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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.62661302
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>> No.62661325
File: 133 KB, 786x778, BibooSmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo cute!

>> No.62661461

We're gonna be here for a while.

>> No.62661476

If you backtrack from the endpoint it's not that complicated.

>> No.62661507
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>> No.62661558
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>> No.62661575

She found the solution twice on that one but thought it wouldn't connect.

>> No.62661614

Smart genius gem wife

>> No.62661648

guess you're getting rock bottom

>> No.62661665

Doubter status?

>> No.62661678
File: 229 KB, 1152x2048, jaihu__00_ocean_sunset F7k3dLyWMAAwoqW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo funny!

>> No.62661704

All according to plan.
It's how Biboo works. If you say "this is the run!" she fails. If you doubt, she does it instantly.

>> No.62661824
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's clear that Vergil is her fave; so, would you pebbles take the deep end and commission Dan Southworth to do a birthday shoutout next year like Gura had with Reuben Langdon on her birthday?

>> No.62661875

How long will she be stuck at Lady?

>> No.62661927

No cause biboo's identity is more ingrained in FROM stuff so a bday present related to that would make her more happy

>> No.62661930

Oh yeah, time to beat up lady

>> No.62661956

Correction time

>> No.62661996

dang those punches are funny lmao

>> No.62662012

She's having too much fun beating on this woman

>> No.62662019

Not long

>> No.62662030

But then what BD present you all have in mind for her, if it's a VA call out then you have to decide who she likes the best from Fromsoft games.

>> No.62662036

biboo, recreational woman puncher

>> No.62662045

She's not very threatening, exists more to waste your time and potentially ruin your time/damage rank with chip damage from her retreating pistol shots
Though knowing Biboo she'll get distracted and die to the rockets while giggling about fisting Lady or something

>> No.62662056

This what your life with Biboo would be like. She'd just punch you a few meters away, for funsies. Gem magic is no joke, pebbles.

>> No.62662090

Hmm I wonder who that could be?

>> No.62662108

Does she know about RG Spiral cancelling?

>> No.62662126

This reminds me of that "I must hit women" manga, I forgot the name

>> No.62662146
File: 159 KB, 377x516, DMC_Anime_-_Lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is more or less the fight that made her accept her new name as "Lady" and her "relationship" with Dante as both friend and rival.

>> No.62662155


>> No.62662159

Too bad Dante is mothersexual.

>> No.62662160

>I should use this to heal
I guess she doesn't know Nevan heals more.

>> No.62662178


>> No.62662179


>> No.62662187

k a b e d o n

>> No.62662188
File: 283 KB, 466x452, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kabedon reaction was so cute

>> No.62662189
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>> No.62662198

Why did people think she was going to be stuck on the Lady fight?

>> No.62662232

Will chat help her get the other bazooka?

>> No.62662240

Because doubters are beepin bakas

>> No.62662266

Underestimating Biboos elite gamer skills

>> No.62662270

Definitely not until she finishes the series, just to see if her opinion adjusts around Dante/Nero beating out Vergil somehow
Even then, if she just stops after a single playthrough of everything and never comes back unlike the Fromgames, would agree with the other Pebble that trying to dig up a VA from the other series would be better

>> No.62662271

Sex friend

>> No.62662283

We have a lot of people who come in just for DMC.

>> No.62662299

So... the fuck is she going to think of V?

>> No.62662302

>if it was Vergil
It's not fair

>> No.62662304

She should've just taken her mom's name

>> No.62662359

dante is virgin

>> No.62662365

What does Vergil have that I don't?

>> No.62662382

if lady was scottish she'd be laddie

>> No.62662383
File: 826 KB, 1280x720, devil-may-cry-5-v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it was Virgil, maybe I would have been a little Jealous.
It's going to be fun once she gets to DMC5 and meet V for the first time.

>> No.62662394

not in Dante's vocabulary

>> No.62662411 [DELETED] 

Not drop orgasms

>> No.62662438

Just how much homeowork are they giving her?
Probably recording stuff?

>> No.62662449

every single girl I've seen talking about DMC wets their fucking pants to V. Probably because he's the part of Vergil that actually had sex.

>> No.62662453

Wanting to fuck V is basically the same as wanting to fuck Vergil, so it's fine.

>> No.62662461

Imagine if she thinks V is a fucking dork. Imagine how distraught she'll be.

