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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 266 KB, 585x684, 1613250259775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
564743 No.564743 [Reply] [Original]

Florence Nightingale edition

soon: Nekoreen streams cooking simulator then karaoke at 5 am on valentines

>> No.564934
File: 142 KB, 1000x945, EverydayRose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day until you like it

>> No.565031

I'm going to have to miss Neko's karaoke, will it be archived?

>> No.565180

>tfw Rose will never treat your hemorrhoids

>> No.565378

>tfw rose will never yell at you to hand her the RPG
why live

>> No.565586

I hope it will be, I have no idea how to save unarchived streams

>> No.565708
File: 131 KB, 1176x1340, EuIWOHcXcAQbndk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to download the stream, so if it will be unarchived I can post a Mega link

>> No.566005

Thanks, I hate it.

>> No.566016
File: 550 KB, 350x400, edthumbsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based

>> No.566223

Thanks bro

>> No.566703
File: 282 KB, 1926x1080, Screenshot_20210213-192601_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread died right before the stream did so y'all know the deal lads.

Rate the stream

>> No.566738

almost crashed my car watching it. 10/10 genuinely funny and nice girl

>> No.566748

>Rose and CEO in the pre-chat despite it being the ass-crack of dawn for them too

>> No.566763

8/10 it was fun and I actually spent the whole afternoon watching instead of playing Thief 1 like I was planning to do.

>> No.566775

Only some of the patients died/10

>> No.566801
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intestine lasso/10

>> No.566934

well fuck guess I gotta stay up too then.

>> No.566977

A big part of it was she was really interacting with chat.
>tfw your comments made her laugh several times

>> No.567235

brutal murder/10

>> No.567368
File: 7 KB, 537x39, wokerep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.567408

Bets on how long before Neko says something disgusting? I'll say 15 minutes

>> No.567498

>morning voice neko

>> No.567499
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>Neko's sleepy voice

>> No.567525
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>> No.567605

come on boys, we need 6 more for 1k

>> No.567633
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>> No.567696

>cody, it's past your bedtime...

>> No.567701
File: 136 KB, 448x398, 1611415432684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cody I believe it's past your bedtime right now

>> No.567853

>when vtubers care more about your sleep than you

>> No.568036

2 more.
I am almost tempted to go make a milestone post for her on the vtuber reddit to signal boost her again.

>> No.568176
File: 56 KB, 1079x154, Screenshot_20210213-211657_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.568228

fuck my ears hurt

>> No.568247


>> No.568265
File: 1.28 MB, 1921x1079, nekostage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She came prepared

>> No.568402

I know >plebbit, but

>> No.568477

I gave an updoot but I'm not going to comment in case anyone decides to look through her fan's comments. My posts are too spicy

>> No.568556
File: 146 KB, 368x493, 1606335272189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll do. At /home/ we found that it doesn't take much to push posts to the front page, but they result in a good amount of subs when they get there. Thanks, fren.

>> No.568596

I can not believe how excited I am

>> No.568606

Just how new is neko? Bless her but it seems like she should've done a sound check pre-stream.
But she's tired and I guess this is her first so it's fine

>> No.568688


>> No.568716


>> No.568752

neko's been going for 3 or so months, but this is first karaoke stream as far as I know. She usually does gaming content and did a good amount of nonstreaming before, but her setup has always been scuff

>> No.568759

I love seeing the creeping realization she's getting

>> No.568805

seperate 1k reddit thread? or is this enough

>> No.568816

Neko is realizing that she might actually be able to take this vtuber thing seriously in the long term.

>> No.568867

should be enough

>> No.568901

she's kinda new at a lot of things. She only recently got a rig able to handle streams.
Leave it at one post. If anyone outside of /here/ does it, let them. The karaoke post is already on the front page.
It really is that easy to get it up there. Might not stay there long, but the small signal boost is powerful.

>> No.569052

Neko is cuter than usual tonight. Which isn't hard because usually she's fucking vile, but still.

