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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6227157 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P

Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet

Previous Thread: >>6125487

>> No.6227305

no more pretty girls, draw a dude for once!

>> No.6227332

There are multiple dudes, the last design compilation a couple of weeks ago was mostly men.

>> No.6227445

windows phone...

>> No.6227553

I'm working on my model anon just give me time

>> No.6227664

I don't think my voice would work with that. But I'm mute right now anyway.

>> No.6228102

What about pretty dudes?

>> No.6228117

My new design doesn't match my voice at all but I'm already this deep, gonna have to just...work it.

>> No.6228238

in which direction? you can still pull off a gap moe even if there's a bit of a mismatch

>> No.6228260

I'm sure it's fine Anon. As long as you're confident you can sell the image.

>> No.6228378

I'm a male (previously babi) and it's manlier than my voice is, but I think I can sell the image since I've been streaming for a while and I don't have that awkward newbie vibe. Not quite an /asp/ie but still "new" to actually taking things seriously. Wish I had a lot of the info here when I started though, I'd be in a way better spot.

>> No.6228390

wdym "my design doesn't match my voice"
people don't select how their voices sound, at least not directly

>> No.6228463

I mean that my new design is a lot cooler looking than my voice so I've been a bit worried about it being too big of a gap and it being awkward for viewers

>> No.6228565

If you aren't that strong of an artist but still want to do your own model, is it better to go the simplified chibi route or the endearingly shitty mspaint route?

>> No.6228612

only thing you need to pay attention when making a model is neck phrenology. make sure the thickness of your neck matches your voice.

either works.

>> No.6228927

Want chuuba from Fkey but he doesn't have commission info anywhere... Also
>People's Republic of China

>> No.6229082


>> No.6229292

singing is hard, anons...

>> No.6229319

You guys need more confidence in yourself. Show those bitches in hololive what your made of!

>> No.6229399

I wouldn't worry about it too much. In real life, I'm a real dude with broad shoulders, but instead of a deep bass voice, I'm a high tenor. It's only a mismatch if you treat it like one.

>> No.6229424

Can male vtubers do the "ara ara" thing too or is that seen as weird?

>> No.6229439

Meant to type tall, but I'm phone posting while waiting for a Windows update.

>> No.6229445

they just do the handsome voice host act instead

>> No.6229465

I don't know what that is. Got an example? Glad I asked before posting an "ara ara" clip.

>> No.6229526

Shien in holostars does it as an example in japanese
most guys don't do it because the guys who are good with their voices like that just do VA work instead

>> No.6229571

Well... I guess that'd help if I understood Japanese...

>> No.6229581

Nope, I don't think any amount of guesses would out me here

>> No.6230194

What gives you the most trouble with it? I sing professionally and am happy to give some quick pointers and feedback, or just general advice and ways to improve.

>> No.6230233

i've seen some of them do it, it's fine

>> No.6230237

it is, I hate the expectation of having karaoke streams
fuck that, I don't want to sing in front of people

>> No.6230253

everything about it, really. but if i had to pick one, it's keeping a consistent voice throughout the entire song.

>> No.6230298


would this no cam make a decent vtuber if they got a pny?

>> No.6230324

if i had a way to add reverb to my mic without fucking up the delay (software filters add just enough of a delay that i'm out of sync), i might be more confident since my mistakes are kinda blurred out between the music and the reverb. but i have usb mic, and no GoXLR to add effects on top with zero latency.

>> No.6230327

fuck you rebel

>> No.6230410

Do you mean the timbre of your voice, or keeping things supported while you're singing? Do you find yourself running out of air quite frequently, and it affects your tone? Or do you find you need to modify your voice (in terms of production) as you go higher or lower?

Try to make sure you're engaging your diaphragm while breathing. When you take a deep breath, don't let your shoulders rise up. Instead, feel your lungs expanding forwards, backwards, and down, really filling your torso. You should see your stomach be pushed out when you take a deep, diaphragmatic breath.

>> No.6230467

>Do you find yourself running out of air quite frequently, and it affects your tone?
This is the one that I struggle with despite taking proper deep breaths as you outline. My voice breaks or I end up yawning after two minutes of singing which breaks the momentum up to that point.

>> No.6230513

i guess for me it'd be the timbre part. i'm pretty okay with breathing from the diaphragm and don't feel out of breath. but there'll be times when i sing a song i can noticeably feel the vibrations coming from different parts of my chest/throat/face and it's not really consistent.

>> No.6230702

Think about your feet as being rooted to the ground, and try to think of them every time you take a deep breath. It may be also that you just need to develop lung capacity. If you're not really used to singing, suddenly starting to sing more is difficult. I take for granted that I've got vast lung capacity, but that's been developed over 25 years of playing brass instruments and over a decade of professional singing experience. Think about buying a 5 liter breath capacity measurement bag, and buy a short length of PVC pipe to blow through. Work at filling the bag through the pipe until you can do it easily, then move up to a 6 liter bag. It'll take a long time, but building up that strength will pay dividends.

Do you know your approximate vocal range or voice type? As you go higher, do you notice yourself having to switch into falsetto? Think a Mickey Mouse voice, something you can tell you're producing with not your full vocal apparatus. You may be running into what a lot of people call their "break" which is where their chest voice (full voice, modal voice) meets their head voice (falsetto). With practice, you can navigate that break, and make those ranges overlap.

Have you ever done a vocal range test at a keyboard to see the extent of your high and low range, and where that break falls? That could be helpful.

>> No.6230842

>Do you know your approximate vocal range or voice type?
i used a mobile app a while back and it told me i'm somewhere around the bass range. but i've never been formally trained so i don't know what kind of exercises i can do to get more comfortable with it.

i just used https://singingcarrots.com/pitch-test and the break happens somewhere in the middle of C3 and C4

>> No.6230944

You mean West Taiwan?

>> No.6230963

Okay, you're probably a bass, then, more than a baritone. Good news is that it's pretty easy to develop a higher range with some practice, and it won't come at the expense of your low range, either. As you develop your voice, you'll find your range expanding naturally.

As a warm-up, try a sigh that starts all the way up in your head voice, and slowly sweeps down into your low chest voice. Do that a few times, along with some unvoiced humming up and down. You'll feel things start to loosen up, and should find notes coming a little more easily.

Do you know about how low you can sing with a clear, sustained tone?

>> No.6231012

my chat wants me to do more karaoke and covers but the thought makes me nervous, ive never sung before

think they'll notice or should i just bite the bullet and take classes?

>> No.6231052

the carrots website says F2, if i try any lower it starts flickering a bunch so i guess that means i'm not able to sustain it. i'll try the humming and sighing practices and see if that helps.

>> No.6231157

Well they can but this whole ara-ara thing is just part of overly femine speech so it's looks out of place and doesn't work the same desu. There gotta be some buzz word for males.

>> No.6231171

Why not both? Be up front and say you don't have much experience, but that you're going to do your best to learn and improve? You'll get brownie points for trying, and might discover you really enjoy it.

Okay, you're probably a bass, potentially a baritone though, you may just not have developed your voice at all yet. And voices continue to change even after puberty. My voice plummeted when I was 15, and then slowly rose until I was about 27. When I first did a voice test in highschool, I was surprised to be told I was a tenor, even though my full voice was topping out at around F#4. Turns out that choir director was right, because today, nearly 20 years later, my full voice usually tops out around a D5 before becoming pinched or thin. So you've probably got a lot more range than you know, you just need the experience. There's lots of fine motor control in your vocal apparatus that needs to develop.

