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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 101 KB, 1060x595, 1670514261952795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62569338 No.62569338 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>62542833

>> No.62569557
File: 1.10 MB, 4096x2409, Fallenshadow - 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug my princess wife

>> No.62569776
File: 191 KB, 650x835, 1699822905431842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love her so fucking much. hope we get a schedule today.

>> No.62570044

i want to lick her shunny

>> No.62570114
File: 695 KB, 804x863, 1678746792652653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love shondo

>> No.62570192

I want to punch her stomach really hard.

>> No.62570256

Passionate love making with shondo

>> No.62570279


>> No.62570351

just noticed her mouth kind of looks like a bald cunny from above in this ToT

>> No.62570453

It wasn't that messed up

>> No.62570673
File: 136 KB, 923x1200, 1690005955244745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope shoggers can set aside their differences these next few weeks for her sake

>> No.62570767


>> No.62570786

But I really hate all of you. How do I fix it?

>> No.62570865

Just ignore all of us

>> No.62571019

you can take otis and i'll take her cunny then

>> No.62571146
File: 12 KB, 615x107, 1682629201353183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad timing to send this?

>> No.62571317

I want to mate with this female

>> No.62571364

Listened to the ASMR last night, very soothing and nice but did anyone else notice that when she said "this is your right/left ear" it was on the wrong side?

>> No.62571461

it'd probably make her happy

>> No.62571471

I’m pretty sure it’s part of the joke, I think she also hid morse code in there

>> No.62571578

I thought it was part of the listeners brain not working properly

>> No.62571603

Oh guess I really am retarded

>> No.62571642


>> No.62571852

Maybe I give her too much credit, but I think she would have caught it if it was wrong

>> No.62571909

I noticed that too and also assumed it was on purpose, since the listener's brain is meant to be completely fucked up

>> No.62573326

how you do this already it live in 4 hours

>> No.62573356

5 bucks on her gumroad

>> No.62573368
File: 611 KB, 1290x1186, IMG_2861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot my image

>> No.62573418

thank u anon I not know she had that

>> No.62573508

I think you should stop baking on weekends but I'm going to just stop reading the threads now, have fun replying to antis and trying to make new lolcows

>> No.62573613

I think you should kill yourself.

>> No.62573654

i will NEVER be a lolcow, i will NEVER become an anti, i LOVE my wife and i WILL win in the end

>> No.62573663

Gumroad, pay for it and you have it.

>> No.62573721
File: 145 KB, 640x632, My_Special_Interest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m just here to say nice things and collect pictures posted of Shondo. My gallery is now up to 160!

>> No.62574524


>> No.62574623

in bed, best to leave her alone

>> No.62574705

why are you upset

>> No.62574912

antis are a frail bunch

>> No.62575247

I love my wife. I hope she has a good day today

>> No.62575472

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.62575508

based antiCHAD

>> No.62575549

see you in 4 hours

>> No.62575609

happenstance painting an anti as having self hate issues and getting multiple replies from the guy brought me to that conclusion already

>> No.62575702

you should stop replying to yourself

>> No.62575797

which ones are replying to themselves?

>> No.62575802

Why the fuck does it save as webp?????

>> No.62575829

I hate wet peas

>> No.62575842
File: 1.09 MB, 1081x887, 1694205999869203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always does

>> No.62575876

Does saving as png keep the quality?

>> No.62575916

webp is the future

>> No.62575953

delete webp, it's only brought great suffering upon the land

>> No.62576022

>looking at a lewd loli artists work on gelburoo
>randomly find shondo art
It keeps happening

>> No.62576123

Website is retarded and converts it to webp automatically. Other's are the same.

