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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 76 KB, 900x900, viktora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62614068 No.62614068 [Reply] [Original]

The Victoria Brightshield of NijiEN

>> No.62614115

Eh idk op, that's a bit of a reach

>> No.62614790

stop fighting it and submit already vivi

>> No.62614821

This is a real nijisanji design? So fucking good. Wish hololive had something like this

>> No.62617694

you really like her?

>> No.62617857
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>> No.62617926

she was comfy before, kinda disappointed to see her go to nijien 2bh

>> No.62619055

she's too good for niji, but seems to be having fun so far. it's wild seeing her mog all the established senpai most of the time already.

>> No.62619210


>> No.62619220

Does she wear Victoria's secret lingerie?

>> No.62619283

I wonder if they debuted a gem like her among the sea of niji sewage as a test

>> No.62620040

oh i get it, her name is brightshield because a bright shield = more aggro = better tanker .

>> No.62621575

She's kind of retarded and seems to get unironically offended over fictional racism while playing Skyrim, but eh, she's not so bad.

>> No.62621646

Follow-up to myself: Is her obsession with The Lusty Argonian Maid a sign that she's secretly a scaly?

>> No.62621770

Fuck off stormcloak

>> No.62621821


>> No.62621824


>> No.62621829

Can’t find a way to dispute this, you nijifags win this time…

>> No.62621911

Most women are into weird monster fucking. The weird furries/scalies you see are all men because for women it's the norm.

>> No.62621972

Well that's not surprising

>> No.62622134

I mean it's kinda similar to all men wanting to fuck shortstacks

>> No.62622233
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wuca wuca

>> No.62622383

Do not insult me by calling me a Stormcuck

>> No.62622542

Hey man, you're the one who called her a retard for noticing what assholes they are. That's empireless behavior

>> No.62622606

oh i get it, it's because they are short they are technically sub-human

>> No.62622657

I meant for those two things to be separate. But ok, fair enough

>> No.62622670

she's really cute

>> No.62622711

My bad lol

>> No.62622788

It's fine, it's 4am and I don't think I'm all there lol

>> No.62624400

I'm pretty sure she just really likes saying the word bigot. She always says that same word every time anything remotely possible to be interpreted as racism or whatever phobia comes up, and never any other phrasing.

>> No.62624869

Fuck off goblins I know its you

>> No.62626969
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>> No.62627419

Love her Bloodborne streams but the chat can be shit whenever she asks something. Why do people answer when they don't know shit?

>> No.62628187
File: 1.04 MB, 348x400, vivibane[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmuivam.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't seem that bad to me but there's always going to be retards in any chat. At least she's not afraid to police her own chat.

>> No.62628524

beautiful name
what and why

>> No.62628589

is male collab mandatory in Nijisanji?

>> No.62628593


>> No.62628733
File: 987 KB, 1500x899, F9gEKRGaIAAbCfB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty bright

>> No.62629432

I mean it's hardly the bottom of the barrel for last names in the company with "Dropscythe" and "Bandage"

>> No.62629541

It's a textbook fantasy hero name. I dig it. She herself commented on how Skyrim it sounded during the first Skyrim stream.

>> No.62630450
File: 26 KB, 440x467, F-4C_hwacAAcKX3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to admit it but i've fallen head over heels for her, just fuck my shit up senpaitachi

>> No.62633862
File: 1.48 MB, 3345x4096, F9hthM6bgAAHztZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her game tastes and that she's FGC-adjacent and the small things she does like her doodles and taking off her armor at the end of streams every time, but really she had me when she kept calling me her paladin

>> No.62634228

Modernia ripoff?

>> No.62634890

No it's a suikoden reference

>> No.62637093

Recommend me a vod to get started on the Vivi.

>> No.62637094

The good one

>> No.62637734

watch her debut. if you have any joy in your heart you'll love her just from watching the loading screen bgm and her intro animation. All her gameplay vods are fun except Street Fighter, it's a snooze unless you're a hardcore fighting game enthusiast. I enjoyed her Spooky's playthrough quite a bit, even though she's a non-lore-reading zoomer. Her one flaw!

>> No.62638089

she looks like she fucks Orcs

>> No.62638230
File: 58 KB, 734x561, 165476891056478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me

>> No.62639789

wow that sounds really fucking obnoxious is she an asian canadian?

>> No.62640063

I want to get into her. Is this >>62637734 good advice? Apart from her debut, which streams are a must watch?

>> No.62641455

The 2.0 debut is scuffkino, the content itself is good but her OBS audio settings broke so she used a shitty Xbox mic instead which was funny in its own right. It also accentuates the gap appeal of her being super cute while also being a retarded shitposter.

