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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62383519 No.62383519 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.62383588


>> No.62383694

alright i keep seeing this shit with kyo, im actually interested now, need me a qrd.

>> No.62383826

the QRD is that he angered the korean people and decided to double down on it because he thinks he's being "based", then Riku decided to slap his ass for it

>> No.62384215

He said something about Koreans and plastic surgery. Then gooks showed off their tiny willies and thin skin by seething so hard that it trended on shitter.

>> No.62384391

>Says S. Korea is the plastic surgery hub of the world (which is a fact)
>Xitter trannys blow it out of proportion and call him a le racist nazi
>/vt/ trannys jump on the bandwagon to own le nijis
>Kyo holds his ground and says he won't apologize because he said nothing unfactual
>Troons and sisters reach malding status and Kyo starts trending on Xitter
>Manager writes an apology tweet on Kyos behalf and locks him out of his account for a week
>You are here

>> No.62384480

Gooks look ugly as sin without plastic surgery

>> No.62386440
File: 3.60 MB, 1280x720, kyo_not_gonna_apologize[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fi7s3bs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62386842

Seems like he forgot that he's working for an asian company where these social rituals are common and expected. It's like when Nene got slapped for tracing artwork, she had to make a public apology. But after that everyone forgave her (because that's part of the deal.) Whereas in the west apologizing is akin to admitting guilt, so most people figure it's better to just deny and hope it goes away.

>> No.62387344

so this kyo guy did nothing wrong and its all twixtter retards as always? color me surprised

>> No.62388057


>> No.62388102

Wannabe Mori.

>> No.62388112

At first the Koreans got mad, then everyone else followed up by calling him out on his hypocrisy, then he went on the forced vacation

>> No.62388123

with a voice like that he deserved all of the bullshit that happened to him christ

>> No.62388163

being a nijinigger is doing something wrong

>> No.62388231

You know who else has tiny willies? Shylily's Reddit mods and Twitch mods.

>> No.62388538

Kyo thinks that watermelon and fried chicken jokes are "racist", and yet he made the exact same "racist" jokes about koreans, which is why people are calling out his hypocrisy.

>> No.62388651

>generalizing an entire race vs generalizing an entire country
Apples and oranges. His comment is no different than calling Americans fat which people do all the time.

>> No.62388663

He tried to cancel others for using stereotypes for jokes, and tried to justify his own jokes based on stereotypes. He doubled and tripled down until management gave him a forced vacation

>> No.62388678


>> No.62388691

Well clearly there's something different if he managed to piss off an entire country with his "jokes"

>> No.62388699

and yet he got offended, despite the fact that blacks do, in fact, love fried chicken.

>> No.62388743

The best part is he isn't even black and he got offended

>> No.62388767
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kinda based tho

>> No.62388769

Difference is that Americans don't give a shit if you call them fat.

>> No.62388859

Who cares if plastic korean pigs are seething lmao

>> No.62388915

Apparently management cares

>> No.62388925
File: 39 KB, 765x459, population korea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost at 4% of the population

>> No.62388953

Live by cancelling, die by cancelling

>> No.62388957

For Nene it's a bit different because the person she traced is her real life friend, that's why the artist didn't really care.

>> No.62389007

They seem pretty sensitive about being called racist which is why instead of just apologizing he decided to double down and make the situation worse.

>> No.62389031
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>> No.62389145
File: 414 KB, 800x1745, IMG_0502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She traced from some idolmaster stuff too in addition to the traces of her tutu yuru friend but Nene also hadn’t established herself to be a huge, hypocritical backstabbing piece of shit like kyo. She has some previous fuckups but the tracing one was the only one where she was being devious, the others were just her being well-meaning but airheaded.

>> No.62389300

She's friends with namori?!

>> No.62389939

At least he didn't make a hair transplant joke, the Turks would lynch him

>> No.62390559

Whatever you say Kyo. Faggot bitch LMAO you will never be a n!gger

>> No.62392828

You forgot he got pissy earlier because people made fun of him for shitting himself and he had a shit fit about "making fun of people for stereotypes"
People are ripping him for being hilariously hypocritical

>> No.62392985

Calm the fuck down Iofi. Namori was cool with it from the start.

>> No.62393269

>holofags need to numberfag other corpo drama

>> No.62393362

you forgot that he liked the "calling people that disagree with you nigger"-meme

>> No.62393964
File: 1.09 MB, 1215x2647, IMG_0685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lofi did nothing wrong, Nene thanked her in particular for reaching out to her.

>> No.62396046
File: 807 KB, 1125x1859, 1699318433929672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on that meme

>> No.62396154

I don't think he would have gotten half as much heat for it if he wasn't such an egregious self-hating white, with that fake black accent of his.

>> No.62396177

If he didn't get upset over the fried chicken joke or make some statement on people joking about his medical problems then this wouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.62396329

niggers keep being niggers on the internet

>> No.62396487

He also would’ve needed to not joined in the harassment of zaion or various others shittery he has done.

