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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 121 KB, 900x900, kyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62497114 No.62497114 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.62497153

compliance with the americans with disabilities act

>> No.62497172

I honestly don’t know
His voice didn’t fit with his initial look
All in all, he’s just a massive fuck-up

>> No.62497202

they thought he was black and be able to met the woke quota.

>> No.62497443

You are seriously asking about the same hiring team who thought giving a woman and male model and didn't think of the mental toll it would've put her in?

>> No.62497450

Nobody knows. The catastrophe that is Iluna will forever be the greatest mystery in vtubing

>> No.62497527

Affirmative action got fooled by the voice

>> No.62497553

you know how in movies you need to put in one black person or it won't enter any nominations?

>> No.62497587

Whoever was in charge of hiring Iluna was definitely fired, right?

>> No.62497625
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Classic token white guy playing a black guys playing a asain guy playing a white guy.

>> No.62498148

Probably not. Kind of odd, but it seems like Iluna has the best mangers next to Lazulight. I don't think any of them have actually complained about them.

>> No.62498441

He has over 100k subs on his PL YouTube channel. Having numbers goes a long ways to getting into Nijisanji.

>> No.62498532

There was a free spot.

>> No.62498565

Anycolor need that diversity money for the yatch

>> No.62498614

JP can hire normies to be vtubers and do fine but EN normies are cancer

>> No.62498861

I have no idea how anyone thought any of the males were a good idea. I'd probably actually watch Aia if she were unicorn friendly.

>> No.62499034

it's numbers. iluna was the numbers PL gen.

>> No.62499109

Which Niji was this?

>> No.62499185
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>> No.62499403

They are hiring people based on "diversity score"
>ESL immigrant
and nepotism
>knowing elira
Talent doesn't even play into it. As a result now they're beleaguered with a ton of bad hires who can barely even communicate with each other through the ESL barrier. The social environment is ruined.

>> No.62499878

Oh, that makes sense. Didn't pay much attention to that one before "he" got fired, but I did think something sounded unusual about the voice.

>> No.62499987

they should hire me, i'll fill in the 1view quota

>> No.62500186

reparations for all the struggling black men out there

>> No.62500505

as if anyone couldn't get in Anycolor.

>> No.62500593

Diversity quota

>> No.62500662

Diversity hire.
They're called AnyColor after all..

>> No.62500678

100k subs lol

>> No.62502069

>didn't think of the mental toll it would've put her in?
What mental toll? This same person who got fired immediately did the exact same shit as an indie, i.e. get a male model

>> No.62502621 [DELETED] 

Kikes are evil. they can't create, only destroy.

>> No.62502662


>> No.62502684

is that justin trudeau?

>> No.62502753

>thinking it was corp decision to give herself a male model

>> No.62502765

Did any of Iluna know of Hanamori? They seemed to have been the most disconnected generation of them all.

>> No.62503088

Will papa riku hire me if I'm white as fuck but pretend to be black, gay, and disabled?

>> No.62503151

no, and that's why they sucked. hanamori was a group of utaite and vtuber watchers (pre-2020) and actual otaku. iluna is a bunch of normie westoids. besides scarle and maria, obviously. this is a big part of why they suck shit.

>> No.62503497 [DELETED] 

Kiki playing Pokemon Pinball

>> No.62503514
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>> No.62503802


>> No.62504016

Because he's a wigger.

>> No.62505247

I hate Kyo but in this instance he didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.62505469

Lmao. The cope is real. Repeatedly using a distasteful and annoying joke with political undertones intentionally poking the bear then crying like a little bitch when called out instead of just apologizing and moving on like a normal person is definetly not wrong right? This is par for the course for this guy, he repeatedly pokes any bear possible to le own the haters because he's an immature kid that just can't help himself. One look at his tweet history tells you all you need to know. It's just this time he pokes the wrong bear.

>> No.62505588

What do you mean? He unironically fits right in. NijiEN standards are so low now that a literal Down Syndrome child could get in and work there, until it dies from either starvation or depression

>> No.62505645

I'm korean.
I laughed at that joke.
Get some thicker skin sister

>> No.62505718

Being racist is never ok. Please sit down and listen to those who were offended and become a better person.

>> No.62505781

Hah okay you got me anon that was funny.

>> No.62505905

Didn't they originally plan to give Yugo Nina's model? But something happened and Nina was brought it last minute, and the rest is history for how Nina got abused by both her clique genmates and management?

Still butthurt he broke up your far right wing American funded trucker circle jerk?

