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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 231 KB, 595x648, Selennnn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62594568 No.62594568 [Reply] [Original]

Rare NijiEN win

>> No.62594633

Male collab is a win?

>> No.62594658

No, it's the norm

>> No.62594745

For a faggot like you maybe

>> No.62594768

>expecting the norm
>in a niche hobby

>> No.62594782

Get ready for another cycle of Selen apologizing and moping for being shit at competitive video-games.

>> No.62594784

We're taking about niji though

>> No.62594841

It's not a tourney so no pressure of getting killed by La+ again

>> No.62594860

I thought management hated her? I'm really happy she got the opportunity though

>> No.62594979

Respawn invited her, not management.
She's been invited to a few events before actually, the devs like her.

>> No.62595099

>PostMalone and friends
Does this mean the purple giggle dragon is friends with an A-list celeb now?

>> No.62595155

They do hate her, this is all her own efforts.
Reminder that Niji management didn't even allow her to join VSaikyou and she had to go contact the Holostars for a way in herself.
God knows what she had to do to obtain this one.

>> No.62595307

Collabing with male celebrities is ok, even hololive does it

>> No.62595472

Collabing with males for work is fine

>> No.62595576

on twitch of course, the better platform.

>> No.62595633

happy for her, fuck niji

>> No.62595862

they're full lobbies of 60 and there are more people invited than there are room to play, it's not like there'll be one on one time

>> No.62595960

she has even said that both Respawn and Twitch (for stuff like Twitch Rivals) reaches out directly to her instead of her manager or nijisanji at all
They're getting her in without talking to anycolor lmao

>> No.62597769

So... when is selen playing with him?

>> No.62597948

>playing with him
He's only queuing up with the two pros they set him up with. Selen is just filler in the lobby.

>> No.62597976

>He fell for the marketing
Celebrities like this unironically don't give a shit, he is playing with the pros team Selene and a hord of 3views are in the server she isn't going to interact with him.

>> No.62598122

im sure selen would be in tournaments and invited to shit if she wasnt in nijisanji lmao

>> No.62598256

>playing with him
how do we tell this anon

>> No.62598421

>post malone

>> No.62598566


>> No.62598584
File: 422 KB, 356x200, G65MH7112G5lay-veA0Bcax_rBgwjXh6XWSQITct5YY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this said Karl Malone at first

>> No.62598621

This is purely a Selen win, niji has nothing to do with it.

>> No.62598770

>One of the most popular and successful young rappers
>Pretty "clean" personality, no major drama
What's wrong with him?

>> No.62598773

>not teaming with post
>not streaming her pov

whats the fuckin point lol
LITERAL NPC behavior

>> No.62598947

Anon, he a celebrity and selen is just a talking purple dragon who might aswell classified as a furry to him.

>> No.62599001
File: 804 KB, 1728x953, 1682738342298789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji actually beat out Hololive to this concept. Why is yagoo always behind the curve

>> No.62599074


>> No.62599134

I never thought they could make vtuber uglier.

>> No.62599275

im sure selen would be able to do that while she never joined nijisanji.

>> No.62599290

No need to do that because Holomembers are the Celebs

>> No.62599420

Nobody in Hololive EN is decent enough at Apex to be in the same room with the people Post Malone invited

>> No.62599464

It's clickbait anon she made people believe that she is doing something big for vtubing.
People are unironically saying she will go mainstream with this, lmao retards.

>> No.62599668

lol lmao even

>> No.62599724

Well, she got me. I almost hyped it up

>> No.62599736

Selen is the one lucky to be invited by Post anon, dont get it twisted. This goes beyond any Vtuber stigma.

>> No.62599840
File: 813 KB, 1200x1000, z_63ef5f9974def.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the lie?

>> No.62599920

>invited by Post
I thought apex invited her, you make it sound like she literally his friend.

>> No.62599959

Do you genuinely think anyone in Hololive is respected outside of the Hololive and weaboo bubble?
90 percent of them wouldn't be able to hang with actual celebrities because they're socially dented retards. The ONLY one's are Marine, Suisei and maybe Pekora. Everyone else is a nobody.

>> No.62600005

Drop it Elira, now you're just jealous because you're not in Post Malone's clique

>> No.62600032

Chloe had Bad Guy on one of her early karaoke setlists.

>> No.62600059

How butthurt was she that she didnt get to participate as De**nDi*e?

>> No.62600157

Ok, that's actually a big get since he's a celeb. I thought he retired though, or is it just the rapper definition of "retired" where it's basically a year or two long break?

>> No.62600210

>90 percent of them wouldn't be able to hang with actual celebrities because they're socially dented retards
90 percent of them wouldn't be able to hang with actual celebrities because majority of their audiences are socially dented retard unicorns who will bitch like hell and think they're fucking behind the scenes like when Kanata did that Minecraft collab back then and will drop them at the sight of their oshis and actual male in one fucking frame

>> No.62600251

Dosent change the fact that they are celebrities
Why exactly is this big?

