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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62470257 No.62470257 [Reply] [Original]

/Horni/ edition!

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing. We also give advice on how to maximize your semen production.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
V&U (Nov 14): https://twitter.com/VNUofficial/status/1716711118121341161
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Spread the love Spread the love Spread the love

Previous Thread: >>62460705

>> No.62470339


>> No.62470372

It’s horny edition so LET’S BE HORNY post what YOU would do to a CHUUBA!

(Hard mode: romantic/caring)

>> No.62470432

most blant astroturf thread ive seen in ages

>> No.62470445

>Angry foxx is the OP
I did this to myself x.x

>> No.62470459

I'd love to stare Haru in the eyes and hold him close to me. feeling the warmth of his body and his heartbeat!!!!!!!!!

>> No.62470467

Oh boy I can't wait to talk about drama again

>> No.62470492

Shut up Hyde.

>> No.62470524

Can we bake a new thread, I dont wanna see this tranny

>> No.62470532

i wanna go on a chill fishin trip with Dante and drink a few beers while we wait for fish to bite and talk about stupid ideas for ECW

>> No.62470593
File: 51 KB, 650x500, 4ylywp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should probably warn you about Gael Stratus since he started drawing some /asp/ies.
There are two taboos in the art community; tracing art you don't own and AI generated art.
Gael manages to combine both by tracing AI art. You have to know that before you like and retweet one of his drawings.

Oh and also he's a /wvt/ schizo with a hatebonner for /asp/ies since gen 2, never really figured out why he hates /asp/ies so much when he's practically one himself. But that's an ad hominem irrelevant to tracing AI art.

>> No.62470717

Gen4 is generally supportive/tolerant of AI art

>> No.62470750

got any proof crab?

>> No.62470751

Gael isn't relevant so thanks for importing unimportant drama.

>> No.62470764

3 posts in and you fags are already spamming this word

>> No.62470791

>Gael manages to combine both by tracing AI art. You have to know that before you like and retweet one of his drawings.
Don't mind
>he's a /wvt/ schizo with a hatebonner for /asp/ies since gen 2
Ok now we have a problem
But yeah send proof

>> No.62470792
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>> No.62470818
File: 52 KB, 806x806, I_love_this_dog_like_you_wouldnt_believe35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro don't you literally program in RUST there are far more offensive words for your kind then "web developer", come to the light of the embedded side brother

>> No.62470820

Tell me. Do I have a chance to get with Rura?

>> No.62470825

why would he draw them if he has a hateboner

>> No.62470849
File: 134 KB, 800x966, 1621628212786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get close to Layla and talk long into the night about her dreams and aspirations. I want to comfort her when life pushes her down and pick her up. I want her to tell me about her stories and read them to me in her cute accent. I want to hold her hand as we walk through the streets. I want to caress her cheek and tell her how beautiful she is. I want to push her down onto her bed, as she lets out a little squeak, unsure if how to proceed. I want to remove her clothes and engage in primal bed shattering sex and inseminate her womb.
I want to make her happy.

>> No.62470857

Ask her boyfriend

>> No.62470885
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>that little hint of green

>> No.62470896

UwU what are your thoughts on Daiyataro?

>> No.62470900


>> No.62470932

You mean customer(s)?

>> No.62470949

The other shit doesn't matter but you don't want to give him positive attention. He receives negative attention better so call him a retard and shitty artist instead of thanking him if you want to make him happy.

>> No.62470950

Gen 5*
Gen 4 bullied Parseks.

>> No.62470965


>> No.62471013
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I will now follow you (as soon as I find your twitter)

>> No.62471025

No gen4 didn't bully him. People on twitter and in the thread did.
Bunch of gen4 used AI generated assets. Digby for instance uses a lot of AI generated backgrounds and stuff

>> No.62471070

Why nobody ever talk about pre gen 4

>> No.62471072

the thread bullied the fuck out of him, /asp/cord did too, you can look it up

>> No.62471129

Gen 3 was a cancer gen, everyone fucked off to /asp/cord or abandoned this place, so we never need to talk about them.
Gen 1 and 2 are either in /lig/ if they GMI or /wvt/ if they are still not there, but they are all already very succesful there is no need to talk about them here.

>> No.62471135
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The artistic mind of the potato goes back to the art.

>> No.62471162

Neither the thread nor aspcord are "gen4"

>> No.62471170

>AI generated backgrounds
There are ethical applications for AI and backgrounds can be one of them, especially when I would just take a photo and apply a filter to it if I wasn't using AI.

>> No.62471171

I'd give Koko what she REALLY wants

>> No.62471200

or they quit

>> No.62471214

Defecate in Rura's food. Launch Rura into the sun. Stir fry Rura in a wok. Toss Rura into active volcanoes.

>> No.62471222
File: 50 KB, 757x757, I_love_this_dog_like_you_wouldnt_believe131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this thread should spend less time coming up with dumbass ships and more time streaming and clipping ayyyyyyy

>> No.62471237

This sounds like a post I'd make, and yet, it's not. My twin...

>> No.62471259

I'd listen to you masturbate

>> No.62471274

I never had any issues with Gen4 over using AI art
It was just people in the thread or on /asp/cord. It's really not a big deal and I think everyone has gotten over the whole AI art hate thing.

It's fine for backgrounds etc but despite the protestations of some has not put artists out of work.

>> No.62471276
File: 165 KB, 480x640, factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a number of AI generated backgrounds but typically they're buried under several layers of filters/shoost layers/etc. Though I guess the one I use for an ECW entrance screen is on the nose because Manasong is AI.

>> No.62471278

Just make a youtube archive for me and put my vods there. I'm never gonna do it.

>> No.62471291
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Uwu what's your opinion on Kuku?

>> No.62471316

Keitaro is still live

>> No.62471319
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Ave primor!

>> No.62471321
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Since this is just a fucking dating general at this point describe (You)r best quality

>> No.62471356

This kills the fujos

>> No.62471359

I'm good at stealing women away from other men.