A general tip I have would also be to really make sure your mouth is open wide, both on the inside and outside. Visually confirm that you're opening you're mouth wide and letting that sound out.

>> No.6231246

>A general tip I have would also be to really make sure your mouth is open wide, both on the inside and outside. Visually confirm that you're opening you're mouth wide and letting that sound out.
this gives me a weird almost pseudo-opera type noises

>> No.6231258

Do it to please them, just be honest and say you are not good, just want to have fun. Just like a Karaoke with friends

>> No.6231353

That's good! You can gauge how to dial it back from there, but it's better to sing freely and unrestrained as far as vocal health is concerned. I can also promise you that it probably doesn't sound strange. My background is classical, but even pop, rock, etc, you'll notice that great singers usually sing with their mouths very open. Try not to be too self conscious, if you can.

This is great advice. Singing is more important than singing well. Singing is a fundamental human behavior and it builds community and just feels good. Just go for it and have fun!

>> No.6232549

just curious to hear you feedback on this short record of baka mitai. https://voca.ro/16p5fleNQdYE

>> No.6232904

Sounds like you've taken it in a key that's lower than your comfort range. When you get down to those lower notes, you're starting to lose tonal center, and having to become breathy to reach those notes. When you're moving into your tessitura (fancy music word for comfortable range), towards the higher passages, you start sounding a lot fuller, with a much richer tone, and it's a lot more pleasant. Try it in the original higher key, it's already a pretty low song.

Generally, I'd say to take deeper breaths if you could, and when you start to feel yourself trailing off towards the end of a phrase, really consciously engage your diaphragm and think of yourself as really squeezing the last of your air out. You'd be surprised how much more there is to give.

You've got a good foundation though, and I think you could stand out for having a deeper voice, and singing things that other vtubers might not try. Keep up the good work!

>> No.6232977

i'm doing most of this just kinda off the cuff since the only real practice i get is shouting karaoke to myself in my car. so i've got no idea how to find out the keys to songs or how to adjust that around. i'll keep practicing that breathing thing. thanks for the feedback, music anon.

>> No.6233156

No problem! I'm a bit jealous, since I only have those bass notes in the early morning if I ever have them at all. Just keep at it, establish that strong core breath foundation, and most of all, have fun. Especially for vtubing, if you're having fun singing, your audience will have fun watching.

>> No.6233256

Remember that karaoke is for fun and you don't have to be perfect, and throw on a bit of reverb if you're feeling insecure because that helps mask mistakes.

>> No.6233752

Friendly reminder to all aspiring chuubas that you can buy a used xbox one for 80-150 dollars.
The xbox one is fully capable of streaming to twitch.

>> No.6234117

musicanon, if you're still here would you mind giving some feedback on a different anon's singing? I've been trying to figure out whether I can get by with just doing online vocal exercises or if there's something more fundamental that I need to work on, probably through actual lessons since I want the immediate feedback from a teacher

>> No.6234369

Sure, can do in a few! Just drop the vocaroo link.

Going live right now with a probably very scuffed attempt at seeing if recording barbershop in livestream works.


>> No.6234471

Thanks loads! I've been trying to make singing a main pillar of my content so I want to make sure I do it as best as I can
I recorded with a bit of EQ if that's alright, just to cut out any background noise

>> No.6234549
File: 573 KB, 3840x2160, gymthots_001_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aspiring to start the first successful VTuber sketch comedy channel. I almost have 2k subs and plan on releasing a visual novel containing all my sketches.

Please check out my channel if you're interested in 4chan style humor + vtubing:

vtuber dating app:

funny sketch:

>> No.6234667

Have you ever contacted random VTubers about doing voice work in this? I'm actually a big fan of your work and I think it would be hilarious if you could find people that aren't afraid to voice shit like this.

>> No.6234841

I only watched the vtuber dating app but it was boring and predictable as hell. It reminds me of a buzzfeed article.

>> No.6235271
File: 1.34 MB, 1551x943, something.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't... I feel like I need more clout before I can get worthwhile collabs.

I gotta make some normie tier videos to appeal to a wider audience.

Check out the video where Anon attempts to rape his cousin.

>> No.6235321

>self draw and rigged everything on pirated software
>ready to stream
>only have mediocre laptop to stream on
Feels bad to be poorfag. Should i invest into good PC now or streaming some 2D games will work?

>> No.6235638

Are you 12. Because that's what this reminds me of. A 12 year old's attempt at humor. It unironically reminds me of this shit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnSWkrRWNQWNhDusoWr_HXQ

>> No.6236070

>doesn't know how to properly embed a youtube link

>> No.6236074

First impression, pretty solid overall, but in the second set of phrases, in some of the faster passages, you're losing a bit of the pitch center of the notes. Think of those long phrases with lots of shorter syllables as one long, arching line, or like you're pulling on a rope the whole way throughout. This will give you a more unified sound and keep you shaping the phrase musically. That can iron out any small intonation issues, too.

I can also hear where your break is between full voice and falsetto, and you strain up against it a bit in the latter part of the recording. It sounds like your voice has the overhead to get up there in a clean, light full-voice, so when you sing those higher lines, think about releasing all the tension that you might be unconsciously holding in your jaw or neck. You want a really free, unrestricted passage of air, and then those high notes will pop right out without any strain. As it is now, I can hear a bunch of strain there, and a tiny bit of grit creeping in. If that's an intentional effect, it can be produced healthily, but if you're straining, you could do damage to your voice, so what I'd do is take a video recording of myself singing, and look for visible signs of strain, like a locked jaw, tight neck, etc. Sing at a mirror and feel yourself unclench those muscles. It sounds and feels counterintuitive, but you'll produce a much better, freer sound, and you'll find high notes that used to be a reach come out easily.

I think you have a pretty nice voice, and when you flipped up into falsetto at the start, that sounded really nice, actually. Don't be afraid to use that if it's easily accessible to you. Especially in that style of music, a pure, clean falsetto (with a lot of breath support behind it) is great.

Overall, great work, and keep at it!

>> No.6236166

I'm not going to embed a channel link. I'm sure you're not to lazy to click on it or are you too busy doing your homework. Education is important for little kids like you.

>> No.6236248

>/hopefuls/ posting vocaroo
>actual advice in thread
today is a good day for /asp/

>> No.6236322

Your stuff isn't for everybody but I genuinely think that comedy sketches is a real untapped market, you just need to do better networking with people, though I guess you gotta be careful cause your shit can easily get you cancelled.

>> No.6236378

I wish this thread was faster because I honestly like giving advice, I just hate seeing good questions and wonder if I should even answer cause it's been hours.

>> No.6236475

i think it's been pretty quiet in the past few weeks mostly because the big rush for chuubas has kinda settled down a bit after Holo EN2 auditions. then it's been a pretty slow trickle of people coming in and out. my guess is that one EN2 debuts, we'll see another big wave of people coming in, but that might be some time away since Cover only just teased VSingers.

>> No.6236522

Thanks loads anon! I'm honestly just a shower singer so as far as most of those explanations go I think I probably grasp the surface level of most of it but I'll need some more help to fully understand it. I'm guessing that means I should call up the local music store to ask about their lessons sometime soon.

If there's anything specific you think I should focus on first and foremost I'd really appreciate any advice there as well!

>> No.6236634

There's so much potential! Any ideas for edgy vtubers who might be interested in doing a collab?

