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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61313296 No.61313296 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no no holostars sisters, they're making fun of us

>> No.61313542

Your mom among us

>> No.61313691

literally who?

>> No.61313743

the biggest whore in nijiEN

>> No.61314077

Tell your oshi anon that she should just stream more and focus on the quality of her content instead of acknowledging trolls on X because advent and even our new cockroach mama is fcking mogging her.
Don't want to see her graduate and meet her here reincarnating in Vshojo. Keep your dramas under control.

>> No.61314363

All the monkeys seething. She is just too powerful.

>> No.61314713

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.61314802

>she should just stream more and focus on the quality of her content
For nearly two years now she stopped giving a shit in an effort to fit in more with her coworkers (read: males) because when it was all girls she was just "too shy" to collab and had to rely on Selen who she "loves" to find initiative in collabs. Now she and Selen only collab like once a year lmao

>> No.61314889

>Holesemi Cocklust
God I hope so

>> No.61314912

How is this in any way related to holostars

>> No.61314935

I don't get it

>> No.61315039

There's been some arguments between Stars and Niji sisters on twitter about the new Niji dude's oshi mark, because it's the same as Magni's.

>> No.61315098

There was some drama on xitter about one of the new Niji internal organs using the same oshi mark as one of the homostars

>> No.61315281

I thought that was the clique leader Enna or her bf Kyo

>> No.61315282

Who fucking cares

>> No.61315436

So argument between Homofags and Nijisisters? Nothingburger then. It's like previously seeing Deadfags and Pomufags fighting on X during the MGS issue.
Tribalism between fans at this point became normal to me, but why would a fucking liver involve herself with the drama? Is she going to try become the next Pomu who declared "all out war" also?
I hope she's prepared for the fallout and memes like what Pomu is getting now and iirc, it's not doing great.

>> No.61315441

That's fucking retarded but as expected of sisters. Don't see why Rosemi felt the need to get involved though.

>> No.61315483

Even if it was who cares? If he graduates its up for grabs. Just like people did with Cocos

>> No.61315559

Too irrelevant so felt the need to jump in or maybe it was just for muh NijiEN family shit.
Pretty sad to see her stoop this low, either way.

>> No.61315645

Wosemi likes to meme

>> No.61315700

Hey, people are still making fun of Pomu's ALL OUT WAR to this day at the very least, when was the las time someone mentioned Rosemi

>> No.61315793

The only time Rosemi gets relevant is when her retarded rosebuds try to peek out of their shithole, like this thread
They can't even keep their own thread alive

>> No.61315841
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>> No.61316054

Yeah and Pomu also likes to meme also but did you forgot the "all out war" joke?
Although it was a leak and she didn't want to have that kind of context, I'm sure it's living rent free on Pomu on how she probably burned the bridge with Hololive and armed the most toxic Holofag tribes with her "all out war" (taken out of context). Now, it's consistently being reposted, memed and tweeted everytime Pomu and NijiEN fails on something.
Rosemi should probably steer away from fueling the drama.
I only hope she wouldnt get the same pomu treatment later in the future.

>> No.61316665

That's why its even worse. Rosemi are getting low views than before with low quality streams and she thought this was a good idea to fuel the trolls with this tweet?
I hope the toxic Holofags don't use her tweet as fuel to target Rosemi and mock her on her current low view situation. For fucks sake, why can't she just ignore the drama and focus on her streams?

>> No.61316759

I honestly don't think Hololivers nor Nijis think that it's that serious. They've fairly recently streamed together. The only ones making a big fuss are tribalfags, dramafags, and schizos. Rosemi is also more mature than what most people would think.

>> No.61316940

>low views
lmaooo this is finana-tier pathetic. I am glad i dropped this bitch
If you want to watch someone like rosemi at debut, but better in every way, just watch bijou

>> No.61316984

Most of the people that watch Pomu are Hololive fans. She collabs with Hololive just fine. Which bridge is burned?

>> No.61317004

I hope she's not engraved into cliqueshit now, she was my favorite and was one of the few talents that kept me in NijiEN until the 2% leaks.