>> No.62662464

I'm sorry for doubting her So now I'm gonna say she one attempts doppelganger while lighting up the entire arena

>> No.62662493

why would someone know the DT stat differences on a blind run lol
>chat might've told her
these are the guys trying to make fun of her for not weapon swapping on the combo statues and mixing up the two uppercut moves

>> No.62662522

Probably small advertisements to play on screens in AnimeNYC

>> No.62662541

How many Bibooisms are we up to anyway?
>Dang it

>> No.62662551

Magic katana and motivation

>> No.62662591

Oh yeah, the DOUBLE kushami

>> No.62662592

More like PLAPforming

>> No.62662596

Not Gura, but then again, she's more into older Dante and thought DMC3 Dante was the biggest dork.

>> No.62662618

Boring con shot, yeah

>> No.62662619

Well, he technically had sex once.

>> No.62662729
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x960, Devil-May-Cry-5-Special-Edition-Ladies-Night-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realisticly who would Dante ended up if he where to choose?

>She should've just taken her mom's name
Lady sounds cooler and has she won't admit holds a special place in her heart after understanding Dante more.

>> No.62662767

Neither. He is a hyper mama's boy.

>> No.62662781

This area is ass

>> No.62662813

>fighting DT Reaper because she's too lazy for the switches
I've seen a few liking dante and nero too, but V has huge "i can fix him" energy and women are fucking demented.
Good thing trish is literally his mom, then.

>> No.62662864

Then Trish by default due to being his mom then.

>> No.62662865
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1671093775704675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62662944


>> No.62662952

>it does a dong
Yeah, mine

>> No.62662968

>it has a dong
Yeah, mine

>> No.62662973

You might wanna get that checked, bro

>> No.62663023
File: 371 KB, 519x436, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a new expression, savor it

>> No.62663029

chat: biboo do you like dongs
mod me right now biboo I dare you

>> No.62663049

AYO WOOD moment

>> No.62663061
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>> No.62663080
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Too bad Bayo and DMC are separate series, a Sparda origin that crossovers the two would've been neat.

>> No.62663088

Biboo loves my dong

>> No.62663090


>> No.62663095

ytc really looses their shit from the word dong?
zoomers will destroy this planet

>> No.62663099

so glad i have this idiot blocked so i don't have to see this

>> No.62663142


>> No.62663208

Buckle up folks we're gonna be here for a while

>> No.62663221

Oh no, she's gotta learn how to max the style gauge.

>> No.62663256

She's spent half the stream getting hit by literally everything on screen and ignoring enemy attacks
If you haven't tuned in for the brief segments where she actually starts trying to survive when at low HP you would absolutely expect her to get filtered by Lady tbdesu

>> No.62663274
File: 58 KB, 800x800, 8279842734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you got Ranni's VA from Elden Ring I'm sure she would lose her shit

>> No.62663411

I like this idea!

>> No.62663425

She had it with her own intuition getting to SS, chat is just retarded and moved from "try swapping weapons" to "use the energy moves that clearly aren't raising the meter at all"

>> No.62663491

>use gun
>use different weapon
>don't use swordmaster
what the fuck

>> No.62663518

I hate jojofags so much

>> No.62663530

>just come back after you get more stuff biboo
she's not gonna

>> No.62663536
File: 122 KB, 720x716, 1700096280002644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flap flap

>> No.62663543

So, then it's settled for the Pebbles to commission enough money for a birthday shoutout next year. Hope you all come up with something good.

>> No.62663619
File: 14 KB, 350x384, 1685506064943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realisticly who would Dante ended up if he where to choose?

>> No.62663621
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I don't get it

>> No.62663678
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>> No.62663694

My wife is so smart!

>> No.62663744

>Patty made Dante drink the strawberry sundae

>> No.62663751
File: 203 KB, 996x812, 71b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62663858


>> No.62663875

I played DMC3SE before , I usually just stay quiet to see how Biboo deal with things but man these backseater too stupid I really need to correct them for her....

>> No.62663934

Best boy appeared

>> No.62663997


>> No.62664050

reminds me of chinese manhuas

>> No.62664133


>> No.62664161

Butt status
[x] Spanked
[ ] Not spanked

>> No.62664163
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>> No.62664170

It's crazy how many people have never played this game and yet try to give tips lol.

>> No.62664182


>> No.62664200

What is the point to fighting this guy?

>> No.62664227

Hearing his voicelines again

>> No.62664239

No point.

>> No.62664300

Dang it

>> No.62664382

>Has forgotten what this literal clown does and had to relearn it 3 fights through 3 streams in a row
Dangit beeps
Bonus fight, he's not even in the base game if I recall
Jester 3 doesn't even make sense to fight at this point since you already know he's Arkham and the dude should be busy T-posing into space right now

>> No.62664396

Does Gunslinger do anything meaningfully good in this game? Biboo never uses it, I feel like she forgot about it

>> No.62664430

not for a beginner player, no.

