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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.61949332
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>> No.61949458
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>> No.61949625
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>> No.61949685

what do they mean by hardcore rock and rawr
are they planning on doing goreshit karaoke

>> No.61949776

iwara MMD sex songs

>> No.61949863

death grips karaoke

>> No.61949966
File: 813 KB, 1360x609, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most SC'd out of all sportsfes povs
>still karaoke SCs to come
these girls continue to make obscene amounts of money, good job paypigs
also SC reading stream will be LONG

>> No.61950017

i'm watching the keep talking vod and i'm screaming at my monitor. i thought they were smarter than this, bros...

>> No.61950043

They need it, there's two of them afterall. I double what I would usually give

>> No.61950058

not for long if they don't slow down just a bit, the ojitans will die

>> No.61950062

has Mori even done this yet
I swear there's no vtubers that have done this that aren't 2views-3views

>> No.61950146

50% of my wage goes to fuwamoco

>> No.61950151

>twice the SC income as migo despite the fact that she had fucking 70k ccv
I hate numberfagging, but how the fuck does this happen?

>> No.61950212

Probably heavier songs, but shit they would like or know. Like Babymetal.

>> No.61950231


>> No.61950232
File: 4 KB, 591x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more akas than oranges+pinks in this stream, hell i even see some triple akasupas by people
>100 sneezes tax coming up
seriously, i refuse to believe these girls are not rich
even if we believe the debt rrat there is NO fucking way after all this they can still be in debt
and the future holds even more paypigging as we get more affection, christmas shit, valentines day, sneeze tax milestones, game completion milestones
they will have more than enough money to accomplish any dreams or goals in 2 more months (if they somehow don't already by now)

our paypiggies are insane idk
something something more emotionally attached to fwmc than miko
but also mikos been around for a LONG time and really is just chilling, so maybe the longevity plays into it, still though 70k vs 5k and getting more than double is undoubtedly absurd

>> No.61950239

Migo had the best POV if you just want to watch the event, it's all tourists. I only watched through FWMC and I often had no clue what they were talking about in the between acts sections because it wasn't showing up on screen.

>> No.61950283


>> No.61950335

>>100 sneezes tax coming up
Oh man, here comes the $100 spam. I wonder how much they're going to get?

>> No.61950405
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Just woke up. How was the sportsfes?

>> No.61950427

>30 members
>0 gifts
maybe homofans are not so bad after all

>> No.61950458

it will come down to their merch. i don't think people can get wealthy off of supas alone after youtube tax + cover tax + nation tax, especially not after just a few months lol

>> No.61950477

Cover should hurry up and give them 3D ASAP so they can do their first live concert

>> No.61950524

They did it!

>> No.61950581

>Cover should hurry up and give them 3D ASAP so they can do their first live concert
Sadly, ReGLOSS will probably get theirs. They already made an announcement they are accelerating the 3D pipeline for them.

>> No.61950604

I have no doubt they have a ton of money, my concern is them being retarded about how they use this money, as in, not wanting to spend much on themselves because they see it as "the ruffians' money". I've seen JPs acting apologetic about using superchat money to eat good food, and with them just talking about how they bought new tea because it was on sale, it's not hard to jump to that conclusion.
They won't think twice about buying a super expensive PC because that's for the ruffians, but I want them to treat themselves too. I may start doing that faggot shit of sending a supa saying "use this for X" just to put pressure on them to spend on themselves.

>> No.61950675

That's fine if those are almost done
Then they can begin working on Advent's 3D

>> No.61950708

If they do, I don’t think advent would be too far behind. Though I don’t think they’ll appear at 5th fes at this point. Since it’s not too far away

>> No.61950767

You could use a nice walk

>> No.61950812

no way fag, it's saturday, I'm gonna sit on my ass all day for once

>> No.61950849

They get paid 2-3 months after their monetization opens. And being rich or poor depends on whether they own properties or live in a dystopian hell hole like Canada

>> No.61950884

soundpost onegai

>> No.61950966

the sustained paypig vigor means that even the 400k net worth schizo will need to concede

>> No.61950980
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thats the other thing, we've got people buying multiple voice packs behind the scenes and whatnot
merch on top of their supa shit + volatility of supas + their salary
maybe not *wealthy* after a few months but i'd think well off 100%, and after a year absolutely
theres just a lot of things going for them that i cannot believe they are broke
the only thing i believe is that they may just be completely stuck in a frugal+stubborn mindset that makes them not want to use their money

either way in the end, they are def gettings loads of money, its just a bit astonishing to me how much supas get shelled out for milestones like this sportfes victory, the hugpile, the "sc now" shit, and the upcoming 100 sneeze tax

>> No.61950985

you can't be rich after 3 months at a job

>> No.61951010

I don't think anyone who paypigs for them particularly cares what they use the money for, as long as they're happy and not starving to death. If they actually think this way, then that would suck... though it would mean more money saved for their eventual move date.

>> No.61951077

they made 50k USD from supas in October.

>> No.61951170

>i don't think people can get wealthy off of supas alone
Unfortunately, they dont have any merch at all. At the moment, a majority of their income is coming from supas/membas. That won't change until they get sponsorships, release albums, and have as much merch as fucking Gura. These things will take years, though.

>> No.61951185

>absolute fucking retards talking about money again and about them rich
How do you guys even get by day-to-day?

>> No.61951211

I have no reason to doubt Cover but I still can't find it in me to trust them blindly and buy multiple voice packs and stuff like that. Superchat is publicly available information, both us and the chuubas can keep track to estimate how much they should be getting, but voice pack sales? They get whatever Cover sends them and that's it.
Doesn't even need to have malice involved, a genuine fuckup could happen too, but there's no accountability to catch those. If they send them 10% of the amount they should on superchats, FWMC can question it themselves, they know how much supa they got. Do they know how many voice packs they sold?

>> No.61951226

>you can't be rich after 3 months at a job
It depends on how rigid your definition of "rich" is and what your necessary expenses + debt are like

>> No.61951249

misread this as movie date and was about to post
>yeah, with me
how happy will they be once they move to japan
also, does cover pay for their flights when they need them to come over for projects?

>> No.61951275

>they made 50k USD from supas in October.
They dont. Youtube takes 30%, Cover probably takes 35%, so they are left with 16k. Dive that by 2, is 8k, which is the typical salary of a tech worker.

