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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61983634 No.61983634 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she do it?

>> No.61983748

She was unironically stoned.

>> No.61984196

She needs money for silly pills obviously

>> No.61984209

Pedophile cash

>> No.61984358

>Now that the dust has settled...

>> No.61984424

I've read on YT that American groomers like to pick Russian girl immigrants because they're obedient and cute. They also rarely report their groomers when they grew up. Maybe she was a groomed one, trying to find a new sugar daddy

>> No.61984482

Lack of meds, took different drugs instead.

>> No.61984578

>Another bait thread
Kys already nigger

>> No.61984724

A service from my oshi like that... look like a dream, man. If only...

>> No.61984817

The only bait here is a chuuba trying to bait thousands of dollars worth of donations for the chance to meet her with the possibility of violating her drug addled body.

>> No.61984818

She must be really close to her fans. Good luck to her. May the best bachelor win.

>> No.61984838

You were scammed. This is her bailout ticket

>> No.61984895

>now that the stardust has settled

>> No.61984900

What if we put it on TV.

>> No.61984994

>I will only let some of you plap me
cringe, if she is going to be this much of a whore everyone who can afford a plane ticket should get a turn. Imagine being the paypig that gets sent away with just a hug.

>> No.61985071

That's the cost of playing the game, their will be other games.

>> No.61985074

menhera cartoon girl
crazy for love
several such cases

>> No.61985087

>soviet union falls
>Russian mail order brides everywhere
>go to cam sites
>Russia is over represented
>Russian chicks at the bar talking about sex in Russian but I can pick up with my limited Russian
Never understood why people think Russian chicks are a bunch of trad wives when most of them are whores.
>They also rarely report their groomers when they grew up
Do they still do that? I thought after those """"modeling"""" agencies got busted they would crack down on that shit.

>> No.61985124

Thanks, I'll remember this comment when I don't use it the next time.

>> No.61985328

>Never understood why people think Russian chicks are a bunch of trad wives when most of them are whores.
The news said Russia is against lgbt, which give general public the impression that they are conservatives

>> No.61985365
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>What did she mean by this?
>What went wrong?
>This is _, say something nice to her!
>Who is bestgirl and why is it __?
>Why is she so perfect bros?
>blocks your path
>Who was in the wrong here?
>What the fuck was her problem?
>Could someone give me a quick rundown?
>(x) company is finished
>(x)fags BTFO
>How will they ever recover?
>Is she, dare I say, /ourgirl/?
>Find a flaw; Protip: you can't
>Explain yourselves
>Defend this
>What's her name again?
>Why does she trigger /vt/ so much?
>Would you?
>She did nothing wrong!
>Now that the dust has settled...
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>What was her endgame?
>What am I in for?
>Really makes you think
>How do we fix _?
>The absolute state of (x)
>What the fuck were they thinking?
>For me, it's _
>Was it kino?
>Redpill me on ___
>See this What do?
>Daily reminder
>The perfect girl doesn't exi-
>(x)bros... we got too cocky

>> No.61985442

nobody thinks Russian girls are anything but the best-looking girls (true)
of course this would lead them to be horrible whores

>> No.61985444

This is OK because it's a loli meanwhile Marine is a whore because she said 2 words. Pretty sound.

>> No.61985453


>> No.61985478

>paypig that gets sent away with just a hug
That guy doesn't pay enough

>> No.61985491

Thanks for sharing your filter list, anon.

>> No.61985824

thanks for sharing the template list anon, I will be using it

>> No.61986546

I see you are familiar with my work

>> No.61987051

the dust settled quickly

>> No.61987875

so.... who smashed?

>> No.61987928

No one yet, but she just got suspended so she has plenty of time to set things up now.

>> No.61988222

Hey your forgot the

>> No.61988383

At least it won't be like 5guys right?...right?

>> No.61988867

Who knows? Some may do something mild while one wished come true.

>> No.61989723
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I don't understand how some of her fans here were defending this. Surely most of them are not among her highest paying paypigs that would have actually had a chance at scoring. Are they basically saying they were okay with other fans fucking their oshi?

>> No.61990010

i-it was just a prank!

>> No.61990132

what was this exactly, I mean how was this broached and posted? Was this a patreon tier?

>> No.61990290


>> No.61990400

I approve of this. Idol needs 100 more just like her. Smfh. They should be rewarding her, not putting her in time out. Idol managers are faggots. Riro is based lmao. See you at OffKai OP.

>> No.61990414

russian menhera lolituber from the jewcorp does a memebers stream where she got high on pills and starts getting ideas to have her fans meet her irl so they can all bang. yes, seriously.

>> No.61990707

Maybe at next Offkai Idol will actually advertise their talents instead of letting another small corpo steal the initiative.

>> No.61990740

So is this what got her suspended? Did she actually have a complete lapse in judgement and think she could get away with trying to set up meetings with fans in RL?

>> No.61990868

She's an out of control druggie, there is no judgment to be found.

>> No.61991978

look at what she wrote at the top, she did the stream while she was abusing benzos

>> No.61992087

Here's the stream this came from

>> No.61992091

Yeah I don't understand how you could defend it either, even if she wasn't serious and it was just lewd RP that went too far like some are claiming it is still her just describing how she would fuck the most appealing paypigs in a concerning amount of detail. Pretty terrible coomer content outside of THAT specific niche.

>> No.61992236

She wanted to be oshi no ko'd

>> No.61992245

So.... is the offer still available to fuck her?

>> No.61992368

250? I don't know who she is but that's a small price to pay to bang someone's oshi

>> No.61992520

Gotta take into account travel cost too.

>> No.61992666

+ travel costs + possibility of just getting sent away with nothing but a hug because you're not fuckable enough

>> No.61992675

Maybe if you already no not-Riro which means forking out way more than $250.

>> No.61992729

She also wouldn't send away her biggest paypigs with nothing because she wouldn't want to risk losing them

>> No.61993008

She streams after taking meths

>> No.61993095

Benzos are great until you completely forget what the fuck happened the whole time you were on them.
I drove a friend home, and couldn't remember how he got home. Good times.

>> No.61993098

Riifu save her.

