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File: 91 KB, 540x337, Playism-Event-KSon-Host-Weibo-Apology-Translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62519040 No.62519040 [Reply] [Original]

remember not to buy playism games.

>> No.62519126

never heard of them, what kinda games do they got? and why should i care about the opinion of bug people?

>> No.62519131

Chonglets are so fragile.

>> No.62519137


>> No.62519186

the difference with the west is whose names are on the NG list and the fake morality takes on a slightly different hue

>> No.62519194
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>> No.62519253 [DELETED] 

this was shortly after Cocos Graudation from Hololive and Kson was to appear on a presentation for new games.
Playiism since have published games like Signalis and World of Horror. In general, they translate and publish japanese indie games like that. Find a way to support the developers of these games directly instead of giving spineless chinklickers a cut. The whole playism saga was very bad and handled very bad even by the western team.

>> No.62519268

Are chinese nationalists the most pathetic nationalists in existence?

>> No.62519335

Nah... Indian nationalist are much worse

>> No.62519340

That's unfortunate. Signalis and WoH are good games.

>> No.62519349
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>> No.62519367

Turkish nationalist exist. But Chinese nationalists sure try for that first place.

>> No.62519382

I will play games and read books and consume media made by terrible people if it interests me, because my personal satisfaction is more important than some fag’s cause

>> No.62519422

you can enjoy these things without giving money to horrible people.

>> No.62519432



>> No.62519438

Yeah, there aren't that many publishers that localize these indie games. This will probably just push me towards pirating them.

>> No.62519442


>> No.62519507
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meanwhile sega had her as a big part of their marketing campaign of yakuza 7 gaiden and they sponsored her fanmeeting in taiwan
you can pirate the games

>> No.62519529

>horrible people
God damn ypu people are fragile

>> No.62519558

feels like twitter in here

>> No.62519615

>bowing to China is a good thing now

>> No.62519619
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fuck off wumao

>> No.62519620

I also don't like fatson so it balances out

>> No.62519663
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>> No.62519680

not as fragile as the chinese.
Companies like these will, in the west, pretend to be pro LGBT and black lives matter and mental health first and no bully and whatever good cause but will quickly sell those values and support a hatemob that sends death threats over having her appear in an online stream.
My values tell me to do my best to not support people monetarily if they vocally support harassment campaigns with their actions.

>> No.62519693

I wish the whole taiwan thing had never happened
Maybe then ksonfags wouldn‘t be so obnoxious

>> No.62519724

you know that mentioning taiwan deducts more points from your social credit than defending china adds?

>> No.62519775

>hello we are playism please watch our event we will have kson there
>hello playism we are a group of fascists who want to murder her because of events that we made up in our schizo bugbrains and we demand that you do not include her in your event
>umm ackshually we never invited her in the first place and she couldn't come because uuhhh the schedule wasn't finalized also please ignore our chinese account saying that we rescinded our invite to her because she's a controversial figure also we won't apologize or even use her name when trying to bullshit our way out of this situation

>> No.62519787

>tfw this is irrelevant to me because I only pirate games

>> No.62519800

It is irrelevant to the media I consume.
/pol/tards are always crying about something huh
Some other dipshit told me my favorite author is homophobic and to not support them, should I stop reading them? Or should I only care about your dumb shit?

>> No.62519804

All companies are like that so I hope you don‘t pay for any sort of product.

>> No.62519928

I don‘t give a fuck about chinks and their bizarre hangups over the most inane shit
I‘m just sick of the fat twitch whore and her fans especially when the latter keep shitting on hololive

>> No.62519941

hololive has pulled out of china
your post is invalid. Sega has included Kson in their newest games.
Not everyone has weak morals, even as businessmen.

>> No.62519971

It is absolutely relevant. Companies are censoring their own works to comply with chinese regulations. It's a huge deal with movies and you can definitely see it's impact on gaming as well. Just look at how FGO censored their art for china, it might have initially applied to the cn version, but it's much easier to just censor new servants for all regions instead of doing extra work and modifying them for cn.

>> No.62519987

hi lingling

>> No.62520000

bugland has its claws in the anime industry too.

>> No.62520129

supporting kson vs supporting china
at least i don't have to care because i don't want any of their games. hard choice though.