>> No.62471384

You can't slow down a fujo by telling them not to do something.

>> No.62471405
File: 85 KB, 800x1000, 1684023801944904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting in 5! Everyone's favorite game: jong
"Tourney" Lobby code: 214131

>> No.62471436

I'm seriously mentally ill but in a far more dignified yet pathetic way than any of the identified menharas

>> No.62471473

You can't stop cute boys being cute together!

>> No.62471480
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 1688029674059767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take my card

>> No.62471532

No woman in their right mind would be interested in me.

>> No.62471552

Slushy and Tiny know this man.

>> No.62471566

Please allow me to breed you

>> No.62471608

What do you aspire to be? For me it’s Rura’s husband.

>> No.62471626

I'm male

>> No.62471644

UWU have you had a chance to check out the newer /asp/s of gen 5 and if so what do you think of them?

>> No.62471678

Rura's dog

>> No.62471686

Did he admit that or is it speculation
I honestly can't tell from scrolling his twitter, it just looks like a generic style

here's an example of an obvious AI tracer:
and their non-traced art:
huge shift in style and improvement in anatomy in just a few months, and the retard even traced the fucked up AI hands

>> No.62471694
File: 419 KB, 1140x927, couples tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should've clipped and streamed instead of working on this?

>> No.62471711

as long you look good in a skirt we can work something

>> No.62471713

I still don't get the issue with tracing? It's just like copying some code and changing the bits you need until it works, what's the big deal?

>> No.62471739

it's speculation from a crab with a hard on for shitting on gael, he does the same thing in /wvt/

>> No.62471758

You can't breed a boy and boys don't wear skirts

>> No.62471766

Stop bugging uwu with ego boost questions.
The man already did a 2 hour long special talking about a lot of you and giving advice.
Let the man shitpost in peace.

>> No.62471791

Wrong and wrong.

>> No.62471792

I'm going to make Layla happy and make her forget her worries

>> No.62471815

Why talk in 3rd person

>> No.62471844

Artists are menhera

>> No.62471850

Parseks seemed nice. Is he still active?

>> No.62471853

If my audience wants to let all m vods die then I guess they just don't love me enough
Im to gremlin to work a youtube AND a twitch

>> No.62471885

I just genuinely don't understand the objection, this isn't like a fake thing for (You)s I just don't get it, I copy and change stuff all the time at work and it seems totally normal as long as your contribution is the majority of the work.

>> No.62471902

The CamxLay ship has an astonishing amount of parallels to Romeo and Juliet. Two scorned lovers unable to be together as their families tear each other apart.

>> No.62471911

Streamed yesterday

>> No.62471913

Why does cheen get hit with a bat

>> No.62471923

Hopefully it ends like the play, with a double suicide.

>> No.62471929

cheen is the robot

>> No.62471957

Who is rat

>> No.62471960

Cheen is the robot, Anon.
He is a Machine/Ma-cheen.

>> No.62471992

Named Ri-ah or something like that

>> No.62472001

How can I steal cheen from lava

>> No.62472012

She should be called Mah.
So together they're Mah and Cheen.

>> No.62472047

That's mean, anon. I hope everyone on that list is able to find joy with the ones they love, even the retarded ones.

>> No.62472053

Why does he get TWO vtuber avatars in one? Most people just draw the rat...

>> No.62472064

I'm a boy and I'll never be able to be loved by Cheen.
I have had to accept that fact.

>> No.62472074
File: 26 KB, 521x521, I_love_this_dog_like_you_wouldnt_believe24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am I even in the tierlist template, I was never any gen of /asp/ and I actively avoided this place when I was starting out. shouldn't it just be the active gen?

>> No.62472085

I want to add to this

>> No.62472091

Fucking Layla while Cam and Hyde watch

>> No.62472096
File: 1.12 MB, 969x929, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you draw your own you can make your own rules.

>> No.62472111

People asked, so I added you, welcome in /asp/ie (i'm very sorry)

>> No.62472132

Because we love you!
Which couples?

>> No.62472168

what would you class yourself as then? /lig/, /wvt/?

>> No.62472184

honorary spot for being nice to us.

>> No.62472192

>I actively avoided this place
Was it because of the toxic Gen 3 chuubas?

>> No.62472276

well you are active as mentor in the thread RIGHT NOW

>> No.62472289

Denpa and Tupo

>> No.62472291

He streams on twitch

>> No.62472310

Are any of you native american?

>> No.62472323

Why are you trying to bait him into your stupid drama?

>> No.62472324

most of those threads chuubas do

>> No.62472332

Flandzen by himself? That is not a couple.

>> No.62472335

Cheen plays by his own rules. He's so fucking cool.

>> No.62472355

Yes that's where I was born.

>> No.62472374

He's always by himself

>> No.62472377

It's a filter.
True MACHEENS will draw the bot. Fake fans draw the rat thinking thats him.

>> No.62472381

I think Cublala is

>> No.62472415

I was filtered and didn't know...

>> No.62472426

Fuck off Kuromaru.

>> No.62472468

I had some talks with artists during the AI hate craze and they unironically believe in things like "art comes from the soul", so anything that isn't a pure expression and uses "shortcuts" is seen as tainting it. Just know that digital art and photography went through the same controversies as AI.
There's also the issue with "ownership" as they're borderline "my OC, do not steal" type of cringe. Like I said, they're menhera, so they don't like people "using" their art without their "permission" as a "shortcut" towards making something better than what they did. This one is slightly understandable as it discourages big companies from just tracing over stuff to cut corners, but it's enforced without mercy even to the smallest of artists and in the most hateful possible.
Extreme insecurity plus overinflated ego equals to one the cringiest communities on the internet. Normally communities like that would be shunned from the mainstream but because everyone likes art they're "tolerated".

>> No.62472486


>> No.62472488

MondVampir and a line of german johns

>> No.62472502

those arts also think using a reference is cheating

>> No.62472517

I... see
I think I'll continue to ignore these people and keep learning from tracing and references.