>> No.61317052


>> No.61317160

Keyword: "probably"

>> No.61317219 [SPOILER] 
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So what you're saying is

>> No.61317263

If she wasn't she wouldn't have done this.
In the walled garden days, when people treated Selen like the queen bee, Rosemi sucked up to her the most.
When the boys started getting popular, Rosemi wanted to be cool with them and sucked up to Luca a lot.
This is a pattern she's followed ever since she declared she was into vtubing for making friends. Her first off collab was literally with Elira, Millie and Enna lmao

>> No.61317408 [DELETED] 
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ITT Holobrowns who have never watched Rosemi and have no intention of watching Rosemi argue about how she's a whore and how she's "totally fallen off"

>> No.61317447


>> No.61317459

you tell em, sis!

>> No.61317534

It's really starting to become apparent how many of you watch dramatubers instead of streams...

>> No.61317558

man, there must be no real actual drama going on if you guys are trying this hard to make a dumb joke tweet out to be the end of the world

>> No.61317575

ITT: Rosecucks getting blown the fuck out again, and coming back for more
Imagine your bar being so low you simp and whiteknight for rosemi lmao

>> No.61317579

>Most of the people that watch Pomu are Hololive fans. She collabs with Hololive just fine.
>Pomu now frequently tells how she's burnt out like Selen
>Recent pomu's trip to Japan is a 50/50 with a tired/ I-dont-care-anymore tone on her recent stream
She's trying to woo Hololive to prepare her departure from NijiEN and wanted to erase the ALL OUT WAR declaration for a clean rep.

>> No.61317583
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>Um you're a girl also cut4hex
Beautiful rebuttal, bravo, I'm thoroughly owned, where do I send the Jollibee's gift card?

>> No.61317643

IDK sis, you tell me

>> No.61317649

you're right, you can't really fall off if you've never reached anything

>> No.61317693

it's never been more obvious how hard they're forcing this shit, lol
when "generic gacha deisgns" and "stealing an oshi mark" of a graduated Holostar who didn't even want to be there in the first place" are this wave's drama they're really reaching hard

>> No.61317695

I doubt Hololive or Pomu herself would want to deal with that much drama and mental illness; it is enough to cause the singularity. But I guess if she survived last summer, she can survive anything.

>> No.61317740

all this low-tier bait and no one catch

>> No.61317880

Unbelievably enough, I'm gonna side with the Niji sisters this time. The more people who walk over Magni's grave, the better.

>> No.61317902

Anon, about that...
The recent streams...

>> No.61318023

You should send a Jollibee meal to Rosemi instead anon, she's only eating nissin noodles that were provided daily by Riku.

>> No.61318075


>> No.61318077

Magni definitely deserves it, it just sucks that Rosemi had to involve herself with drama over an oshimark.

>> No.61318126

heh, you are like babies
watch this:
lazy whore

>> No.61318159

It's funny.

>> No.61318250

if we assume she is specifically referencing this thing then what exactly is she saying jokingly being like "being precious over oshi marks is dumb"? thats factually the correct opinion, theres only so many emojis and theres already loads of overlaps, seems like just another case of people trying way too hard to find a reason to hate something and act like its a big deal when its infact nothing merely because its a nijisanji member doing it to me

>> No.61318265

That's what being irrelevant in the vtubing space and being associated with the most vile, dogshit company does to you. At this point maybe only Petra will come out unscathed, or as unscathed as possible, if she redebuts as a NijiJP talent.

>> No.61318569

Imagine that you're already low as fuck and you still have the audacity and balls to involve yourself with a drama and even acknowledge the trolls.
This is fucking genius shit.
Just let me get the popcorn first to enjoy the fireworks aimed at her.

>> No.61318819
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>> No.61318842
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the average female niji organ

>> No.61318906

>you don't watch Rosemi
no shit, sister, why would I?
here: >>61318842

>> No.61319027

>finally after countless begging gets to do some Tekken shit
>sub 1k viewers
watch her talk about totally wanting to stream Tekken 8 but never doing so

>> No.61319029

posting a screenshot of a 20 minute stream that didnt reach someones usual numbers because it was only 20 minutes and then replying to yourself pathetic

>> No.61319049
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That's a pretty clever way to ask people to watch her. Unfortunately vtuber fans are retarded and cant appreciate Rosemisama's casual genius.