Maybe try throwing a hail mary and get project melody. I'd be willing to pay her handsomely.

>> No.6236791

Honestly you might get some responses if you network with /asp/ies (or /wvt/) and people like that, they're on this site so they have tolerance to bullshit, just don't be a sperg and you won't lose them like how you lost your other VA catches. As for how to actually network with them, that's on you, you're not a streamer so it's not as simple.

>> No.6236932

well, he's found some kind of an audience if the number of views on those videos say anything. but i don't know how much advice can be taken from /asp/ since most here are looking to be streamers

>> No.6236980

Lessons are always a good idea, I think. The thing I would always recommend people focus on is building their breath support. So look up some breathing exercises for singers, follow along with those youtube videos, and look into what lessons are like in your local area. Private instructors aren't cheap, so I'd say see how far you can get with some self instruction first. Good luck!

>> No.6237192

Nyart but you're a really cool guy music anon. I wanna make music videos for my character but I'm honestly considering just hiring someone else to sing the covers lol.

>> No.6237234

Yeah, I currently have two female VA's who understand my vision. But I need a clouted feature to gain more legitimacy within the vtubing scene.

Another option is offering my animation/writing services for a big channel and earn some side money.

>> No.6237598

You got to work from the ground up with that kind of content, Twitter people will definitely not give you the time of day, but maybe you can find one or two people with big follow count to assist you. I think having a side hustle is important too, I imagine you'll use the Castle Clique name on that?

>> No.6238062

I've been trying to find some good guides on getting better at singing in general, but the internet has an awful lot of advice to the point I don't know which advice is good and which is bad. What would you recommend for getting better at singing and refining your voice?

>> No.6238401

Check OP post

>> No.6238537

I assumed you already looked at the voice and singing resources pastebin. What I see people do is they find a range they want to work in and just focus on that without trying to go outside of it too much. Sing songs in that range, try out different inflections to see what they can do in it, once you're comfortable with it and practice it, you can move on. I don't sing so honestly this could be god awful advice but I think approaching it by focusing on one detail before moving onto another is solid for something as rep heavy as singing.

>> No.6238778

Oh shit you're the barbershop quartet anon? That makes sense that you know all this stuff then, your shit's real good

>> No.6239117

not that anon, but trying to figure out some of this musical lingo, is this "break" you are talking about, where you switch between a "diaphragm" to a "head" voice at around the 1 minute mark, where it's like the voice is trying to hit a high pitch but is almost being held back by the fact it's coming from all the way down in the lungs?

>> No.6239260
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the temptation to participate in these...

>> No.6239405

Mine flickers on every note...

>> No.6239573

not musicanon, but what i did was just swing around up and down until i got it to sit still on a note. if i couldn't get it to stick just swing up to a random note and slowly bring it down. that's how i did it.

>> No.6239652

lol just reached out to melody but haven't heard a response yet.

yeah bet, I eventually want Castle Clique to be virtual gang/group, not just me individually

>> No.6239738

I think I just need to do some vocal exercises or something. I kept trying and my longest held pitch/no flickering can't be longer than a second. I also seem to sing right on the edge of where black and white keys meet every time.

>> No.6239806

Also NTA but yes that’s what your break is. It’s the transition point between your chest voice and your head voice.

>> No.6240630

Yup, thanks! I did a test stream to see if I could record each part additively, and have the viewers hear both me singing the part, and the playback of what I was recording on top of, and it worked pretty well. As I was doing it, I realized it would also be kinda fun to talk about how I go about learning barbershop music, sight singing, light music theory (dominant chords, voice leading, suspensions), etc. So the ideas were coming to me during the stream itself. I had the screen set up with the sheet music visible along with Audacity, so viewers could follow the whole process.

Yes, it's the distinction between your full voice (chest voice, modal voice) and head voice. The technical way it works is that rather than your entire vocal folds vibrating as they do in your full voice, air is only passing through the thinner edges of your vocal folds. A (not entirely accurate, but visually helpful way) way to think of it is a guitar string. When you pluck it, it plays its tone, but put your finger down halfway on the fretboard, and now it will make a higher note.

That'll be a breath support issue then, if you're wavering between notes, or having trouble sustaining any one pitch. If you're also not quite in tune (in between where black and white keys meet), you may want to do some ear training. Singing is an entirely mechanical skill, so even if you don't have a natural aptitude for it, you can learn.

As a bonus, this was what I recorded during my stream tonight. I've sung this before, which is why I chose it for a test stream. Some streams I'll be sight singing the whole way through, meaning I'll be singing something for the first time just from looking at the sheet music. I use barbershop quartets to practice my sight singing, to keep that skill sharp.


>> No.6241176

god damn man, you're auditioning for NijiEN males, right? fuck me i've got no chance

>> No.6241488

I am, and gonna throw one in for Tsunderia as well, even though it seems unlikely they're actually planning to take males. Don't sell yourself short, though, there's probably lots of stuff you're good at, or content that only you can make. Besides, we can all stream for the fun of it, which is my plan as I get more used to the nuts and bolts of how streaming actually works (mostly using OBS, I'm still very green there).

>> No.6242753
File: 8 KB, 595x153, 85528351906983800393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elgato Wave 3 anon here. If you're using the Wave Link software mixer, DO NOT use the nvidia noise suppression filter in OBS. It will fuck up with the game sounds from Wave Link.

Use the Noise Suppression from Nvidia Broadcast standalone just for your Wave 3 microphone. And then pipe that through Wave Link and into OBS.


I spent 2 hours trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with my audio.

>> No.6242922

based /fit/chad has graced us with his presence

>> No.6244274

Go for it, why not?

>> No.6244383

thought there was a whole stigma against participating in these

>> No.6244405

Don't listen to people here, any chance to get eyes on yourself is a good thing.

>> No.6245108


>> No.6246566

Himono has uploaded another Live2D video (it has ENG subs for you EOPs). IDK how many people here are doing their own rigging but this is very helpful. The vid focuses on eyes.


>> No.6246621

i would literally rub my dick on a tree until orgasm to get a rig from Himono, but i'm just starting out, so my content would never be able to do the model justice

>> No.6246728

Anyone have a tips to improve breathing/talking without gasping? I’ve been practicing lately and I notice that I gasp for air a lot for some reason.

>> No.6246825

- slow down
- take deeper breaths
- breathe from your diaphragm
- try to use up all the breath you have in your lungs, then just pause while you take a deep breath in

the last one will seem unnatural, but will help you get a grasp of how many words you can say per full lung-load of air, once you've figure that out, you can start to adjust as necessary. but if you don't know what your baseline is, you won't know where to start making adjustments

>> No.6246852

I never have that problem. I just sit there with my lips zipped, too frozen in fear to say anything, maybe a sniffle every once in a while if my nose is clogged.

Roleplay as me and problem solved.

But seriously, it sounds to me maybe you are talking too fast to be able to breathe between sentences. Slow your roll

>> No.6246971

>try to use up all the breath you have in your lungs, then just pause while you take a deep breath in
You mean try to talk without pause until I get ally can’t?

> but will help you get a grasp of how many words you can say per full lung-load of air,
Haven’t tried speaking without breaks until I literally cannot yet, but I notice that whenever there’s a comma/ a colon in a sentence that forces me to pause for a moment, I instinctively grasp for air during those pauses.

