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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.61769598
File: 251 KB, 1800x1850, F8osoxMX0AAQ_P7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments:
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.61769671


>> No.61769748
File: 431 KB, 479x600, cute axel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. Happy Birthday Axel!!!!

>> No.61769815

Happy birthday Axel!!

>> No.61770203


>> No.61770261

I really like this art, source?

>> No.61770280


>> No.61770526

saw our lord of the board entry was confirmed, nice work anon
amen and happy birthday dingo

>> No.61770531
File: 391 KB, 463x594, dez make elysium great again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, finally got Gorimane-chan into Lord of the Board. Lets see if I can avoid triggering jannies until the wrasslin is over

>> No.61770829

don't do anything stupid!

>> No.61771095

damn i was going to ask your thoughts about black people but i suppose i'll hold off for now, thanks for the entry
amen and happy birthday dingo

>> No.61771122
File: 30 KB, 323x300, F95Cc8xa8AAWVWx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61771293


>> No.61771315

thats my wife right there

>> No.61771325


>> No.61771400


>> No.61771441

cutest faggot in the world

>> No.61771455
File: 193 KB, 944x540, image-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A month or more of being racially tolerant on /mans/
why did I sign up for this? Dingo please take my pain away

>> No.61771685
File: 25 KB, 369x353, 251288-onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all in the mind

>> No.61771686

femanons you aren't going to be weird right?

>> No.61771737
File: 1.01 MB, 1061x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61771765


>> No.61771799


>> No.61771880

I'm sorry to say that I do not remember

>> No.61771915


>> No.61771925
File: 271 KB, 700x1050, reasons to live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he truly brightens my day

>> No.61772085

Holy shit Axelotls, that looks like Nocturnal model

>> No.61772114


>> No.61772120
File: 3.55 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Dad's small AF.

>> No.61772129

Jerryy... Not on Axel's bday....

>> No.61772175


>> No.61772189

>Jerry had an emergency
Never forget /MANS/ >>61054390

>> No.61772197

That's one heavy australian accent

>> No.61772206


>> No.61772218

shy ojisan CUTE

>> No.61772224

Why does Papa Syrios look so young

>> No.61772228

what awful timing… kinda bringing the whole mood down

>> No.61772267

He does sound kinda down

>> No.61772339

cause he is

>> No.61772341

yeah, i wish the design looked older

>> No.61772357

Do you guys think Jeffrey will call in for his birthday?

>> No.61772363

I really need to watch mecha anime

>> No.61772380

He's dad sounds like a beta. And from Axel's stories on how his mom is the one proactively disciplining Axel, i bet he is a beta

>> No.61772409

I hope you die on Altare's birthday

>> No.61772422


>> No.61772423

Not a lot of drawn interpretation of him.

>> No.61772430

He still scored and his sperm produced Axel

>> No.61772432

holy fuck papa syrios is the based chinese dad i always wanted

>> No.61772488

He kinda sounds like early Nowa talking about the games he liked like Zomboid and FTL

>> No.61772487

oh papa is mega aussie, cute

>> No.61772528

>Tiger mom
>Beta dad
Typical anime protag household desu

>> No.61772555

I noticed that, the image he's using was the best I saw out there

>> No.61772581

He is an omega and Axel's mom is an alpha, papa Syrios was the one that gave birth to Axel

>> No.61772583

He’s a tired old weeb, I hope to be chill asf like him one day and get a very carnivores wife

>> No.61772590

He and Axel have really similar talking patterns. Papa Syrios is a bit politer

>> No.61772612

axel's mic volume is always awfully low

>> No.61772630


>> No.61772639

boomer nerd love

>> No.61772659

It's called an accent anon... Yes, countries outside america sound different

>> No.61772664

Yeah, Axel said that his mom is the one who talks a lot of shit kek

>> No.61772743

I meant cadence of speech rather than accent

>> No.61772772

Papa Syrios for gen 3. Imagine the fuckin bants.

>> No.61772799

Just launching straight into merch huh

>> No.61772801

that's it? lol

>> No.61772810

Papa Syrios did his own design?! Holy shit that's so cuuuute

>> No.61772855

his cat is dying anon... he's all fucked up in the head

>> No.61772954

This is the saddest birthday stream ever

>> No.61772958

>badge and button
If not for the necklace i'd say they're getting the JP treatment now

>> No.61772973

is that
standardized mercy

>> No.61773016


>> No.61773041

I've been hoping for a necklace with the pendant Axel has since last year. This is everything I wanted

>> No.61773073
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, MERCY_CADCEUSBLASTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standardized mercy

>> No.61773112

there is another stream, anon

>> No.61773143

I think they were originally doing some sort of set between the 4 hq boys, I guess they had to change it

>> No.61773153

New outfits soon, I can fill it in my plums

>> No.61773172

Do you catalogniggers still actually spout that shit? Lmao

>> No.61773181

He is kinda down but also his dad is there, he probably feels shy too

>> No.61773185

Doesn’t seem like it, JP is more basic than this, guess he just went with simpler merch this time

>> No.61773249

Yes ESL bro Hakka Bettel Flayon Shinri and Altare will all also have an Axel chain necklace because that makes sense

>> No.61773270

Axel sounds sad

>> No.61773274

It's not even Axel's birthday anyway lol

>> No.61773308
File: 664 KB, 700x700, 1685910448156089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuma had a necklace with his birthday, so...

