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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61465905 No.61465905 [Reply] [Original]

"and in germany we say im peter zane" who the fuck is peter zane? why does she end every single stream like this? I thought he was some german celebrity or something but nobody by that name even exists, I thought this was some stupid KFP "meme", I searched the /vt/ archives, 0 results, I searched the /jp/ archived, 0 results. Somehow the entire KFPcord have managed to never mention his name, whats the point here? Is she just spouting nonsense and KFP never mention it to make other fanbases look insane for noticing? Is this austrian humour? I'm not laughing, im not embarrassed to say I dont get the joke.
Please just put me out of my misery and tell me who peter zane is, ive spent far too long on this and ive made 0 progress.

>> No.61466059

Based fucking retard

>> No.61466071
File: 3.91 MB, 640x480, 1674787200554063.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61466165

a chinese peter pan

>> No.61466390
File: 10 KB, 331x333, 1313423589492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go deeper.

>> No.61466835

her boyfriend Me.

>> No.61466926

She says auf wiedersehen.

>> No.61467758

Please tell me you're serious, but even if you're not, I got a good laugh out of this.

>> No.61475186

Cute retards like you are the best part of this board.

>> No.61475425

Please use our encouragement to buy Styrofoam to put on the sharp corners of the furniture in your house.

>> No.61475907

>he's somehow never heard of Peter "Zane the Mane" Zane

>> No.61481281

no, she clearly says "i'm peter zane"

>> No.61481605

We are ALL Peter Zane

>> No.61481618

>he doesn't know the legendary Peter Zane

>> No.61482519

It's me, I'm Peter Zane
I'm also dating her

>> No.61489719

Ladies and Gentlemen, the mind of your average brown skeleton.

>> No.61489940

>people not getting the joke
This really is the retard containment board, isn't it?

>> No.61492529

Damn she's going to lay egg again

>> No.61493049

Good post op, thank you

>> No.61495222

>KFP doesnt want people to kow how peter zane
>teamates dont want people to know about tommy hurt

>> No.61495979
File: 7 KB, 400x400, zane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mystic trips of figuring out ame has IBS

ur grandparents r turds....literally

>> No.61496084

>all these newfags
Oh Lord

>> No.61496637

Is he friends with Dunnhier and Juan O'vous?