>> No.61319081


>> No.61319088

I had to check to see if she even streamed it. Will she ever get Tekken perms already?

>> No.61319135

Who gives a shit, that retard has already graduated for months now

>> No.61319138

>biggest whore in nijiEN
that's a shared title between several people male and female
going to have be a lot more specific than that

>> No.61319151

>el no sabe

>> No.61319164 [DELETED] 

>Rosemi is more mature than people think
>instead of ignoring the drama and continue with her projects and content, she admit that the troll tweets live rent free on her head then make her respond to them further replying with more troll tweets.
Wooooowwww soooo mature and so professional...8d48hv

>> No.61319237

nice bait senpai

>> No.61319241

She's making fun of tempus sisters which is funny and based.

>> No.61319257

she did stream it but only for 20 minutes as a png because she is in Japan without her setup, along with the rest of Obsydia.

>> No.61319314

those aren't troll tweets though, they are genuine people expressing their actually sincere opinions that their graduated vtuber owns an oshi mark forever

>> No.61319491

more like only rosemi fans have standards and an iq so low being "cute" is all that entertains them
rosemi peaked with her opening. it's the best thing she has ever done or will ever do. or commission, i should say
i'd say i'm surprised, but i'm not
her and being unprepared, name a more iconic duo

>> No.61319601 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.61319630

I doubt it. But let's say they're legit, the only sad part is Rosemi involved herself with this. Does she desperately need some kind of drama bait that bad or something?
I wouldn't wonder or even care if it's kyo, fatgur, Millie or finana or even Enna to tweet something like this... But Rosemi? Wtf, just be like Selen and stay away from drama.

>> No.61319692

Rosemi should go back to playing Master Duel

>> No.61319695

>be like Selen and stay away from drama.
What? Didn't Selen have a bunch of drama around her blaming other people when her teams failed and going off on her fans for them not wanting her to play apex all the time?

>> No.61319818

>I doubt it.
You can check their pages. Magni himself would call them retarded.

>> No.61319901

>something like this.
ah yes something like this... a silly joke about oshi marks, truly awful i cant believe rosemi has done this, get a grip on reality man

>> No.61319908 [DELETED] 

In a video called weird life stories, she admits how often she is hit on by older men, and admits to entertaining their advances, to the point that some ojisans hit on her in a barcade that had Tekken 7, they exchanged numbers, and she told them she is a vtuber under the name of rosemi lovelock. This is one example of like 3
she was interviewed by a clout chasing SEAnig that interviewed "big" indies, told a story about how this jap old man was trying to convince her to go to his island (notice she never tries to get away from these situations)
she did a skimpy shuten douji cosplay for a con
her biggest simps like Crisu have been following her since her NND days where she did racier stuff, if you know what i mean

>> No.61319966
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Why is everyone on this board so mentally ill

>> No.61319971

/#/fags truly are deranged retards

>> No.61320032

Point still stands on why Rosemi would involve herself with a drama. She should just distance herself far away from dramafags and tribalfags.

>> No.61320052

Oh, and the same seanig was encouraging her to "break immersion" and post pics of herself, and she obliged

>> No.61320080

She is in NijiEN its basically a obligation to involve yourself in drama there

>> No.61320104

There is no drama. It's practically a nothingburger and everyone is laughing at those dumb sisters.

>> No.61320161

the only drama about that tweet is the drama you are attempting to create over it in this thread anon

>> No.61320206

>her NND days where she did racier stuff
roseschizo made up this last bit. Everything else is up on youtube for retards to look up for themselves and draw their own conclusions but no one ever presented any evidence of those so called NND streams.

>> No.61320354

And what? Actually stream or put some effort in her content? Those days are long gone, anon.
I get your logic: rabid homostars sisters coming after poor little Rosemi, and she runs the risk of getting dogpiled by tribalists just because she is in Nijisanji
But I also get hers: new wave hype and drama, her viewership and relevance is on a dip, what better way than doing an innocuous joke on drama to get some of that new wave hype and exposure

>> No.61320434

> Dramafags on the catalog think she was involved in this shit meanwhile she actually encountered a real kid in Japan and asked him to buy it *sight*

>> No.61320558

>rabid homostars sisters
So you mean the whole 5 or 4 of them? Whatever should we do nijisisters.