>> No.62505920

Scarle was and still kind of is a massive normalfag. She just actually put in the effort to grind and learn about weeb culture, and is constantly reaping the rewards. Something that Aia shouldn't have waited over a year to do, and something the males of that gen refuse to do.

>> No.62505999

Your not that important my guy, why does it matter that you are Korean, you don't represent Korean sponsors and the money that Niji is after. Do you know why Hololive caters to unicorns? Cause they pay the bills. You aren't even on Nijis radar. He chose to poke the bear that is the collective Korean company base. One of their Korean sponsors likely said something. Your words have consequences. Just a reality check for some people that think they can just say shit and say "oh but my free speech just have thicked skin!" Ya sure, but we'll also take your fuckin wallet for the disrespect, get bent

>> No.62506026

Unironically a disability hire, probably got some sort of weird cut with EN laws

>> No.62506119

You think that girl would have been kicked out just for baseball comments? No, just like kyo she was known for having an abrasive personality known for poking the bear. There's only so long people want to put up with your shit, we don't care if you think your right, we think we're right too, and if you have less money and power than us, we'll your shit out of luck kid. Don't poke the bear if you don't want to be savaged by it's claws.

>> No.62506906

The hanamori shitters are also garbo though, we have Shu who streams when he wants to, the faggot who was butt buddies with Kyo, and Claude Bandage whatever the fuck whose just a carbon copy of the other two.

They don't care about Korean sponsors they don't have retard, why do you think the Korean livers got absorbed into the main branch and pretend to be Japanese now, the Korean market doesn't make them any money. They suspended him because the english speaking audience likes to get offended for other races and he doubled down on it, feeding to those drama loving leeches. Most of the people vocal about this matter don't even watch Kyo let alone nipplesanji as a whole, they just like causing a commotion and for the company giving him two weeks vacation so this blows over is the best option.

>> No.62507662

nta, but im legit happy for him. he finally has time to do his job now that wife left him.

>> No.62507785

For a second there I mistook the H as an F and thought today was going to be a good day for vt

>> No.62507816

Nijisanji hire the most untalented streamers
thats why. there are literally no entertaining ppl even in hololive anymore. VTUBING IS FUCKING BORING NOW... you can all go watch shylily or lucy be cringe edgelords making dumbass noises tho if you like

the only Vtubers that still even matters is Dya Rikku and ppl she is friends with . fuck the rest

>> No.62507820
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>> No.62508003

>entire PL content was him crossdressing to "troll" people on omeagle
You literally can't make this shit up.

>> No.62508536

Wow, so he's an actual faggot faggot.

>> No.62509144
File: 832 KB, 546x677, 1597836100085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tame ass trudeau joke
Bro get out more. My liberal coworkers make those jokes.

>> No.62509592

Imagine making up shit to fit your own agenda. You do know nijisanji has to make their sponsors public right. Even just googling nijisanji Korean sponsor you can quickly find at least 3 companies they work with that are Korean and even the talents themselves take Korean sponsors, in fact Shu doing a Korean company sponsored stream is one of the first search results. You have to be retarded to think that a company with hundreds of talents in the Asian market doesn't work with Korean companies. All your comments tell me is you have zero fucking real world experience just like kyo and just want to throw tantrums about muh free speech because you don't accept the reality that your actions have consequences. This isn't a fantasy world, get out of your mom's basement you absolute bum

>> No.62509672

Fucking sickening. What a colossal fuckup NijiEN is.

>> No.62509859
File: 45 KB, 330x327, 1699317588513493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally hated they/them/apache helicopter on debut for being a full blown trans, but ngl I have to respect how >he carried himself towards graduation and right after. Kept it professional despite how terribly the black company treated him and just moved on with his PL instead of milking drama.

Meanwhile other's ex nijis who also got unfairly fired still peddle months old drama for views to date.

>> No.62509900

Quit getting mad that you got bamboozled by a canook.

>> No.62509972

To avoid him getting into Tempus which I am eternally thankful for.

>> No.62510139

Kyo is the definition of a pampered sheltered white boy that thinks he can do whatever he wants and is surprised when he cant

>> No.62510718

to call your oshi a racist

>> No.62511888

I'd say diversity hire but we all know that ain't it kek

>> No.62512665

Considering she got drunk live on stream complaining about how she should've been a woman and had other Nijis try to stop her, yeah, there absolutely was.

>> No.62512756

he at least tries to act like a black guy, that’s probably the closest a japanese company will ever get to hiring a black guy

>> No.62512829

Not like Nijis get a say whatsoever about what they would be or look like before debuting.