>> No.61773348

Jerry just had an emergency

>> No.61773389

oh fuck :(

>> No.61773414

If axel is the reason why I end up understanding nip speak, I will suck his dick

>> No.61773431

i need stealth gladiator fan magni wearing the jewellery at a meet and greet, i need magni with an axel charm choker, i need magni chained down to the bed with an axel charm on each wrist and ankle. why did he have to grad, the whore art would have been so premium

>> No.61773432

>11 IP's
its over.../mans/ is dying just like his cat...

>> No.61773440

I would like to politely ask the retarded women ITT to stop doomfagging for once in their lives

>> No.61773467

He actually sounds a bit more animated speaking in Japanese.
That may just be how the language works, though.

>> No.61773472

Yeah? Its never the real birthday date, I think they do it so they can spend their real birthday with family and shit

>> No.61773492

a lot of the holos have been getting necklaces as merch. cover probably partnered with a manufacturer or something

>> No.61773521

It's been awfully quiet since afternoon

>> No.61773522

What is 04 Champion? Old niggas help

>> No.61773579

its 36 moron

>> No.61773593

google it you fucking idiot zoomer

>> No.61773602

bold of you to assume is people from here with posts like the one above you

>> No.61773605

ofc it's Axels birthday retard, or do you believe his actual name is Axel Syrios and he's a gladiator

>> No.61773665

...Jerry the skeleton?

>> No.61773668

a tragedy, that's for sure... at least we have our imagination...

>> No.61773689

This nigga is Australian

>> No.61773701

Custom pendants/charms are pretty cheap. You can order iron/brass one for like 5-10 bucks minus delivery

>> No.61773721

Jerry the friendly fatass cat axel has

>> No.61773723
File: 631 KB, 121x129, 1681160277358549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is not?

>> No.61773766


>> No.61773790

no dumbass, he's called Syrios Axel

>> No.61773809

It's so they don't get doxxed

>> No.61773816


>> No.61773854

this seems to be a very bad time to start the sc train

>> No.61773874

I mean that too

>> No.61773902

>this gif is a year old now
holy shit

>> No.61773929

Ohhhhh, wait, I thought his cat was a girl??

>> No.61773977

His talking reminds me of bluey

>> No.61773979

He got the weeb hots, wanted the japussy and got it

>> No.61774052

me too, i'm loving it

>> No.61774056

so often for aussie cunts to knock up a jap chick

>> No.61774068

Oga *cough cough

>> No.61774073

You didn't get it...

>> No.61774078
File: 341 KB, 475x439, 1661658911283330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kamen rider is black???

>> No.61774084

>Papa Syrios talking reminds me of [INSERT AUSTRALIAN PERSON]

>> No.61774115
File: 61 KB, 597x617, MachiChibiHap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday Dingo

>> No.61774156
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, Ben_%28DGP_Uniform%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61774162

his dad has that "boomer who owns a lets play channel" voice

>> No.61774169

>jap sheila

>> No.61774234

He talks to him like he is, calling him Jii-chan but Jerry is a chunky boy that pisses on everything Axel owns

>> No.61774324

Papa Syrios sounds like a fuckin fair dinkum fuckin ozzie yea

>> No.61774343

Which Syrios family members can actually read

>> No.61774345

I assume this is the real size comparison between Axel and his dad.

>> No.61774406

As a YouTube addict, I've only found two types of Australian boomers: Drain cleaners and Matchbox car restorers.

>> No.61774407

Did Axel even see the rainbow lol

>> No.61774426

Seeing how shy his dad is, I'm really curious how dominant his mom actually is kek

>> No.61774444

Axel's father https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns15eHLDv1I

>> No.61774449
File: 361 KB, 405x720, IMG_9264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything too brown i'm not really into it

>> No.61774457


>> No.61774486

A more chill Yahtzee Croshaw

>> No.61774526

Holy fucking digits

>> No.61774543

I would love to sit down and talk for hours about old anime with Papa Syrios

>> No.61774618
File: 906 KB, 1000x1000, ly_axel_kinen_banneren03_231024_1698635359_1000x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly standardized merch

>> No.61774693

Checked & bagged, when Papa Syrios said he drinks on the job this is what i thought about

>> No.61774709

probably, but he doesnt want to interrupt his conversation with his dad and will thank them later

>> No.61774758
File: 551 KB, 520x711, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at me wearing a black robe

>> No.61774844

Don't come to the guild tomorrow

>> No.61774880

I don't give a shit about super robot shit beyond Transformers but now I imagine a little kid me running to Papa Syrios to show him my Mazinger Z toy or whatever

>> No.61774883

so true touristchama

>> No.61774891

Looking dapper little fella

>> No.61774922

This is a bit boring

>> No.61774993

>He brought the Axelotl to help him shoot up the guild hall

>> No.61775045
File: 54 KB, 954x1318, 1685417739711964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much art holo parents see?

>> No.61775083

Is the cyberpunk theme suppose to match Axel's cover he wasn't able to get done?

>> No.61775095

>Papa Syrios is a denier of his favorite seiyuu getting pregnant

>> No.61775121

Shows a lot about your relationship with your dad

>> No.61775141

I never noticed how much they look like 2000's school shooters lmao

>> No.61775197

This is actually a leak of his new outfit

>> No.61775276

>you will never make and play custom DOOM WADs with your buddy Axel during the 90s and go to high school in matching leather trench coats
Why live?

