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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 24 KB, 364x272, 2023-11-05 09_34_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62010995 No.62010995 [Reply] [Original]

she talk like some twitter freak
she even does the *clap* thing
how does anyone stand this woman? is it for the model alone?

>> No.62011160

You didn't watch the clip schizo, she says age doesn't matter when it comes to fictional characters in romance manga and also notes that old school Sailor Moon looks younger than the reboot Sailor Moon as an observation, not as a judgment against either one.

>> No.62011265 [DELETED] 

>OP refusing to watch the shrill cries of a zoomzoom liar
Based OP

>> No.62011301 [DELETED] 

*rapes and beheads you *

>> No.62011311

He didn't just not watch the clip, he couldn't even parse the title of it correctly.

>> No.62011341


>> No.62011381

Roses are red
This board is blue
I won't watch your clip
And I won't give a (You)

>> No.62011562
File: 92 KB, 1147x646, 2023-11-05 09_56_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about YOU watch the clip anon?
she literally say "if you ignore the age gap it's okay, because its illegal" and double down on "oh its not illegal? okay but still icky"

>> No.62011656

isn't this bitch the vtuber that played the pp game? how did she not graduate?

>> No.62011734

you hate someone just because they think little children shouldnt be raped?

>> No.62011807

that's not what she said, are you retarded?

>> No.62011845

>baits sex when she's desperate for views as a 12 year old
>shits on her chat when they talk about a 14 year old
both are wrong or neither are wrong, Bae. Stop being a hypocrite.

>> No.62011897
File: 431 KB, 1536x2048, 4chan meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real truth is that clips and timestamps don't matter because this board is populated by fat mentally ill freaks who envision themselves as the chad meme defending their oshi's purity against those who 'sully' her by pointing out she's a retarded woman, usually in a western country (shit).

>> No.62011899

you can always ignore her streams/clips op,
not sure why you 30+ yr old men keep on acting like a woman here.

>> No.62011912

As someone who has watched this clip, her point was about how fictional characters never look their proper ages, she's not saying they SHOULD, it was just an observation she had for the sake of discussion
As she says later on
>"this discussion is just for fun guys, let's not take it too seriously

>> No.62011940

lol don't discredit yourself from this anon,
you're one of those fat 30+ yr olds that post threads like this.

>> No.62012024

You are consistently the worst OP with the most forced thread on this board and that's saying something
You don't even watch the clips you post and then sperg out about them
Shitty underage worm, go learn English at the very least third worlder scum

>> No.62012099

You should have sex with OP, you both deserve each other

>> No.62012160

I'm confused, why is OP freaking out then?

>> No.62012301

Because it's a sunday which is usually when the shitposting and bait threads are at their worst. Put two and two together.

>> No.62012428

Latest nijidebuts not doing as well as expected deflection thread

>> No.62012471

>twitter freak
You're so far gone that you're trying to brand anyone against underage attraction as a twitter boogeyman. This is the opinion of the entire normie population.
You and many other pedos seem to have spent far too long hiding in weeb and vtuber shitholes coping and uohposting as you're clearly forgetting how the world despises you.

>> No.62012570

Most people don't like the age gap romance in Sailor Moon because it's the equivalent of a college student dating a girl from a middle school.

>> No.62012573

>Expressed some observations she had about fictional characters about how they don't look their age most of the time and even if she personally finds age gap romance icky, she's willing to put her preferences aside to enjoy Japanese media. Even goes on to remark later about it's not that serious since it's fiction
>Was never judgmental towards a group of people for enjoying this content since she herself is guilty of doing so and never did namecalling
>Being incredibly judgmental of Bae, labelling her, putting words in her mouth and attacking her for not being attracted to underage characters like he is
So who is truly the twitter freak here again?

>> No.62012580

as someone who also watched the clip
she look into fiction seeking real world morals, and that's why she's so upset about characters not looking like their age, and is visibibly upset about romance about minors
I think it's weird to ask to 'not to take it too serious' right after a entire rant about the topic

>> No.62012672

Tell us more about the life of a clipwatcher.