>> No.62512957
File: 286 KB, 498x498, Mori_Calliope_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wanted the wigger audience.
But unlike Mori, Kyo doesn't have any talents except burning bridges.

>> No.62512976

Gotta fill the "Disabled" quota

>> No.62513399

Sub count. Of course Niji is too stupid to realize dead subs are a thing and didn't bother to even hire people with nice voices (Kyo, Enna and AIA)

>> No.62513587

generate drama
this is the only reason nijien is staying afloat

>> No.62513923

No wonder they gave him the girly shota model.

>> No.62515496

what kind of retarded rrat shit is this? no chick who's obsessed with vampire knight/diabolik lovers/etc is a normie.
you cant even name who was there and listed some irrelevant fags like kyo and bandage

>> No.62516583

haha you came in my ass I fucking got you faggot you're gay now lmao get trolled lol

>> No.62516828

I genuinely don't know. His content before joining was shit. His voice and enunciation is terrible for a streamer in general.

>> No.62518038

but that's based though?

>> No.62518334

Never read a cringier comment than this.
What the fuck is up with koreans man, you guys need to get over yourselves.

>> No.62518888

Best thing korea ever did was bully that wigga into suspension.

>> No.62519788

Good question

>> No.62521712

? Scarle is probably one of the only non normalfags in ILUNA. She was an anime based fujo youtuber. She actually was having a vtuber model made before she was accepted into Nijisanji. It even seems like her future outfits are getting closer to the model she originally got commissioned.

>> No.62521778

He was hired for me

>> No.62525004

You can say cringe all you want and bury your head in the sand like the child you are, your just a fucking nobody in 4 chan crying like a lil bitch about people being sensitive while your homeboy gets suspended for offending the Korean sponsors you insist don't exist. Get a reality check kid, you can't just do whatever you want like kyo, all the lame ass clout chasers that try to be edgy and cause drama like kyo deserve to get wrecked, and all you kids that talk shit nonstop online should be surprised when there are consequences for your actions, this isn't fantasy, this is life, kiddo.

>> No.62525961

Don't back down. Go on Twitter and let them know, Nijifans don't take shit from Koreans.

If you lack balls, I can act like a Nijifan for you. "What the fuck is up with you Koreans. You guys need to get over yourselves."
Be a man, and let them know how you really feel. Do it for Nijisanji.

>> No.62527412

fuck off shill

>> No.62528652

To destroy Nijisanji reputation

>> No.62529424


>> No.62529480

When you've already scrapped at the bottom of the barrel, this is what you end up scooping out.

>> No.62530670

Reading comprehension, I said Shu, the faggot (Uki) and Claude Katana whatever the fuck niggas name is

Unironically read your first sentence and then the rest of your comment lil bro, you offered no rebuttal to what I said and STILL seem to think Nijisanji gives a rats ass about the Korean market. I would say go outside and get some fresh air but considering >>62525004 you thought I was that guy maybe your beyond help. Keep living in your fantasy bitch boy lol

>> No.62531116

There was nothing wrong with the voice though, it sounded perfectly on par with a lot of young male characters in anime, since they're often voiced by women too.

>> No.62531308

He literally did nothing wrong, if anything he's based for not bending over backwards to some sensitive Koreans.

>> No.62531595

>double down on some stereotype with muh stats
That's full retard in any professional setting. Kyo is just lefty /pol/ level of retarded

>> No.62531767

And then got a male model herself as an indie, meaning you're full of shit.

>> No.62531988

Kurosanji saw big noomber

>> No.62532274

Fuck you! *gets plastic surgery to rook rike jung kook*

>> No.62532291

Yup, if he started using ghetto speak and dropping n bombs left right and center wouldn't feel supprised at all

>> No.62532322

Considering how many Chinese stars have been caught flying to Korea and coming back looking different, yeah, using that stat is retarded.

>> No.62532345

he affected Nijisanji's bottom line, and that was very wrong

>> No.62532613

So how does their ass tase ?

>> No.62532728

He/She/Whatever got [GRADUATED], not terminated with a list of bullshit reasons and one of them being a fucking "deez nuts" joke, anybody would be pissed about that

>> No.62532786

You have zero reading logic let alone reading comprehension. Still think you matter huh? No one gives a fuck what you think compared to the reality that they have over 100 talents and many do in fact take Korean sponsors including shu not even 3 months ago. Go ahead you and kyo can talk your shit, but don't get mad when you get hit. Youre speaking like an entitled little child mad that the world doesn't revolve around you and what other people think does in fact matter.

