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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61305506 No.61305506 [Reply] [Original]

>if she had just waited for a bit she could have signed with Hololive under the Koseki Bijou character
kek what a genius

>> No.61305518

She is happy.
Keep seething.

>> No.61305610

false flagging faggot retard OP

>> No.61305631

>miss out on the big leagues and join the shitters instead
Why would she want to do that?

>> No.61305654

that would be a huge downgrade for her

>> No.61305680

Well I'm glad she didn't. Biboo love!

>> No.61305719

It is a shame she did that and joined the company of Ironlung the leech

>> No.61305786

>in the same company as Froot
literally the only reason I refuse to watch her.

>> No.61305955

Twitchcancer vtuber decides to join the twitchcancer company. I don't see the problem here, seems like she fits right in with that containment agency.

>> No.61306019

Henya/Pikashit sucks and i'm tired of people thinking she's hololive tier.

>> No.61306073

So true sis! No one in Hololive has streamed on twitch or was on twitch before debut

>> No.61306101

>Twitchcancer vtuber

>> No.61306175

She seems really happy where she is now, though. Why would she want to change?

>> No.61306178

>t. never watched her

>> No.61306235

I love Henya, she's wholesome.

>> No.61306268

Doing a twitch stream =/= being twitchcancer, retard.
She always was.

>> No.61306429

She would hate it in hololive and make way less money and have zero opportunities.

>> No.61306435

Twitch is bottom of the barrel shit, that's why vshoujo streams there, any self respecting chuuba will move to youtube
Twitch is only good for women with camwhore personality like mouse and apricot

>> No.61306480

She couldn't do react streams if she was in Hololive though.

>> No.61306897


>> No.61306917

She never would have been accepted in hololive as hololive only hires idols not streamers
Pikamee cannot sing or dance and has no intention of doing either

>> No.61306971

She seems happy enough where she is right now, the Tenma/Pippa collab was surprisingly fun and would've never happened if she was in holo.

>> No.61307029

Oh nyooo
Look at this seamonkey seething

>> No.61307064

No reaction content allowed in Hololive, she wouldn't have gone for it

>> No.61307167

Anon, multiple holos were twitch streamers before becoming holos.

>> No.61307218

she lit did a 3d concert just 3 months after joining vshojo

>> No.61307232

Her singing is pretty cute, actually. Shame she goes for the intentionally bad screeching most of the time, though.

>> No.61307289

>Be OP
>Post Henya
>Watch The holodrones seethe
too easy

>> No.61307292


>> No.61307343

Anyone who thinks Henya would function within Hololive is delusional

She belongs in VShojo and she's happy there. It's the best environment for her.

>> No.61307361

Idk she seems pretty content and happy to me, I think you're just retarded and gay desu OP

>> No.61307451

The most popular ones even.

>> No.61307454

Cope. Henya is doing well without JP corpo red tape and she's almost making me not hate Vshojo.

>> No.61307653

>>if she had just waited for a bit
bijou announced her graduation only a few weeks after pika graduated, advent was already selected by then

>> No.61307658
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gay smelly vshojomutt falseflag thread
also lmao at the absolutely dogshit model

>> No.61308023


>> No.61308168

thank god she didn't go to Hololive, she better off where she is now.

>> No.61308297

Facts don't care about your feelings holobrony

>> No.61308342

This. No way she'd be happy with all the red tape and crazed fans in Holo. And if she tried to dance they would have their first graduation caused by death of a talent.

>> No.61308386

wait are we already finished with the Nina bait threads?

>> No.61308471

JP twitch culture =/= EN twitch culture

>> No.61308706

>it's ok when JP does it
never mind that this board was shitting on laplus for that too

>> No.61308753

They are total schizos, and as if Henya is not JP lmao.

>> No.61308782

Seems like you have no idea why she was criticized for the move.

The fact that you're watching her proves she's not.

>> No.61308820

In fairness her following is at least 70% EN.

>> No.61308899
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>forced fanbase console war
if theyre taking good care of my pikamee, i have no quarrel with vshojo
one must imagine her happy
also they gave that niji hag a sexier insect girl model, which is based based.

>> No.61308958
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This really did trigger you that hard lol

>> No.61309027 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 828x822, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what yab or drama is this shitposting thread covering? Or is it just a SEAnigger past his bedtime?

