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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.65 MB, 1659x1073, 1696007969569424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
61607496 No.61607496 [Reply] [Original]

It's my little sister's birthday edition



kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Elira Pendora - https://twitter.com/EliraPendora

>> No.61607557

>didn't put nene twitch in the OP
Dumb faggot

>> No.61607586

sorry my guy but i legit didn't even know she had a twitch.

>> No.61607629


>> No.61607694
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Previous thread

>> No.61607746

I would let Charzu take out her wagie rage on me.

>> No.61607767
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, IslaReinaNeverGonnaChugJugWithYou[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fciacl4.opus].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61607820

god i hate reina's chicken voice

>> No.61607837

Yuno : I was talking to the management...
Oh no...I think she's losing it...she already has imaginary friends.

>> No.61607891

Just let her dream.

>> No.61607897
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Nene isn't very happy with management, what the fuck is happening to kawaii? We're not dying, right?

>> No.61607943

A shit baker again, and it's a doxxpire. Shocking.

>> No.61607952

I want yuno and charzu to collab
they can play a game or have sex on stream, zatsudan would be cool too

>> No.61607982

Company is currently around 2,000,000 yen in debt, there is no more money.

>> No.61608032

I don't think anyone can be happy with a management that has no money but still takes 50% of everything you earn

>> No.61608092

Its up to 70% now to pay off their debt.

>> No.61608093

I thought kawaii being under new management meant they would get more money?
I don't buy the rrat that management is taking all the talents money.

>> No.61608333
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Chatters that should get an inoperable tumor in the base of their spine.

>> No.61608363

Oh god this faggot watches dramatubers.

>> No.61608373

Hmz could use the shoutout. unironically

>> No.61608386

i want to call him a faggot in chat so bad

>> No.61608399

Nami please say something in tomorrow's member stream.

>> No.61608439

What are you looking for her to say?

>> No.61608450

she'll say she's also taking a break

>> No.61608459

Yuno is GFE

>> No.61608504

If blue nami and green nami are the same person then why is blue nami the only one that's fat

>> No.61608520

Production Break.

>> No.61608541

Yeah that she is getting married to me.

>> No.61608818
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Nami boobs

>> No.61609028

If it's truly over, I hope we at least go out with a bang. I want a state of the kawaii union with Charzu breaking down and yelling
I wanna see something like an Irish traveller threat for the management from the girls.


>> No.61609084

Imagine paying for constant meetings that do nothing to grow your channel

>> No.61609091

Charzu doesn't talk like that.

>> No.61609253

nene if it is the end please use the baubau connection you can get into hololive you will be the new moneymaker its your destiny to be the en rushia

>> No.61609323

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.61609585

That's not a lot, assuming it's even real which I doubt. I haven't seen any clips or timestamps except the usual /pkg/ "trust me, bro" posts.

>> No.61609671

Just trust me, it was mentioned in a member stream.

>> No.61609710

trust me bro, it was in a now deleted member's stream

>> No.61609718
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Reina will save kawaii!!!

>> No.61609753

almost 14k usd, not the worst debt

>> No.61609756

Did she get raided multiple times?

>> No.61609790

No, just a single phase raid

>> No.61609812

Ah Tenma raided her.

>> No.61609837

Yeah can't really count the 5 Herojis Nami dropped of at her stream

>> No.61609838

if it was tenma she had 1k people with her

>> No.61609882

>reina and shee incline
the latinas literaly saving this company

>> No.61609928

Ah yes, that totally real stream that schizos and antis were talking about a little while ago. What a shame that not a single person managed to record it.

>> No.61610008

Its been deleted >>61609710 dont worry though what Im saying is true.

>> No.61610487

If you think the "old channel algo hort" meme is real you have only yourself to blame

>> No.61610517

Yeah too bad it was deleted. Yuno what else is weird? Somehow Nene seems to have deleted people's memories as well. No one can give any direct quotes from this stream but they can remember how much Kawaii supposedly owes.

>> No.61610553

LMAO mangement is pushing Yuno to do zatsu seeing as they cant get Nami to do it.