>> No.62664451


>> No.62664473


>> No.62664509

It lets you use Wild Stomp with E&I.

>> No.62664562

it lets you surf

>> No.62664631

why does this part look familiar?

>> No.62664658

She's backtracking the whole tower, going to the top floor.

>> No.62664668

The entire last third of the game is just reusing the environments from the first two thirds as you go from the bottom of the tower to the top again.

>> No.62664705

>Bonus fight, he's not even in the base game if I recal
He isn't and you can clearly tell he's reusing all his voice lines from his cut scenes.

>> No.62664723

Not really, no, especially when you realize the game is balanced around being able to do every gun mechanic and SSS things without being able to swap to it.
It's just extra moves for combo vid purposes, but without style switching you're giving up TS airtime/combo speed and SM moveset anyways
Biboo is still falling into the trap of thinking she needs to swap to SM every time she attacks with melee and GS every time she attacks with guns which is getting her wires crossed with all the extra style swapping in a lot of boss fights

>> No.62664730

Time to boss it up bossman

>> No.62664763


>> No.62664793

Biboo vs Bijou

>> No.62664830

>Gimmick bossfight time
>Arguably the easiest in the whole game once you realize what they want
Betting on Biboo taking way more time than most of the normal boss fights on this one
...and as I type it she figures it out

>> No.62664876

What was that noise lmao

>> No.62664933


>> No.62664941

This fight is ass even when you know what to do.

>> No.62665000

You DT flux to do max damage during his small openings

>> No.62665002

She still only half gets it

>> No.62665016

agreed, he just slaps you and jump away

>> No.62665020

>jerma bit

>> No.62665032
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1375, __koseki_bijou_and_pinocchio_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_taka_t__5d5596d86f2fc10ecaa2b544fc9dc5f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again non-believers doubt the Bijou, the gamer of Advent.

>> No.62665089
File: 226 KB, 583x382, 1669726595957993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62665096

Brain expansion

>> No.62665099

I wonder if she will use the golden orbs on Vergil 3 or hold them all game long.

>> No.62665150

No items

>> No.62665152

no elp

>> No.62665229

easy peasy lemon squeezy

>> No.62665287

He's basically just a glorified style rank padder and punching bag if you stunlock him by opening the windows in his face one at a time while rotating around the map in a direction
Still kind of a dumb fight regardless but I'll take it over the centipede or horse I suppose

>> No.62665414
File: 239 KB, 1000x1000, overcooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using two controllers
You now remember the time when Biboo controlled two characters in Overcooked to PvP FWMC during that Diamond Dogs collab.
We won't talk about the outcome.

>> No.62665417

mission 18 and mission 19 are loooooong

>> No.62665426

Still the best hell in a dmc game

>> No.62665433

If she didn't use them on Cerb there's literally no reason to pop them on Vergil 3
There's also no reason to Continue on it since it's just the boss fight as a stage but I don't think she's realized that yet, she'll finally download it and do a super clean S/A run on the final one and still get a D

>> No.62665445

>I'm not going to finish the game today
>Is playing 18/20

Bros, wdsmbt

>> No.62665466

Part of me thinks she should stop after this mission, to have mission 19 and 20 for final stream to not have it just be like 1 hour long

>> No.62665487

She also said "beep it I might finish it today and speedrun homework, let's see"

>> No.62665515

Ah, I missed that, thanks

>> No.62665546

She should finish it today and leave Vergils run and maybe some bloody palace for a final stream

>> No.62665601

Someone said last thread that she'd be stuck in the chess part

>> No.62665613

>Chess will filter her


>> No.62665624

She actually brute forced it and I thought she would be stuck there for awhile

>> No.62665665

>Chat messages scrolling in telling her "no you can't do that" "you can't kill the king" even as she figures it out and just kills him

>> No.62665671

the boss rush is going to be the decider

>> No.62665698

How did she brute force it when she said "If I kill the king, will it end?"

>> No.62665702

I disagree with you and therefore we need to fight to the death I guess. I don't make the rules. You want pistols at dawn or something different?

>> No.62665838
File: 183 KB, 434x497, doubtposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love making doubters KNEEL.

>> No.62665854

Is the doppel really just for multi? This late to the game or is it chat bs again

>> No.62665865

She stayed right in his face and took all its attacks that's brute forcing it

>> No.62665958

HP is just a resource, pebble.

>> No.62665973

the multiplayer thing is just a gimmick
it works on the same rules as Vergil where your commands go to both at once

>> No.62665986

You can use it whenever. Chat has no idea what they're talking about. I would rather use quicksilver myself though.