>> No.61309050

I remember her and Suisei did great in Among Us, truly good times.

>> No.61309083
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I'm glad she didn't, i prefer the current Biboo

>> No.61309111
File: 537 KB, 1213x912, Screenshot 2023-10-13 015550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why didn't pikamee join OUR corp bros??
>n-n-n-not that we wanted really wanted her!!!
Sad dayo!

>> No.61309160

>it's ok when JP does it
No its not. That's exactly why Pika gets criticized for it and Laplus does not. One is pandering to EN twitchcancer, the other is not. If you can't understand this, you're a retard.

>> No.61309192
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>> No.61309207

Henya is an EN streamer who is Japanese. Laplus is a JP streamer who is Japanese.

>> No.61309293

That would be stupid, say what you will about vshoujo but the biggest benefit is that the character and brand stays with the person - if henya wants to leave vshoujo then she can retain her fanbase and channel compared to being in hololive where if you leave then you leave behind everything you built up and have a faction of it left to start a new brand and character

>> No.61309378
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pika would not have been happy in holo, theres too many restrictions and stress that doesnt mesh with her lifestyle
this is the best outcome, shitposters and consolewarfags need not respond

>> No.61309441

>moving goalposts

>> No.61309455

There's really no actual benefits to being in hololive if you want to be an actual proper vtuber.

>> No.61309534

I wonder why henya basically only does EN collabs. I don't think it would be too hard to secure some JP collabs if she wanted.

>> No.61309553

You can't prove it wrong. Two completely different audiences and cultures.

>> No.61309574

Because nobody wants to watch boring ass JP collabs with JP vtubers that nobody cares about.

>> No.61309597

>actual proper vtubers

>> No.61309646

they are more than holoshits

>> No.61309659

don't you have some IRL backpack streams to watch?

>> No.61309752
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Yeah I'm sure she would have loved waiting years for permissions just to play a game, being forced to attend worthless meetings, or getting messaged by her manager to tell her to quit saying "fuck" too often. Why are you all so retarded?

>> No.61309758

at least i have streams to watch unlike you

>> No.61309772

You two should kiss and have hate sex

>> No.61309800

The irony is that vshojo was invented to be the twitchfag friendly palatable for western anime/japanese culture hating faggots agency. One look at their roster should make that extremely obvious. Even with the JP members, every single JP vshojo member without exception joined the company for the explicit purpose of running away from some aspect of JP streaming in some form.

>> No.61309822

I bet you think ironmouse is actually dancing there

>> No.61309857

But op, under hololive she can't be a filthy react shitter. Effort would be required, and that is big nono

>> No.61309868

holos don't dance in their own concerts either

>> No.61309899
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>japanese culture hating faggots

>> No.61309906

holos don't dance in their concerts too

>> No.61309960

Yes you get the watered down for twitchfags version of actual japanese vtubing, whats your point?

>> No.61309983
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It really does feel like Cover created the Biboo character after seeing Henya was a success so they decided to replicate the formula and undercut her

Like when a Formula1 car positions itself behind a rival to save energy, overtakes him and then fucks off into the distance

>> No.61310026

because of henya's new healthy schedule she stream at 8am jp time. for about six to seven hours.
No jp streamer is up at that time or will go out of their way to do a collab at that time.

>> No.61310128

They did a whole idol-themed virtual concert, dumb-dumb.
>watered down
Not the point. Try again.

>> No.61310168

>Not the point.
Literally the point. You will never experience real vtubing, sorry twitchfaggot.

>> No.61310216

>running away from some aspect of JP streaming
kson: running away from china pandering, banishment rooms and powertripping middle managers
Nazuna: running away from being fired?
Henya: running away from not being given a 3d model or merch revenue
I don't get the point you're trying to make

>> No.61310224

And they're still better vtubers than hololive's fakery.

>> No.61310297

>never experience real vtubing
I'm not a tribalrat like you. I watch people from all orgs. You're just a yellow fever having sperg.