>> No.61775310

Chick accent coming out

>> No.61775339

Man, dude knows his shit. I think Axel got everything from his mom which really makes me wonder how she is.

He'd fit in here perfectly.

>> No.61775386

I imagine they probably see some of the prettier or more popular pieces of fanart, but don't have the time to deep dive for the shadier stuff. I think Bettel2 has been exposed to yaoi of his brother from visiting /here/ out of curiosity

>> No.61775387
File: 152 KB, 448x448, Cozy Altare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa Syrios is comfy, nice contrast to the other family member we have seen

>> No.61775421

i'm loving this, i like the chill vibe before the wild karaoke. it's wholesome seeing bits of axel in his dad, which is sweet for his yumes

>> No.61775442

>Axel's dad had ye olde oshi
Holy shit, they've always been around huh?

>> No.61775456

rpr trying to slide into a game with him while he's still weak - smart

>> No.61775473

why isn't there a retro anime board on this shithole site?

>> No.61775478

so I think what HQ set was originally a thing >>61773143, but maybe things were standardized after all...

>> No.61775492

She's a tiger mom, but his father is the one who introduced him to anime and japanese games.

>> No.61775532

Trenchcoat mafia ova hea

>> No.61775606

He's got that aussie accent but also an asian one

>> No.61775623
File: 270 KB, 1240x1753, 20231027_111213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think his mom is a Japanese Gyaru or something?

>> No.61775807

Wait so, they'll have both standardized and custom merch? I'm confused. Because they've had a combination of both so far.

>> No.61775837

New outfit!

>> No.61775842

Nta but I bet his mom is closer to the OL tiger mama type. Judging from Axel's comments and reluctance to bring her on stream, she would also probably say some shit about abbos and get the vod killed

>> No.61775874

From the stories yes, but given he's said all of his speech and views from his mother I can only imagine.

I bet money she was menhera before it was a popular thing and Axel's papas went "I can fix her"

>> No.61775926

Yes, for special occasions they'll have custom merch. Either birthday or anniversary, but not both. I think that's what Rikka talked about before

>> No.61775960

Nah, dude has a generic Sydney accent.

>> No.61775962

I heard a lighter flick
Papa Syrios a smoker?

>> No.61775963

are older japanese people really that racist?

>> No.61776022

Axel can't say he wouldn't be Shinji's friend because that is just Altare

>> No.61776028

The rrat I heard is that year one gets the big debut push, year two gets standardised until you hit number. Its Axel's second birthday so he got nerfed.

>> No.61776086

No, I'm just thinking about things Magni said early summer or spring. they were going to have merch where you needed to get all (probably the 4 hq boys) birthday merch to get a "full set" like dinner wear or something

>> No.61776148

It's alright, Altare wouldn't be friends with a Shinji either

>> No.61776202

The only special thing he got for his first Birthday set was just a hand towel!

>> No.61776303
File: 761 KB, 877x775, 1636083714110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I'm late
what did I miss?

>> No.61776305

So it's just another case of magnoir messing things up for tempus?

>> No.61776306


>> No.61776335

yeah sounds like chinese accent to me

>> No.61776345

Self-hating demon king...

>> No.61776369


>> No.61776411

Guess we'll see once the VG birthdays roll around.

>> No.61776424

and a mug

>> No.61776444

I'm not familiar enough with older Japanese people to say, but Axel's descriptor of her saying stuff she isn't supposed to say and her going "lol it true tho" makes me wonder

>> No.61776469

No one hates Altare more than Altare does...

>> No.61776503

literally, nothing

and >>61774618

>> No.61776514

Huh? Wasn't that a joke because almost all of them got some type of utensil? The teapot, the mug, the bowl? Axel has been asking about what kind of merch his fans would want and even discussed having Alice merch

>> No.61776545

There's also Altare's bday on January

>> No.61776550

>Acrylic panel, porcelain mug, cotton hand towel
>Acrylic panel, 10c can badge, 20c chinesium bracelet
its noticeably cheaper

>> No.61776553

what manga were they talking about? the one with the angel

>> No.61776562

Axel needs a new background.

>> No.61776580
File: 499 KB, 549x610, 1662450445400968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mug!

>> No.61776605

now we have a papa syrios design
do i draw /it/?

>> No.61776653

literally who(re)

>> No.61776667

Draw fanart of axel's dad? I mean sure

>> No.61776695

>discussed having Alice merch
True, but that was after we lost MagNoir

>> No.61776705

don't be weird

>> No.61776746

We were good Axelotls!!!

>> No.61776762

Papa Syrios x Hakkamama

>> No.61776813

i wish people would just leave the family members alone, idk if this is anonymous board but being freaks about any random person attached to them irl is not being a fan, its being a sick freak. the twobertsisters are fucked up enough.

>> No.61776838

Alice merch wasn't possible because of copyright I think

>> No.61776892

Syriosmama is a lovely woman and deserves a good marriage. Hakkamama x ME!!!!!