>> No.61993143

If shes after money why not just open an Onlyfans and sell feet pics or something? Honestly more tactful than sucking some smegma covered penor

>> No.61993379

She's not after money she's after smegma

>> No.61993466

You guys always ask why these girls don't just become normal whores on OF or something and instead of vtubers and the answer is because they specifically get off on doing this stuff as vtubers and doing it to vtuber fans.

>> No.61993544

I know people say shit like this almost instinctually, but a I truly do mean this: Because she's a fucking disgusting whore.

>> No.61993641

>my gay friend and my quote unquote "brother" can also come along
what cucked shit is this

>> No.61993674

People upset at this are just jealous that they won't fuck her themselves. It's pretty pathetic desu especially when you know they'd drop the puritan act if she were next to them.

>> No.61993737

OF whores are so disrespected right now that nobody that's not one yet wants to become one.

>> No.61993761

remember when people used to post about wanting kyOresu to join Hololive because of her loli singing voice? as usual, Cover's top tier talent selection process skipped this live grenade because it saw that she was going to explode
saying she's kyOresu isn't doxx jannies, don't shit your diapers https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1625618395767906326

>> No.61993846

If you're a fan, can you answer my curiosities here >>61989723 please?

>> No.61994023

kek I recommend 3:05:00

>> No.61994376

Gonna member if she isn't terminated right after the suspension.

>> No.61994553

Based coomer going for the sloppy seconds.

>> No.61994643

I like how she's become the Keyser Soze of coomtubers

>> No.61994691

excuse me, what the fuck?

>> No.61994848

The archive has been leaked by the way, you can check the context for yourself and see how it's just RPing while stoned, as well as how people are only pushing this nothingburger because they're desperate for drama.
Or you can just keep shitposting without watching streams as usual. Your choice.

>> No.61994896

> Joins a corpo literally called Idol
> Over half girls do lewd ASMR and masturbate in members
> Business as usual
> Act like a total whore beyond normal but actually plan plap plap
> Get busted because drug addiction
and improper tard wrangling
> Woman moment
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.61995039

>"it's a nothingburger"
>she literally got suspended over it

>> No.61995044

>Streaming while stoned
You can't say that when she's indefinitely suspended though. It's not a good look regardless if you suspend your disbelief and think she was just joking around.

>> No.61995170

>its just a joke
What would have happened if it wasn't leaked?

>> No.61995218

Again, it's your choice to educate yourself on this vtuber, her kind of content and the things she says before accusing her of anything, or to keep shitposting to no end because you love being a retard. Only your choice.

>> No.61995223

We get another vera.

>> No.61995284

man the last 20 minutes of the vod is giving me mild sava christmas stream vibes

>> No.61995283

Unironically, nothing.

>> No.61995353

What do you think she's doing during her break anon

>> No.61995583

>if only stuff like that was possible. it's not unfortunately. but it's fine either way. even just fantasizing about this stuff is fine.
so she was just fantasizing, combined with the irrelevant $250 at the top she really got misrepresented here
although I will say the lovey stuff and talking about being lonely and kissing her cat because she has no bf reminds me of my former oshi who turned out to be a crazy manipulative BPD girl with a massive sexual history, make sure you don't take this stuff too seriously

>> No.61995593

So educate us then. If you are as much as a fan as you perceive to be, it should be easy for you. Spare us the spoonfeeding cope and bust out your best shit, or I'm calling bullshit on your mother and you're also gay and a twitter tier double nigger. Your choice.

>> No.61995694
File: 3 KB, 241x80, ror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you've chosen to not watch streams.
My captcha shares my feelings. ror

>> No.61995723

Based Idol Corp pimping out their e-girls to the highest bidder. The suspension doesn't mean they disapproved. She could be fucking them right now kek

>> No.61995725

Its probably also the "while stoned" part that did her in, it probably wouldn't be appealing for potential sponsors having that stream be leaked and knowing she was hopped up on something.

>> No.61995805

Except for how it's not the first time she's been on sleep meds for a stream
Feel free to believe whatever you want though

>> No.61995903

Any timestamps of her being high on stream? I've seen people talking about it but no examples besides a screenshot of a hand cam stream.

>> No.61995914

I went and backread your general and the reaction when it happened was pretty similar to the tourist reaction, a mix of what the fuck is she saying and concerning about her using drugs/relapsing and going full whore.
How about instead of circling the wagons and pretending it's a nothingburger in /vt/ catalog threads you send a concern maro telling her to get some help or something, she managed to whore so hard idol of all companies had to put her in a timeout and the drugs are probably the main reason.

>> No.61995977

Fair enough. You are still a bitch though. It's a huge nothing burger. Sucks she got suspended over nothing.

>> No.61996021

Even if it was joking RP (and let's be real, there was definitely a desire to do it for real there if you watch the stream), it's still super manipulative and also cuckshit based on how some paypigs were going to get "more" than others. Stop calling people prudes, any normal functioning human being would consider this situation weird.

>> No.61996039

Several anons would have covered her in cum

>> No.61996075

Is what I would say if I was full of shit. She's suspended. You are fucking coping.

>> No.61996089

Archive of the stream in question >>61992087

>> No.61996109

it's not a suspension either, both her and management a very well known for being /here/ so they decided to lie low until you fags stop trying to blow meaningless shit up for drama's sake
she'll be back by niji's next yab tomorrow

>> No.61996117

Fapping to her audio while looking at pics of her roommate right now. If she isn't terminated then she's going to obliterate my bank account. Goddamn.

>> No.61996197

>Over half
Which ones masturbate?

>> No.61996209
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I knew it was only a matter of time she whores herself out. What a shame.

>> No.61996368

For once, I would say this isn't /vt/ blowing something out of proportion for drama. In fact, I would say this is a fairly normal reaction to a small corpo chuuba talking about doing literal prostitution with her fans.

>> No.61996430

I also want an answer to this question.

>> No.61996437

>what I said was inappropriate and does not align with idol's values or policies
>after consulting with management we agreed that I should clear my head from streaming and reflect on this
Clearly admits she violated company policy right there. You can argue semantics about the wording and how it is not actually a suspension just an enforced break if you want to but her company clearly doesn't see it as "meaningless"

>> No.61996441

The fact that some posters in one of the threads were scared about her potentially relapsing and how some people had no clue what her past was, its not a nothingburger anon. If Yuko's piss stream wasnt the start of it, then this may kick off Idol beginning to tardwrangle their more rowdy talents.

