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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62649283 No.62649283 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that all of Zentreya's models are pure sex, but are wasted on someone who has very likely been lying about their identity for years.

>> No.62649510


>> No.62649784

seems people who follow her(?) actively have a lot of reasons to back up zen being a real woman who's just extremely autistic about privacy

>> No.62649939

She's a woman, deal with it and go back to /pol/.

>> No.62650089

the question is whether she's a real woman, which I lean in favor of
the question is not whether she thinks she's a woman
go the fuck back to tumblr and stay there

>> No.62650423

As an abs connoisseur, those are shit. Flat and cartoonish. Not awful, but very low-effort, not "pure sex" at all.

>> No.62650497 [DELETED] 

It has always weirded me out that a man has been part of the company for so long. It would be hella weird if I were talking about topics only women can understand such as periods or something along that line knowing full well there's a man in the space. Now it doesn't matter too much since Mysta is part of the company meaning there are now two men but it's just always weirded me out. Its a bit of a shame Zen's designs are wasted on him, would love a sisterly type woman to have access to it.

>> No.62650558

No one who knows anything about zen has any questions. No man can have taste that shit, between her music tastes and her online and offline game choices.

>> No.62650561

anything that makes my dick hard is a woman, faggot.

>> No.62650954
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zen is pure sex and I want her tits to get even bigger

>> No.62651193

Can Zen just admit he's a dude already so we can get more art of him with fat tits and a fat cock? Wouldn't be bad these days either since there's a dude in VShojo now. Thanks.

>> No.62651231

Women feel uncomfortable talking about their periods around you?

>> No.62651327


>> No.62651347

The obsessing you faggots do over Zen's biologucal sex is 100 percent normal curiosity behavior and rational and not at all because she's in VShojo and you're just seething retards right, anons?

>> No.62651384

correction "he" you meant

>> No.62651480

>wondering what the gender of a content creator who takes tremendous effort to hide their voice is is normal curiosity behavior

>> No.62651503

I'll never forget Mouse (who loves otome games) giving Zen shit over her taste in otome games like this one >>58315280

>> No.62651515

Why is Vshojo's fanbase always full of casual newfags? It's like they are incapable of retaining any amount of information.

>> No.62651535

anons here have already proven zens point about opsec several times over since this is all they talk about. Just look at >>62651480

>> No.62651647

>ppl only care about the avatar and how they act while live-streaming
>only zen autists care about it being a tranny or not
Why not just cum to the model while watching it on mute like anyone normal

>> No.62651998

99% that's a dude. A chick wouldn't have that much self-control to not tease the audience with irl stuff for attention

>> No.62652242
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the budget went in to this model

>> No.62652257

He did a stream with a his girlfriend back in the day. It was obvious that he was the one controlling the model. the girl was clueless about everything related to the community and would soft leak stuff all the time. Stop coping, it's a dude.

>> No.62652881

Irrespective of identity, I've never understood how someone communicating exclusively through (voice-to-?)text-to-speech has managed to maintain any following, let alone a large one. Just seems so flat, awkward and shit compared to any vtuber who actually uses their voice, as is normal.

>> No.62654413

anything's possible if you're charismatic enough anon.

>> No.62654736

>wondering what the gender
I don't wonder about their gender, I wonder about their sex. They can identify as a fucking attack helicopter for all I care, as long they got parts im looking for im happy.

>> No.62654766

They make up for it in 3D body movement.

>> No.62654972

I don't care if she's a dude if she makes me cum.

>> No.62654988

No one was around during the VRC days it seems. Let them continue to cope I guess

>> No.62655064

>have giant big tiddy model (this is the main part)
>literally just parrot what chat says in your silly tts voice
>let them have soundboard commands

>> No.62655423
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>> No.62655932

Nobody watches Zen to nut to them, who gives a fuck if they're a dude, porcelain maid been doing it too.

>> No.62656209

At least he doesn't hide behind a TTS voice

>> No.62656417

my brother in christ, you're watching girls hiding behind an anime avatar

>> No.62656628

>generic big booba
what about this is so unique?

>> No.62656729
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I couldn't watch an entire stream but I like watching the occasional clip and Zen does have some very hot avatars.

>> No.62657492

The model does a lot of the heavy lifting.

>> No.62658894

Idols will do ERP with their top donators, live in with their boyfriends being used as onaholes everyday, then tell people they are single virgins. but god forbid if you stream with a female avatar (doesn't matter, you're not sticking your dick in the streamer anyways).

>> No.62659138

Porcelain maid is a babiniku, which is completely different from what Zen does.

>> No.62659183

Holy Sex

>> No.62659275

It's weird that go back to /pol/ is perhaps the most tourist phrase any newfaggot can spout, because it demonstrates they're trying to normalize reddit faggotry on a website that hates reddit.

>> No.62659361

Zen is sex.