>> No.569217

I think it's the tiredness. Itz been years since I experienced it but a lot of women get all cutesy and lovey-dovey when they're really tired AND comfy and Neko's reminding me a lot of that right now

>> No.569241

oh shit she has a cute singing voice too

>> No.569271

she can actually sing, she just needs a non shit setup

>> No.569289

I could fall asleep to this. It's really calming

>> No.569306

I was expecting pure SOUL but she's actually pretty good, at least at this register

>> No.569317

Oh no it's cute

>> No.569337

this. Glad she'll soon get funds for better setup

>> No.569511

how much does she need? I'll throw some reds

>> No.569551

>Cody's about to leave
Just when I thought this stream couldn't get better

>> No.569561

I was pleasantly surprised. I heard a chuuba right after Nina's stream yesterday who, she had SOVL but...well I have an ear for music and can tell when somethings off key

>> No.569623

100k to get out of SA

>> No.569736

Rude! Not wrong though.

>> No.569854
File: 152 KB, 1267x1069, 1593970857595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone made the thread.
It's kinda nice knowing that she and Rose have fans that are proactive enough to do this stuff without us having to step in for them.

>> No.569892

Should we push this one as well then? https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/ljge7f/congratulations_to_nekoreen_ch_on_1k_subs/

>> No.569997


>> No.570026

Now the real stream can start.

>> No.570031

at least he helped confirm that she'll be archiving it. Not that yall shouldn't do it yourselves too!

>> No.570087

>want to say something nice in chat
>I am legitimately speechless just from the general atmosphere
So this is new

>> No.570136

I dropped a comment and a like. Milestone posts are a bit more powerful in signal boosting. Might've been preferable to only have one post, but we can't control what others do. At this point we just go along with things rather than try to scheme, it'll go in her favor either way.

>> No.570139

Just say "wooo neko go girl"

>> No.570319

>1 am
>blue tooth headphones are about to die

>> No.570327

Well the other thread likely helped us get to 1k so it is what it is.

>> No.570382

just use speakers on full volume

>> No.570388

Time to break out the speakers my boy. Neko deserved it.

>> No.570458

Why speechless?

>> No.570510

late at night, surprisingly good singer, extremely chill stream, etc.

>> No.570527
File: 412 KB, 605x1083, 1609506375345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Neko's nyahaha sounds a lot like Black Hanekawa's. Pretty good stuff.

>> No.570535

I don't understand why their anime club japanese isnt cringe inducing but cute to me.

>> No.570557

Now we just need to simp her some better audio equipment.

>> No.570579

Blast that shit. Let your neighbors know.

>> No.570620

Sweet jesus her voice
This is taking me back to growing up and the public radio would play artists singing on acoustic guitar. Night quiet summer nights with this going on, hadn't felt like that in years no joke

>> No.570643

Hopefully now Rose will decide to do a karaoke.

>> No.570645

She actually sounds a bit like the singer from Daughter at times.

>> No.570779

If anything Neko being good would discourage her further

>> No.570789

I'm honestly blown away I didn't think she'd be singing this good oh my God

>> No.570804

I finally understand why people Goslingpost so much on this Godforsaken Mongolian basket-weaving forum. This is, without exaggeration, the happiest I've been in a long time. This is why people follow indie chuubas. This is why I'm throwing $100 dollars at this woman as soon as it's enabled

>> No.570911

But Rose instead of karaoke can play music and sing along like she did on that one stream when she thought the mic was off. That way there isn't any overlap and she is vibing as well.

>> No.570940

Koopa was what made it click. CEO, and
Well christ I could see myself goosing to anyone of em if I wasn't in a good spot mentally.

I thought I was immune till I fell down the indie rabbithole. Hololive's rabbit hole has NOTHING on indies

>> No.571011

rose/neko music collab

>> No.571026


>> No.571102

With a lot of practice or a little training Neko could actually be really REEALLY fucking goos. Like it's there, you can hear it, but she still hits a sour note here and there. I hope she does a lot of these.

>> No.571112

Her voice kinda sounds like Vanessa Carlton's too

>> No.571121

I like the sound of Neko's voice

>> No.571128

it's impossible not to sing that dada da dada da-da part for that song, huh.

>> No.571235

Promise to stop me if I go full Z*nk*lla, anons

>> No.571241

its clear she has some form of training, think alot of the problems of the stream are from bad internet, bad mic, and little practice singing into microphones

>> No.571280


>> No.571475


>> No.571494


>> No.571531

out of breath neko is CUTE!