>> No.62520173

fun fact: if you posted this thread 5 hours later there would be no anti-kson replies because the numberislanders would be asleep

>> No.62520229


>> No.62520345

kson is a vtuber who is still facing harassment from chinese "people", which is why a general reminder to not support harassment campaigns and the supporters of harassment campaigns like this is important.

>> No.62520439

It reminds me of blue archive. Chink version changed the entire backstory because you are not supposed to have sex with students. So, you are not a "sensei" in cn vrrsion. What a joke

>> No.62520455

This shit happened more than 2 years ago
Are you really that bored?

>> No.62520513

>pretend to be pro LGBT and black lives matter
>good cause

>> No.62520540

There is nothing worse than seething at 2 girls who happened to display a flag among others in a completely nromal context.

>> No.62520560

twittersister hours. pls understand.

>> No.62520568

we were somehow redirected to reddit it seems, anon

>> No.62520603

i havent seen an apology for their harassment anywhere and I would be a retard to forget people who hurt people who made me laugh.

>> No.62520606

it is one of the the most important events in vtubing history and should never be forgotten

>> No.62520671

>ksonfags are twittertroons
Wow what an unexpected revelation

>> No.62520771

>kson antis are illiterates who cannot discern that that post's usage of "good cause" has nothing to do with the author of the post's opinions
Wow what an unexpected revelation

>> No.62520816

chinks are scum but this shit is basically exactly the same as amerimutts woke cancel culture. ive seen many such cases in mutt entertainment.

both chinks and mutts are braindead commies today

>> No.62520825

>Search Playism
>Idol Manager
Didn't Holo play this even after the Taiwan incident

>> No.62521442

Only the traitororous holos did that

>> No.62521706

>bugs being a piece of shit.
No news so far

>> No.62521827 [DELETED] 

holy shit they're still seething lmo

>> No.62521873

Oh disregard that it's a fucking 2 years old thing? Let me correct my post then.
holy shit OP is still seething lmo

>> No.62522184

OK but consider: swagapinos

>> No.62523886

yeah, nah brother. We flips are on the cusp of being a Province of PRC.

>> No.62524205

Chink government ruining everything as usual

>> No.62524856

Turkish nationalism is usually very cringe, but no fucking way they are this pathetic. Trust me, I know because I live along them .

>> No.62525216

Have had the publisher blacklisted on steam ever since

>> No.62525389

why should i care about kson?

>> No.62525449

these threads are being made by the taiwanese, no one else gives a shit about china or any of this "drama"

>> No.62525504

based playism

>> No.62525509

no, that's israel

>> No.62525625

you should care about your oshi never associating with the chinese, or else she will be bullied to suicide which is why you should not support supporters of chinese hate campaigns.

>> No.62525756

>You are fragile for calling a spade a spade, now excuse me as I go to another board to cry about groups of people I do not like, because I am a hypocrite

>> No.62525833

do they take pride in not using deodorant

>> No.62525874

yeah nah playism brings over good games so im gonna keep buying the ones i like

>> No.62525939

>You people are Reddit for suggesting to pirate things made/distributed by companies that support China, which has no problems creating bootlegs and pirating shit
They are not sending their best

>> No.62526244

>kson antis
go back

>> No.62526315

i would be banned for racism if i called you "people" any of the words i wanted use

>> No.62527123

found the chink, worse deflection than nijiniggerinos

>> No.62527379
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>> No.62527779

sorry guess i should have said zhangs

>> No.62528270

I like Astebreed more than I like kson. I don't like kson at all. Not because the china shit but because she's a self hating slut with a do not resuscitate tattoo

>> No.62529276

Ogey zhang.
By the way, your translator sucks

>> No.62529598

>Everyone that dislikes kson is a zhang
Everyone that likes kson is a redditor and needs to go back

>> No.62529668

I'm actually going to go buy more Playism games to spite you and the reddit dragon

>> No.62529671

calm down, zhang chong

>> No.62529984

If it makes you cry like a zhang you are a zhang.
It's as simple as that.
No matter how much you name ''le Reddit'' trying to get validation throughout this thread, it doesn't change that fact.