>> No.6247048

>You mean try to talk without pause until I get ally can’t?
exactly! what you're trying to get a handle on is basically "how many words" or "how many sentences can i say before i run out of breath?" it's less of a "oh, i can speak exactly 43 words before taking a breath" and more of a general feeling thing, if that makes sense. but what you're looking for is how much air you can hold in your lungs with each breath and find your limit.

>I instinctively grasp for air during those pauses.
that's fine too, but from the sounds of it, there's something else getting in the way. try to separate those commas and periods from your breath. you can take a pause while still halfway through a lung-load of air. it's gonna be weird and it's gonna be awkward.

>> No.6247165
File: 242 KB, 1500x1500, 1A37D7B8-9C39-4A07-99FF-CD3D7538F7DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips, anon. Didn’t really expect to have an immediate reply. I’ll do try practicing what you said and hope that I can improve soon. Again, thanks a lot.

>> No.6247280

no problem anon. just keep in mind that it's very possible that you'll start to feel frustrated when you start to learn where your current limits are. and when you find out that you're not really at the level you want to, it can get pretty difficult.

but that's part of the discovery process. you're finding out what your baseline is, where you currently stand. from there you can always grow and improve. but you need to know where your baseline is.

the frustration is part of it, and all that means is you are beginning to be more aware of yourself. don't be hard on yourself about it, if it end up not being where you think it should be. it just means you're finding the areas where you can make improvements.

>> No.6247572

I've been a clipwatcher for like a year now but watching chuubas live got me interested in doing it myself. I've only got my digital art skills going for me right now but I'm gonna start learning other things that might be entertaining to watch

>> No.6247897

good luck, anon

>> No.6248547

I have a question about rigging models.

If I drew a 2d model myself, how many variations of it would I need to draw to have it rigged? Or would the rigger handle mouth movements? And hair movements? How does that work? Is live2d for rigging or for drawing? I have no idea

The only part I understand is the default, idle model. I don't know how making a 2d image move and have facial animations works

>> No.6249107

You "only" need to draw the base pose, but with some quirks - things like hair should be drawn fully (as in don't stop where the body covers it, draw all the hair that exists), so they can be moved around freely during rigging. I recommend watching some rigging videos to see what the workflow is like, so you know what to account for.

Also, I made a simple rig myself recently. One thing that helped me get started on the art was finding a free L2D model on Booth, so I had a solid reference of what layers were needed.

>> No.6249892

I hope we can both make it into Niji (I'm sure you have a decent shot) and I can have you teach me more about how to sing anon, god bless you

>> No.6250501

Barbershop anon is so fucking nice, what’re they doing on 4chan.

I’ve never hoped someone passes their audition more,

>> No.6250547


>> No.6251916

Been a bit paranoid about this as well, but I started taking more attention listening to people on podcasts and they do it more than you realise. Your brain tends to filter it out, so unless you're really obvious it's not as big a deal as it seems.

>> No.6252112

Thank you for linking I really needed to hear these tips right now.

>> No.6253791

How would mashing up the fashion style of Honkai Impact + Megaman X/Megaman Zero over 15-20% girls frontline look like to you guys?

>> No.6254100

I have absolutely no visualization on what that would even look like. It sounds like a cluttered mess.

>> No.6254484

Thanks anon! I've been using 4chan since 2004 or so, it's mostly habit that keeps me coming back. It's nice to be nice where people don't expect you to be.

I'll do some more test streams this week, I set it to private since it was really quite a rough test, and mostly just for me to see if what I wanted to do worked. I'll be sure to post here when I'm doing more tests.

>> No.6256568

Anyone know how to do an integrated streamlabs goal?

I want to try and pull bits, donos, and subs into one; but I don't know if there's a way of doing it in SL. I know it's possible to do Sub/Dono goals by themselves, but thought someone might have joined them all together

>> No.6257417

Did some searching and couldn't find anything about combining all of it. How do you have it set up currently?

>> No.6258150

Stream old games at tiny resolutions so my crappy internet can handle it, or wait for better internet to be available in my area?

>> No.6258194

hi /asp/, can i get some advice on my voice? it sounds p tired, but based on the voice alone, is it fine enough to stream and not have people cringe? what kind of character type could it fit? give it to me straight

>> No.6258212

Each of them is a different widget in Streamlabs, but I dislike having all three on screen - it makes things cluttered.

Consolidating them into one (so a sub is $2.50, each bit is $0.01, and dono is $=$) would simplify the screen, and mean I can put together single goals.

It's better to stream than not. Although if you're streaming terrible stuff, then I guess maybe not.

>> No.6258278

You have a very nice voice, kinda reminds me of Froot's voice but a little deeper. I'm not sure what kind of character could fit it, since it could work with pretty much any cutesy anime girl.

>> No.6258296

Best time to start is now. You’re probably gonna be bad for awhile anyway, better to start practicing sooner than later.
I actually thought the same thing and it turned out my internet was fine at the times I wanted to stream.

>> No.6258599

thanks anon! i considered doing some cute schtick but idk how well that would work, since people usually expect cute girls to have really high voices rip

>> No.6258671

Is it offputting if a streamer speaks in their regular voice, but changes it completely while singing? I'm able to do a few character voices, but I really struggle to maintain them while just speaking. I want to make use of the skill but not sure how it would be received.

>> No.6258700

I don't see any problem with your voice, though you sound fairly soft spoken. Is that your normal speaking volume, or do you get more animated when you're excited? Maybe try picking a sample sentence, but read it multiple times, each time trying to convey a different emotion (anger, surprise, joy, dread, etc) and listen back to it. Can you recognize which is which? That could be a useful exercise. I'm always going to recommend people speak with strong breath support. I noticed you trail off into vocal fry (think the sound your voice makes in those lower uhhh sounds), which there's nothing wrong with, just something I noticed. If you're seated, try making sure you're sitting up straight for a good clear airway. Do you sing? I'm the musicanon that's been posting, happy to help with specific vocal production questions you may have.

As far as a type of character, I don't think that matters for the voice so much. Do the things you enjoy and be a character who can convey those things. A voice to image mismatch isn't going to be a big deal unless you make it one.

>> No.6259470

holy shit this advice was really helpful. i noticed that my voice sounds quite dead, and the weird noises drop when i don't slouch. will do my reps going off of your advice, i knew there was something wrong and you put it into words. thank you so so much, i don't sing, but i'm very interested in getting a nicer voice. again ty for the advice!

>> No.6259537

No problem anon, good luck! I also recommend practicing in front of a mirror, or while filming yourself, so you can make the connection between what you're physically doing and what it feels like when you're doing it. Have fun with it, too! If you're ever having trouble getting a certain tone across, try pretending that you're someone who can. I know it sounds silly, but it really works. Faked confidence is still confidence, after all.

>> No.6259556

a lot of chuubas do that, i think it's fine
Pomu sang a song 101 times and you can hear her switch back and forth between her singing voice and her Pomu voice a bunch

>> No.6259693
File: 387 KB, 838x720, 1570139217336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a market for BFE? And how the hell do you stream that, I haven't had a girlfriend in years.

>> No.6259700

On the topic of "pretending you can" stuff. I was always curious, when trying to sing a song, I always try to sing it as if I'm the singer, so trying to make my voice do the things they do, is this good or should I be trying to sing the song "with my own voice/capabilities" probably doesn't help that the songs I normally attempt probably don't "suit my vocal range" although I know there's the thing about shifting a song up and down a key (never considered it though)

>> No.6259712

take a look at the comments if you want an idea.

>> No.6259793

Haha holy shit.

