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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61384385 No.61384385 [Reply] [Original]

Another guess the /asp/ie! 5th early edition.

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
PixelLink (Oct 30) /!\: https://www.pixel-link.com/audition
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>61358840

>> No.61384571

I no longer love denpafish.

>> No.61384960

Name every aspect that you love about those /asp/ies in your mind!

>> No.61385293

I wish these threads weren't so cloyingly positive.
Males don't need a hugbox, if there are viewers here just post normally lol.

>> No.61385410

You are right sister, time to throw shit at eachother for the sake of it!

>> No.61385467

Why not?

>> No.61386307
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I love this little psycho

>> No.61386474

Stuff like this proves you just need one obsessive whaler to keep yourself afloat.

Keep at it guys, I'm sure you'll find that schizo for you!

>> No.61386515
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>> No.61386609

i don’t remember writing this

>> No.61386608

Meds, now.

>> No.61387041

girls are scary

>> No.61387243


>> No.61387399

They won't have anyone post about them because no one gives a fuck. Only Mond, Rura, and Rinna matter in Gen 5.

>> No.61387470

Stuff like this is why I dislike female streamers

>> No.61387530

kill yourself

>> No.61387549

Go lick assholes in other place

>> No.61387728

Are there any BFE guides for Twitch streaming I really need numbers right now.

>> No.61387775

>/asp/ picking fights with /vrt/
Hope you enjoy dealing with /pyon/ rejects.

>> No.61387856

If you need a guide, you weren't cut out for it.

>> No.61387945


>> No.61388110

i have a gift for denpa fish <3

>> No.61388133

what is it?

>> No.61388186

>pyon rejects
Is this your cope for being a literal reject lmao
Most people there don't even think about /pyon/, so I'm not sure what you're on about

>> No.61388209


>> No.61388215

People who are BFE already have charisma IRL.
The girl viewers of BFE chuubas doxx them immediately to make sure they're not ugly.

So if you lack both don't bother.

>> No.61388438


>> No.61388474

lol, ok kid

>> No.61388718

what is pyon and vrt

>> No.61388972

A nest of schizo unicorns

>> No.61389173
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whores and jerks

>> No.61389259

Anyone else feel bad knowing they are the second, or even third choice, of certain viewers?
Knowing that a viewer only comes to watch you because everyone else is off, and if they were to go online they would immediately drop you to watch them instead?

>> No.61389426

No. I feel happy that anyone would even pick me somewhere over some number of the multitude of other streamers out there. 24 hours in a day. Any minute I get from anyone is more than I probably comparatively deserve.

>> No.61389430

I understand where you're coming from, but there's only so many hours in a day. Better to just focus on yourself.

>> No.61389541

This happens to me quite frequently and I’m addicted to having my mutuals twitch streams on whenever I stream instead of looking at my own viewer count. I sometimes have a higher ccv but I get so upset that I’ll never be considered a “Bro” to get the same chats as anyone else.

>> No.61389623

i am TALLER than Manasong

>> No.61389915

He’s a shota. You probably should be.

>> No.61389989

Is he a shota? His outfit looks more adult/muscular.

>> No.61390120

It goes both ways
Just as a viewer has their primary streamers, aspies tend to have primary viewers that are part their inner clique
Annoying to watch when they make inside jokes and reference stuff that happens in their discord
Anyone that does this is always going to be my second or third choice of streamer
One aspie in particular does this often enough to really annoy me but I won't name her

>> No.61390561

Side effect from having zero art skills and anatomy knowledge

>> No.61390736

Isn’t he AI generated?

>> No.61391077

I am but I generated each part individually. Generators default to an adult body and I only realized that when every part was already done and the model looked weird from a distance.

>> No.61391139
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little sister is streaming

>> No.61391263

I thought people would have standards, but then Haru happened and realized as long as you have coomer voice the volcels don't care.

>> No.61391325
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>> No.61391369

Stupid question for the thread. Does a streamer referencing their own past streams count as an inside joke? If so is there a way to do this without hard filtering new viewers, like explaining the past stream scenario/joke so even someone tuning in can follow along and feel included?

>> No.61391396

Beryl and Haru were the worst things to happen to this thread. Femboys are fucking annoying.

>> No.61391455

the final yab...

>> No.61391462

Haru and Beryl are both nice people though.

>> No.61391526

I need to know if its me

>> No.61391654

I would bet my left testicle GClef is in chat

>> No.61391682
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>> No.61391729

Only Haru, nobody overtalks about Beryl at all.

>> No.61391748


>> No.61391823

Is this real? Why would denpafish say this?

>> No.61391859

Edgy is cool brother!

>> No.61391954

Are you retarded?

>> No.61391974

I think I'll never be able to watch denpa because she just reeks desperation.

>> No.61392047

Have you ever thought about raping your retarded sister?

>> No.61392064
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>> No.61392081

if you can’t tell that this is photoshopped you’re actually mentally retarded

>> No.61392097

i mean when it comes to viewer you can't really blame them for interacting in such a way and you could always join the discord and be included in that
however i won't lie that when i watch someone and i see the chat full of aspies that i feel like a huge third wheel as a viewer because you know they DM each other and got groupchats and whatnot and you will never truly be included in their circle and always be the odd one out, even more so when they reference stuff only they know among themselves

>> No.61392135

If you've never joined your discord's voice chat or called your favorite viewers while streaming, it's not you

>> No.61392231
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>> No.61392389

I know that feeling. I just treat it as a second layer of the viewing experience. Aspies having fun and making friends is a net positive.