>> No.61610979

Nene's birthday donations reduced management's debt by at least $4k, but by the end of the year they will have squandered it in more meetings kek

>> No.61611336

One thing that is a good change though is that they seem to be doing away with limited merch somewhat.

>> No.61611753

the girls should remain pure idols but what if they let management open an onlyfans account? they can even have sex with fans at cons they will make the money back in no time

>> No.61611893

You need to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.61612245

Chat is doing something good for once and is paying for Yuno's asmr gear.

>> No.61612318

jordan dropped nene heh

>> No.61612521

and shrimpy dropped reina

>> No.61612532

Lua's shota farming is causing her incline. By allowing children and coomers to chat, the bar is lowered and more people feel comfortable in her chat with the knowledge that they aren't the least self-aware person there. This leads to higher viewer retention and more CCV. The other girls should take note.

>> No.61613172

Why does Yuno need to talk to management about the donos, wouldn't they just mash them all into her first check?

>> No.61613434

dunno, maybe she can negotiate a better cut since these are all going to streaming equipment

>> No.61613847

Latina company heh

>> No.61614014 [DELETED] 

>500 dono
how many condoms is that

>> No.61614032

Dang 500 for Ran too, let's go

>> No.61614161

Same guy too.

>> No.61614230

ewww yeah I'm gonna have to close the tab see you later chumps

>> No.61614311
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a new paypig?

>> No.61614402

>he doesn't know condom prices
Way to out yourself incel

>> No.61614457

>you can make these post unironically now
kek grim

>> No.61614487


>> No.61614699

Wtf Ran incline

>> No.61614720

Isla incline when she returns? She deserves it, she embodies the idol spirit like no one else.

>> No.61614740

big raid from reina and raid from yuno

>> No.61614792

I'm gonna raid Yuno's womb

>> No.61615061

Nice that Ran took over the dead hours slot.

>> No.61615286

horrible time to drop nene if so

>> No.61615344

She's going on a 2 week vacation though kek

>> No.61615450

Oh yea, man everyone is going on some kind of break.

>> No.61615939

Does youtube count you as a viewer if you have the stream muted in a different tab? I don't really want to watch Ran but I don't have a problem being "in the audience" to help kawaii in a passive way.

>> No.61616642
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Don't go ringing fire alarms just yet. If you were there this morning, you would know that things are better and that there are things to look forward to. And if the tenshi says not to worry, I won't.

>> No.61616682

Does Nene know she needs to give twitch chat at least some attention or she won't be allowed to simulcasting?

>> No.61616818

the word debt was used, but >>61607982>>61609671
are all pulling this from thin air. Nene vs management and kawaii dying seems to be the latest rrat they've latched onto.

>> No.61616829

she called for a babyrage, they don't give a fuck about regulations anyway

>> No.61618056

Did she mention anything in the patreon stream?

>> No.61618624

Its real though that kawaii is broke as fuck

>> No.61618980

Nene spoke about them getting an entire new HQ a little while ago? Unless my memory is off and that was like a year ago
But companies with no money don't usually spend money investing I'm fancier buildings

>> No.61619084

It was just culture entertainment getting them office space so they dont look like bums working from home

>> No.61619122

maybe the debt is from that office upgrade lol

>> No.61619233

Still more than nothing?
Exactly my thought kek they blew all of nene's income on a fucking office

>> No.61619339

I want to see p
PK's income split by talent
To simplify things they can just bundle everyone together and then nene

>> No.61619428

The split is actually 80/20. 80% to the company and 20% to the talent.

>> No.61619455
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Nene is reading to us

>> No.61619479

Step aside cloudtomo, Ran has been 250-300 viewers all stream. It's a new era for Kawaii

>> No.61619759

talents don't get any money actually, they have to pay the company

>> No.61619771

Green Nami does not have pierced nipples, thats unfortunate.

>> No.61619794

One of them was me waiting for Nene so Ran has lost at least 1 viewer to the angel of kawaii.

>> No.61619807

Ah my bad, looks like my info was outdated.

>> No.61619833
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I welcome anyone else stepping up to help carry this thing

>> No.61619991

hmz paypig is a kektomo though

>> No.61619995

Watch Shee try not to scream.

>> No.61620004
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I think i like green Nami more than blue Nami...