>> No.6259807

I think it's natural to wind up imitating singers when singing their songs, and I know I do that to an extent as well, but I'd say it's probably best to sing in a way that's comfortable for you. For example, I love Dio, but if I was trying to sing Holy Diver, I wouldn't put too much grit into my voice to try to imitate his sound, because I don't like doing that and it doesn't feel good for me.

It takes a long time to find your "own voice" and it will change over time and change to suit the need of that you're singing. I sound different if I'm singing a pop song than I sound when I'm singing classical, which is different to how I sound singing barbershop. But they're all still "my voice" in a non imitative way.

Long story short, don't worry if you feel like you're imitating someone when you're singing, but don't focus on trying to do that. Enjoy singing first and foremost.

>> No.6260576

I want to try it but english isn't my first language

>> No.6260619

You have the market cornered for "Cute Undocumented Boyfriend Whispers Sweet Words Into Your Ear From The Crawlspace While ICE Tears Your Home Apart" ASMRs.

>> No.6260716

doesn't hurt to try one day

>> No.6261074

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If your English is good enough for some flirting, you could capture the foreign guy with a cute accent angle.

>> No.6261112
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Isekai Inc Gen 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6261129


>> No.6261135

Does having chat display on stream incentivise chatters or does it scare them away?

>> No.6261149

i'll take "shit that could have been better presented as a typed up document and not a 9 minute long video" for 500, Alex.

even his fucking auditions are a play to get views on his youtube videos, fucking sleazebag.

>> No.6261179

Really long winded, and lost my interest very quickly. I don't really want to be an isekai protagonist, either.

>> No.6261228

why the fuck did this remind me of yandere dev

>> No.6261277

talks a lot, never delivers

>> No.6261646

content creation is hard anons...
there are so many little things that get in the way. being afraid to go live, not being sure what to play, overall just not feeling it, the urge to just take it easy. it's too easy to just sit and consume content like Mori's song feel good for a minute and lie to myself that i'm gonna make content then waste the whole day just fantisizing.

>> No.6261859

Sometimes all the content you need is interacting with your viewers. Go live and talk to people.

>> No.6261862

Yeah, you think that’s hard? Try „I have no fucking clue what type of content to make to get anyone interested“ and its brother „I’m just kinda average at most things“.

>> No.6262006

I had that same issue for a while for the first several weeks.
Now I just fucking do it and just stream everyday or almost everyday.
Just take it easy at first and then try to get into some form of rhythm.
I should actually listen to that Mori song again

>> No.6262053

i never get any viewers...
i was just thinking of playing some Half Life 2 for nostalgia's sake. or maybe a game i got from the steam summer sale. but i'm just not feeling it at all. i know i'm gonna end up like the huge majority of 2views for at least 2-3 months and it just seems like a huge hill to climb.
it just seems so difficult from where i'm at. i know i'm definitely biased because i'm seeing vtubers like Mint and Nova being successful with NijiEN and it looks so effortless for them. and i know they've had months of experience under their belt. i don't know if i'm cut out for that kind of long grind.

>> No.6262115

I'm not a Deadbeat. What Mori song? And drop your link so we can find you.

>> No.6262126


>> No.6262297

Anon, you can stop right now if you want to. Delete your twitter, twitch, youtube, everything. Not message left behind, just gone.

Or you can pull yourself together and ask if you actually care about this and are ready to work for it.

>> No.6262395

I don't like dropping my link too often here for many reasons but

The viewers will come, also consider playing the Twitter game. I don't have many viewers, just one consistent one and people that come in and out randomly.
Still feel satisfied with my growth/progress. It's all about time and just being there despite the low numbers

>> No.6262877

Try setting and sticking to a schedule for a few weeks, and if after that, you're not having any fun, there's no shame in stopping.

>> No.6263774

Bros, streaming to a small audience seems fun but I'm a bit worried. What exactly do you fill dead air with when you're just starting out and have no viewers? I've never streamed before and watching Holos and indies got me interested in it.

I'd probably stream some games like VNs or N64 stuff like Zelda/Mario (since I'm bad at games, I don't want to feel pressured to "perform" well in front of an audience while playing a shooter or something). I'd also want to stream artfag stuff, like learning Blender and ZBrush.

I have a character concept I'm working on a model for but not much more than that. No idea about social media stuff, stream schedules, etc.

>> No.6264160

>What exactly do you fill dead air with when you're just starting out and have no viewers?
you just... kinda do. put together a list of things you can ramble on about on a stickynote. place it under your monitor's bezel and just talk. if you run out of stuff to talk about, move onto the next topic.

>> No.6264177

Just pretend you've got an audience and talk to them. What you're doing in the game, how things are going, random facts that pop into your head, etc.

>> No.6264916

please lick the mic so I can pretend you're licking my ear as I listen the playback

>> No.6264989

mmmm yes, this is some high quality squishy asian american accent. i look forward to your streams, mysteryhopefulchuuba

>> No.6265083

what did you guys record for the video segment of the female Niji auditions? I've done my intro in Japanese to show I know it and I'm zatusdaning and going to put some game footage in there.

>> No.6265148

Your voice isn't deep for your gender, it's normal. I know you asked for advice on voice alone, but I'm personally turned off from how slowly you talked and the lack of energy. I don't mean you have to sound like you drank 3 cans of red bull, but it was very hard to sit through the clip. A bit more energy would make it better.

>> No.6265234

I like your voice!! I just agree with the other anon that you need a bit more energy in it, though obviously it's just a 4chan post so I see why you wouldn't be super genki.

>> No.6265361

Your voice is nice and comfy, anon. I agree with what some of the other people said about energy - right now you're kind of giving the impression you're huddled up in a blanket and hiding from the mic. Aside from that it's a nice voice and would make for cozy streams.

>> No.6266341


>> No.6266410

She's right. Gotta have realistic expectations, and do it because you like doing it.

>> No.6266752

This is a nice vid, thanks anon. It's good to hear this, especially in the wake of IRyS getting thousands of subs before a single video.

>> No.6266827

>started streaming in 2017
>didn't get more than 50 viewers until 2020
guess the boost from everyone going online due to covid was one of those big, once in a lifetime events that shot her into popularity. but if she gave up at any point between 2017-2019, she wouldn't have gotten picked up. that's 3 years of streaming and hustling without giving up. god damn.

>> No.6266836

Hololive is an established brand with millions of fans, so it's not surprising that a new VSinger announcement would get 200k subs overnight. I wouldn't feel bad about it.

>> No.6267004

Yeah of course. It's not so much feeling bad, more like intimidation along the lines of "how can I make a name for myself when people like this exist already?".

>> No.6267284

No disrespect to her, but she had a massive spotlight put on her by Melody, Silver, and Zen who were the biggest ENs around at the time. I'm sure she'd be doing well without that, but she was given a massive chance that a lot of talented people are never given. Not just raids, but being brought into that circle of content creators and being able to create content alongside them.

>> No.6267386

I'm choosing to look at it as, "There are so many people interested in vtuber content, surely I can find a niche." Then again, I do tend towards optimism. We're gonna make it, anon.

>> No.6267448

that's where luck comes in for any form of entertainment. but if you give up, you'll never make it. she's just one of those thousands who kept streaming until they got luck enough to be noticed. sure, there may be hundreds of vtubers who are objectively better in whatever aspect, but they're all trying to compete for the spotlight and not everyone will get it.

each stream you do, every clip you make, each tweet or tiktok clip you publish is a shot at going viral. some people just get luckier, so you want to take as many shots as you can.