>> No.61996520

Addendum: I am already aware of Yuko, but you said "over half".

>> No.61996521

the only one who actually acted out on that shit within EN corpos was Vera from Cyberlive, lucky bastards actually got to gang bang her

>> No.61996548

Yuko, Riro and Momo are the only ones I am aware of but I don't keep up with idol as much nowadays.

>> No.61996674

I feel a little bad for her, seems like she just wanted to have fun with the NNN theme. She got a little too horny and crossed some line with management but it seems to be about implications more than anything.

>> No.61996768

She already made them lose NNN in the first half of the stream with lewd ASMR. It was no NNN joke.

>> No.61996856

A broken clock is right twice a day I guess, this drama seemed completely ridiculous at first but for once it’s actually real. I like some of idols talents but they clearly need someone to actually wrangle because this is pretty retarded, though in my experience idol’s fanbase seems to be full of coomers so wrangling might actually hurt them as well.

>> No.61996860

Yeah prostitution tends to cross many lines. I hope everyone can have a happy meet and skeet with her.
Slightly related but I vaguely remember when Niji set up a talent vr booth or something for the jp girls at some event and they got bonked for alleged pimping scheme

>> No.61996953

/vt/ took another stream out of context for (you)s huh

>> No.61997009

watch the stream. She's literally talking about 3D meetups. You can't stick your fingers in your ears and call it "just roleplay bro" forever

>> No.61997037

Was Yuko doing a gangbang also out of context

>> No.61997089

still waiting for solid evidence from my /k/ bros

>> No.61997091

based retard

>> No.61997138

It was a joke anon.
>but the webms
It was a fucking joke. The context is available to everyone, too. It was not in any way serious, it was a bit made to entertain people and make them imagine things in a lewd member's stream. No matter how much you insist otherwise.
Even the concernfagging about sleep drugs is retarded because all of the people meant to watch that stream already knew how she does things because that wasn't their first rodeo.

>> No.61997172

A 3 hour long joke with no punchline

>> No.61997177
File: 52 KB, 480x480, 1698617549581274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest thing is, Roleplay or not this is worse than anything niji and vshojo have done combined. You can't even use the "watch streams fag she does erotic ASMR scenarios" defense as OP'S pic from that stream directly mentions her PL and actually meeting her, while referencing an actual membership tier she has.

Any retard can see she was taking a gamble for extra revenue and was ready to call it fake if it got bad reception, and it did. Unicorns who left holo in 2022 must be in complete shambles right now, RIP

>> No.61997186

Aren't they too busy now that one of their group went to jail or something

>> No.61997245

The punchline was making people cum. It was a NNN stream after all.

>> No.61997247

Management was laughing when they suspended her then I guess

>> No.61997282

>Used to be a drug addict but happily got clean and pulled her life together
>Now she abuses pills and you can pay her $250 to take more
>It's okay this is just how she does things stop concernfagging
You do not care about your oshi.

>> No.61997328

(sleeping ones)
(and the $250 redeem was a one time thing)

>> No.61997391

It's gotta be about Hololive somehow for you. It's the only way you can function.

>> No.61997415

>you can pay her $250 to take more
If you watched the stream, you would know that it was a one-off thing someone could donate for. She got the 250$ donation very early on, and they told her to take half.

>> No.61997435

So now its not a joke anymore?

>> No.61997492

But she takes pills and streams on other occasions than this right?

>> No.61997500

It was never a joke. What the actual fuck?
If you think abuse is funny you're a piece of shit I'm not sorry to say.

>> No.61997510

The joke was the entire prostitution part, you retard
How the fuck did you manage to pedant yourself into that lmao

>> No.61997582
File: 72 KB, 750x750, 1698708429676060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deflect all you want, the holos have done some skanky things I'll admit but offering to meet fans in exchange for donations as a

"haha joke! btw you can still donate and the membership role is there if you want but it's still a joke haha"

isn't one of them.

>> No.61997701

This thread isn't about Hololive. It's the only thing you can talk about.

>> No.61997713

NTA but there was a rrat that HoloEN viewership declined and idols inclined because all the unicorns left to go to the true anti m*le idol company. Not that this really makes much sense since a lot of small corpos have grown in the past year or so, not just idol.

>> No.61997755


>> No.61997782

>all the unicorns left
>true anti m*le idol company
odd, PK didn't incline

>> No.61997836

Hey, sometimes it's nice not to feel.

>> No.61997897

Literally why even do this when she could have just individually messaged her top paypigs? If youre going to be a whore do it right. Why jeporadize your career by making this so public? Even a member stream is too public. So fucking stupid.
and don't respond with "le woman moment." Nah, there are a lot of smart whores out there that know how to whoremaxx. This is just apex stupidity.

>> No.61997944
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1668274239808645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't get jealous, but rio can get jealous. Dont make her jealous
what is wrong with women?

>> No.61997945

She trusted her paypigs a little too much when she begged them not to leak it

>> No.61998068

She expected no rats, trusted her own fans too much.
I mean, 70% of the stream was a blowjob simulation, she thought member streams were super private. She's a dumb junkie that needs funds and sexual relief.

>> No.61998093

yeah that's what multiple of my benzo addicted friends thought until they ended up going to sleep on the couch and didn't wake up

>> No.61998156

Ok, please point out the vods with masturbation

>> No.61998164

this. i used to sell and take benzos, its a dark road that most people don't understand

>> No.61998357

I don't think Momo has masturbation, just quotes like, "It will be hard to take you all in if you're still stiff like that"

>> No.61998401

Aviel doesn't have time for this shit...

>> No.61998425

should've known only Yuko has the ovaries to pull it off

>> No.61998448

Idol was doing a lot of advertising at the time which I don’t see much from PK, I would assume because of them being an EN corp based in Japan which probably isn’t up to date on EN corpo business strategy. I could see idol pulling a few of Holo’s viewers, but Holo had different issues other than males, such as some of their talents barely streaming and general content stagnation before EN3 came around to revitalize things.