>> No.61951283
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>> No.61951304

I'm bothered by it too
It's like looking at the male version of gold diggers

>> No.61951322

I don't think you know how it works, anon. The only holoEN to get a true live concert in a span of 3 years is Mori, which is because UMG fit the bill. The only thing EN has gotten are showcases or kanaru-assisted animated lives plus the collective performances in Connect the World and Holofes.

>> No.61951331

>Dive that by 2
They straight up said they "share everything" when someone asked about their money, so you don't need to divide by two.

>> No.61951349

Mewcoco's tits are too big

>> No.61951367

they're still two people sharing the same amount of money. this is a silly semantic argument that makes no practical difference

>> No.61951369
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>> No.61951398

Add to that at least 5k USD more from memberships plus whatever ad revenue and voice pack revenue they get, and they'll be sitting on a nice pile of cash whenever the first check is cashed.

>> No.61951400

>Future idol related activities (voice training, dancing lessons)
>A new computer
>Tech (mics, headphones
>KU100 ($10k)
>Trip to Japan
>Savings to buy a house
That's a lot of expenses and money they need. They would be retarded to waste their first paycheck instead of saving up that money. That's why most people are fucking retarded at finances and they will stay forever poor

>> No.61951403

>how happy will they be once they move to japan
>also, does cover pay for their flights when they need them to come over for projects?
Cover probably pays for travel if they're coming there for required hololive stuff.

>> No.61951416

>Cover probably takes 35%
you just going to make shit up? they have other sources of income as well which you would know if you were a true fan and not a numbers fag

>> No.61951478

tax write-offs

>> No.61951484

They don't really need a KU100, they said they have an ASMR microphone already.

>> No.61951516

they should get married to each other now for tax benefits
I assume they are on the hook for paying their taxes next year as it is commission income

>> No.61951519

They cannot be rich after 3 months at this job.
They didn't win an actual lottery with a lump sum payout.

3 months at this job can't even move them into a house with a mortgage, and without a house or equivalent assets at their age, they are not even CLOSE to rich.

>> No.61951522

It would appear *I* could use a nice walk. Later beancounters

>> No.61951533

I dont get the point of talking about money.

>> No.61951534

They don't need a KU100. a mid-level 3DiO is all that they need.

>> No.61951542

Yeah, but doing the "divide by two" thing is retarded. They made 16k by your estimate, not 8k. That's an incredible income.
Also, they are are two people who eat similarly, have the same interests, share all possessions and property, and literally always WORK together.

>> No.61951619

>>61951519 I am a neet that gets less than 1k a year they are filthy rich

>> No.61951632

>they should get married to each other now for tax benefits
Illegal in Canada, sadly. If their love is made public, these cute dogs could face 14 years in prison.
It's probably why they were locked up in the first place...

>> No.61951639

if all of the posts complaining about the current subject were trying to discuss something else, maybe you'd have managed to change the subject.

>> No.61951651

i'll personally end my posting about numbers here, was just excited to share the notable gap in $
just don't bite bait or get heated, you can talk about $ without thread going to shit

its interesting i guess? in a job like this where aside from salary and merch, additional income comes from fans, seeing how much $ fans want to throw at them because of x/y/z and how that compares to others
theres not really a "point" but basically im just happy the dogs receive such overwhelming support

>> No.61951692

My own take is that it was another first for them and they fucking won.
By chance it is a really special day.

>> No.61951699

Doesn't mean they can't get one

>> No.61951700

They still won't buy 2nd PC for Fuwawa or move to bigger apartment

>> No.61951769

Good, I want them sweaty and leglocking. I want Fuwawa backseating instead of too busy with her own gameplay. Current situation is comfy, change is scary. Simple as.

>> No.61951821

so do papauppy and mamapuppy see nothing wrong with the incestuous relationship these two dogs have or what

>> No.61951820

nope, once numberfaggotry (which this is) gets going it has to work itself out

>> No.61951872

>move to bigger apartment
You dont just magically move. It takes a while to search for a place.

>> No.61951901

>plan to move to japan eventually
>waste time and money moving to a new apartment they will move again from instead
yeah no thats retarded

>> No.61951915

mamapuppy and papapuppy are mother and son

>> No.61951933

its the anniversary of when they got fired from their last vtuber job

>> No.61951940

The actual wealth discussion can start when they done something like say they've paid off their house or talk about the specifics of their assets/investments/valuation/etc, otherwise everyone else is simply conjuring up bullshit in their head from a couple semi-public metrics (SC/membership).

>> No.61951946
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i really like this rrat

>> No.61951968

this mococo is for emotionless sex

>> No.61951992

they arent moving to japan stop saying this

>> No.61951996

So whats your favorite stream so far? I find it hard to chose between spooky stories, the bomb game and sport fes.

>> No.61952001

Mamapuppy is wierded out by it but ultimately supportive of her daughter's happiness.
Papapuppy is 100% supportive because it means he doesn't have to constantly worry about the kind of man they might individually marry. He also understands that this is the PUREST form of love.

>> No.61952032

they said they planned to i their first month idiot

>> No.61952064

Fuwawas dirty sweaty stockings

>> No.61952095

the christmas date stream
>"but it isnt december yet"
my will controls reality. i have already replayed the stream 32 times now, they gave me a kiss under the falling snow while we stand in the center of town, hand in hand.

>> No.61952120

wrong they never said this

>> No.61952127

2 people living on 16k is the same as 1 person living on 8k... not sure how to make it any clearer

>> No.61952163
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Why can’t we stop winning?

>> No.61952178

post a timestamp

>> No.61952179

absolute retard

>> No.61952227

>new IP
go back and kys, in any order

>> No.61952228

>make the same amount individually
>pay half as much rent
pretty big difference right there already

>> No.61952256

Stop numberfagging.

>> No.61952282

Are you absolutely retarded? I'm assuming you live with your mother and are an absolute leech on society if you truly know how nothing works to this extent

>> No.61952287
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there is samefagging on cooldown going on

>> No.61952291

Stop threadwhining

>> No.61952301

the rent doesn't go down just because they pool their money. nobody is saying that it doesn't get cheaper to live together. that's not what the argument is about lol

>> No.61952340

NTA but you should really go back and learn basic arithmetic in elementary school because it clearly didn't stick the first time

>> No.61952367
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>> No.61952421

I expect you fucks to kneel for this one, even if it upsets you.

>> No.61952424
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I haven't watched anything since some of the Keep Talking VOD last night. What have I missed?