>> No.62641642

thats a goblin

>> No.62641693

you fuck orcs?

>> No.62641888

you fuck orcs?
she feels like a holo so when i watch her i get goosebumps and brings me back to mid 2021

>> No.62642038

Sounds like she's a mini-Finana

>> No.62644573

Vivi cute. Ganbare Vivi. Resist the sexpests.

>> No.62644650

No, she's more like Fauna if she were evil

>> No.62645073

Oh I like her handwriting

>> No.62647401

I like when chuubas share stuff like that.

>> No.62648280

shes not actually offended its jokes, bigot is an atp reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hryiBe_fjb8

>> No.62648331

this new wave made that previous all male gamer wave look like shit

>> No.62651806
File: 189 KB, 682x648, paladins[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F236nra.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62652775

Kind of a shame she already played a bunch of good games on her PL

>> No.62653061

man I wish there was a vtuber who took the aris approach to keeping the chatroom in line

>> No.62653262

She is cute. I think she is now my favorite vtuber right now. Cant wait to watch her more

>> No.62653520

wake up babe new vivi dropped

>> No.62653597

>shut the fuck up
>stop asking questions
>someone shoot that guy
>see you on reddit
would be refreshing to see at the very least

>> No.62658930

Really like how scuffed the sword and shield look there.

>> No.62659433


>> No.62659986
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>> No.62660151

They'll greenlight this but they won't greenlight that skeleton armor knight guy


>> No.62661279

Victoria's evil? Isn't she some kind of paladin?

>> No.62661374

Her fans are the paladins, she's just a swordmaster

>> No.62661478

But she is evil?

>> No.62661480

Huh, Kunai uploaded a stream highlight video today. Wonder if that's just something they want to do or a new requirement.

>> No.62662129

Too early to tell imo, just because she wants to kill children in Skyrim doesn't mean she's evil

>> No.62662229

Yeah, my oshi tried to kill the kids in Skyrim.

>> No.62662294

Yeah I had a feeling it was a bit or a reference.

>> No.62662482

Holy cute

>> No.62662518
File: 390 KB, 2000x2000, __victoria_brightshield_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_vwvw_yana__4da0566393df364c0452cae87c497ad6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If she's a Paladin, why is she causing me to sin

>> No.62662597

She is extremely chaotic evil, she just hasn't had enough opportunities to show it off as Vivi yet.

>> No.62665611
File: 934 KB, 2713x2328, F9yPV03agAA-rJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62665831

Is she the new Pomu?
Bunch of holofags pretending to like her only to inevitably sperg out when she "betrays" them

>> No.62665919

Nah that phase is already over, we just like her for her content

>> No.62670738
File: 287 KB, 1174x1456, Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 22-57-10 Victoria Brightshield 🧋 NIJISANJI EN on X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62673157

>5 foot 1 inch
holy shit she's fucking tiny
is Ars taller than her?

>> No.62673251

I literally just like her design, I have no idea how her personality is.

>> No.62673496

what the hell thats adorable.

>> No.62673549

she literally got her name from an arknights song

>> No.62673933
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[7_43], take=[2023-11-15 23.32.40].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got her height wrong
that's not that short for a vtuber though is it? Finana is 4'7"

>> No.62673966

im not a corpofag i liked her indie streams

>> No.62674796

Who was she?

>> No.62674902

finana is a feesh tho

>> No.62678064


>> No.62678134

Eh okay. Thanks.

>> No.62679577

Is Victoria Brightshield of NijiEN the main heroine of NTR doujin? At first, she is fighting back to the male bulls and stands firm on the GFE patch, as time went on, when the harassment from the males, the clique, the male's lover management increased over time, she lost her focus on the GFE enlightenment, succumbed to the darkness of those sex pest and turned into a completed onahole for the males, her unicorn crying in agony on anonymous cartoon board while she is creaming on screen from the plessure of cumming inside by the male collab stream. Such a fate of a female knight heroine in NTR doujin world

>> No.62679994

it's weird how she didn't take anything down, you can even still sub to her twitch channel

>> No.62680134

Well she doesn't have any VODs of her streams up - I don't know if she used to have any

>> No.62680909

get the fuck off skyrim

>> No.62682282

shes very cute and i wish she werent in nijisanji but ill keep watching her as long as the homos arent around

>> No.62684152

Are her skyrim streams worth watching?

>> No.62684675
File: 318 KB, 420x414, loaf[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv9zlve.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought they were pretty fun

>> No.62685052

Yeah they were fun - her goals from the start were to join the dark brotherhood and find the lusty argonian maid books

>> No.62685129

Ok thanks
Sounds like she has an actual plan on what she wants to do which is nice

>> No.62685131

It's very simple to just skips streams you don't like. For me it was the Titanfall 2 and Street Fighter streams.

