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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61946183 No.61946183 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to talk freely about exWACTORgirls】



Previous >>61845304

>> No.61946301
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>> No.61946430

It's so over...

>> No.61947168

Those heart symbols, she still loves us...

>> No.61947350

Good morning, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...
Never will stop thinking about her, forever in my mind, my only love, true love. Love that never dies, love that never doubts, love that eternally stays.
Nothing will change this.
No time, no distance.
Immutable as the universe itself.

>> No.61947708

good morning I love my silly wife very much

>> No.61948386

good morning

>> No.61948587

shut up yamu, you wll never be meica

>> No.61948877


>> No.61948940

Don't you see the hearts?

>> No.61948969

>it clearly says (You) but hidden with hearts
>dead rrat on her hands

>> No.61950504 [DELETED] 

Ok time to anti her for good, i have new info

>> No.61950739

Idolbros, care to explain?

>> No.61950753

kys subhuman

>> No.61950762

Do you think Yamu is making her own animations? I hope she sleeps a little more.

>> No.61950852
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Holy shit

>> No.61950973
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>> No.61951044

damn actual prostitution, based jews

>> No.61951299

Bros, wouldn't having (You) in the grave means we are dead to her and she doesn't love us anymore? I'm going schizo, sorry.

>> No.61951475 [DELETED] 

>anglos have to pay for this when her old Ky0eresu fans get that for free
>in fact she even organized some hangouts and shit with them on shit like cons
LMAOing at these tards

>> No.61951595

She put hearts in it. And if you knew her you should know that she's into the dead.

>> No.61951663

Coripanera will pay

>> No.61951705

>You can even try me~
>The ultimate riro experience~

>> No.61951795

Is this how you cope rirofag?

>> No.61951825

If her lore involves her and dead people then...

>> No.61951970

Dude, I feel like we have this conversation every once in a while, she loves all her followers and will never stop doing it.

>> No.61952094

ah so you are a ignorant fool, not gonna spoonfeed you.

>> No.61952115

She's always insecure too about us not liking the things she does or leaving her.
I guess like oshi, like fan.
Kinda cute.

>> No.61952668

wait what

>> No.61953037
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>> No.61953269

>Catalogniggers begin to shit Idol general
>Residents begin to spam stream content from other girl
>Catalogniggers get drown out
>Catalogniggers and shitters leave
Based, that's how it should be done.

>> No.61953450

They are just using the imagespammer technique

>> No.61953754
File: 72 KB, 1000x1000, 20231104_140543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you're still doubting after this, some of you don't deserve love

>> No.61953827

>you don't deserve love
Neither her, she is following Haise.

>> No.61953843

I swear to love Yamu forever.

>> No.61953883

>queen of clovers

>> No.61953897 [DELETED] 

Choripanera on México soon...

>> No.61954091

Don't be so mean with that anon, he'll realize that she never stopped loving him soon enough.

>> No.61954143

You idiots are baiting the shitters to target her, still don't get it

>> No.61954217

>(You) tombstone
>Pet cementery
Guys, we're no longer husbands, we're dead pets...
jk, I love my wife so much... She's putting a lot of hard work for her fans...

>> No.61954234

I just found it weird this draw wasn't posted yet
that anon deserved some correction tho

>> No.61954244

I thought he was the one who always gets depressed from time to time

>> No.61954290

>Pet cementery
Will we be back as that movie?

>> No.61954345

So what do you think her fans are going to be? Card guards, like that one anon said?

>> No.61954389

Idk but I don't want another ass related name

>> No.61954425

>they think that she love the 3 choripaneros that post here and not the numerous fans she have on la guardia
Kek, and she is larping to be anon friendly so you don't go anti and post trash about her, you know gonna get all the cucks she can after all is starting from 0

>> No.61954465

don't give (You)'s to the shitter

>> No.61954474

>Kazzette/Yuricom is going schizo again
Just ignore

>> No.61954550

>muh kaze-Yuri boogeyman

>> No.61954596

>depressed anon.
No, that's me. I'm fine. I still miss her a lot when I have no news from her tho.

>> No.61954614

I still think we will be cards, but I want it to be a free concept, guardian cards, gunners, magicians, peasants, whatever

>> No.61954648

So, it's Oshi day

>> No.61954658

She said she didn't sleep, she seems to be doing an animatic with her lore
I hope she could get some good rest, a tired head can't think clrearly

>> No.61954751

I would love to be the cheshire cat

>> No.61954974
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Is this AI? It's accurate in the details

>> No.61955030

look at the hand

>> No.61955069

It's an AI gen with her drawing edited over it.

