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61431005 No.61431005 [Reply] [Original]

why are they flopping? is nijisanji actually dead?

iluna had at least 100k subs each before debut

>> No.61431068

Post hand

>> No.61431079

I guess it doesn't matter anymore since they will graduate within a month.

>> No.61431107


>> No.61431171

People decide to watch something else or do life stuff.
That's all

>> No.61431231

>There are still people who willingly join this notoriously black company in 2023

>> No.61431422

There's people that do live under a rock.

>> No.61431450

You can make quick buck in black corpo.
Well it depends, but in general it's only reason to go in to murky waters

>> No.61431477

If 100k is such a given, then why is not receiving the 100k plaque a big issue.

>> No.61431532

"I survived Nijisanji" would make an impressive portfolio

>> No.61431616

They failed to hype them
The market is oversaturated
Nijisanji has run out of goodwill due to graduations

>> No.61431923

Literal 1views don’t care if they are given free audience and maybe they’re even planning of farming a fanbase and then fuck off.

>> No.61432650

NijiEN lost a lot of goodwill from both male and female viewers due in part to drama, their oshis sounding occasionally sounding miserable on stream, the cancelation of ColorsFES way back in February, there being too many talents that basically do the same thing, and management's extremely slow response to making positive changes.
Nothing short of giving more of their talents 3D debuts will revitalize the branch, and even that's a matter of debate.

>> No.61432825

Joining black company is still better than being unemployed, so...
In all seriousness, shitting on Niji as much as you want, unless a chuuba is one of the top 5-10 indies, joining any of EN big 3 (Holo, VShojo, Niji) will most likely be a big plus in term of popularity and income. Why not? In the worst case you can just leave anyway

>> No.61433602
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100k subs is actually a goal now

>> No.61433733

Worst case scenario you'd get Zaion'd

>> No.61433902

There's no saving the branch. The one two punch of iLuna being terrible and AR Live being announced then quickly canceled was too much coupled with all the little drama from each liver. This death has been going on for a year now.

>> No.61436852

they are actually applying vor vshojou
this is just part of their casting

>> No.61436922

ILuna had 100k subs pre-debut, and 70k people watching their debuts
how did they fuck things up THAT badly?

>> No.61437065

I don't want NijiEN to ever die. I want it to exist as a containment for truly terrible livers so they don't escape to cause more harm in the wild. If the good ones continue to leave, all the better.

>> No.61437192

This is the correct take, they should continue to exist to milk gullible chinksister money and be the laughingstock for everyone else

>> No.61437315

I just realized something, did they even give these 3 a Wave name?

>> No.61437347

the chicks have huge tits thats all i care about
the chinks left the moment they started having luxiem mens' clips translated into chinese. they're not into piss joke zoomers.

>> No.61437396

Actual catalog brainrot

>> No.61437596

It's because Niji doesn't support new debuts.
Look at Advent and ReGloss's debuts, the majority of Cover put a pause on their activities and made the debuts a big event that got teased over the course of months, culminating with a lot of members (on the main channels or their own) streaming their live reactions to the new generations' debuts. And then even after debut you had a bunch of holomembers sharing their thoughts and hyping up the new girls more, how they want to collab with them, how they got to chat with them off-stream before, etc.
Even if you didn't care about Advent or ReGloss, Cover made sure that everybody was aware of their existence and now they're regularly part of collabs everywhere you go.

What did these new Niji guys get? A tweet, premiere dates, and nothing else. Other nijimembers straight ignored them and overlapped en masse to cannibalize the viewership. They may even throw them under the bus in the future just to secure their own positions at NijiEN. This happens every time.

>> No.61437635

To think that even Zaion got more resources for her debut than these guys got...top kek

>> No.61437657

If the talents won't support the company, why would the company support the talents?

>> No.61437828

>1.1mil views on tweet
>20k subs post debut

>> No.61437887

They're called kidneys, not talents.