>> No.62576263

Better get used to it becuse all sites will do it soon

>> No.62576299


>> No.62576328

>why do I even try
alright listen here you sad fuck I'm only gonna do this once. Doom posting about your own inadequacy means you've failed to recognise how much shondo appreciates art and, specifically, WHY she appreciates it. She loves any and all fanart because she's an artist herself and knows how hard it is to do reps. Giru's gotten to the point where he's repped so much that he's recognised by everyone in the community, even by shondo herself. This should be ground breaking to the shogger. It means that (YOU) can also rep so hard that you may just get commissioned by your wife (teaparty). how has no one seen this obvious light at the end of the tunnel. You've chosen to give up hope because it seems hopeless and instead of doing reps and improving yourself to get where you want to be you cope with "uuu it wasn't me uuu" but ironically the opposite it true, you CAN make it. Unfortunately most of /shon/ would make you believe otherwise.
With regards to how you feel about your reps, allow me to share my experience with having a shitty time of it during the process and perhaps you can take some solace in not being alone.
this is an early version of shnidoo wave, its dogshit, it stayed dogshit for about a month of working on it every single day for 4 hours or so, but luckily I was able to polish it off to a point that by the end I was somewhat ok with it and out of nowhere she wanted it for stream. some shoggers may recall my first song getting no attention at all and I worked harder for longer on that one. Point is you can have hundreds or thousands of WIPS or sketches that don't go anywhere, and it feels like you're making no progress and you just wanna quit, but all those tiny drawings eventually add up to something you may actually like. This is called the artistic process. Rome was not built in a day. No one is born with talent. You ARE gonna make it.

TL;DR do your fuckin reps

>> No.62576358


>> No.62576393

I don't think my art is bad but the style is too recognizable and I don't want to get stalked or derek'd here.

>> No.62576577

you hold /shon/s opinion in too high regard

>> No.62576960

It just sounds like a net positive to not post my work. Not because of anything shondo related of course, I just don't trust this community very much anymore.

>> No.62576981

don't care, didn't read, I will whine again

>> No.62577060

sorry that it happened, good for you

>> No.62577116


>> No.62577167

>get commissioned by your wife
I agree with you on most of this, and I'm doing my reps but I'd never want to work professionally for her unless it's for free
Also based self improvement and uplifting shogger

>> No.62577178

thats... a damn shame

>> No.62577252

it'd be hilarious if this was all over someone's random stick figure with ribbons

>> No.62577256

I would if she paid me back with a drawing like she did ren but I kinda doubt she'd do that again except for giru

>> No.62577299

she literally is a stick figure with ribbons

>> No.62577405

i just think its weird how newbie artists are getting discouraged by the community specifically, while shondo would absolutely love to see their stuff no matter how it looks. is it that bad right now?

>> No.62577422

it's one guy

>> No.62577448

im saying that because im nervous about posting too.

>> No.62577511

I don't know, in some respect I don't want to stand out in the community anymore since it doesn't get you much from her like it used to and you get a bunch of retards watching your every move

>> No.62577563

what are you saying, I'm an artist and nobody knows who I am

>> No.62577621

I want all shoggers to know of my existence because of my art

>> No.62577622


>> No.62577653

that last part is more so why im too nervous. i dont want to be used as shitpost or doompost material despite being an anon that did their damn reps.

>> No.62577710

it's been months since she last gave a rousing speech for aspiring artists, lately it's only been "draw me in x, draw me in y", and although she always gives a full paragraph for first-time artists, afterwards she mostly just gives one or two vapid words in the replies that blend in with everyone else's stuff. it's like she didn't even look at the piece or appreciate it.

>> No.62577723

I doubt anyone will doompost about you, giru has an oppressive quality unique to his overwhelming talent. Nobody complains about nail, teaparty, or any other good art shoggas.

>> No.62577756

that means one of your worries
>you get a bunch of retards watching your every move
is completely unfounded, unless you sperg out, but that has nothing to do with your art.

>> No.62577763

You're a lut 6 months too late, shoggers were really positive and supportive then. IDK what happened but everyone is so mean now. I support you anon, if you post on the tag I'll give you a like no matter what

>> No.62577841

reps are a meme
don't bother

>> No.62577851

you're way overexaggerating
I think it was a little sad though that sometimes she projects her distrust of people and it sounds kind of ungrateful, ie. poking at artists leaving for 2views when maybe two ever did and saying she has no dedicated fanartists while chat suggests at least 4 or 5 people who qualify

>> No.62577907

She definitely spent days thinking about that after digi died

>> No.62577921

water the odds that Shondo will do the ryona theme'd voicepack that'd be pretty schweet

>> No.62577925

its already happening...

