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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.61577813


>> No.61577831

Was there ever a doubt? She's come to take her throne

>> No.61578039


>> No.61578053

fake, this is another kizuna ai moment

>> No.61578068

I can't believe. She is dead.

>> No.61578136

My cutie. Kiss and love the cutie.

>> No.61578140
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we are so fucking back

>> No.61578163


>> No.61578218

It was fun, Advent, but my Queen is back.

>> No.61578241

I think Fuwamoco would understand. They're both massive haachama fans

>> No.61578285
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>> No.61578360



>> No.61578467

Fantastic fucking news. Finally something good happening.

>> No.61578499
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She'll be gone again by the end of next week

>> No.61578528


>> No.61578710


>> No.61578812


>> No.61578842


>> No.61578974

Predictions on what the stream will be?
I'm assuming Zatsu with her using the sad to epic music.

>> No.61578985

the first HoloEN is back!

>> No.61578995

There is no way this is real

>> No.61579024

Since when has /vt/ liked or cared about Haachama this much?

>> No.61579147
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>since when

>> No.61579174


>> No.61579274

Her split has stayed up this entire time.

>> No.61579296

A monotone talk with babies noise in the background!

>> No.61579407

The Haatons have been on constant guard for the last 251 days. Haachama has always been loved.

>> No.61579479

9 months!?

>> No.61579647


>> No.61579730

My daughter! Guess I'll come back too, then. I haven't watched a stream since her break started.

>> No.61579736
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>> No.61579756

New Haachama MV

>> No.61579796

Come here bros

>> No.61579899

this x2

>> No.61579903

We care about all holos

>> No.61579935


>> No.61579992

I wonder why the EN board would care about one of the first Holos to do EN streams? Dang... Can't think of any reason.

>> No.61580066
File: 1.02 MB, 550x710, Industrial Revolution[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6v0ohk.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61580084

What are you trying to say here, lad?

>> No.61580100


I might have to check out her comeback stream

>> No.61580187

Yall better order some pepeloni pizza from Domino's in celebration. And then away the pepeloni.

>> No.61580264

Fuck off, Gura. I'll never forgive you for ghosting her

>> No.61580298

yeah, me

>> No.61580316
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She was a mainstay of board culture before her hiatus, and her thread stayed around for many months despite 0 news.
If you don't like her you have tribalist brainrot and/or shit taste, really.

>> No.61580423

She was one of the first queens of this hlg and one of the queens of this board, along with miko and a couple of others

>> No.61580435
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>> No.61580562

I can ask you a question too, since when we started to hate her?

>> No.61580619

Since when has /vt/ been filled exclusively with people who can only ever post negatively about everything?

>> No.61580748
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She's good friends with Sara, so I like her.

>> No.61580795
File: 169 KB, 375x356, BOOBA [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fewtysu.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61580933

>Thumbnail with "Announcement" on white background

>> No.61580951

STFU newfag nobody cares what you think

>> No.61580972
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>> No.61581187

Haachama is new age MK Ultra psyop prove me wrong

>> No.61584720

People are only going to watch her out of pity now. Sad. She was really entertaining back in <2021 but after this long break I doubt she has any of that magic left.

>> No.61585851

>since when is the English board about vtubers interested in the daisenpai of holoEN?
Her general has been alive all this time.

>> No.61585977


>> No.61586009

The Queen of Hearts

>> No.61586081

The Ear

>> No.61586110

Holy shit, has it seriously been 8 months?

>> No.61586222

Since the great /v/ influx

>> No.61586306

blue triangle

>> No.61586598

Haachama is well known for being one of the first Hololive members to make English language content. A good number of HoloEN fans have fond memories of her.

>> No.61587390

>8 months away for health issues
Bros... Chammers is a mother now isn't she?

>> No.61587458

Yes, but keep this to yourself. As new parents we'd like our child to have some privacy. Thanks for understanding.

>> No.61587472

I hope so. Beats any health issue that would keep her out for so long.

>> No.61587612

>Chammers is a mother now isn't she?
to me
i am the child

>> No.61587705

Hello father in law.

>> No.61588019

My personal narrative is that she was supposed to graduate in summer of 2023, so she took the quarter off from streaming. But she failed and had to work overtime to graduate with the winter class.

>> No.61592548

If Haachama was going to focus on school why did Cover say that she had the flu? Doesn't make sense to use that as their explanation for why she went radio silent if they knew she would be missing for several months.

>> No.61592623

I missed her so much...