>> No.61776891
File: 226 KB, 1432x2048, 1683542359984451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two January birthdays, but only one gets merch, I'm ok with this <3

>> No.61776930

Altare's will probably be the same anon. I'm saying it because VG might have different merch than Axel and Altare. As in, non standardized

>> No.61776933

>shota voice


>> No.61776947
File: 13 KB, 964x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61776966

bastard i think

>> No.61777024

You're gonna tempt the cannibalkitos

>> No.61777074

Why would theirs be non standardized if we are talking that one of the conditions is le numbers? There's literally no proof that it was planned to be an HQ set

>> No.61777125

I thought dogs died if you gave em alcohol

>> No.61777129

but VG's birthdays next year will also be their 2nd birthday

>> No.61777210

So if numbers is the case, the only one that will get unique merch drops is... Bettel?

>> No.61777217

A diorama stand is not the same as a panel even if they're both acrylic, a diorama is more expensive

>> No.61777236

judging by the stock numbers of doppelganger merch, bettel would be a full set and the rest of them would be standardised. i guess we'll see through april and may.

>> No.61777268

I wonder how Papa Syrios met Mama Syrios

>> No.61777332

she was a store clerk at a game store in japan

>> No.61777341
File: 380 KB, 704x913, chrome_23-11-02_04-08-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and more


>> No.61777465

That's the guests from hololiveID and hololiveEN
idk if they include tempus as hololiveEN though

>> No.61777469

>There's literally no proof that it was planned to be an HQ set
I'm just mentioning something Dez was saying before he left. If Axel had to change his merch late, it would make since his stuff wasn't as Nice as it could have been, that's all.

>> No.61777495

>This year’s special collaboration is scheduled to include talents from hololive Indonesia and hololive English

>> No.61777558
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x1000, astelmerch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acrylic panel (in Axel's case it's a diorama)
>Fourth unique item (JP have had a tote, t-shirts, necklace, bangle, cup)

>> No.61777562

Maybe Hakka is recording for it right now??? I hope. Fingers crossed.
Axel's gonna be in Japan before the concert right, so just maybe...

>> No.61777586


>> No.61777595

cry about it kek. the talents themselves don't care/haven't brought it up, so why should you

>> No.61777618

They had a whole section just for the girls over this

>> No.61777621
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 3b6Ld5TFzQgCtnM_600x600_crop_center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still so confused about the mug. Wtf was this design. IRyS had her dumb horns placed on a mug, which makes it uncomfortable but unique. Bae had her massive barrel of a mug
Ame had hers heat reactive so that the art changes with the mugs heat.
Why didn't dingo choose to customize it a bit more?

>> No.61777627

draw young dorky geeky papa syrios meeting young gyaru mama syrios for the first time

>> No.61777630
File: 8 KB, 409x407, Random Vestea 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random Vestea before I try to draw more Axelotls since it is Axel's birthday.

>> No.61777643

Guess we can find out on leader's BD then because he should have had enough time to change his

>> No.61777671

I am making a delicious pumpkin pie on axel's birthday

>> No.61777685

vesper, axel, altare and flayon have all been incredibly protective of their siblings and families and all the talents have asked the fanbase not to be weird about their real lives but go off jestertamer

>> No.61777741


>> No.61777744
File: 70 KB, 786x655, Figk6UGaUAA_Z17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61777758

Rent free

>> No.61777772

Why won't cover just let stars have their own NY concert man...

>> No.61777776

you better have whipped cream for it

>> No.61777779
File: 603 KB, 587x738, image_2023-11-02_121441378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have thoughts about this but i am bring very polite and not saying them please be proud of me

>> No.61777890

I see it too ;p

>> No.61777909

just filter if you hate it but it happens and if it doesn't harm anyone it's fine. it's on 4ch, it's the talents fault if they look for it especially here

>> No.61777939


>> No.61777982

he looks like a women

>> No.61778020

>axel spends all day telling us to leave his dad alone
>is a known mans browser
>its somehow his fault if we fail to respect his wishes

>> No.61778038


>> No.61778057


>> No.61778089

again it's his fault going on 4ch of all places read nigga

>> No.61778091
File: 142 KB, 281x291, 1683453440070714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, he has a "fuck me" face, we all see it

>> No.61778095

I think Axel's dad is cute and should not be lewded, but should give me headpats

>> No.61778109


>> No.61778117


>> No.61778146

The guy who refused Hakkamama and incest requests in the past because he said it's weird? Keep jilling yourself off /orc/sis.

>> No.61778150

The Hololive part doesn't said anything about collab part, so the HoloPro collab is probably a Stars side exclusive hence the and more. If you want a copium maybe they will tease Tempus' 3D in the animated shorts.

>> No.61778212

yeah it's a shame the art has no love hotel

>> No.61778233
File: 879 KB, 4096x2674, 20230917_082354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny. There's this one on the EN side who quite literally pimped out her sisters.

>> No.61778235

the exact one who went turbo on the bettel twincest train, yeah, that one.

>> No.61778274

Rissa is an exception, she's too horny for her own good

>> No.61778281

Talent has to pay a portion of the merch production costs right?
I can only assume he's just being cheap.
Or he's just uncreative.

>> No.61778293

Leave your retarded discussion for later, karaoke time :D

>> No.61778296

Her brother, father, and mother too!

>> No.61778298

>I now remember that Flayon described Bettel's bedroom as looking like a Love Hotel room

>> No.61778305


>> No.61778423


>> No.61778439 [DELETED] 

It's the results of working for a pedo since she was 16.

