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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62838729 No.62838729 [Reply] [Original]

>Other advent members streaming early to avoid overlapping the new boys
>FWMC streaming at their normal time
I fucking kneel

>> No.62838781

Most consistent women of all time

>> No.62838803
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no drama
no bait
just enjoy the dogs

>> No.62838840

Rude but acceptable.

>> No.62838870

Biboo is streaming at her normal time though.

>> No.62838907

Bijou is streaming at her normal time. Dunno about Shiori if she’s streaming earlier because she’s being considerate.

>> No.62839009

Why do Ruffians hate everyone in Holo besides their Teletubby dogs?

>> No.62839063

The only ones worthwhile in advent

>> No.62839100

Biboo is streaming at her normal time

>> No.62839215

Because they’re JP larpers and view FWMC as the closest they’ll ever get to “the true JP experience”.

>> No.62839482
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You also gonna kneel to Mori?

>> No.62839709

Shiori's doing a cooking stream and her usual 9pm would be too late for dinner.

>> No.62839758

They are holoJP.

>> No.62839770

And Ruffians wonder why they’re quickly becoming the most hated fanbase…

>> No.62839824

Holy cope.

>> No.62840336
File: 207 KB, 462x340, fuwamoco 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWMC are true idols whilst the rest of EN are normalfag e-whores

>> No.62840411

I don’t, I hate every HoloEN (other than FWMC of course)
Go back to r*ddit

>> No.62840487

True. If Coco, an American, was allowed to be HoloJP then FuwaMoco surely should be

>> No.62840542
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Why Chumbuds hate everyone in Holo besides their Non existent shark?

>> No.62840545

why? please clarify.

>> No.62840547
File: 91 KB, 736x445, don’t reply to bait in fwmc threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hated amongst ironic weeaboos maybe

>> No.62840610

just cause you watch male vtubers doesn't mean the majority of people don't. no one in hololive could be streaming and thousands would still not watch because zero interest in men with anime avatar

>> No.62840625

Chumcucks unironically aren’t vtuber fans. They’re ironic weeaboos who came across Gura on reddit one day, that’s it

>> No.62840636

They will never be Japanese, and non-Japanese are not allowed in HoloJP - just look at Kanade. Coco was a half-Japanese that got citizenship.
FWMC wouldn't even want to be HoloJP because they put being respectful over being egotistic.

>> No.62840705

Chumbies only care about Gura but they don't actively hate on other ENs like Ruffians.

>> No.62841016

What is this strawman?

>> No.62841182

>the most hated fanbase
that's nousagi attackings other holomems, you stupid

>> No.62841226

I've seen more people complaining about Ruffians than actually seeing a toxic Ruffian.

>> No.62841346

Lol, overlaps Biboo's first ever unarchived karaoke (and 2nd karaoke ever) instead, with a buff stream (handcam cooking + eating, especially as the first handcam stream under Cover's new Sharia law). Brutal.. probably going to mog Biboo on superchats (pebbles are cheap) on a karaoke.. ooof. Advent together stronk kek.

>> No.62841438

Sir this isn't about Gura.

>> No.62841546

Anon, being a redditor is better than larping as a /jp/ faggot. Everyone who says this garbage needs to remember that YWNBJ, and shitting on everyone in HoloEN besides fuwamoco isn’t going to get you any closer to getting citizenship.

>> No.62841635
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>skip all superchats that mention the word HoloStars
>unfollowed all Stars accounts when they gained access to their Twitter
>Live chatted throughout Kobos' entire 3D, only to immediately stop the NANOSECOND the Stars appeared
>Completely ignored the Stars' debuts during FWMC morning, the show where they always let everyone know about BIG hololive events
>streamed over the debuts on Sat, WILL stream over the debuts today(Sun)
They've been just as blatant as Gura, if not more.

>> No.62841663

Many false flagging posts this week heh.

>> No.62841731

>Why do Ruffians hate everyone in Holo besides their Teletubby dogs?
I don't, though. This is a strawman that shitposters latched onto in order to make FuwaMoco hated on here. I like biboo, fauna, irys, and gura when she streams. I also don't mind M*ri.

>> No.62841754
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>the new boys
Who the FUCK asked for more homos?

>> No.62841893
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Gura crawled lazily , so the dogs could run

>> No.62842329


>> No.62842508

Mori is doing a full 180° on the homoshit it's impressive, but i guess that girl can learn to adapt.

>> No.62842662

Not mumei? I have the same overlap basically + mumei.

>> No.62842735

I just wrote out the ones that came to mind immediately. I don't really watch mooms that much, but I definitely don't hate her whatsoever.