>> No.61392463

What? Like VCing on stream with non vtubers?

>> No.61392550

Yeah, discord call

>> No.61392605

Dafuq thats so retarded, are there really any aspies doing that shit?

>> No.61392692

>Aspies having fun and making friends is a net positive
and i agree there, i would never blame anyone for it, but i can't help feeling like this and its part of why i end up rather lurking because i don't want to intrude...

>> No.61392698

Same, I wish I had the balls to befriend them but I only ever be a viewer.
I don't want to try and fail only for me to make it weird, I would also hate if they are friendly to me only out if pity, that would hurt more than being rejected.

>> No.61392756

Not the actual gen, but the older /asp/ies really squeezed content out of that.

>> No.61392805

Maybe I'm too cynical and insecure

>> No.61393030

>I don't want to try and fail only for me to make it weird
i feel that, even more so when you are basicly just a nobody to them

>> No.61393045

This is why I regret not taking the pipeline

>> No.61393055

>the viewer bros thinker we're some sort of elite cool kids club

I love you guys

>> No.61393067

Completely normal to have those feelings, but eventually you have to either accept your role as a passive observer and chat member, or go down the pipeline to join in the circle. That's why the meme is so prevalent here.

>> No.61393155

you are I've been here officially for less than a week and already have 2 aspie follows. Just make a design and talk in chats. easy as fuck bro

>> No.61393174

do you guys have viewers?

>> No.61393232

This, I barely even think when I'm not streaming, and they expect me to socialize? Jokes on them

>> No.61393267

I got 5 heh

>> No.61393270

there are discords they cant access, so they arent entirely wrong

>> No.61393283
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>> No.61393295

I wish I was brave enough to dm the aspies in my chat....but whatever I mention on stream will always be stuff I've seen on their streams. I know the feeling though, and it sucks

>> No.61393351

I don't particularly think that you guys are some cool kids but as a viewer it's hard to not notice the difference in status between a normal chatter and another aspie, and over time that will end up making you feel worth less than a random new chuuba who is there only to network.

>> No.61393358

my wife Andy so tall wtf

>> No.61393382

i'm only jealous if one is my Oshi

>> No.61393455

I love mond...

>> No.61393512

I'm not part of any discords. I've received invites but from what I see, they cause more drama than they're worth so I just don't join. If someone wants to talk to me, they can do it here or on twitter.

>> No.61393598

Viewers and streamers will NEVER be friends, and that is okay.
Its an entretainer and an audience kind of relationship, doesnt mean we dont love you, but its a difference than having friends.
Dont DM aspies, there's already a lot of time taken away on streaming and networking with other streamers, there is no time to try to be friends with all of our viewers.

>> No.61393646

tell that to vita, the man was a prolific chatter with multiple asp chuubas telling them that they loved him but in the end he was just a viewer and never got to break that barrier

>> No.61393690
File: 656 KB, 1920x1080, FNAF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's me KankuroKing.
Don't spoil me about the movie, but I'm running through Night 5s in 2 and 3.
If you wanna join stop on by, starting in 5 minutes!


>> No.61393847

i won't name them because i don't want to shame anyone but once i was in an aspies chat for the first time and actively chatted as the only viewer among aspies and at first all seemed fine, but once i confirmed i am just a viewer i suddenly just got ignored by everyone, not just the streamer, even the other aspies in chat all suddenly treated me like i was not even there anymore and just contiued their aspie talk like i was hot air.
i know this is like the most extreme case and usually not what happens nor do i think it was intentional malice, but from that moment one i was painfully aware of my status as third wheel due to just being a viewer and i noticed it many time since just how different the treatment is by many between an aspie and a viewer.
i don't have the time nor interest in becoming a chuuba myself, i accepted my status and there are the rare few cases where it doesn't feel like this either and being a viewer feels fun again and i enjoy chatting.

>> No.61393869

What the fuck amount i supposed to do? I have no fucking friends. No family. I'm so god damn lonely. Nobody told me adult life was this fucking desolate. If I can't even bond with people in the one fucking hobby depression hasn't robbed me of yet what the fuck can I do? What am I supposed to do? Whats event he difference of me being alive or dead anymore ? I'm already in hell

>> No.61393916

I love my viewers. I will be your friend.

>> No.61393999

go thru the pipeline and make chuuba friends from the other side, i didn't even MEAN to do it to get friends and I met more cool people to be friends with than i have otherwise met in the last 15 years of my life

i dont think its a bad thing to become a chuuba just to make friends, or even just to have days where you are less lonely

>> No.61394027

it's not menhera monday yet bros cmon cease this faggotry

>> No.61394079

If this is how you unironically feel then you should absolutely NOT try to befriend aspies.
You need therapy dude, dont try to turn any of these streamers into your therapist or replacement friend.