>> No.61952435
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>> No.61952457

add it to the catbox

>> No.61952466

I mean, you missed the big international multi-branch corpo event that has been hyped up for a month. Heard about it?

>> No.61952498
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nta but oh shit nice, i watched this stream but i didnt remember this saying
i always just assumed they wanted to move to JP in the first place since it makes perfect sense for the kind of people they are
perhaps i will rewatch this now that im here

>> No.61952534

I saw Biboo clutch at practice because I was up that morning. I was not up this morning.

>> No.61952553

time to kill myself

>> No.61952622

No more talking about them being rich until we see pictures of their dog house (no mortgage).

>> No.61952649
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oh fuck, really good find... added

>> No.61952673

As a JST Ruffian, fucking please. The times are so shit for us. Fuck the rest of the poser fans, come here asap

>> No.61952700

Youre retarded and money illiterate.

>> No.61952783

Sorry bro, they aren't going to change their streaming time.
9pm EST is the afternoon in Japan, so it'll be easier for them to stream for a while.

>> No.61952800
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think theyre adjusting pretty well
big audience but theyve got majority of us on a leash with affection

>> No.61952849
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>What have I missed?

>> No.61952881

most people in this thread dont even have a mortgage

>> No.61952945

They definitely have me on a leash

>> No.61952981

You are correct, my debts are all paid. I own my house.

>> No.61953060

Yeah, I simply rent a house. Much better for me because the landlord handles any issues plus the taxes. Owning land sucks unless you have a family or are planning on having one.

>> No.61953077

does anybody want to buy the additional versions

>> No.61953097
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Couldn't watch the stream and I'm gonna be too busy all weekend, how did FWMC do in the Fest?

>> No.61953165

Mococo definitely didn't job

>> No.61953242
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>we usually check with each other before tweeting
>the midnight solo tweets from each of them
authentic needy tweets behind each others back...

>> No.61953278

>mikos... really is just chilling
Even if I try to interpret this in the best light possible, lol what the fuck, anon.
Everything else you said is cool and I'm really happy they have more money now than they've ever had. It's almost enough to make me believe justice is real even if it's long coming.

>> No.61953329

>>the midnight solo tweets from each of them
>authentic needy tweets behind each others back...
rrat: This is unironically why Mococo deleted her first midnight tweet. When Fuwawa found out, she probably told her it's okay, so now they don't get deleted.

>> No.61953347

>everybody is saying two people living together makes the living cost cheaper
But what about the cost of weekly bed repair, and the money for dildo collection? You don’t need that expense if you live alone.

>> No.61953413

orz, apologies that sounded dismissive of miko, wasnt my intent

>> No.61953571
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this is quite the well-crafted rrat
i belieb

>> No.61953717
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>> No.61953723

>they've been jockeying for the ruffians' affection ever since the solo stream
>still say that you need to love both of them equally

>> No.61953734

>But what about the cost of weekly bed repair, and the money for dildo collection?
I didn't think of this... It's over they're poor... Their bunkbeds couldn't possibly withstand the force generated by Fuwawa's hips.

>> No.61953818

They don't want us to share them both. Someday, they're going to have to realize that it's possible for a man to love TWO women equally. This will also keep them together. There's no way they're could ever survive apart for ny length of time.

>> No.61953981

*by my hips
*on both levels since I do one twin after the other

>> No.61954080

I guess Moco is doing the top to save money, as she’s obviously the type preferring finger plays.
Fuwa, on the other hand, is a person who runs amok in the bed and insanely beats the partner’s ass with her 8 inch dildo.

>> No.61954390

https://www.youtube.com/live/QBMF6LN1QyU?si=elguhlCZOWq5iZ_i&t=5355 Bros... We're in...

>> No.61954429

I way overslept, how was the Sports Day collab? Cute enough to watch the vod even if big Minecraft collabs are too chaotic for me?

>> No.61954503

You can try skipping the parts they're just spectating and at least watch them participating. Should make the VOD much shorter.

>> No.61954517

It was great. A lot of incredible moments. Mococo REALLY made me proud.. If you're an EOP, it's still perfectly watchable as they translated a decent amount.

>> No.61954522
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okay i went and bought it myself
im mildly disappointed that the image quality/sizes are... rather small though

>> No.61954546

It's probably more worth it if you were there for the journey, overall watching it from the start was great but if you already know the result it's probably not as great.

>> No.61954555

35p don't really superchat, they buy merch and memberships, it may sound like a cope but this is a fact, Miko is already like the second highest merch seller in hololive and the holo with the most memberships.

>> No.61954582

I found the first game (the hunting game) to go on for far too long and was quite bored of it. Holo Up was fun to watch as was the horsemount battle, hime race, and relay.

>> No.61954591
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I feel so fucking motivated because of these girls absolutely NOTHING can stop me and NOTHING will make me love theme any less. Not shitposters, not rrat dealers, not schizophrenics.
I will achieve my fit goals.
I will learn Japanese.
I will be a better person.
I will support them until the end, whenever that is.

>> No.61954613

at least the mocotits look great

>> No.61954632
File: 95 KB, 280x296, 1692422414755910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught up with the keep talking and no one explodes vod from last night and I think I smiled from start to finish, my cheeks hurt. Also Fuwawa is so fucking stupid, it's so fucking hot and I'm even more in love with her.

>> No.61954687

I've often found that buying porn is always disappointing as the shit that's released for free is ALWAYS the best of their work. The only benefit is in fidelity, I suppose.
Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go furiously masturbate to my wives.

>> No.61954875

So now that Konami loves Cover, FWMC Rondo of Blood is a matter of time, yes?

>> No.61954883

yea the twitter pic is ironically higher resolution than the paid variants lol
regardless, still hot & good and its cheap
this shit is actually cheaper than getting a bag of chips here...

>> No.61955031

Watching it right now too. It's great watching her sit on a single puzzle for the entire 5 minutes.

>> No.61955096
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>schizophrenic unity
this writing is good

>> No.61955291

Same, but I skimmed the VOD for highlights. Live was too tense for me (I saw the 2 sec remaining live and decided to take it easy on my heart)
Personal favorite VOD highlight was Mococo ignoring Fuwawa saying right multiple times

>> No.61955398

Best movement right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8ZU-089w3A&t=1120s

>> No.61955444

Moment. Lack of sleep is making me loopy.