>> No.62600308

What about all those Marvel capeshit movie ads hololive did? Those had males and no one cared.

>> No.62600320

>Scizo rambling

>> No.62600325

As a Dragoon, this is whatever because who the fuck is this guy?.
One of those """talented rappers""" praised by Amerimutts?.

>> No.62600379

The owner of The One Ring.

>> No.62600417

I assure you, people still bitch and moaned.

>> No.62600466

They aren't celebrities though. If you showed a random person a picture of Gura they'd say who? If you showed them a picture of Samuel L. Jackson they'd know who it is.

>> No.62600487
File: 1.27 MB, 1762x4568, 1689854615303689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90 percent of them wouldn't be able to hang with actual celebrities because majority of their audiences are socially dented retard unicorns who will bitch like hell and think they're fucking behind the scenes like when Kanata did that Minecraft collab back then and will drop them at the sight of their oshis and actual male in one fucking frame
This is what retard actually think vs what actual happen.

>> No.62600491

>I assure you
>TL. I made that up
Type clearly faggot

>> No.62600553

>What are mocro celebrities

>> No.62600666

They aren't celebrities. The only ones that comes close to being a celebrity are the one's who have put their name out there, and even then they're still b tier celebs at best. They're not Ado, they're not Michael Jackson, and they're not Drake.
They're just some corporate anime people who dance and sing occasionally.

>> No.62600693

What the fuck is a mocro? Who's retarded?

>> No.62600789

Scripted interviews
Schizoposters only deserves schizo repelies
Thank you for proving exactly my point. Basically these girls can't freely collab with celebs because of the high chance that their fanbase will turn on them.

>> No.62600885

They are celebrities because of their popularity and their activities, you can't call a normal streamer or youtube creator a celebrity but it is different for holojp and nijijp vtubers.
They are very much celebrities in japan they have their face plastered everywhere and are well recognised in the country.

>> No.62600976

No you are literally making up the problem and getting mad at it retard

>> No.62601015

and the apex lobby was filled with bunch of who. not that great for selen heh

>> No.62601033

>you can't call a normal streamer or youtube creator a celebrity
Pretty sure Mr. Beast is more well known in the West than Holo/Niji are in Japan.

>> No.62601074

>I'm mad
Holy schizo, what else do you got in your head?

>> No.62601082

Fair enough

>> No.62601097

Mr beast is not normal, same for the top twitch streamers

>> No.62601101

Brother, no one knows or cares about Hololive outside of Japan. They're popular in their bubble, like I said. They'll never make it outside of that bubble, because they can't compete with irl people lol

>> No.62601113

>W-We didn't want in anyways!!!
Now say it without crying kek

>> No.62601165

I thought post malone died in 2019.

>> No.62601247

Sounds like Kanata's problem desu.

>> No.62601256

He was a rapper that was insanely popular a while ago, and even now his name still holds a quite a bit of sway. His recent album that came out in June or so came in at number 2 at the Billboard Top 200, so he's still a name as a celebrity.

>> No.62601258

>Moving goalposts
You said they aren't celebrities, being popular in a 1st world country and worldwide is already a big enough accomplishment, the argument was never that they are on the same level as Taylor Swift or drake.

>> No.62601283

its' NijiEN, unicorn retard

>> No.62601359

>if you ignore all the celebrities then there are no celebrity youtubers/twitch streamers!

>> No.62601370

Spiderman Into The Spiderverse also propelled his name further

>> No.62601390

>Thank you for proving exactly my point. Basically these girls can't freely collab with celebs because of the high chance that their fanbase will turn on them.
I know you're retarded but where in that post are her fan? The beggar shitting on her because she PERSONALLY don't want to collab with male are her fan? Ok retard.

>> No.62601414

Retard, nice reading comprehension.

>> No.62601441

>and worldwide
They aren't though.

>> No.62601444

Kek it literally just Kanata. The other Holos are not that autistic.

>> No.62601452

Wtf this is a scam, she's not even playing with him.

>> No.62601463

You missed the point of my question, this isn't big because Selene literally isn't collabing with him.
He is in a team with actual pros and they are streaming right now, Selene isn't going to play with him or interact with him, it would have been big if she was but she isn't.

>> No.62601663

I specified normal for that reason retard, Mr beast is not a normal youtube creator, same in japan people like shakha aren't celebrities.

>> No.62601748

>on twitch of course, the better platform
It's easy to interact with celebrities if you're streaming on Twitch.

>> No.62601822

She did that to not disappoint her gachikois and get branded as hypocrite by them. Though admittedly she did kinda dug her own grave with her reaction to her favourite idol getting married.

