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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61756464 No.61756464 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.61756516
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>> No.61756624

now that's a combo no amount medication can save.

>> No.61756748

you'd think between the three you could afford to pay for ads

>> No.61756773


>> No.61756782

I don’t think shes gonna do that Ant, even if her manager allowed it

>> No.61756820

ain't no way pippa is ever going to tag alongside her, not after having collabed with Henya twice now

>> No.61756915

she lit a persona non grata . she burned too much bridges, and basically roasted her vtubing career to ashes .Probably for being young and dumb but that's just sad. she lit a persona non grata now eve for pippa standards

>> No.61756931

That podcast deserves to have spiders sent over the internet to everyone involved.

>> No.61757110

Unironically who?

>> No.61757256

-a autistic retard that went crazy over Froot
-youtube bird that makes videos of unhinged /vt/ posts
-faggot that got banned from twitter

>> No.61757527

>w/ @Parrot4chan & @komachipanko
starting strong!

>> No.61758161

Ant ,Parrot and bannedvt are Phase Friends

>> No.61759252

not even pippa is this retarded

>> No.61759399

>November 2, 8am

>> No.61759559

Pippa let's do it for your kiwi bros.

>> No.61759735

>dollar store artia
>the "if i repeat schizo posts in a funny voice then i'm not agreeing with them but my retarded audience will still believe them" guy
what a dream team

>> No.61759791

>the "if i repeat schizo posts in a funny voice then i'm not agreeing with them but my retarded audience will still believe them" guy
sounds like (you) have been in the video anon

>> No.61759891
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>1 view autistic asian girl drama whore
>tries to pick fight with vshojo vtuber many times larger than her
>habitually gets banned
>is kinda endearing in how no memes autistic and retarded she is
>hangs out and allies herself withwith other vtuber shitstirrers
honestly she would be much more popular if she just cut and run on her entire persona and became a lilypichu 2.0 type of chick, she has the the sperginess, the asianness, and the body to collect a few loyal fans if she just took her meds and stopped trying to pick a fight with everyone

>> No.61759903

> Twitch whores
Don't care

>> No.61761165

That's literally what he does.

>> No.61762285
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>people who shit on your oshi unironically like these people

>> No.61762843

Phase has no friends, only enemies, sycophants and poach targets.

Also, fuck Pippa, fuck Rosemi, don't fuck or trust Lumi

>> No.61762962

>t. Threadreader

>> No.61763054

Based, I will now masturbate thinking about this sonic-autist.

>> No.61763091

Bizzare post anon

>> No.61763205

This is the most cringekino shit I've ever seen

>> No.61763211

This is the second chuuba I've seen now pander to /vt/ and follow exactly bvtm, the Parrot, and is a Pippa fan. The other one she's also collabing with this week.
New vt pandering strategy?

>> No.61765262


>> No.61765289

4chan has always been kind of hostile to people who are obviously pandering. I think Hexa found the meta of having a breakdown on stream and live browsing.

>> No.61765503

Not really, hes just pandering to the wrong people. I find a lot of GFE pandering insufferable but plenty of anons seem to love it.

>> No.61765808

I feel like all you have to do is just not pander to the catalog.
I've seen a few chuubas who pander to their generals, some are really blatant about it. I rarely see them hated as much.

>> No.61768203

Someone needs to tell her that those people, especially Pippa pander to kiwifarms and Pippa herself has admitted multiple times to not posting on 4chan

>> No.61768232


>> No.61768350

nice collection of subhumans

>> No.61768525

uh huh, sure she doesn't.

>> No.61768550

Bvtm got unbanned? Grim

>> No.61770004
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No he just made a 2nd account.
Ban evasion is against twitter's rules btw.