>> No.61998469 [DELETED] 

[20231009] 【UNARCHIVED ASMR practice】I might be in the very silly sleepy mood… [Pfw7zoASKio]

>> No.61998480

The simulated blowjob and masturbation vods are unarchived members, this anon >>61992087 linked the yab vod and in the first part riro is doing a simulated bj, there was also one where she gets out a vibrator and goes to town linked in another thread about her today if you care to go sifting through the archives.

>> No.61998516

I can work with that, thanks!

>> No.61998584

Can't trust a general member stream to begin with, doubly so with the advent of gifted memberships.

>> No.61998613


>> No.61998633

she has a tier that only gets emotes to filter gift tourists, but you are overall correct

>> No.61998638

Too busy fleeing Tel Aviv...

>> No.61998643

not acting like a prostitute seems easier

>> No.61998648

Let me guess, its a joke?

>> No.61998658

I downloaded the whole vod earlier if you were the one who posted it, based it's good stuff.

>> No.61998663

Merely a jest, to be sure.

>> No.61998714

why is it so much hotter when non-avtubers do masturbation streams? I don't even watch the girls from this corp normally

>> No.61998729

Simply pretending, there can be no doubt.

>> No.61998763

Forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter, etc. etc.

>> No.61998833

I think idol beat Riifu to the punch here

>> No.61998868

most EN avtubers are gross sluts, idk any that are worth jerking off to excpet melody

>> No.61998899

do you still have link?

>> No.61998909

Well no fucking shit. You'd expect the people in here to know all about fantasizing fucking their oshis but maybe that's too much for some

>> No.61998950

Enforced break and suspension are the same thing.

>> No.61999031

Because she wants her low paypigs to think they have a chance if they start giving more.

>> No.61999075
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, living like that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell someone really got butthurt by the joke thing (which very obviously is in reference to the prostitution bit) killing all rrats, judging by how he keeps spamming it and trying to associate it with unrelated things.

>> No.61999142


>> No.61999305

That was a risk they obviously felt fine taking. wowme2

>> No.61999377

Mine are prescription, so I'm not sure if it's better or worse. I don't tend to fuck with them too often either.

>> No.61999483

because pill junkies are known for their good risk management skills, sure

>> No.61999488

>I just have to respond in the moment because it was managment and they were asking like what is this stream about
bonked by managment 10 minutes prior to her saying it was all fantasy and taking all the text off the screen.
She got caught.

>> No.61999769

>full sound TTS alerts on a ASMR stream
She deserves to get suspended just for this

>> No.61999957

why is everyone talking about the harem thing and not about the fact that she drank her own piss

>> No.62000111


>> No.62000122

Because there are multiple corpos/groups being praised for containing piss drinkers.

>> No.62000638

Better if you have self-control since they are cheaper and little risk of contamination.

>> No.62000660

PK did incline but declined after the Gen 3 incident

>> No.62000702

>management asks wtf she's doing
>i-it's just a joke!

>> No.62000750

Self control (out of some level of fear) is definitely me. Plus you gotta space it out so you don't grow tolerant.

>> No.62000751

And yet the damage controller is acting like we're the reason management is on her ass. Dumb faggot didn't even watch the stream himself.

>> No.62000763

She wanted to help them win Nonstop Nut November.

>> No.62000900

>posts on a holoboard
>someone brings up hololive as a comparison
>immediate seethe

>> No.62001059

it literally is a bit though
a fantasy
an idea of something that might be nice to have but you never will
but it's fine if you want to insist she totally was organizing it, I know that if you don't then this means you spent an entire day shitposting about something in vain
so let's let you have your fun until you find a new drama to entertain yourself with
since you have no other enjoyment in life after all
I hope you can enjoy things one day
good night

>> No.62001357

What would you do if she was unironically organizing it? You'd be okay with the top paypigs getting to fuck your oshi's holes?

>> No.62001375

You definitely wish it was real though.

>> No.62001450

the same thing I'd do if gura started dming me about how she hasn't been streaming because she's too busy thinking about how much she wants my dick
wake up.

>> No.62001467

Wow, this is one of the very few yabs where you straight up where whatever the truth is the vtuber looks like a bad person.
>If it's a joke, she made it look way too real and the audio doesn't imply satire at all
>If its a special RP stream, she could have given some kind of warning that it was not an actual new donation goal, but she didn't and the entire stream was played straight until management DMing her was mentioned
>If it's real, well it's a vtuber soliticing her personal life and meeting her as a way to get donations, twitch thots don't even do this.
Anyway you look at it she directly insulted her fans. Good job idol, I thought it niji would be the first to have a stainless steel rrat

>> No.62001534

she's a slut/whore and you guys are pathetic for falling for this but shaming hottub irl pigs. you could probably fuck a real hooker for half the price.

>> No.62001570

>Already using sleep meds
That's a lot of baggage...

>> No.62001590

She has a lot of donobait streams (even in members) so it's not like her fans (as in, the only people meant to watch that stream) didn't know it was obviously RP, but nice try nonetheless.

>> No.62001660
File: 139 KB, 463x453, 1690982542021589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can for sure tell this guy donated to the gangbang fund

>> No.62001688

If we're talking benzos here it's disingenuous to call them sleeping pills.

>> No.62001690

Tell your oshi to not make it so realistic next time. Talk about meeting Riro on her home planet or something, not about meeting her real self in some hotel far enough away from her real home.
Merely framing an irl meeting as a fantasy that's fine to talk about is already breaking boundaries, and there might be some schizo who is convinced she'd like to meet him now. Sincerely hope her address isn't known.