>> No.61620282
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Also here https://www.twitch.tv/nene_amano_kawaii

>> No.61620286

God I love monday night pure unfiltered Sheeno streams

>> No.61620372

Not what I meant but lol

>> No.61620575

Wasn't there a twitch rule that you couldn't interact with youtube chat during simulcast or did they roll that back?

>> No.61620663
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Ran won

>> No.61620713

Its pretty good that she was able to hold onto the people that raided.

>> No.61620749

I think they just don't want you to show youtube chat on twitch

>> No.61620825

I was just thinking that. People that retain raiders are very rare.

>> No.61620844

Nene is a low 2views on twitch heh

>> No.61620871

Shee hurry up, Ran wants to raid you.

>> No.61620919

the 30-40 mins of loading would bleed the raiders off anyway

>> No.61620937

Better than nothing

>> No.61620952

If Nami (blue) can retain raiders anyone can and Ran is already a more easy to listen streamer than her

>> No.61620973

it's just a test anyway, if it's not worth it she won't keep this up
honestly I can only see it being worth it if she gets some raids

>> No.61621022

Huh guess one way to prevent that then is to raid her when her stream is 1hr in.

>> No.61621058

Hi nene if you have the thread open I want you to know I love you very much

>> No.61621066

Shee gonna spill her soup again isn't she?

>> No.61621122

What is with her and always eating soup.

>> No.61621147

She is unironically latina

>> No.61621158

it's free money for doing practically nothing once she hits affiliate and at least we can throw prime subs at her

>> No.61621198

Ran needs a new boyfriend

>> No.61621222 [DELETED] 

>Ran needs a new boyfriend
>new boyfriend

>> No.61621227

it would be funny if notNeena raided her lol

>> No.61621250

What the fuck is a ran

>> No.61621290

She has 500 condoms to cover for her 2 weeks trip, you still have a chance for now

>> No.61621317

ngl but ran is like watching your mom try to be cool and fail hard

>> No.61621391

>he doesn't know
do you want to know?

>> No.61621430

Ran is GFE
Every hmz is GFE

>> No.61621442

I don't care I don't watch ran anyway

>> No.61621495

Rumor is that she is single.

>> No.61621501 [DELETED] 

good, you can watch her but donations are unironically condom money

>> No.61621534
File: 29 KB, 201x116, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeno loading screen started
get the fuck in here you do not want to miss this kino loading screen


>> No.61621540

she has a good and only timeslot for estniggers hopefully her vacation doesnt set her back again

>> No.61621821
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Shee plap

>> No.61621846

Nene is mid 2views on twitch

>> No.61621853

it's so fucking over

>> No.61621881

time for shee kino

>> No.61621893


>> No.61622067

how do we save nene?

>> No.61622156

Watch Ran

>> No.61622188


>> No.61622217

buy ads, unironically. If that flavr autist can build a few thousand subs and Reina can get her biggest incline while not even streaming, it's worth it. If you're buying them /here/ remember to use mobile footers.

>> No.61622216

K restarting the VOD

>> No.61622350 [DELETED] 

Ran will always get a final raid from her boyfriend, after stream

>> No.61622457
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we're winning

>> No.61622487

ASMR chatting is so nice.
Love you Nene!

>> No.61622532

Babytomo's can't stop winning.

>> No.61622554

>20ccv for asmr
she is finished!

>> No.61622629

Shee KINO happening as we speak

>> No.61622679

I think she'll drop simulcasting, she can't even get 10% of her youtube CCV

>> No.61622714

Doesn't twitch let you loop VODs while you're not live? I wonder if Nene can upload her youtube ASMR and make and infinite playlist there for that to farm some growth

>> No.61622728

I dont see a reason to drop it when its easy money.

>> No.61622902

the best part of nene is that she knows she's an idol and she has a responsibility to her unicorns to never yab with a man

>> No.61622949


>> No.61622985


>> No.61623164


>> No.61623195
File: 1.27 MB, 2047x2047, F9ti7IzaQAAM7oJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice gimmick account

>> No.61623196


>> No.61623276
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>> No.61623314

gay road...