>> No.61778443

Note that the Hololive side doesn't have the "and more." They already have the full list of ID and EN girls that are joining their concert.

>> No.61778448

EN3 girl, she had art made for her whole family

>> No.61778477

i was actually talking about how i think he looks like a red room streamer and i wanted him to kill me, but ok

>> No.61778529


>> No.61778622

I wish I could feed this pumpkin pie to Axel

>> No.61778623

>red room streamer
no clue who that is

>> No.61778635

You're just a coomer. There's literally no reason to sexualize a random family member that's not even gonna be a regular, especially when they have such standard and bland design as Axel's dad, I could only excuse the twobert stuff and even then he's just Bettel but plane.

>> No.61778695

I'll bet on some of the boys (likely Hakka and Axel) showing up and performing a song or having a funny segment like Axel and Altare last year.

>> No.61778701

those people who kill and torture others and broadcast it

>> No.61778703

Actually I checked and Axel's diorama is the same price as the JP panels (Flay's is cheaper for some reason).

>> No.61778704

Okay it just unfroze for me

>> No.61778718

Don't worry about it. RM stuff.

>> No.61778723

>Bettel but plane
kek this is funny to imagine

>> No.61778753

Never heard of such a thing. But as people have pointed out, it’s not as if Axel’s first bday merch was terribly creative.

>> No.61778761
File: 238 KB, 544x308, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61778794

>Planis Boeing crashes into the Hollow Tree

>> No.61778797

It'd be cool if Altare and Axel had 3D by then and could make a surprise appearance but I reckon management are holding those back so all of Tempus can debut together.

>> No.61778802

I love this song and hate that people meme on it now

>> No.61778825

You guys are scary.

>> No.61778832

White knight please stfu.

>> No.61778856

Never happened, but would be based if true. Dilate and enjoy the stream.

>> No.61778874

She kinda turned it into a meme and her sole brand

>> No.61778912 [DELETED] 

funny you're defending a tranny by calling me one

>> No.61778956

its one person

>> No.61778994

rrat Axel is getting drunk because it's his birthday

>> No.61779001
File: 16 KB, 316x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamma promising to pay Axel a dinner

>> No.61779011

I want Axel to sing spooky scary skeletons

>> No.61779012

What if this is why he referenced "fighter jet blue"

>> No.61779018


>> No.61779081

right when i thought this thread couldn't get more degenerate..

>> No.61779130


>> No.61779217

yeah i think axel is going to die

>> No.61779234

Unironically this but it's because he wants to get his mind off Jerry (pensive face emoji)

>> No.61779252


>> No.61779275


>> No.61779288

Ouch my ears

>> No.61779295


>> No.61779323

>Only singing the woman's parts
My dingo's a coward

>> No.61779340

I'm fucking crying

>> No.61779342
File: 64 KB, 282x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61779343

Goddamn that's loud

>> No.61779415

...what does this lolikami song translate into

>> No.61779428

fuck i have to leave right now, hopefully he drops this one for memberships. Love you /MANS/ Goodnight!

>> No.61779489

Gnight bro, chuuu

>> No.61779494

Axel is extremely adorable this morning.
Look it up, it's the Loli God's Requiem. It's an ironic song.

>> No.61779523

I think this one is gone forever, he may reboradcast it tomorrow considering he probably won't be in shape to stream+apex tourney+exams+jerry

>> No.61779630


>> No.61779665

Why are you black?

>> No.61779764

god really gives his hardest battles to the toughest soldiers

>> No.61779782

we were robbed of acapella...

>> No.61779827

huh I don't think axel ever do a rebroadcast? it's altare who likes to do one

>> No.61779856

I wanna hug Axel and tell him everything will be alright

>> No.61779911

what song is this

>> No.61779975

it's the moon knight meme song

>> No.61779984

I wanna be Axel's cat snuggling in his lap as he sings cute slow songs like this

>> No.61780062

you're dying tonight anon, are you sure you want that?

>> No.61780139
File: 14 KB, 194x140, 1680788693682010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the grace of the Maglord

>> No.61780179

i don't give a shit about the design i'm jerking off to his voice now shut up faggot you're killing my boner

>> No.61780210

Axel said he wants to do a rebroadcast for this one he wanted to do rebroadcast for the anniversary karaoke stream but bc he cried hard in that one ... yeah the rebroadcast didn't happen

>> No.61780259


>> No.61780280

He already sounds dead lmao

>> No.61780313


>> No.61780343

We came to flex, shit's too easy we don't even gotta sex

>> No.61780357
File: 111 KB, 317x301, mag gettin dragged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Puts 'Drink some water' on his wheel
>Has no water

>> No.61780356

he's still too inexperienced, dude chugs alcohol like it's nothing, gotta drink some water inbetween and eat something too, get so sugar in your blood

>> No.61780360

>tfw im playing titanfall 2 while listening to aniki vomit

>> No.61780371

He is throwing up already...

>> No.61780373


>> No.61780375
File: 110 KB, 558x900, 1665670392162856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61780446

oh nice then, ty that one was painful as fuck I don't think I'd be able to watch again as well

>> No.61780470

please dont die of alcohol poisoning Aniki

>> No.61780491
File: 10 KB, 472x404, Axelotl sitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew a sitting Axelotl that turned out super fat.