>> No.61955412

kys Anya, Yamu is loved here, not like you piece of shit

>> No.61955480

Yamu really has me wrapped around her finger... LOVE LOVE LOVE

>> No.61955660

I know right? No other girl has or will ever make me feel the way she does.

>> No.61955831 [DELETED] 

Talk for yourself, I wish her the worst of the deaths.

>> No.61956043

Go back to the idol general and mald about being too much of a poorfag to pay riro's hourly rate.

>> No.61956169

Seethe poorfag

>> No.61956923
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I think you're crazy, I know you're gone, it must be the reason that we get along.

>> No.61957179

She's burying a dead rrat(la guardia).

>> No.61957329

The drawing clearly represent her posting a dead rrat in a dead general to bait (you).

>> No.61957383

ok yuritroon

>> No.61957398

She would laugh at this post.

>> No.61957743

this subhuman came back and is playing the victim card kek

>> No.61957845

based fabian belizan

>> No.61957943

I wonder how many Melkozito fags killed themselves after yesterdays collab with Sylvie.

>> No.61957977


>> No.61958479

It's a race, dude
That's how it is with all the low 2 viewers

>> No.61958712

I knew something was wrong with that girl. Bitches that pretend to be pure and innocent in the internet are the most fucked up in the inside.

>> No.61958713

>t. threadwatcher

>> No.61958820

Come on dude, don't be mean to the poor girl

>> No.61958918

Did a new groomer appear? was him /our/ guy?

>> No.61958982

huh why is she saying good morning to herself?

>> No.61959001

Melkozito was already groomed before we could even join the race.

>> No.61959052

Then why would any of the previous melkozitos care for anything that happened yesterday?

>> No.61959139

With 2 viewer the race never ends, especially when it is her first relationship.

>> No.61959197


>> No.61959307


>> No.61959308

>anon makes fun of guardiatroons
>suddenly a post deflecting the topic somewhere else appears
Every fucking time.

>> No.61959377


>> No.61959394

but enough about eru

>> No.61959396

but I literally told you guys yesterday >>61904111
it's in all her fucking streams

>> No.61959429

This is not first time this happened

>> No.61959438

That kind of treatment is the worst nightmare of any Vtuber fan

>> No.61959508

rundown on the other girl, the one from yanderelive?

>> No.61959547

It's better when they're open about it, because that way you can stay away before investing yourself too much into her and later on feel cucked.
Leave the girl alone.

>> No.61959641

Fags shilled her /here/ for a short while after she debuted, that's all I know.

>> No.61959698

this, there is nothing I hate more than when they lie about it to farm public and money

>> No.61959702

She was in Anya's stream with another name. Friend with the troon.

>> No.61959805

You have an obsession with troon, don't you?

>> No.61959930

Melkozito was honest and she deserves credit for that. But let's be real, any small vtuber admitting she's in a relationship means they will stay a 1 or 2-view forever.

>> No.61959931


>> No.61960070


>> No.61960110

You can grow, but you have to be willing to do a lot of dirty things.
sadly she is cute and innocent, a bad combination if you have a bf

>> No.61960430

That's the thing, the kayfabe of being cute and innocent completely crumbles after that fact.

>> No.61960508 [DELETED] 

brt she is not so shy and quiet with her bf~

>> No.61960604

I don't know, may just be a dumb kid romance.

>> No.61962485

Hey anons, say something. Entertain me.

>> No.61963615
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Today's my wife-daughter birthday, we should rename this thread to Axtre and friends

>> No.61963897

I'm not going to lie I want to fuck you daughter-wife

>> No.61964353

>we should rename this thread to [CHUUBA-NAME] and friends when they have their birthdays
I don't mind this, does anyone else like the idea?

>> No.61964562 [DELETED] 

Post yamu blacked ai porn

>> No.61965831

Sure, but each girl's fans should be responsible for creating the thread that day.

>> No.61966657
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>> No.61966972

Good afternoon, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...
Never will stop thinking about her, forever in my mind, my only love, true love. Love that never dies, love that never doubts, love that eternally stays.
Nothing will change this.
No time, no distance.
Immutable as the universe itself.

>> No.61967107
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>> No.61967187

so ageha left wactor too? i wonder if she will start selling content like lia do

>> No.61967208

What does that tail taste like?