>> No.61310583

Running away from JP management. It was never ever about china. She was always at odds with JP mentality and this was evident before the china shit even happened. kson simply prefers the EN way of doing things.
Ran away from the backlash of GFE culture to the safety and comfort of an EN environment, where no one gives a shit about it and everyone welcomed her warmly. She later starts to realize she doesn't really fit in with EN streaming and surprise surprise, she's been doing less and less of it and has begun to focus more on her old persona now that the backlash has died down.
The most obvious example and you're a retard for even questioning it. She fully embraced the EN twitch streaming style and culture once she got a taste of it and moved into it full time, and that was BEFORE she ever joined vshojo. She very clearly has no interest in anything BUT the EN twitch style of streaming and culture, which should be evident by the fact that she flat out stopped caring about collabing with JP vtubers almost entirely after switching and not this hilarious cope this anon came up with >>61310026

>> No.61310825

She's doing really well

>> No.61310908
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>joined the company for the explicit purpose of running away from some aspect of JP streaming in some form.
>She fully embraced the EN twitch streaming style and culture once she got a taste of it and moved into it full time, and that was BEFORE she ever joined vshojo
VOMS had 0 rules about having to stream on YT btw

>> No.61311079

>kson simply prefers the EN way of doing things.
When the "EN way of doing things" includes radical ideas like being allowed to talk to your co-workers, not having people who want to murder you appointed as your moderators and getting sponsorships I can see why she prefers it

>> No.61312210

daily sour grapes henya seethe thread

>> No.61312466

Where you pull these retarded narratives from? You're her "fan", aren't you?

>> No.61312581

The thing is that she was poached, she didn't have time to wait for anything.

>> No.61312860

those are 3 facts, newfriend

>> No.61312911

No thanks, Biboo is Biboo and I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.61312982

Low quality model

>> No.61313072

How was she not allowed to talk to her co-workers?

>> No.61313158

She was not allowed to be in contact with holoEN members, who were also discouraged from mentioning her on stream, until well into 2021

>> No.61313163

I bet she feels horrible for not joining the micromanaged unicorn slop fest

>> No.61313193

This place literally spent the past week shitting on susei for literally nothing at all.

>> No.61313285


>> No.61313308


>> No.61313363

URL and timestamp.

>> No.61313403

don't have them and I'm not finding them for you

>> No.61313458

henya explicitly asked nazuna for collabs multiple times but was shot down every time
she literally joined vshojo to sing, do 3D and do concerts, you're retarded and you need to watch streams

>> No.61313491

So no source then.

>> No.61313539

here are two that i found by typing coco into my browser. i recommend watching literally every hololive en stream from their debut until coco's graduation, you may notice that there is a 9 month period where they don't collab with her while people are asking incessantly and getting ignored.

next time you're new and want to pretend that you know more than actual fans who watch hololive streams then maybe just shut the fuck up instead.

>> No.61313573

she would be nowhere as popular if she wasn't allowed to do a bunch of the standard twitch content like reacting to videos and reading reddit

>> No.61313744

I get the feeling Henya would suffocate in a real corpo.

>> No.61313830

This is why I hate hololive and their shitty fans. The whole trash heap should just burn to the ground

>> No.61313835

true lol, i think so too

>> No.61313887

Who wouldn't? Almost everyone in hololive would do better without it.

>> No.61313930

>source for the thing that literally everyone knows about?
>source? source? source? source for this thing that happened over the course of a year that can't really be summed up in a 1 minute clip?
>you don't have a source? you're lying
>oh it's real? you're an asshole fuck you

>> No.61313949

you still need hololive to get the jumpstart to your career

>> No.61314007

Dude what are you talking about? I just said hololive and their fans are trash

>> No.61314039

i thought you were that other guy

>> No.61314040

Hololive guarantees hundreds of thousands of instant subs even if you're an unlikable fucking retard, that sure amounts to something. Not saying they're good, obviously

>> No.61314095

I don't know if they'd do better per se, but there's a good chunk that would be happier at least.

>> No.61314170

Because holofags think their company it's the greatest thing ever, when in reality 3 of their talents can barely keep up after just three years of streaming.

>> No.61314202

Unfortunately this didn’t happen. Bijou sucks

>> No.61314253

>gets hounded off the internet because of hogwarts
>joins the same company as the harassers
Fuck Froot.

>> No.61314266

This thread turned into the usual daily rant against hololive lol

>> No.61314294

Vshojofags are the most delusional fanbase out there...and that's with Nijifags existing.

>> No.61314370

nice rrat

>> No.61314379

yo where's holoEN's hogwarts streams?