>> No.62001720

Just finished watching, spent an hour sucking on a bottle for "daddies milkies", after which she told everyone to "send her milk" over maros.Prompts people to send their face as well. Faked peeing in a cup. Admitted multiple times to doing streams while drugged. Brags about being the only one in Idol that is able to do meet and fucks since "her roommate is known". Management finds out 3 hours in after which she backpedals on everything, doesn't say a word during the entire exchange and said what she posted here >>61996437 .Management also calls her out on doing drugs on stream. Management returns 20 minutes later to tell her to cut the stream, she swiftly hides the text and the tone of her voice changes

Where is the joke

>> No.62001743

>plan sex meetups behind the back of management and corpo
>disregard that you are a vtuber and just keep whoring yourself out and go even as far as directly mentioning your RM
>i can fuck everyone I like but you have no right to love anyone but me menhera
>no minors as an afterthought
>do this under your corpo persona instead of your RM, reflecting bad not only on your corpo but all chuubas
>she is being a total useless whore as a joke I swear!!! source: trust me bro
in any case, if she didn't mean it, its almost worse because she is just your usual twitchwhore milking lonely fags like (you) for money and goodwill. She needs to get out of vtubing.

>> No.62001775

You can't trivialize your way out of this you shitty cuck. Let's let you have your measly pathetic little cope, while the rest of us admit reality and decide for ourselves. It must bring you absolutely zero shame for everyone to see what a miserable coping faggot you are, but it really should. If you had any dignity at all you would take this for what it is. A fuck up, and a quite serious one at that, and attempt to address the seriousness and gravity of the situation, but all you've done so far is deflect and lay blame. Gtfo.

>> No.62001824

Or maybe, you don't force yourself where you aren't welcome without any context and then you get mad about how you don't understand any of the culture around you.
It's not her fault you're getting upset and concerned about something you don't fully understand thanks to a drama addict trying to blow it out of proportion.

>> No.62001873

The joke is the prostitution part, as you've been told multiple times, but you're so angry that you can't accept this entire situation wasn't serious, so you're still trying to deflect by pretend you don't understand it.
In other words, (You) are the joke.

>> No.62001939

Still better than she fucking her bf and all you can do is witness it happen

>> No.62001977

the entire situation was such a hilarious joke that management told her to stop it and suspended her while it should be clear for everyone that this sort of "joke" has no place when you are a corpo slut.
she is just sucking her boyfriends cock and she is just milking you for money for a chance of affection. Whores do this. Riro is a whore.

>> No.62001976
File: 72 KB, 300x300, 1696645747676673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the joke has to be explained in this much depth, then maybe it isn't a very good joke?
This doesn't excuse anything anon what are you getting at

>> No.62001989

I believe that was a scam. Once she gets enough money, she'll pull the trigger by exposing this, which make it like management force her to stop

>> No.62002026

Why is this bad? I don't get it.

>> No.62002027

People have been sleeping on Coomer corp for a while now. They do stuff like this all the time.

>> No.62002052

Dont post things that will make things even worse
Delete this

>> No.62002056

Just trying to give advice, no need to get angry. I've seen shit like this before, it's hot in the moment but the risk isn't worth it. Don't underestimate the dangers of crazy fans feeling like they should meet their pretend gf.

>> No.62002071

It was only meant for a specific group of people who understand her streams, after all. And yet here you are, without a single drop of context, getting mad because you don't understand something close to an inside joke.
I hope I don't need to explain how retarded that is as well.

>> No.62002099

She wants weebs, not coomers. Weebs are easier to fool than experienced OF user

>> No.62002117

Is this reverse bait?

>> No.62002137

Anon, are you capable of admitting that this was at least a very big retard moment on her end?

>> No.62002142

Is it still pretend after I creampie her?

>> No.62002149

Brother stop talking about context no one believes that for a second.

>> No.62002151

Sausage party my fren

>> No.62002232

>idol claim
>nice skin
Pretty rare to be able to do someone like that desu

>> No.62002253

Idol is intentionally hiring menhera talents, aren't they? Not like Phase Connect that kind of just happened on them.

>> No.62002274

Many anon will brag about it and no one believe them until the leak happen of course

>> No.62002276

Only because she didn't expect ill-natured people to leak the contents of a not-gifted members-only stream and spin it out of context. Anyone who was there knew it wasn't serious.
By the way, about the whole "ah but management told her to stop" thing? They're constantly lurking the board too as every fan of the corp knows, so they most likely only got in because they saw a different leaked screenshot of the same text as OP posted in the Idol general, realized the dangers of it being spun out of context, and told her to stop it. The timing matches up perfectly.

>> No.62002313

Yeah she's surprisingly good at it. I always thought she's just a vsinger

>> No.62002323

Never trust membership content to not leak, there will always be shitstirrers even in the fandom.

>> No.62002384

The guy who made these thread definitely jealous

>> No.62002423

What context do you need when she talks about doing meet ups irl with fans since she is "allowed to" because her "roommate is known" and the others in idol are "a well kept secret"? What can you say that will change the meaning of this?

>> No.62002427

Jesus Christ, this is terrible. Gimme more

>> No.62002440

It's just a prank bro believe it

>> No.62002450

the "lurk more retard" context

>> No.62002470

I just came to that vibrator asmr stream and after post nut clarity hit i thought to myself "damn, this is some poor bastards oshi".

>> No.62002504

Mandatory viewing.


>> No.62002566

But leaking membership content is based. We have been doing it ever since /hlgg/ was the only EN vtuber thread.

>> No.62002588
File: 2.16 MB, 320x180, mikolmao[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa7w5a7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realest post itt

>> No.62002591

what the heck

>> No.62002628

Still the best

>> No.62002690

Good one

>> No.62002720

It's fine to be honest and admit you wish yours did it too.

>> No.62002757

>dragon chuuba
Too often to be a coincidence.

>> No.62002813

You cunts turned the regular hololive thread into an EN thread too shut the fuck up.

>> No.62003044
File: 36 KB, 90x90, 1648637325033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's the stuff.

>> No.62003062

Anon... Even if we give you and her the complete benefit of the doubt that it was an entirely make-believe bit and she's "merely" donobaiting generic sleeping pills, doing something that can be so, so easily misconstrued like this in the first place is still retarded. I'm glad we can at least agree she's a retard for thinking this wouldn't leak when her other stuff literally had JUST been leaked, but she's also a retard for the fact that if she wanted to make her fans coom or laugh or whatever the angle was, then there's a billion different ways to do that that don't result in, well, everything here. Something that looks this bad is functionally still bad, especially when you're in a company. I understand the urge to get defensive about it when most of the /pol/tards and dramafaggots here are doing what they do best, but you need to understand that you are not helping anyone by viciously defending--and likely enabling--her retarded career and life decisions.