>> No.61967299


>> No.61967303

She tweeted 5 hours ago.

>> No.61967367


>> No.61967737

sry bros, as a former draculon I feel partially responsible for this

>> No.61967818

Would you eat her caviar?

>> No.61968165
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>> No.61968231

Yukine is going to change artists

>> No.61968276


>> No.61968401


>> No.61968574

Apparently Nisha bought Metal gear, I can't wait to see her suck at it

>> No.61969075

She is too zoomer ADHD for it. (I know she is a hag, but with a zoomer mentality)

>> No.61969499


>> No.61969778

Yukine sounds like a cartoon

>> No.61970045

Radiofuna property.

>> No.61970245

If she gets invested in the story, it would be kino. It doesn't matter that she sucks.

>> No.61970312

Never played MG, am I missing out on something?

>> No.61970670

I love my little gremlin so much

>> No.61970711

>So lost in time I forgot it was a weekend

>> No.61970720

Imagine the most straight forward political commentary with the most insane bullshit ever imagined like example: yeah there is a rebel group that wants to escalate the cool war using tank launched nuclear weapons so you are sent to stop them by disguising yourself like the second in command but you're discovered because they are gay lovers and your balls aren't the exact same size

>> No.61970882

Or the spec ops unit composed by sexually abused women

>> No.61970942

and that last part is actually all a joke to make fun about the faggy protagonist of the previous game.

>> No.61971047

Why do you think everyone calls her a loli even if she had enormous badonkers as Yumi

>> No.61971401

that's a weird way to sum up mg 5 lol

>> No.61971776

that's the 3 retard

>> No.61972082

>you're discovered because they are gay lovers and your balls aren't the exact same size
I hate when this happens.

>> No.61972164

My dear daughterimoutowife is the cutest

>> No.61972281

okey Ren

>> No.61972359

>liking Kojima's trash

>> No.61972365

The nerd you used to bully sell you to the illuminati

>> No.61972532


>> No.61972899

Sorry Nisha but you're so fucking boring!

>> No.61972908 [DELETED] 

jaja domados los negros bosteros

>> No.61973061

>Yamu's breaking the McDonald's rn

>> No.61973128

>This nigger calling your oshi a liar like it was nothing.

>> No.61973204

>Sigan mintiendo como el primer día que las conocí
>¿Cúal es su menti--oshi?
I wouldn't be surprised if he goes around antiying girls that interacts with him behind their backs.

>> No.61973318

>giving attention to that nigger

>> No.61973864

Ummm based?

>> No.61973885

irrelevant nigga, sounds like the resident shitter tho
the oshiless

>> No.61974774
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>> No.61974963

his oshi is Cali so yeah...

>> No.61975127

>Si no fuera buena Oshi, no sería Oshi de nadie
You don't understand Nisha, I like mentally unstable women like you

>> No.61975509
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Does Nisha deserve to be happy?

>> No.61975566

she's a bad person.

>> No.61975590

Yes, but can Nisha be happy?

>> No.61975954

Not while streaming, she is more entertaining when sad and angry.

>> No.61976190

All these girls deserve to be happy.
Yes even Burraca, even tho I hate her, I won't interfere with her happiness.

>> No.61976287

my exact same words

>> No.61976444

She deserves everything good in this world

>> No.61976643
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>> No.61976725

why still hate Meica? just forget about her, you know is better to focus on what you like or love

>> No.61976775

She is the one that can't stop thinking about this place, remember the Goki edit

>> No.61976963

what about that? it gave me the impresion that was a jealous artist seething at Goki cause no one commision him

>> No.61977262

The problem is that Meica doesn't stop saying stupid things.
and all the enemies she makes are here to report it and although I am not anti, I can't help but not respond to all burradas she says

>> No.61977505
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Burraca is unsalvageable

>> No.61977612



>> No.61977953

The burraca can only dream about having a body like that.

>> No.61978059

stop bullying my skelly little sister, faggot.

>> No.61978069

bruh like all, nobody girls compares to a perfect body 2D

>> No.61978138

Nisha is like her model

>> No.61978209

She needs bigger boobs.

>> No.61978231

Yeah but Burraca neither as booty or tits

>> No.61978296

Shura is better than her model by far.

>> No.61978340


>> No.61978505


>> No.61978531

ru's current model is a downgrade

>> No.61979044

her voice makes me hard

>> No.61979171
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>> No.61979278

Goodbye Ars memberships

>> No.61979531

It's AIDS isnt it?