>> No.571567

her breaking into giggles mid-song is adorable

>> No.571597
File: 145 KB, 337x375, Nekoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.571624

These songs warm my old boomer heart
I'd have a heart attack if I learned they were boomers too, but I doubt they're that old

>> No.571682

They are prob in their mid to late 20s or early 30s at the oldest. I get the vibe that they are around my age at least.

>> No.571725

Rose is in college, right? I imagine Neko is the same.

>> No.571767

They are early 20s.

>> No.571803

I heard her say she was a math major (past tense) in the strem before last so I'd think she's out of college by now. I guess that'd put her mid 20s prob.

wait. hol'up a minute I'm in my mid-20s still
I sure don't feel it

>> No.571868

Add me to the list of mid-20s viewers

>> No.571911

>wait. hol'up a minute I'm in my mid-20s still
Okay boomer can you help me unclog my toilet. Shitters clogged

>> No.571936

Didn't your parents tell ya how to do that shit
Criminy, kids this days smdh
BRUH i'm tryna vibe hard rn

>> No.572086

The songs really do hit different when cody is asleep.

>> No.572122

Amazing how better chat is when C*DY and *enklla are gone

>> No.572152

I don't actually have a problem with zenkla
Cody though? Yeah....

>> No.572192

rose and neko are both Metallica fans

>> No.572218

C*dy indeed sucks but I no longer have any right to talk shit about Z*killa after tonight. I understand where he's coming from now

>> No.572222

I'm not sure if it's my net because my choice is either dsl or junk phone reception but it seems like Neko has a problem with dragging on the vocal part, like juuuust a tiny bit. Like 1/8th a beat behind

>> No.572226

>all vtubers are older than me
Feels good being a zoomer with a mommy complex

>> No.572242

Rose's model>Neko's

>> No.572250
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>> No.572263

Do they actually?

>> No.572282

Yeah Rose's model is much better than Neko's. But Neko can always upgrade her model later.

Not everyone can be crazy like Rose and make a perfect model all by yourself.

>> No.572284

Iron Shota, is that you?

>> No.572305


>> No.572369
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, dango daikazoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.572401

Wow, not much experience with singing apparently.
This may be something she wants to work on, she seems to have a knack for it. Singing on key's actually a lot tougher than you'd think

>> No.572446

I'm scared

>> No.572447

Fuck bros im getting memories watching clannad with a gf

>> No.572610

Thank fuck she couldn't stop giggling. If she nailed this song, I would've straight up bawled like a faggot in my bedroom

>> No.572636

she's gonna do a recorded upload of it later, don't worry.

>> No.572664

fuck it. I'm off to /x/ to make a nekoreen tulpa

>> No.572665

We will see how it goes with copyright but she can always pass the file off to someone and have them upload on another youtube channel.

>> No.572706
File: 134 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210213-230904_Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waaaaaay off. Holy shit we almost had a seiso stream

>> No.572716


>> No.572878

And now we transition into a more typical Neko stream

>> No.572954

> math major
she just got 1000% more sexy

>> No.573156

I honestly forgot we were doing cooking right after

>> No.573602

This is going way too smoothly

>> No.573808

there it is.

>> No.573818


>> No.573827

There it is

>> No.573862

I spoke way too soon

>> No.573933

I see you motherfucker
Chowa love...

>> No.574095
File: 33 KB, 112x112, 1609522364008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neko's goofy mosaic face at the very top of the vtuber subreddit

>> No.574108

Should I explain the in-joke for the newfriend here or will somebody else do it?

>> No.574153

I know it, that was a joke. But sarcasm doesn't come off well in text. Or at almost 4am

>> No.574429

>bake a cake so long it becomes dark matter and absorbs all other ingredients into its black void
>yeets itself into the trash to return to its home planet
>shivering star cake sits in a cold oven long enough to become self-aware
>hasn't even gotten to frosting yet

>> No.574504
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1612064387528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, if I have a mind to go back through the VOD, I think we can make a drinking game out of these cooking streams
so far:
>Listen chat: 1 drink
>I'm telling you: 1 drink
>yogurt: 1 drink
>Neko says something disgusting: down the entire glass

>> No.574607

yes please

>> No.574640
File: 198 KB, 637x600, 1602797502372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's just baking a bowl of flour

>> No.574692

this cat

>> No.574702

What the devil did she just take out of the star pan?