>> No.61394109

I'm tired of you fuckers using me to attack others, you don't know me, you don't understand my situation, many aspies have tried to get closer to me but I'm too insecure and I don't know if they do it genuinely and that has been eating me inside
Also tired of the schizo searching for me in viewer lists.
Don't name me, I hate it, I also hate that I can't leave this place and that I can't go back to chatting for fear of being treated differently now.

>> No.61394164

Nobody talks about Beryl because nobody watches him lol

>> No.61394179

I love you Vita my brother.

>> No.61394262

I watch Beryl. I'm just too scared to type in his chat because he intimidates me and when I saw him in my chat I felt my anxiety spike.

>> No.61394288

Id rather die than go to therapy. Fuck that. I don't think ill ever get that mindset. I guess its a culture thing

>> No.61394450

Then kill yourself.
There is nothing in here for you.
You're just a burden for everyone, and you'll become a burden for our streamers.
Unless you get therapy.

>> No.61394555

horrible post

>> No.61394567

That's the problem, I doubt everything told to me no matter the place, I wish I could trust and believe people but my years have made me cynical about everything.

>> No.61394572

bunkumm and manasong are doing their collab and being cute awkward friends

>> No.61394632

ive spent the past ten years of my life watching streamers and seeing them all inprove their lives and become happy while my life is at a stand still. even the young menhara female /asp/ies are more mature with life more figured out than me

>> No.61394689

No, fuck that shit.
Either get therapy or go kill yourself.
Don't try to turn regular people with issues into your saviour and put that pressure on them.
Go fucking kill yourself.

Or get help.

>> No.61394694

I hate this post

>> No.61394701

watch the latinos /asp/ies, be active in their chat
we love the spam in the chat, I think it's a cultural thing

>> No.61394756

>umi talking about her eggs

>> No.61394812

a white american made this post. soulless people

>> No.61394916

Therapy or die, make your choice.

You'll kill yourself down the line regardless if you don't get help anyways, so don't drag any of these streamers down with you.

>> No.61395095

just work on yourself. practice patience. change your perspective. work out. go to church.

>> No.61395121

are we still talking about vtubers?

>> No.61395125
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maple come home

>> No.61395134

To continue this post I regret immensely making those posts a week ago, now I have no confidence that aspies will treat me normally if I come back, I tried chatting in tiny's chat and she immediately started acting differently, I tried to ignore it but that made me even more insecure about returning since I had barely watched her twice before and she already got a reaction about it.
At this point since I can't go back normally I think I will have to make w brand new account and this time try to not get noticed too much by whoever I'm watching.

>> No.61395313

You never come to my streams so I really dont care.
Do what you want, but stop blogposting here.

>> No.61395344
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Haru's survived church!

>> No.61395411

as a fellow viewer... i envy you, aspies actually were delighted to see you in their chats and seemed to personally reach out to you and talk to you behind the scenes.
you might have issues with yourself and think none fo it is genuine, but as an outsider i can only envy it, i never got any of that even from aspies where i do chat and not just lurk, my name does not get any special reaction, if anything i can be happy if they remember me from stream to stream while others where i can't get myself to do more than chat a message or two probably don't even know really that i exist.
you might think you are friendless, but out of all viewers, you actually were the friend of many aspies

>> No.61395416

>Therapy bad
>Church good

>> No.61395464
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time to go back to the mahabharata, dont bother with anything else, just hear.

>> No.61395533

I really need you guys to rethink what the word "friend" means, because knowing your name or being nice to you DOESNT MAKE US FRIENDS.

>> No.61395577

Eventually after you settle back in the aspies will go back treating you as a regular viewer. Don't worry too much man. Watch and enjoy. Ignore thread.

>> No.61395607

church is free

>> No.61395654

I am tempted to do that for specific streams

>> No.61395817

thats not what i meant, i am not so delusional to think that remembering my account in your chat or not banning me on sight and just chat on stream makes us friends

>> No.61395982
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bro that's true, we never say things like "go for therapy"
on the contrary, we ask "what happened bro"
we don't have that concept of "I'm not your therapy", or being "parasocial"
we just... make friends

>> No.61396097

awful cookie cutter advice

>> No.61396240

I've noticed this too.
I don't think white people realize what a 'fuck you I don't care about you in a basic level' feeling you give when you just tell people to go to therapy.
all the people I know who see therapists and are doped on drugs and still sad are white americans

>> No.61396294

I know, but you need to do anything that is different from what you are doing now. Even a little bit like walking around the block, or doing situps or any other reason to get out

>> No.61396466

literally make friends with other fans dude. I came from a fan discord for a corpo

>> No.61396493

Imagine needing therapy and medication.
Just power through with sheer willpower.
We're all gonna be fine.

>> No.61396589

I don't know how to do that.

>> No.61396625

Tiny was happy to see you though bro, she was sad sounding because you schizo'd out. as a real schizo let me say, if they are still willing to talk to you it's not over yet.

>> No.61396684

I want him to knot me so bad

>> No.61396793

Go to a Corpo chat for a new debut, and make a name for yourself there.