>> No.61979625


>> No.61979648


>> No.61979741


>> No.61979858

Where are my fat tits?

>> No.61979884

I don't believe you

>> No.61979932

Nisha is shitting on gifted memberships, so she is making a new member tier for streams, most gifted memberships are in Ars since they can buy 20 for less than a dollar

>> No.61980031

is this the birth of nishadows SP?

>> No.61980120

I hope someone leaks the menhera audios.

>> No.61980126

>most gifted memberships are in Ars since they can buy 20 for less than a dollar
If you only knew the truth...

>> No.61980174

this must be obligatory on all youtube channels, do you remmeber the collab that Akami had with that idol girl and that tard shitting ARS memberships.

>> No.61980287

based nisha

>> No.61980319

hello Venezuelan bolívar

>> No.61980414

If I remember correctly YouTube doesn't allow for the use of the Bolivar

>> No.61980435

fk off shitter
There too many trolls in membership and more than several /here/ we came to conclusion tier 3 was necessary.

>> No.61980439

Based, this is how it should be. I'm tired of those oil baron larpers dropping 50 memberships for 2 bucks

>> No.61980453

those are banned onyt

>> No.61980483

there goes my plan B...

>> No.61980871

about fucking time

>> No.61980966

>Nisha talking about A-chan

>> No.61981054

I never really got the thing with argie taxes, but supposedly if you add the tax price to the supa/mebership it's the same value as other currencies. I have no idea if any of that extra goes to the chuuba tho.

>> No.61981169

Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?

>> No.61981192

>but supposedly if you add the tax price to the supa/mebership it's the same value as other currencies
Not at all. For this to be true a 10USD membership should be 5K ARS.

>> No.61981206
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>Nisha la devora hombres

>> No.61981248

Even with those taxes it would make it 5x cheaper instead of 10x cheaper.

>> No.61981280

with taxes, an aka sc is 2 dollars aprox
yet the minimum wage here is $150 so that would explain why it is so cheap

>> No.61981315

Shut the fuck up Eru, you will never get rid of that title.

>> No.61981328

guess what company will never collab with a spic again...

>> No.61981419

retard, they are opening a spic branch

>> No.61981446

kek you getting so mad over nothing
Nisha la devora hombres it is then just to see you seethe

>> No.61981484

Nigga, minimum wage in my country is $300 and one aka is $80, yours should be $40 then.

>> No.61981529

what i mean is that their ENG branch will ban collabs with spic chuubas

>> No.61981537

Did you delay your stream just to come /here/ and talk shit about her, Eru?
Keep seething.

>> No.61981550

Nisha being la más bonita and la más basadita.

>> No.61981597

Seems our superiority is leading to another controversy.

>> No.61981657

>mfw la mas bonita title was stolen twice from her

>> No.61981661
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Some fag posted this in the Matrix to make and idea

>> No.61981724

why argies dont just sell the country to blackrock? what could get worse?

>> No.61981766

You're delusional

>> No.61981775

nisha la devora hombres, seethe more im not a fucking eructo lmao
you are just weak minded

>> No.61981801
File: 95 KB, 1013x476, 1699148725266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highest tier Mxn for comparison

>> No.61981881

$8 dollars the most expensive membership

>> No.61981897

That's about 110USD for Mexicans but 11USD for Argentinians. What a meme country.

>> No.61981904

>Highest tier is 100$ in other places, argies get it for 4 bucks, or 8 with their taxes.

>> No.61981909

>highest tier is worth 4USD
We can't stop winning.

>> No.61981951
File: 46 KB, 400x400, 20230706_110835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She remains la más bonita

>> No.61981969

so like all the chuubas from that corpo?

>> No.61981998

you mean shura*

>> No.61982087

my bad, i was replying to this
you mean shura*

>> No.61982103

Someone post it in the Jew thread

>> No.61982105

Reread what you posted, is this really a win?

>> No.61982119

I am mad

>> No.61982183

>la más basadita.
lol nope she will never reach Sylvie in that department.

>> No.61982245

is it about money or that an anti could get in?

>> No.61982271


>> No.61982300


>> No.61982403

How could you afford the travel to make use of those benefits?