>> No.61780508

He is so gone...

>> No.61780511


>> No.61780514
File: 38 KB, 150x150, py-lY_GSN6aI_9EP_oeEwA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's already dead man

>> No.61780531

He's gone gone

>> No.61780565

The Syrios family is going to suffer two losses today LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo

>> No.61780608

it's joever

>> No.61780609

this cunt's just downing em' aye

>> No.61780617

Good lord if he doesn't stop he will fucking puke

>> No.61780623

Man's about to blow chunks on stream, and I'm a witness to the events.

>> No.61780656

give him hope to hold onto a functioning liver

>> No.61780667

a win for the vomitfags

>> No.61780669

This man is going to puke after like ten more minutes max

>> No.61780719
File: 472 KB, 2022x2298, 1674958018189246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>axel's gonna throw up on stream before bettel does

>> No.61780755

Oh this is gonna kill him for sure

>> No.61780779

I hope he at least lives til Lets Fighting Love

>> No.61780811

>his mother hears him singing that shit

>> No.61780826


>> No.61780871


>> No.61780908


>> No.61780912


>> No.61780928

He's gonna puke with the Xbox mic on, isn't he.

>> No.61780930

>Axel is going to puke and I'm going to miss it because of one single customer who's been in the bathroom for the past twenty minutes preventing me from closing

>> No.61780954


>> No.61780958

rape the customer

>> No.61781025

>the customer is in the bathroom watching axel on their phone and edging themselves until he pukes

>> No.61781101

That's way too much cake

>> No.61781113


>> No.61781127


>> No.61781145

>shota yaranaika

>> No.61781172


>> No.61781226

Seethe mate

>> No.61781272

has anyone been counting just how many shots of each kinda booze he's had so far

>> No.61781276

bros i cant do this stream hes about to vomit and im playing titanfall 2 attrition

>> No.61781352

what does titanfall have to do with him hurling? you never gamed one-handed?

>> No.61781368

>Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.

>> No.61781381

Imagine Jack Cooper vomiting inside BT

>> No.61781506

I think he's taking swigs

>> No.61781577

That sounded really close

>> No.61781579


>> No.61781589

Somebody help my man

>> No.61781631

This motherfucker is gambling to gamble.

>> No.61781635

He just increased his odds of drinking this dumbass

>> No.61781645


>> No.61781770

>dingo slamming 20 standard drinks in an hour on an empty stomach
he's fucking wrecked

>> No.61781817
File: 1.41 MB, 1366x768, dingo gonna die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see the pain in his smile

>> No.61781934

Why are the boys on the back streets

>> No.61781981


>> No.61782103 [SPOILER] 
File: 231 KB, 1920x1229, F4Obi6baMAEy3i5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick in the head, this is all I was thinking about...

>> No.61782262

always in our hearts. and theirs. always together in the magkaraoke room.

>> No.61782263

He's singing without sounding like he's going to hurl - he's doing it!!

>> No.61782360

>jack cooper watching aniki and vomiting alongside him

>> No.61782380 [SPOILER] 
File: 158 KB, 488x481, 1676119975883234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when he said he spilled alcohol on his pants. i wanted to see magni lick it up

>> No.61782396

>all those drinking options

>> No.61782459
File: 942 KB, 1024x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61782487

That was close

>> No.61782505

>he almost vomited

>> No.61782519

when will axmagfag stop seeing axel as just a mere accessory to magni

>> No.61782537

God I had the same exact though....

>> No.61782547

This is so hot thanks dingo

>> No.61782604

This is just bj asmr....

>> No.61782608

this glizzy overdrive sounds more like a dog growling as you try to pull a toy from its mouth that it really wants

>> No.61782658

Drunk CSGO case openings. Mane-chan lock him out of his Steam before he blows 10k on cases.

>> No.61782734

>Axel growling with a dick in his mouth and giving the person a death glare, daring them to stop him

>> No.61782865

didn't uyu sing this song? sounds familiar

>> No.61782898


>> No.61782924

Uyu did Fragile iirc
You're thinking of Hakka

>> No.61782944

Hakka just released a cover of it on Halloween.

>> No.61782987

...I am too goddamn sleepy, how the shit did i forget that

>> No.61783244

cucked out of cases again by the hydration jew

>> No.61783311

What's the point of the wheel at this point kek

>> No.61783327

>You guys can take advantage of me, I don't care
dont do this aniki

>> No.61783407

>wheel lands on water four times in a row
>'let's do cases'
Someone help him...

>> No.61783504

>Axel drink water
>Hell no chat, that's lame I'll open cases
>Ok but drink water
>Wow you guys are forcing me to open cases wow
>So what about the water
>I wouldn't be rolling cases if you didn't insist

>> No.61783634

he got the flayon gun

>> No.61783645

This man is hopeless I need to fuck him right now

>> No.61783666

manesan cute

>> No.61783909

This is like the 6th time he read Shanti out loud but never sang it

>> No.61783923

I'm sorry if this is something we shouldn't ask, or if they've never said, but I feel like I have an idea of Axel's oshi or maybe I'm just projecting my own oshi.

He has sung a lot of songs she's covered over the karaoke I've seen.

>> No.61783979

Dude, like half of the vtubers in existence cover these songs.