>> No.61437982

Well you have to take into consideration how long Holo takes to debut a new gen and the fact that Vshojo doesn’t “Make” anyone they just poach existing talents with some sort of numbers already

>> No.61437990

Imagine willingly being this fucking ignorant.

>> No.61438200

tweet views mean nothing
tweet engagement was low

>> No.61438867

>why are they flopping
We’ll see how the viewership is once they plateau, if they can maintain high 3view to low 4view status that will be at least okayish for NijiEN. Right now though it looks bad because of actually no hype or advertising, even the other livers weren’t aware the debut was happening until like a week beforehand. Niji doesn’t have the brand power in the west to just drop a gen and have it be immediately successful anymore.

>> No.61443934


>> No.61444882

Why do you mention VShojo aka Cronyism: The Company as a real option for a small indie?

>> No.61445027

the market is oversaturated, everybody is flopping, even advent girls are already struggling to pass 5k viewers without raids

>> No.61448948


>> No.61454036

>if they can maintain high 3view to low 4view status
Holy hell standards are so fucking low over there in nijien

>> No.61455065

Join niji in less than 1 year then quit and join vshojo, now that a lifehack.

>> No.61455227

Joining Phase or Idol is more appealing than Kurosanji at this point.

>> No.61456336

I'm not a nijinigger but I was watching earlier and kiara had 2k viewers. The scuffed mic one is doing that range right now.

>> No.61458240

It's truly grim when Gura doesn't even want to stream over it.

>> No.61458497

That would require her to want to stream

>> No.61459547
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They announced them like 2 days before their debut streams, they quite literally just threw them out to there get it over with.
They never had much of a chance to not flop more than previous waves.

>> No.61459594
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>Be almost 200k sub chuuba
>Join Niji despite all the bad press
>Management announces your debut only 2 days in advance
>Lowest numbers in the weakest debut for a Niji group to date
>On track to becoming a 3view in a day, the fastest of any organ to do so

>> No.61460519

Its still one of the weirdest decisions NijiEN's management done as of late, they somehow handled it worse than Krisis/Gamer wave. I wonder if its just a reflection of how little faith they have in the branch and how hard they're phoning it in now or what.

>> No.61460662

saw someone in /#/ claim thay at least 1 member is from Elira's pl clique, which would explain that.
If you're a male vtuber niji is the only "big corpo" you can go where you won't get shit on for existing

>> No.61460706

>They announced them like 2 days before their debut streams, they quite literally just threw them out to there get it over with.

Niji is known as the meatgrinder for a reason. Only the strong survive and cannot rely on corporate backing to pump up their numbers like holo can. They have to be genuinely funny, entertaining and collab constantly to not fall into complete obscurity.

>> No.61461093

whys everyone acting like other corpos are hiring when this is the only one giving opportunities

>> No.61462317
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EN was probably labled a hopeless sidebranch when their concert was cancelled, and with time they've recieved less support as their numbers steadily decline with each wave. They're essentially getting the ID treatment.

The previous waves atleast got a week or two, two days is unheard of, and quite frankly one of the most black company things they've done yet.

>> No.61462941

I guarantee you at least 1 graduated before debut, there is no way they planned this gen with 3 members like this

>> No.61463458

Well it doesn't help that they were announced and then debuted almost immediately.

I consider myself up-to-date on vtuber stuff and even I was like "wait, they debuted yesterday?"

>> No.61463682

Makes sense why her Twitter says she's only on hiatus then
Gotta keep that door open

>> No.61463809

kek how many viewers would she usually get before niji?

>> No.61464178


>> No.61464223

Her Twitch stats show an all-time CCV of 265
So, she is doing better on that front
But her Twitch account still has 30K followers more than Kunai's sub count which is crazy

>> No.61464623

They were probably already done with the applications and acceptance and whatnot before the two Nijis that would become Vwhores dropped out.

>> No.61464989

Somehow I doubt Nijisanji prepares new debuts that far in advance

>> No.61466666

>they have to be genuinely funny, entertaining, and collab constantly to not fall into complete obscurity
I think it's just impossible to get a stable 2k+ for new nijiEN hires now. If it was about entertainment value guys like Vanta and Doppio wouldn't be shitters and Shu would be a 0view

>> No.61466736

It's the only way to get Gura to stream.