>> No.61623329

its ran by a euro

>> No.61623482

debut Nene VA came back for the halloween special

>> No.61623809

Ran and Yuno both owe me sex.

>> No.61624193

I was thinking about the "Lua smokes" rrat, would being a smoker affect the way you see your oshi? Would it make her sexier, like a 30s movie star, or would it make her disgusting, like a durry munching derro at the bus stop?

>> No.61624232

got condom money, my guy?

>> No.61624251

smoking is disgusting man.

>> No.61624271

Fun fact about Iceland. Their country is so small, people that hook up have apps that check if they are somehow related to each other.

>> No.61624437

how is shee so cute?

>> No.61624481

I don't know, my guy, it's just her face

>> No.61624525

Charzu needs new material

>> No.61624561

i hear you my guy, we need another shee charzu collab

>> No.61624681

It's so fucking OVER

>> No.61624861

Shut the fuck up you drama forcing trannoid retard.

>> No.61624939

i think shee's microphone itself is too sensitive

>> No.61624940

nene 30ccv heh

>> No.61625033

>CCV actually has gone done from almost 600 to under 500 when the reading started

>> No.61625064

just like her nipples

>> No.61625172

sorry I stopped botting the stream

>> No.61625556

yup its another kino shee stream fellas

>> No.61625633

Genuine question, why are most of the girls streams so clickbaity? If I were a new viewer the clickbait would just push me away.
Especially Nene. It’s comical how clickbait her streams are.

>> No.61625680

Algorithm bait

>> No.61625717

it works, but it only attracts 10 year old tourists who dont stick around and pushes away good viewers

>> No.61625777

So true, sister

>> No.61625808

Unfortunately it works and youtube likes to recommend that shit.

>> No.61625912

clickbait always wins

>> No.61626026

wow this game is easy 4 minutes and no scares

>> No.61626128


>> No.61626411

JP bro just comes out and unlocks mommy permission. So bold.

>> No.61626533

yes it would and Lua hates smoking too, that rrat was retarded.

>> No.61626586

>JP bro
It's a Korean larping

>> No.61626600

this game sucks

>> No.61626604

Game is weak as fuck jesus.

>> No.61626723

with Lua's voice I'd be really surprised if she didn't smoke at some point. Have some timestamps to squash that rrat?

>> No.61626733

it's not scary when you know the jump scares are coming

>> No.61626770

game is literally just a bunch of cheap jumpscares

shee should play silent hill instead

>> No.61626871

or the second half of FEAR

>> No.61626873

Its too obvious and it keeps repeating the same stuff.

>> No.61626989

the scary western music that plays at every jump scare breaks all the immersion too. game sucks.

>> No.61627061

She tells the story about her family hating smokers and having no smoke free restaurant zones in japan almost every week.

>> No.61627071

I can't believe they charge $10 for this game

>> No.61627102

I wouldn't pay even a $1 for it

>> No.61627174
File: 693 KB, 480x270, Spinning.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61627213


>> No.61627218

Charzu KINO

>> No.61627229

So everyone is going to be at Charlotte's birthday streamn't, right? Surely you all will be along with the other kawaii girls.

>> No.61627331

we don't like deranged cloudtomos heh

>> No.61627401
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>> No.61627561
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>> No.61627585

it's a pre recorded video, but it's a 30 minutes 3D live so I'll watch like its A hololive one.

>> No.61627656
File: 2.96 MB, 618x480, CharYawn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61627775

Why do you think everyone is latina?

>> No.61627882

Sometimes zoomers have good ideas.

>> No.61628122

If I block a mod can I still see their messages?

>> No.61628145


>> No.61628233


>> No.61628256

Nene and Cloudtomos carry this company

>> No.61628268

Nami in my charzu stream?!

>> No.61628285


>> No.61628459

You call this carrying cloudtomos?

>> No.61628524

The 3D models open up a whole new world of possibilities for 3D lives. Imagine, we could have something like Akirose's Wonder Shower live from 2022.

>> No.61628651


>> No.61628655
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>> No.61628688

Charzu i kneel.

>> No.61628929

I better see some fat donos for charzu bros

>> No.61628985

>pushes out all the girls who can rival nene like neena and oceane
>"heh, we carry it"
You are killing it.