>> No.574717

whatever it was, it's in a better place now.

>> No.574749

I guess the pans are going in the trash now too.

>> No.574927

> Neko learns how to polish a turd: the stream

>> No.574979

>Rose's cake is a wedding cake
Big fucking surprise

>> No.575090

Neko is awkward in the slightly annoying but cute way. I think she keeps talking to Rose because she's lost

>> No.575110

anyone up for nekoreen's bonk stream?

>> No.575113

Her stream has actually been more fun than the vast majority of holoEN streams recently. She has a really nice personality.

>> No.575128

I'm tired bros...

>> No.575143

her fucking what
it's 8 am I can't do another stream...

>> No.575148

I really want to finish inside Neko.

>> No.575152

b o n k

>> No.575286

tuber pls, you're gosling too hard m8

>> No.575290

oh no she's really sweet

>> No.575292

This stream went from fun to heart wrenching in less than 3 minutes.

This girl might have a parasocial relationship with chat. :/

>> No.575306

I asked you fuckers to stop me

>> No.575308

I definitely feel deeply for Neko though, this is far too real bros. Probably the most real chuuba stream I've ever seen.

>> No.575364

I'm cringing so hard at Neko's moe moe kyun but it's still really cute.

>> No.575375

tuber digging the hole deeper

>> No.575474

Rose is the protagonist of western vtubers and no one will ever know it.

>> No.575540

nekoreen... please...
i can't gosling harder...

>> No.575547
File: 92 KB, 779x998, 1602072534984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate it

>> No.575557

best valentines I've ever had.

>> No.575561

Degenerate weirdo with the voice of a fucking angel and a big degenerate heart / 10

>> No.575567 [DELETED] 

extremely wholesome/10

>> No.575598

blessed valentines stream/10

>> No.575606


We need to get her better equipment boys.

>> No.575618

I'm almost as much of a fucking Gosling as Z******a and I want to die/10

>> No.575651

When does she get to turn superchats on?

>> No.575665

My love for Neko keeps growing / 10

>> No.575677

She can apply now, I don't know how long the process takes though. I would say sometime in the last week of Feb.

>> No.575715
File: 141 KB, 1728x1080, blade-runner-2049_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqNJjoeBT78QIaYdkJdEY4CnGTJFJS74MYhNY6w3GNbO8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if she keeps making us feel like (pic related), I think she might be in for a pleasant surprise when it gets turned on.

>> No.575782

I was a bit eh on her at first but stick with her and Neko really grows on you

I had to bug out when the cakes were coming out. What'd I miss

>> No.575916

It's sort of hard to describe, I think she archived the stream, and it get interesting around 3:45:00. In a nutshell I think she kind of said streaming was her social outlet, she felt scared of streaming and described being somewhat socially inept IRL, and just got pretty emotional.

It's probably better to just go watch the end of the stream.

>> No.576363 [DELETED] 

Parasocial relationships are a heck of a thing and it's easy to forget the streamer can get as much of one for their viewers as the viewers can for them.

It's gotta be surreal going from some (I'm guessing) socially awkward nobody to having god knows how many people fawning over you,

I hope she doesn't get unhealthily attached to chat

>> No.576408

Parasocial relationships are a heck of a thing and it's easy to forget the streamer can get as much of one for their viewers as the viewers can for them.

It's gotta be surreal going from some (I'm guessing) socially awkward nobody to having god knows how many people fawning over you. I hope she doesn't get unhealthily attached to chat.
And that she does her sleep reps, I don't have room to talk since it's 2 AM where I am but only 45 mins of rest right before a 5 AM stream isn't good.

>> No.576562

> She needs to do her sleep reps, it's actually 9AM+ in Africa

That's actually a really interesting, and scary angle for her (and probably any English speaking chuuba not in the western hemisphere), coupled with the possibility of getting attached to chat. I would image most of her chat (like you and I) are in US timezones, and the pressure (whether internal or external) to cater to that could be ugly.

That said, yeah I really hope this is all healthy for her. Her opening up at the end, the more I think about it, is probably one of the most human and legitimately real experiences I think I've had watching someone on the computer. She's absolutely grown on me, and that South Effrican accent is amazing.