>> No.62398412


>> No.62399711

Based yopi

>> No.62401094


>> No.62401303

No, it is even on a different level. It is like saying fast-food chains are popular in the US. And then going to the US to eat a fast-food burger.

>> No.62405081

Nijibros.. Not like this...

>> No.62406847
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>> No.62408832


>> No.62409203

ruh roh

>> No.62412793

The only he'll get

>> No.62414244

Iofi's "ethics in art" crusades are endlessly amusing to me, because it's so obvious its born out of insecurity. She's a dogshit artist.

>> No.62414300
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>> No.62414316

He got cancelled for posting African American crime statistics.

>> No.62416600

Those are the only millions he's getting in his career lmao

>> No.62416795

I don't get it, what does it spell out?

>> No.62416832


>> No.62417025

Not enough gura shitposts on catalog i see, NDF is slacking...

>> No.62417127

It's alright anon, only 13% of the US population will get it

>> No.62417136

Thank you anon. I refuse to watch this faggot so it's good to know the context. Sounds like he cultivated a hypersensitive audience, then pissed them off and got his shit pushed in by management for doubling down. Autistic and an sjw hypocrite fag. You don't get to force others to apologize for arbitrary bullshit then double down when it happens to you.

>> No.62418487
File: 276 KB, 1024x536, Fried_Chicken-1024x536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thing is, everyone in the world loves fried chicken whether they want to admit it or not
so can you really fault a race for loving something that's already so loveable?

>> No.62418800

It's still wild to me that a conment from Iofi is what everyone here remembers the most about that incident.

>> No.62421133


>> No.62423439

Why are nijiniggers suddenly racist? It's only racist when Hololive does it and not your sweet little boy? Hypocrites just like this faggot

>> No.62423551

Their fans are all chinese office ladies and kpop-enjoying zoomer bitches, so that makes some sense.

>> No.62429613

He needs to private his rm's YouTube. There's actually a chance he might get stabbed.

>> No.62430279

Oh god i hope that happens for real.

>> No.62430922
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>blessing from the grifter king

>> No.62431031

no apologies!
JWU from a pretty awesome party on thursday btw

>> No.62431144


>> No.62435124

Anon, that's not the joke...

>> No.62435152


>> No.62438656

theyre back baby

>> No.62438713


>> No.62438796
File: 75 KB, 203x203, 1662367491591723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He revealed that Koreans are just as sensitive as Changs about the most inane tiny things

>> No.62442042

He is white and gay, being offended is in his blood

>> No.62442108

>Gooks look ugly as sin without plastic surgery
Pretty much what Kyo said.

>> No.62442596

>No apologies!
He apologized the day after, you fucking conker.

>> No.62443935


>> No.62446585

can we get 3 million?

>> No.62449633

And he said he wouldnt

>> No.62452727

>people made fun of him for shitting himself and he had a shit fit about "making fun of people for stereotypes"
He's Indian?

>> No.62456794


>> No.62459606


>> No.62459644


>> No.62459686


>> No.62459929

Last time something nijisanji blew up in a similar way was the gundo baseball meme. Now it’s time to see if Japan is more autistic about baseball or South Korea is more autistic about plastic surgery. Of course as the morally consistent company Nijisanji is (BWAHAHAHAHAH) we should all expect Kyo to be fired for this transgression.

>> No.62461260

Which is true but since they are shitting on a niji I'll let it slide

>> No.62462624

I don't care if he did nothing wrong in this case, Kyo is an easily-offended whiner who wants to dish it out but can't take it so him being punished when it comes back to bite him is fucking hilarious.

>> No.62463098

He stated a fact about the capital of plastic surgery and the people from that country acted as vain and thin skinned as you’d expect.

>> No.62463109

You can't trace artwork now? What the autistic fuck!?

>> No.62463360

Nene's too retarded to willingly do this. She's an amateur artist at best, so she probably didn't follow the art scene enough to realise that tracing is a big no-no

>> No.62465929


>> No.62466966

I don't get it

>> No.62469535

>White faggot that gets offended on behalf of black people at the drop of a hat turns out to make racist jokes in his spare time and doesn't think it makes him a hypocrite
Wow what a surprise imagine my shock that Kyo turned out to be an insufferable faggot who could've possibly seen this coming

>> No.62471737

He's a hypocrite and is getting what he deserves.

>> No.62475020

+one more

>> No.62475407

problem wasnt the tracing
people acept that if you are uprfront about it, for practice and meme stuff
PROBLEm was she didnt say o and this was art SOLD as part of her merchandice
that there is DIRECT theft
Coping and referencing can be acepted or shawn
but Selling is another can of worms

>> No.62476043

We need a drawfag for this. Kyo's wigger ass cheeks with Riku's red hand imprints