>> No.61629012


>> No.61629110
File: 1006 KB, 1037x592, lua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61629133
File: 1.34 MB, 1403x1080, 1697609984106548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu is the definition of SOUL

>> No.61629155

As a cloudtomo i gotta say this charzu stream is amazing, tops anything nenes done in like a year easy. Stop debuffing yourself playing baulders fag 3 and start brining some energy to stream again nene, you are going to bleed viewers.

>> No.61629227
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>> No.61629309

This post is entirely genuine. It's not like tomos are busy right now with storybook time or anything

>> No.61629349
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>> No.61629565
File: 78 KB, 311x311, Suzucoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has merch!

>> No.61629620

bucket hat? uh...

>> No.61629802

But it's only 12 minutes
Also where's Nami

>> No.61629815
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, c37331fc-13cb-4e90-aa89-539dfd28eb7a_base_resized[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think a guy can get away wearing this?

>> No.61629895

If you have enough confidence you can get away with anything.

>> No.61629899

>bucket hat
>material: fabric
lmao. That's like saying drink ingredient: liquid

>> No.61629969

Yes because no one has the ability to have a second window open, i always have this thread open during stream nene's chat is nothing but faggots and discord queers. I honestly thought she was gunna end before the premiere but i guess not. Everything i said was genuine criticism dont care if your butthurt

>> No.61630001

Hey it could have been made out of metal.

>> No.61630116

Nami was there and Charzu scammed us she said 30 minutes and t was 12

>> No.61630121

Can't be any worse than wearing something like the concert shirt.

>> No.61630122

why a bucket hat though? should have been an onahole

>> No.61630147

It's a shame so many fan in kawaii never watch her. Just imagine if nene who has more than 4 times the amount of subs of someone like lua told all her subscribers to sub to the other girls. Even if only 10% of her total subs did, each girl would get about 23k new subs almost overnight. Instead the whole company revolves around "only nene dayo" and is the reason why non of the other girls really break into higher sub counts and get another outfit. Because if I was new to kawaii I would only want to watch the top talents.

>> No.61630174

Nope, Sometimes i wonder if the girls realize who they are making merch for. How about a fucking hoddie or a toque instead.

>> No.61630215

definitely not

>> No.61630320

That doesn't work my guy most of nene's subs are dead subs.

>> No.61630329

Its not on Nene to build the others up. Also most of her audeince are there for her asmr and thats it they dont care about anything else.

>> No.61630602

So uh whats with the twitch+youtube streaming stupidity, is it just nene doing this or is it company wide?. Feels like just some shitty attempt to open memberships on twitch and farm more money from whales

>> No.61630600

I've literally filtered down to watching most of the girls because Nene brought me in. She has priority, but I love her interactions with the others, especially charzu.
Only Nene, dayo isn't literally only Nene, it's keeping her foremost. You're allowed to like other things. Just remember to come home.

>> No.61630831

>farm more money from whales

>> No.61630898

I've seen her now. Charzu, I love you, but scamming someone is a bad thing to do, corrective rape must be administered.

>> No.61630935

If it makes you feel better nenes subs have been basically stagnant since 230k. Even her growth is dead, she got lucky early on and unfortunately the other girls didnt get the same momentum. On that note how are the gen 4 girls?, ive seen absolutely nothing to do with them

>> No.61631245

when I was an outsider the first kawaii stream i watched was Nene playing some berserk game, so she was my entryway to kawaii, so thanks nene, thanks for letting me discover the other kawaii girls.

>> No.61631312

Pisses me off honestly, kawaii really wrings out the demographic keeping them alive. Instead of appreciation its just "how else can we exploit there desperate attempts to farm good boy points with the girls". I havent dono'd in quite awhile and i think it'll stay that way

>> No.61631454

eh shes just trying to get new viewers from twitch but who knows if it will work out.

>> No.61631602

Isn't it just simulcasting to Twitch? I have no idea how she would be milking money from current fans aside from maybe their prime subs. The point of it is to attract twitchfags.

>> No.61631658
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>23 viewers

>> No.61631733

Yeah...maybe shes hoping that someone will raid her.