>> No.61982413

Based argies ruining a chuuba's safe place

>> No.61982426

nisha is not based lmao
she's like a granny

>> No.61982431

anti , became like public streams

>> No.61982492

> nisha
> the one who told discordtrannies to fuck off
> not based
Keep seething

>> No.61982511

If only ru would do the same.
well she will learn the hard way

>> No.61982645

anon nobody cares about that

>> No.61982701

How long have you been here and how did you find this place?

>> No.61982729

there's a reason why Sylvie sees her as a role model

>> No.61982764

You* don't care about that

>> No.61982769

you can guess who you are replying anon

>> No.61982796


>> No.61982951

you have the clip where she shit on twitch content?

>> No.61982962


>> No.61983051

i don't blame her, also Ru had to deal with those diskek subhumans too, hope Yamu do the same.

>> No.61983222

Ru is the best option

>> No.61983230

Yamu is currently having Shura and Akami giving her "advice" so I can only expect downgrade from her previous self.

>> No.61983264

These two kinda sound the same.

>> No.61983304
File: 571 KB, 1071x648, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are female vtubers browsing this thread right now

>> No.61983306

Shura (in her previous life) was always very respectful of Yamu's style.

>> No.61983397
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>> No.61983482

I was about to comment this. Akami is idol style and Shura was always mindful of Yamu's content.

>> No.61983503
File: 477 KB, 600x800, Avatar_of_Sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axtre's birthday

>> No.61983661

I'm sorry, who?

>> No.61983719

she is talking about shondo lol

>> No.61983725

>Eru streaming during her birthday

>> No.61983750

Speaking about discord servers going wrong
One of the failed fags got himself a bunch of antis over some discord server. He joined their server and they wanted it to become the official one and be his mods, so when he launched another one with his irl friends being mods they went full anti on him. Sounds eerily similar.

>> No.61983827

Shondo has a discord server

>> No.61983939

You don't even watch her streams

>> No.61983956

> nisha doesn't care for playstation

>> No.61984018


>> No.61984045

Nisha wants to play indie games. Game maker Anons this is your chance.

>> No.61984074

and dropped

>> No.61984082
File: 29 KB, 579x212, InfiniteSupport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she swore support to her...

>> No.61984088

Speaking about this, is there any chuuba that grew up with the PS1 or PS2? Everywhere I see Nintendo girls.

>> No.61984122

>BlackRock owned company
imagine enjoying wokeshit.

>> No.61984218

People who grew up with ps1/2 went to become functional members of society. I'm saying this without a hint of irony.

>> No.61984276

who cares, get me a girl that isn't a nintendog

>> No.61984313

Anon, Shura is from that generation. Shure there's another hag that had a PS instead of Nintendo consoles, right?

>> No.61984349

sylvie had a ps2 chipeada

>> No.61984354

nisha is also streaming you both are just shitters, nitpicking this just to shit on eru

>> No.61984467

Zero interactions with her.
While Axtre even drew Eru for her debut.

>> No.61984479

Shura mentioned playstation during her childhood, but it wasn't hers

>> No.61984558

Nintendo consoles are just the only compatible with females.

>> No.61984616

you are trying really hard

>> No.61984668

Shura was an xbox girl during her childhood though

>> No.61984751

Who is the cutest chinkette? Axtre or Yukine?

>> No.61984760

I need one of you Soldaditos to tell me if it's worth to pay for her membership content when she ends stream.

>> No.61984761

Did Nisha swear friendship to her too?

>> No.61984767

I don't watch Shondo so I don't know how true what you're saying is but she never said that she watch Nisha, it's not Nisha

>> No.61984979

of course she can't mention Nisha, idiot

>> No.61985059

oh you are so mad

>> No.61985143

>no arguments

>> No.61985309

no matter what I say you are going to keep on shitting, you are not worth it, you want to shit on eru for no reason.

>> No.61985447

that fucking renato, grow up maricon

>> No.61985450

It's two anons, I don't want to shit on Eru but if she seethed at Nisha for what she does too

>> No.61985525


>> No.61985590


>> No.61985611

A birthday isn't as important.

>> No.61985643

During the extensible she made snarky remarks about Nisha and Meica not attending

>> No.61985686

Did she talk about it in the past?

>> No.61985688

it's not a debut or graduation, there's no reason to stop streaming for her birthday

>> No.61985750

>Shura was shit on for streaming an hour after Axtre's monetization started and now a birthday doesn't matter

>> No.61985779

it's not the same, eru herself was waiting for them, just like shura appeared, meica and nisha always ignored eru, why do you try to bring that up for this? there is no correlation

>> No.61985831

in fact BDs is money harvesting event for a chuuba is almost more important than a debut.

