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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6129848 [Reply] [Original]

face reveal addition

>> No.6129908

>the attention whoring
Is she in need of validation right now? Cringe af

>> No.6130055

its almost time...

>> No.6131015

Is this another one of those /here/ vtubers which are 100% men but anons just pretend that they're not? Cringe

>> No.6133350

Do your archive reps, anon. She's posted vocaroos from time to time.

She's an aussie cunt.

>> No.6133413

Greetings, fellow Australian!

you a fuckin melbournite? i'll fucking glass you if i see you on the streets

>> No.6133457

None of them are men, wdym?
Bunny seems cool, would accept her as new Koopa. Only bone I have to pick is that her voice just isn't cunny enough. A certain other /here/chuuba moggs her in that dept.

>> No.6133525

how long until she gets doxxed?

>> No.6133573

Whomst is this chuuba that mogs?

>> No.6133740

Think she's called Nadeshiko? Maybe she goes by smth else now, I don't keep up with the threads. Her voice is kinda Haachama-lite, so cute that people started getting salty about it kek. Worth a listen. Bunny and Nadeshiko are Twt friends I believe.
1 month tops

>> No.6134101

pretty sure she doesnt want to put on the cunny voice. I respect that

>> No.6134129

I don't care for any chuuba that panders to this shithole
They're worse than twitch thots

>> No.6134293


>> No.6137285


>> No.6138720


>> No.6138923

when will she stop tweeting and actually debut? i support any chuuba that panders to this shithole but they need to debut.

>> No.6139788

Do prerecord videos count?

>> No.6140569

Any content is better than being a vtweeter

>> No.6145057

we have this

>> No.6149145


>> No.6150324
File: 470 KB, 512x512, CACFF49A-8EF1-45AD-B25A-0826C0C96446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, it’s kiki here! I am currently working on a video and making content. I’m trying my best, I promise you very soon I will not just be a “vtweeter” ^o^

>> No.6152165

When content

>> No.6152194

soon, be patient anon

>> No.6152565

>I would really not like to anger everyone here by shilling when I don't have any content.
I don't mind, but why shill here?

>> No.6152801

I wasn’t actually planning to post anything but someone dmed me on Twitter saying someone made a thread so I just decided to answer a question :3

>> No.6153235

Melbourne?, begone from my yak fetish forum filthy southerner

>> No.6155993

Why're you like this

>> No.6156188

>already being groomed

Like clockwork

>> No.6157132


>> No.6157245


>> No.6157448
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1625354600670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of content are looking to do? Like if vidya, what kinds? That kind of stuff.

and do you have a channel yet? Wouldn't mind subbing if you end up doing interesting stuff.

>> No.6157485

twitch, youtube, or both?

>> No.6161065


>> No.6162485
File: 456 KB, 667x666, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny face

>> No.6163255

Cute and funny.

>> No.6165974
File: 151 KB, 449x447, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she is

>> No.6166930

All kinds of content! YouTube things about my interests and for you to get to know me until I debut and then a mix of that and vidya streams. I’m open to suggestions though!

>> No.6167270

>people are going to listen to this voice for over an hour
her career is dead from the start, holy shit

>> No.6167305

You know she is reading this

>> No.6167361

yeah ok

>> No.6167421

I couldn't even make it through the whole 5 minutes bros...

>> No.6167424

Her voice is nice tbqh, design doesnt fit it tho

>> No.6167753


>> No.6168294

Welp that makes me sad anon

>> No.6169339

Her voice is cute, anons are being too critical when there really is nothing wrong with it

>> No.6169734

>he doesn't like ozzy cunt voice

>> No.6170282

Because these fags only like cute anime voice number 565658

>> No.6170890

See >>6170683

>> No.6171144

This. People here are too critical for small shit like this. Post a clip of your voice on twitter. Just something small.

>> No.6171571

Collab when

>> No.6171605

After they both debut

>> No.6172276

The voice is good, the only that concerns me is the "if only you knew how bad things really are" expression on the bunny-girl face.

>> No.6173952
File: 744 KB, 1920x1920, 1604497050045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "if only you knew how bad things really are" expression on the bunny-girl face

My sides are in orbit

>> No.6175424

i like her voice, sorry you lack taste anon

>> No.6177119


>> No.6177727

I don't like the eyes, they look empty and it's like they're glowing.

>> No.6177820

could just be an angle thing as i dont think thats gonna be her actual model

personally i really like void like eyes

>> No.6178525

what are you adding?