>> No.62012677
File: 86 KB, 289x334, 1603999345955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, another episode of "America is the entire world"

>> No.62012702

>she somehow knows Sailor Moon but not milf
Come on now.

>> No.62012724
File: 1.62 MB, 2193x3000, gura truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does this heckin normerinos not like muh virgin weeb shit?
shut up and simp for the voice actors, redditor. maybe they will try to appeal to your delusions more.

>> No.62012726
File: 210 KB, 3840x1884, 1685332239137915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears my superiority has led to some controversy

>> No.62012736

Bae is retarded
more news at 11

>> No.62012788

It seems like OP hurt itself in it's own confusion

>> No.62012806

>swam to earth

>> No.62012816

This is bait, bae isn't superior in any conceivable metric. she gets mogged by ID even, daily.

>> No.62012839

>she's willing to put her preferences aside to
she's not doing that for compassion, she's doing that to not lose her job at a japanese company

>> No.62012843

OP reveals his true colors!

>> No.62012910

She has been reading shoujo manga like this her entire life, before Hololive
Sesshomaru is her favorite fictional character, the same guy who fucked a middle schooler.
Learn more about the person you are shitposting about before you sound stupider than you already do

>> No.62012923


>> No.62012944

>the whole world excluding america likes cvunny
who, the billions of niggers and gooks? strong case you got chumkek

>> No.62012956

OP as usual
It's always funny when retards shoot themselves in the foot like this

>> No.62012960

Must really mindbreak you to know I'm not OP huh? And I was responding to a numberfag talking about superiority, not sure what angle you're taking here but you should read the thread sis.

>> No.62012968

based uoh bro

>> No.62012990

>the same guy who fucked a middle schooler
this is very recent, and most of the antis of that couple also had him as their favorite characters and couldn't acept him going for Rin
that changes nothing

>> No.62013010

He is STILL her favorite character

>> No.62013085

Calm down and stop projecting, just because she's a normal romantic girl who isn't attracted to children like you doesn't mean she's insulting you or your demographic

>> No.62013090

Holoen moment

>> No.62013129

Because he wants to freak out about something, and there’s not many options for him when it comes to HoloEN.

>> No.62013346

People really up in arms about a two year age gap? This world is strange.

>> No.62013400

*laughs in 30-40 year gap*

>> No.62013409

How are you turning a clip about Bae discussing the fact that anime characters always look older than they actually are into your weird twitter freak obsession? what's the agenda here?
The new sailor moon DOES NOT look 14 like the original one does, that's a fact

>> No.62013934

try watch the clip

>> No.62013963
File: 967 KB, 2048x1536, phase connect fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which of these men are you, oh gigachad of the internet?

>> No.62014024

>she's 14
out of 10!

>> No.62014071

ESL-chama... I did and that's exactly what it is
Also the fact that she's coping as a normal girl about how she ignores their canon ages because these characters are beautiful and she's attracted to them

>> No.62014193

>try watch the clip
I wouldn't be surprised if your grasp on the English language was too poor to understand the clip hence you misinterpreted it and made this thread

>> No.62014424
File: 400 KB, 800x922, 1699052385271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice own bro haha. You really got me there.

>> No.62014502

Authoritarian minds trying to dictate who is allowed to love each other.

>> No.62014645
File: 44 KB, 1583x921, 1681849299144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62014777

Its funny, because for Bae it's like the inverse of this; none of her "fans" watch her, they just support her to own the unikeks.

>> No.62014781

Bae is pro loli, dumbass.

>> No.62014793

Is there another category where someone watches the clip and still misunderstands it? because that's what OP categorizes into

>> No.62014809

t. doesn't know how the universe works

>> No.62014832

I'm sure you know a lot about that sis, go support your failures instead of seething about Bae or her fans

>> No.62014839

>is it for the model alone?
How can people stand that? She's literally a fucking rat with Chuck-E-Cheese ears and a comically sized hunka cheese on her neck.