>> No.62601923

They're not worldwide.
They're popular in Japan. That's it.

>> No.62601954

why does she look like some boondocks character

>> No.62602032

>you cant call a normal streamer a celebrity
Explain Faker from T1

>> No.62602054

How did she react, did she cry or some stupid shit?

>> No.62602190
File: 408 KB, 594x554, 1683323138723014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same event Froot is participating in?

>> No.62602227

>normal streamer

>> No.62602321


>> No.62602377

He doesn't even fucking rap
Singing in a country voice counts as rap nowadays I guess

>> No.62602394

Holy fuck post Malone is going to fuck selen, dragoons its actually over

>> No.62602407
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, Golden Road.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a comparison, Faker is a LITERAL GOD

>> No.62602458

>rapper that looks and smells like shit
what a dub

>> No.62602460

Nothing she just left the VC when the males started speaking, she had a members stream after that where nobody bought it up it was a normal members stream.

>> No.62602606

he's gonna job worlds again, screencap this

>> No.62602640

schizo-anon, please don't go full retard just for the sake of arguing with some nobody like me...

>> No.62602651

Is she in the team or just in the lobby?

>> No.62602733
File: 401 KB, 696x873, 1677798467377413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stomped the best Chink team
>he thinks a lesser Chink team will win against T1

>> No.62602779

Their flesh plapping together will cause Fukushima 2.0

>> No.62602799


>> No.62602859

Her child will be born with tattoos all over the face

>> No.62603242

Oh then who cares. There's gonna be like 100 other players.

>> No.62603320

I said screencap it, faggot
grudgepost in some bait thread with filename "faker.png" if you're right, I'll see it

>> No.62603363

>She left already
What happened?

>> No.62603401

Got it!
faker WON.png

>> No.62603577

see you on nov 19

>> No.62603630

I dont know who Post Malone is.
If he is Post Malone who is he now?

>> No.62603761
File: 928 KB, 1319x746, s1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was in team 19, but then everyone was rejoining or something, and...

>> No.62603840
File: 706 KB, 1042x625, s2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now she's not in this round?

>> No.62603869
File: 378 KB, 854x480, Nom [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fn2ij8z.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragoon here, she got her dinner

>> No.62603943

man this nijis are getting pretty realistic

>> No.62604120

Ah, I should have checked /haha/. Thanks.

>> No.62604918

seems like a selen win more than a nijiEN win

>> No.62605360


Post Malone are really in need of money to make collaboration with this dead game?

>> No.62605537

Probably got paid a million to play a game for a couple hours.

>> No.62605565

Is this hobo really some big time celeb, or is my leg just getting pulled here?

>> No.62605677

Yeah he's a celeb, big celeb. he's done big collabs with pokemon singing that hootey and the blowfish song.

>> No.62605706

Its the other way around, Respawn is desperate to drag more attention to their game just like Blizzard with those KPOP skins for Overwatch

>> No.62605765

>KPOP skins
Wtf pls tell me ur joking

>> No.62605865

If it was for the rabbit this has to be too

>> No.62605879
File: 12 KB, 300x168, KDA at home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no aryan hag Mercy KPOP skin

>> No.62605937

??? Thats literally what happened

>> No.62605977
File: 363 KB, 966x541, 9138869618465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefagging for a better picture

>> No.62606061

Schizo-anon gave the wrong answer for the question that other anon asked

>> No.62606408
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x2160, ow2leserrafim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, let me help you

>> No.62606539

A few years ago a former high school classmate sent me a Snapchat out of the blue. She was hot, and she used to have some interest in me, but I was surprised because she never snapped me before and we hadn't talked since graduation. In her snap there was no text, just a picture of her twitch with general info about her channel (she was going to stream apex, no wait actualy it was valorant idk they are all the same to me). Seeing this no context picture, i assumed she was just advertising her channel for views and feeling a bit put off i bluntly told her I had no interest in valorant but wished her the best with her streaming career. She replied thats ok the streaming was just for fun, and that was the end of that exchange. Thinking back, i wonder if she sent that to me not to advertise her twitch, but in the hopes of sparking a new conversation with an old acquaintance and seeing if that relationship went any further. The thought of it makes me want to kick myself.

>> No.62606565

Kazuha I love you
surprised to see you on/vt/
chu chu chu~

>> No.62606787

smartest holoen watcher

>> No.62606852

He plays the game a lot for free. This is happening because he got involved with the apex shill streamers.

>> No.62607186
File: 37 KB, 400x400, a501bd26d9aa28e1df82ee558550f9ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I love you too, more than my brown Osakan boyfriend

>> No.62608191

Top one looks AI generated.