>> No.61467352

Yeah it's honestly baffling how they just dropped a new 3 member gen on such short notice with so little publicity. It sucks because Victoria is actually cool.

>> No.61470354

lot of dumb people in the world yea

>> No.61471693

who is she in twitch?

>> No.61471960

I would join nijisanji just for the off-pako opportunities.

>> No.61475119

its not baffling at all, its not anything different from before. 2 days isnt any different than 3 days that happened before

>> No.61477848

There are many new corpos that crop up, there have been new generations that popped up over the last couple months from other corpos. Why not join a corpo to build something rather than joining a declining corpo trying to salvage it?

>> No.61477953

vshojo retirement

>> No.61478065

They rolled them out too quickly with little to no time to market them. They should learn from the HoloX or Advent example no matter what you think about either of them, that's how a successful debut week is.

>> No.61478282

You could end up in massive debt, reputationally ruined, and harassed by psychotic Chinese women for the rest of your life...

>> No.61479103

The interest just isn't there anymore for more NijiEN talents.
People are pissed that the company would rather throw more bodies into the meat grinder instead of actually support and invest in this outside of Luxiem.
A lot of these newfags thought Nijisanji was just Hololive but with more freedom.

>> No.61479303


>> No.61479503

The standards are comparably low if Hololive is your only frame of reference, but the vast majority of streamers would kill for Niji levels of viewership. Making a living as a vtuber is unlikely, but if you can manage to earn a living with Niji then you’re doing better than most, and Niji probably still has enough oil barons to make full time streaming a possibility.

>> No.61482771

In the defense of the retards who thought that they tried running it like that in the beginning.

>> No.61482990

Western vtubing scene is horribly bloated and has fallen off a cliff outside of Hololive and a few twitch streamers. Poor indies who got into it during the boom are suffering from the sunk cost fallacy and will claw at any chance of moderate "success".

>> No.61484520

It's very much a hype thing. They only dropped a teaser less than a week ago and have them debuting? Compare to Hololive, who usually hypes them up as much as possible with maybe a month leeway

>> No.61484574

almost like the market saturation is finally taking noticeable effect and nijisanji keeps shitting out new waves every so often

>> No.61486324

EN is no longer a factory for riku's silver yacht.
He's going to abandon them now.

>> No.61487017

They had a concert? I thought only hololive did that shit.

>> No.61487463

Riku needs the 100k plaques so he doesn't have to buy staff drink coasters

>> No.61487601

Its good if you're 1 or 2 view. Maybe even low 3 view.

>> No.61489369

while i think its too early to say they flopped, i honestly doubt they wont turn out to have flopped because they were basically set up to flop.
all signs point to anycolor having no faith in EN anymore that they returned to the default number of livers per wave instead of flooding the market with 5+ per wave for over 2 years.
which is hilarious because its their own fault that EN is crashing so badly, to the point even nijifags dont give a shit about the new ones anymore.
this is made even worse because almost all of EN treating it as a full time job, where JP is more balanced between full timers and casual streamers so not everyone is competing for the limited pool of viewers all the damn time.
add onto the fact that JP never released more than 5 in a wave after 2018, meaning that all the flooding was front loaded instead of with EN where they middle loaded which fucked up the whole branches identity it had built over a year.
especially that theyre actually releasing less livers per wave now.
i get the feeling that the company decides how many per wave for the foreign branches based on the success of the recent waves as theyre recruiting them, starting with 3 for the first to test the waters.
ID went from 3 to 4 to 3 for the rest of its waves, IN only got 1 wave of 3, KR outside of the vtubers they collected from a defunct company had always done 3 livers per wave and EN started with 3 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 5 to 6 to 6 to 3 (5 if it wasnt leaks and dropout) to 3 now.