>> No.62014901

you didn't even watched the clip

>> No.62014962

what percentage of the model is that? also taste is subjective

>> No.62014994

Do you know how twitter freaks actually talk? they attack and harass people who have different opinions and preferences from their own. Aren't you the twitter freak in this case? because Bae did no such thing in that clip

>> No.62015021

Hit a bit too close to home there did I?

>> No.62015218

Learn English before watching clips next time so you don't misinterpret them, I have already addressed you earlier in the thread twice but you only have one singular argument >>62013409
It's literally not my fault that you are a braindead and ESL

>> No.62015335

I have a feeling most of the people making those complaints are women jealous they dont have a “perfect” older boyfriend for themselves

>> No.62015334

OP wants Bae to be a child molester just like him

>> No.62015511

>woman giving muh hot take
Men's "hot takes" are trash already, imagine women's, just shut up and do your job, if you want to give your opinions on a movie or some shit do it like Korone, who really loves the things she talk about

>> No.62015673 [DELETED] 

>hot take
Fucking where?
It's not exactly a hot take that some anime characters don't look much older than their age, it's a fact

>> No.62015726

>hot take
It's not exactly a hot take that some anime characters look much older than their age

>> No.62015753

Her thighs, hips, and chest are highly breedable.

>> No.62015816

Is this your first day on /vt/?

>> No.62015863

>thread infested with normies who think 16 is pedo when it's legal
4chan really died huh, and America isn't the whole world, mutts

>> No.62015891

Watch the clip, she says that 14 year olds SHOULD be groomed and raped.

>> No.62015915

It gives her the ick?!!!!!
Oh no no not the ick!!
Anything but the ick please.

>> No.62015921

Why? it's a fun clip and she's correct in her observation
How is she a twitter freak? I didn't see her attacking anyone
What is the "clap" thing?
This esl garble is giving me a headache, one of the more weird confusing bait thread headlines I've seen recently

>> No.62016129

>esl garble
>more weird confusing
every time

>> No.62016190

sure it reeks of americans ITT

>> No.62016235

>Uhm she is literally 17,99999 years old you pedo

Bae is literally a SJW twitter faggot. Confirmed.

>> No.62016277

Bae was quite literally saying that 14 year olds should be drawn to look like 14 year olds, not adults. She is pro-cunny.

>> No.62016284

Sure anon, a normal girl would turn into a vtuber, you're calling out muh weeb demographic but yourself doesn't understand what true normal people are

>> No.62016310

What she said in reality:
>We ignore the fact that they are that age because they look beautiful

>> No.62016327
File: 234 KB, 1616x321, 1674378041333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anglo brains are working overtime as usual. You can't fix her even if you wanted.

>> No.62016359

I meant her romantic preferences, they are the definition of normal

>> No.62016382

You underestimate mutts, you can have the same age as the girl but if you're big and she's small they would call you a pedo

>> No.62016410

Oh dear... I didn't press the comma key hard enough!
Anyways OP should learn Eigo in order to craft better bait because this one isn't landing.

>> No.62016418

You may not like it, but those guys are probably the 4 best posters on this board.

>> No.62016562

I was away for 3 weeks and the first thing I see when I come back is this thread, imagine fighting over a 2 years gap on fucking 4chan, twitter and reddit fags don't even try to hide

>> No.62016616

Uhhh anon, the age gap isn't 2 years here, it's 10 years, the girl is 16 while the guy is 26

>> No.62016786

The older a woman is. the more bitter she is at representations of youth. This is why they hate loli and says it gives them the Ick.

>> No.62016851

I doubt anyone knows that - it's a tad bit complicated.

>> No.62016998

>Man-Mountain gentle giant with the strength of 10K hebephile fat men
>The Professor an otaku that watched Lain enough to understand it and can manipulate reality
>Gawr Gura an Atlantean Sharkgirl
>Miracle Jones with the power to manifest Blacksplotation Kung Fu and unbeaten in single combat
>Hobbit-lad team leader supreme tactician and master thief

>> No.62017417

It's another Bae anti thread, but she was indeed retarded in this clip. Not because of the anime age thing, but because she treats age gaps like your average twitter-brained zoomer.