>> No.62003068

Damn, Riro needs sex, badly.

>> No.62003090

talent freedom

>> No.62003107

>EN debuts
>people start watching and discussing them
Woah. Now why are you trying to derail the thread about hololive?

>> No.62003133

Riros joke was so funny they had to take down the corpo website in order to avoid being flooded by people calling for her (rightful) graduation.

>> No.62003134

only horridly ugly niggas and third worlders hate whores and most of it is just sour grapes
i hope those poor spergs actually get to smash some pussy instead of getting strung along for bread while she chokes on her boyfriends cock as is the case for basically every other vtuber ever

>> No.62003166

vtubing is not for you. please remove yourself from this hobby, tranny.

>> No.62003199

are you even speaking english? what the fuck is this word slop

>> No.62003270

It was literally a bit for a set of people who knew what they were getting into where she let out her fantasies and nothing else, in an unarchived stream too. Her fans came and that should have been it, until a few obsessed retards decided to leak a screenshot of a RP stream out of context.
The only career and life lesson she needed to learn from this was to not be too trusting, no matter how high a tier of membership you go because there will always be a jealous faggot somewhere ready to try ruining your life for absolutely no reason.

>> No.62003298

>t. prostitute

>> No.62003301

what part of "against company policy" and "does not reflect idol corp views" did you misunderstand?
Streams like this areant supposed to happen when you are a corpo. There is your context. She meant what she said.

>> No.62003312

Nigger you need to watch the stream instead of defending something you have no idea about.

>> No.62003328

The meet up would be unarchived too

>> No.62003361

here's your (You) retard

>> No.62003373

This guy really really wants his oshi's paypigs to fuck her...

>> No.62003404

Oh shit looks like the whole gang is here now, let me check the clock
Yup, it's that time already

>> No.62003413

A screenshot that should not have existed in the first place.

>> No.62003467

this entire "joke" should not have existed in the first place. Context doesnt matter.

>> No.62003508

>the website is actually down

>> No.62003526

I bet you also spend all day on twitter complaining about artists who draw loli art and reporting them.

>> No.62003530

Still talking about context when we have an archive of the stream itself what a laugh.

>> No.62003566

Yeah I can go to sleep now that I know someone will post a new thread right after this one dies.

>> No.62003583

Yeah, because anyone who puts in the effort to watch it will know the context and how it obviously isn't anything like what people have been forcing for 24 hours.
Expecting people to watch streams is too much though.

>> No.62003603

If Riro comes back with just a slap on the wrist Idol is a human trafficking company

>> No.62003609

Perpetual victim complex, you really are a fan huh

>> No.62003610

Not him but I fap to loli and still think prostituting yourself to fans, even as a joke, is just awkward and weird and crosses a line beyond general lewd chuuba talk.

>> No.62003622

Is anything from this post false then >>62001720

>> No.62003627

man I hope you're a falseflagger

>> No.62003637
File: 597 KB, 2000x1878, 1695657124330107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up. I'm a lolicon and i hate ironic lolicons, like idol corp. Which is exactly why being a whore with a loli model in a sizeable corpo is exactly the thing I dont want, because trannies will push and try to remove loli models.
You can have sex all you want with your fans, just dont do this shit on your corpo account. its not a hard concept.

>> No.62003650

He doesn't know as he didn't watch the stream either, it's just sloppy damage control.

>> No.62003654

Dont falseflag as a hololive fan ever again

>> No.62003673
File: 388 KB, 1538x2048, 1698721987962381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen this much defense effort for a chuuba put into a throwaway catalogue thread.
She really has these anons wrapped around her finger, too bad she got written up and suspended I guess.

>> No.62003676

All influencers do it. It's just a matter of how exclusive the cost is

>> No.62003715
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1692369641668189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill falseflag your nuts

>> No.62003734

>because trannies will push and try to remove loli models

That gives you an opportunity to defeat them.

>> No.62003750

Management knows it's a high possibility this was no RP joke gone wrong.

>> No.62003770

tits too big. Fucking fanart by stupid secondaries.

>> No.62003836

Updating filters right now, thanks

>> No.62003930

My JP oshi does this for free but she will review your performance publicly on stream so if you disappoint her everyone will laugh at you

She's usually nicer with virgins though

>> No.62004032

Wait, I just did my rrats and this girl has an active past self instagram with irl pics?
And she looks exactly like the type of egirl with daddy issues that would do this too. I do think she was "joking", but only in that "haha I wish this were real" kinda way.

>> No.62004178

The actual real idol manager trying to do damage control

>> No.62004314

I wouldn't be fine with my oshi, but a vtuber I watch semi-regularly, I can kind of see their point. From what I understand the vtuber industry runs on dolphins and on whales (as in gacha dolphins/whales), so you can easily make the argument that it's unfair that the fans that contribute a lot don't get rewarded more

>> No.62004379

For that much i better get some pussy

>> No.62004461

they do be seethin' huh

>> No.62004478

Says right there she can decide to only give you mild.

>> No.62004724

>there was also one where she gets out a vibrator and goes to town
Is there more?

>> No.62004910

Reps, not rrats.

>> No.62005022
File: 71 KB, 720x895, shalom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was just a joke she was just stoned!!!!
>It was a nothing burger!!!
>stop baiting goy!!!!
>Its ok that she meets up with her paypiggies and let them plapp her!!!
>its ok to be a cuck
>don't question, just consooom goy! be a good cuck, goyy!!!

>> No.62005151

Reminder that 2D > 3DPD

>> No.62005196

>a vtuber who i can pay to actually fuck is worse than one who i will never meet in a million years! MINE pretends to be a virgin even though she takes a dozen different tinder dicks every weekend! stop being a cuck!!!

>> No.62005299

no no anon. This whole thing was "a joke" so she pretended taht you would actually get to fuck her to siphon out money out of you for the "chance" to fuck her but it was not serious. just a funny joke.
You see any way you slice or dice this. Riro is a selfish whore with no regard to her fans. She is simply another 3D bitch that will toy with your heart and milk your wallet and not your penis. But thats not all. She did so knowing that its against company policy on her company account and therefore now ruined the fun for everyone else too, as there will be more scrutiny about this sort of content now. A selfish bitch that wanted to make money and now hurt her "friends" with her selfish behavior too.