>> No.62666049

Doppel is shit, but yeah, you actually can use it for multiplayer.

If there's no p2, it just duplicates your actions.

>> No.62666110

So as i thought it'll be like the one in other DMC
Sad that Biboo believed the chat and now she wont try it

>> No.62666134
File: 382 KB, 800x800, gas the chat [T5qX3LMGFFA] [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1pbfnn.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chat wants to watch her beat the same bosses again while knowing that she's on a tight schedule

>> No.62666136

Man, if she used Cerberus on gigapede, it'd be dead five minutes ago. Fuck that boss.

>> No.62666174

So is dmc 5 just really good or something? I still don't get the appeal of this series. There's some interesting stylistic stuff but basically everything else sucks.

>> No.62666240

She can barely use it anyway with how little max DT she has.

>> No.62666280
File: 91 KB, 930x1216, bb6dc3aefeee77e26b2f7d0a5100ae2ae24bfceeebf6aa9d51dd0a295a2a2212.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hi Nerissa!

>> No.62666364

5 has nice gameplay but that's the only positive thing I can say about it. All the others are better complete packages excluding 2 and DmC of course.

>> No.62666368

it's more fun to play than watch
it's an action game with weapons and stuff

>> No.62666407

The games didn't age well as people say
DMC4 is less repetitive, DMC5 is good but DMC3 has more "iconic" scenes so people feel nostalgic

>> No.62666437

the appeal is getting really stylish where you make everything look effortless
the boss fights are also a main draw

>> No.62666469

why some chat just so quick to tell her the requirement to pass this room, do they want really less stream time?

>> No.62666485
File: 133 KB, 459x600, Nevan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. is there fanart of Nerissa dressed up as Nevan?

>> No.62666521

>DMC4 is less repetitive
what. the game where you literally play the same missions but backwards on the second half is less repetitive?

>> No.62666562

they would rather see her beat the game than do the boss rush

>> No.62666574

She's on a tight schedule, the stream time will be "short" anyway. It's better to watch her do new content than fight bosses she already beat, rock for brains.

>> No.62666693

>she won't use beowulf on nevan

>> No.62666723

chu chu

>> No.62666730

Dumb rock, kek

>> No.62666732

whats the point

>> No.62666758

There's no other game that plays as fluently as dmc345 but I guess you have to play games and not just watch them to understand.

>> No.62666830

Me kissing Biboo to death

>> No.62666893 [SPOILER] 
File: 598 KB, 2100x3700, nerissa daydarion twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I know of but there's this.

>> No.62666905

Nerissa get off of /gem/

>> No.62667030

Me kissing Biboo to give her true loves kiss and live happily ever after

>> No.62667054

AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself? AreYouEnjoyingYourself?

>> No.62667081

How's this?
How's this?
How's this?
How's this?
How's this?

>> No.62667152

The boss is weak to it too and technically it can have a double jump (though I don't think she bought it yet) so she has to put in less effort to get away from shit like the kiss or floor move
Neither of which should be especially hard to dodge, but she's playing on autopilot and getting hit by half of those anyways

>> No.62667170

you can see how fluent how this game can be by searching combo video all over the youtube, like seriously no other series can match this kind of level of craziness
Even DMC1 you can still pull combo really well if player knew their shit

>> No.62667218

>are you enjoying yourself?
>don't you like me?

>> No.62667258
File: 46 KB, 175x156, 1698804311285417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can hear it in her voice

>> No.62667355

Cerberus does 20% extra dmg, Beowulf does 5%. And yeah she didn't buy Air Hike.

>> No.62667366

I'll end up vomiting at this point, this camera sucks

>> No.62667443

I don't think Biboo thinks this is a good game kek

>> No.62667532
File: 241 KB, 512x512, dd24b3fe972abc2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62667654
File: 470 KB, 1294x1546, Arkham__28Model_29_DMC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to be able to finish the stream, but I have a question for the Pebbles.

Did this man do anything wrong?

>> No.62667686

>He thinks
yes sure whatever

>> No.62667695

Real impact time

>> No.62667705

He's bald. There's not a single good guy that is bald.

>> No.62667777

>non-euclidean geometry is disorienting
then it's having the desired effect

>> No.62667855

>Kill his own wife
>Stab his own daughter
>Trick Twins into killing each other
>try to commit mass genocide with ancient demonic power
he did nothing wrong

>> No.62667873

I'm bald...

>> No.62668077
File: 131 KB, 342x412, biboo (9293).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for your loss of hair, pebble. I hope you find the strength to grow out of this situation.

>> No.62668096

What about Hitman?