>> No.579214

Fuck I wish I'd stayed up for this stream now after looking at the thread

>> No.580560

Why didn't you faggots tell me sooner about the cute Neko giggles? You said she was just a degenerate cat.

>> No.580992

>she did on that one stream when she thought the mic was off
Which stream was that?
I need it son, like a drug addict needs his daily dose.

>> No.581925
File: 80 KB, 600x1200, EpeOJMxW8AULNwW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the Kyle is famous stream, but Rose edited out the humming part

There are clips though

>> No.582358

This is the cutest shit

>> No.582508

Ah now I remember.
I thought she had planned for that to happen.

>> No.583360
File: 224 KB, 768x1024, 1604468022453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neko post still at the top of the subreddit. She has gained around 60 subs since it was made.
Pretty good. She might get another boost by the algorithm once monetization is enabled, but that can go either way.

>> No.585917
File: 152 KB, 509x455, takoglow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I'm glad Neko's karaoke was archived

>> No.586163

I swear to God I had no idea

>> No.586291

I can't subscribe to Neko because I know go full groomsimp and lose all my savings again

>> No.586335

She's a adult africat you know

>> No.586385

Ari is cute!

>> No.586722

Oh wow did she make all that up herself?

>> No.586851

Another Africat to follow? I'll sub and try to catch a future stream.

>> No.586865

I've only caught a tiny bit of her but she seems alright. Her valentines stream is in about 50 minutes

>> No.586890

Another one? How many africats are there?

>> No.586939

Not another one... my wallet ;_;

>> No.587010

Nekoreen is legitimatelly entertaining, and she doesn’t have the disconnect a lot of the popular streamers have

>> No.587021

There's 4 apparently. Neko, rose, ari, and Rose mentioned a 4th but I forget who that one is.

It'd be cool to see em all collab, there's enough Africats for the big streamerbait games

>> No.587046


>> No.587208

She feels more personal, if that makes sense

>> No.587859

Ari streaming now if anyone's interested in checking her out

>> No.588069

>tfw CEO started too and I have a meeting in 45mins I need to be ready for
Why do all the indies have to stream right now ;_;

>> No.592153
File: 681 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210214-153448_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Ari's getting into vtubing to be social or whatever. Looks like she wants people in her discord.

I'm thinking her regulars are chilluns but I haven't spent enough time to know for sure. She seems nice and interacts with chat.
only 12 people watching so I'm kinda shy about posting fml

>> No.592247

>Blonde Minecraft addicted South African catgirl vtuber whose audience is mostly made up of kids
It keeps happening

>> No.592450

Awww that's sweet she's actually playing vidya with her viewers right now. I'd log in if I didn't have studying to do. She has a cute laff too

>> No.592909
File: 770 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20210214-160310_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We GFE meow

>> No.593509
File: 555 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210214-162024_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it's wrapping up but we need more /africatgeneral/ people in. Too many kids

She says she prefers white over red wine so I'm assuming she isn't underageb&

>> No.593658

I pop in and out, but I feel weird chatting with someone with such a small and already established chat. It makes me feel like I stand out too much.

>> No.593733

attention was split between too many streams to join, but I'll try to catch her some other time.

>> No.594424

It makes me wonder if the regulars are people she knows from irl. Only referred to em by usernames so I guess not.

Fwiw I posted a bit and didn't feel like I stuck out. Only thing with chat is for whatever reason there's a noticeable delay between when you type something and when she sees it but I guess it's because chat only moves up as fast as people type in it.

>> No.594518

Why can't we have moderated chats on africat streams..

>> No.598239

Who's gonna volunteer for that?

>> No.600427


>> No.601029

Glad I'm not the only one that felt that way. She seems nice, but it feels weird sort of showing up in chat like that, especially when you're likely a decade or more older than most of her chat.

>> No.601301

Can you imagine?
>deletes anyone that says the same thing as him so his comment gets read first. Including basic hellos.
>Pins discord links and piss comments
>mass bans during game suggestions so they only see comments to play [current meme game]
>Spams backseat comments because he's a mod so he's allowed to break the rules
I remember when I was made a mod for my guild in WoW when I was like 12, I can't imagine it'd be much different. It's like giving a baby a gun and diplomatic immunity.

>> No.601428

So literally: "How to derail a vtuber's career in 30 seconds or less."