>> No.61320716

when will jannies put a stop to the holocord raids?

>> No.61320719

4 or 5 fujoshi antis equate to like 60 rabid otaku antis

>> No.61320902

She never even tweeted out the stream lmao she just unlisted it then made a cryptic tweet after it ended

>> No.61320982

magni deserves to be forgotten, dude left his fans high and dry to go audition to fucking SNL he doesn't give a fuck about his fans just their wallets, dude's already planning to sell more of his shit merch at a convention in two weeks with the selling line of "HEY GUYS I WAS IN HOLOLIVE"

>> No.61321126

i don't like homos, but that's based as fuck
milk every fucking dollar you can out of otaku. that is the nature of this business, so if it is ethically okay for women to prey on the money of lonely men it is more than okay to shamelessly shill your dogshit products by saying your were in hololive or employed by Cover at one point

>> No.61321609

I wonder how a therapist would handle someone who cries over stuff like oshi marks and art tags and shit

>> No.61322109

temptranny the only thing that would be based is you hanging from a tree and that's the truth. brother

>> No.61322162

Honestly I'm gonna side with the nijis on this one, there's only so many emojis out there and the guy using that one is dead and gone.
I doubt the dude knew anyway, any male that joins Niji nowadays joins for one reason: to try and get some 5/10 asian girl puss.

>> No.61322254

It's funny how anyone who's seen the stuff he's talking about knows how much he's exaggerating all of these situations.

>> No.61322550 [DELETED] 

>Nijitroon calling anyone a tranny
lmao sit down and watch us holochads obliterate your whore, you dumb nigger

>> No.61322625

Holy unfounded seethe

>> No.61322713

Where's the exaggeration? She keeps getting into the same situations and never walks away as soon as she can. Every time she mentions getting hit on, she always entertains the person that did so.

>> No.61322739

can you blame them?
noone watches this chuuba

>> No.61322768

the temptranny cries as it strikes you, it's no reason why no one not even other bronies like you

>> No.61322896

Why's everyone in this thread mad? I hope you guys feel better soon. Anyway, I love Rosemi and she rules the world.

>> No.61322937
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The tempisanji sisters are wild

>> No.61322986

shouldn't have offcollabed with luca

>> No.61323267

You ok dude?

>> No.61323288

SNL as in Saturday night live? seriously?

>> No.61323294

literally anyone in hololive has more talent and passion in a nail than rosemi does in her entire body
plus, they are actually relevant
>tranny and tempiss obsession
my condolences to your mind and immediate society

>> No.61323352

You're obviously implying that she's down to fuck random old men. Then the cosplay shit lol I could say more, but I'm not going to give you what you want.

>> No.61323521

sure bro
>boring overblown rrat

>> No.61323843

I legitimately pity you.

>> No.61323888

Everyone hating on Rosemi in this thread is officially from Bali and Manila

>> No.61324075

My implication is simply that it is eyebrow-raising that she did a literal stream where she goes
>yeah teehee old men hit on me a lot and it happens very often
and yet she does nothing to get herself out of these situations.

>> No.61324427

that's cute.
too bad this won't make her relevant and she's gonna go down with the sinking ship that is kurosanji

>> No.61324928

Oh nyo

>> No.61325419
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with these floaties? not likely.

>> No.61325908

>tempus sisters turn into numberfag shitposters to shit on rosemi for a harmless joke
What a funny thread

>> No.61326106

I wouldn't be so sure. The average /#/fag consumes so many estrogen pills to lark falseflag as either tempus sisters or nijisisters they're starting to become comfortable in trooning out lately.
When numbers are called into question there's only one culprit.

>> No.61326588

Sisters are LEGIT mad about it on twitter. Everyone else agrees they are being retarded and enjoying sisters fighting. No one is sticking their neck out to defend tempustroons.