>> No.62668097
File: 62 KB, 218x455, Agent_47_in_Hitman_Absolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you gotta hate on Fauna oshii like that man?

The joke is he shouts about doing nothing wrong at Lady as he was following Sparda's choice before she shots him dead.

>> No.62668116

>still struggling the most with cerberus

>> No.62668130

Vin Diesel

>> No.62668196

Yes, like a kick in the balls being painful is probably having the desired effect

>> No.62668363

Hitman is a bald guy, look at his expression.
Alright, he's a family man so I'll give you that

>> No.62668379

>Sits in front of the first boss trying all her new moves and getting hit by literally everything
>Forgot literally everything she learned 2 weeks ago
Deja vu...

>> No.62668474

I think she's too used to audio telegraphs. Half of Cerberus's attacks have no audio cue and are telegraphed purely visually.

>> No.62668501

I'm having ptsd from doing this in the old days when the yellow system was all you had

>> No.62668505

>still can't wrap her head that the ice armor is about hit count, not damage

>> No.62668654


>> No.62668691

>Hitman is a bald guy
Yes, hence the bald

>> No.62668696

>you can literally hear her frantically mashing buttons as he rears up to re-ice

>> No.62668710

Choke time

>> No.62668766

apologize, NOW

>> No.62668772

bad* guy, geez

>> No.62668795
File: 1.07 MB, 2254x4096, Smug rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked doubter.

>> No.62668863

yeah, on me

>> No.62668864

I helped her win by doubting

>> No.62669010

Pebbles, throw this DOUBTER into the Get Good Box.

>> No.62669052

I fought this guy over a decade ago and I remember more of what he does than Biboo who downloaded nearly all of him a couple weeks ago kek
After seeing stuff like her doing HoloUp routing or some of the RE2 memory puzzles while focused I can't talk too shit about her memory but her pon levels are unbelievable at times

>> No.62669229

Is this the last boss?

>> No.62669348

Arkham and then Vergil

>> No.62669356

a dumb long mission to him, and then vergil, yes.

>> No.62669364

Second to last, then Vergil 3

>> No.62669369

Fucking homework not letting my gemwife game as she pleases. FUCK homework

>> No.62669395

The only thing worse than Arkham turning into a blob after the Sparda DT for the boss fight was Sanctus just being Sanctus fight again but with wings.

>> No.62669408

Naruhodo, so maybe 1~2 hours?

>> No.62669463

1 hour tops, unless she sucks really bad at the end parts.

>> No.62669537

The "it's cool" like is the cheesiest of them all

>> No.62669552

Arkham isn't bad and is more of a gimmick phase 2 but Vergil is out for blood and could go either way with her

>> No.62669631

There's a timeline out there where we have another holo who beat dmc3 pop into biboo's stream just for the 2-player Arkham fight using steam remote play

>> No.62669680

The entire Beowulf fight at 5 remaining HP went so much better than the second one at full
Someone keep this gaki at 10% HP permanently
I'm pretty sure it's the opposite, she's too used to things not having audio telegraphs. She didn't even notice the reaper GONG sound or the spider screams until today and sounded surprised about the game being nice enough to on Nevan to literally tell you exactly what she was going to do with audio cues

>> No.62669707

She's playing on Switch though

>> No.62669762

I see. I'll stay until the end then

>> No.62669771

I hate the mirror room

>> No.62669795

Yeah a lot of things went right in that timeline

>> No.62669864

>Massively overthinking the DMC puzzles yet again
It's DMC Bibs, just beat the fuck out of everything

>> No.62670010

Did they really need to pad out the last few missions this much?

>> No.62670059

Not really but also It's early 2000's game design, most games from that era suffer from the same thing.

>> No.62670193

This isn't that long at all compared to m18

>> No.62670262

At least you can see what the fucking Sanctus is doing and knock him around and kind of interact with him
If not for Vergil showing up mid Arkham it'd be literally smacking a blob and his sperm cells for 5 minutes, I'd call him worse

>> No.62670339

>it's like staring into a backed up toilet

>> No.62670387

Fuwamoco multiplayer Bloody Palace when...

>> No.62670413

Blobbros, we're IN

>> No.62670412

it's time for kalina spam!

>> No.62670484

Has she even touched it since she got it?