>> No.62685817
File: 749 KB, 1446x2080, 1675599172998536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey. that looks like Verde Buster from Gundam See-
wait a minute...
Victoria Brightshield
Verde Buster
oh my god...

>> No.62687579

Vivi is the most holo i've ever found and i like it
t. obsydia fan

>> No.62688107

yo is this lenneth?

>> No.62691051


>> No.62691453

its a real girldinner

>> No.62692767

Joan of Arc or Casca? Call it.

>> No.62694479

lusty argonian is still a literary masterpiece

>> No.62694678
File: 473 KB, 2000x3000, 20231108_152602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weird ass sword with a Japanese style handle.
>Giant round shield.
>Anime armor.
Her design is a clusterfuck. She's cute, though.

>> No.62694779

The sword is the only weird part of her design. I also appreciate her lack of asymmetry since that's pretty rare in a vtuber

>> No.62695375

I would say the shield is the weirdest part, because the armor and the sword go together nicely.

>> No.62695443

Vivi is the light in the end of the tunnel for any CGDCT girls wanting to join NijiEN in the future, HANG IN THERE

>> No.62695542

who do you think can mesh well with her in a collab? i think pomu can if she's not shying away in being gremlin together.

>> No.62695838

Please god no pomu collab

>> No.62696143

You don't watch her, otherwise you would know she's a pomudachick and an elipom shipper.

>> No.62696907

Hi Novelites

>> No.62699470

hell naw

>> No.62699743

It sorta reminds me of the FSS mecha

>> No.62703027

Great design and voice.
In general, her attitude seems great when compared to the rest of NijiEN.
I would easily swap any nonFWMC advent member for her.

>> No.62703950

China censors depictions of skeletons fyi

>> No.62704438

they are pretty spooky

>> No.62704605

damn that would be so fucking based but i feel like people would be too sensitive or something

>> No.62704665

I would not have continued watching her if I found her with that model but now she is my kamioshi
The model really does play a huge part and Vivi's is just fantastic

>> No.62704683

> taking off her armor at the end of streams every time
the little touches like that get me going too anon

>> No.62704917

hey alright
i have a sudden feeling vivi smokes a lot of weed

>> No.62705048

Because entire company is retarded ponzi scheme.

>> No.62705344

well one of her genmates is a male so guess so?

>> No.62706189

Is she GFE?

>> No.62706331

depends on your definition of gfe

>> No.62708747
File: 281 KB, 500x500, F_CJCWPaMAAcHWW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute animation

>> No.62711112

She's cute, any worthwhile VODs to watch?

>> No.62711542

2.0 is adorable due to the scuff

>> No.62711617

>Ah this is why people like to become cops
It's insane.

>> No.62711823

>Police her chat down
about what? backseating? have a clip or example?

>> No.62711857

That's a goblin retard.

>> No.62711862

Functionally I agree, the sword doesn't have sheath, looks closer to a naginata but there is no way that can be used effectively without putting the shield away and handle it as a 2 handed sword instead and at that point why bother carrying a shield? the shield and the mask kinda make sense as it would deflect piercing attacks no problem, but slashing/blunt attacks from above? nope, the lack of helmet means she is dead.

Visually I agree, the styles clash pretty hard, the western shield is too out of place there

>> No.62712331

>there is no way that can be used effectively without putting the shield away and handle it as a 2 handed sword instead
baka, she just has superhuman grip strength, like all ultra weapon users.

>> No.62712744

>won't collab with the wose
whats the point

>> No.62712767

You're missing the point, it's not a matter of strength, how would you attack with that gear? you would have to move the entire shield away as you slash with the sword and the size of the shield would only allow slashes from 12 to 4 o clock and maybe some stabs, the size is just not suited for a sword that small, if she had a duel against someone holding a spear she would be dead

>> No.62717261

I think attacking with a shield is easier than you think (if it didn't have those spokes poking out) and a shield that size would neutralize most spear attacks

>> No.62717655

I really want to like her but something about the way she interacts with chat turns me off

>> No.62717767

Reminder that she has cute chinese feet. As a footfag her feet are very high tier and should be licked (by me).

>> No.62718160

She’s blunt with chat and I think she is this way so she doesn’t have to have this fake, cutesy persona to get people to like her, then drop it a few months down the road. Basically weeding out who wants to be there and who doesn’t

>> No.62718465

IF you had a spear, that's not a spear, is not even a naginata, it doesn't have reach hence you need to slash with it in a predictaboe way and for that you have to move the shield away, if it was a buckler or if it was smaller that wouldn't be a problem as the lack of cover would be compensated by freedom of movement (by putting the buckler where it needs to be).

