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62326938 No.62326938 [Reply] [Original]

Street tournament coming in for sure

>> No.62327138

will we see the return of horizontal?

>> No.62327191

No homo no holozontal.

>> No.62327633

towa is there

>> No.62327743


>> No.62327744

a lot of the homos have been playing sf too lately. initially, it was just the OG 3 homo gens that played the game; now, even Uproar and Tempus have been checking it out.

>> No.62327815

sf6 is a horrible game so i wont watch it. as far as ive seen, subaru will slaughter all of those. shes already starting to get the decent basic moves of fighting games. it could be a cringy event like the puyopuyo event where marine killed all her opponents in a moment.

>> No.62327833

No one pick Chunli the chink. I guess holo still try to avoid them

>> No.62327923

Holostars tournament has already been announced, a bunch of JP and EN members are joining.

>> No.62327935

found the cringe mortal kombat fan

>> No.62327940

>Duck domination
Lol she was struggling against Peco. Continous push make her panic and lose easily

>> No.62328022

So there’s no way they won’t try to organize a cross-branch tourney right? Even if there’s a holo-only one too there’s no way Hololive Productions as an organization can resist the cocklust.

>> No.62328063

Pekora is the lowest of the low now you stupid

>> No.62328299

Top 3 champ
1. Peko
2. Suba
3. Luna

>> No.62328308

im an ex sf player. never play western trash.

watch her recent streams. she isnt like that anymore. shes grown pretty fast, already understands the basic methods like taikuu, okizeme, taku, nagenuke, joudan/kadan etc, and can control them, is pretty talented in fighting games.

>> No.62328361

Only noob get salty at Honda

>> No.62328485

Then you would know that vanilla SF6 is better than any other Street Fighter game at the release, it's more feature complete, more balanced, more polished and it has a great online.

>> No.62328496

So which one is the pro at the game and is she going to have an unfair advantage and win the whole thing when a tourney happens?

>> No.62328532

they are all women they all suck
best one seems to be subaru

>> No.62328595

No one use Deejay despite that guy is popular pick in tournament

>> No.62328667

>im an ex sf player. never play western trash.
I fucking hope you're not a Strive player.

>> No.62328839

/fig/chads eating good.

>> No.62328981

mr koro mentioned that she will have an announcement this month

>> No.62329143

Pekora also mentioned she not joining any tournament/event until next year,so this won't be a peko hosted tournament like anon says.

>> No.62329435

Hard to say. Korone and Botan have tournament experience on top of being trained by pros, but also aren't regular players and could easily be rusty. Subaru is the furthest along in terms of online rank, but she also lost an FT10 to a flowcharting Pekora.

>> No.62329633

korosan does play sf6 off stream, but she doesn't play JP a lot, she's playing Jamie and recently Cammy iirc

>> No.62330393

No. Because if the gap between the girls is big, the one between the Stars and the Holos is even bigger.

>> No.62331239

Cool, I love street

>> No.62331879

Ah yes Shishiro Peony and Koyorin Hiroi my favorite hologirls

>> No.62332037

There’s no point in doing a cross star/holo tournament, males would mog the shit out of the girls. Top 6 of the tournament would be stars only and no one would watch it

>> No.62332630

t.salty tard who can't even beat a Silver Honda player.

>> No.62332740

She won't join any, but she certainly can host one.

>> No.62332928

> males would mog the shit out of the girls
I can see that happening

>> No.62333015

Not like the homos are very good either, especially when most of them are relying on modern controls.

>> No.62333813

None of the homos are good good, but guys like Rikka and Oga are master/near master and they've been getting coaching. The girls would get mogged in a cross-corporation tournament.