>> No.61955502

Really glad Fuwamoco was able to participate in the final Sport fes its a shame Fuwawa wasn't able to play but it is what it is

>> No.61955614
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>No more undokai next year

>> No.61955627

im going to watch the ringu watch along tonight, didnt get a chance to yet and have been saving it for special occasion. Is it good?

>> No.61955640

is this the final sports fes?

>> No.61955647


>> No.61955648
File: 143 KB, 983x710, fwmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a shame Fuwawa wasn't able to play but it is what it is
Yeah. At least they get to take a photo together for keepsake.

>> No.61955657

Tokyo Jihen is hardcore for them right guys...? i need me some Sheena Ringo

>> No.61955763

It was even better when Moco-chan ignored Fuwawa the second time because she got lucky and blew up the bomb.

>> No.61955780

the aftertalk stream from mio/miko/suba just said there will not be a sport fes next year

>> No.61955796

cute mococo handjob

>> No.61955807

Did they elaborate as to why?

>> No.61955824

what is it with japs and big white dicks

>> No.61955863

Miko is graduating

>> No.61955882

It’s getting replaced with competing kissing _____________________________________ with me __________________________

>> No.61955918

hosting for four years in a row might've took a toll on them but it was also mentioned that they have other project so we'll see

>> No.61955973

damn. im especially happy fuwamoco joined holo this year then
and that they got to win their first and last holofes

>> No.61955996
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watching he vod rn
I hope they are all unicorns so the girls can get beyond rich next month

>> No.61956003

Schizophrenic unity is the main reason I still come here

>> No.61956072

>I hope they are all unicorns so the girls can get beyond rich next month
Most are gachikoi, it's likely that they're all also unicorns. Love and affection make men want to open their fucking wallets.

>> No.61956118

I am expecting that they drop straight into a gulch song on tonight's r&r party

>> No.61956163

>gulch song
archived stream.

>> No.61956204

copyright claims are for posers

>> No.61956227
File: 92 KB, 260x258, 1698984651703744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a dream Fuwawa fucked a fan and I almost killed myself and woke up crying

>> No.61956261

you know how many
>that fan? me.
responses this is gonna get right?

>> No.61956262

>It reminds me of Papa-puppies alarmclock
These are some of my favorite moments. Little tidbits into their life.

>> No.61956292

Sorry you had to find out about us through astral projection

>> No.61956298

that fan? me.

>> No.61956361

its synonymous with cheap digit alarm clocks, lots of millennials will remember that sound

>> No.61956417

I know, I had one. I just like when a little bit of their selves leaks into the content. Hearing info about them is cute.

>> No.61956456

anon, dreaming about me is kind of gay

>> No.61956484
File: 145 KB, 408x286, 1698907023206527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know but I had to get it off my chest

>> No.61956496

that fuwawa? me.

>> No.61956511

Sorry you had to dream of me Anon..

>> No.61956513

Bau bau.

>> No.61956523

Stop invading our privacy with your astral projection, please. I'd prefer people like you leave me and my wife alone.

>> No.61956570
File: 1.85 MB, 2910x2006, 1698724621295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the fan have a face?
describe the dream to me

>> No.61956605

I've never heard anyone try to sing any of her stuff, but maybe! I have a little hope

>> No.61956712


>> No.61956792

Dog butter

>> No.61956816

why did anon have a cuck dream?
what do you think about when watching fuwamoco that the thing you dreamt of is you seeing anon fucking fuwawa?

>> No.61956868

call me a cuck (I'm not) but I'd pay money to jack off in the corner while some ruffian fucks fuwawa

>> No.61956870
File: 159 KB, 512x512, confused mococo whaet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61956912

Oh cool, will seek out

>> No.61956916

I wonder if I'd get a lewd Fuwawa dream if I stopped masturbating for a few weeks. I really want one.

>> No.61956928

fucking baused and saved

>> No.61956932
File: 213 KB, 512x512, confused mococo whaet3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it worked

>> No.61956957

now there will never be any good posts attached to this image....
good work though

>> No.61956979

ruffian, you did it!

>> No.61956985

Sorry anon, I don't want you to watch me have sex with MY wife.

>> No.61957017
File: 265 KB, 900x720, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5gncyc.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning
Bau Bau

>> No.61957026

la+ had a good "Killer Tune" cover a month ago i think

>> No.61957094

spelling whæt like that is making fun of Mococos speech inflection and makes you an anti

>> No.61957111


>> No.61957148 [DELETED] 

go back to your mori containment thread faggot

>> No.61957169

Noeh it's cute.

>> No.61957180

I am a fuwamoco anti who subscribes, members, watches every single stream and likes them.

>> No.61957182

I kneel silverclaw-sama

>> No.61957191

whæt is your problem, anon? baue baue

>> No.61957204

Wooow they did good at the princess game i’m glad

>> No.61957224

>spelling whæt like that makes you an anti
but you spelt it the same way?

>> No.61957227

I was so unbelievably proud of her. She was so nervous and really didn't want to disappoint.

>> No.61957237
File: 115 KB, 348x357, 1699025111282162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw no soundpost of mococo enphasizing her accent and saying RUFFEANS

>> No.61957267

Biboo beating Suisei for the second time in a row will forever be a historical moment

>> No.61957296

She didn't just beat her, she fucking annihilated her and everyone else.

>> No.61957301

suisei deserved it for what she's done

>> No.61957320

yeah, if she fumbled there im sure she would have started crying
i think she got very nervous during the building section because she contributed nothing/was confused, but ao making subaru and towa managing to guess it despite the odd details was life-saving

>> No.61957327

It was me.

>> No.61957335

>Killer Tune
My knees would break then regenerate then shatter in pieces again

>> No.61957453
File: 15 KB, 214x326, mococo wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the part were they make biboo say japanese things
thank god I cured my diabetes, otherwise I would be dead

>> No.61957511

>i think she got very nervous during the building section because she contributed nothing/was confused
Yeah, I felt bad for them during that stage but they clutch it during stage 4. That pretty much guaranteed victory.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBMF6LN1QyU&t=9892s

>> No.61957558

Touching the decoration human ears is ok, right? I want to lick behind Fuwawa's.

>> No.61957628

pink dog's awake

>> No.61957658

>ok time for sleep 4 ours ago
>now rts
dont they sleep fr fr

>> No.61957665

They barely slept...

>> No.61957686

What happened...