>> No.62577966

0%, 100% if you taunt her

>> No.62578037

it just seemed strange and out of character with how grateful she normally is, any other time she'd be talking about how amazing it is she has so many dedicated artists, but at the time she was feeling mopey about the couple that left and that overrides it I guess

>> No.62578088

because a hundred shitty artists can't replace 1 good one.

>> No.62578140

you shouldn't say that part aloud even if it's true

>> No.62578187

You guys forget she's mentally ill way too often

>> No.62578223

I'm sorry.
let's just move on.

>> No.62578248

I don't really blame her for it, she wasn't thinking clearly and just wanted to make a joke at rens expense. She even forgot onion until someone mentioned him, which she never does

>> No.62578321

wasn't even the first time she'd forgotten domine who draws her every day, kinda sad, but doesn't seem to have affected them so that's good

>> No.62578346

this is an abusive relationship where we both keep forgiving each other for hurting each other. romantic

>> No.62578530

nta but I can't stand shoggers anymore, I don't know how I would even try to do reps in this environment where shoggers act like vultures picking everything down to the bone and dooming forever.

>> No.62578544

She gets to hurt you emotionally while you get to hurt her physically, it's the perfect relationship

>> No.62578601

KNowing that there's a Shondo ASMR video at the end of tunnel is the only thing that's helping me get through the day.

>> No.62578628

seeing posters tangibly get sad is really upsetting

>> No.62578688

Dooming is worst on shadow weekend, maybe avoid the thread when she's not streaming. Also remember the only person that matters is Shondo and what she thinks of your art

>> No.62578723

do an NNN asmr shondo, it will cheer literally every single shogga up
dedicate a small portion of the NNN asmr to artists that do their reps and watch 50 new artists spawn and all pre-existing artists get an art quality boost

>> No.62578852

>saving pyros
I can never escape him....

>> No.62578869

that last former part, yes, but the latter end, no. if she acknowledges or makes a comment it will awaken 50 new retards that will stalk me to the ends of the earth. i dont want to incidentally discourage more people from even trying

>> No.62578980

raise one example of an artist getting stalked besides giru, ren, and digi. because you'll never reach their level.

>> No.62578982

You're blowing it out of the water. People barely talk about shoggers art unless they're a nuisance to the community like iproe. No one even brings up artists when they're front and center on the tree

>> No.62579041

I would just become an artist for you and draw her as you see fit. You'll stay under the radar if you're not actively fishing for her attention or trying to be a member of le community

>> No.62579080


>> No.62579087

You seem too pathetic for me to stalk you

>> No.62579163

yeah stalking is /shon/'s favorite past time, you have to make it worthwhile

>> No.62579218

dm me

>> No.62579285 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 318x384, 0D56E01E-2059-4E35-8840-27EBE3BD0ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I don’t like your dms please stop

>> No.62579307

nta but why would you leak our dms

>> No.62579420

do you think shondo would make an exception to the shota hate if she was drawn as Sakura and You drawn as Syaoran?

>> No.62579543
File: 1.73 MB, 1930x1440, 1679905245324837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vivi is such a good friend

>> No.62579568

they're going to have sex

>> No.62579590

anon stop

>> No.62579617

yeah with me

>> No.62579654

it would be funny but also tragic if vivi's boi got seduced by shondo unintentionally

>> No.62579744

Shondo's very pretty but they've been together literally since she was in preschool, he's not going to see her as anything other than his beloved's cute little sister

>> No.62579831

bro u cant just leak lurks dms
baka my head

>> No.62579858
File: 459 KB, 1294x504, 1697719240402922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highschooler Vivi kidnapping preschool Shondo to

>> No.62579991

{spoiler[I turn off notifs until she's done sharing the art[/spoiler]

>> No.62579994

I've seen that doujin plot

>> No.62580027

just fucking press ctrl + w if you cant write spoiler tags

>> No.62580034

How do you fuck up this hard

>> No.62580036

Point and laugh

>> No.62580038

Does anyone have that old doodle Shondo did of her and Vivi together in school uniforms? She made Vivi very cute and gyaru and I think she put herself in a middle school uniform

>> No.62580042

too much to drink, cut the alcohol

>> No.62580068

buck naked and rock hard ballin with shondo

>> No.62580073

She retweeted the one with my cum

>> No.62580074


>> No.62580092
File: 261 KB, 552x452, 1683148930347032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no she's actually really innocent I feel bad

>> No.62580104

i failed her this week. i'll try again soon.