>> No.62472538

I've never met a single artist who said this unironically.

>> No.62472544

Cool post but have you considered : '
"fuck AI art " and, "you're evil" ?

>> No.62472545

They included you to use as ammo against newcomers/smaller chuubas. That's the current state of the thread.

>> No.62472566

using a reference is not cheating and is something you should almost always do, do NOT draw from your mind if you want to get better at anatomy

>> No.62472600

The issues with AI art should be intrinsic and obvious. Its simply bad faith to try to defend it

>> No.62472642

i'm "okay" with ai art it's just that it looks like ass and i hate people spending money on ai art.

>> No.62472646

If any of you fuckers make react 'content', I hope you are never GMI.

>> No.62472650

We're not dredging this debate up again

>> No.62472675

I think that's only the more extreme ones.

Yeah, learning is fine, but the internet mobs aren't known for being reasonable and capable of nuance so be careful with posting on twitter something that was traced.

>> No.62472714

Name and shame sis

>> No.62472716

Anyone who argues in favor of AI art might as well be trying to argue that we should all commit suicide.

Sure dude maybe. But is this really something you want to be right about?
Its the same energy as people who say
>well they're a company and a company's goal is to make money
In defense of all companies and they think its a unique point.

>> No.62472729

Pick your timeloop. The Troubles or World AI War 1?

>> No.62472734

Is poetry art?

In the land where sunsets paint the sky,
There blooms a love, unspoken, shy.
Rura, my heart's Filipina flame,
A melody in my life's sweet claim.

Her eyes, like stars in the Manila night,
Reflecting dreams, pure and bright.
Silken strands of raven hue,
Weave tales of love, forever true.

In the dance of islands, where rhythms play,
Rura moves with grace, stealing the day.
Her laughter, a melody, echoes sweet,
In every moment, our hearts meet.

From Luzon's peaks to Visayan shores,
Love blossoms in the Cebuano roars.
Mindanao's whispers in the gentle breeze,
A love story written in archipelagic keys.

Through jeepney rides and bustling streets,
Our love, resilient, never retreats.
In her, I find a vibrant blend,
Of warmth and strength that never end.

Oh, Rura, my love, my Filipina bride,
Together, on this journey, side by side.
In the tapestry of our shared endeavor,
Forever and always, my love for you, Rura.

>> No.62472743
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well that's really sweet, thank you for including me. I hope I don't take attention away from the current gen though

nope, there were some good streamers in gen 3, I just had no use for the thread. I already had streamer friends that I made while clipping/editing for people, I had enough technical skills to set up a streaming rig, and I already had a good set of ideas for what I wanted to attempt while streaming. I just didn't figure there would be much that I'd gain from coming here when I was starting out

>> No.62472744

AI isn't inherently bad, it's used for quite a lot of good things. the fact that you are saying "permission" and "shortcut" tells me this is just bait and so further discussion in how it is actually unethical and bad long term for industry in general is pointless.

There is literally nothing wrong with reference and nothing wrong with tracing to learn. People who trace then pretend it's their work is where it's an issue. You absolutely can trace if you want to break down an artist's thought process. Just don't post the result with the impression you made it.

>> No.62472760

>aspiring vtubers?

>> No.62472763
File: 93 KB, 777x865, She gets fucked by claudette daily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a new model.

>> No.62472765

AI is 100% inherently bad

>> No.62472795

Let's see if anons have learned how not to reply to bait.

>> No.62472799

Hey UwU you could even use the tier list to keep track of what people you've raided, haven't raided in a while, and have never ever raided!

>> No.62472801

It's a rainy day outside, it's his day off of stream and he is slouched on his chair, producing music concentrated on his screen playing on FL studio and can't hear his surroundings. I prepare him some hot chocolate or some tea and put it by the window. I'll join his office room where he does all the work and try to make sure he knows i'm in the room to not scare him off. I'll come behind him and lift his earphone from one ear and wisper "come take a break". Visibly annoyed at first he'll still come with me by the window and we'll hug each other under a blanket while sipping our baverages, listening to the sound of the rain and watching it fall over . And when he'll be done drinking and feels relaxed enaugh he'll start falling asleep on my shoulder and take a nap while i'm carressing one of his cats and trying to avoid getting bitten by the other one.
(He knows who he is, I am not going to say his name though hehe)

>> No.62472807

you have yet to give actual reasons

>> No.62472819
File: 98 KB, 373x398, 720DBE1C-CAA6-489F-8BCC-53F2B2B2C648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62472821


>> No.62472839

>ai bad
>just believe me bro

>> No.62472867

why should he give reasons if he's just baiting

>> No.62472869

I'd agree that AI is bad in the lens of most, if not all creative endeavors (art, writing etc). But where AI can be used for things like medical research I just can't agree that it's always bad.

>> No.62472873

No they literally don't lol

>> No.62472879

I think more people should accept arguments like this. The world would be less fucked up if we relied more on intuition than logic

>> No.62472901

what happened to odette?

>> No.62472918

I want to cuddle up to Purin on the sofa (and suck on her boobs)

>> No.62472942

My intuition tells me that Andy should put the latex outfit during our marriage ceremony

>> No.62472947

I'm looking at getting a pngtuber model made, how many expressions minimum should I go for?

>> No.62472967

Why can't we all move in together and have a streamer house

>> No.62472966

Have you seen the tierlist? Even Bodega is there.
You two are like the mom and dad of the group.

>> No.62472976


>> No.62472984

bodega is technically an active asp chuuba

>> No.62473008

why are you like this

>> No.62473012

Why is she there when she interacts with us even less than uwu

>> No.62473047

Because we love Bodega and she is friends with aspies.

>> No.62473050

Someone thought it'd be funny to add, now people think it's funny to keep her there. She seems chill, so whatever.

>> No.62473067

because the amount of people on the tier list is part of the joke that's why we've added literal who viewers on it

>> No.62473071

enough of stupid timeloops, tell me about your favorite retro game and when you will stream it to gush about it

>> No.62473082

how could you fly with those huge tits?