>> No.61594848
File: 621 KB, 498x498, akai-haato-hololive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sank her finals because she fell ill (Dec/22)
Got sick again (Apr/22), torching the retake.

>> No.61595537


>> No.61595612

So she's finally going to finish Hogwarts?

>> No.61596196

That doesn't explain the complete radio silence or Haachama missing both her anniversary and birthday. Sure is curious that after her long break the CCP is no longer angry. Hololive channels start posting again on bilibili and Cover is making sponsorship deals with Tencent.

>> No.61598061


What if she comes back and is no longer mentally ill and all her streams are boring now?

>> No.61598454

If chamers is happy. I'm happy.
If chamers takes her meds, I take my meds.
Simple as.

>> No.61598549

chammers upset the bug hivemind?

>> No.61598700

*shits in your mouth*

>> No.61598760

based and chammerpilled

>> No.61598780

I still worry.
I've already had 5 people in the past (including literally just last week) come back from a long break to announce graduations.

>> No.61599006

I was so close to escaping this hellhole of a business or at the very least only casually paying attention, only for my oshi to come back...

>> No.61599237

why would she make it that obvious? she wouldn't even need to take the whole time off, she can stream as normal for the entire time up until it pops.

>> No.61600120

i will up my mental illness to compensate

>> No.61601261

Why is haachama trying to steal guras come back thunder?

>> No.61602069

>guras come back thunder
gura was away?

>> No.61605845

Maybe I should start watching vtubers again.

>> No.61606185


>> No.61606306
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>> No.61606425

back bacon

>> No.61606557

No because it is not right for idol vtubers to have relationships. So therefore it's impossible. Thank you for understanding.

>> No.61606833

just one month

>> No.61609191

So the reasons I'm hearing is "first" and "old days nostalgia". Nothing else. What shitty reasons considering /vt/ has become a place that rips apart idols who are gone for a few days now. If you're going be yanking off JP as an English consumer at least give Korone credit for still making content. And I bet most of you aren't even Charmers.

>> No.61609392

>So the reasons I'm hearing is "first" and "old days nostalgia". Nothing else.
If you weren't extremely new you'd also know how unique and good her creative content was. "Nostalgia" is a pretty uncharitable guess for why a legend is beloved.

>> No.61609714
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>> No.61609946
File: 1.74 MB, 1118x1372, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61610446

>If you weren't extremely new you'd also know how unique and good her creative content was
Funny you didn't lead with any of that yet call me new for not jumping on a bandwagon before anything has happened yet. I'm not even trying to argue against what you're claiming just point out even now you can't give me examples of any of these.

>> No.61610777

>EOPs get filtered because her eigo has completely vanished from 8 months of non-use
You know it's going to happen
>but her update video!
Was written by a manager.

>> No.61611203

She has ten new kouhai to play Minecraft with now.

>> No.61611324

ok schizo

>> No.61611368

Neither Advent nor Regloss seem all that interested in Minecraft though.

>> No.61611605

>Her split has stayed up this entire time.
Tons of generals do, most of them are pure autism and willing to not move on / leg go

Gura has TWO splits and the bitch doesn't stream or at least have a good reason not to unlike Haato

>> No.61611669

What if she is out of practice at her pretending to be bad at english, forcing her to fall back on her fluent bogan?

>> No.61611731

you didnt watch Red Team practice then

>> No.61611826

she laid off the english even before she left
it was one devoted stream a week (that i tuned in for and loved)

>> No.61611847

God I love sluts

>> No.61614939


>> No.61616130
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so, in other words, what you're saying is that haachama can be reduced to haachama chama in the narrowest chama chama, haachama chama chama chama chama. You can just haachama chama.

>> No.61617970
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>> No.61618118

I have always loved haachama, she was my gateway to modern vtubers.
I watched Ai chan and Kaguya Luna and Mirai Akari back in the day but interest in them faded over time.
Then Hololive began to gain a bit of steam in the west and Haachama was my favorite. She was my oshi and still is, even during the break or when her JP only content filters me and I watch other vtubers, Chama remains special, the only one I will call my oshi.

>> No.61622488

At worst some people got tired of her schizo shit that appealed to redditors but no one really disliked Haachama otherwise, besides chinks I guess.

>> No.61622779

You need seasoning

>> No.61622854
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>streamer hasn't been active for almost a year
>surprised that barely anyone talks about her
Don't let the people shitposting and seething about Gura distort your impression on what normally happens.

>> No.61629811


>> No.61634049


>> No.61637678
File: 3.00 MB, 500x500, MatsuriDance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61637781

Damn this got me laughing. I miss the old rage comics.