>> No.62580118

it's not the first time

>> No.62580122

>truly I have become shadowmama
me, I put a baby in her
>she didn't notice the semen again
she's so pure I want to stain her white

>> No.62580250

minutely affirmation: I WILL impregnate shondo

>> No.62580270

what the FUCK did i miss

>> No.62580293

She's just playing dumb because the arts pretty+child character don't worry

>> No.62580322

a good thread once the whiner stopped coming here

>> No.62580352

to what

>> No.62580372

roru, rumao

>> No.62580552


>> No.62580648

I didn't know this shortcut and you made me close out /shon/ haha

>> No.62580653 [DELETED] 

carcinised by BBC

>> No.62580691

I know what you are dewd

>> No.62581101

guyts what are childhood/retro games you'd like for shondo to try on stream

>> No.62581180

we're playing doctor I'm inspecting her lump rn

>> No.62581252

Zombies ate my Neighbors, I remember getting pissed at it as a kid kek

>> No.62581312

Literally any Valve game

>> No.62581329

re4, silent hill 2, diddy kong racing, mischief makers
cant think if anything else rn

>> No.62581557

Mega Man X could be fun
man... this game is fucking unfair

>> No.62581561

I'm a shondo sexual

>> No.62581623

shondo in my arms :)

>> No.62581733

I will arm the shondo with the deadliest weapons belonging to mankind
I will trust her with my life

>> No.62581780

none because she will hate any of the old games I played

>> No.62581836


>> No.62581850

minesweeper or that pinball game that came with computers. she might have played it on stream already.

>> No.62581870


>> No.62581872

shondo would shoot a pistol into your thigh thinking that it's a safe place to shoot you because there's nothing vital there, just for fun, and when you're bleeding out, she'll call you a pussy for bleeding so much and just stop the bleeding.

>> No.62581940

3D platformers and DMC2

>> No.62581971

didnt she talk about this recently on stream?
that she wants to get shot in the leg and that she knows that there's an arterie there

>> No.62581973

I wish I started drawing earlier when she would follow for anything, it feels impossible to get good enough now

>> No.62582015

iirc whether to be shot in the arm or leg I think

>> No.62582155

she took awhile before she started to follow anyone for drawing oddly

>> No.62582277

I like the shondo a whole lot I wanna put 50 children in her

>> No.62582299

I wrote this post.

>> No.62582340

I want to swell up her little tum tum

>> No.62582400

she will carry my child

>> No.62582494

>Class of '09
Perfect amount of edge for her

>> No.62582496

didn't even use a new artpiece it's over

>> No.62582499
File: 827 KB, 3840x2160, F-7CtGCWMAAxuB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62582528

why's she do this shit where she's like just a warning guys this might be a rough week for me... and then she just posts a normal ass schedule

>> No.62582543

She's paranoid

>> No.62582549

>Added an extra hour Thursday
>live ASMR on Saturday
yeah I'm thinking we're back.

>> No.62582711

shondo will bear my children and we will live in a nice farmhouse in the countryside

>> No.62582820

whats class of 09

>> No.62582862

A game about terrible people in high school

>> No.62582926

the hundredth irreverent deconstruction of VNs by western devs but it's edgy!!!!!

>> No.62582981

Imagine the cringy shit a high school kid would post on /b/ in 2009, it's a VN where the characters all act like that. In a good way.

>> No.62582995
File: 631 KB, 120x128, 1679537819093977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she suddenly so interactive what's happening

>> No.62583051

she hates everyone she's replying to and it's out of pity
it's true and real trust me

>> No.62583063

she knows that im playing league and that the notification blocks my minimap

>> No.62583096

if she knew you were playing league she would divorce you

>> No.62583114

She HATES you

>> No.62583125

it's always like this though, talking about how EVERYONE leaves her and that life isn't worth living after darkkal left for example. this is the reason people are obsessed with the idea that she has favorites, because apparently the rest of the world fades into obscurity when certain names leave and the cop out will always be that "stop forgetting she's mentally ill" as if that somehow absolves her of being a complete fucking asshole at times. it's a character flaw. she's not perfect. there's no need to fucking sugar coat it.