>> No.61985849

A fake funeral in your extensible isn't a debut or graduation either, still she went out of her way to make remarks about them not attending

>> No.61985861

yeah and it was not shura fault, yall need to stop replying to shitters

>> No.61985912

Not even stop streaming, but giving a single fuck about the person you told you would support

>> No.61985926

unit is dead, let it go

>> No.61985970

Nisha had announced her break before though, no way she got dumped

>> No.61985980

yeah but if someone invites you and you can't go, it's valid if they feel sad about it, dude it's not that deep

>> No.61985990

I'm glad bump limit is being reached, when there's no thread I can go sleep with no anxiety and I have a good rest.

>> No.61986240
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>> No.61986269

I have to kill pettanko

>> No.61986359

Is that creep still around?

>> No.61986375

So she was aware of her birthday and decided to overlap her. That makes it even worst.

>> No.61986435


>> No.61986566

In one hand, eru is overlapping babu
In the other hand, eru's audience doesn't watch babu so does it even matter?

>> No.61986592
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you are trying so hard, this stream was on the schedule

>> No.61986609

No it doens't.

>> No.61986623

Yes, she mentioned that it was one of her favorite consoles if I remember well.

>> No.61986717

I know where's your colonia, faggot. Get ready

>> No.61986767

Why does he have to ruin everything
And why do i care about this broken girl, damn it

>> No.61986810

Last time she overlapped someone, there were no streams planned

>> No.61986819

Shura postponed hers

>> No.61986867

It's the primal instinct of protecting something cute. Any sane individual can't go against it.

>> No.61986906

Is it something so bad that it needs to be brought attention over here?

>> No.61987015

good for her, but you dont even care about axtre, you just want to shit on eru

>> No.61987103

yes, the good thing is that the demand is on the way, but it will take time

>> No.61987192
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>Eru overlaps someone again
>somehow is not her fault again

>> No.61987217

thanks to mexican law, pettanko was right when he said it's not ilegal in mexico to be a pedo

>> No.61987245

So you come here with the naive hope of only read compliments about your oshi. Wrong place.

>> No.61987363

Can't wait for eructos mental gymnastics during Shura's debut

>> No.61987437

You don't mention that kind of shit out here. Let this be the last time. I hope she goes unarchived.

>> No.61987498
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What went so wrong?

>> No.61987658

It narrows it a lot if you aren't a newfag or a threadwatcher

>> No.61987846

I don't agree, that son of a bitch must know that if he continues he will see consequences

>> No.61987989

he also needs to know that his personal info was out there before and I and some others got all of that, I'm just at one click to hire a hitman

>> No.61987988


>> No.61988140

If you're for real, a good beat up would sent a better message because he would be around to tell the tale and scare other fags. Just disappearing doesn't seem that effective to me.

>> No.61988204 [DELETED] 

the other pedos from his telegram group already spread the fear, only him is left because he is a fucking mexican

>> No.61988941

>Axtre wants to be a pet

>> No.61989038

>Eru ruins Axtre's birthday
She really not good

>> No.61989171

Bad move Eru. You could have stolen some of Axtre's gachis.

>> No.61989237

Eru: ME! ME! ME! ME!!!!!!

>> No.61989256


>> No.61989323

You may only be able to count them on the fingers of one hand, but yes.

>> No.61989335

She does have a few

>> No.61989337
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>> No.61989541

yes her lil bro.

>> No.61989552

goodnight anon

>> No.61989699

I never understood what Mui exactly is(besides being my wife)?

>> No.61990463
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>> No.61990840

Yukine love
Axtre lust
Mui my husbando
Chink supremacy
I should take your advice "You WILL learn chinese" anon

>> No.61991163

goodnight /exw/

>> No.61991289


>> No.61991431

Sagi on stream

>> No.61991470

aunt ass name

>> No.61991520

pero que mierda es esto, esperas que lea mentes a traves de internet?

>> No.61991526

I can't believe that fucking subhuman dares to use our holy imagery for his schizo crap.

>> No.61991528
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fuck off

>> No.61991606

ignore and report.

>> No.61991654

joteador, watch this >>61982729
and eat it up
>no es copiar

>> No.61991655

His channel.

>> No.61991703

Stinky lo hacia mejor.

>> No.61991902

new bread when?

>> No.61992006