>> No.62670493

Someone in chat needs to tell her this

>> No.62670507

nope lol

>> No.62670569


>> No.62670592

Oh, I just realized she didn't find the other Kalina

>> No.62670607

>went into the boss with 30k rorbs

>> No.62670672

Anon, there's no other kalina in dmc3

>> No.62670722


>> No.62670757

She did, but the two times she picked it were
>the room where the enemies were all DT'd so half the rockets didn't do anything
>Cerberus for breaking the armor
so she probably thinks it's dogshit

Thankfully chat actually picked the correct thing to spam at 100 mph for once

>> No.62670837

she's so fucking excited i love her

>> No.62670844


>> No.62670984

Oniichan I don't feel so good...

>> No.62671056

I contend that this is still in the top five hypest moments in video games

>> No.62671058

theres something really fitting of biboo (purple) controlling both dante and vergil at once

>> No.62671065

oooooooo this little girl I will take care of her when shes sick REST REST REST REST GET BETTER GET BETTER

>> No.62671073

>Biboo coming to the realization everyone else does that despite his epic entrance, Vergil's presence is not worth him turning off half your buttons

>> No.62671114

>deez nuts joke at this time

>> No.62671166

I hate chat.

>> No.62671171

it's still too cool for me to be mad

>> No.62671173

Always hated this fight after the first time because of that

>> No.62671238

The fight is easy enough that you don't need DT anyway.

>> No.62671270

The worst part is taking your healing away

>> No.62671319

Why does she use Rudra and Agni so much?
Seems like she's doing less damage than she could be.

>> No.62671355

It's fast

>> No.62671365

Because they're cool and they're Fuwamoco.

>> No.62671381

She's doing something unthinkable: playing how she likes. Crazy, right? Imagine trying to enjoy the game, haha... Couldn't be me.

>> No.62671481

because they're the most fun weapon

>> No.62671492

Would've been better if it just let you choose who to play as and have the other be AI-controlled. I know vergil wasn't originally playable but it could've been changed.

>> No.62671525

Shes a dual blade chad, like myself.

>> No.62671545

I like nunchuks more

>> No.62671601

>garbage people forcing her to use items because they cannot fathom the possibility of a little girl being better than them at games
ok, now this is kino

>> No.62671667

I was wondering cause she seems to have stopped using Cerberus and Balrog completely.

>> No.62671678

Live chat correction.

>> No.62671689

She forgot rolling existed

>> No.62671771

>Penultimate fight in the game
>Chat still begging her to use healing items
But why, it's not like she's far from beating him or anything
They could just tell her to not lose half her health responding to them while fighting the slugs or something at least

>> No.62671786

I don't think this is the run, bros

>> No.62671801

Why is Vergin at the edge of the screen, swinging at nothing?

>> No.62671826

>he doesn't main A&R


>> No.62671845

Because she's still moving Vergil when Dante is knocked down and she runs him into the corner

>> No.62671896

because he's not controlled by AI but just mirrors your inputs
so if you're holding forward, he moves forward
that's why you have to constantly tard wrangle him back to you

>> No.62671910

He was dropped as a kid, its also why hes so edgy all the time

>> No.62672030
File: 4 KB, 318x45, please biboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please Biboo don't humiliate me

>> No.62672034

Dumbasses told her doppelganger is only 2P

>> No.62672081

onii-chan is USELESS

>> No.62672093

He's legitimately not very useful, he just mirrors your inputs entirely, doesn't draw aggro or anything
There's a strat for avoiding damage/playing safe later on where you equip a gun that can't be fired in the air like the rocket launcher and jump around while spamming shoot to try to force him to fight for you while you stay at a safe distance like the chat message just now but she's just getting killed doing it because she doesn't understand how it works

>> No.62672105


>> No.62672273

Aw shit, I just realized she'd be way better off using jam session with Nevan in this fight.

>> No.62672445
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>> No.62672449

Biboo is probably the kind of person that would prefer to pull an all-nighter working in her homework than using a healing item.

>> No.62672455

Imagine acquiring the ultimate power and becoming a blob

>> No.62672493

She should really stop getting hit

>> No.62672540


>> No.62672652

Dang it!

>> No.62672679

Haven't played this game in over a decade, but would that work? I ask because the dolphins don't seem to get hitstunned and they can actually take a little damage before dying, so could they just dogpile you out of the attack?

>> No.62672684

Feel like the bazooka strategy is fucking her over more than anything.

>> No.62672757

all she needs to do is only shoot when none/only few of the dolphins are red and that part is free

>> No.62672786

I don't know if it's better while playing, but this seems like a really bad final boss.

Also I just saw that the Advent movie night will overlap two of the new stars debuts, I'm glad they changed their overlap policy today so we aren't missing a kino stream.

>> No.62672803

the real question is why bother when kalina ann does it perfectly fine?

>> No.62672819

biboo... please, your rolling reps...

>> No.62672823

>I like eels
Yeah, mine.