>> No.6270004

I think the best thing you can do as an indie is flex the stuff the corporates can't do. Which ends up being most things.

But it becomes a problem of finding something people would like to watch, and not be so fucking obscure nobody would ever find it. Plus not everything necessarily goes with VTubing.

>> No.6271131

Barbershop anon here, I worry about that, being too niche. But I think at the end of the day, I'd rather just make the type of content I want to make, and if it resonates with people, great! If not, that's fine too, I wanted to do this content anyways.

>> No.6271699

Alright, going live with another quick test stream, anyone who wants to pop by and say hi, please do! And let me know if things are working properly.


>> No.6271721

Autistic question, but has anyone who has submitted an audition to Niji notice the view count on the video increase? I would just like to know if they are checking them over time or if they are waiting until after the deadline to start going through them. Thank you.

>> No.6272501

You should post the finished recording of the song on yt. Would be nice.

>> No.6272667

Good idea! I can excerpt it out of the stream. Gives me a good opportunity to use Youtube's editing tools, too.

Thanks for watching, all those who came! I was very surprised to see so many people watching as I sight sang through a new barbershop piece.

Until then, here's the vocaroo of what I recorded live on stream today! Randy Newman's "Caroline" in a lovely barbershop arrangement. Not too bad for a twenty minute sight sing, if I say so myself!


>> No.6272938

your sightreading is incredible! do you have perfect pitch or have you just practiced enough to be able to accurately hit notes without aid?

>> No.6273089

I didn't catch it live but I just skimmed through the VOD now. This stuff is really cool and unique! I hope you achieve your goals, barbershoALYQp anon.

>> No.6273370

Thanks! I've got really good relative pitch. Basically, if you tell me an interval (e.g. whole step, perfect fifth, flat 7th, etc), I can sing that. If you just ask me to say, pull a middle C out of nowhere, I may not get it right, but if you play me a note and then ask for any note in relation to that, I can do that. So when I look at the distance between two notes in a piece of music, I know that that movement from one to the other sounds like, so I don't need to have a piano on hand to confirm or anything.

Sightsinging is my secret weapon as a musician, and it's what gets me lots of good last minute gigs (or did, in a pre-pandemic world). It comes with lots of experience and practice.

Thanks! I feel like this is unique enough that it may be interesting to people who aren't even interested in barbershop music. I've got lots of other 4 part (non-barbershop) music I can do live on stream, too.

I recorded the full SATB on Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus a few months ago for fun. A friend was putting together a virtual choir gig, and provided me with a good organ track, so I provided him a tenor part, but since I love that piece, I went ahead and recorded all 4 parts. I feel like the novelty of hearing a man record women's parts should get a laugh, at the very least. No tricky processing here, just falsetto!


For future streams, I'm going to work on rigging on a proper self-drawn PNG to give myself a bit of personality, and test out some reading streams, as well as gaming. I really appreciate all the posters in these threads, who offer such helpful feedback and link to great resources. We're all gonna make it, anons.

>> No.6275156

There's a lot of space in 3d that the corporates can't match. Just look at the detail of the tracking in Snuffy's model

>> No.6275774

All of this is amazing.

>> No.6276045

This is part of the reason why I really believe that HoloEN2 and future NijisanjiEN generations will have talents who aren't vtubers. Mint and Nova were pretty much veteran indie vtubers who were perfect for NijiEN1. It just happened to line up very well with their timing.

But with talents like Kiara and Mori doing so well for Hololive, and neither really being the "streamer" types, I was ready to bet that we're getting more talents who don't have a traditional streaming background.

>> No.6276079 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 1625793811709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you know any female vocalists that do song commissions?

I've been trying to practice singing and opening up my throat and also not being flat, but it's pretty bad orz. Since I spent all that time on it, I'll post, but I'm warning you. Only click on this if you're deaf or masochistic. https://voca.ro/1bXpaPSbydg1

>> No.6276146

Mine got 10 views so far. 1 is mine but the rest should just be from staff

>> No.6276192

Once again, male? female? if female, which character

>> No.6276233

cute, would gosling depending on model

>> No.6276333

I would assume multiple viewings is a good sign. Good luck, anon!

>> No.6276639

I lied. I'm just shitposting. My voice sounds like a choked chicken and I'll never be a vtuber.

>> No.6276641

Thanks anon! I've got some good classical stuff planned for a karaoke stream, which would be a lot of fun. Opera arias, lieder, and the like.

>> No.6276935

Did you lie about just the views or about submitting an audition at all? If you lied about the audition, why? Do you not want to be a vtuber? There's no harm in taking a chance if you want it, right?

>> No.6277067

8/10 would simp

>> No.6277085

Well both.
The later because I don't want to deal with any funky business while trying to make a real career for myself. And dealing with my actual work and it's rules while also dealing with anything a vtubing company wants me to sign on sounds like a pain.
Maybe if they came to me I'd bother looking into it, but I don't feel like going out and looking for extra stress without it being a guarantee. I'd rather just stick to my shitty 0 view twitch channel and sperg to myself.

>> No.6277367

What's the link to your shitty 0 view twitch?

>> No.6277371

I've seen lots of guys have it as a redemption reward.

>> No.6277819 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.00 MB, 1206x1608, 1625796724035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure? Even with how strained and flat it can sound at parts? Maybe it'd be okay if I found a very very patient mixer..

>> No.6277895

practice makes perfect

>> No.6278125

it definitely sounds untrained, but its not like i wouldn't listen to you do a karaoke stream; i think you just need more practice!
good to see you back dustbunny chuuba

>> No.6278212
File: 257 KB, 634x680, morg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I join the server? Is it actually helpful for the people that are in there?

>> No.6278290

As an oldfag I'm going to tell you no, avoid any groups on 4chan especially if you plan to have an outside internet presence.
>but it might be helpful
4chan groups will ALWAYS devolve into middle school tier clique drama. Don't do it.
At the best case scenario you become nyanners, 10 years later people are still doxxing and sperging about her.

>> No.6278375

yeah, it's cute enough that it's got soul

>> No.6278388

Why would you start a vtuber company before getting yourself a good avatar? Why sell yourself a babiniku to the English speaking audience? Why would use a passing meme like 'truck-kun' part of your business? Why do they have Japanese text in their logo when they can't speak nor read Japanese?
What are up with those business decisions?

>> No.6278405

What is wrong with you people? I never have these problems from Reddit or any other site.

>> No.6278436

nta, but it's 4chan, what did you expect?

>> No.6278571

anonymity, autism, and the fact that schizos seem to congregate on this site

>> No.6278726
File: 294 KB, 630x630, 12420121_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6278783

I'll definitely be practicing a lot more. Thanks anon.

Good to see you too, anon! It shocks me that you'd listen to my singing for an extended period of time like that, but I'd be happy if you did (though I'm not really planning on karaoke streams).

Your words are very encouraging. I'm grateful for them!

>> No.6278987

when you're showing an honest effort, that's sometimes as enjoyable as a skilled performance! karaoke is all about having fun, and seeing improvements over multiple karaoke streams is always great!

>> No.6279064

they are very legit singing courses

>> No.6279455

>This is part of the reason why I really believe that
What is 'This'?

>> No.6279813

did you not listen to barbershop quartet music anon above?

>> No.6279826
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, doushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Niji gives me a chance. I pretty much have no equipment and recorded my audition in dire conditions, but if I make it in I will get support to get a decent PC and mic to do the job. Just need the opportunity for it to happen.