>> No.61326697

Please, the Balinese have too much surfing, sex and drugs to do to care about Vtubers.
Jakarta on the other hand…

>> No.61327091

>being "cute" is all that entertains them
That also describes Hololive fans.

>> No.61330705
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Tempusisters... why did you do this...

>> No.61330827

On the one hand, this kinda makes me sad, but on the other I can't help but laugh either. lol

>> No.61330868

>Please, the Balinese have too much surfing, sex and drugs to do to care about Vtubers.
The white australian tourists maybe.

>> No.61331078

lmao, a likely story
so much for muh EN family
imagine caving to homosisters of all people lol

>> No.61331089

Tempus sisters...kys now

>> No.61331245


>> No.61331326

>harrassment is OK when we do it
KYS holoshit

>> No.61331517

All is as it should be.

>> No.61331529


Spineless people who'd side with anyone so long as it defames "the true enemy". Pathetic and insecure. I bet you would suddenly be accepting of say, Anita Sarkeesian or Greta Thunberg or George Soros if it meant no males in your precious "walled garden".

>> No.61331825

I dont, I'm from near Manila.
I only hate nigs who use this to spit on the former Magni.

>> No.61331973


>> No.61331983

>NijiEN trying to stay relevant by causing drama thread number #69

>> No.61332165

whoooooo fucking caaaaares

>> No.61332197

pls undastand, anonchama
obsydia is getting the spotlight taken away from them because a new wave is debuting while they do their 3D debut

>> No.61332542

You crazed fans really harrased my oshi over an innocent RE joke. Like for real?

>> No.61332602

Tempussisters truly are the scourge of vtubing. They must be exterminated.

>> No.61332973

how is a rose oshi mark a RE joke?

>> No.61333218

Please, its larp from anti-males/#. A smear campaign even.

>> No.61333381

Now I know people here don't watch streams

>> No.61333466

How do these twitter freaks just post shit like this and not think their going to be made fun of? Especially the top left guy just seems like his putting a target on his back or something

>> No.61333654 [DELETED] 

Lmao Rosemi streams more than half of your lazy no show idol whores

>> No.61333959

don't push rosefags too much anon; they're in love with a streamer that is a shadow of her former self. they're not very bright.

>> No.61333988

I've seen you sluts cry on the sister site and in the discord, you tempisswhore. Cry about it, you're just deflecting now 'cause it's blowing back on you.

>> No.61334175

>idol whores
meanwhile Rosemi offcollab with Luca

>> No.61334185

I've been watching vtubers since late 2019 and I don't think there's been a single time I've used a oshi mark.
Who cares, He's not even using it anymore. lol.

>> No.61334308 [DELETED] 

How do you deal with the fact IRyS goes on dinner dates with her audio engineer? oh wait IRySfags enjoy that.

>> No.61334426

>doesn't watch streams and wants rosebuds to spoonfeed him

>> No.61335180 [DELETED] 
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>deleting a post talking about something IRyS is open about on stream and in twitter
The people offended by this are the ones calling your oshi a whore rosebuds.
You already won by not being this fucking pathetic.

>> No.61335287

jannies just delete anything that could be secret info. They won't fact check everything.

>> No.61335391

Look at the state of the deleted posts this thread and tell me the janny team has a niji bias, lmao

>> No.61335467

Stars arnt holos and their fans are unironic holoantis.
They have more overlap with nijisisters then holoaudiance so it's really sister on sister violence as always.

>> No.61335535

You must'nt have heard yet; holoboard, seethe about it.

>> No.61335652

feel free to go cry with rosemi on twitter

>> No.61335828 [DELETED] 
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More like cuckboard lmao

>> No.61335851
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IRyStocuck janny doesn't even watch her whore's streams where she talks about her dinner dates with her audio engineer and he's REALLY mad and deleting posts KEK

>> No.61335937

Because they come from social media. And are probably underage. Women. Faggots or SEA people. Even trannies. Hololive fans really are trannies.Disgusting. And Mori Calliope songs suck.