>> No.61957693

this is the normal amount of hours of sleep they get

>> No.61957703

>go to bed after their goodnight tweet
>wake up around the same time as them
I'm being groomed

>> No.61957709

I thought about it and I realized that as far as HoloEN goes pretty much the only ones that are likely to play the Mario RPG remake is really FWMC. God I hope I'm right about that.

>> No.61957712

Do they only sleep for like 4 hours or something? If even.

>> No.61957749


>> No.61957750

they're singing choking victim's entire discography while occasionally smoking crack
I work at Cover

>> No.61957762
File: 1.66 MB, 2480x3508, F-G6ApFagAAs5us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61957766

How do you know its her and not Fuwawa?

>> No.61957772

Maybe they follow Nanoha's and her wife's schedule
Where they go to sleep arround 10pm, wake up around 2am, have sex for one hour and then go to sleep till 6am.

>> No.61957800

jesus stop stalking their sleeping patterns

>> No.61957811

gachikoi telepathy
also she retweeted something making fun of Fuwawa

>> No.61957812

I like that it included Fuwawa.

>> No.61957821

I only last about 5 minutes with Fuwawa since she is way too sexy, so no

>> No.61957828


>> No.61957840

they have a goal of "sleep for 7 hours"
these girls have operated on 4 hours of sleep for months, im not too sure why people are concerned about it now
i guess cause of the packed schedule but even so

>> No.61957898
File: 214 KB, 500x431, 1679091734552897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time stopping myself from being menhera right now aaaaaieeeeee

>> No.61957914

cute menhera

>> No.61957919

Because human beings inherently cannot survive on just 4 hours a day, anon. If they easily could survive without it, they wouldn't have a goal of "7 hours a day." They simply have too much they want to accomplish.
Concernfagging is warranted here, as always.

>> No.61957936

did they read your message?

>> No.61957945
File: 48 KB, 194x194, spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are dogs not humans

>> No.61957982

shit you're right. disregard my post

>> No.61957984

Stop lusting over dogs

>> No.61958005
File: 103 KB, 445x559, 1693102852920449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a furry.

>> No.61958006
File: 31 KB, 204x102, 1693286995484388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61958008

the views on my post went up by 4 while they were sleeping so probably not. I tried my best to memoryhole it but I kept checking

>> No.61958010

Tell Fuwawa to stop being an irresistible sex demon first

>> No.61958051

Yes they can SURVIVE.
It's not optimal but humans are absurdly resilient.
I mean, vegans are people who don't eat food for 70 years or so, they end up mental and physically ill but still surviving.
Sleeping 6 to 8 hours is only possible for a well-nourished body.
Blame the based milk the dogs drinks.

>> No.61958071

delete it and repost with the tags bro

>> No.61958084

The bomb stream only made me even hornier for Fuwawa
Those "shush!"es made my dick react

>> No.61958101
File: 268 KB, 490x594, Fuwawa Heavy breathing 2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7jn2bg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61958111

It's not oshi day anymore and I would rather wait until next year at this point

>> No.61958134

it's still oshi day for them just not japan

>> No.61958153
File: 61 KB, 237x234, 1698501173833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand, as I have gone through minor menhera phases over these girls. Ultimately, though, I've come to the realization that these two deserve our absolute love, admiration, and appreciation. Feeling menhera over them does them a complete disservice, and they wouldn't want that.
Your love for them should come coupled with inspiration and motivation, not sadness.
Get a hobby, hit the gym, learn an instrument, learn Japanese, work on a video game, do SOMETHING to make yourself the type of person deserving of the love they give to us.

>> No.61958190

They can survive in the same way I did when working the graveyard shift. I only got 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep a day and it almost made me go completely insane.

>> No.61958258
File: 283 KB, 658x730, F-FQglZbcAAKGQg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because
>'Surviving' implies a focus on basic necessities and the ability to persevere through difficult circumstances. 'Live', on the other hand, generally refers to the state of having life and includes the broader sense of being alive and engaged in various activities, pursuits, and experiences.

>> No.61958305
File: 470 KB, 483x604, 2023-10-16 11_38_46-(2) 【FUWAMOCO MORNING】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuffian, it's time for your jp reps

>> No.61958340
File: 110 KB, 1138x865, 1699023596651852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry Fuwawa but i'm doing my bass guitar reps

>> No.61958379

I understand now. I agree.
I will still concernfag, just not publically because enough of you already do that. They already concernfag over us, and a little bit over themselves, so they'll find balance someday. I belieb.

>> No.61958404

No it's time for my Lies of P reps, I'm a real gamer.
Reminder that Fuwawa is impressed by ojisans with strong gaming skills.

>> No.61958430

True, I guess I should have never posted anything here from the start though because if I post it with the tags now then I'll completely expose myself.

Even though I'm a bit menhera right now I would have been worse 3 months ago. They are still motivating me though, I'm just using that motivation to break through some mental barriers.

>> No.61958447

its Saturday Fuwawa please i need a day off

>> No.61958504

go back to sleep, temptress

>> No.61958552
File: 227 KB, 483x604, 1697502905129583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61958565
File: 21 KB, 267x223, 1689083337312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61958605

the three horsemen of the apocalypse

>> No.61958767

You did wonderfully Mococo, you’re a winner my love!

>> No.61959104

Has Mococo drank mold in the last 24 hours?
Will Mococo drink mold in the next 24 hours?

>> No.61959281

Fuck me, youtube started yelling at me for ad-blockers.

>> No.61959294

They openly talk and post about when/how much they sleep all the time.

>> No.61959322

All you have to keep in mind is that they genuinely love us and mean well by everything they do.
If they could, they would genuinely like and respond to every single post. Trust me on this one, anon. It just isn't feasible due to how big they've become. Don't worry so much about all this.
Next time, unironically shill your post/account here, and I'll retweet it. That will greatly increase the chances of them seeing it.

>> No.61959373 [DELETED] 


it's time

>> No.61959384
File: 25 KB, 708x398, Sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Mococo you are my sunshine

>> No.61959423
File: 1 KB, 478x37, jli4EYx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for my cards

>> No.61959439

They reposted it 2 times so I guess you took too long.

>> No.61959644

Started the festival VoD. I love when they're talking about chill team red and someone flals through the floor (one of regloss??) and Moco-chan instantly screams.