>> No.62659409

It's not even his gender that matters but the fact there's some weird fetish shit going on there. If it was a tranny it would be trans n proud or whatever since it's fucking twitch. But they have a deeper weird thing going on that makes it extra "what the fuck".

>> No.62659516

>It's not even his gender that matters but the fact there's some weird fetish shit going on there. If it was a tranny it would be trans n proud or whatever since it's fucking twitch. But they have a deeper weird thing going on that makes it extra "what the fuck".

What's weird about that?

>> No.62659651

Trannies are just a weird/disgusting feature of the internet, with zentreya there's like five extra things going on there.

If he was just a babiniku or a tranny it wouldn't be so weird. He's a completely different, 'unique' individual existing in his own strange orbit.

>> No.62659709

>Trannies are just a weird/disgusting feature of the internet, with zentreya there's like five extra things going on there.
What things?

>He's a completely different, 'unique' individual existing in his own strange orbit.
Bein unique is a crime now?

>> No.62659770

Zen is a female character regardless of the person behind the avatar. It’s essentially no different from role playing.

>> No.62659867

Sounds to me like you're a tranny seething that you have to tell everyone you're one, and Zen doesn't give two shits.

>> No.62660025

Zentreya is a 47 year old former Hells Angel member who went into Witness Protection (unironically). That's the reason behind Zen's OPSEC, speech-to-speech voice, etc. This has been proven years back.

>> No.62660163

I don’t know why this is a difficult concept, imagine people calling bart simpson a woman because a woman voices him.

>> No.62660212

You can just fap to the model and ignore everything else including streams and whatnot.
There's people here who unironically still fap to Coco and Lulu despite them being like super retired + that one guy who still shills Magnet from VOMS despite her character being super dead.

>> No.62660331

I don't watch her streams but I do enjoy how he/she antagonizes my cute genius daughter with her TTS voice.

>> No.62660347

>I don’t know why this is a difficult concept, imagine people calling bart simpson a woman because a woman voices him.

It's just trannies seething.
Everything has to be about the pronouns and gender identity. If Zen came out as a dude, then the next thing they would move on is into egg cracking and getting Zen into HRT. Can't just fucking roleplay.

Well the autistic mind cannot comprehend acting so I'm not surprised.

>> No.62660368

>someone who has very likely been lying about their identity for years
You were they're not a cyborg, dragon Texan?

>> No.62660470

People just like Zen
She a good entertainer

>> No.62660583


>> No.62660884

>this vtuber character is just like me in every way!
>what? no! im playing a character its fine if i say im not a dude! shut up!

>> No.62661070

I don't get it. People relate to fictional characters all the time. Don't you see all the ryan gosling posting? People are not saying they are literally ryan gosling.

Are you autistic perhaps?

>> No.62661121

Zen is basically a lolcow streamer whose chat is the entertainment

>> No.62662423

zen is a trash vtuber for coomers lol

>> No.62662595

I am literally ryan gosling. he is literally me.

>> No.62662740
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Yes. And I am a coomer.
I don't watch Zen, I will never watch Zen, I don't care about Zen, but I have and will continue to furiously beat my meat to Zen's models, specifically the gray hair ones because the lizard is overrated.

>> No.62663375

The only reason catalogfags continue to think Zen is a man (or a tranny) is because they haven't actually watched her to see how excessively feminine she is

It's just a testament to how good she is at being a streamer. Her personality shines through despite the TTS, and if she ever chose to use her real voice it'd be fucking over, she'd have too much power.

>> No.62663462
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>A chick wouldn't have that much self-control to not tease the audience with irl stuff for attention
I guess every vtuber who doesn't post IRL stuff is secretly a man

>> No.62663562

Be content with not knowing

>> No.62667315

How new are you? Be honest.

>> No.62667579

idc, its still sex

>> No.62668433

I don't care if Zen is just some AGP dude who gets off on puppeteering his hypersexualized flirtatious Microsoft-voiced cyborg dragon girl for coomers and made a career out of it. I don't care if Zen is some 50 year old former Hell's Angel in witness protection. I don't care if Zen is secretly a brother sister combo operating the same singular model at once like a bunch of rodents in a trenchcoat.


>> No.62668761

that's the spirit

>> No.62670428

I've tried watching a Zen stream but I simply can't, normally I don't mind TTS redeems, but because her voice is also TTS it ends up feeling like playing one of those ask reddit videos while watching Tik Tok, and I already have enough of that everytime I have to babysit my nephew

>> No.62674468


>> No.62678949

idk what a babiniku is but it can't be too different.

Porcelain maid is a dude, Zen is a dude and everyone knows it, even Zen isn't so naive they think they have us duped.

>> No.62681146

bless your heart

>> No.62681438

>because her voice is also TTS
It bothers me to no end that he didn't even use the opportunity to get a better one as a "lore upgrade" during redebut.

>> No.62682031
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It's kind of hot that we don't know whether Zen is a woman or not. Dare you flirt with the prospect of cooming to something created by a man?