>> No.61784002

My dog is gonna die, and my dog's cat is gonna die

>> No.61784054

those two are weeb from the same generation

>> No.61784083

RIP, this dog gonna die

>> No.61784082

Shion is not a weeb

>> No.61784128

he's just doin' what he wants

>> No.61784132

everyone knows his oshi, anon

>> No.61784187
File: 314 KB, 1536x2048, F95wqC_bEAAFsy_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakkuproar CUTE~

>> No.61784190

Bruh you aren't even close

>> No.61784209


>> No.61784230

Jesus nigga

>> No.61784294

What are they going to do to the small bird..?

>> No.61784298
File: 2 KB, 113x110, pegged flay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine a bunch of dancing Arabs flashing gang signs and twerking around Axel as I listen to this song

>> No.61784369

Axel 100% does that bet with mates shit.

>> No.61784407

Yeah, he has talked about it multiple times

>> No.61784424

off-collab doko

>> No.61784470

Axel is fucking dying

>> No.61784472

I'm so happy for him!
He has hinted at next week.

>> No.61784484

it's fucking insane that it's a real thing

>> No.61784491

This man is totally gonna puke once he gets to the bathroom

>> No.61784507

next week, this was from his sushi thing yesterday or the day before (timezones hurt)

>> No.61784594

I'd kill to hear the passion nihongo/eigo they must be having

>> No.61784663

Letsgoooo. Did he say what they're gonna do?

>> No.61784705

Did he just make a throw up noise a second ago? Wtf, it's he gonna be okay?

>> No.61784712

>what should I eat for lunch?

>> No.61784717

"Water is for fuckin' pussies man!" - Axel Syrios, 2023, right before he hurled...

>> No.61784767

no idea, probably takoyaki party since Hakka is a fatty

>> No.61784783

He's been doing that periodically throughout the stream. Guy is one step away from puking.

>> No.61784831

I am worried •_•

>> No.61784922

My oshi is a fucking retard

>> No.61785009

God, I forgot he's going to be playing in that Apex custom with rpr and leader on the same day...

>> No.61785018

go back to your own thread

>> No.61785036

>My keyboard is sticky!
Oh my.

>> No.61785083

"My keyboard is sticky - fucking disgusting Axelotl"
Axelotls pissed on his keyboard...

>> No.61785087

Axelotls pissed on Axel's keyboard

>> No.61785097

Sounds nice. I'm so glad he got to meet with his senpais and even hang out with them

>> No.61785141

Dogs are like that anon

>> No.61785159

Now piss

>> No.61785165

>one is recovering
>the other is dead drunk
ganba arupi

>> No.61785242
File: 70 KB, 547x697, 1698201479455530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61785254

Will he wake up for the stream?
It's really cute how happy he sounds whenever he talks about his senpais and trip.

>> No.61785257

I'm guessing thid is kinda lile the japanese version of the sexy saxophone meme song huh

>> No.61785326

He's going to break his back trying to carry them...truly the 9th member...

>> No.61785354

I think it was a popular Nico Nico Douga song

>> No.61785414

I see, based, thank u

>> No.61785637

Well, they probably have the same taste in songs, but his oshi is actually someone else.

>> No.61785695

Man, I wanna keep watching but I work tomorrow. This is surprisingly comfy for a man who's on the verge of puking his guts out every ten minutes.

>> No.61785749

He even pukes like a dog

>> No.61785756

just go to sleep, bro

>> No.61785771
File: 533 KB, 2480x2538, Axel salute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to what I've been reading on Twitter, a lot of people consider this himbo energy attractive. This just feels like what me and my mates do every other Friday night. Anyone care to confirm?

>> No.61785842

I find boys being boys attractive, can confirm

>> No.61785903
File: 62 KB, 764x516, 1691615621883889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheerful retards are cute

>> No.61785936

Can confirm, himbos are attractive as long they aren't racist, misogynistic assholes and actually have a good heart, a very important trait of himbos

>> No.61786170

Huh. I've scrolled through several posts being the equivalent of:
>"Oh my god he's so stupid..."
>"... I need to gag on his dick RIGHT NOW"
Wild to see.

>> No.61786189

I like it but because they're 2D

>> No.61786295

The thing people forget about himbos is that you have to also be incredibly kind and incredibly good-looking for it to work, not just stupid.

>> No.61786376

He is just drenched in alcohol at this point...

>> No.61786433

And piss, hehe...

>> No.61786447

Can you master baby?

>> No.61786450


>> No.61786509

>ywn get to take care of Axel while he rests in bed nursing a hangover

>> No.61786592

rpr is gonna do that, don't worry

>> No.61786741
File: 194 KB, 1199x1010, F93nPNoawAARTa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61786763

The kindness is more attractive than the stupidity, but the stupidity enhances it and the character ends up full on adorable

>> No.61786848

>sexy cosplayer sends aka supa
>immediately almost vomits
this nigga

>> No.61786859

Rpr nursing Axel with hangover and nursing Altare with covid... Why is rpr winning? It should have been me!

>> No.61786864
File: 99 KB, 1169x912, F7FdDa1a0AAtpiY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just came right out and said they pissed on his keyboard...