>> No.6180832

I think the eyes look really good

>> No.6188228

thats the point

>> No.6191388

bump for bunny

>> No.6194770
File: 342 KB, 496x728, 8F1086EE-4B44-44AA-ADA7-ED56BA85E0D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankyou everyone for all the support. Yeah I think I’m gonna maybe sound a little different to the typical vtuber, but you get Aussie bants :3

>what kinda content will I be making
I wanna make streams where I will be playing vidya, watching movies and shows... we could have designated movie nights or something, etc... I also am planning a video speaking about things to do with rabbits.. so I hope everyone is excited. Until I debut I am planning to just make those types of videos, I’m open to all and any suggestions!

>why am I doing this
I’d just like to hang out, be comfy and make a place where I feel as though I, and everyone else belongs. Because I know I can feel outcasted or alone, and having someone to just hang out with helps, it could just be a little bit of routine and stability in a hectic life

>> No.6195054

Kiki, please for the love of god change your username on Twitter. I'm flat out begging you, please just go with @kiyomipyon or @pyonpyonVT <- this one is good because you can read the last 4 letters as 'on vt' if you want the sneaky link back here too. Ples. My waifu loves you, I'm probably gonna love you, but please establish your own presence and that starts with getting a good username.

>> No.6195262

are you going to do irl videos of your buns?

>> No.6195394

looking forward to it!

>> No.6195900

Yes anon o7

Yes I’d love the make videos with my bunny babies!

Thankyou so much <3333

>> No.6196478

kokoro pyon pyon machi

>> No.6196566

Is this her own drawing or a commission.
it looks very nice

>> No.6197190
File: 41 KB, 321x333, 1611757320991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yeah I think I’m gonna maybe sound a little different to the typical vtuber
I think that most people that watch indies are looking for something different that what a corpro vtuber can offer, so your in the right crowd can't wait when you debut!

>> No.6198190

Send nudes

>> No.6202377

looking forward to your debut!

>> No.6202942

>I also am planning a video speaking about things to do with rabbits

>> No.6204021

>as you can probably hear i'm female and australian
Disgusting, dropped.

>> No.6204235

I hope your aussie bant is good Kiki. I know lots about aussie bants since I'm always on /int/.

>> No.6208745


>> No.6208793

good luck with the debut

>> No.6209504

Sounds good, even if you're aussie I will tolerate it. The art was pretty cute too.

>> No.6209524

whats wrong with being aussie cuuunt

>> No.6211671


>> No.6211714

join holo rtard

>> No.6211737

No. She should contact Hiro to be fully sponsored by him. The full 4chan advertisement. That'll make a big splash in the news.

>> No.6211986

Being from australia

>> No.6212009

spotted the aussie

>> No.6212072

I like this because this face makes my dick hard. Keep it up Kiki

>> No.6212342

There's a Tomoko feeling to it, that'd explain the erection.

>> No.6212702

Oh, yeah. Yeah, now that I think about it. Very Tomokowy

>> No.6216177


>> No.6217543


>> No.6220369
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x4000, Kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6221025


>> No.6224836

Cute and suggestive!

>> No.6226103


>> No.6228420

Would her babies be like her?

>> No.6229322

Is there a reason for the stoned eyes?

>> No.6233310


>> No.6233381
File: 42 KB, 564x564, 1617761145027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point we might as well start doing /clovercorp/ threads soon

>> No.6236837

It's how all australian rabbits look

>> No.6242566


>> No.6242665

It's just Nade and Kiki as of now, right?

>> No.6243390

dont forget bea and >koopa

and half of the chuubas in /wvt/

>> No.6243827

Fuck off. Schizos and sluts shouldn't be compares to Nade and Kiki.

>> No.6243930

Yes, that look is what all living things in australia get upon realizing that they live in australia. Why do you think they have so many venomous things? They're all fucking pissed they live there

>> No.6243943

Ples don't drag the yahdads and troopas here, dads were already seething about Nade in yah. Jealousy at its peak

>> No.6243988

>shouldn't be compares to Nade and Kiki.
just you wait, once they debut, they will drop all their baggage just like bea and koopa

>> No.6244117

cant we just love /our/ chuubas?

but this thread aint about them

>> No.6244191

just clearing up things; there is no such thing as a "normal" vtuber.

>> No.6245332

I actually wanted to try my hand at vtubing...
But a dude is bad business for >groups

>> No.6245464

Then don't follow the group. Make your own thread and be your own person. You as a man have to do that.

>> No.6246234

>You as a man have to do that.
I don't knot if you're pulling a "man up and follow your own path" or "you don't deserve to be included because you're a man"
Never intended to follow the group tho, I just want to appear in the group photos.

>> No.6249439

She cute

>> No.6249955

If you pander hard to /vt/ you will end up with the worst possible audience (see /yah/). However, given how schizo this girl already seems with self shilling and samefagging, it could be a match made in heaven.