>> No.62005356

I doubt she cares about the rest of the company. She is steadily dropping down to 200ccv and bellow so she clearly doesn't give a shit. And if it doesn't work out she can just go back to her 500k sub account and stream there. Considering she did a namechange I doubt she sold her IP to them

>> No.62005429

Roca deserves better than to be stuck with this awful corp.
Please save her, don't let her rot in this hellhole.

>> No.62005531

Idol isn't even going to the next offkai

>> No.62005552
File: 177 KB, 480x360, 1684417704851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted some cute girls to watch in EU prime time, why did it turned out like this?
Are all vtubers destined to be shameless whores?

>> No.62005607

I have no idea why she even left that old account for idol. People with metrics worse than her have gotten into holo. Plus she had similar content to senzawa. Was she just turned down hard by holo or something?

>> No.62005651

Thank God for that. I know a lot of people were worried over her being Bae for a while, so glad that didn't happen.

>> No.62005697

Holo(EN) may have hired a few duds every now and again but at least they’ve never hired someone on this level.

>> No.62005711

You're like a man visiting a strip club acting shocked that the dancers offer blowjobs after they're done for the day.

>> No.62005902

All you people are faggots bitching over nothing. People are defending something that doesn't need defense and people are bitching and making threads over something that was insignificant. So she got high and did dumb shit in a stream instead of a super secret discord, that's it. Dumb whore does dumb thing. I don't understand why or have the capacity to make everything a big deal. This drama shit is gay.

>> No.62005920

First day on /vt/?

>> No.62005933

making fun of whores is and always will be fun. Just because you like soulless prostitutes doesn't mean most people do

>> No.62006021

I swear if she contaminates Fuyo I am going totake over the tri-state area

>> No.62006046

No. I've been here since it day 1.
>making fun of whores
But its not that, it's a bunch of drama fags who need to make 100 super cereal threads. Ive heard way better making fun of whore shit on non vtuber streams.

>> No.62006130

Love of drugs and money

>> No.62006132

Making fun of whores has lost its spark for me. Since being on /vt/ I’ve come to hate other men just as much and sometimes ever moreso than women. You’re all more obnoxious and gossipy than any woman I’ve ever met.
Thanks for curing me of my sexism, I guess.

>> No.62006139


>> No.62006176

Also lest any of you get any ideas around here, DO NOT STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY

>> No.62006180

men can be retarded too. Men are the only reason women think it's acceptable to act like this. She knows she has several fans who would've paid handsomely to meet her

>> No.62006187

>Was she just turned down hard by holo or something?
Probably. Anyone joining small corpos is guaranteed to be a holoreject at least one time.
Bijou's PL for example shows that HoloEN will accept literally anyone if they see anything good in them. In case you dont know, she averaged ~70ccv on twitch which is around the same as kyoresu All she had to do was keep trying

>> No.62006211

Russian girls do make good trad wives. It's just that almost nobody has enough familiarity with what that actually means to tell the difference.

>> No.62006215

>Needy streamer IRL

>> No.62006261

She probably left that account, because you can't make that much money on just making covers. Streaming is much more lucrative. And of course Cover didn't take her. There's a reason she has the lowest views in Idol despite her previous life supposedly being such a big deal and Idol promoting her hard even during the 2nd gen debuts.

>> No.62006271

This thread is filled with whores pretending not to be whores on a basket-weaving forum.
It's literally female envy concentrated.
And the usual faux /pol/ christian shitposters

This whole thing was a nothingburger besides her potential drug timing issues I hope she gets fixed.
Streams under the influence are always risky, whether illicit or required drugs.
I had a friend accidentally invest a fuckload of money on his phone when he was half-conscious and lost it all. He later deleted the app.
She should avoid streams where she is mentally fucked. Pretending to be for RP, sure, but actually doing so is risky as fuck.

>> No.62006281

The fact she didn't get in shows that since Rushia and Laplus they're trying to avoid menhera trainwrecks. At least on the girls side. Probably on the Stars side too now, after Vesper.

Mentally ill chubas are expensive

>> No.62006299

>She should avoid streams where she is mentally fucked

So she should never stream?

>> No.62006348

She is actually mentally ill. She did a 12 hour stream and she couldn't remember a single thing she did from it. Those lines in the OP? She copied from that 12 hour stream that she had HAND WRITEN ON A PIECE OF PAPER

>> No.62006424

what is the "silly pill"?

>> No.62006442

I know so many men who want trad wives but don’t make nearly enough money to support a household on their income, nor are they competent or reliable enough to lead even the blind. Maybe this generation is just getting the type of women it deserves.

>> No.62006479

She claims that its sleeping pills. She took the first one ~1 hour into the 3 hour stream. What sleeping pills take 2 hours to take effect after which you can perfectly reply to your manager AND write a apology tweet

>> No.62006504

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the time she got so silly pilled up on stream that she had to cancel a collab that was only hours out.

>> No.62006534

more vtubers should be addicted to drugs and willing to degrade themselves for their fans. i'm sorry but this is the ideal vtuber, your oshi is a completely soulless corporate puppet in comparison

>> No.62006548

Has she ever considered, y’a know, not doing drugs before streams?

>> No.62006688

arent sleeping pills fast-acting? disregarding that fact, why would someone pay to make her take this "silly pill"?

>> No.62006737

she took half a pill
now I dont know if that changes anything but still

>> No.62006751

Exactly, she was clearly fucking around with chat, just having a good time watching them squirm, while being a bit fucked up. How anyone takes this seriously is beyond me. You think she'd say this shit live on stream if she was serious? It'd be in the deepest, darkest corner of discord behind 20 paywalls.

>> No.62006781

What about the time a collab she was hosting was meant to start and fans of the other two girls were just in the waiting room for over half an hour confused
, while her members just went "teehee she's not in the right headspace, still playing in members uwu" and she eventually just removed the waiting room without saying anything and kept the members stream going. Didn't even address later, leaving it up to fans of the other two to find out wtf was going on because "nooo can't leak :(".