>> No.61632052

A female fampire yes... I have a couple of pink t-shirts that I wear no problem, but don't know if I could wear something like that and make it work.

>> No.61632192
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I'm worried the
>Gen 3 gone, black company, dying company, literally who 2views
debuff will be terminal

>> No.61632222

I got an outfit this can match with
and as >>61629895 said
Just act confident

>> No.61632299

>Feels like just some shitty attempt to open memberships on twitch and farm more money from whales
Or prime memberships. I don't think it's really that egregious when there's potential for reaching a new audience there, and they have patreon for milking whales anyway. Just so long as they don't start using annoying channel point redeems that I have to see/hear on youtube. That's why I don't watch twitch streams in the first place.

>> No.61632389

>Every other corp doing halloween streams while kawaii does nothing.

>> No.61632424

I kind of get the feeling from reading this general that my circumstances of getting into kawaii were kind of unique.
I actually discovered kawaii through N**na's termination, after leaving the holosphere because I hated how rumours and falsehoods about Rushia were allowed to go unchecked. The way Nami explained everything clearly was a breath of fresh air from the Big Two. Unfortunately, Nami streams at 3AM my time, so I couldn't watch her regularly, which led me to Lua and Isla, then the whorse and siren (wasn't in doxxcord) until I got sick of one and the other was terminated.

>> No.61632462

Hmmm I wonder what happened during those peaks

>> No.61632468

Nene should update her member art folder before opening anything else. Full time streamer but can't find time to update it in 6 months.

>> No.61632493

All 23 are her fucking regulars too...

>> No.61632619

Dont look up the others stats.

>> No.61632657

Sorry, they are all outside asking for candy with me

>> No.61632776

Jesus jan of 22 she was killing it, all the depressed Christmas fucks looking for gfe

>> No.61632834

me, a jacked taiwanese boy, yes
(you) , no

>> No.61632996

Nene hasn't even done any fucking horror games, never have i been so disappointed. Tho i guess she always ends up bitching out after an hour anyways

>> No.61633119

Halloween events are cringe as fuck, I'm glad kawaii isn't doing anything like that

>> No.61633131

Calling yourself jacked... Nice try fat shit

>> No.61633161

they're trying to get perms for some horror games, we'll get halloween streams in 2 months

>> No.61633188

Sorry for lying, I just checked and the last time she updated besides her concert wallpaper was September... of 2022.

>> No.61633221

Its something fun to do also would be nice to get collabs.

>> No.61633311

26 viewers on twitch is the equivalent of 3 viewers on youtube. this is too sad

>> No.61633461

In terms of chat speed or donations?

>> No.61633555

>all the depressed Christmas fucks looking for gfe
That's how I got here, but a year later. She was on my radar before that because of ASMR and my experience beforehand was almost always that girls doing coom clickbait ASMR that had fanbox accounts were doing R18 on the side. Turned out not to be the case, but the GFE has actually stepped me down from being a hopeless coomer and filled a hole in my heart
were there for me when I really fucking needed it.

>> No.61633557

Shes too busy streaming her favorite gay vampire fan fiction game for 48 hours a week, effort isnt something shes really been putting in the last few months

>> No.61633651

whats with all the baby emotes on the twicth chat

>> No.61633674

Only 1 person in the chat is a non regular... Thats pretty sad

>> No.61633950


>> No.61634102

If they all did something it was at least draw in viewers which is the whole point of doing these.

>> No.61634120

I understand this well, her gfe kept me happy for awhile and im thankful for that. But it was also destroying my soul, i cant enjoy the fake love anymore gave me a push to work on myself and find actual love and affection IRL tho so it all worked out in the end. Cant watch her anymore unfortunately tho, shit just makes me feel bad for the guys stuck suckered into it

>> No.61634311
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if you're not Andrew, you have the awareness to know what's going on. Let them enjoy their fictions.

>> No.61634357

kys anti

>> No.61634383

Yeah uh this company is special as it doesn't seem to want to grow, or mabey the girls just are creatively bankrupt. Charzu and reina had some interesting streams, wish they'd push for more creative content and colabs

>> No.61634994

Yea there was a post in one fo the previous threads that said that these girls are on a one man island where everyone just does their own thing. Which i agree with. They always talk about how much convo is happening in slack but the viewers get to see non of it on streams.