>> No.62672824

Couple usual new DMC player issues
She's not going back to farm orbs so half her weapons aren't fully upgraded and still missing even moves and Air Hikes, she seems to have a preference for A&R and it probably is slightly more invested than her other weapons
She's also focusing too much on trying to counterpick weapon elements and counterpick style to situation, she stopped weapon swapping mid combo when her weapon list got too big and focused on swapping to Swordmaster every time instead
Switch version splitting style exp means she got Real Impact halfway through this last mission, she shouldn't even know how much damage it does

In some ways the Switch version opening up way too many options just makes it harder for newcomers

>> No.62672928

>final boss
It's not the final boss

>> No.62672993

As long as you aim it properly and jump away immediately after firing they should never touch you, nor live long enough to stick around when Arkham drops back down.

>> No.62672996

She had a lot of health she could be stunlocking the boss with Vergil, why did chat had to suggest this cringe cheese.

>> No.62673002

I'll be real I've been zoned out for most of this stream and have no idea what's happening.

>> No.62673013


>> No.62673081


>> No.62673108

It works fine for the most part, she needs to just kite a bit to get them to group before shooting instead of sitting in the middle of the leech circle and trying to shoot faster than they attack
And she should probably pay attention to the game instead of reading chat about eels and dolphins and shit

If you're talking about trying to puppet Vergil with the bazooka, yeah, that's probably hurting more than helping though honestly

>> No.62673110

Not a gray THOUGH

>> No.62673130

>this might take a while if I dont attack

>> No.62673133

It is

>> No.62673168

>stunlocking the boss
It doesn't flinch from what I remember, no stun locking.

>> No.62673202

Item begger DENIED

>> No.62673229

for the 4th time........

>> No.62673319

this fight isn't even that hard, but biboo never learned how to roll and she cannot properly function without trickster

>> No.62673354

I could never figure out how that homing worm attack is telegraphed.

>> No.62673375
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Initially I meant the eels/worms/whatever
but seeing her trying to fight Arkham with it

>> No.62673389


>> No.62673403

she deals so much more damage when using fwmc, I'm really feeling it bros
This is the RUN

>> No.62673415

This is it. The run.

>> No.62673426

thank god she stopped doing that cringe bazooka strat

>> No.62673447

>Gave up on the pussy "hide behind onii-chan's 5 DPS" strat and went back to trying to learn the boss and punch him
Good girl, that's my rockunny
I don't recall anyone particularly liking him back in the day, all his tells are just variations of vibrating and flashing a slightly different color, he clips off of or blocks the entire screen like a MonHun enemy, and that homing tentacle/spear thing is a pain in the ass to see on the stage

Plus Vergil shows up and castrates your moveset halfway through as everyone's been discussing

>> No.62673507
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>> No.62673506


>> No.62673585
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>> No.62673618

I love hearing her hype herself up with "NICE DODGES, NICE DAMAGE, NICE PHASE!!"

>> No.62673625
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>excited biboo clapping

>> No.62673628

what, afraid of a 6 letter word

>> No.62673635

>Nice clean run, no items, no pussy Vergil strat, probably took more damage from the slugs than Arkham
Break their fucking ankles Biboo, send those grays kneeling into the earth's core

>> No.62673666


>> No.62673797
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>> No.62673800


>> No.62673822


>> No.62673826

Pretty sure you can also reliably jump away from all his shit like she did towards the end too, you just need to figure out which variation of "jiggle and scream and puke" causes him to vomit the homing projectiles

>> No.62673882

Good looks
fighting ability
The list goes on
You and Vergil might have mommy issues in common though!

>> No.62673902

She always gets it done even when she doesn't do it the way nerds think it should be done, huh

>> No.62673917

Has this man done wrong?

>> No.62673938

Was it really so awful?

>> No.62673996

>4 round mag
Fucking california

>> No.62674002

power of rock rock

>> No.62674008

looks like daddy got his spanking later

>> No.62674038

How did she get the permit for the high capacity mag?

>> No.62674073

I both hate and love that scene so much.

>> No.62674112
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>> No.62674118


>> No.62674144

it's a little silly but ends great

>> No.62674162

Genuinely fucking love this cutscene without a hint of irony.

>> No.62674181


>> No.62674207

God this fight is good

>> No.62674242

i forgot how goofy round trip looks in this game.

>> No.62674262

Its so fucking theatrical.

>> No.62674290

>im finishing the game tonight
Virgil will make her regret those words.

>> No.62674300

This is extra kino, I'm excited

>> No.62674309

"I'm just going to play a bit of this game"
>is literally at the final boss

what in the absolute fuck did she mean by this?