>> No.62718546

Joke's on her because it only makes her cuter!

>> No.62718792


>> No.62718968

Guess ive been weeded then damn. Her design is so good too

>> No.62721132

are you posting cringe in her chat

>> No.62721177

based. god i love cute asian feet

>> No.62721191

Aris has been a terrible influence on steamers…

But Vivi cute

>> No.62722845

I recall someone posting
>"VIVI Do you like this game??"
in prechat and she responded with
>"No, I fucking hate it, that's why im playing it."
Then saw a screenshot of it just minutes later in /NijiEN/ complaining that she was rude.
This is probably that same thin skinned anon

>> No.62724086

No i lurk

>> No.62725853

That's pretty funny. I like her

>> No.62726478

She’s a sword MASTER fool. A shield won’t hold her back it just to raise defense stats, idiot

>> No.62727916

i think that thread is starting to get unironically butthurt that she's not a more standard nijien girl hire

>> No.62728083

it's not the thread, it's femanons.
most male viewers like her and wish the other girls were more like her. it's luxiem fans who hate her for refusing to acknowledge them.

>> No.62728968
File: 617 KB, 1500x899, 1697801891139749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of characters wearing only the innermost layer of an elaborate, multilayered outfit will never not be the hottest shit.

>> No.62728998

They are, I saw someone post a quote from her saying something along the lines of
>”birthday? what if I just say a generic happy birthday once in a stream? There’s always bound to be someone’s birthday today.”
And the responses to that were some butthurt people. Not all of em, just a few but it goes to show that people really do crave attention from VTubers rather than just watching them like they’re supposed to

>> No.62729080
File: 429 KB, 903x934, 1675203011189649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her mama is awesome for that one

>> No.62729174
File: 657 KB, 1168x1894, IMG_7674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good damn she’s gorgeous on that lower right image. I stopped watching nijisanji though

>> No.62729185

Nah, there is probably one real butthurt anon and the usual shitposters and resident schizos in /NijiEN/ went with it

>> No.62729385

She's... Chinese? Canadian Chinese woman?

>> No.62729608

she's definitely west coast canadian judging from her regular timeslot, she dropped a "zed" instead of "zee" during a stream

>> No.62730268

She also watches Blue Mountain State so that gives me an indication she at least has some humor in that little body of hers

>> No.62730820

I didn't know vivi was mogu lmao I feel so stupid for not realizing till now

>> No.62731419

desu I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, streamer-viewer interaction is part of the appeal of livestreaming after all, but birthday begging is definitely a lame as fuck way to go about it especially if it derails the stream

>> No.62731551


People think longswords are one-handed weapons and you expect them to know how shields work?

>> No.62732570

stream in less than 2 hours

>> No.62732755

Good good I’m waiting

>> No.62734294

I saw that screenshot and thought she was being literal and is just a masochist rather than being sarcastic. I think my original interpretation was better.

>> No.62734675


>> No.62735429

she's genuinely too good for niji. i just hope she stays comfy and doesnt start collabing with males all the time like nijien usually does. she wasn't like that while indie so hopefully she doesn't suck up company culture

>> No.62735845

>she wasn't like that while indie
Really? I didn't know about her until Vivi but see clips showing otherwise.

>> No.62737187

Every time I see her I expect her to sound like Nerissa.

>> No.62737527

There should always be a thread up for her every time she streams just so I could stay away from that garbage heap that is /NijiEN/

>> No.62738406

That's already been happening, the past week or so at least

>> No.62738855

Well I hope we just use this thread

>> No.62739425
File: 20 KB, 746x92, Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 23-38-58 【Cuisineer】I WANNA TRY CUTE GAME【NIJISANJI EN Victoria Brightshield】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My frail oshi isn't doing well

>> No.62739598

*streams for 3 hours*

>> No.62739625


>> No.62739636

Thank god she's live

>> No.62739902

waifufags OUT

>> No.62739960


>> No.62740054

she says otherwise

>> No.62740202
File: 422 KB, 1651x2048, F_EHtviXIAEyrHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just her being tsundere

>> No.62740208

perfect for rape

>> No.62740600

i like her indie model more and think it fits her better but maybe thats just because im used to it. her late night oblivion streams were so comfy

>> No.62740751

I did not expect to be reminded of mid-2000s Canadian indie pop while watching vtubers tonight...

>> No.62740873

was that a Degrassi song?

>> No.62740991

I have the same sentiment vivi has whenever I see those "my (...) died and they used to love this song"

>> No.62741171

>I really wanted to play this game because it's got a bubble tea in the front
Do asian girls really?

>> No.62741511

>salted egg fish skin
that's some weird shit