>> No.62583149


>> No.62583150

I would have written a better reply if I knew she would respond to some...

>> No.62583182

first monkey island and grim fandango

>> No.62583189

you were almost onto something
it's not about favorites, it's just girl brain to dwell on the people who leave and who hurt you and to totally disregard everyone who's nice because they're doing it out of pity for you or something

>> No.62583223

anon you're forgetting she's mentally ill again

>> No.62583268

honestly just human brain, most content creators are vulnerable to valuing five hate comments over a sea of support

>> No.62583367

she was /here/ yesterday and saw everyone fighting

>> No.62583393

she saw my ryonapost and is extra horny today :D

>> No.62583431

>she wanted an excuse to make anons even more mad about her interacting with the new derek target
I kneel

>> No.62583521

she saw mine and her hope returned

>> No.62583532

>new derek target
You don't pay attention much do you?

>> No.62583603

you may have had a personal grudge but no I didn't see the name come up before

>> No.62583637
File: 1.00 MB, 498x494, 1694988845702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shondo is awake and happy why are you talking about yourselves again

>> No.62583727

I was just being cheeky...

>> No.62583928

I can't handle it anymore, the list is too great, I need to fuck shondo. I will anti her in 48 hours if she does either arrange a fan fuck session or announce life sized doll replicas with built in onaholes customised to match her cunny, asshole and throat. Withholding this sexual pleasure from me whilst acting so enticing on stream and twitter should not be permitted or acceptable behaviour.

>> No.62583984

My passion for shondussy made me type like an ESLtard

>> No.62583988

you know what? i'm in too, those benefits look too good to pass up.
I'll settle for making this week's asmr her trying to make us lose NNN

>> No.62584072

I would also be willing to extend the timeframe for the sex doll announcement if she does gawk gawk noises during asmr, that would be a fair compromise

>> No.62584187

She has to step on her mic during this asmr and give shontoe aggressive asmr

>> No.62584218

Give me feet ear cupping NOW

>> No.62584239

if she dropped her feet pics during NNN i'd kneel so hard seismographs would pick it up

>> No.62584267

intrauterine asmr when?

>> No.62584442

im saying this endearingly but shondo is unironically the most erotic and cute footslut in the universe

>> No.62584580

If she did a countdown this ASMR, I will make what Iceland is going through right now look like a joke

>> No.62584677


>> No.62584731
File: 26 KB, 243x193, 1699998358024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we found the accident victim for this ASMR video

>> No.62584817

make a very respectful request for it in her maros

>> No.62584852

idk what it is man but shondo has turned me into such a faggot. I got excited to see that she tweeted and she seems to be in a good mood. But just knowing that she's in a good put me in a better mood. She didn't even talk to me or anything, I just like that she's happy. I'm getting obsessed.

>> No.62584914

I think the word you're looking for is gay

>> No.62584922

>the person i care about is happy? i must be a faggot!

>> No.62584971

she already read marshmallow once this week, she won't do it again in time for ASMR

>> No.62585031

i accidentally a few words there

>> No.62585056

anons who bought the asmr is it fappable? Im really horny

>> No.62585123

not really unless being treated like a 4 iq guy does it for you

>> No.62585209

im not watching it

>> No.62585222

oh my GOD she’s so adorable
i need her feet on me NOW

>> No.62585277
File: 15 KB, 359x97, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is a bird table

>> No.62585284

why watch it when she doesn't care to be there with us

>> No.62585299

a table for birds

>> No.62585329

wtf is a pen

>> No.62585344

Because she knows the chat will be full of cooming

>> No.62585348


>> No.62585409

It's the 'birdhouse' she was talking about before

>> No.62585423

I love it when my hot doctor talks down to me like I'm retarded I'm diamonds just thinking about it! Although desu I've never beat my meat to her ASMR. It helps me unwind and get to sleep.