>> No.62473087

is gen 5 the biggest gen so far?

>> No.62473096

I'm gonna stream Kirby 64 in 20 minutes.

>> No.62473101
File: 1.28 MB, 1272x1700, 1699780449628268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawfrens please draw more cute boys doing cute boys please I BEG YOU

>> No.62473105

it's because he wants a cute female mascot to make art of, while at the same time not being a babi.

>> No.62473106

This is what separates the amateurs from the professionals. Professionals in, well, ANY field of artistry understand the importance of influences and references, and that ALL artists in a way copy the art that inspired them to become artists themselves. Much art is created by piecing together pre-existing pieces created by other artists to create a new work. Even those Twitter drawfags sitting in their ivory tower do this even if they gaslight themselves into believing they don't.
There is fewer an insufferable person than an artist with an ego. It is only when you let your ego go that you can create something truly inspiring. To be an artist is to engage in the pursuit of beauty in any form. To clutch pearls and claim "only the way I personally create art is allowed" is bullshit and those people are no different than their curmudgeonly old fathers that told them they don't listen to REAL music because it's made with machines when they were kids.

>> No.62473111

Because the smell.

>> No.62473129

I don't think I've ever streamed anything that would be called "retro"

>> No.62473130

he posted the image he traced from once, an AI generated image of Corpse, but I don't care enough to dig it up
artists do know it's traced because there's a lack of understanding of fundamentals though

>> No.62473133


I'm having trouble thinking of that many. So normal smile, angry, sad, maybe disgusted, yandere, uuuuhhhh idk

>> No.62473148

Didn't stop Flandzen and nobody cares either. Flandzen isn't even OC

>> No.62473190
File: 4 KB, 107x79, iseeu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fly into your arms so you can carry me.

>> No.62473192

All these words for a bullshit comparison to make a whatabout argument

>> No.62473202

>just take my word bro

>> No.62473218

time to start then, there is always a first time

>> No.62473223

I'm streaming Magic Carpet soon and it's just one of those weird but innocent games that try something new and janky.

>> No.62473224

Can you fags go argue about AI on /g/ or /ic/ where it belongs?

>> No.62473232

>Didn't stop Flandzen
didn't stop him from what?

>> No.62473236

You didn't even read it.

>> No.62473237


might be useful for some of you

>> No.62473242
File: 560 KB, 1139x443, sexuality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62473258

And you can't stop reading me.

>> No.62473287

Gay!? I'm only half gay!

>> No.62473297

>brown flat chest tomboy
>wearing skintight leotard
Slaya lewds when?!

>> No.62473301

One day you're going to have to get over elementary school jealousy over the kids who could draw.

>> No.62473327

Fucking love Shindigs

>> No.62473366

>no bi
(you) were never going to place me in the correct tier

>> No.62473392

Hyde’s schizo posts coming from a secret gay love for Camui is my new favorite rrat

>> No.62473436
File: 472 KB, 922x1157, 5cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the spiritual faggotry, artists spend years practicing daily, and then you see tweets about some guy saying that he has massively inproved his AI prompting "skill" in the past 6 months and that AI is great for the artistically challenged and how it reduces discrimination

>> No.62473438
File: 1.10 MB, 1140x923, UPDATED sexuality tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me fix this for you.
Might have to move Keitaro to bisexual.

>> No.62473456

skill issue

>> No.62473487


>> No.62473500

your missing some people.

>> No.62473535

I dont know the people missing well enough to figure them out.

>> No.62473536

Sounds like the asexuals just need a good dicking to see the way. I volunteer myself as tribute.

>> No.62473544


>> No.62473555

None of the people in asexual make any sense

>> No.62473580

We need to bring bunda posting back.

>> No.62473579

Of course it is. Those people have never and will never create anything beautiful.

>> No.62473583

I asked to be put into the slut corner last time.

>> No.62473604

No one on /g/ argues about AI, they just make 50 /de3/ and /sdg/ threads to dump images. Then you ocassionally get one thread suggesting an /ai/ board is made, which jannies delete because how dare someone suggest Hiroshima should improve the site

>> No.62473623

Who are you?

>> No.62473639

What the fuck does “bisexual” mean?

>> No.62473651


>> No.62473656

/asp/ies have the right to know if their fanart comes from AI or not

>> No.62473678

Fine. I'll commit chuuba. See you in a few weeks.

>> No.62473685

Fake bi

>> No.62473695

I want to nakadashi Gumpai and have Denpa lick my cum out of her pussy

>> No.62473696

oh its you again

>> No.62473711

it's hargmentor

>> No.62473727

Spyro the Dragon and he'll be taking a break from his job at Subway to join me on stream this week!

>> No.62473770
File: 1.67 MB, 1079x1041, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62473823
File: 1.48 MB, 1140x1016, ASPhorny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since people mostly cared for the /horni/ part of the threadlist, here is how horny i think all of you are

>> No.62473827

i like dwagons! rawr!!!(means i love you in dragon)

>> No.62473864
File: 723 KB, 1764x2638, FjMKtKgVQAEbs7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62473900

Hehehe. There's an imposter in the prim and proper

>> No.62473911

oh you're one of those cucks

>> No.62473930

I should probably be moved down to what is lewd.

>> No.62473947

It's hard to watch every aspie

>> No.62473965


>> No.62473982

Wow, it's quick, easy, and provides something quality for everyone! Thanks second cake guy!

>> No.62474006

Tierlist for pro vs against AI art right now

>> No.62474011
File: 16 KB, 428x424, 1621094657468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to slutty chuubas to know they're free to contact me because I crave attention

>> No.62474018

Who is your target audience?
What is your target demographic interested in?
Are there any aspects of yourself that you want to emphasize when streaming (personality traits, expressions)?
What type of content do you want to create as a vtuber (gameplays, karaoke, ASMR)?
Do you have the resources to provide that content? What resources do you plan to acquire in the future?