>> No.61492587
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>> No.61492642

>add onto the fact that JP never released more than 5 in a wave after 2018,
Anon they released a seven man wave just this year

>> No.61493592

Rather than Western vtubing falling off a cliff, I think the bigger problem has to do with NijiEN's mismanagement and its internal flaws. The limitations as the EN branch of a JP company is starting to show in terms of game permissions when everyone is basically limited to the same set of games, and there's so many people in the same branch on top of that streaming over each other. And they'll always be a side priority compared to the main JP branch, despite how fast the branch grew only 3 talents have proper 3D models, and only 2 of them have working 3D models they could use for home use. Its asinine that they delayed Pomu's Home 3D to 2024 when some fans made a 3D model for her extremely early on, I want to say pre-Obysdia even or around their debut at least.
It also doesn't help either that some of the talents loved to antagonize or provoke fans, which eventually caused some people to stop watching since the problem talents cant be tuned out due to NijiEN's close-knit nature. The drama and general nature of those incidents just made for an unpleasant viewing environment, so people naturally moved onto better pastures.

>> No.61493997

The problems with NijiEN are so numerous that not even all the essays in this thread can begin to describe all the mistakes that were made.

>> No.61496752

the short version is Zaion, Gundou, overreliance on China, and picking fights they can't win

>> No.61497583

Zaion doesn't fucking matter. Iluna was a disappointment, AR Live being announced and quickly canceled, then problem people like Kyo and Luca running rampant for another year. The decline was there before XSoliel, it's just that when they debuted there was a significant enough viewer drop off compared to Iluna.

>> No.61498147

Zaion herself doesn't matter, the way they treated Zaion definitely did, especially with both us and people like false spreading the word to the wider community

>> No.61499121

HoloX only had 1 day for the trailer to spread before the first debut.

>> No.61499745

Niji doesn’t have that kind of brand power anymore. I unironically think they should be looking at what smaller corpos are doing and use advertisements or shorts to squeeze into the market because the Niji brand on its own won’t cut it, at least not in the west.

>> No.61500014

Now? Kiara put that in her debut slide.

>> No.61502930

Too many yabs even normalfags got disgusted

>> No.61503226

Problem will always come back to how they laid out their hiring structure.
Early NijiEN was basically all of Elira's friends so they had the added benefit early on of having the image of a close knit group. The open VC concept was great at the start when none of the girls were particularly bad but that shit accelerated when Luxiem came on and the entire Holo-lite dynamic they had changed overnight.
The fujos/yumes basically propped up the branch for a year or so until they all got fed up with the bullshit the guys pulled on them which showed the rotting carcass which is the state of the branch these days.
Dramafags basically got the green light to publicly shit on the company because Anycolor tried and failed to kill their leader whereas before it was confined to private discord servers.

>> No.61505070

They already do this, or did it anyway a while ago as I remember seeing ads of new NijiEN debuts while watching some videos. They didn't do it for this or the last few debuts?

>> No.61505297

I would argue they never had that kind of brand power

>> No.61505332
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>Claude Clawmark
Who comes up with this shit?!?

>> No.61505894

Zaion does matter, it was the tipping point from "Gee, Enna and Kyo are cunts" to "Maybe all of them are cunts actually"

>> No.61507349
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the same reason why every supposedly amicable graduation from nijisanji ends up with the talent streaming as an indie

>> No.61509000

can i ask as someone new to all of this what happened with kyo and luca? or to be turned in the direction of something i can read/watch about all this? i'd love to go down the rabbit hole

>> No.61509026

You can't join Vshoijo as a 2 view lmao

>> No.61509433

Luca is a sex pest trying to offpako every Niji female
Kyo is a white boi with a blaccent who made his illness his character trait and trash talks everyone, but becomes a sensitive snowflake when people roast him back. He is also Enna's boyfriend and calls aloupeeps cucks
For more yabs: https://rentry.org/exx63

>> No.61510505
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EN were supposed to have their first one, last year or the beginning of this year but it got cancelled due to covid according to management.
Most of the luxiem made comments about management saying it was due to covid and implied that it was a fake reason, Pomu tried to cope and say it was just postponed.
The concert has yet to happen.