>> No.61396798

damn even the local schizo is helping in wtf

>> No.61396854

Is this a bad time to ask for good artists to look into a male vtuber model? I'll come back later if it is. :/

>> No.61396967

come back to the discords and chat with viewers in the cords

>> No.61397066

Thats why you guys kill yourselves all the time.
If you have deeper problems, you fucking need therapy. Its not sweeping anything under the rug, but Ive seen how untreated mental illness destroys not only people but their friends and family, because guess what, just saying "what happened bro" isnt enought to solve the root of the problem.
You'll become dependant on these people.

>> No.61397106

I know she didn't mean anything bad but again I'm too cynical and believe they are doing it out of pity, guilt or just to feel better about themselves.
I was born with this brain, I didn't chose it.

>> No.61397334
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mhm hehe
im making a few changes to my model, something that fits me better now that i've been chuuba for almost a year

>> No.61397359

I don't know how to do that. I don't know what to say.

>> No.61397399

Go to therapy bro

>> No.61397406
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>> No.61397418

come back when the hugbox is over

>> No.61397462

mary cute

>> No.61397513

huh? but its your overmedicated over
therapized people killing themselves

>humans dependent on other humans
Oh no. What a tragedy. You mean the people who want my money say I shouldn't have close friends and confidante and instead pay them to fail to provide the same emotional support?

>> No.61397588

Gonna level with you bro it's not worth it

>> No.61397617

what's happening in greenland bro

>> No.61397627

as a fellow viewer, if i see you return to one of the few cords i am in i will shoot you a DM, then we can have our own secret viewer gossip about the aspies^^

>> No.61397690

Been doing that for more than two years.
I take my mental health seriously since I have seen closely how it affects not only yourself but everyone around you and I don't want my family to worry

>> No.61397832

I don't want to do that

>> No.61397879

What the fuck is happening in Uruguay

>> No.61397998


>> No.61398017

well then i am sorry, but i don't plan to reveal myself in here

>> No.61398141

I didn't want to remember how common suicide is here in uruguay, thankfully I'm too cowardly to try doing it

>> No.61398262

Now THIS is a based individual.
I happily welcome you back to my chat.

>> No.61398418

get a bible, hold it close.

>> No.61398526

A country with no future, more depressing than eastern europe with no chance at upward mobility.
No surprise most people are either drunks or drug addicts
Also large amounts of guns do help in suicide numbers

>> No.61398575

jesus christ it's already been a year?

>> No.61398641

No one even goes to my streams anymore because I'm such a downer
Whats a painless easy suicide method
I really don't want to make it to 30
Don't worry. There's nobody that cares about me irl.

>> No.61398888

I'd honestly give you actual advice but I don't wanna get banned. there is only one really painless way.

Anyway, Get a Bible

>> No.61399021


>> No.61399060

Man, I love Aspiring Vtubers and Startups.

>> No.61399104

No thats not me man wtf i have health problems im not suicidal (anymore)

>> No.61399252

I did not make this post.
I love denpafish!

>> No.61399311

I do love you Albert, I just can't catch your reading streams which were very comfy

>> No.61399397

Jesus you fucking mopey annoying loser menheras are lame, at least the local menhera cuts himself and puts on a show. This shit is so self-indulgent and whiny.

>> No.61399412

If i had to bet an aspie who would kill themselves it would be you, sorry.

>> No.61399542 [DELETED] 
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>Thats it?
Lol lmao

>> No.61399932
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I completely understand lmao

>> No.61399958
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Live now! Time for more solo infiltration's in the DMZ!

>> No.61400073
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>> No.61400535

its gonna be me, except its actually the CIA

>> No.61401010
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im sorry i put that pressure on you. i dont know much about what goes on here but i've chatted along with you in others' streams way before i started. i was familiar enough with your name to feel like i've connected with you even just a little, but if you would prefer to distance yourself i respect that. i was genuinely happy to see you around, i'll show it more normally from here on out :')

>> No.61401036

Beryl is the most bottom chuuba here after Haru, how is he intimidating?

>> No.61401418


>> No.61401459

He feels more like a wvt chuuba than an asp chuuba which makes it harder to chat

>> No.61401596

How much have you donated to your 2view oshi?
I think I've spent about $900 on mine and after realising that I need to just stop for a bit

>> No.61401772


>> No.61401794

I pay her with my time, that's worth its weight in gold

>> No.61401862 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way, don't worry about it that's the way my mind works and I'm too paranoid about making other feel uncomfortable