>> No.61773869

Yeah because twitter totally enforces their rules

>> No.61775323

I can just imagine the highly intellectual conversations that will be had in this podcast.
>X Holo vtuber is a whore/X Holo talked with a Holostar member on Twitter.
>The 100th repeat of the Froot drama, with some potshots to the rest of Vshojo and how Henya should leave the agency and join Phase Connect.
>A totally unbiased opinion in how Phase Connect is the best company in the industry.
Truly some of the most refined minds in the vtuber industry.

>> No.61776108

VTubing in the West was a mistake
Oh they will

>> No.61776112

What if Pippa publicly disowns them? Imagine the seething.

>> No.61776168

Browncast, you mean. Also you forget the random seethe against Niji too, just for being a corpo instead of due to their black stuff.

>> No.61776406

Gentlemen, I want to fuck an ant

This is a terrible idea, as probably there may be some mechanical size issues to do so, it also on the risk if could produce offspring

>> No.61776621

Pippa would finally become truly based.

>> No.61779198

I am waiting for the heel turn.

>> No.61779486

Somehow I buy this. 99 reasons to shit on Niji and Phaseshills somehow struggle to find one that isn't cope.

>> No.61779805

I see why people now will post positive things about froot in these threads now

>> No.61780066
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>What if Pippa publicly disowns them?
Now that Pippa has begun collabing with henya somewhat regularly, I could actually see this happening.

>> No.61780204

Fortunately they don't know that Pippa and Lumi were laughing about Pomf and about Zentreya

>> No.61780345

Get her pregnant already, my sister mellowed out so much after she pregannante.

>> No.61780386

>Pander to /vt/
>Collab with BVTM and the parrot
These things are mutually exclusive

>> No.61780449

he meant that she's pandering to the dregs of humanity, which is mostly synonymous with /vt/.

>> No.61780497

did Pippa ever interact with Pika?

>> No.61780932

Besides being a fan girl and being too shy to interact with her oshi?

>> No.61780979

Might need to update that. I don't think it even allows that flagging anymore.

>> No.61781268
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Not really. But she spaghettid hard during their first collab

>> No.61781428

>pippa getting mogged with all that jaggy aliasing

>> No.61781933

Now kill yourself, faggot

>> No.61782222

pngtuber that covered froot's shitty past and froot's mother reported her discord until it got shut down
parrot guy is some ironic weeb anti-unicorn documenting /vt/ thread videos that never thought vesper would "lose" so he leaned heavy into the vesper is raping your oshi joke until his channel got shitcanned and had a mental breakdown about it
bvtm is a glorified vtweeter that covers /vt/ who has not managed to figure out a way to actually make money yet, his account got shitcanned

I don't mind them like most of /vt/ does, I've never had the crabs in a bucket mentality that anons have about containment breakers, but it's very obvious why they got banned on these different platforms

>> No.61782361

>4chan has always been kind of hostile to people who are obviously pandering
Explain sseth, vinny and daniels
The reality is that if enough people like your shit, the sour grapes anons are a really small minority like the people that hate dunkey

>> No.61782462

no, pippa has been trying to put herself out of her comfort zone and collab with the creators she's always watched instead of fearing that becoming friends with them will sour her ideal of them
her autism is slowly getting better

>> No.61783015

Only popular on r/4chan
>vinny and daniels
Literally who?

>> No.61783074

Good. Now we can finally spam these channels and jannies can only cry in their corner.

>> No.61783270

wait i thought the parrot fuck and notZaion were friends, but now he's dumped sayu and moved on to this, anyone got a qrd?

>> No.61783342

>you can’t be friends with multiple people

>> No.61783483

the state of grifters...

>> No.61784042

>Only popular on r/4chan
1.4 million subs say otherwise

>> No.61784137

why are these dumb whores trying to pander to /vt/ by collabing with dramafag groomers everyone hates?

>> No.61784459
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>sweaty neckbeards talk abour rrats
Yasss, lets spend 20 hours a day in /vt/
>cute girl talks about rrats


>> No.61784630

Imagine these threads but voiced by SEA and chinese people who are bitter about their life.

>> No.61786034

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cute girl
I hate Froot, but let's not get into lying.