>> No.61314385

Holoboard. Cope and seethe.

>> No.61314387

These points are only true about the people who only want to milk brain dead paypigs. Anyone with any aspirations to make their own content would do better

>> No.61314400
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Both of them are good but Biboo is a far better choice for Hololive. Pika had too much baggage and non Holo friends.

Also you are a pathetic faggot and should die a painful death.

>> No.61314412

>tfw we will never get Bijou and Henya playing Minecraft together

>> No.61314458

holobronies were the pro-tranny harassers though

>> No.61314488

She's not that much into Minecrap anyways.

>> No.61314501

If Pika wants to be in the company of vshitshow whores she never belonged in Holo
Her new model sucks ass compared to the OG btw

>> No.61314520
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ahh the pepeloni, pepeloni. you know the pepeloni? the nooo one. i always, i always order the, the domino. domino pepeloni and without pepeloni. i always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. pepeloni! i like pepeloni, yeah. i always, i always order the, the cheese- cheese pan. ahh how can i explain? i can explain by my drawing! i always order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. ear of pizza. and then, i order- wh- when i order pepeloni, the ear- it always have a pepeloni on h- on a top, but i pick up these... away! cause i don't eat it. and then i eat the cheese pan pizza. okay? you understand? understandable! pepeloni! yes.

>> No.61314533

You cannot deny that there are thousands of great and talented streamers that never see success because they have no platform to stand on

>> No.61314555

inb4 holostars are not hololive cope

>> No.61314699

The new model has a different appeal than the old one, but you're fucking nuts if you think it sucks

>> No.61314735


99.99% of streamers fail to ever take off you retarded moron.

>> No.61314820

you're a fucking retard and belong in hell

>> No.61314952

Hololive sucks from a company perspective. The company makes them all soulless drones that cry themselves to sleep every night because their jobs are 80% signing thousands of post cards multiple times because one guy said your previous thousand were arbitrarily bad, 15% never sleeping because JP doesn't give a fuck about human beings and will hold meeting exclusively at 3AM freedom time, 3% learning shitty generic garbage "idol dances" and that trash they call "music". The final 2% is realizing every day that you can only stream Minecraft and sing 3 songs in karaoke because Cover is just fucking awful for streamers that want to make quality content. Henya made the right choice with Vshojo. She is still a streamer and she makes the money. Nothing else matters. Also before anyone says "she lives in Japan so some of those things aren't awful." My counter to that is to raise the "you can't play any games or sing any songs percentage as well as raise the "management will deliberately fuck with you with busywork signings.

>> No.61314969

I can. I have witnessed a lot of these "great and talented streamers" and their inability to get anywhere is always caused by themselves.
They might have something they're really good at and gain followers from doing it but then they either disappear for weeks/months or start spamming content that nobody asked for.

You say that as if 99.99% of streamers deserve to take off.

>> No.61315040

Hololive also sucks from a talent perspective. There's no good people in there.

>> No.61315064

now try making it shorter and type it without tears in your eyes. the seethe from indiefags are palpable

>> No.61315097

hololive is a fucking dream from a company perspective.

They have shitloads of cash coming in from all directions, that's the whole point of a company.

Now from a more human perspective... yes, all you say is true.

>> No.61315132

name chuubas you think are "good people"

>> No.61315163

indie >>> companyhoes

>> No.61315197

Henya, kson, mikeneko

>> No.61315212

I find it incredibly hard to believe that
a. she wanted to be in holo
b. yagoo didn't drop everything to sign her
I think if she wanted a job in holoEN she would have one right now

>> No.61315225

it doesn't really matter to me which side is better, it's just funny watching you seethe and type all that shit out to make yourself feel better about your content choices.

>> No.61315236

>op starts by wishing henya was in hololive
>The thread devolves into "fuck that bitch for not being in hololive!"
This is your brain on hololive
I think she's pretty happy with vshojo. She can pretty much collab with whoever she wants,.the JP company vtubers can't say the same. And she's still making enough money to not have to have a real job dayo.

>> No.61315269

Hololive is fucking awful and 99% of indies despise it for a good reason. None of that cash matters when you only get 20% of it and don't even get to use it.

>> No.61315309

>hololive sucks and has no talent!
>these hololive rejects though? now THATS talent!

