that there was mention of Kiara in at least one of Nerissa's recent streams), so you have the burden of proof to show that said mention exists.

>> No.62986453

A house which she is living in in JP. Kiara bought multiple houses to be a landlord. Different things.

>> No.62986483

Mori bought a house to live in.
Kiara bought house(s) to rent.
They're not the same.

>> No.62986488

that's not really a great idea right now. airbnb is crashing for a reason.

>> No.62986582

It’s not a good time to get loan. It’s a perfectly fine time to buy houses.
Not that it matters, Kiara put her money in investments, whatever it was, she didn’t say it was houses. She does plan to become a landlord after hololive though.

>> No.62986640

Anon it was not merely a mention on stream, but a longer tangent please make sure to represent who you are trying to defend properly

>> No.62986662

Well, I'm not arguing whether it was or wasn't a good / bad idea, just pointing out that Kiara spent a lot more money (houses, investments) so it's not that weird that she doesn't have cash on hand (temporarily, she will probably solve her money issue within a month or so)

>> No.62986900
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>believing what the narcissist whore says without proof
You know why I don't believe Kiara about all the bullshit she's lying about? Because if something was truly wrong then Fauna and Mumei would've been the first ones to talk.
The girls with the most correct morals you know? The ones who aren't whores. If Mumei and Fauna haven't spoken then I have no reason to believe the orange prostitute.
Classic KFPiss believing everything orange woman says without even questioning it.

>> No.62986905

She should have invested in the stock market and crypto currency. You will make more with no maintenance and can withdraw the amount easily as well.

>> No.62986989

Why would Fauna and Mumei be first ones to talk?

>> No.62986991
File: 2.82 MB, 1070x1078, the laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjz28jp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna and Mumei would've been the first ones to talk.

>> No.62987050

are saplings done crying about your oshi's another coming break yet? at least kiara doesn't take one break per month

>> No.62987092

>Using fauna image
>cgdct vs cgdct
Yup I know who this is

>> No.62987141

Oh look, now hes trying Fauna x Kiara.
Good luck with that one kek

>> No.62987177

Sister you have to be more subtle

>> No.62987185

>>believing what the narcissist whore says without proof
>believing the person who has a three year record of behind-the-stuff talked and never lied about anything ever.
She’s either a reliable source for rrats or she’s a liar, she can’t be both. (spoiler: she’s a reliable source)

>not a new IP
Stop LARPing

>> No.62987401

Nta but literally last night talking about bikinis and the maldives trip

>> No.62987465

He is going to ask for timestamp next to cope

>> No.62987499

Remember last year, when Kiara said there would be sad news coming? People believed her and speculated to hell and back exactly because shes a reliable source. So yeah, that other anon is full of shit.
The bad news ended up being that her papa wouldnt be the one making her next costume kek

>> No.62987656

You’re just confirming that she was 100% right and didn’t lie.
The retardation of the catalog niggers is not her fault. And the catalog niggers use her voice and extrapolate random garbage BECAUSE she is reliable.
Now, if you can’t differentiate Kiara’s word VS catalog’s extrapolation, I’m sorry for your retardation.

>> No.62987698

I mean since last year there's been like 3 gens of boys and 1 gen of girls. Half of myth are permanently burned out and en exclusive events are pretty much as low as they can reasonably be

>> No.62987785

HoloEN isn't allowed to be Hololive.

>> No.62987799
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>that one time you
Nigger what the fuck are you on about. That was my first and only post before fucking off to play games. Does anyone that dares to shit on your favorite womanchild of choice automatically means they're your favorite boogeyman too? I could only assume that you have developed some kind of stockholm syndrome trying to constantly damage control her retarded ass from le ebil 4chin anonymous hateforce. I mean, she deserves nothing more than the most deranged autists for orbiters but at some point it's just pathetic.

>> No.62987855

Bitch, Im agreeing with you. Reading reps.