Poko made the right choice not joining in the rescheduled collab.

>> No.62006801

The not-so-funny thing about medication is that your body builds immunity to it, little by little, so the more you take the higher the dosage you'll need in the future. This wasn't the first time she took sleep meds either, much less on stream, so anyone pretending to be concerned simply doesn't know anything about her even with how open her past is.
The point is that she needs them to sleep so they're something she takes frequently, and it also makes her kinda drunk, as being sleepy enough would, so she uses it for content instead of drinking like every other vtuber out there does.

>> No.62006804

I remember that time Coco streamed while fucked up on ambien, more vtubers should do it

>> No.62006850

Yeah, Fuyo really gushes over her. She's too smart to go down the same whore route, but I know this will make her sad, which bums me out and makes me even more annoyed at Riro's stupidity

>> No.62006870

Her streams are already behind the T2 paywall
The only other option is T3 which nobody would accept or as you said. Secret discords which will result in a immediate termination if it was ever found out. All it takes is 1 angry coomer to kill her career

>> No.62006871

Based thanks

>> No.62006878

Hell, look at the time Rushia was going around sending private stuff to her gachis.
She regularly conversed with them across Rushia and Mikeneko without care.
Riro isn't stupid enough to do something like that in the public or even behind a members stream.
It was a blatant NNN joke taken well out of context.

>> No.62006900

>my 2view is a russian immigrant
>recently posted a picture of her hot body
>been joking about needing to get a marriage visa in order to stay
If i weren't so poor i would have groomed her

>> No.62006955

Yeah, Katta is great.

>> No.62007091

yep. she may be a retard but she's not dumb, and she likes money. she's not going to risk the gravy train for no reason. Like everything these days, a few sisters probably got their panties in a twist and whined, prompting her suspension. I doubt idol would have cared otherwise.

>> No.62007098

I felt bad for her in those times man.
AsaCoco is still some of my favourite memories from all of vtubing.

>> No.62007111
File: 587 KB, 1080x1080, 1696039891802669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always fun to see how the paypiggies ITT defend unironic prostitution

>> No.62007158

I love that weirdo, it's a shame she doesn't get more views. She works her ass off.

>> No.62007269

You don't even watch anybody. I find you sadder than them.

>> No.62007459

That's good stuff

>> No.62007580

Okay, so when she started going down this drugged up turbocoomer route, she got a lot of concernfags and anti-coomers on her case, which is where the justification of putting it all this shit on the T2 membership came from. In the process of making it however, she made a big show about mocking those people, actively filtering out anyone who isn't an enabling coomer, or filtering out their willingness to object to her behavior in fear of being attacked. Which normally yeah concernfags and anti-coomers are pretty fucking gay, but with an actual menhera they're kind of necessary for balance, and instead she set up a hugbox filled with people who encourage the girl with a known history of addiction to pop pills for funsies teehee.

>> No.62007723

If a few sisters can make a corpo suspend you, it's not a good one.

>> No.62007760

Who was the leaker then? I doubt they have a neat archive set up for all members streams

>> No.62007970

Of the stream that caused this? Fuck if I know, anyone could have climbed the T2 barrier. The rest of the stuff of hers was already leaked by a retarded fan of hers who posted her shit on nyaa, before he got caught and took them down after hundreds of people here had already downloaded them.

>> No.62008025

Does yuko have any recent (like in the last 2 months) vods of her masturbating for members?

>> No.62008160

I got to watch more idol. Led to some good asmr

>> No.62008190


>leak it
No. People who can't pay $5 to hear a sweet girl like masturbate for you don't deserve it.

>> No.62008281

The first leak of OP's image was made on /jidf/ around the time the stream was happening (>>61910846, and it's probably what made a manager ask her what she was doing), but OP's screenshot was only posted for the first time 9 hours later (and then spammed as seen on >>62004461). There's a chance that the leaker is someone who saw it posted in the general and immediately got or upgraded membership to leak that screenshot, so if you see someone in the stream alerts getting a new membership close to the time it ended that's probably who did it.

>> No.62008392

The yes was all i needed, i can do the rest

>> No.62008721

The stream was unarchived how did he grab it 9 hours later

>> No.62008894

They membered mid-stream after the first image and downloaded it.
The 2nd image is the one from the leaker.

>> No.62008935

Probably took that screenshot and posted it on discord, but everyone was asleep at the time so they only started the raid after waking up. Or maybe he was too tired to make a thread about it right after taking the screenshot so he waited until after he woke up the following day, I can't really see many other reasons why anyone would start a shitstorm about a yab that long after it didn't get attention in its home general with a different screenshot.

>> No.62008969

I have no horse in this race but I think all SEAnigger astroturfing raiders and /pol/niggers should die a very painful death
You niggers are so fucking blatant with this shit idk how blatant thread raiding is allowed on /vt/

>> No.62009024

Because nobody cares about vt

>> No.62009124

This. I told mods before this shithole was even made that if they never upped the numbers of mods to watch this shithole it would become an absolute nightmare that made /b/s doxxing and camwhore harassing days look like childs play in comparison.
It is so much worse than I could have realized. This board is genuine cancer incarnate. I'd fully be for it being deleted and all vtubing discussion banned on this site if they won't improve the moderation, it's not worth the hassle.

>> No.62009180

Also to answer who leaked, Idol has very dedicated schizos who member to all the girls and leak everything because they are retarded /pol/niggers who hate all of the girls because it's a Jewish company.

>> No.62009286

You're overreacting so hard, sister. Just because people are posting their criticism for stuff like this doesn't mean the board is getting raided

>> No.62009304

>mad their whore got exposed

>> No.62009350

>everyone I dont like is /pol/
>ignores the Yukocord raiding other generals, namely /pcg/ for months
Let me guess Yukos personal fan discord is ran by /pol/ too?

>> No.62009385

Only /pol/tards get upset when /pol/ gets shit on.

>> No.62010228

niggas still seething. envy is a deadly sin for a reason

>> No.62010426

Isn't that shit all on /tactical/fags seething about how she left them?

>> No.62010518

it's not. Just petty 2views, wish it were me simps, and shitposters.