>> No.62585428
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x683, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62585431

Pretty sure it goes in the vase

>> No.62585469

fuck it im going to fap to it anyways

>> No.62585471

Have fun, this is not for me.

>> No.62585494

will do

>> No.62585529

Premiere intros are a fucking mistake

>> No.62585552

don’t call me out like that…

>> No.62585557

roli eternally seething

>> No.62585563


>> No.62585585

Seductively swinging while trying to sell me stuff. God I am gonna hatefuck her

>> No.62585589

i remember watching a ssethtzeentach premiere and the song was a fucking banger

>> No.62585596

ad over

>> No.62585600

>kills digi with gamer supps
>still shills them to her youtube audience

>> No.62585606

what the FUCK why does her voice sound like that

>> No.62585608


>> No.62585651

why is the booby lady so hot

>> No.62585652

clever girl

>> No.62585655

Can I ask a question without everyone getting mad

>> No.62585677

I always find it wild she can make her voice sound this way. I don't dislike it, I'm just shocked this is the same girl? It almost makes me buy the voice changer rrat

>> No.62585689

NO. do your reps go ahead silly

>> No.62585695

please ask

>> No.62585730

What are those lumps on her chest is she a cancer patient at the hospital

>> No.62585751

Her pale and skinny baby throat has a very flexible and useful larynx

>> No.62585756

I want her to jerk me off while talking to me like a retard so badly

>> No.62585767

I already listened to it so have fun Shoggers

>> No.62585789

Trust me I'm well acquainted with using her throat.

>> No.62585846

technically a count in an ASMR I guess

>> No.62585875

Raping shondo until her voice breaks back into squeaky mode!

>> No.62585914

I read it as rapping kek

>> No.62585917

do not put your pp in the voice box

>> No.62585947

why the fuck does shondo talking to me like a retard make me erect?

>> No.62585963

need Shondo to palpate my pecker STAT

>> No.62585998

I will feel her throat walls squeeze my shaft and hold it there either until I feel vomit push up or she goes limp

>> No.62586002

you’ve returned to baby mode

>> No.62586045

dewd please, even in youtube?

>> No.62586048

Does yt-dlp work on premieres? Ive never thought to try

>> No.62586063

you're not beating the allegations my boy

>> No.62586072

Don't think so

>> No.62586114

Someone referenced a pen earlier though, so something similar must work

>> No.62586140

yeah but that’s her throat, be nice to her girl larynx
also i hear voice box strings don’t feel nice

>> No.62586174

I won't know until I feel for myself...

>> No.62586198

I will literally play her throat like a guitar

>> No.62586219

Anon it's been on gumroad since yesterday he listened to it there

>> No.62586250

I hope she starts breastfeeding me soon

>> No.62586260

wtf where are her fingies

>> No.62586320

Damn the crash made me into a real fucking vegetable but does this mean she will help me piss and stuff

>> No.62586357


>> No.62586367
File: 2.56 MB, 498x401, 1699050750559745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baby voice fags btfo
you don't really love your oshi

>> No.62586375

KEK what did he say??

>> No.62586422

I'm so in, she's going to hold my weiner while I piss, it's over for the rest of you

>> No.62586429

obsessing over black cock like usual the fag

>> No.62586456

I don't care, this voice is shit

>> No.62586495

Just say you like cock

>> No.62586553

its 10x better than when she used to do the weird half Russian accent

>> No.62586554

Is it cheating if she's voiced by my wife?

>> No.62586557


>> No.62586569

I was so busy staring at the tits I didn't realise how much her ass sticks out the coat, if this was some commission why did she try make this so arousing

>> No.62586596
File: 80 KB, 220x220, 1699059643917322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't dislike any voice I've heard from her and I'm not even a husband, weak as fuck bruh, weak

It IS your wife retardchama

>> No.62586659

the only normal anon

>> No.62586685

I agree with you but still, fuck you frogposter

>> No.62586691

>im thinking you might be very stupid
Instantly hard

>> No.62586700

When does the handjob and countdown start?

>> No.62586730

Post reflects reply chain

>> No.62586745

I don't dislike the woman voice but I'm not crazy about it

>> No.62586779

It's like seeing a secret side of shondo that she doesn't normally show. It's sexo. You didn't think she was actually a toddler right? That's kinda weird bro.