>> No.61401879

I accept your challenge.
God I love Ace Caswell with how he is the definition of ikemen.
God I love Ace Windfall with how thrifty and down-to-earth he is.
God I love Albert with his talent for voice acting and his plentiful and plump breasts.
God I love Andy with how sincere she is with her childlike soul.
God I love Berial with how much of a himbo choccy hunk he is.
God I love Beryl and his lazy ass (please take care of yourself and stop getting stomach aches).
God I love Bunkum with how he is able to multitask between his chat and the game so well.
God I love Cabu with his athleticism and how good his dancing is.
God I love Camui with how much growth he has done throughout his journey.
God I love Cats with her taste of music and aesthetics.
God I love Charley with his accent and the speed he draws his unique cartoon style (“welcum welcum ev’rywun”).
God I love Cheen with how dedicated he is to art and his muse even if he’s a little menhara.
God I love Chirami and how she roasts me every time I chat...
God I love Chrii with how spunky and protective she is.
God I love Coco with how lewd yet wholesome she is (CHOC WILL NEVER STEAL HER NOW).
God I love Comet Crust with how respectful he is to his collab partners even if he called me a weeb.
God I love Daiya with his bubble butt, cute screams and how grateful he is for his fans.
God I love Dante and how he talks about self-improvement and life lessons.
God I love Denpa with her bold and unfiltered takes.
God I love Digby with how jiggly and cuddly he is (please let me cuddle you).
God I love Finbar and the way he flip-flops between nonchalantly sitting through jumpscares or going full panic mode (imagine the sex too).
God I love Flanz with how tenacious he is even when he is shat on so much.
God I love Gclef and how we both share the same type of women (you lucky bastard).
God I love Geltaran and I hope he gets more recognition and guidance from this community.
God I love Gumpai with her cute lisp and insistent meta references.
God I love Hanabi and their addition of art to every aspie that joins.
God I love Hanbun with how BASED he is and how he never shies away from dark jokes.
God I love Haru and how he does his storytelling coupled with his higher-pitched voice.
God I love Hazmat with how chummy he is despite being a toxic being.
God I love Hyde and how he is literally going insane (or already too far gone).
God I love Iriya with his loyalty to his oshi and diligent work to ASMR (how am I meant to compete with this man…).
God I love Kai with how he enjoys the simple things and how he has this evil tone of voice.
God I love Kenny with his flannel shirt and his cute game choices.
God I love Kankuro with how energetic and “seiso” he is.
God I love Keitaro with his high-pitched laugh and I want to have a hamily with him (hamsters can have up to 12 pups).
God I love Koko with her adorable accent and how she interacts so closely with her chat.
God I love Kopadot with how easily he wins his chess games (lol).
God I love Kuku with how hardworking and friendly he is while also taking feedback to heart.
God I love Kuro with how organised he is and his unapologetic personality.
God I love Lava with how autistically cute she is, like a little sister I want to Yosuga no Sora.
God I love Layla with how emotionally acute she is and how much effort she puts into networking.
God I love Lobotobunny with how much of a good influence she is to all aspies.
God I love Loid and how he has overcome so many barriers yet has still put himself out there.
God I love Manasong with his man kissing and how he cutely stumbles over his words.
God I love Merlie and his dedication to his kayfabe lore.
God I love Momomo and how honest he is despite saying some of the most sus stuff.
God I love Mond with her small foldable body (her diet worries me though).
God I love Rinna with how tempting and seductive she is despite having more (eye)balls than me.
God I love Ruadh with how calming his voice is and his knowledge about the Middle Ages.
God I love Rura with how sassy yet humble she is (god I want to lewd her).
God I love Slushy with his unending enthusiasm for Yu Gi Oh and friends.
God I love Sun with his antique voice and the subtle inflections he makes as he reads.
God I love Sterling with how he is a literal gentle giant.
God I love Tiny with how she is a real rat woman that’s so dedicated to her craft.
God I love Tornkite and how comfy his company is (DUO WITH ME PLEASSSEEE).
God I love Vita and I relate to that feeling when you can no longer be the lucky few in your oshi’s eyes.
God I love Zenya even if her type of streaming doesn’t let her be more involved.
God I love everyone I may have not mentioned, we can relate to being nameless lurkers.
And goddamnit, I love (You) and we’re all GMI <3

>> No.61402077

I need to lurk here more idk who that is
Based poorfag

>> No.61402082

You niggas need to stop being scared of talking to people, especially when they arent even that big.

>> No.61402169

Only half of Uruguay's aspies are alcoholics, it's only a sample size of 2, but still

>> No.61402274

Based wholesome poster

>> No.61402315

>God I love Lobotobunny with how much of a good influence she is to all aspies.
She is not even an aspie.

>> No.61402322

Beryl is just an eepy sometimes drunk baby I promise you

>> No.61402417

Aspie adjacent and a lovely lady

>> No.61402428

meant for >>61398526

>> No.61402560

>God I love Denpa with her bold and unfiltered takes.
>the unfiltered takes: >>61391325

>> No.61402572 [DELETED] 

We are top 3 in amount of whiskey consumed per capita for a reason, everyone is alcoholic either secretly or openly
>t. Not an aspie but an ex alcoholic anyways

>> No.61402845

Exactly, never I said I agree with her takes, just that I love that psycho's unfiltered shit

>> No.61402858

>Not on the list

>> No.61403026

Daiya is already pregnant with 12 pups.