>> No.61335959

it's tempiss fans which are basically nijien fans. they should be made fun of because theyre retarded

>> No.61336046

tempiss sharts vs nijisharts are always a fun circus show like monkeys throwing diarrhea at each other

>> No.61336053

>nijifag meltdown over their irrelevant, failed organ
lmao, even

>> No.61336081

I don't watch Holostars. Trannies and sea people watch that.

>> No.61336096

haven't had a good laugh like that in a while

>> No.61336104

>holo tribalfags being so pathetic they delete post literally blowing them tf out

>> No.61336112

I was about to say, no one bitched when Alban debuted and had the same oshi mark as Astel. EN fans whether for men or women are all cancerous.

>> No.61336180

Underage people perhaps too.

>> No.61336391

I fucking love twitter. you will almost never see this much pure unfiltered faggotry on any other website in the world

>> No.61336535

>And Mori Calliope songs suck.
You can't just throw in one truth to make your other lies believable

>> No.61336679

Wait until you find out Bae has the same oshi mark as Kuzuha

>> No.61338230

Noel literally stole sword oshi mark from a Niji and no one cared, but noooooo you can't use oshi mark from a graduated Holomem, typical Holofag behavior.

>> No.61338296

the worst part is that this shithole and twitter are basically their only feedback and some old fuck in upper management probably yelled at her over this

>> No.61339648

Kuzuha's oshi mark is the die? What does that have to do with him, isn't he a vampire?

>> No.61339925

You see. It is OK, when Hololive does it.

>> No.61340528

you have proof of that?

>> No.61340852

homosisters actually make more people hate them

>> No.61343902

>literally stole
Pretty sure that emoji wasn't her legal property.

>> No.61344065

>WHY DO WE CARE: We're bored

>> No.61344857
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>nijiniggers(Tempiss) and nijiniggers (NijiEN) psyops to boost the engagement of their debut flops
buy an ad

>> No.61345251

>Claude Clawmark
I refuse to believe that's the best name he could come up with.
And since when did they add new members? All males? Did they finally give up on females?

>> No.61345279

I guess that one less Niji to watch, all this drama over a fuckin emoji. You were supposed to be the Rosemi-sama, now you're just another Hoe-semi.

>> No.61345333

they also added females anon but he takes the cake for the shittiest name in Niji. Imagine making a name worse than Vezalius Bandage

>> No.61345985


>> No.61346554

Total homosister death

>> No.61346592
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t. the magsis still crying over an emoji

>> No.61348269

To Rosemi, you know her fans like Arkathon would rather spend money on Lords Mobile than their "kamioshi"

>> No.61348412


>> No.61348699

I'm still amazed it took her over 2 years to release a cover and it was neither of the ones she mentioned before (the love live song or the duet with another member). Rosemi's growth has also stagnated since last year, she can't even break 500k when she's been close for months. Sometimes I wonder how it feels being the runt of your gen when even boring ass petra can even pull in more of an audience than you. Maria is everything Rosemi wanted to be but couldn't since she lacked ambition.

>> No.61348875

How sweaty are your hands after that?

>> No.61348896

Rosemi will graduate after her 3D, Mysta and Nina were two of her closest friends and she's a follower not a leader. Wouldn't be the first time she jumped ship either.

>> No.61349021
File: 371 KB, 2048x1280, 1689641509750891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna cry bro? Gonna piss your pants?

>> No.61349261
File: 1.49 MB, 1401x1932, 1652256252589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

el no sabe, sadge because i can't play tekken with Doppio, but at least my toes are sparkly! And I have a migraine so no streams for two weeks! Time for another Japan trip with Brosemi

>> No.61349339
File: 645 KB, 593x857, 1678419783880062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wubba dubba dubba is that true! Yes I'm dating my top paypigs arkathon, mondsucht, and crisu!

>> No.61349911
File: 36 KB, 200x200, 1686871416475588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy unadulterated seethe

>> No.61351347

rosesissies spend more time on /vt/ than they do watching their oshi

>> No.61352770


>> No.61355261

Who knew Rosemi got jokes?

>> No.61357758

Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down

>> No.61357819

Her crime? She didn't pretend to never speak to males.

>> No.61360847

based wose

>> No.61361673

Lmao this, who gives a shit about an oshi mark.