>> No.62682223
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It shouldn't. We learned from Kizooma AI that a vtuber's voice is their soul. You can't replace that.

Snuffy is the soul exception.

>> No.62682397

>vague non-answer on youtube comment

>> No.62682929

>idk what a babiniku is
Newchama, your lurking reps...

>> No.62683455

What do her nipples look like?

>> No.62683627

Probably small, in order to fit within her bikinis. It's a shame, since every man loves big areola.

>> No.62683956

I don’t care either way, but you can easily tell solely from the fact they are not girly. Even Froot, an edgy pickme girl, has girlish interests. I don’t think Zentreya has a single girlish trait. They don’t behave womanly, they don’t talk womanly, they don’t like “cute” things or “cute” colors, the games are as manly as it gets between Apex, Armored Core, and Warhammer. Froot is a gun nut, but yet she still plays games like The Sims on stream.

>> No.62684149
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All girls play CoD these days. Likewise, lots of guys enjoy the Sims. I don't think this is conclusive evidence.

What you should look for is the body language of Zen. Is she elbows out, or elbows in? Can she bend at the hips while keeping her legs straight? Has she ever demonstrated unnatural strength in the form of doing push ups and such?

>> No.62684210


>> No.62684803

The thunder of guns?

>> No.62685105

No one seems to remember the Zen subathon scandal that proved "she" was lying about "her" identity and resulted in ending "her" relationship with Aster's PL...

>> No.62685234

Look, dicks, the fact of the matter is that there's no concrete evidence one way or the other. Zen is the opsec queen. Nobody will ever know who the real Zen is.

>> No.62685300

How'd feel if you found out someone was catfishing with the sole intention to milk money out of you. No law against it but deception irks in a way but who cares at the end, sodafunkclips got away with it

>> No.62685320

This is some monkey's paw kind of deal. I probably would've fapped myself into a coma if she had a hot voice to go with the models.

>> No.62685611

I wonder if that actually was a guy. People say the proof is in how they did speaking streams and the female voice wasn't the same as the outro rap, but that doesn't mean sodafunk couldn't have been a girl who hired another girl for that.

>> No.62685664

>How'd feel if you found out someone was catfishing with the sole intention to milk money out of you
Stupid, I guess. With Zen I'm just cooming to the models. I'm not getting too deep into her, emotionally or financially.

>> No.62685865

Isn't this every vtuber to an extent

>> No.62685945
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Yeah, imagine Zen drops the TTS voice and it ends up being like when Snuffy or Pochi-sensei brought out their real voices for the first time

>> No.62685976
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No all of them. Some of them live to entertain, and the money they get just lets them keep doing it.

>> No.62686101

My rrat is that Zen is a girl but her vocal chords got messed up somehow and she met Mouse in group therapy.

>> No.62686371

How would you feel if you asked a girl out, had a couple nice first dates, some great sex, a healthy relationship for a couple years, then a marriage, and two kids, and suddenly you found out she was a guy? You might think I'm just shitposting, but this actually happened to a dude once. Some Vietnamize spy pretended to be a girl for some western guy.

>> No.62688541

Zentreya can be an absolute dumbass, but honestly the most annoying thing about "her" is the TTS. I'd genuinely prefer a male voice to come out of the model because TTS is just so fucking stiff and the absolute worst part of any collabs "she's" in. Hell, some vtubers absolutely make male voice/female models work just fine. But TTS is beyond grating.

>> No.62688619

If I see a female vtuber and here a male voice, I'm exiting that stream or clip at the speed of light. I guess you have more tolerance for that sort of thing.

>> No.62688726

All we really know is that Soda absolutely hired someone off Fiverr. I can't remember if it was just to do that "hi honey" shit or to actually stream, but we do know that the girl's Fiverr was in the description but then later scrubbed. That along with the accusations from other clippers around the time makes it pretty likely that he's a guy.

>> No.62688786

I'm just saying it's absolutely a step above TTS, which is still pretty low. The vtuber still has an upward battle, don't get me wrong, but I'd take it any day over TTS.

>> No.62689143

I'd rather hear a robotic TTS than a male voice, or even worse, a fucking voice changer

>> No.62689404

Someone like Porcelain Maid, I would never watch on my own, but I've seen clips with him in it, his model is cool and the voice doesn't like, bother me on an instinctual level or anything.

But I honestly think Zentreya's TTS voice is humorous and endearing. I could and would watch Zentreya, and have once or twice. Absolutely gimps collabs though, this is true.

>> No.62690114
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Zen is the only vtuber in Vshojo I actively followed before Henya's debut.

>> No.62692006

fpbp /thread
wont even bother reading the gaylord cope itt

>> No.62693391

I like them small

>> No.62693645

He's probably part of your castration cult by now.

>> No.62694901

>you can easily tell solely from the fact they are not girly
>They don’t behave womanly, they don’t talk womanly, they don’t like “cute” things
We get it you've never watched her

>> No.62694931

and he gets one like every 3 fucking months