>> No.61959796

I know they love us and I don't expect them to like every single post I just want them to see how much they mean to me.
I'm already on the list but when I posted it it didn't appear in the feed so pretty much nobody saw it. I appreciate the offer but that would feel a bit weird to me

>> No.61959975

It was Chloe kek fwmc pov was perfect

>> No.61960086

I'm still happy about their performance in the Sports Festival and as though I didn't already know it, this just confirms how much I'm going to be moved by their inevitable participation in Holofes.

>> No.61960162

carnivoreschizo my beloved

>> No.61960199

He's right

>> No.61960219

>watch any idol performance
>imagine them doing it
>start tearing up
Holofes with them is going to be overwhelming

>> No.61960287
File: 1.02 MB, 1302x1842, HeadpatsPlease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61960360

Only after you get eight hours of sleep

>> No.61960382
File: 1.70 MB, 3000x4000, 1690351535691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want them to see how much they mean to me.
I can echo this completely. This is kind of why I became a paypig. I simply wanted them to know that I love them and will be rooting for them for as long as they're around.
I think my very first akasupa was me basically saying how much they mean to me. I'm saving the rest of my feelings for an important event, like their first ASMR stream, 1 year anniversary, 3D showcase adn/or first 3D performance, or another equally important milestone event.
If you don't have much money, start saving up, or wait for their next rawr and response party.

>> No.61960482
File: 106 KB, 217x630, 1699062556887800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news, after several months now I can have a little bit of trash once in a blue moon with minimal consequences
Some day I'll eat the pon-de-ring if I find it

>> No.61960554


>> No.61960564
File: 939 KB, 1600x900, file (45).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61960687
File: 75 KB, 243x318, 1682351710855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm predicting it now. Next week will be more or less back to normal. Based on what theyve said about business, they're probably going to have a collab with one of their senpai extremely late or at the asscrack of dawn in the coming weeks, but other than that, it'll be a relatively standard schedule. I hope...

>> No.61960854

I don't understand how paypigs can be menhera. You already know that they are stalking your accounts and paying extra attention to your comments on top of guaranteed interaction from SCs. Leave some love for the rest of us

>> No.61960913

>assuming they give more attention to pay pigs even with all the evidence against it
who is the menhera now?

>> No.61960915

I thought they implied that next weak was fairly packed too.

>> No.61960921

*pat pat pat*

>> No.61960936

more like, why are they soo needy when FWMC are already going over the bare minimum on interaction with fans?

>> No.61960964

I'm pretty sure they mentioned being busy till mid November anon. I think we have one more week of overpacked schedule

>> No.61960965

I like how Fuwawa says Moco-chan

>> No.61961095

I like how I say Moco-chan

>> No.61961105

Something like this.

>> No.61961142

Can someone tell me what song they were using as the BGM for the sports festival today? I know it's a holosong that Ive heard before but I just can't place it. This killing me.

>> No.61961211

did patra release a rock song?
if she did i wouldn't be surprised if they sing it.
(since she knows how to play electric guitar and all) ¢

>> No.61961216
File: 1.93 MB, 1240x1754, underdogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61961224

>Mococo: I tried being both top and bottom. I like being bottom better.
Please... Give your words a bit more thought...

>> No.61961261

she literally didn't sleep

>> No.61961533

I want Fuwamoco to "sing" this in karaoke with a trippy animated space background and then do the voices but translated in English, and with giant reverb

>> No.61961535

They're not zoomers who think of everything in relation to gay sex.

>> No.61961707

I can't possibly imagine what they'll have next week. I assumed they said this because they'll be playing catchup with all of their homework.
We'll see tonight, I suppose.

>> No.61961763

>it's already saturday

>> No.61961793
File: 992 KB, 1094x1060, FuwaMoco Ruffiancé[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frtn5uf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this?

>> No.61961827

I was thinking of saving up for a big supa for a milestone but life is too unpredictable right now and I don't see it changing anytime soon. I've been wanting to at least send them an orange and maybe buy 1 or 2 voice packs each month though.

>> No.61961849

I'm Mococo's ruff fiance

>> No.61962100

>why are they soo needy
Ruffians have alot of desire.

>> No.61962182

Is tonight's stream really in 4h40m? Or 5h40m due to US setting clocks back?

>> No.61962269
File: 1.51 MB, 342x410, towa fuwamoco intro [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3rjvwu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61962270

...you could simply open youtube and check

>> No.61962276
File: 6 KB, 701x98, 2023-11-04 15_24_25-User 1 - Anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd day of 50 new cards a day

>> No.61962335

bros, i made fanart for fuwamoco but i dont really post on twitter and have no followers. do you think there is even a chance they see it, if it gets no likes? do you think there is any best strategic time to post? if nobody sees it anyways i might just post here.

>> No.61962353

Schizos who get addicted to attention. The least they can do is keep the sperging about their hearted comments here and not somewhere fwmc can see them

>> No.61962389

They'll see it if you post it in the tags, except if your account is still default shadowbanned.

>> No.61962390

just post it with their art hashtag and they'll see it

>> No.61962414

if you use the tag it will be seen

>> No.61962487

>I don't understand how paypigs can be menhera
If you've been starved long enough, you'll end up wanting to fucking gorge yourself.
I understand, as I am a paypig, but I've ultimately settled on simply feeling content with the love I'm currently receiving.
The way I've come to see it is that the love they show for the Ruffians as a whole is love that is also directed at me.

>> No.61962552
File: 181 KB, 249x337, 1669948770453764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been up since bomb stream, now I have 4 hours to sleep for the karaoke, let's goooooo...

>> No.61962594

Post with the tag and they will see, and you will get likes. There are always schizos like myself checking their tags multiple times a day and liking almost everything.

>> No.61962648
File: 10 KB, 847x54, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61962692
File: 726 KB, 3565x2328, F-HMSx3aYAAYL1Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61962857
File: 768 KB, 1600x900, 1698602924190210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been happier, I love them more than anything in this world and I want them to look back on this period of their lives when they're very old ladies and smile, thinking it was one of the best times.
That's all, gomenasai.

>> No.61962899

ken sama made it

>> No.61962969

>The way I've come to see it is that the love they show for the Ruffians as a whole is love that is also directed at me.
That should exactly be how you think about it, yes.
Don't make attention towards you as an individual your goal.

>> No.61963076

They cried?

>> No.61963092

no unfortunately

>> No.61963132

No I did

>> No.61963165

I cried

>> No.61963168

Pero did

>> No.61963268

semen demon mococo

>> No.61963345
File: 83 KB, 663x900, 1694036809658749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you post it

>> No.61963436


>> No.61963459

that's a boy

>> No.61963513

ok and?