>> No.62334022

Kroone is the most fundementally sound ive seen and she should win easily. Subaru showed she has the controls down but isnt able to adapt to matches well

>> No.62334177
File: 475 KB, 625x648, 1699531751631341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly agree, as I still think late era SF4 tops it. But it still feels like a really well polished fighting game, and light years better than the complete garbage SF5 was

>> No.62334293

You both are probably 09ers that dont know Third Strike and Super Turbo are the best

Ah no BS I like SF4 and 6 as well and 5 can die in a fire

>> No.62334369

>Slightly agree, as I still think late era SF4 tops it.
Well but that's why I said at its release, it isn't fair to compare vanilla SF6 with a game that was rereleased twice with additional content and sketchy monetization.
>You both are probably 09ers that dont know Third Strike and Super Turbo are the best
You're comparing a vanilla game to versions that were rereleased through multiple iterations, of course they're going to be better. Capcom isn't touching the SF6's balance and other fixes until the game's 1st anniversary and I promise you won't need to buy the game again to get all the improvements.

>> No.62334525

Read between the lines autist nigga I was kidding and took it back saying you guys were right. ST 3S the final version of SF4 and 6 are all worth playing

>> No.62334560

>Super Turbo
I do agree with you on Third Strike but ST is literally Bullshit: The Game. Extremely important for the genre but you can't call that a good game unless you enjoy all the fucked up shit.

>> No.62334691

I will play O.Sagat all I want and you will like it

>> No.62334766
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Noel will unga bunga her way to beating Pekora or Koyori

>> No.62334902

Absolute bullshit surrounding an old school space control oriented 2D fighter is why ST is good.

>> No.62335297

I'd say Korone is gonna win easily, but Modern controls are such bullshit sometimes, that it can make the most bog roll player get away with absolute nonsense if you don't know how to deal with it.

>> No.62337564

Fair point, I was assuming you were talking about launch SF6 being the best the series has ever been. In the case of best on release yeah I agree

>> No.62337768

NTA but mk9 and on Mortal Kombat isn't that bad imo, 11 in particular stands toe to toe with big name fighting games for me.
too early to tell how 1 is but it's not looking to be as good as 11

>> No.62338473

You mean one of the flagship games from the ultra simplification era together with SFV and Strive?

>> No.62338631

Reminder that Hori doesn't require it to be stars/girls
Hell it could be just the stars doing some tournament or the girls alone doing some event.

Like the APEX shit that they keep sending the girls too easily could get a HZNTL tag onto a pure holo-team. They'd still get skull fucked but in a more official manner

>> No.62338923

Hlzntl doesn't require to be Holos and homos but half of the events under it were like that and since the last one there has been negative activity from the project when they could've used it to push those member who are participating in the Valorant Vsai for example. And yes, saying "half" is extremely disingenuous when there has been only two streams under the hlzntl banner but it says a lot when immediately after they do the retarded decision to add the male failures something that had mostly a lukewarm reception early on ends up being criticized by literally everyone everywhere and is all but confirmed to be silently shelved for the foreseeable future.

>> No.62339004

You might be thinking 10.
11 changed a good amount from the hand holding 10 had and feels like a much more skill focused game. At least as skilled as a game with simple inputs and combos can get

>> No.62339140

My dude 11 cut the legs of a bunch of characters and made the variation system worse by taking inspiration of the garbage system that was in Injustice 2. Also calling it skill focused is hilarious when it also had the same zooning problem the Injustice games had which was only made worse when half of the dlc characters used guns.

>> No.62339436

SF6 is the new Apsex/Datorant or something?
No way half of these whore would touch the game if it didn't lead to male.

>> No.62339543

Haven't played since the alpha series, what's so bad about 5 in particular?

>> No.62340001

Holostars have been getting coaching from KOG and Rikka has won matches in CR Cup. Shien I imagine will get up there too and Temma depends on how much he grinds.

>> No.62340098

Maybe they can do mixed gender event if they get pro-player coaches and segregate communication between Live and Stars to prevent unicorns causing trouble. That way they can actually balance the teams by throwing a few Holostars on each team so Hololive doesn't get mowed over like they did with OW2.