>> No.61403063

Don't say "we" if you're talking about a very small country here, the only /asp/ vtubers are Alto and Frank, and then there's Vita as a viewer, cross reference with typing style and you're effectively outing yourself

>> No.61403476 [DELETED] 

Don't care anymore, I stopped caring about people identifying my posts since even if I'm vague they get it anyways, also I already self posted earlier so it's hard to not know who am I when I talk about my country.
None of this matters I'm only posting today because I hadn't posted since sunday and I don't plan to post again for a long time after today

>> No.61403726


>> No.61403733

True, Runoxi was the 3rd wheel when they did that collab

>> No.61403840

Please don't do it. Nobody has been a regular in my streams for over 10 years, or at least around that number. Try to think about something else. Think about all your favorite food. Can't eat that if you're dead. Your favorite shows. Won't have those anymore.
Think of all the nice memories you've had. Think of all the terrible times. Think about posters like me. Who will I have left to relate to when you're gone? I don't relate well with any of the 1% who can pull more than 3 viewers.
When you're gone I'll have one less peer. Do you really want me to be the last of us? Come live to 100 with me. We can be 100 year old geezers who die painlessly of old age.
You can still type this message I'm responding to. In less than 200 years you won't be able to do that. Nor will I. Deep down there will still reside the want to live. Don't squander your gifts so easily just because you feel particularly down in this moment. That feeling is a gift. That feeling you have right now is freedom telling you that you can do anything right now. Use it to achieve something that can serve you well later in life. Write a book. That way when you can no longer send messages like I, or someone like myself can read those stories back to you.

>> No.61404071

You wouldn't know unless you've tried it, and succeeded. Kindly shut the hell up.

>> No.61404246

>God I love Iriya
Thank you anon. I love you too.

>God I love Rura with how sassy yet humble she is (god I want to lewd her).
Stay away.

>> No.61404346

You're a good egg :)

>> No.61404499
File: 341 KB, 1206x1188, honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61404577


>> No.61404907


>> No.61405066

Stay away from Daiya

>> No.61405140

No he's my son / boyfriend

>> No.61405188

He belongs to Keitaro

>> No.61405389

I forgot I couldn't delete posts older than one hour, not much to say about it I just wanted to delete every post of mine

>> No.61405505
File: 63 KB, 600x669, 1428537934018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too

>> No.61405654

>Not on the list
It's so over

>> No.61405679

You are thirteen years old.

>> No.61405755

Thanks. Probably. <3

>> No.61405886

I wish I could go back to thirteen years old, I'm almost 30

>> No.61405893

I want to hug Mond so fucking bad...

>> No.61405922

Adding some ones I didnt see:
God I love Alva for his dedication to his keyfabe at all costs.
God I love ChaosFoundry with how much they care for each other (Their mics sound kinda weird bc it was the best way they could stream together <3)
God I love Clonk for not needing to associate with us at all and still always putting his hand out to help anyways.
God I love FreeOfMe for his chillness that I can enjoy as I watch a spinning gif he's making forever
God I love Fuza for being batshit crazy with me the one time I got to speak with him and just being a cool asf guy
God I love Koikawa Kei for the fact that his zatsus leave me with a smile on my face
God I love Olga for being the embodiment of huggable. Literally if I was given a chance I would sprint towards her for a hug.
God I love Pafu for being so damn real with me.
God I love Parseks for saying the smartest shit that I cant understand.
God I love Runoxi for literally just being the sweetest around.
God I love YukichiReikyu for his cute tanuki face and his patience when it comes to explaining his nerd stuff
And God, I wish Wanners and Miri will be back soon.

Hopefully you're on this one.

>> No.61406073

oh speaking of, ChaosFoundry is live

>> No.61406176

I can't speak for Miri, but Wanners is on the grindset at the moment and likely won't be back for a couple of months.

>> No.61406305

Yes. Thank you, anon

>> No.61406345 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.73 MB, 1080x1920, witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your Halloween plans this weekend, NOW

>> No.61406436

>Not on this list either

>> No.61406503

name-drop yourself sis

>> No.61406619

eating all the candy I bought for trick-or-treaters since everyone just does that shit in church parking lots these days
at least I finally learned a few years ago to buy the good shit since I'm gonna get stuck with it anyway

>> No.61406657

I’m extremely guilty of doing this during collabs since it’s really fun, but I’ll try harder to keep gaming streams contained and not reference anything else

>> No.61406870

whats with that "(lol)"
i will find you and checkmate your life
(I love you too)

>> No.61406956

Can someone else please make another extension to the list so we can get this guy plz?

>> No.61407361

Fight me in an IKEA carpark bitch.
Thank you, I am a good egg that will hopefully hatch soon.
Post thyself.
Thank you for covering my blind spots <3
And then I sacrifice (THE ROOOK) MY LIFEEE!

>> No.61407433
File: 913 KB, 512x281, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therapy doesn't do shit unless you're a normie

>> No.61407630
File: 123 KB, 390x757, Denpa_fatknees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my hypothetical depiction of denpafish if she had really fat knees

>> No.61408450

>Already forgotten
As much as this hurts I'm glad the stage is set for my reincarnation

>> No.61409122

You got this Hera, just don't interact with /asp/ies again

>> No.61410387

>Remembered for man kissing
T-Thanks q.q

>> No.61410446

Bed breaking sex with Rinna! I want to cum inside her and take responsibility!