>> No.62474020
File: 14 KB, 928x1224, Fuwacoco_8x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may try out the ai companion thing
dragon dez nuts on ur face lmoa

>> No.62474031

do tell, as >>62473947 says, its hard to watch them all so some i jsut guessed of off impressions

>> No.62474041

Thought I was browsing /ic/ for a sec

>> No.62474044

Let's go, time for World AI Art 2

>> No.62474068

You're right. I'm 100% gay.

>> No.62474078

Drawfag hate, viewer hate
You're not welcome here we don't need you

>> No.62474090

This is like those essay writing guides they gave you in school and just like back then I'm gonna wipe my ass with these questions and get an A+ anyway

>> No.62474138

Favorite? hard to pick...I'd love to stream Killer 7 soon though, but thats not retro...right?

>> No.62474145

Merlie, it's very obvious that you're putting on an act.

>> No.62474177

If I streamed retro the younger /asp/ies would think I'm an old man and then I wouldn't be able to groom them

>> No.62474191

yes it is, 2005 on PS2 is even what /vrt/ says is retro

>> No.62474189

AI is pretty cool but drawing is way more fun so like whatever man lol
>t. drawfag

>> No.62474224

Shut the fuck up rebel.

>> No.62474248

God hand or dungeon keeper. i might stream them.

>> No.62474256

Lol that’s not me anon, but to address your concerns, I honestly just have restraint. But I want to stay pure on stream for all of you! Not that it’s hard for me to do, or something I have to constantly remind myself to do or something

>> No.62474260
File: 228 KB, 250x250, gclefSquish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing stepmania (footcam included)


>> No.62474314

YOU GUYS ARE INSANE I DONT NEED ANOTHER BOYFRIEND!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH PLEASE DONT SAY THIS THIS MAKES ME SO SAD FOR YOU GUYS TO EVEN THINK I NEED A NEW ONE!! i have been asking to collab with him for the last 4 weeks and he has been rejecting my proposals! I’m sorry I am a contentless angel ! That anon is not me! I am a happy gamer girl!

>> No.62474320
File: 44 KB, 448x448, spin dayia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiya is live!

>> No.62474331

oh god, pls stream dungeon keeper

>> No.62474335
File: 1.02 MB, 596x596, 1635715395747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my most humble opinion, AI art just seems like another trend that looks like it's already dying. Many "entrepreneur" type people hyped it up because they thought it could be another get-rich-quick scam like drop shipping.

>> No.62474358

What group of people would be able to make the most functional healthy streamer house
What group is least functional and would immediately collapse

Must be at least 4 people per group

>> No.62474374

me and my tulpas

>> No.62474403

Like all other AI projects it was oversold. People have realized its kind of boring and limited.
AI winter here we come

>> No.62474425

>Who is your target audience?
Goobers and winkerbeans
>What is your target demographic interested in?
>Are there any aspects of yourself that you want to emphasize when streaming (personality traits, expressions)?
I am a crackhead
>What type of content do you want to create as a vtuber (gameplays, karaoke, ASMR)?
Gameplay & zatsu, I would like to integrate orisongs and covers into it down the line too but that might be complete tonal whiplash with my normal content.
>Do you have the resources to provide that content? What resources do you plan to acquire in the future?
I have lots of decent audio equipment and a brain which is being held together with duct tape.

>> No.62474436

AI is a tool like any other, the pro and anti sides are both retarded

>> No.62474465

Generous to call it a tool

>> No.62474472

oh god Dungeon Keeper games are "retro" now aren't they

>> No.62474479

Still need some opinions for last thread's post I made if it's a good idea or not, or else i'll just do art & gaming streams (it's a copy paste):

I had a streaming idea that popped off in my head: Translate(+ create subtitles) from Russian cartoons to English with me.
Why? I am incredibly stupid in russian and english, but it's something I always wanted to try out since I almost went to uni to do exactly that, and going over the process with others sounds fun, but also some cartoons I grew up with have VERY BAD subs or not any at all (always wanted to show the cartoons to my friends) so why not make some fan-subs for fun and tryyy to localize it to english while chat corrects me on my grammer and we debate how we should spin the sentence and the phrasing.
My ultimate goal would be to make someone become a translator for video media because of how horrible my translation will be (or who knows maybe it will be actually good and the people who helped will be a part of it all)
(+ >>62464037 ramble of what exactly I could translate from Ru to En)
Sorry again for being a burden ;;

>> No.62474535

>Like all other AI projects it was oversold
It's more like it made news media mag dumps spooky headlines because everyone and their dog fearmongers the idea of technology taking over.

>> No.62474551

It is
that I'm on the list in this specific capacity

>> No.62474584
File: 746 KB, 1143x907, pinball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I want to learn to make my own pinball game


>> No.62474603

1997 Bro......

>> No.62474615


>> No.62474673

Why are male vtubers so pathetic? Why are you here, just to sexpest?

>> No.62474718


>> No.62474722

I'm sorry I collabed with your oshi, I didn't want to but she offered me a blowjob after.

>> No.62474736

might be fun, but only if you start with нy пoгoди.

>> No.62474741

This community and its hag shit makes me feel like I'm so old I should kill myself. There are vtubers 10 years younger than me with lives so much better.

>> No.62474762


>> No.62474768

I can't tell. They must come out on their own.

>> No.62474831

I wouldn't mind a waifey, but yes, sexpesting is on the menu

>> No.62474859

I actually and unironically plan to kill myself once I hit 100 viewers

>> No.62474876

you are more than just horny Sterling, you are actively posting nudes of yourself everywhere

>> No.62474911

can't blame him, he's rock hard all the time.

>> No.62474928

I don't sexpest unless I know that the other party would be receptive, I'm not a fucking animal

>> No.62474956

Cute ball

>> No.62474992
File: 259 KB, 864x658, rura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62474996


>> No.62475039

>It was ONE TIME
>checks fuwacoco cord

>> No.62475040

is tsukino leni one of yours?