>> No.62530094

At least change your IP address you stupid faggot

>> No.62530164

>he's ip count schizoing
>and he's wrong about it to boot

>> No.62530286

>they’re both seething and greentexting each other
/pol/chimps are actual empty husks without their fixations kek

>> No.62530391

Sure sis

>> No.62531585


>> No.62531639


>> No.62531687

Stay mad mutts. China won, and will continue to win. Everything you own will be made in China. Complete global economic dominance.

>> No.62531982

>Playism, an Japanese indie game publisher, has a yearly show (livestream) where they announce new games, show trailers, etc., with some celebrity guests giving commentary and whatever
>They announce the date and guest lineup for the 2021 show. One of the guests is Kson
>Zhangs start to seethe because the show is also translated to Chinese and restreamed to Bilibili
>They spam the Bilibili-er who was going to restream it telling him that Kson is evil, he decides to then not stream it because he doesn't want to get cancelled
>Playism puts out the press release in the OP on Chinese social media, but on JP and English they release a conflicting statement, saying that actually they announced the guests before they confirmed with them that they could show up so that's why they are kicking out Kson, which is a lie of course
>Then EN social media manager then does damage control very poorly, he says that the JP and EN story is correct and the Chinese one is lies. It was a weird trainwreck
>They then postpone the stream and later quietly cancel it

>> No.62532252

>implying I pay for games either way
im the one who won, not them

>> No.62532917

>bad knockoff animes called LEGEND OF XIOKUOHUAPOTINGDONG
nah I'll stick to buying japanese stuff lol

>> No.62533018

Zhang so sensitive, they will struggle to run their own house with such fragility. No wonder the Chinese boom is over.

>> No.62533112
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Another day to be happy that Choco pulled Cover out of the dumpster known as "China"

>> No.62533166

>too little man to admit it

>> No.62533191

chinafags proving yet again that they are retarded

>> No.62533475

Anon you are deffending chinks who lost their colective shit of a fucking flag

>> No.62533702

It would be great if I didn't have to scroll past 50 fucking 999999 episode chink shit when I'm looking for anime to watch, same with manga, fuck manhwa has more originality then chink shit with 9999 chapters each

>> No.62536421


>> No.62536925
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>Turkish nationalist

>> No.62536940

Whats the chinese reaction of kson being part of LAD Gaiden and Infinite Wealth. Arent they big fans of that franchise? Is she censored in their version of the game?

>> No.62536980
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>remember not to buy...games
I'm way ahead of you

>> No.62537271

They probably hate the series because it has chinese in mostly negative light.

>> No.62537670


>> No.62538023


>> No.62538737

>it's yet another stinky chinkbug hijacking a company social media account to kowtow for daddy Xi
Just like what these vermins did to hololive china account as well, they practically bullshitted about yagoo and subsequently cover corp, personally acknowledging one chinky policy

>> No.62540039

Weird, they Playism didn't blacklisted Hololive, just Kson.
Some holomem already played Omori, Ib remake and Yume Nikki and they are still online.

>> No.62540804

The issue was kson being on a bilibili stream. She's not blocked from playing their games either.

>> No.62541552

I laugh at chink, but soon I realize west did the same shit to hogwarts too

>> No.62543091
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the game is banned in china, not because of kson but because of current chinese censorship policies.
the fact that they have kson helps to combat chinese piracy.

>> No.62543237
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, coco dance taiwan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62543448

Ah sorry, you can enjoy these things without giving money to chinks and other subhuman creatures

>> No.62543554

Thanks. I will now buy all playism games.

>> No.62543610

>muh west
kek every fucking time

>> No.62543737
File: 753 KB, 1440x900, 【66話】-撤退!-中国展開!!-YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Sega I will never pirate their games
>All companies are like that so I hope you don‘t pay for any sort of product.
false & cope

>> No.62543894
File: 298 KB, 498x498, Ironmouse_Portrait_04_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frequent reminder that the artist who made this model for Ironmouse is Chinese and cut all ties with mouse when Kson joined VShojo

>> No.62543996

Oh come the fuck on. I like this publisher, too.

>> No.62544116


>> No.62544220

Reminder that all holochads stand with Kson, if you don‘t you‘re basically a nijinigger and a traitor to your oshi.

>> No.62544278

Man I actually pirated signalis and wanted to try world of horror, now I have to buy both

>> No.62544505

Kill yourself

>> No.62544832

Just wish SEGA would stop making stupid decisions

>> No.62544983
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