>> No.6279969

Mandatory nyaggers is a hypocrite.

>> No.6280031

if you're a cutie I'll get you everything

>> No.6280133

If I'm in I'd be in Kanata's position, having to ask family for funding in order to properly debut.

>> No.6280280

Based on what people said from round 1, alot of people didnt ever get a view on their videos. Most likely theyre veto-ing people from the answers on the forms first to decide if the videos are worth spending time watching. I submitted multiple (female audition), with like a week or two in between, my first one got clicked on, but based off watch time, it looked like an intern just making sure the link worked.

>> No.6280377

How long should I be streaming for my first streams? I've been going about 2 to 3 hours with about 1-4 viewers. Is that something people care about at all?

>> No.6280402

2-3 hours is the sweet spot

>> No.6280416

Reddit probably doxxes more people then 4chan. ALL discords of reasonable size devolves into shitty cliques. You're just not looking close enough.

>> No.6280559

Reddit has more doxes, just hides it under their pearl-clutching and double standards and as anon said, discords eventually turn into nasty cliques once they hit a decent size.

>> No.6280646

I see. Thanks for the information. Guess I have to just hope my answers perk enough interest then.

>> No.6280664

I'm part of the family

>> No.6280726

Getting Hitomi Chris vibes from this.

>> No.6280774

maybe it is me

>> No.6281117

If you want to join apparently can dm Lance on twitter according to this

>> No.6281435
File: 306 KB, 439x503, 1622178731724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6281473

l-lapis what are you doing here!?

>> No.6281721

if you wanna see some menhera, he un-privated his twitter back

>> No.6281739

I thought that was Leaflit.

>> No.6281766


>> No.6281833

don't worry about it, it's some shitty ngmi who selfposted himself and had a meltdown. you will lose braincells trying to figure it out.

>> No.6281989

The faceless 3d model guy?

>> No.6281999


>> No.6282011

Not menhera but when looking for people announcing their Niji application I found a ngmi guy tagging a bunch of vtubers in his tweets about him appliying.

>> No.6282397

no matter how bad of chuuba you think you are at least you'll be better than those vtweeters

>> No.6283150

Bros, hearing records of you doing karaoke is so fucking cringe and honestly kinda fun at the same time to, there’s a funny feeling when you catch a mistake but can’t help but getting caught up with the flow too because you were having so much fun singing in the recording

>> No.6283292

I'm going to "debut" my pngtuber model and start shilling myself on twitter in a couple days. Thank you to the couple anons who gave me some positive feedback and helped push me into doing this.

>> No.6283353

Is it bad that I want to become a vtuber largely so I can school other vtubers who are terrible at Euro/American Truck Simulator?

>> No.6283426

>so I can school other vtubers who are terrible at Euro/American Truck Simulator
kek, that's kinda based. I do plan on playing some ATS during my streams as a recurring game (although I plan on actually playing it like you're supposed to instead of just crashing into things like Nyanners)

>> No.6283541

I watched Kitanya suck at ETS a while back, and I watched Finana roleplay as a Swift driver the other day, and as an actual trucker it made me die a little inside.

I've already ordered a Thrustmaster wheel and a table I can put on my bed, but I'm not sure how well my mobile connections are going to be able to handle streaming. My signal is often sketchy, especially at busy truck stops where the towers are congested. Nevermind the background noise from all the trucks idling and reefer units around me when I'm parked.

>> No.6283581

assuming you're male, you gotta keep in mind that both of them get a buff because "cute girl does cute things" and they also make cute girl makes cute girl noises.

>> No.6283622

I think the cute-girls-doing-cute-things buff is overblown. All of the most popular gaming streamers are men, and they blow their nearest cute girl rivals out of the water by tens of millions of subs.

>> No.6283646

>the most popular
yeah, and they've been doing this for almost a decade. i don't think it's smart to use exceptions to the rule (gender aside, just in terms of how many 'make it' to the level of 'most popular') as a benchmark comparison

because if you look at just vtubers, Gura just hit 3 million subs. and male vtubers don't.

>> No.6283687

Nobody ever plugged Gura before shooting up a mosque though.

>> No.6284149

What are some good meme voice lines for vtubers?

>> No.6284219

This but quick funny lines to record and upload to twitter to get some people following me before my upcoming debut.

>> No.6284383

>Was in touch with Little Nii (12k on Twitter, 19k on Twitch) before
>Was also in touch with someone else who now has 30K+ followers on Twitter
>Cut them both off because of personal bullshit that had nothing to even do with them
I could’ve made it big. Fuck.

>> No.6284411

This is why you never cut people off retard, keep people around unless they've proven to you they have no use

>> No.6284449

Yeah. I didn’t think anything would come out of either of them, especially since Little Nii’s initial design was, in my opinion, very ugly and the other dude was always commissioning loli trump pfps. Oh well.

>> No.6286102

page 11 emergency bump

>> No.6286109

Stream 2D games while saving up for a good PC?

>> No.6286640

It's not overblown, these girls are reaching thousands of views in a fraction of the time and with a fraction of the effort it took a lot of those massive male streamers, most of which have been making content for the better part of a decade.

>> No.6286739

When announcing each stream's go live, how many tags do you add on twitter and the like?

One small vtuber I found uses a TONNE of tags in hers #vtuber ]vtuberEN #twitch #twitchaffiliate #twitchstreamer #twitchstreaming #smallstreamer #smallstreamersconnectRT #smallstreamercommunity; I tend to use #vtuber, #stream, the tag for the game I'm playing, and maybe if I'm doing an achievement run I'll use the achievo's name.

But I've also seen people @ the game on Twitter too, which seems really fucking cringe and clout chasing... But it sometimes works.

>> No.6286788

I'm too embarrassed of myself to even tweet out that I stream for the 150 followers that I have that are there solely for my content.
Anyways 1-2 hastag of the game you're playing and something unique about yourself.

>> No.6286807

is there a market for a girl vtuber that plays a lot of racing games?

>> No.6286883
File: 263 KB, 498x498, Ironmouse_Portrait_04_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stream what ever you want.

>> No.6286993

The louder you are, the more people will potentially hear you. If your skin is not thick enough, just tag the relevant thing like #Vtuber #ENVtuber and the game you’re playing.

>> No.6287070

It depends on how autistic you are (or passionate) regarding racing games and the like though, guys tend to love girls who have a strong love about a topic (or willingness to genuinely explore).

>> No.6287566

Fell asleep but.
It's not so much other sites don't also do this shit. It's that everyone on 4chan is a mentally stunted retard while other sites have a higher concentration of normalfags who are somewhat well adjusted socially and don't sperg out. Plus it's "normal" to be on reddit so nobody can judge you or claim you as "theirs" like they try to do here.
And the anonymity doesn't help. It's pretty obvious when someone makes a new account to shitpost so it's disregarded as a shitpost bot. Here though people will just anonymously bring drama into every thread pretending they're totally different people and spamming it nonstop and nobody can call them out on it because they're anonymous and can just turn on airplane mode.

>> No.6288109

Most overused and boring design aspects in a chuuba? I know about the asymmetry obsession, but what else is there?

>> No.6288126

Dramafags filter out zoomers and retards stupid enough to take the bait. It’s like bacterial microflora in the gut.

>> No.6288153

Generic anime face

>> No.6288485


>> No.6288501

>asymmetry obsession
This is infuriating. I get it with accessories, but one sock longer, or one sleeve missing is just fucking stupid.