>> No.62475113

>Who is your target audience?
People that use me as background audio or like to banter with their streamer.
>What is your target demographic interested in?
>Are there any aspects of yourself that you want to emphasize when streaming
I need to make my voice deeper so I can sound cool and mysterious.
>What type of content do you want to create as a vtuber
I literally just play games and draw that's about it
>Do you have the resources to provide that content?
>What resources do you plan to acquire in the future?
A sense of humor.

>> No.62475112

Ah yes i'm going to translate all the onomatopoeia and the occasional talking in them.

>> No.62475148

...Alright, it was TWICE, if we stretch the definition a bit.

>> No.62475180


>> No.62475188

Yeah, I bet you'd like to get stretched you twink.

>> No.62475189

To seduce Rura.

>> No.62475232

in all seriousness, might be pretty fun and informative, especially given the cultural differences between the two sides of the iron curtain.
i'd say go for it.

>> No.62475239

I see, that's my bad for not noticing.

>> No.62475250

You'll never be an anime girl, filthy human being

>> No.62475327

>Who is your target audience?
I'm not sure. I started out as a retro bro but I just wanna do what I feel is fun, you know?
>What is your target demographic interested in?
Fujos and yumes is what I want to say because I'm lonely but they might not make for the best chat so I just want cool horny people to chill who are interested in giving me headpats
>Are there any aspects of yourself that you want to emphasize when streaming (personality traits, expressions)?
My cuteness.
>What type of content do you want to create as a vtuber (gameplays, karaoke, ASMR)?
Games and kinky ASMR RP
>Do you have the resources to provide that content? What resources do you plan to acquire in the future
Well, kind of. ASMR mic isn't exactly needed, but I need acting skills to do the RP, if that counts as a "resource"

>> No.62475517

I wanna be my oshis dog so bad

>> No.62475692
File: 2.90 MB, 204x208, 1670506493818540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest, how many of you ego-search? And if you do, how often?

>> No.62475729

Ma and Cheen is such a good suggestion but I think she already has a canon name

>> No.62475752
File: 196 KB, 640x499, 1699798761159247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62475835

its all in good fun, i never really itneracted with you but from what i seen you are a cool dude

>> No.62475914

>Who is your target audience?
I want a fun, friendly, welcoming community of mature (don't need me to babysit them, can be realistic and friendly with one another even if they disagree, no highschool drama) people. I have done so before and found that community building is very fun and makes me really happy, seeing people that are there slowly getting to know each other and make friends and chat amongst each other is a really cool moment to me.
>What is your target demographic interested in?
I think a good portion of my current demographic enjoys the retro games I've been playing, quite a few seem to know a fair amount about them and like to chime in on them.
>Are there any aspects of yourself that you want to emphasize when streaming (personality traits, expressions)?
I want to improve my self confidence and self worth, which I feel have slowly been getting better. What means most to me is providing value to my viewers and inspiring them and making them happy, I think I'm pretty okay at working on projects related to my stream which I think they enjoy, so probably that!
>What type of content do you want to create as a vtuber (gameplays, karaoke, ASMR)?
I enjoy playing games but I want to become more comfortable with doing pure zatsu streams and karaoke at some point in the future once I feel good enough.
>Do you have the resources to provide that content? What resources do you plan to acquire in the future?
In the future I'd like to get a 3D model and VR setup, but I'm still waiting on getting my L2D as is... I'm not very creative, I will admit so I'm a bit unsure what big long term plans I could work towards.

>> No.62476109

I know, I know
We do a little leaning into the joke, as a rare treat

>> No.62476411

Fairly accurate for me. I'm of an age (and med level) where sex is definitely of less interest to me in general.
I like AI art, a lot. I have my own fully working Stable Diffusion setup here. AI art is limited in what it can do though. I do not, at this time, see it "replacing" human artists. If there is a human artist that's all buttherped about that, I'm open to them providing me with a new PNG, but otherwise, eh, gonna have to wait until I'm ready to get a proper model.
My target audience is myself. If I'm lucky that will be of interest to others. If not, eh.

>> No.62476430

May you live forever

>> No.62476546
File: 130 KB, 466x543, Keitarover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my ass kicked but I will consider this my intro arc to fighting games. Thank you guys for coming, I had a blast!

>> No.62476573

I hate fatties I hope they die

>> No.62476612

I'm going to eat you

>> No.62476642

>>Who is your target audience?

Social rejects too weird for normies but not rotted from the internet enough to be friends with social groups

>>What is your target demographic interested in?

History, politics, philosophy, early 00s internet culture, chan culture, their own hobbies

>>Are there any aspects of yourself that you want to emphasize when streaming (personality traits, expressions)?

I am preforming under post ironic satire

>>What type of content do you want to create as a vtuber (gameplays, karaoke, ASMR)?

Live action with blended animation projects sketch comedy show that seems like it was filmed for an early 90s public broadcasting show. I also like teaching people things. Streaming and other content I make is because I want to make sure I do my dues as a content creator while I work on the real things I care about.

>>Do you have the resources to provide that content? What resources do you plan to acquire in the future?

For the most part, eventually getting a 3d model with full body tracking would be ideal for doing more crazy sketch animations. Also having actors to preform with me is helpful. Other than that, the low budget look is sort of the appeal

>> No.62476760

usually once every few days

>> No.62476805

Every hour

>> No.62476869

I don't think people talk about me, so I can't say I do it. If I was the subject of conversation more often, I would tho.

>> No.62476984

I'll usually do a quick ctrl + F search through threads once a day

>> No.62477093

>I already had streamer friends that I made while clipping/editing for people
Speaking of, I've been wondering how you find the time to do your own clips, considering they're short 2~ish minute clips that condense what seems to be the ENTIRE stream into a small, easily consumed package.
I rarely get much in the way of clips from viewers, so what I usually do is check where the most amount of chat activity was during my stream, and try watching from there. Is that what you do? Or maybe something else?
Other streamers here watch their VOD in 2x the speed to find what they need, but that can be time consuming as well if it's a long stream (say 8 hours).
I noticed you make some use of Fiverr people, but it seems to me that you do it just to see the result, for fun. Am I right in this?