>> No.62987884

Imagine having less IQ and being more gullible than reddit and drama channels kek

>> No.62987968

says this when he is avatarfagging...
Have a pity (you)

>> No.62988048

>Im not that anon
Ok, lets see. "ctrl + f : damage control"
All posts equally retarded.

>> No.62988079

why are saplings like this

>> No.62988101 [DELETED] 

>Please believe that I did not post anymore in this thread before now
Who do you think you are foomibg Kiara schizo, when you constantly use that excuse? RUMAO

>> No.62988153

unironically added to my list.

>> No.62988160

sure, if the scenario you made up was real

>> No.62988165

>Please believe that I did not post anymore in this thread before now
Who do you think you are fooling Kiara schizo, when you constantly use that excuse? RUMAO

>> No.62988244

>Makes up bullshit that Kiara never said

>> No.62988492

>and never lied about anything ever.

>> No.62988517

>Oh, the twin dogs are popular? Am dog now.

>Oh, Haachama is back and gaining a ton of subs, better collab.

>Oh, Ririka is getting popular on here and gaining subs, better collab.

>Oh, I'm having money troubles, better superchat me more KFP.

I swear everyone sees her for the leech she is but her fanbase.

>> No.62988541

I sure hope you have some examples to share with the class. So that we can laugh at you.

>> No.62988568

No you dumb fuck. That is what she was bitching about. She can't get a solo 3D live concert like Mori or Suisei

>> No.62988619

Look at this delusion
Idek how he got the first one lol

>> No.62988644

post tits
no man writes like this

>> No.62988650

It's not a 3d live, god you people are dumb

>> No.62988659

Lol, Kiara was making bank and taking all these nice vacations and she thought she would keep making that kind of money. 11K in debt, ouch

>> No.62988689

>She can't get a solo 3D live concert like Mori or Suisei
Oh I have no idea why that's the case but it could be related to the fact that SHE CAN'T FUCKING SING, NIGGA

>> No.62988706

A accept your concession. Glad we both agree that Kiara is a reliable source in Hololive who never lied.

>> No.62988762
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Y'know considering that she did the most blatant money begging in hololive history a few months ago, I'm almost willing to believe that she's financially in trouble

>> No.62988771

>Fauna and Mumei the first ones to talk
I'm not even a Kiara fan and I know that's not true. Kiara is usually the first one to bring shit up like this. Followed by Mori. Are owl and sapling fags realiy this retarded?

>> No.62988801

>If I shitpost about money again for the 11th time, maybe anon will suddenly forget the difference between wealth and liquidity.

>> No.62988843


>> No.62988901

the replies to this post just compliments the last sentence perfectly kek

>> No.62988921

Dayum, holy Money batman. No wonder the troons are all biting their lips jealously. Sheesh.

>> No.62988939

11k clears easily next check after already spending 13k for a motion tracking suit. 25k minimum. Your whole salary in a month lol

>> No.62989137
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They're not sending their best

>> No.62989507
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>> No.62989750

Don't tell me you're here and don't know the fucking Doge meme
That would be embarassing

>> No.62989749

Keep coping KekFP, if returns were that fast she wouldn't have waited so long to buy the suit.

>> No.62989772

If she was really trying to milk FWMC it would have been BAU BAU and not the doge meme.

>> No.62989807

based Kiara, but this kind of shit stirring to get what you want doesn't usually work for Jap company, it's the opposite, they might ostracize her.

>> No.62989823

Cover bought it and deducted it from her paycheck numbnuts, it's on the same check

>> No.62989846

The suit was never about the price. It was retardation from the company selling it, taxes, import, etc., asking her for a VAT number and other random garbage.
The suit will be taken from her salary and won’t be an issue in any way.

>> No.62989849

So we can all agree cover doesn't deserve Kiara?
Vshojo when?

>> No.62989881

For the last time, no

>> No.62989900

Wishful thinking. You’ll take hololive from Kiara’s cold dead hands.

