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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 50 KB, 443x426, Luca Kamoshida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62188749 No.62188749 [Reply] [Original]

This guy actually makes my skin crawl.

>> No.62189001

I know Luca gave you a cuck fetish, but you don't need to post about it everyday.

>> No.62189033
File: 51 KB, 860x484, pokimane-denies-fedymster-leaked-document-claims-says-sent-admission-guilt-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the Fedmyster of Vtubing

>> No.62189092

Why does he make you feel like that? Please elaborate.

>> No.62189169

Everything I've read about him on the catalog lately just paints him as a massive sex pest.

>> No.62189658

imagine believing shit on the catalog

>> No.62189747

I don't like him either, but if you base your entire opinion from catalog shitposts, you're just a retard

>> No.62190217

>I've read about him on the catalog
You see that was your first mistake

>> No.62190667

omg you still remember him

>> No.62190809

i thought you nijikeks like cucking.

>> No.62191320

His behavior to Vivi is fucking creepy

>> No.62191433

>Vivi debuts as a cute girl/pseudo GFE girl
>clearly not interested in male interaction
>5 males pile into her debut 2.0 stream and she ignores them all
>Luca reveals she rejected his collab offer, makes it public to put pressure on her to collab with him
>Makes a lewd comment about her debut calling her "Victoria's Secret"
>Puts her name on his schedule for a collab this week
>She says he didn't have her consent and did that without asking her
>He blames her for cancelling the collab and promises to "reschedule"
Luca is the sex pest who pounces on all the new girls every time. He treats the branch like his own personal harem.

>> No.62191462

famous friends gets the job

>> No.62192683

nice false flag, sis
but is already clear as crystal you and your discord are okay with this creep

>> No.62192787


>> No.62193464

>didn't even ask
That's kinda weird no matter how you spin it

>> No.62193769


>> No.62193799

Is this some new nijinigger psyop to try and shill their "shes totally different she does gfe" whore?
Even making up direct lies about her cancelling a collab when it was her fucking genmate that cancelled?

>> No.62193831

Flip cunt

>> No.62193878

Except it's true

>> No.62193922

Theres a whole lot of conflicting information and I don’t really know what to think about it. Claude posted on twitter after the fact that he failed to tell Luca that they wanted to reschedule earlier so they could do it as a group, which Vivi herself mentioned but also says that there was barely any communication. I don’t know what is even happening here.

>> No.62194030

What happened is that Luca put the girls on his schedule trying to strongarm a collab with them. As usual trying to "own the incels" by driing away the girl's fanbases which he knows hate him.

>> No.62194163


>> No.62194204

Why this guy is still in niji? Imagine this behaviour if he's in holo

>> No.62194759

Literal sheep, think for yourself and watch some clips and make your own judgement

>> No.62194977

They want us to believe that this is acceptable and OK. Nijisanji terminated a liver for this 4 years ago. What changed?

>> No.62195144

Another branch
JP is a legit business
EN is a whorehouse

>> No.62195656

Usually the catalog is 90% bullshit with bored teenagers and schizos just shit-stirring all day.
But this is one of those cases where there's an actual paper trail and correlation in his behavior.
I've been saying this guy gives off sexual deviant vibes for over a year.

>> No.62195818


>> No.62196209

I'd normally agree if luca constantly barging into streams and giving me major creepo vibes every single time wasn't a major reason I dropped the entirety of nijien.
Some of the guys are actually entertaining. unfortunately luca is always there and has the most vomit inducing personality I've seen on a streamer outside twitch. people hate his guts for good reason.

>> No.62196435

watch streams faggot, she said it herself

>> No.62196657

>the most vomit inducing personality I've seen on a streamer outside twitch
Thats not completely fair. There is also kyo.

>> No.62196767

I barely know anything about this guy but I tuned in to his MGRR stream once. It’s astounding how someone managed to make a MGRR stream boring. From that day on, when I see someone shitting on him, I just join in for shits and giggles.

>> No.62196825

>victorian secret
Just a reminder zaion said they never even heard their wavemate voice until less than a week before debut. Saying she should show him her victorian secret when they collab was creepy as fuck.

>> No.62197112

Didn’t the guy say he was gonna drug women and he also wasn’t popular (because he was new)

>> No.62197142

Kyo is only after Enna, Luca is after the whole company

>> No.62197342

Isn't Luca Enna's pet though? She uses him on girls just to peg em down a bit.

>> No.62197669

kek imagine niji girls coming out with the same allegation bs, might actually revive nijien scene

>> No.62197690

How many times will I have to say that he's kept in because he sucks the CEO's dick? Already seemed evident enough.

>> No.62197942
File: 15 KB, 660x352, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62197987

>watch some clips

>> No.62198121

Well, there was one obnoxious faggot... 'Was' is the keyword

>> No.62198158

Holy shit you are right

>> No.62198461

She will be his or she will BUURRRRRN

>> No.62199914

I can't believe I'm gonna defend Kyo to any extent, but Luca is far more of a disgusting creep.

>> No.62200050

Since its a male vtuber, you just have to look at his actual appearance and way he carries himself as an actual person.
He is a little asian manboy that dresses like a child.

>> No.62202150

you mean kill it stone dead right? The last thing nijisen needs right now is more drama, especiailly after Aia promised that november is going to be a good month for them

>> No.62202546

I rarely take the catalog seriously, but some of what they say sounds credible.