>> No.62477209

I search my name every 3 months or so? Just in case, my name doesn't get mentioned very often since I'm a male vtuber that isn't involved in drama

>> No.62477212

Every time someone calls her MondVampir it's to shit on her. Mond is a sweet girl. She might be autistic but that shouldn't be a reason to be mean to her.

>> No.62477311
File: 193 KB, 1200x1601, 20231110_161925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess again, chucklefuck

>> No.62477393

Where's the "secretly a massive degenerate" tier

>> No.62477415

I lurk constantly but I should really stop, the amount of useful info I've gotten over the past week I could count on one hand

>> No.62477457

I think I fit nicely in my tier
Doing a collab with a lewdtuber and blatantly face-planting the lewd stuff was a lot of fun.

>> No.62477466

same, but the thread is at least fun when we aren't timelooping

>> No.62477516
File: 1.35 MB, 1140x733, DMs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62477534

wait this is my first time seeing this.... holy cow you draw me so good??? I'm in love with myself

>> No.62477549
File: 41 KB, 712x712, I_love_this_dog_like_you_wouldnt_believe60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do them myself, immediately following the stream. I don't scrub through all the talking parts, and because the stream JUST ended I have a pretty good idea of what I want to highlight, so I just jump around, scrub through the good parts, bang out a rough cut, then go back over it and clean up the cuts, add snap zooms/zoom cuts, pick the most banger (visually) part to put before the title card, and send it. I can typically turn one around in less than 2 hours, but its a speedrun. I have the incredible advantage that the best part of the stream is typically visual, and I can find it by skipping around the VOD pretty easily.
Maybe I should stream my editing process some time, just for reference of other people trying to do it

>> No.62477589


>> No.62477644

Hi Gary

>> No.62477652

autistic women aren't real

>> No.62477769

Shame Gumpai isn't on the tierlist, that would be another leaker.
I like when things come in groups of five.

>> No.62477812

What does this anon have to hide?

>> No.62477825

If you don't DM your vieweroshi, someone else will!
If you ever wonder why he stops showing up for your stream and is showing up in the streams of others, its because he thinks he is a no one to you and special to someone else.

>> No.62477827

gumpai leaks DMs?

>> No.62477865

Unrelated uwu but I just heard your message to me this morning and it made me feel good about myself, I will try to get back to you about a Showdown tournament when I'm more confident in my streaming skills but everything else was real sweet. I'll keep trying to do my best

>> No.62477875

Hard drugs
Soft drugs
No drugs

Tier list ?

>> No.62477923

Need a "likely to do drugs" tier.

T. no drugs who wants them

>> No.62477924

I'm in love with my vieweroshi.

>> No.62477928

Do it

>> No.62478096

You will get me wrong, i am calling it.

>> No.62478140

What is hard and soft

>> No.62478211

Yeah on twitter during one of her meltdowns

>> No.62478224

is it still there

>> No.62478244

my dick and my heart respectively

>> No.62478331
File: 35 KB, 220x122, Kaiji_Ultimate_Survivor_ep._1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has two april fools idea cooking
>wants to ask which one i should do
>but the surprise would be spoiled

>> No.62478351

Hard ; meth, angel dust, morphine, fent, shitty street drugs

Soft shrooms, weed, booze, nicotine, debately coke

I don’t know enough people

>> No.62478379
File: 1.67 MB, 1140x906, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62478404

Three of them never apologized and continue to leak dms
The other one apologized and never did it again
I didn't say names but you know who fits into each category

>> No.62478431

God bless you and may your next day be based

>> No.62478442

High on life baby! (and a series of back to back heroin and tren cycles)

>> No.62478533

>I do them myself, immediately following the stream
That's great idea, actually. I should try to do that, but the problem is always time. Content editing is so, so, so goddamn time consuming.

>> No.62478578

100%. I started this year saying, "I'm gonna improve my content and do editing!" Tried cutting back my stream hours to make more refined content. All I did was lose stream time. Shit's rough.

>> No.62478580
File: 314 KB, 1200x1044, IMG_3771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Rura let’s make a deal. A give you a bucket of Jollibee fried chicken and you give me your virginity. Deal?

>> No.62478581

Probably not, she also made the account protected when that happened too. Sad thing about 2 view chuubas is that nobody cares enough to archive anything.

>> No.62478607

who's DMs did she leak

>> No.62478641

Requesting any of the drawfrens to draw Coco naked, kneeling and begging for a bag of coke an unknown figure is shaking

>> No.62478658


>> No.62478685

Denpa's? I don't follow gumpai so I don't know exactly

>> No.62478706

I thought they were friends?

>> No.62478801

How do I reverse ntr my viewer?

>> No.62478849

They were friends, 4 months ago

>> No.62478857

female collabs

>> No.62478863
File: 460 KB, 532x717, turn1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62478872
File: 114 KB, 370x370, hrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is your target audience?
I honestly have no idea.
>What is your target demographic interested in?
I honestly have no idea.
>Are there any aspects of yourself that you want to emphasize when streaming (personality traits, expressions)?
A hunger to constantly improve, that every chance to learn and get better should be taken. The moment you stop growing in some way is the moment you start dying.
>What type of content do you want to create as a vtuber (gameplays, karaoke, ASMR)?
I currently only stream gameplay, but want to branch into karaoke/covers/orisongs.
>Do you have the resources to provide that content? What resources do you plan to acquire in the future?
I do not have a recording environment, but have a decent hardware mixer(Yamaha MG12XU) I need to do some learning on. I should get a better mic before I do any actual recording though. And some manner of recording set up for my trumpet.

>> No.62478890

Exposing you as a schizo was a "meltdown," Shania?

>> No.62478900

No one can steal me even if they try to.
They have tried btw, very dirty the way they tried.