>> No.61410880

y-you too

>> No.61410936

Th-thanks anon-kun

>> No.61411188

shes mine I saw her first

>> No.61411226

whos this? I didnt think I said anything worth stuttering over

>> No.61411377

charley love<3

>> No.61411616
File: 85 KB, 534x584, cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, being called cute makes me flustered I like being flustered

>> No.61411822

Be stuck at work in the mundane.
Might do a Pizza Tower Halloween update stream though after

>> No.61411840

If I get this job I promise to stream on my days off, please God let me get this job I want to get my parents off my back so I can fucking stream PLEASE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.61411864



>> No.61411934

I'm a viewer but I saw a stupid piece of shit do this in chat for a 2view I like and it made me very upset.
"Yeah my actual oshi is online see you <3"
Go fuck yourself, just go without saying anything.

>> No.61412011

>a chuuba is watching your stream
>chuuba says "see ya later, im gonna stream now"
>half your viewers leave to watch that other chuuba

>> No.61412076

i've luckily never seen anyone this clueless since i started

>> No.61412079
File: 880 KB, 1920x1080, orcbolg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61412191

I see that pretty often for non-/asp/ie vtubers. Their streams basically amount to "sit in a discord call with their friend and talk about bullshit but also stream to nobody at the bottom of their category"

>> No.61412319
File: 1.54 MB, 1193x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad somebody enjoyed my meandering nonsense.

>> No.61412540
File: 97 KB, 460x877, v-tooobah2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back again, so far i need to work on the details and the shading and then i'm ready for rigging.

>> No.61412670

Why are you stealing Haru's thing?

>> No.61412710

More femboys, delicious

>> No.61412713
File: 92 KB, 811x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's gotta be more people aspies left to guess other than me, you shouldn't have gotten that right

>> No.61412754
File: 40 KB, 516x563, rushed headpat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for being nice with all the love you're giving everyone, anon. I'll treasure your words whenever I'm anxious about my accent

>> No.61412770



>> No.61413170


>> No.61413438

>rura sph

>> No.61413505

I hope you made sure to draw and separate your layers property for Live2D

>> No.61413518 [SPOILER] 
File: 478 KB, 1299x1689, lewd w alva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot less bad than you think it is, I promise. I'm also realizing I never tweeted it or some other anon art from here because I was overthinking etiquette. I've been at this for almost two years now, I should probably learn to be a lot more shameless

>> No.61413523

You have Haru's hair, his eyes, his ear puffs and the trap part.

>> No.61413552

show me haru, maybe we can be friends.

>> No.61413676

oh you know it it's a huge pain in the ass. the most layers i've ever done for a picture. thankfully i don't have to rig anything below the shoulder. but i am gonna rig the tail to wag cause that would be cute

>> No.61413705


>> No.61413892

He's also a wolf, you are store brand Haru.

>> No.61413957

Don't change your design because of crabs. We need more cute wolves.

>> No.61413959

that makes me happy that i'm being compared to someone else. thank you. now show me the femboy

>> No.61414029

yeah i'm not, i really wanted a wolf boy oc with a fat cock. and i made my own. one of my inspirations was tamamo and astolfo. i'm just making a v-tuber model of him because he's the easiest of my OC's to rig.

>> No.61414033

i kneel

>> No.61414075

Look at my post again.

>> No.61414099

Thank you. I'll let you top me because you have the right energy for it

>> No.61414149

His face looks so much like good natured cuck from one of my favorite NTR doujinshi is scary.
I feel like I just fucked some guys wife with his own condoms everytime I look at this face.
Am I the only one?

>> No.61414187

I would ravage you so hard if I was a big sister

>> No.61414212


>> No.61414289
File: 909 KB, 2676x2637, casual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. however i'm not that confident in my voice i sound like a total goober.

>> No.61414343

Surprisingly no, very few /asp/ies graduate, and you sound like you still have something left to prove

>> No.61414372

I'm glad that someone enjoys lurking in my streams. I always feel like I'm boring at times unless chat can get a topic for me to get going on.
>(imagine the sex too)
Don't expect too much. It would be very vanilla

>> No.61414398

I have a stick figure png for my channel too! My channel is Garboguy. Haven't streamed in a bit bc of school but I'll be back soon

>> No.61414441

if my rigging goes well HMU Haru i'll rig you a model. hate seeing ai art. (No promises tho)

>> No.61414518

>not here
thank god

>> No.61414539

Who the fuck is the annoying autist in Rura's chat constantly going BASED BASED BASED?

>> No.61414852


>> No.61414947

I didn't even think of it like that, but I guess I did graduate. That sucks
I don't think it's anything I want to prove, I just think it would be really fun if I could get anywhere with it
If there was something I wanted to prove reincarnating wouldn't do it, I'm still the same retard who can't talk to people in voice or twitch chat to save his own life. You can take any fucking time I was in someone's chat as an example and you'll see I not only don't know what I should talk about but I end up dragging down the mood. Chatting in other chuuba's streams really fucking broke me into pieces, it showed me I have no idea how to communicate with people no matter what medium I try to use and made me feel like I was unlikeable and finally got me to quit. I only have vague ideas for my reincarnation but I feel like this'll all just happen again. It'll just be even worse next time because I'll be somewhere even softer than this place.

>> No.61415198
File: 1.02 MB, 960x960, AI GENERATED IMAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61415239

blame pippa

>> No.61415325

Sounds like >>61414947

>> No.61415389

Well, it ain't easy being a functional human being

>> No.61415424
File: 222 KB, 1381x2048, IMG_6206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s so sweet anon!! Thank you, I love you too!