>> No.62532873

Cool stat, you know what stat Niji cares about? $$$. This is the world of adults kids no one cares about your feelings or your technically rights, they care about optics and $$$

>> No.62532911

Don't try making a fucking copypasta in the end you are nobody as well, I'm nobody too, so stick that superiority complex up that ass of yours, would say plowed but since asinas have them small that would be false

>> No.62532996

And yet they came back with a masculine model
They're also pulling pretty good numbers and have a weirdly rabid fanbase that seems to be made up of like 90% Asian women

>> No.62533134

Difference is that I am telling you facts, kyo is powerless, your out here crying that people are being sensitive. No one gives a fuck about your crying, the facts I stated about Niji and Korean sponsors are obviously true. Cry more, it'll help. I sleep well at night knowing dumbasses like kyo get out in their place. Talk shit get hit.

>> No.62533605

Stages of nijicope 1."He's not wrong!" 2. "Koreans are too sensitive!" 3. "I am a Korean that speaks for all Koreans he's right!" 4. "Nijisanji doesn't care about Koreans!

>> No.62533742

>smacks lips
What youse tryin' to say is
>rolls up sleeves
What you white bois is saying
>breathes heavily through gaped teeth
That we niggas can
>pulls up pants slowly falling back below the waistline
That we can like get sum
>snorts loudly through huge nostrils
Get sum of that you saying that
>holds BBC in hands and shakes it twice
Some finna
>eats skittles and KFC while having some grape drank
Hol up so u be sayin is
>licks teeth and grins
That this little white boii hurr
>smacks lips profusely
>gets jiggy wit it
>eats a skittle
>checks for nearest KFC
>collects welfare
>licks teeth and smacks lips
>does the crip walk
>opens a up a 40 and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown
>tweets about dis and goes to check in with his parole officer
>sucks air through teeth
>pulls up sagging pants
>instinctively looks around for police
>faints and then gets up repeatedly
>scopes dem titties
>shouts at movie theater screen
>chucks spear
>sets down cotton bale
>strokes welfare check pensively
>throws gang sign
>swings from basketball hoop
>grabs dick and shuffles left and right
>participates in a drive-by shooting
>converts to Islam
>repeated World Star yelling in the background
>sells crack
>Rolls a blunt

>> No.62537080

Anon you're mixing up the "graduations"...

>> No.62537145
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Fuckin KEK

>> No.62537658

"I'm not Korean but I don't think it's offensive, so the Koreans shouldn't get mad over this!"

>> No.62539321

I'd watch Aia if she had a personality. "mm mm" and "dork" aren't a personality.

>> No.62539552

I'm Korean
My country is legit the cosmetic surgery capital of the world. We also have a dog dish.
Fuck nijien (except pomuselen)
Kyo didn't really offend me
Still popcorning while he gets cancelled and niji burns.

>> No.62543566


>> No.62543768
File: 414 KB, 1125x1859, 1693951982759429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Kyo thread

>> No.62543830

She is a woman. No amount of crying and seething will change that

>> No.62544158

>he's based for not bending over backwards to some sensitive Koreans.
but he did even if he was forced to
that's like negative based

>> No.62548528


>> No.62552067

It's not even based, he was clearly drama seeking by posting the same tired joke 3 straight times. Girls call this "limit testing" they do something progressively more annoying until they get their boyfriend angry. In this case that's kyo except he does it no matter what he does because he's an annoying cunt

>> No.62555507
File: 945 KB, 990x1607, IMG_7241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love how much of a self important fart sniffer you come off as with each room tenperature IQ comment you make. I'm sure you have a lost of all those korean sponsors in your head but only Shu came up on google so you've convinced yourself your correct lol. I accept your concession though and again >>62533134 stop replying to people like we're the same person. I'm glad to know this will be a slap on the wrist and nothing more because Nipplesanji could give a rats ass about your plastic surgery country Kim.

>> No.62555862

>It even seems like her future outfits are getting closer to the model she originally got commissioned.

I only knew her from the Twisted Wonderland community

>> No.62557364

"Only shu came up on google" spoken like a true EOP

>> No.62557868

Not my fault that's all he could find, genuine skill issue

>> No.62557910

>Subs account of PL

>> No.62558020

Your country is America's prettiest and most expensive hooker. Its sole function is to whore out American decadence values to the rest of Asia so that they don't defect to China.

>> No.62559189

God both of his faces are terrible to look at

>> No.62560641


>> No.62563486

The nijikek fears the koreachad

>> No.62563488

The nijikek fears the koreachad