>> No.62842741

She's the one who said it on stream

>> No.62842910

cunt behavior

>> No.62842948

>unfollowed all Stars accounts when they gained access to their Twitter
I know many consider this based, but it just seems so petty to me

>> No.62843033

Seethe. Your kind isn't welcome here.

>> No.62843156

>Coco was a half-Japanese
Still American. Americans aren’t a race, they’re a melting pot of races. If you’re born in America and raised there then you’re American
>FWMC wouldn't even want to be HoloJP
They applied to join HoloJP before applying to join HoloEN

>> No.62843177

i don't remember when the fwmc anime nyc thing is but advent panel into fwmc first karaoke into biboo karaoke into fwmc second karaoke is the only relay i'm watching today, idk about y'all tho

>> No.62843199
File: 35 KB, 396x382, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a redditor is better than larping as a /jp/ faggot
Stopped reading there. Go back, newfag. You will never belong here

>> No.62843247

>Your kind isn't welcome here
This isn’t your hugbox, sucks to suck

>> No.62843260


>> No.62843330

nah it really isnt. FuwaMoco and a few others understand that Holostars and Hololive are two separate entities. They understand that Hololive should be about cute girls singing songs and playing games.
>They applied to join HoloJP before applying to join HoloEN
Only because EN auditions weren't even open yet. They would have also applied to fucking ID, anon. They just wanted to be a part of Hololive.

>> No.62843355


>> No.62843382

thank god

>> No.62843408

BASADO bau bau

>> No.62843459

Love my girls

>> No.62843549

Mori learned her lesson. Ame on the other hand...

>> No.62843583

There's a massive overlap between KFP and ruffians on /vt/, and it's really obvious by their behavior and posting style.

>> No.62843621

This place is basically reddit, being a redditor is unironically better than larping as jp on the reddit board

>> No.62843715

nothing against fwmc, as a pebble, I also love them, but do ruffians really have to diss other fans and other EN members while praising fwmc, or are some of them falseflagging?

>> No.62843723

Tbf Shiori is literally making dinner. Bitch gotta eat!

>> No.62843836

NTA but it is petty, you can put boundaries between Holostars and Hololive without trying to memoryhole Stars' existence. I'm not even a kfp, but I think Kiara goes about it in a pretty thoughtful way where he does acknowledge there are males in the company she works at, but makes it clear she does not want to participate in any mixed activities.

>> No.62843846

Unfathomably based

>> No.62843880

>>62843836 (me)

>> No.62844140

Not true, I like Biboo, Haachama, Polka, Marine, Raden, Kronii, Vesper, Irys, and sometimes Kiara.

The only holos I hate are that new sexpest homo, Altare and Gimbus for not streaming.

>> No.62844197

Ah. A fellow Kino enjoyer...

>> No.62844289

Most ruffians are ojisans who love the girls and just want to talk about old anime, visual novels, and twincest

>> No.62844348

Mori... you're redeemed.

>> No.62844514

My rrat is that they straight-up don’t want to see Holostars content on their timeline and figured they could get away with it because holy shit would punishing them for that be unbelievably stupid. Sure, you could argue that it’s a little extreme, but the EN account is so annoying I can actually sympathize.

>> No.62844716

I guess FuwaMoco just want to make their intentions clear to the fans, the stars, and hololive as a whole. You can call it "petty" all you want, I don't think it is at all.
Also, yeah, I do think Kiara handles it all pretty well.

>> No.62845113

To be fair to fuwamoco, they debuted after Tempus, while Myth and Council did not. When Tempus got announced, everyone already in HoloEN basically announced their stances on male collabs.
As much as some anons wish every new gen would start their debuts by announcing if they’ll collab with males, that shit is awkward as fuck. Myth and Councilrys kind of got forced into it, but it makes sense the Advent members want to address the issue more subtly.
I imagine if Fuwamoco had gotten into Myth or Council that they wouldn’t mind doing what Kiara does and politely acknowledge the males’ existence and nothing else.
They’re just Japanese enough to read the room and know that the EN fandom doesn’t need any more talents acknowledging StarsEN’s existence.

>> No.62845508

No ojisan talks like this. You're just fucking 40 y.o. degenerate weebs who haven't realized that the 90s ended 23 years ago yet. Get out of your mom's basement and do something with your life, you fucking loaf.

>> No.62845569

most jp holomems are like fwmc. you dont need to make a statement about holostars.

>> No.62847194


>> No.62847514
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>Foreshadowed Vesper's termination