>> No.61315341


>> No.61315358

Hololive has been around for like what, 6 years? During that time not a single piece of content that could be described as high quality has come out.

>> No.61315365

im not the same guy you fucking faggot, just displaying a completely rational and objective thought

Now if you prefer when talents are milked dry of life to make sweet $$$ instead of enjoying their work then that's on you

>> No.61315370

20% of that is still more than what 99% of indies make so that's why indies stay seething

>> No.61315373

You mean Bae's?

>> No.61315427

They left because they realized it's shit. Before you say that mikeneko was fired, she was already expressing her disappointment in the company before that and wanted to leave.

>> No.61315470

Would never happen. I know a lot of people here hate it but she doesn't do react content because she's lazy, she does it because she enjoys watching dumb internet videos with her chat, and hololive will never let her do it.

>> No.61315496

like I said, doesn't matter. It's just funny watching people justify why they watch something over something else. Why do these people feel the need to explain their content choices to another person?

>> No.61315509

>twitchfag vshojotards tossing around insults about shit quality when they watch an agency on a platform that does nothing but the lowest quality shit like react streams
Your shitty company is the literal bottom of the barrel.

>> No.61315550

didn't she sue another creator over something nonsensical? That's your idea of a good person? Yikes bro

>> No.61315563
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I still really don't like that new model personally

>> No.61315592

She didn't do that.

>> No.61315633

You say "bottom of the barrel" way too often dude, you even said it when you had your unhinged breakdown about kson collabing with imaginary "twitch dudes"

>> No.61315668
File: 22 KB, 696x701, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hehe yikes bro!!"

>> No.61315733

She has an average CCV of 7000, she is equal or greater than most of holoen. It isn't 2020 anymore, you are the delusional one (unironically). /#/fags crying that only youtube numbers are real are the saddest motherfuckers around.

>> No.61315742

These are the kinds of people who watch vshojo.

>> No.61315768
File: 792 KB, 3840x720, UNITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that YOUR oshi loves Henya. A sad Henya = A sad Oshi.

>> No.61315802

I don't see my oshi in this image at all. Sounds like you're wrong.

>> No.61315801

The fact that you named 3 vshojo when you could use anyone from the indie scene to support your argument...not showing any bias whatsoever! This argument is over, you've already picked your side and will defend it to the death.

>> No.61315884
File: 384 KB, 450x703, F40X5cka0AA6Zuz_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't see them YET.

>> No.61315907

And I never will. Two more weeks, right?

>> No.61315937

I don't even watch vtubers. I only shipost in this board.

>> No.61315951

Post your oshi and I will tell you.

>> No.61316059

Kson is universally beloved by every vtuber and industry person she has ever associated with, Henya's also loved by every vtuber but not industry people because she doesn't know any because she never goes outside. Idk about Mike though that might be a stretch.

>> No.61316157
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>he fled

>> No.61316196

I'm glad she didn't. Biboo is actually cute and wholesome

>> No.61316222

kson is universally beloved because she was a legendary vtuber before. She was a nobody before she was Coco.
Pekora, Marine, Miko, Korone aree all loved by every vtuber, so yeah, not sure what youre getting at.

>> No.61316258

>Kson is universally beloved by every vtuber and industry person she has ever associated with
Except for most of the people remaining in hololive who lick the boot of their corpo overlords.

>> No.61316284

name a single piece of content that could be described as high quality from Vshitjo. You can't.

>> No.61316393

>Pekora, Marine, Miko, Korone aree all loved by every vtuber
No they're fucking not. 90% of vtubers avoid them like the plague.

>> No.61316394

The other guy in the thread was telling the truth. There is no other fanbase that is as delusional as vshojofags

>> No.61316458

People she meets generally tend to like her, even if they don't know what she does. Take Kaname Ai for example.

>> No.61316475

She's not and never will collab with anyone from vshitjo, but you can cry TWO MORE WEEKS all you want.

>> No.61316500

That's a nice story but she was actually the biggest talent PL-wise in Hololive until EN debuted.
They all love her too, aside from the upper management vampires, but they don't count as humans.

>> No.61316532

I didn't mention vshojo anywhere. I simply stated that hololive does not make quality content so it's not a good place to go to.

>> No.61316534
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So all the mentally ill contrarian Holoantis are now jumping ship from Nijisanji and hiding behind Vshojo?
Lmao utterly pathetic.