>> No.61635315

> 50% take
> No marketing
> No technical help
> Only NOW even considering second Live2D for Gen1
> Big earners do GFE
> Debuts new generation that doesn't do GFE

To say Production kawaii is mismanaged is being generous. This is controlled demolition.

>> No.61635581

what salaryman looked at PK and said "I want in on that!"

>> No.61635695

The girls keep telling us that there are stuff coming up so I guess we just gotta wait, but I dont have that much hope.

>> No.61635818

>what salaryman looked at PK and said "I want in on that!"
Fucking this, I really want to know how they convinced Culture Entertainment to buy them.

>> No.61635947

the company is managed by women

>> No.61636110

Can't believe Koishta trooned out

>> No.61636391

They must have been growing significantly financially, only way another corp would take notice, or some weird jap magic.

Id blame the old management but the new corp has done nothing better so im not sure what the issue is.

>> No.61636423

Antis should rope now

>> No.61636573

Well with the new management merch has improved. They are now doing permanent merch but only for the acrylic stands. So thats at least something.

>> No.61636802

Yeah her whales definitely know its not real right.... The thousands of dollars are just because of how much they love her, not because they desperately want to win her over, no definitely not. Gfe and awareness dont go hand in hand unfortunately

>> No.61636897

Idiot, this is called criticism learn the difference.

>> No.61636935

VnU: Gives out new Live2Ds after debuted for 3 months

>> No.61636967

People who cant handle criticism and discussion should kill themselves*

>> No.61636984

I wouldn't say a phasmo collab or minecraft Halloween collab are the peak of "creativeity". I think Kawaii girls just rarely make big collab because they all got their own lives and they are too old to really celebrate Halloween that much.

>> No.61637140

VNU was also broke and didn't give merch for like months. They barely recovered in gen 3
Kawaii still recovering from gen 3 financially AND in rep

>> No.61637197

Do something different, no one said to recycle the same shit. Plenty of fun horror games to play and other colab activities to do.

>> No.61637274

Also, I was out all day so I wasn't be able to respond
No, the reputation shot to the corpo due to gen 3 completely kneecapped their chance to grow.
You don't understand how small corpo grow if you think gen 3 didn't matter for gen 1 and 2 and hmz
First thing people check with a new debut from a corpo is checking out the corpo wiki and current girls to see how the corpo identity is like. Gen 3 graduation even is the first thing that show up if you Google for Kawaii. Many will just won't look at kawaii's debut at all because of gen 3. Of course, the lack of budget from hmz is also caused by gen 3 in the first place when a significant portion of their earning basically got refunded and their models were the highest of quality in kawaii.
You are also extremely naive about how just throwing money into promotion and ads can automatically fix everything. You are falling for the jew ads shill.

>> No.61637330

right now is bad timing. We're about to be down 3/4ths of Gen 1 and 2/3rds of Gen 4 in the same week.
Christmas will hopefully be a better time for collabs and events.

>> No.61637409

I hope they do something for Christmas cause if there is nothing then it really is over.

>> No.61637593

Other then nene doing her usual like 48 hour stream i really have no hope. I just hope shes done with baulders gate by then, otherwise it'll just turn into that for 95% of it

>> No.61637663 [DELETED] 

First reply picks next OPs girl. Charzu is DQ'd as she's had 3 threads in a row

>> No.61637695

Wait the girls who just started are going on a break all ready?, what the hell.

>> No.61637703

I have good news and bad news. Yes and Dark Urge playthrough

>> No.61637733

>Nene says she has a special surprise for christmas
>Its a baulders gate stream
LMAO if that ever happens.

>> No.61638009

I really dont get her obsession or hype with bg3, its nothing special just some dnd trash.

>> No.61638113

Ran's turn for vacation for 2 weeks lol. She's going for full hard mode by debuff herself in multi ways while already being the runt of the gen prior the debuff. Let see her masterplan to recover once she returns. Kaya went on a half a week break that turned into 1 week break due to covid lol but she's back now. Yuno is the most consistent.