>> No.62586849

>wrong sides
Oh no my ears must be bad please lick them better

>> No.62586870

If you think this is her normal voice you are retarded. You can hear her breath is way higher

>> No.62586890

yeah a forced deep voice is sexy you are right

>> No.62586901

is this her real voice idgi

>> No.62586912


>> No.62586928


>> No.62586933

dr. shondo paizuri with her fat tits

>> No.62586938


>> No.62586940

Tuning fork HATE

>> No.62587004

I want to fuck this doc's fat tits with my massive cock.

>> No.62587111


>> No.62587125

I want to punch this nurse's fat milking tits

>> No.62587178


>> No.62587209

I want to suck this nurse's fat milking tits

>> No.62587335


>> No.62587435

Theres a few really jarring sounds in this video so far. The one loud tuning fork clang and a few loud beeps. those would definitely wake me up

>> No.62587497

its a preview for saturday

>> No.62587515
File: 833 KB, 2030x2894, 8953e4852e223a16e27e4f0326d8c972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62587615


>> No.62587655


>> No.62587691

I want to give Shondo a massage now

>> No.62587690

Excuse me that's my penis not my shoulder

>> No.62587699

Based youtubeCHAD
mommyvoice the BEST

>> No.62587715

a foot massage preferably

>> No.62587785

I diagnose both of you with mega gay

>> No.62587820


>> No.62587873

stop it doctor that’s mean :<

>> No.62587960

What does the Morse code translate to?

>> No.62588035

Why is this doctor bombarding me with complex questions while I'm hurt? She isn't being considerate at all, I can't fucking keep up

>> No.62588157

I am absolutely going to replay her calling me stupid many times

>> No.62588240

alr i rate it 7/10
not really a fan of roleplay asmr but this was ok

>> No.62588244

please rate the asmr

>> No.62588243

>success is when you don’t lose
she’s such an optimist bros…

>> No.62588260

Being treated like a retard is surprisingly pleasant

>> No.62588308

was pretty sweet, would get milked for my brain juices again/10

>> No.62588360

when do I get my brain back
give it back

>> No.62588404

The voice scared me but her calling me stupid at the end made me laugh / 10

>> No.62588470

I'm honestly not surprised she isn't allowed with the power tools

>> No.62588518

the drill would snap her tiny wrists as soon as she pulls the trigger

>> No.62588599

She was putting together a bird house with power tools at 11pm instead of showing up to the premier? What the fuck

>> No.62588677

9/10 very good

>> No.62588690

She literally explained why

>> No.62588795

yeah, anyone who has been long enough knows how her real voice i more like that
she does that cringe baby voice to pander her pedo twitch viewers

>> No.62588817

I don't see the issue

>> No.62588870

Shoggers have to find something to be mad at her about today, please understand

>> No.62588876

out of 10

>> No.62588927

mouz why the fuck are you so bothered that she couldnt be there for the premier stop being such a whiny bitch

>> No.62588948

Shut the fuck up Mouz

>> No.62588985

be nise for the week pls
im annoyed too but its not a big deal

>> No.62589023

We get to spend tomorrow watching her knock shit over in a fun voxel game, it seems like a weird thing to get pissy over tbdesu

>> No.62589055

it's ok shondo, we need someone else to be mad at.

>> No.62589077

friendly reminder he was a dmer

>> No.62589102

whats the point in having her there for premier anyway?

>> No.62589143

she does have to explain herself, Somnium. you're a fucking cockroach in this community, shut the fuck up.

>> No.62589154

pretty good, i prefer her regular voice more but it was funny 7/10

>> No.62589158

it's no biggie sometimes you can sometimes you can't

>> No.62589212

I dont like this shigger but weird fucking take oomfie. Whats the fucking point in her being there for the asmr premier? what is she going to do

>> No.62589225

i will win :) neck yourself you leech

>> No.62589234


>> No.62589288

you will lose :(

>> No.62589309

she doesnt even know who you are

>> No.62589332

I'd rather deal with that cockroach than a dmnigger desu. Join your decomposing friend asap. Dm him btw

>> No.62589361

she put a ton of effort into it and hyped it up and it's something we could have all enjoyed together? AMSR is kind of her thing you know.