>> No.61316546

Henya and Froot get along great and she holds no ill will towards her at all, seethe forever

>> No.61316549

No fuck off, i like my cute gem.

>> No.61316556

Vshojofags live in a bubble by design, its intentional. They don't know or understand anything at all about real vtubing. Like this absolute retard here: >>61316393

>> No.61316612

>They all love her too
Them not standing up to the management says otherwise. If they really liked her they would leave hololive.

>> No.61316634
File: 798 KB, 881x949, 20231021023724560.firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the vshojo cunts

>> No.61316641

You really need to stop taking in the opinions of "people" from this board as the general opinion.

>> No.61316655

>outing himself as a dramafag who doesn't actually watch any streams

>> No.61316758

90% of vtubers won't even get the chance to avoid them because they are untouchable lmao. Talk about delusional.

>> No.61316766
File: 169 KB, 2073x1644, F8sZGFRbsAAtCto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am amazed by this board's ability to take a thread about literally any subject and turn it into kson seethe thread
undeniably the most important vtuber to ever exist

>> No.61316773

How is what I said based on opinions of this board? It's entirely based on how hololive members acted since her departure.

>> No.61316857

nobody collabs with them except their coworkers, and hikakin i guess, but that's more of a business collab, but go off sister

>> No.61316860

When I say avoid I mean they won't even mention liking them. Where did you get this idea that other vtubers like them when they never said they do?

>> No.61316899


>> No.61316956

A few did but Kson told them to just deal with it so they keep their jobs.

>> No.61316972

She truly is the protagonist of Vtubing

>> No.61316982

>Ironmouse wins streamer of the year
>Gura wins a Streamy
At least be consistent

>> No.61317066

it's funny because you know they only gave it to a holo due to past criticisms by their annoying fans on twitter. they didn't even check to see if it's one who actually streams.

>> No.61317087

That's the kind of situation where they're supposed to tell her that she's talking nonsense. The fact that they didn't means they value corpo money more than anything else.

>> No.61317181

>holotards are now calling their own chuubas liars

>> No.61317192

you sound very sheltered

>> No.61317231

I'm not a holobrony and yes they are liars.


>> No.61317274

I wouldn't get to see a Cute Gem playing Souls Games if that were the case...

>> No.61317370

>"Shin'eitai, slap his nuts"

>> No.61317427

>went from being the biggest Vtuber in the world to a 2k ethot barely qualifying as a Vtuber
yeah Vshojo sure is great

>> No.61317461

nah, she can stay there after all the troon shitshow

>> No.61317468

She wasn't the biggest vtuber though.

>> No.61317497

You're right but nobody in japan is that based so you have to judge them on a curve

>> No.61317601

Coco only really got around 2500 viewers on non meme reviews streams
But because most of her viewers were working adults with disposable income she always had a crazy amount of superchats

>> No.61317608

*pees on thread*

>> No.61317783

>biggest contributor to ruining vtubing with cancer
Well yes she is important in the sense of relevancy.

>> No.61317822

what's stopping her from doing vshojo meme review streams or asakson or whatever the fuck? Sounds like she's just burnt out and collecting a paycheck from her paypigs, so much for the other retard arguing she's a "Good person" when she's mostly self serving.

>> No.61317911

What's stopping Gura from literally streaming anything?

>> No.61317944

Anon, I think you got some issues you need to work out

>> No.61317971

she did do that and holofags complained and ruined the fun

>> No.61318009

just because gura isn't good doesn't make kson any better

>> No.61318036

It does.

>> No.61318086

pebbles , you are better than this

>> No.61318119

>numberpeople calling content creators "cancer"

>> No.61318140

From her youtube videos and her twitter which is the majority of the audience, no one has a problem. If you are basing it off this board, I don't know why she would stop making content if 50 people complained, sounds like an excuse.

>> No.61318195

Her content is cancer, yes.

>> No.61318217
File: 26 KB, 551x411, 1697360707820725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm sorry you will never experience true japanese vtubing anon

>> No.61318262

forgive me if i am wrong but i have doubts that you did any research into what people were saying on youtube and twitter two years ago

>> No.61318267

mentions gura out of nowhere. kek

>> No.61318378

>thread about hololive
>why did you bring up hololive
most intelligent tribalfag

>> No.61318393

IDK why she signed up with Vshojo, which doesn't have its own studio, she left voms to do 3D concerts tho.