>> No.61638177

CRPGs are based and your taste is trash. They're not the best things to stream however, especially on a "variety" channel.

>> No.61638186

The kawaii tradition of debuffing yourself continues....

>> No.61638468

only shee plays horror games

>> No.61638584

I know she doesn't like horror but hearing Nene scream at scary stuff would be a lot of fun

>> No.61638918

Yeah its so much fun not actually doing the combat yourself and rolling a fucking dice. You nerdy fucks will always be losers no matter how hard girls like nene pretend to like shit like dnd to relate to you.

>> No.61639009

Her screams make me hard

>> No.61639140

Tbh, shee is one of the best horror game vtuber. I don't even care for horror game that much. Many vtubers overreact too much with horror games or just get annoyed by them and just do them for the noomber. Some are obviously too desantisized by horror because they play them too much but still try to force the experience.
Shee has that perfect balance as a horror game streamer. She really loves horror and always at 100% excitement to play. She can be smug getting through the game and laugh at silly "scary" things then get actually freaked by certain horror element that hit her weakness such as murky water. Also, sometimes, she panic and freak out not due to the horror element, but rather due to getting lost in the map.

>> No.61639248

shee is my ideal woman too

>> No.61639313

I might have actually been able to enjoy the game if she didnt stream it for 30 hours a week, she completely killed any enjoyment i had watching it after the first stream

>> No.61639352

I am *this* close to membering Shee in spite of how bad the overlap is between her and Nene

>> No.61639367

Nene actually likes BG3. If you watch Nene enough, you can predict what she likes and bg3 is definitely one of them. Nene is very headstrong about her taste (even if it's shit sometimes)

>> No.61639419

My latina wife cant be this pefect

>> No.61639447

Lumi from phase is doing it too, must be a new meta

>> No.61639459

She'd be playing it longer than umineko if she didn't make those streams super long. Besides, it's obvious how much she enjoys it.

>> No.61639506

Watch shee dump nene, you can groom shee

>> No.61639509

Latinas carry kawaii

>> No.61639644

Thats the problem with the gen 4 girls, no Latina

>> No.61639689

For example, I know that Shiki also really loves horror game. I like Shiki but she tries to overreact too much on her horror stream and I can't really enjoy her horror streams at all. It feels wayy too forced, especially with the jump scare donor notification thing as well.

>> No.61639766

charzu's mom is watching her live

>> No.61639887

You can easily catch Nene morning stream and still watch Shee's anyway. With how much Nene stream, you don't have much choice if you absolutely need to avoid Nene overlap.

>> No.61639931

Was it Ran who mentioned left4Dead on Lua's stream the other day?
Would it be so hard to wrangle 4 girls together for a couple campaigns?

>> No.61640026

I usually have to miss morning Nene, watch the VOD after work, watch her evening live, and the the VOD of the other girls if I'm interested.

>> No.61640047

That would be mission impossible in kawaii.

>> No.61640062

The only real confirmed in Kawaii was a mistake though...
I'm surprised at how many Asian girls are in hmz though, despite of Kawaii hiring the least amount of Asian girls compared to other corpo so far

>> No.61640277

Thread theme

>> No.61640397

>get an hour of Nene zatsu, she asks if you're ready for the game chumps
>screen transitions to some new chuuba you're supposed to hate

>> No.61640460

Well, Halloween is on middle of a week day. Considering different timezone and work, they have difficulty getting an open free time at the same time. It might be easier if charzu and Isla weren't on hiatus because a charzu, shee, nene are the 3 that can gather together conveniently

>> No.61640524
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Charlotte must be feeling so swell right now. Glowing. radiant. That was was a nice (not)Live.

>> No.61640536

I mean the only real confirmed Latina in kawaii was a mistake

>> No.61640718


>> No.61640753

I'm talking about awuwu

>> No.61641579

left4dead would be kino but it will never happen I don't think there are 4 girls willing to play it besides shee and ran

>> No.61641981
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>> No.61642196

You can convince reina to play anything. She doesn't have the most flexible schedule due to her wagie cagie
Nene did play a co-op zombie shooter back during her collab with tonya so who know
Isla or charzu are possibilities as well.