>> No.62203085

some catalog unitrannies are crusading against this faggot because they were smitten by the new nijigirl. don't see any seethe for the other girl.

>> No.62203149

Yes, Aia is hinting at NijiEn's return to pure CGDCT

>> No.62203674

Hilarious how nijifags collate the autistic old guy who wanted to play video games and smoke weed to the guy harassing the newbies and force them into his own collabs.

>> No.62204589

>Watch niji
I knew it, this was a niji shill psyop.
Couldn't help outing yourself could you?

>> No.62206826


>> No.62207045

Luca is in the Pomu clique, not Eliras
You are thinking of Kyo

>> No.62208541

What a fucking annoying retard.

>> No.62208618

It would make my skin crawl too if I think the female vtuber I toss all my money at actually cares for me and not someone they have actual interaction with.

>> No.62209101

does the girl even stream anymore? I rarely seen her talked about when she was everywhere 2 years ago

>> No.62209498
File: 146 KB, 400x396, 1675538801822147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy makes tempus look a lot better holy shit

>> No.62214873

>Entire personality and speaking style copied from Twitch streamers, particularly xqc
>Puts zero effort into his own streams, always late and always extremely unprepared
>Constantly invites himself to collabs and tries to make himself the center of attention instead of supporting the original collab members
>All his jokes are incredibly repetitive and shitty and he just forces them endlessly until people are sick of it
>Cheats in games to fuel his own ego, cheated in Among Us and got called out on it by both Fulgur and Aia. Cheated in Minecraft after begging Finana to give him admin to whitelist people except he only ever used it to build shit in creative without telling anyone until Pomu called him out for it.
>Nuked the Minecraft server and instead of taking responsibility he just blamed Elira and Finana and the server backend software. When asked to apologize he refused to do so, Pomu and Selen had to damage control for him.
>Refuses to ever own up to his mistakes in general, #1 sign of a shitty person when they can never take responsibility or apologize for anything.
>Holds really shitty views towards women and gives his impressionable underage fans awful sexist advice that just fuels their body image issues.
>Knew a girl had a crush on him and broke her heart by getting drunk and kissing some random girl in front of her. Acted like he had no idea why she stopped talking to him.
>Bullied some poor kid in school and tried to paint it as him "helping" the kid until the kid reported him to the school for bullying. Once again acted oblivious to his actions.
>Got caught texting and dming fans privately without disclosing to his management. Only reason it came out is because the fans posted it publicly. Probably a groomer.
>Actively egosearches himself on /here/ and seethes about it because he just can't handle criticism
>Keeps begging Pomu for collabs, tried to invade the EliPom drunk phasmo stream they've been planning all year until Pomu told him to fuck off
>Got handcam streams banned because he decided to one-up everyone by doxxing his full exposed arm on Twitter
>Lost FromSoft perms for the entirety of NijiEN because he left monetization on an Elden Ring stream, forcing Rosemi, Elira, and Vox to completely cancel their ongoing playthroughs
>Used h*l*l*ve bgm without permission and never apologized, management had to delete his vod
>Needed Nina to fly to Australia to chaperone him to EU, she ended up getting Covid while babysitting him around for 2 weeks and couldn't stream for nearly a month
>So loud and annoying in Among Us VR that his own genmate wanted to kill him just so he'd shut up
>Tricked Kotoka into joining his clan in Ark and caused her to lose all her dinos
>Corrupted Meloco by teaching her retarded Twitchspeak that she can't stop regurgitating
>Forced management to change the rules for commissions because they found out he was privately flirting with artists
>Doxxed Kotoka and made her feel the need to come clean about living in japan
>Ruined Iluna vs Xsoleil Crab Game collab by invading it without being invited
>Ruined the yuri dating collab to the point all girls were telling him to shut the fuck up and fuck off every few minutes
>Tried to force TTT to collab with him in order to leech from the new wave

>> No.62214948

This is a funny list, but every time I see it, I wonder how bullshit each of the examples are, and whether any of them are just plain true.

>> No.62214957

unironically, this is why i started watching vivi
she is the last remaining hope for nijiunicorns

>> No.62215220

Imagine not knowing Luca's previous twitter and seeing that he acted like a fucking creep even back then.

>> No.62219238
File: 854 KB, 816x1200, 1680774579672146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup nijikeks, enjoying paying for my harem's condoms?

>> No.62219280

Yes my prince

>> No.62221220

EN4 chud
enjoy :)

>> No.62226281


>> No.62229333

He's so creepy

>> No.62229753

>>Forced management to change the rules for commissions because they found out he was privately flirting with artists
That one is half-true. He commissioned an artist once personally and that artist decided to use it as a bragging chip like "Luca personally messaged me!" and after that management had to issue a new mandate that they would handle all commissions themselves

>> No.62229891

I don't know why people think Tempus are sexpests when the collabs I've seen are all arranged and the boys suck more at video games than them sucking titties of their holosenpai

>> No.62229954

Okay I'm convinced. This guy's an asshole.

>> No.62230008
File: 25 KB, 294x238, 1668073058559867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowing catalog rrats and blatant anti posts to paint your opinion of someone to the extent that they "make your skin crawl" before you've ever even seen them for yourself
Jesus fucking Christ, are you listening to yourself?