>> No.61415752

Can they fuck off? They're basically fucking destroying the chat.

>> No.61415765

it's just that one fag

>> No.61415793

It's obvious Rura is trying to get him to shut up but she just needs to mute him for a bit.

>> No.61416074

They don't deserve this, but thank you.

>> No.61416142

I've just blocked him.

>> No.61416290

I'm glad you don't find it too annoying but now I'm probably spamming the thread too much so I'll stop after this.
Let's start Gen 6 together.
I could say plenty of other things, but that inside joke stuck with me. I couldn't help it :)
Your meandering nonsense is great advice to some. Thank you for making /asp/ a better place!
:o headpats!
I'm sorry I'm a sussy lurker most of the time, please forgive me.
You're my favourite pogchamp. Keep on ascending with that Youtube grind!
You're welcome, and thank you for appreciating me :)

>> No.61416330

I will hold these words close to my heart always. Thank you thoughtful anon for taking the time to notice and lift everyone’s days. You are a treasure.

>> No.61416337

Can someone become a mod for Rura's chat and shut that imbecile up? He's actually just spamming chat.

>> No.61416339

if you faggots start gen 6 before I debut I will gut you all

>> No.61416379

I wish.

>> No.61416464

I wish she would stop reading his bullshit. She's just encouraging him

>> No.61416655


>> No.61416678

Okay someone really needs to take this guy to the side and tell him that he's not funny. He really needs to be muted or banned.

>> No.61416740

Please Rura make Hyde or Iriya a moderator...

>> No.61416744

please rura, fucking hell

>> No.61416820

? Pippa never talked about cute dino, what are you on about?

>> No.61416842

she was posted in /pcg/

>> No.61416846

It's some fag from /pcg/

>> No.61416850
File: 1 KB, 100x100, mnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61416880


>> No.61416889

Sure, but not Pippa's fault guy in chat is a dumbfuck.

>> No.61416926

well, yeah

>> No.61416954

edible ahoge

>> No.61416962
File: 553 KB, 1080x1323, Screenshot_20231028_102009_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61417010

Praise the lord Han Bun!!!

>> No.61417064

if karma police was your favourite song would your character be a cat or a dog?

>> No.61417132

dog because you'd be a basic bitch

>> No.61417181

Thanks so much, anon! I'm glad people do like my silly kayfabe shenanigans :))) I love telling stories so I'm glad I can do it this way

>> No.61417612

Some random 14 year old got Rura to say the gamer word...thrice.

>> No.61417729

You guys have all crawled your way into my heart too, and I can't wait to join you guys :)
Gen 6 next year March!
Your kayfabe is great! My autistic ass wants to make an expanded /asp/ universe, I need help.

>> No.61417789

ok name a genre

>> No.61417858

What the fuck

>> No.61417920
File: 1.01 MB, 800x880, 00085-7a8f3fa6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denpafish is a crinkler.

>> No.61418059

if you guys had to pick a perfect intro song what would it be?

>> No.61418311

is this some 19yr drunk girl trying to be edgy just by singing rammstein lyrics?

>> No.61418335
File: 9 KB, 502x509, 1698420863862273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone bake please!

>> No.61418433
File: 47 KB, 643x362, F9g1IQGXQAAzYlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Merlie morning collab time!

>> No.61418446

I'm baking. I'm the baker!

>> No.61418601

why is this thread so dull? i know you guys are dull which is why you're aspiring

>> No.61418716

Rura please stop replying to the 14 year old you made you say fucking nigger on stream three times. Make fucking Iriya, Hyde or Han a mod for fuck sake.

>> No.61418889

are there any things you just find awful? Horrible things

>> No.61418893

>Make fucking Iriya, Hyde or Han a mod for fuck sake
This would be the worst possible optics imaginable for her channel

>> No.61418956

Make Tiny or Layla a mod then. Han seems like a fine choice because she already collabed with him anyway.

>> No.61418961

As opposed to her chat getting spammed making it completely unusable for half the stream and having some troll trick her into saying nigger repeatably on stream. Say what you want about any of the 3 but they're all well behaved in her streams and can be trusted

>> No.61419019


>> No.61419021

is there a specific reason as to why you aren't typing this in her chat?

>> No.61419090

They did... multiple people brought it up multiple times. Someone text her DMs.

>> No.61419092

I'm not actually the baker. This was a fabrication. There is no bread in the oven.

>> No.61419107

Basically the entire chat told her to give someone a mod power, she made Han one temporarily and then took it away before another troll popped up.

>> No.61419153

>can be trusted
lol, lmap
Make Paul Bunyon a mod if anyone, he's always on her stream and isn't /here/

>> No.61419180

Meant for >>61418961 sorry

>> No.61419224

Paul is definitely /here/. He's in plenty of aspies chats

>> No.61419252

sorry guys, im soooo fucking stupid. i'll have friends on mod power next time.

>> No.61419296

That's just a german girl singing along to her favorite music.
That's not even Rammstein anon.

>> No.61419376

its fine rura, just make one of your regulars a mod

>> No.61419441

where do I post the clips I made?