>> No.62608325

It is a combination of drawings and AI generations somewhere in the workflow, or as they like to say it : AI assisted art

>> No.62611774

she sucked-off altranny
he was in charge at the time
axel is a cuck

>> No.62613594

probably, but she's also only been introduced to the wider web because of Nijisanji giving her the initial platform. I guess it's a question of how much incentive is there for her to stay rather than let loose as an indie.

>> No.62613895

>didn't get any more sub from Hikakin
>Didn't get any buff on her VOD Views
>Her CCV is still the same before and after the Collab
She just got a fat paycheck for shilling some garbage potato chips, she didn't win shit.

>> No.62614902

>Cover should team up with the man-hating moron
Kys retard

>> No.62614959

Billie loves men so much she fucked an ugly stoner ten years older than her and then bragged about it as if she was lucky to get him. Also I thought unicorns love men hating chuubas.

>> No.62615008

I'm sure Post plays video games in his downtime but
>he got involved with the apex shill streamers
Did he show up in someone's twitch chat or twitter thread or something?

>> No.62615018
File: 191 KB, 1149x1045, 1699764189138979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Post-Karl Malone due to vitiligo

>> No.62615071

>not sure if I'll be streaming
How is this a win exactly?

>> No.62615560

>There was this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXwkUg0WXcg
>And then the stream where he reacted to Aceu and iiTzTimmy plays got clipped and went quite viral
>People got curious and started to watch him play Apex, actually decent at the game unlike Snoop Dogg with Battlefield 1
>Content creators lining up wanting to collab with him because of course
I think it went pretty much like that

>> No.62617632
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he the guy from transformers ?

>> No.62617684

Christ, you know it's sad when EA manages her better than Niji.

>> No.62617736

/r9k/ is two doors down on your left.

>> No.62617794

iconic moment https://www.twitch.tv/dooplex/clip/ClumsyInventiveWalrusJKanStyle-suhN3WNV_nRtgd4N

>> No.62617828

Well good that I am not a unicorn then, so I can dislike Billie for saying women would never insult men for how ugly they are

>> No.62617870

>EA is less black than Nijisanji

>> No.62619232

So did she actually stream it somewhere? I'm not a big nijifan, but I don't mind the the longnecked tomboy. I wanna watch it if I can.

>> No.62619298

No, she usually doesn't stream when she's involved with apex events.

>> No.62619353

sounds more like shes one of the many extras to fill for a full match map

>> No.62619430

Shame, hope she had fun then. Maybe I'll catch her talking about it after if i have time, I guess.

>> No.62619629

As much as I like the purple dragon, wake me up when Apex finally dies and we get Titanfall 3 instead.

>> No.62619679

What was their reasoning for not letting her join it?

>> No.62619715

Post Malone isn't young

>> No.62619745

He's 28

>> No.62620079

jwu did they play in the same squad?

>> No.62620517

Good for you and all NijiCN fanbase

>> No.62622152

Good for her, fuck the tribalfags shitting up the board

T. Sukonbu

>> No.62622264

Oh my god I hate niji bait."playing with post malone but not really come" I FUCKING HATE YOU NIJI FUCKS ALWAYS TRYING TO MAKE THINGS SEEM BIGGER THAN IT IS

>> No.62622322

Will she play against him at least?

>> No.62622557

I can imagine they're desperate for a win, but this is really stretching it, yeah.

>> No.62623074

A and B aren't accurate enough, this guy is somewhere in the middle

>> No.62623627

>man-hating moron
Isn't that Hololive's entire appeal AND perfectly describes their fanbase?

>> No.62624168

Nobody knows

>> No.62624240
File: 122 KB, 850x1523, sample_1339f2d7d863440d029ab0711cb997ab (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you retards know how Apex works? She'll be in a lobby teaming with two literal whos while Post Malone teams with the two A-listers of the event

>> No.62626139

That was back when Nijisanji's brand was worth something, it's been driven into the dirt since.

>> No.62626245

IDK who the fuck that is and I have the feeling I don't want to.

>> No.62626264

my mama caaaaled
said saw semen on tv

>> No.62626300

It's not a Niji win, it's a Selen win, she's barely a part of the company.

>> No.62628405
File: 193 KB, 395x523, 1644885436014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never heard of this Post Malone person before.

>> No.62629225

He's a famous rapper

>> No.62629397

She was probably looking for simps and you seemed like an easy target to her, don't worry about it anon

>> No.62633884


>> No.62634589

Oh god he's going to find her insufferable and normies are going to shit on vtubers again

>> No.62636949

For a niji

>> No.62637793
File: 47 KB, 1600x900, morb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the best Niji can get? Not even a personal interaction with the celeb? Heh

>> No.62639527

I still cant believe this happened

>> No.62639559


>> No.62641965

They should do this again

>> No.62642994

why did it flop?

>> No.62646534

>post malone