>> No.62589404

Reminder that if you didnt get in early and emotionally abuse/manipulate her in dms before they were permanently closed its too late for you. They are her favorites and always will be because they took advantage of a mentally ill little girl at her weakest

>> No.62589411

then why do you feel so threatened by me being around you have to ride my dick non-stop? keep coping

>> No.62589518

No one is threatened by him lmao. You think some annoying faggot that knows only one joke is a threat?

>> No.62589602


>> No.62589650

No one is seething. Kill yourself you emebressing excuse for a shigger.

>> No.62589680

be nise please, its a hard week for shadow

>> No.62589842

i would be niser if she didn't let newfags run their mouths yet here we are.

>> No.62589855

what the FUCK is a shigger

>> No.62589866

Anon she literally made it

>> No.62589894

grrrr im not seething kys. okay kek
gonna run to her and tell her about the mean newfag?

>> No.62589898

anon you're missing the point, did the doctor make you stupid?

>> No.62589905

Nobody cares about your opinion subathon retard

>> No.62589909

What exactly is the point?

>> No.62589966

>she put a ton of effort into it and hyped it up and it's something we could have all enjoyed together
read it slowly, anon

>> No.62590002

Sorry but I just think that's dumb, if I'm listening to ASMR I'm not going to be staring at chat the entire time anyways

>> No.62590068

So stupid

>> No.62590080

she missed a premiere it's not a big deal

>> No.62590081

sure, but not every ASMR is accompanied by a premier she hyped us up to be there for. you can just say you're autistic and indifferent good god.

>> No.62590099

Sorry doc, the accident hit me really hard

>> No.62590126

i didnt watch it
i dont give a shit about watching it with her
i won

>> No.62590132

>calling me the autistic one
Ironic, it's just a fucking premiere

>> No.62590149

my shomies are fiting… uuu

>> No.62590219

Derek was a term made to demean anons bringing up viewers and men, now it’s a badge of honor and the behavior is normalized. What happened?

>> No.62590226

do you just want everything she does from now on to not feel special and celebrated instead? I'm not even saying her excuse was a bad one.

>> No.62590264

why is everyone so angry all the time behind the scenes

>> No.62590325

Shondo doesn't step up

>> No.62590363

Shondo doesn't address any of the problems and expects us to be nise to the retards. Why the fuck do you think we get angry?

>> No.62590377

who’s angry?

>> No.62590379

my guess is that this is an unfulfilling relationship for most people and they think that if everyone else was gone it would be perfect.

>> No.62590423

Useless gay discussion, I don’t care

>> No.62590438

"Help me" she messed up at the last one tho didn't give enough time for the last dot

>> No.62590449

>She recently lists who causes her problems
>Shoggers are the weird ones for wishing those problems no longer existed

>> No.62590470

don’t say you’re gonna bake you’re gonna kill the site again

>> No.62590511

I will bake.

>> No.62590531

simply not baking is good enough for me

>> No.62590536

I agree. These selfish shoggers that bring nothing but love to complain need to go

>> No.62590574

your bread tastes like shit

>> No.62590601

I will bake a cake and eat it all by myself

>> No.62590604

True, you need to go then since you're complaining about shoggers

>> No.62590626

no they bring her a lot like constantly expecting her to explain herself when she doesnt do something they want :^)

>> No.62590651

>nothing but love
you dont even know her

>> No.62590670

ok but can you put ryona in the subject please

>> No.62590672

and what do you bring, anon?

>> No.62590755

why are you like this?

>> No.62590784

goodnight shoggers
enjoy the alt stream/mallow answering/toe reveal/guro art/cunny pics/joi asmr

>> No.62590811

stop impersonating me

>> No.62590838

all I know now is that our baker is the weakest kid in the universe
cya nerds, be more normal for Shondo pls thanks

>> No.62590875

I don't even think about you

>> No.62590882

like a video with a kitten in it you slut

>> No.62590893

i love you too <3 *chu*

>> No.62590898

Believe in the shogga mutiny