>> No.6252901

How so

>> No.6254271
File: 11 KB, 689x113, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6255947

Did anyone made porn of her yet?

>> No.6256579

I need more design to work with.

>> No.6256634

Let's see where trying to market herself as the official /vt/ bunny takes her

>> No.6259076

Maybe she would make a post on R*ddit about her debut

>> No.6259261

but the money

>> No.6259411

>/vt/ neets

>> No.6261556

Anon look at the hell hole of /yah/

>> No.6262257


>> No.6262406

Sleepy lore video here we go
Shes gonna tell us where bunnies come from

>> No.6262441

So, when you have two bunnies that love each other very much...

>> No.6262525

They fucked like crazy and babies pop out before doing it again

>> No.6264288


>> No.6265945

Nice, will be keen to hear a vid from her.

>> No.6265972

I want to slobber all over your asshole.

>> No.6266998

eh /yah/ is funny tho

>> No.6269895


>> No.6271376


>> No.6274022

kiki... kiwi... bros i dont think shes an aussie...

>> No.6275950

She said herself that she's an Aussie

>> No.6276030

hi anon here with explain that joke, so basically kiki is close to the word kiwi which is a slang term for a person from new zealand. this joke is made more fitting as kiki is from australia which has a friendly rivalry with new zealand

>> No.6276472

I understood the rationale of the 'joke,' anon. It just wasn't a good one, since she has said herself where she was from. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that oyu thought people were just assuming that based on her voice.

>> No.6282158

Kiki's full bunny body...

>> No.6284373

Reminds me of Artemis, just saying...

>> No.6285443

I wish she would have a 10/10 model like it.

>> No.6286572

>tfw no kiwi vtuber for kiki to have vicious racial bants with

>> No.6286598

i know of a single kiwi vtuber, yozora aoi

im pretty sure she is /here/ too considering how she is in koopa's twitch group

>> No.6286721

>the letters vt are a sneaky link back to this board
You are a literal nigger. This vtuber seems nice and I hope she isn’t fucktarded enough to listen to advice from anons that are this stupid.

>> No.6288543

A hint is better than an outright callout when it comes to this place

>> No.6290010

It was just an idea, kiki....

>> No.6290181
File: 79 KB, 1077x1061, 1625368753409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I'd listen to this. Gotta work on intonation and "get the genki" or whatever, but if she does that she'll be set to get lots of v(you)'s I think.

If you stick to
>content you like doing
>engaging the chat without losing all of your spaghetti
>consistently streaming (the absolute biggest thing for number go up, minimum 3/week number go up big = 2-3/day)
>setting up collabs (like once/twice a week)
>using your actual humor, just with a normie filter (no gamer words)
>enjoying streaming

You're going to do really, really well. You have a great voice, you seem genuine, stay so and I'll be and stay a fan.

Please make a thread or link it here when your first video comes out. I'll gladly sub.

>> No.6290284
File: 38 KB, 600x298, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please make a thread or link it here when your first video comes out. I'll gladly sub.
She is making a video Anon

>> No.6292643

I see

>> No.6292705

Remember to stream on Youtube so you never grow and us groomers don't have to worry about competition

>> No.6295405

Why is the bunny horny?

>> No.6300980

You lose with either Twitch or Youtube.

>> No.6305497
File: 385 KB, 640x638, 1615498963102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the truth of our society...

>> No.6308942

Twitch better for vtubers

>> No.6312047


>> No.6313429

I hope she streams on Twitch just to escape the YouTube hell...

>> No.6320957

She should

>> No.6326774


>> No.6328060

eh youtube may be a better bet if she just wants to chill

>> No.6330663



>> No.6330745

Full body >>6330663

>> No.6330746
File: 212 KB, 429x421, 1624901673731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I get here just in time to see if I wanna sub after saying I would

>> No.6330775

sosig mate

>> No.6330825

She should turn out her mic audio

>> No.6330844

Rate it

>> No.6330850

I'm hard/10

>> No.6330872

entertaining and solid / 20

>> No.6330907

The volume was a little quiet.

>> No.6330936
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1625743857614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was good! I look forward to when I can use screenshots of you for my reaction images.

When do you think you'll have a model for debut?

Good luck!

>> No.6331039

Wow I’m so glad people are enjoying! I’ll take note of that and ensure my volume is louder next time I edit.
The person who is currently working on it or supposed to is being dumb so I might have to switch, but I’m hoping for it to be done as soon as I can, getting impatient myself lel

>> No.6331049

I think she doing what Nade is

>> No.6331092

Just do what Nade is doing with the JPG until your full model is made