>> No.61963570

Mococo is a beautiful sexy cute girl

>> No.61963646
File: 36 KB, 280x304, 1667659206972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That should exactly be how you think about it, yes.
>Don't make attention towards you as an individual your goal.
Pretty much. This thought process single-handedly cured my menhera obsession. I love them to the moon and back and love them too much to do them the disservice of feeling depressed over things they do/say from a place of pure love.
I hope my fellow gachikoi/gosling brothers end up seeing the light like I have.

>> No.61963675

*turns you into a roach*

>> No.61963734

goslings are already roaches

>> No.61964186

Your reward will be their Valentine's member ASMR with a Fuwawa and Mococo route ending in a kiss from the one you choose

>> No.61964368

i hope we have less gifted members by then

>> No.61964422
File: 77 KB, 163x308, 1698823974083528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a poorfag who can only afford a membership, I want to thank the paypigs for the superchat readings. It's FWMC's best content imo.

>> No.61964455

Goslings and gachikoi are one and the same. FuwaMoco love and embrace gachikoi. Hating them means you are against what they stand for.

>> No.61964458
File: 1.51 MB, 1922x990, Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 14.04.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never get this. Shiori gets a book, nerissa gets a musical score, bijou gets a gem but FWMC gets a scale???

>> No.61964507 [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 1080x1452, 1699132002510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61964508

Also a poorfag I appreciate them for supporting our poorfag dogs

>> No.61964537

not hololive

>> No.61964570

Because there's two of them, they balance each other out. If you remove one, you don't have "FuwaMoco," the sale becomes unbalanced.

>> No.61964576

one likes the dogs the other likes some washed up actor

>> No.61964632
File: 67 KB, 735x1024, 1653501676851m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is heavy

>> No.61964646

Don't respond to the anti, retard. Report and ignore. Otherwise, he's going to start spamming again

>> No.61964677

You have no power here architect-dono

>> No.61964705

>Tries to shit up the thread with RM stuff
>It's just a genuine and heartwarming message
Keep taking Ls sister

>> No.61964715

>Onel Anan!
>Nayuta&Narumi! [wall of JP text]

jokes aside i do agree supa readings are great, theyre really teh only vtuber ive actually stuck around for supa readings despite not supaing myself
but i find recently supa readings are a little plain due to the repetitive content of supas recently. there isnt too much room for tangents or tidbits about themselves unless its a good supa
but either way, i still watch em, and surely with this super extended supachat reading we'll have some good supas in the mix

>> No.61964741

Objectively wrong, but ogey.

>> No.61964761

I like Fuwawa's reading face
You can tell only 5 percent of what she's reading is actually getting processed

>> No.61964882
File: 697 KB, 490x594, Fuwawa I feel like I don't understand English at this[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fasze6f.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61964883

>missing all of my supas
My love goes unnoticed even by the ones who hate paypigs...

>> No.61964942

Given that each side of the scale is weighing one of their hair ornaments I think this is a fair interpretation.
Personally though I'm going to go with scales = justice and they are guard dogs which means they are defenders of justice.

>> No.61964959

>Ye- I mean no! Moco-chan don't get on top of me hahaha. No you beat me hahahaha
Fuwawa, you're not slick. I see what you're doing.

>> No.61964980


>> No.61964993

Yeah, true... The readings have become kinda meh lately. It's why i hope we get another twitter space or a pure zatsu stream.

>> No.61965070


>> No.61965137

They have 290 superchats to read... Thats at least 5 hours.

>> No.61965170

should feel good, the less times my name pops up in this thread the better

>> No.61965183

Buckle up

>> No.61965207

stil more supas to come from karaoke stream (ticket fee, so be prepared to hear mococo go Ahm [eats ticket] like 20 times)
then DKC supas, there'll probably be a world-completion milestone that gets a flurry of supas too

is 290 more than their super-superchat reading stream? i dont remember the amount for that one

>> No.61965223

>late night sunday
I guess I'm not sleeping again.

>> No.61965252

>Ahm [eats ticket]

>> No.61965267

I have a list of good questions to ask. I'm just waiting on the queue to empty out a bit and maybe for that fucking $20 schizo to get bored.

>> No.61965324

>is 290 more than their super-superchat reading stream? i dont remember the amount for that one
Monetization stream has 500 alone. And if you add everything, it was 800? But they did it over 3 streams.

>> No.61965416

pls respond

>> No.61965447

Not anymore

>> No.61965481


>> No.61965523

Just wait until the 100th sneeze...
It'll happen either tonight or during DKC.

>> No.61965555

>Just wait until the 100th sneeze...
Mocogod, please take your medicine and hold it until next week...

>> No.61965562

What is the current count?

>> No.61965585

ugh, fuck that too
yeah i'll be breaking up watching the SC reading into bits
it being late on a sunday is the biggest issue for me, i'll watch like 1-2 hours then need to sleep
and watch the rest after work

>> No.61965587

>should feel good
No, it does, I'm just shitposting

>> No.61965611

holy crap they actually made playlists for once, they must've been in a good mood

>> No.61965629

been away for the entire day, how was the sports fest?

>> No.61965654

oh shit, good catch
bless them for doing that
(or bless mane-chan, who knows who really did it)

>> No.61965666

I think it's 98. It's going to happen this week. DKC is stressful, and Mococo is a stress-sneezer. I'm just happy she didn't hit it during one of the collabs this week.

>> No.61965669

grand orchestra

>> No.61965702


>> No.61965715

>no suika game playlist

>> No.61965720

they finally realized they made it and looked back at the past with gratitude as everyone knew they would

>> No.61965726

You should consider the voice packs if you like them enough to stick around for supa reading even without sending them yourself.

>> No.61965734

>FuwaMoco collabs!
Holy shit

>> No.61965765

60% are advent but yes

>> No.61965805

literally just got one for the cover, it was one of their best recent streams in my opinion.

>> No.61965815

Based on this, the following are dropped?
>Little witch
>It takes two
Funny how they didnt create one for river city girls even though they completed it.

>> No.61965883

I hope they go in a bit more detail, maybe split up into two streams, one on sunday and another during the week. If they're gonna go endurance and read everything no matter how long it takes, I'll unfortunately have to be an archivefag for that one. It'll end like 6am monday to me. I'd have to turn off the computer and immediately go get ready for work, I can't do it.