>> No.62989937

>they might ostracize her
Well, seeing as she'll have an off-collab with Chloe after tomorrow, using the studio... I dont think they will.

>> No.62989945

Den why da fuck did it take three years? I swear at this point management incompetency is either a meme or these girls don't know how to work the system.

>> No.62989983
File: 51 KB, 680x848, 593b7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanauru be like: A 3D Myth special? Sign me up!

>> No.62989995

Why do you think she complained in the first place?

>> No.62990081

It’s a long story of
>no stock
>didn’t command it
>ok we’re in touch with the company
>company wants to send it to you in Europe
>they want a VAT number
>she doesn’t have a VAT number
>ok send it to Japan then
>we still need a VAT number
>Can I use cover’s VAT number
>Actually no, we need YOUR VAT number
I’m not even joking. This entire story expend over months and months with regular random updates Kiara during her streams.
No wonder half of Myth is burned out when they have to deal with this kind of garbage.

>> No.62990511

right. Chloe can get studio time.

>> No.62990576

In summary, this thread perfectly encapsulates just how much hololive fans worship the company instead of wishing the best for the girls.

>> No.62990606

Proving Kiara's point. Amazing!

>> No.62990625

You understand that the studio isn’t just a mocap studio. They have streaming computers that the talents are using? That’s what she’s using for the collab or her NYC appearance. every JP and EN in Japan have used it.

>> No.62990984

>Kiara: cover doesn't treat me well
>/vt/ shut the fuck up lying whore
Top jej funnyroo!!

>> No.62991001

>ayyylmao time to add every fucking member I modeled ever in the background
only that blazkaito faggot is worse with the self-inserts and sanafagging

>> No.62991149

Cover doesn’t have a VAT number, the entire reason she routed it through Cover is because they told her they didn’t need one for her company and then they told her at a later date that they needed Cover’s VAT number (which they don’t have).

>> No.62991153

yeah, Kaela talked about how nice the computers were.

>> No.62991242
File: 682 KB, 773x713, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it was just you and not /vt/, anon.

>> No.62991338

There was 2 things that kind of surprised me during Kiara.

First was how much debt she is currently in. Having a surprise 11k expenditure is one thing, but the reason for the surprise expenditure is because she thought it was this other known expenditure of about the same value. That would mean she had 2 11k-ish bills coming due around the same time, plus the 13k mocap suit that she has to pay Cover back for at least by the next pay period. That's like a 35k out the door in a quick time period. That would break most people and then some. I would be really curious to know what roughly their take home pay is because the way she made it sound the next paycheck was was going to more than cover for the suit.

The other thing that surprised me was how disjointed Cover seems to be in regards to EN in general. It sounds like at least some of the managers bust their asses for the talents, but once you get above that first manager the company doesn't seem to give much if any support. Not allowing Myth to give at least a group 3D live or anniversary stream seems like an odd business choice. If they don't care about EN why does cover keep launching new EN waves for both hololive and stars or assign those good managers to EN talents. It really makes me think that the current issue with several of the talents seemingly checking out might have more to do with upper management than the talents themselfs. We know EN had to fight tooth an nail for Connect the World concert which it didn't do badly by any standard. It definitely wasn't a monetary loss for Cover.

Truthfully I'm really losing a lot of my respect for Cover. I thought I would never say this but from the perspective of the talent Vshojo is a lot better company and I can understand why talents have switched over to that company.

>> No.62991404

nope, don't care about niji and vshojo either, I just don't like kiara

>> No.62991557

Kiara love!

>> No.62991581
File: 309 KB, 500x627, 1669601848761164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of cover bootlickers in the fanbase huh? Can't believe even fucking reddit had more based takes than you trannoids

>> No.62991630

My impression was that you need 4-6mo of salary in an easy to access place. Maybe not your checking, but a savings account. I'm surprised she's this bad at it, and I'm surprised she talks about it. I'd never share that info.

>> No.62991820

Years of tribalism made people unironically think that Cover can do no wrong (outside of homos).