>> No.61786910

i want to suck his sweaty drunk dick, hold his hair while he vomits, and then put him through a cool bath, brush his teeth and tuck him into bed all clean and exhausted

>> No.61786937


>> No.61786967

someone is gonna bake right?

>> No.61787007

the only thing getting baked is a vomit cake at this rate

>> No.61787026

Remember that his dick is also covered in alcohol

>> No.61787067
File: 11 KB, 458x450, Axelotl Knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Axelotl with a knife is likely a bad idea.

>> No.61787082

this man definitely just puked

>> No.61787103

He gets a pass for horny posting this time because it seems like a friend made it for him

>> No.61787146

i'll brush my teeth too after, nothing else matters but cherishing and pleasing aniki

>> No.61787210
File: 739 KB, 1536x2048, F942Um8acAA6dQu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday Axel, please don't die

>> No.61787221

hes so endearing. how why wtf

>> No.61787298
File: 46 KB, 112x112, b490811d-d40d-4fac-bcfd-5fe07072c62b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dingo love forever

>> No.61787348

Love this stupid dingo, even though he's probably hurling his guts out right now

>> No.61787422 [SPOILER] 
File: 264 KB, 632x395, ax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61787454

I want to ride his dick rn

>> No.61787470

>stabbed through hand
holy fuck its cannibalotl

>> No.61787477
File: 24 KB, 379x163, 1671949339275644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archive of Axel's unarchived birthday karaoke stream on 2023-11-02T03:16:34Z.
Original URL: https://youtu.be/q4o-gT845ps

Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:529ad2e4f1a44d6c97d87b9c0a55f835fc500f7c&dn=%5B20231102%5D%20Unarchived%20Birthday%20Karaoke&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Gofile (video upload currently in progress; expires after download inactivity): https://gofile.io/d/xzWHLc
Audio-only download: https://mega.nz/file/t5BS1CSB#LL6kIU6T1-b7GEFWc7ucmndkJJIhYgC4rq7g_lSfLdc

Set list (stream starts at ?:??):
1. じゃんきー - Happy Halloween
2. しぐれ うい - 粛聖!! ロリ神レクイエム (360 mic; 18:35)
3. Engelbert Humperdinck - A Man Without Love (25:46)
4. HOLOSTARS English -Tempus- - Flex (incomplete / up to second verse; 33:01)
5. HOLOSTARS English -Tempus- - Woven Fates (36:59)
6. Aiobahn, KOTOKO - INTERNET YAMERO (41:13)
7. HoneyWorks, かぴ - 可愛くてごめん (48:56)
8. Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me (57:21)
9. 和田 光司 - Butter-Fly (1:00:56)
10. nulut - フィクサー (1:09:20)
11. XYZ - CocktaiL (1:13:27)
12. なとり - OVERDOSE (incomplete / up to end of first chorus; 1:25:31) (5 seconds of dropouts after the song between 1:28:07 and 1:28:28)
13. wotaku - シャンティ (1:32:50)
14. ClariS - コネクト (1:41:27)
15. 松原 みき - 真夜中のドア〜Stay with Me (incomplete / up to end of first chorus; 1:47:20)
16. 前野 曜子 - コブラ (1:49:40)
17. JUDY AND MARY - そばかす (1:52:46)
18. fripSide - only my railgun (1:56:47)
19. 黒うさP - 千本桜 (2:01:36)
20. 氣志團 - One Night Carnival (2:08:38)
21. 米津 玄師 - KICK BACK (1.25x speed, 360 mic; 2:15:51)

Number of fragments: 8478 (5 seconds of dropouts in total)

>> No.61787529

Takobro o7

>> No.61787579

Forgot to add the stream start and first song timestamps; those are at 2:26 and 12:12 respectively.


>> No.61787651

Thank you mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah

>> No.61787684

arigathanks brother o7

>> No.61787908
File: 223 KB, 1400x1400, F92v0z5a0AA4WYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to all known laws of vtubing there is no way a dingo should be so cherished. It's coarse language and inability to read shouldn't be able to attract fans. The dingo, of course, gets loved anyway. Because axelotls don't care what /vt/ thinks is impossible.

>> No.61788007

Do you guys think Tempus can get 3D before the new years live concert?

>> No.61788026

Why does Flayon think brotuberfags exist let alone care about him? He of all people should know that male vtubing is CBDCT. That means I nobody here or elsewhere wants to hear about sex unless it's with other men.

>> No.61788044

I really doubt it.

>> No.61788092
File: 441 KB, 2048x2048, F6m7ug0awAALf6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61788172
File: 2.11 MB, 1786x1004, dlkmfskfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61788204

with a lot of luck maybe next year

>> No.61788334

Where is the 'Do you think i care about your numbers?' Flay pic when i need it

>> No.61788369

If you mean it as "in time to participate of the NY concert" then fucking hell no. Unless they participate in it but only get a proper debut in later Q1 2024 as it happened with EN/ID before.
One and a half months is not enough time for all of them to go to Japan to record their own 3D showcase in time to properly practice anything for the concert, so the only chance is slipping all the way to the concert and thinking about showcase in due time.

>> No.61788632
File: 236 KB, 823x659, 1692310815367863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to axel i made a shit ton of mistakes at work. aniki LOVE though

>> No.61788993
File: 177 KB, 1200x675, F94OD_ibgAAHsnF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this had been posted yet but that tempura old man vtuber has a collab with leader