>> No.61512716

"covid", you mean

>> No.61513309

google mass hysteria

>> No.61513390

Is retail really that worse than going to niji?

>> No.61514177

Zaion has definitely mattered, it was a turning point for a lot of the public and the fact that you can't comprehend that shows how much of a bubble person you are

>> No.61514408

Depends, theirs a fair amount of variance in viewership In NijiEN. Some like Selen are probably fairly comfortable financially but others like Aia are likely just scraping by at best. I think if you could make a living most people would be okay with Niji's retarded management if they just got to play video games for a living instead of getting trapped in the wage cage.

>> No.61515974

New gen is supposed to be an event, for Ninisanji is another tuesday

>> No.61516568
File: 912 KB, 1251x706, sub-20k debut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. debuts don't mean much in nijisanji these days.

>> No.61517236

>Is retail really that worse-

>> No.61520092


>> No.61520512

People are deluded if they think getting 100k subs is not a big deal, Hololive warped that perception when new gens are getting that before even uploading a video.

>> No.61520808

As long as people can get rejected by Hololive, there will be people who join Niji.

>> No.61520875

>the majority of Cover put a pause on their activities and made the debuts a big event that got teased over the course of months, culminating with a lot of members (on the main channels or their own) streaming their live reactions to the new generations' debuts.
Yeah and then Gura woke to stream just to stunt Bijou's growth.

>> No.61520895

There are always Idol and Phase. And best of all, they dont accept dudes.

>> No.61521334

People just get too caught up in the tribalfagging. There was a point where NijiEN looked like it genuinely could be a future competitor for HoloEN, and now that they’re not, Holofags feel the need to rub it in. I mostly watch small corpos so it’s always been bizarre to me to see the standard of success for the bigger corpos when milestones like 100k seem very impressive to me, but for Holofags if you’re not on your way to 1mil then you don’t exist.

>> No.61521353

It depends on if you think not being an asshole to strangers is hard. If not, retail is super easy for a job not requiring any actual education or job skills. If so, it's horrible.

>> No.61523979

Also doesnt help that the Niji livers themselves were caught to be tribalfags

>> No.61524316

I'm always surprised at how shit their face tracking is. They're a corporation with almost 200 members, they could afford to invest slightly into better face tracking. Random indies with 50k subs have better face tracking.

>> No.61524534

It didn't matter because the huge decline was happening before XSoliel as I mentioned in that post. Even if the Zaion thing never happened we'd STILL be seeing the same trend.

>> No.61524853

What doesn't Luca do to insert himself into something? He nuked an entire Minecraft server and they had to make a new one. Killed almost the entire branches interest in the game outside of autists like Pomu and Uki. He didn't bother vetting his music and the Playlist had a couple Hololive songs in it. He feels the need to be loud and the center of attention in collabs. He monetized a Fromsoft game and the entire branch couldn't play Fromsoft games for months. Luca is a fucking dumb ass that makes it harder for the whole branch.

Kyo is a whiney wigger which you have to pull your punches on as he wails on you for collabs. Then he has to say how uncomfortable certain art is for him that he sees on Twitter.

>> No.61526513

There’s definitely hints that at least 1 other chuuba should have debuted with the newest wave but didn’t much like Krisis. Probably why they had to just push them out without even a group name, it probably depended on the number of menbers in a way.

>> No.61527754

my favorite example for kyo is when two other nijis started firing back at him causing him to hide behind the mute button

>> No.61528535

You're making up shit. There's 0 hints on anything.

>> No.61528615

Aia has a job you tourist.

>> No.61530050

I don't watch Niji, I was literally just making an assumption based on viewership that she likely can't do streaming full time, with the most optimistic view that maybe she could scrape by with enough oil barons. It doesn't really take anything away from what I said and I don't know why that was the thing you focused on.

>> No.61530082


>> No.61533744

One of them got fired for it

>> No.61535120

Because there are too many talents, there isn't enough yacht money to go around.