>> No.62674335

She just needs to remember how she fought Vergil 1 instead of bruteforcing through everything with DT

>> No.62674376

She's going to have a hard time with this if she insists on sticking with A&R.

>> No.62674384
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>those health bars
this is not a good look

>> No.62674395

How nessesary is normal rolling in this fight?

>> No.62674460

"i'm gonna show those idiots who's the boss of this branch".
a good bunch

>> No.62674483

Vergil is so cool

>> No.62674519

This is actually going to take a while

>> No.62674528

pretty sure you can just shorthop away from everything after the clashes as well as him teleporting above you

>> No.62674543

>instead of bruteforcing

>> No.62674546

did she ever use royal guard on any boss?

>> No.62674554

I'm happy she enjoys this series and I hope to hear more Onii-chans out of Bijou, my little sister wife

>> No.62674562
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Fuck yeah he is.
Not too little.
Not too much,
Just the right amount.

>> No.62674563

Doubters are feeling quite empowered right now

>> No.62674725

she sounded so excited just minutes ago now she sounds so confused lol

>> No.62674737

I'm not a pebble but I'm a huge DMC fan and I swear she's won me over hard with her genuine love with wanting to know more about the series. When she threw DMC at Advent on Barbie movie night, I was so fucking happy.

This girl's awesome.

>> No.62674771

Vergil 3 is the true test of skill, can't brute force him easily.

>> No.62674799

she's not even at the
>You're going down
part and shes already struggling.

>> No.62674868


>> No.62674890

She'll back off and learn it properly when the game forces her to, she was doing it before the game gave her DT as an option
The only question is whether she gives up on it quickly like LoP or tries unga bungaing for hours like Mohg

>> No.62674889

Nope, never used RG ever except for 3 attempts where she instantly gave up because it's not every intuitive.

>> No.62674908

That's our biboo

>> No.62674915

Unfortunately, being a girl makes this 3x harder.

>> No.62674946

Please... someone stop her from switching into swordmaster and shooting those hadokens...

>> No.62674951


>> No.62675002

I want to know how she managed to beat Sekiro if she is so against Royal guard

>> No.62675025

When she actually gets a chance to take a chunk of of Vergil's health, she keeps using the crappy fireball move, letting him escape the combo.

>> No.62675024


>> No.62675064

She managed by stop being a tourist and watch streams

>> No.62675069

sekiro is a rhythm game, you have double the time to hit a perfect parry and if you fuck up you still get a block, and it's very clear when you should press the parry button.

>> No.62675077

There's a world of difference in parry timing between RG and sekiro parry

>> No.62675093

Vergil 3 is one of the best final boss fights of all time and your very final test out of what you should have learned throughout the entire game, he's not easy but he isn't unfair.
That said it gets even harder when hes below half hp.

>> No.62675133

especially DMC3 RG

>> No.62675145

I don't think she is really gripping the capcom fighting-game-esque combos which existing in the game with hitstun, etc.

>> No.62675150

It's been a while, but IIRC failed parries/regular blocking in Sekiro just damages your posture, but they'll kill you against Vergil.

>> No.62675201

Oh thank god, someone got her to stop using swordmaster hadokens.

>> No.62675226

She's visibly improving, I'm so hyped

>> No.62675230


>> No.62675237


>> No.62675240


>> No.62675238


>> No.62675247

She's playing LoP right now anon
Does the player mobility, attack visibility, and enemy attack speed between DMC and that game really look that similar to you

>> No.62675256


>> No.62675272

That was anime as fuck

>> No.62675276

She realized Vergil crumbles to Beowulf

>> No.62675288


She did it.

>> No.62675287

holy shit
she went beast mode on vergil

>> No.62675290

that was so sick holy shit

>> No.62675292
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>> No.62675302

>she survived "you're going down"
geniunely impressed

>> No.62675309

Mere 15 mins

>> No.62675318

Holy crap that was pretty FAST all things considered
Sasuga gamer rock.

>> No.62675317
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>> No.62675321


>> No.62675333


>> No.62675334


>> No.62675337


>> No.62675363

>Like 10-15 minutes tops
I told you fuckers she'd find him easier than Vergil 2

>> No.62675374

Both that and judgement cut end with no health.

>> No.62675382

doubters where you at

>> No.62675491

I said either 15 mins or 60, depending on how it clicked. She learned really fast how to whiff punish and just punish him in general.

>> No.62675493

DMC3 has the best credits scene, no wonder all the later games copy it.

>> No.62675501
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New bread:

>> No.62675588


>> No.62675977

Missed secret scene by literally one second.