>> No.62478927

I'm somewhat honored to win the seiso award for guys in this ranking, maybe I should redebut as a monk...

>> No.62478937
File: 28 KB, 527x676, shania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mean these, this guy is a legit schizo

>> No.62478952

Shorts and clips don't translate into viewers unless you're already /lig/ status or higher so I don't bother

>> No.62478997

Can someone explain to me the lore of this drama in wii sports terms?

>> No.62479024

Sorry I don't play sports

>> No.62479033

Don't talk shit about Odette's boyfriend

>> No.62479068

There's nothing that has to be said that isn't already known.

>> No.62479071
File: 392 KB, 532x717, 1699829493668219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62479111

>being so desirable as a viewer that the chuubas try to cozy them up
sometimes i really wonder just how much of this is BS, there is no way you guys ACTUALLY get in contact with viewers are you?

>> No.62479205

I prefer the Layla Camui Hyde thing over old /wvt/ drama

>> No.62479260

but everyone involved is an /asp/ie

>> No.62479313
File: 172 KB, 362x366, Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right I should also do that thing where people shill themselves before they disappear into irrelevance for the umpteenth time.
Probably last MM stream. All I got left is 1 mask then the moooooooon.

>> No.62479346
File: 461 KB, 532x717, turn3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62479400

Who gives a shit take your old news back to your containment thread.

>> No.62479442

Layla and Camui both have expressed publicly and privately wanting an end to the drama so it's only being pushed by dramafags. The /wvt/ drama is "acceptable" because everyone involved is happy enough to keep it going. It's all retarded and doesn't belong here nonetheless.

>> No.62479547
File: 393 KB, 532x717, 1699829493668219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62479606

Isn't AI being manipulated massively because it's doing racial bullshittery tho? As far as I'm concerned, AI won't be able to be fully utilized as long as corporates actually try to manipulate or limit the information it gives. Even ChatGPT sucks ass nowadays.

It's really only going to be popular in order to lower Investment and ergo it's only going to fuck up society in the future by making even more people unemployed

>> No.62479617

daiya sounds like pewdiepie if he was like 18yo

>> No.62479672

Just wait until we get hasanabi, our big brother on the Tierlist

>> No.62479680
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>> No.62479702
File: 84 KB, 310x289, 863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62479740
File: 21 KB, 1152x648, IMG_6182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is your target audience?
For my streams I’m thinking my main audience prefer someone who can do zatsu over great gameplay. There’s a couple of games in autistically good at but they’re not great for streaming. I’m also old and a massive weeb so I love sharing old memories and shows with a newer generation.

As for curated content, I’m leaning towards a female audience since I make ASMR but I’m going to try to branch out a bit once I’ve got it on lockdown.
>What is your target demographic interested in?
Someone who can joke, make fun pop culture references and who they can show fun stuff to and bounce with. I’ve got a pretty wide net of interests so I want to be someone people can nerd out with.
>Are there any aspects of yourself that you want to emphasize when streaming (personality traits, expressions)?
I want to think I’m pretty fast on my feet when it comes to improv and making jokes, but I’m also very seriously wanting to break into voice acting and I want to bounce voices and styles with my viewers.
>What type of content do you want to create as a vtuber (gameplays, karaoke, ASMR)?
More karaoke than I thought, for sure, but primarily gameplays when it comes to streaming. I might do an ASMR or reading stream down the line but we’ll see.
>Do you have the resources to provide that content? What resources do you plan to acquire in the future?
I can actually set up two mics for a binaural experience which is pretty neat. I’m working on getting a new model and I’ve got an ASMR script in the works! I wouldn’t say no to going 3D but that’s far away. I’m also considering singing lessons to improve my karaoke.

>> No.62479824

Is it okay if I commission or draw /asp/ies getting fucked by a horse

>> No.62479828

Artfrens, please consider Daiya reacting to seeing snow for the first time. Maybe have him in winter clothing, or a flushed face from hit cold it is!

>> No.62479841


>> No.62479845

Only if they're cute.

>> No.62479915
File: 437 KB, 2560x1440, GBVSR-Win64-Shipping_6GYGlQ9aGT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last day of Granblue. Fight me about it.

>> No.62479927

Yeah, heavily medicated

>> No.62480011

someone bake

>> No.62480230


>> No.62480361

They were just trying to make me not watch my asp oshi by talking shit about them

>> No.62480526

I want to put Daiya in a collar and use his little mouth every morning and night.

>> No.62480545

hehe :3c

>> No.62480569


>> No.62480602

erm *holds up spork* derp :P

>> No.62480645

I'm going to hit you

>> No.62480772

only if they are boys and you draw their cute pp swinging back and forth with each if the horses thrusts

>> No.62480942

Two can play this game until you appologise.

>> No.62480972

everything daiya says is so eroi

>> No.62481121

I knew, wrong placement, kek.

>> No.62481199

Hint: psychiatrists will prescribe anything if you're a girl

>> No.62481541

Eh, A little bit of effort is fine in the chance you catch a few viewers. Spread yourself some.

>> No.62481804

I am filled with rage today.

>> No.62481829

You are doing something horribly wrong. Clips shouldn’t take you that long to find and make. Ideally you should clip something from every other stream.

>> No.62481983

what happened?

>> No.62482043

>have to stream soon
This won't stop me but god I hate feeling like this

>> No.62482138

Nothing, I had too much time to think. Being trapped inside your own head.

>> No.62482171
File: 343 KB, 748x1732, preg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tupo soon father become

>> No.62482177

>inside your own head

>> No.62482198


>> No.62482248
File: 7 KB, 186x75, 20230829_012415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect placement, my only poison is caffeine

>> No.62482252

hang out with them and play games.

>> No.62482365

I would never do drugs, anon… I’ve never even had coffee or tea, let alone alcohol! Although I wonder what makes you think I’m a heavy drug user though?

>> No.62482391

How did you catch me for soft drugs?? I thought my stream persona was the opposite of that!