>> No.61965899

>pure zatsu stream.
The cover after party and the spooky reading were nice. No one can hog attention.

>> No.61965908
File: 860 KB, 967x599, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching yuri with fuwamoco

>> No.61965950

I dont think theyve dropped little witch, I bet they'll come back to it, however its certainly not a priority for them.

>> No.61965989
File: 2.79 MB, 1330x968, 1674885842245790.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61965995

It Takes Two is most likely dropped, yeah, but not sure if they would bother making a playlist for a single stream anyway, so still not sure if that means anything for Amnesia.

>> No.61966037

>No one can hog attention
witness me

>> No.61966081


>> No.61966094

theres no swv today
why did I wake up at 4AM for then

>> No.61966116

fuck you I looked

>> No.61966117
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>> No.61966132
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>> No.61966134

Stardust Song

>> No.61966146

Haha made me look

>> No.61966194

hehe xd

>> No.61966208

it's fucking 4AM and you made me open my PC in the fastest way possible because I don't trust my phone
Fucking good job, now I'm fully awoke

>> No.61966246

i really hope they change the membership icons at some point...
i know you're /here/

>> No.61966248
File: 293 KB, 1888x2048, F-BjNeia8AE1CyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you forgive me?

>> No.61966300


>> No.61966371
File: 335 KB, 774x570, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61966380

They should play Meowjiro if they want to play as a convenience store employee again

>> No.61966406

Well they already had the emotes themselves edited to be more visible, and the new emotes are great.
The only membership icons they need to edit are the first 4. The no reason the new member badge should not look literally identical to the 2 month badge.

>> No.61966415

I also think they change too little but I'm not super worried about it

>> No.61966428
File: 1.20 MB, 2224x2010, 1699126482028896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61966448

*pat pat*
I got reminded of Mococo saying gomensai after forgetting to eat the bread and now I'm sad

>> No.61966449

Why are you all so mentally ill?

>> No.61966457

Woah... cute...

>> No.61966499
File: 266 KB, 888x732, Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 14.39.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our dog wives are pretty supportive of biboo.

>> No.61966513

Fuck off globaltroon

>> No.61966522

They should stream things only I want to see

>> No.61966571


>> No.61966587

just stumbled on this video, but checking her channel, it seems this was her last game series and became inactive 8 months ago

>> No.61966596

It'd be more fun to see more drastic changes but also it really doesn't matter.
On the other hand, it's the 24 month badge that REALLY stands out. So just look forward to the day that all those 23 month members barely look any different from the new members while you get to feel superior to everyone who wasn't a day 1 member by having your badge stand out strongly.

>> No.61966614

it's their fault for showing me love after living for 30 years without it.

>> No.61966615

Gen 4

>> No.61966667
File: 17 KB, 581x368, 1670364391712324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
DAY 88: Today I've done my anki reps, 10 new cards. Idk why it took so much time today, number of cards isn't that big.
we're on page 10, bakers?

>> No.61966675

if you want to see Rondo of Blood, then I'm ok with this.

>> No.61966705

I'm not. I'm the most sane ruffian

>> No.61966726

you want to get in on the ground floor, huh?

>> No.61966737

I found a funny manga panel to tweet at them but maybe it's lame. I wish I wasn't so menhera

>> No.61966769

Me in the back, totally not touching the fluffian

>> No.61966796

I'll post it for you

>> No.61966810

i have never seen them like posts going "this reminds me of fuwamoco"
they prob read it tho

>> No.61966817

stop biting yourself, retard

>> No.61966823

how the fuck do you find these people

>> No.61966875

>It's a fucking holocure song.
Well that explains why I knew it without knowing the name. Thanks

>> No.61966909

Youtube is weird sometimes

>> No.61966983

I'm extra mentally ill because I've had 4 hours of sleep in the last 36~ hours

>> No.61966997
File: 457 KB, 1723x2048, F-HwDBQXAAAL_zU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some cursed shit bro

>> No.61967020

you the anon who took an energy drink?

>> No.61967096


>> No.61967128

No, I've been barely running off 1 cup of coffee and some tea since the practice stream

>> No.61967188


>> No.61967249

I posted it. I'm gonna go on a walk now

>> No.61967332

based deadbeat

>> No.61967392

*huffs you*

>> No.61967410

>mococo with a question mark
Found a new pic to use for my shitpost , thanks

>> No.61967436


>> No.61967504

That's cute anon, I bet they'll giggle at it

>> No.61967575

they rt'd rock n rawr tweet
they are browsing twitter

>> No.61967578


>> No.61967583
File: 38 KB, 1000x1000, 1691562446478397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dogs inspired me to do on a walk
It was a beautiful afternoon, blue skies, nice wind no cold, no hot, just perfect
I went thinking it was already sunday but it's saturday so I had one quick human interaction and the streets were full of humans
Despite that, it was nice

>> No.61967634

>i had one quick human interaction
>the streets were full of humans
t. robot-kun

>> No.61967653


>> No.61967832

stop self-doxxing you're going to get put on the list

>> No.61967887

it's already too late

>> No.61967888

They safely navigate through the sport fes arc. Will they be able to survive the holocup arc without shedding tears?

>> No.61967992
File: 721 KB, 1200x1090, 1678526329083988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The list of Ruffians I'm gonna give a big fat smooch to

>> No.61968026

it's not even that big of a deal, no one actually talks to me

>> No.61968041

Buy an ad

>> No.61968106

Kill yourselves

>> No.61968171
File: 41 KB, 498x578, IMG_5767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61968398

I'm already on Fuwamocos spreadsheet add me to the list too

>> No.61968466

I'll talk to you right now and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.61968516
File: 316 KB, 899x691, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61968548

I'm not talking to you anymore because I can't read that

>> No.61968639
File: 262 KB, 463x453, 1691406310833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's only on the spreadsheet
>he's not on FuwaMoco's ist of potential husband's

>> No.61968778


>> No.61968804

>wipe the sky with suisei senpai's body
jesas fww

>> No.61968808


>> No.61968842

>Trying to catch up on VODs
>Cali voice
im trying SO HARD. I relly do, I want to watch them having fun with their senpais bu forced acting cali's voice and her general lack of any entertainment value is just TOO MUCH.

>> No.61968910

Chat disabled for keep talking and nobody explodes?
Did they have to cut something out of the vod?