>> No.62340134

I liked playing R Mika a ton on release and looking at the porn
Didn't play much past season 1

>> No.62340758

Almost all of them are playing modern, so this is expected

Pekora has good fundamentals. Honda just punishes low ranks more easily than others

>> No.62340896

There's no pro level female SF players. There are notable trannies back in 4 and 5 days, but it's a shame there's no new blood giving the old guard a run for their money.

I'm fine with watching Iron bitches fight it out over competent male play, of which there are plenty already

>> No.62341145

Or maybe they can stop trying to force Holos vs Homos and just focus on one or the other. There's nothing to gain to have both groups interacting that way unless all the girls they get are already fine with that failure of a branch which was definitely not the case with the OW match. But ultimately hlzntl couldn't be a more tone deaf decision from Cover when the absolute majority of Hololive fans aren't there to watch the girls get competitive on shooters.

>> No.62341167

Surprised Subaru is decent

>> No.62341370

you can trust the tomboys to learn fightan

>> No.62341990

The problem is for a fighting game stream it's boring if the players suck. So you need some balance of good and bad players, that's why events like CR Cup work. A lot of the Holostars are at Diamond or higher, so that is high enough for a real match and not randomly flailing around. Even with Hololive attached to it, how many people want to watch Iron level players? There's a reason why Calli and Ina got crap for their Guilty Gear Strive collabs.

>> No.62342248

It doesn't matter, the absolute majority fans are more interesting in watching only the girls being bad than shoving a bunch of dudes who are better but completely uninteresting for the main audience. It's great and all that they're seeing success in CR Cup and what not but the main attraction of a Hololive tournament is the fact that it is a HoloLIVE tournament, and no, I'm not talking about Hololive Production.

>> No.62342456

It's a question if they want to target the Hololive audience only or the normie audience in Japan. SF6 is blowing up in Japan right now due to the CR Cup which is why this is a fad. The problem is Hololive itself is overall really terrible at games so aside from a few outliers, none of them will be any kind of serious competitor. Maybe they need to recruit better gamers.

>> No.62342643

You ever notice how alot of fighting games that came out around 2016-2021 feel extremely forgiving with frames and have overtly simplified combos that are almost impossible to break? How basically every match rewarded spamming more than anything else?

You can't thank SF5 for starting that whole trend

>> No.62343249

CR is doing SF6 tournament because SF6 is popular, not the other way around.

>> No.62343465

It's very clear you don't watch a lot of FGC content. SF6 sold out in Japan after the CR cup aired. That tournament had higher viewer count than Evo and Evo Japan combined and those are the two biggest FGC events by a longshot next to maybe Capcom cup. CR cup made SF6 appealing to normies in a time where it was thought that FGs were dying in Japan. It's a big swing over there which is why there's a lot of bandwagoning going on.

>> No.62343693

I'm not saying it didn't boost it's popularity within the normies fanbase, i'm saying that CR wouldn't have done it if SF6 wasn't popular to begin with.

Just as you said the FG genre was dying, and CR isn't like rage and the like, they won't pander to a dying genre hoping their popularity will do the rest.
Claiming that CR MADE SF6 popular is just wrong.

had it bombed like every other FG out there you'd have a Valorant tournament there instead.

>> No.62343749

And you're severely mistaken if you think the normie audience is interesting in watching a bunch of dudes they never heard before. At least with Hololive names like Pekora and Korone are well known enough to leave this niche since Vtuber there are growing insanely popular by the day but good luck trying to find some random SF fan who ever heard of Rikka or Oga. Hlzntl itself is a project to attract a normie esports audience and just the girls by itself was already only a middling success and the moment they included the homos they got one of the worst backlashes since the suspension of Coco and Haato.

>> No.62345306

The Normie audience also does not give a solitary shit about homos.
In Japan you can get Pekora merch in big brand stores, you can hear Mori on the radio.