>> No.601543

I don't know why, but I swear I had a dream about this like 2 years ago. I think my subconscious was so inebriated with egirls that it eventually made one resembling what would come

>> No.602782
File: 36 KB, 396x426, 1611518689281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About what?

>> No.611766
File: 322 KB, 1080x1036, Screenshot_20210214-225518_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New update from Nekoreen

>> No.611816

Rose streaming and people being retarded in the chat. It may have been due to watching Kizuna a few years ago

>> No.611838

>3 suggestions in 10 hours
Poor girl, but I literally have no idea what a good community game is

>> No.611929

>thought about posting it on /v/ to give her suggestions
>realized she'd probably cry from the hornyposting and trannyspam

>> No.611936

>tfw can't suggest something because I'm suspended

>> No.611956

I'm glad you decided not to do that to her

>> No.616196

What are community games?

>> No.617905
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>> No.617974

my heart, Rose why...

>> No.618030

It seems Rose really liked that Baba game

>> No.619113
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>> No.622535

Rose... just one week without Minecraft onegai...

>> No.625835


>> No.626278

Moe moe kyun~

>> No.626419
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Praying to kamisama we see this in the strems

>> No.626818

Who are the mods in Nina's chat anyway?

>> No.626870

A Rose by any other name would play as much Minecraft...

>> No.626915

My guess is any games she can play live with the audience

>> No.627366
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Nekoreen's schedule

>> No.627488

just one mod in her chat i think.

>> No.627563

>Tomb Raider
Rev up those pens, drawfags

>> No.627640

There needs to be a whole lot more Neko fan art as is.

>> No.629012

more like Womb Raider amirite

>> No.629192

Will super chats be opened by her birthday?

>> No.629324

I think someone said she wouldn't get em until maybe late Feb early March but it depends on how fast it'd take google to process her app or however they do it.

>> No.629370
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The apex predator of the savannah's going fish hunting in subnautica in an hour and 10 minutes

>> No.629469

>saturday time
Neko, your sleep reps...

>> No.629578

Around midnight on a weekend, not so bad.
I was worried she was going to pull another 5am stream.

>> No.629773

Did she explain why she did a stream so early on that little sleep?

>> No.629835

Pretty much just "ha ha why not". I no longer try to understand her motives.
Rose said 5am was the witching hour of karaoke.

>> No.629856
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>Gura in the thumbnail
What kind of leech bullshit is this?

>> No.630156

Maybe did it to help with nerves? Inhibitions go down when you're that tired. Seemed like she was in that sweet spot where you're not irritable but still functional enough

>> No.630301

>Pretty much just "ha ha why not"
I feel like this describes almost everything Neko does

>> No.630390

It’s kinda late compared to her usual times, hopefully she’ll be monetized by then tho.

>> No.631401


>> No.631423

Please be patient with the zoomer cats

>> No.631462

She has cute voice

>> No.631539

Don't even joke our cats are boomers like us.

>> No.631694

I can't be in the chat much but she's really good at filling up dead air and her voice is making really good background noise while I work. Rose is too high energy for me to work and watch at the same time.

In terms of energy I'd probably put Ari in the middle, w/ Rose at the high end and Neko at the low.

>> No.632021

New africat's mic volume is pretty low

>> No.633400

Maybe it's because I haven't played the game but discount la lion seems decent at this game

>> No.633633

Ari is pretty cute, I like her

>> No.633740

Take a picture of asploding rescue ship because it looks pretty/10

>> No.633765
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Forgot pic

May have to look into subnautica. Survival games aren't my thing but it seemed equal parts comfy and scary

>> No.636188

Suggest a boomer game then baka.

>> No.642103
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I remembered the 4th Africat!

Hasn't streamed in a week though.

>> No.644450
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Sexy cats
https://twitter.com/AshTShend/status/1361499200404426757 (NSFW)

>> No.644794

someone tell nekoreen that she should post on the community tab to help get word out for game suggestions

>> No.644857

oh fuck neko saw it
that means she showed rose

>> No.644906

She doesn't have the Community tab yet

>Creators with over 1,000 subscribers have access to Community posts. It will take up to 1 week to see the Community tab after passing 1,000 subscribers.

>> No.647992

>South African/Indonesian

>> No.651666

She's live now.