>> No.62017457 [DELETED] 

Good thing her friend Miori is getting abused by her dad kek, you deserve the worst to happen to you runt

>> No.62017490

Her original rant was fucking PEAK, this clip doesn't do it justice
She went from discussing how anime characters don't look their age having thighs and tits like that at 14 to discussing Kagome's smell and how she wore the same school uniform for the entirety of the series while in the demon world, she even said IMAGINE THE SMELL.
Btw you seem VERY upset and angry OP, here's a disclaimer by Bae herself to calm you down
It was never meant to be a serious discussion, just a lighthearted/funny rant about how anime characters look older than they are most of the time among other things.

>> No.62017682

Based streamwatcher

>> No.62017729 [DELETED] 

I pray that you and your entire family die an extremely painful death, you don't deserve to live

>> No.62017822 [DELETED] 

Qrd? I'd only heard about bae being 'intimately' familiar with the new niji boy, I missed the miori rrat

>> No.62017890

Based, I pray that you and your family be happy, you deserve to live

>> No.62017923

Least obvious samefag
I pray that you and your family die a painful death a second time, Amen

>> No.62017976

Any rant is cringe

>> No.62018001

Basado, OP on suicide watch right now

>> No.62018102

>It was never meant to be a serious discussion, just a lighthearted/funny rant about how anime characters look older than they are most of the time among other things.
You severely underestimate the mental maturity of the schizos on this board and their ability to get mad over nothing

>> No.62018133

Dont miss your shift sorting thru the jolibee dumpster anon!

>> No.62018148

OP here
thank you anon, you cleared it up to me

>> No.62018239


>> No.62018319

No problem, happy to help

>> No.62018373

Sailor Moon got married and had a kid who later turned into an adult villain.
Meanwhile Sailor Moon and co still look exactly the same.
Anime time is a magical thing.

>> No.62018472 [DELETED] 

Thanks for making me look this up. ffs, bae is so gonna offcollab with him now and probably drag mumei back into the whorenets nest.

>> No.62018529

Even /#/, the thread that hates Bae laughed at you for trying to peddle this rrat

>> No.62018617

NTA but if /#/ disagree with something I'm inclined to believe its true, SEAxcel watchers are worse than the schizos on the log

>> No.62018637

Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes that make me think the wrong thing

>> No.62018699

>but because she treats age gaps like your average twitter-brained zoomer.
Thats literally what she is. Any female that has bruh or bro as part of her regular vocabulary are not worth interacting with

>> No.62018744

Barenaked Ladies were based for that and even got away with it because people weren't terminally online back then and just laughed at it.

>> No.62018797

>whorenets nest

>> No.62019066

>average twitter-brained zoomer
Can you care to explain? I didn't see her attack anyone or refuse to enjoy a piece of fictional media just because it has age gap, it's in fact one of her favorite recent manga she has read, she even stated she ignores age gap in fiction.
>You MUST be attracted to minors like me otherwise you are an SJW
I reckon you are closer to the average twitter-brained zoomer here, you are essentially attacking Bae for not being into age gap romance which is the same line of reasoning twitter brained zoomers use to attack others.

>> No.62019240

jesus the autism in this thread makes me want to eat a bullet.

>> No.62019606

Classic esl can't understand the talk of actual english speakers

>> No.62019861

my friends saw a picture of me when I was 14, I'm 32 and they say I look the same...

>> No.62019912


>> No.62020086
File: 136 KB, 768x960, 1684076849594092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are americans/anglos so obese, what is wrong with them. It makes SEA look like unironic chads despite not even trying.

>> No.62020154

The fat neckbeard is so unapologetically himself he's radiating charisma against all odds.

>> No.62020352

weebs are normalcy in asian while in anglosphere it's usually the bottom of the barrel

>> No.62020986

Could be why. Anime designs on Tuktuks and Jeepneys are always regarded with incredibly high praise due to how good the art looks meanwhile westerners/anglos always find something to be offended about. Reminds me of how the emo culture in SEA was also viewed as incredibly cool rockstar tier, while opposite in the west. It makes sense why depression is high in westerner countries since people there are trash, they also go to countries like Japan to wreak havoc and disrespect their country and rules.