I hate the worthless lore people come up with - "I'm a galactic dragon fairy from the land of magic!", and they're just a standard vroid model, but with purple angel wings.

Fuck off.

It's fine if your backstory is important to the design, but for a 'galactic dragon fairy', I'd expect star patterned items (like Miilkyways), scales/horns, and butterfly/fairy wings.

And even then, they don't lean into the lore at all - the about section and panels will be full of kayfabe, but they'll talk about how they went out to Starbucks during stream.

>> No.6288680

If you don't have friends to boost you >>6288630
with engagement and you're going in so!o as a streamer without a team engaging with your contenf you'll never make it past 2 view. Embrace the boiler room. Embrace the astroturfing.

>> No.6288891

>friends to boost you
I just get my sister and her BF to chill in my streams with the tabs muted. They're in a different part of the country, and sign in on different wifi networks, so I get two distinct IP addresses. Also drop it in some of my RPG discords, for friends I've got there.

If you don't have any IRL people you can reach out to for the initial boost, you're screwed.

>> No.6289482

Tech wear fashion

>> No.6290641

Just watch any reverse harem seiyuu event and you'll find all the equivalents of Ara Ara but for men.

>> No.6291551
File: 607 KB, 587x869, 1231415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to become a vtuber but I'm not sure what gender should I be. Any ideas?

>> No.6291578

Just make up a new one. People do it all the time.

>> No.6291786

Well, were you born with a penis, or were you born with a vagina?

>> No.6291815

What has that to do with gender?

>> No.6291827


>> No.6291834


>> No.6293444

I mostly think of the kayfabe as a way to talk about things you're doing without risking a dox too much. Agreed that overly asymmetrical designs are annoying, though.

>> No.6293573

Yeah, it is, and that's cool.

But if the 'about' section is full of it, and their twitter is all "I just came back from the other side of the rainbow", then I'd expect a modicum of effort to keep the mask on during the stream - "I went to Sparbucks. It's Space Starbucks, hence the name".

>> No.6294702

Who's in the Discord and who's the owner of the Discord?

>> No.6294731

Everyone, I'm the owner.

>> No.6294830

I'd like to know if not having chat on screen is a dealbreaker, too

>> No.6294902


It helps chat to know just where abouts the timing of the stream delay is.
If they can see themselves post on stream they know when you’ve seen it.

In my experience it really helps keep people engaged. I don’t think it’s a deal breaker not to have it, but it might feel a little weird.

>> No.6294940

Bait people by being both, or making it unclear. Like Mashiro from Nijisanji who's a trap. So good at it, to the point you think it's a woman voicing the character. But it's actually 110% a dude.

>> No.6294993
File: 75 KB, 1200x900, 78702111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon's mom! It's a retard.

>> No.6295012

really depends on the game.
horror game where you want the streamer to be focused on the game so they're susceptible to jumpscares and not be distracted by chat? put it away.
mindless games like Apex or Dead by Daylight where you can just kinda have chat hyping the streamer constantly? have it up

>> No.6295329

Is it okay to put off your debut until about a year after streaming? I still need to fix a lot of stuff before then, but it also feels like that would be too long of a wait.

>> No.6295372

that's the ideal way to "debut"
you're making content, you've built up a community, spin a debut as a big event, you already have dedicated fans (who will genuinely support you and have supported you for months already)

>> No.6295382

Unless you've got a serious marketing campaign going on, debuts don't actually do anything anymore. They're mostly reserved for agencies that have a marketing budget.

Either do it for fun on your own terms or don't add pointless pressure on yourself.

>> No.6295400

Might be a stupid question, but how do you add chat to the screen?

>> No.6295472

Add a browser source in obs and use the url to your popped out chat window. Don’t forget to have a smaller resolution unless you want your chat to be tiny.

>> No.6295500

I see. I guess I should just be doing it less for fun and community building than anything else. Thanks for the input, anons!

>> No.6295501

i use OBS Studio, but just used the Streamlabs Chat Box widget added as a Browser Source.

>> No.6296457

Perfect, thank you! I'll be adding that in for my next stream.

>> No.6299634

If you're going to have chat, also spend about an hour and make an overlay so your alerts, chat, and avatar aren't covering up the gameplay

>> No.6299963

hello there /vt/ !
I want to become a vtuber as a hobby and play old vidya, the big problem is that i'm speak spanish and i want to make english streams, my EN is kinda rusty but i saw a lot of streamers improving his english with the years.
also most of my humor it can be considered as a "racist" for some crybaby.

>> No.6300015

>also most of my humor it can be considered as a "racist" for some crybaby.
i'm sorry you're a piece of shit. maybe go see a doctor about it

>> No.6300051

>most of my humor it can be considered as a "racist" for some crybaby.
Probably not a good idea given the nature of twitch and YouTube nowadays. You'll definitely have to curtail that.

>> No.6300146

Hard agree with this. Pirate Photoshop or preferably Illustrator to make a simple, clean overlay. Or if you're design illiterate, grab some stock layout from Etsy or something. It's a simple addition to the stream but adds a LOT of polish.

>> No.6300398

i mean when i say considered "racist" i dont mean that i use racial slurs to talk to people, i mean as a latino we joke a lot about our third world problems and that stuff, i saw some streamers having some problems but at the end is just a is a misunderstand

>> No.6300478

You can do it in gimp/Krita as well, it's not hard to take a stock overlay, copy some sections and add small details

>> No.6300753

slap a png, use the discord reactive images trick, and start streaming. don't do the racism thing though, that's dumb as fuck.

>> No.6300967

Great idea! I'll work on this over the weekend to make my streams more professional looking. I should also make a Twitter, come to think of it.

>> No.6301167

is the audiophile anon here?

>> No.6301242

Maybe that's me? I'm the music/barbershop anon. If it's not me, maybe there's still something I can help with. What's up, anon?

>> No.6301260

You need to go back. ngmi made up-gender vtwatters and overly sensitive people is what is killing most regular entertainment these days. Gonna tell you a little secret: Latinos throw shit at each other all the time and a lot of that shit could count as muh raycism. It just doesn't come to light often ecause it's always in Spanish.

>> No.6301305

>the big problem is that i'm speak spanish and i want to make english streams
You can practice english for your streams

>> No.6301322

Ok who asked my nigger

>> No.6301323

> Gonna tell you a little secret: Latinos throw shit at each other all the time and a lot of that shit could count as muh raycism. It just doesn't come to light often ecause it's always in Spanish.
i'll wait.
prove me wrong with your little secret.
i've seen enough vtuber wannabes like you come here and talk big. none of them have made it. so go ahead, prove me wrong.

>> No.6301339

Twatch and Jewtube are no so fun so while I wouldn't have problems with that, they certainly will. I'd say you get a pass if you're Latino and jokes about third world bullshit, at least in Spanish because Spanish shit doesn't get moderated by them at all. That aside, if your English isn't great I would abstain from streaming in the language, unless you make English learning streams. It's one thing when Korone sometimes uses her broken English and is cute, its another when a filthy ESL with barely any fluency tries to speak the language all the time and you can't understand jack shit.

>> No.6301390

yes that's you!
so i just recorded this to test out my singing and was looking for some feedback if you could.

>> No.6301487

It doesn't have anything to do with vtubing, it has to do with that anon's comment about third world jokes. That's par of the course with Latinos joke about the shitholes they live in and others live in. It's not acceptable for murricans but for regular latino streamrs or youtubers joking about their hellholes is normal.