>> No.652106

>plays with her friends
>MALE friends

>> No.652333
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>> No.652389


>> No.652693

>they like lewds
Surely not, africats are pure

>> No.652976


>> No.653183

>africats are pure
Nekoreen has a fake seiso license

>> No.653271
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>> No.655854

Neko starting in an hour.

>> No.656003
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And Rose Leonhart has hers in 4 hours.

>> No.657040
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please let this be the fate of the usual suspects

>> No.657076

based nina

>> No.657086

Thank you Nina

>> No.657362

He was actually my first person to ever block on YouTube. Fuck even C*DY isn't that obnoxious

>> No.657420

>chat I saw a dead cat on the road let's gooooo

>> No.657447

>Decapitated cats lying in the road
Sasuga SA

>> No.657572

>c*dy not even here
>chat still talks about piss
god fucking damnit

>> No.657574

neko pls

>> No.657581

>some social platform

>> No.657584

>she saw the timer
oh fuck she knows about us

>> No.657607

She knows about the sound compilation too
>Makes a weird noise
>"Add that to your soundboard"

>> No.657617

I'll snip this mutt's balls off as many times as it takes

>> No.657624

Reminder that Neko is for gentle handholding and missionary as well as pissing in your mouth.

>> No.657682

Mau is gay

>> No.657730

I hated this post when I read it at /home/ and I hate it now.

>> No.657820

Neko is die

>> No.657862

That won't save his balls

>> No.657927

Neko... please don't puke...

>> No.658001

You would like it if she did.

>> No.658018

Stream is kill

>> No.658021

had a feeling this would happen :(

>> No.658066

Thank God it's fixed

>> No.658070

OBS doesn't seem to like whatever's going on on that one screen.

>> No.658146

Neko's abyssal box...

>> No.658229

why is her in game audio always fucked up? it's like it is being played through her speakers.

>> No.658456

That's why youtube needs to give her superchats

>> No.658477

I think that it might be the filters that she uses.

>> No.658879

>I swear it's not always this disgusting
why do you lie, neko

>> No.658886

Usually it is more disgusting

>> No.659203

Neko's feet ramen...

>> No.659206

It has been ZERO (0) streams since Nekoreen said something disgusting

>> No.659239

the last stream was too sweet, naturally she'll step her game up afterwards.

>> No.659383

What timer?

>> No.659488

Neko in knee-highs....

>> No.659535

I timed how long we could go till she was disgusting again for the Laffs. She had a good run but it prob wasn't accurate because the first half was karaoke.
See >>572706 assuming it's the same thing

never change Neko, it's part of the fun

>> No.659803

Anal probing nekoreen!

>> No.660071

>"Cody, I've been ignoring you the whole time"
If fucking only...

>> No.660153

I'm not sure how much of a joke that was. They both seem like they're getting tired of the kids lately

>> No.660422

>he's killing himself... emotionally, right?

>> No.660522

I hope I'm never as annoying as the kids.

>> No.660904
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The image Rose is too afraid of to give a comment on...

>> No.660926

This is a blue board

>> No.660993

cutting myself for Rose!

>> No.661070

>someone I don't have to mention says "I'm leaving to go watch rose, bye"
>Neko ends the stream suspiciously early and tells people to go watch Rose
I will fucking strangle this retard

>> No.661090

Read this post and the comments for your entertainment.


As gerrie created a new account to avoid his previous ban and got banned again on Twitch.

>> No.661103

The big brain moves.

>> No.661155

Neko really can't end streams easily.
No manners whatsoever. Though I don't think her ending had anything to do with that. Didn't sound like she minded, or she wouldn't have done her after-credits goofery.

>> No.661373

Was it gerrie or cody. For christs' sake neko/rose must be their first vtubers or something. I have no idea how someone could think that's ok otherwise, you pick up the etiquette if you start off with hololive/nijisanji

>> No.661683

bless her heart

>> No.661724

I wasn't paying attention what happen?
also page 10.

>> No.661751

Should I make a new thread?

>> No.661837

She's inclining!

>> No.661863

>rose was almost wiped out of existence
oh god oh shit oh no

>> No.661923

the fucking kids
i swear

>> No.662019

I'll go ahead and make a new thread, give me a sec.

>> No.662137