>> No.62021837

The real nuance is people look and age differently
Well my SEA friend most westerners are historically celebrity, newscaster, and drama addicts. Its why current social media personalities are so popular and those who watch them believe their every word. Why they go after anime so hard for age play because its gaining alot of popularity. Its why Pokemon and games like Mortal Kombat back in the day were enemy number one.

>> No.62021911

are you braindead?

>> No.62023833


>> No.62025145

you just look like an a pathetic apologist
t. new ip with no horse in the bae race

>> No.62025423

A few months ago I was at my county's government center at the time the workers were coming in and one middle aged chubby guy pulled up in a ferrari covered in anime stuff.

Some people just don't care.

>> No.62025486

Everything you do is illegal.

>> No.62025514

This is just sad...

>> No.62029993


>> No.62030726

Murder all pol schzos

>> No.62030997

>you are a braindead and ESL
You're not doing a good job impersonating us!

>> No.62031055

sailor moon was literally for 7-14yo girls. it was in a monthly shojo magazine called nakayoshi for elementary school children. since amerimutts totally lack selfawareness of being manchildren, they can only act like brainless and clueless cretins.

>> No.62031076

ESL threads remind me why I don't frequent the catalog. Tend your rice fields please.

>> No.62031186

Honestly same.
>17 is icky
17 IS NOT "icky" you stupid aussie, not only do you not realize that it is LEGAL where you live, it is legal in almost the entire world. The only reason why people believe that 18 is the universal age of consent around the world is because of California where it is, the media capital of the world, influencing everyone to think the same way.

>> No.62033224

Bae's anime discussion and rants are pretty peak.

>> No.62033243


>> No.62033600

Fucking based nogs and gooks

>> No.62033663

The age of consent is 16 in most countries. In most US states themselves it’s below 18. You wouldn’t know that because you’re too influenced by twitter

>> No.62033867

wasn't this about how usagi doesn't look loli enough for her age? or am I remembering the clip wrong.

>> No.62033922

we have food

>> No.62033944

nah you're remembering it correctly

>> No.62034067

posts like these are the reason I keep browsing 4chan (and this board)

>> No.62034471

these are the post that make 4chud good

>> No.62034763

they look poor and stupid. you must be blind

>> No.62035437

why is every Bae anti thread about clip thumbnails

>> No.62035672

She probably realized that it could ruffle some feathers and wisely decided to stop before it got out of hand.

>> No.62036040

It's a zoomer thing. Many of them think it's "icky" unless you're the exact same ages. They also infantilize themselves by citing the "your brain develops until 25" fact. (i.e. if a 26-year old tries to get into the pants of a 24-year old it's immoral because the 24-year old is still a baby.)

>> No.62036185

>Bae thinks australians are a different race
I had to laugh when she wrote this

>> No.62036274

Radical Larry shaking in his boots

>> No.62036309


>> No.62036497

I've been carded at age 35 when buying beer.

>> No.62037112
File: 448 KB, 610x325, cNYRYDZ5Aw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even watch the clip, she is ok with the age she just cant believe at 14 she looks exactly the same as another character that was supposed to be in the 30s.
and that in the sailor moon remake usagi doesnt look childish anymore like she used to.

>> No.62037394

Not surprising if she's australian unfortunately, they ban flat chested women from doing porn over there, and hentai.

>> No.62037492

The only thing allowed to be flat in Australia is the outback.

>> No.62037818
File: 376 KB, 1280x720, 75b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude she doesnt care she was praising a manga she loves and told chat to just ignore the age gap, normal girls actually like older guys, because she knows some people see it badly.
then she talked about how usagi doesn't look 14 that i think is completely true, i also dont think that jotaro looks like an average high schooler, and i like to make fun of it, but i dont take it seriously just like she doesn't take this seriously.

>> No.62037906

the socks, kek

>> No.62037928

>airsoft guns
couldn't look more lame if they tried

>> No.62040290
File: 3.73 MB, 1777x1850, jolly fat fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatfuck chads stay winning

>> No.62045586

grow up dude