>> No.61318541

Vshojo cucks are getting far too uppity lately. Especially considering they are on a Holo board and they watch Twitch ethots with an anime avatar (half of the times).
Go the fuck back.

>> No.61318547

nigger i lived through that shit. The majority didn't care what she did, they just wanted something out of her but she didn't do anything in terms of content when she was an indie for a year. Then she joined vshojo and I thought vshojo would change that but it's still the same old nothing.

>> No.61318587


>> No.61318605

she was in a concert 3 months after joining anon what are you saying

>> No.61318655

You're the ones picking fights with Holochads like your company is actually relevant.

>> No.61318677
File: 405 KB, 546x534, 1698232250583662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holobeggar thread
seethe forever

>> No.61318699

the most obvious case of falseflagging

>> No.61318703

Wow, good thing she didn't since I like them both.

>> No.61318716

the only thing the whore kson is good for is being a source of controversies

>> No.61318789

>expecting a bait thread to have intelligence

>> No.61318824

If this was a Holoboard I would expect that the generals of other corpos to get banned due to being off-topic. Why isn't this happening?

>> No.61318972

you weren't very active in the community then if you missed all the unicorn meltdowns

>> No.61318997
File: 2.82 MB, 2048x2048, 1685059682865897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my oshi had joined Vshojo instead of Hololive.
Now they are stuck in a company where their rm can't do anything and don't have the freedom to the stream they actually want to do

>> No.61319176

Don't use FWMC to shitpost Vshojo cuck.
>muh talent freedom
yeah spamming react content and sucking off obnoxious ecelebs is sure peak content.

>> No.61319213

Why don't vwhorefags watch other vtubers?

>> No.61319297

but enough about pekora

>> No.61319303

>muh react
they are about do just that in 30 minutes
don't use my oshi to defend your shitty black company oshi
if they were in vshojo they could be doing as many JP streams as they wanted without getting harassed by holo"fans" and management and also wouldn't be forced to be doing weekly collabs with leeches from their gen

>> No.61319336

Why would a pair of unironic massive megaweebs that don't give a shit about western media join a Western company full of ironic weebs?

>> No.61319375

if they did they would realize how much of a joke their oshi corpo is and wouldn't be able to make delusional posts as you see in this thread

>> No.61319399

I'm not sure if this is a good joke or just delusional

>> No.61319434

I Watch Bae, she’s a funny rat

>> No.61319463

they want to be actual idols and they can't even use their success in hololive to promote their other stuff
vshojo would allow them to any idol stuff they want 3d or 2d rl or avatar

>> No.61319465

Vshojo is better for what they want.

>> No.61319565

it doesn't matter what you think vshojo would do for them. They would not want to be in vshojo.

>> No.61319644

They would. They're in hololive simply because they don't know anyone in vshojo.

>> No.61319645

And you know that how, holobronie?
In vshojo they would be able to do full VN playthroughs without having to worry about perms or their manager telling they have to play other stuff.

>> No.61319707

Her Vshojo intern I know you're DESPERATE to get more second hand slops from Hololive but you are delusional if you think FWMC of ALL people would join your ethot Twitch shitshow.
Especially after Kekson's ultra hyped 3D concert barely got 10k viewers.

>> No.61319713

If at ANY point ANYBODY in this thread thought someone else was being genuine and not just shitposting these two posts should break that illusion.
Not even people in straitjackets are these delusional to actually believe this

>> No.61319773

Why? Vshojo is better for people who actually care about doing whatever they want.

>> No.61319840

I keep telling people but Holoantis are just hiding behind Vshojo to have some ammo against Hololive. They used to do the exact same thing with NijiEN. These "people" don't even watch Vtubers.

>> No.61319846

the reason you're so mad is because you know they love kson and hate your shithole noomber culture that you holofags force on them

>> No.61319849

And do what? You doesn't seem to know Henya and how she is a dependent person that need a familiar face to overcome the burn out. There is no one in Hololive that she is close and she is too autistic to reach new people.

>> No.61319855

sounds like it's vshojo that missed out by being a place that doesn't take auditions seriously and is only about networking

>> No.61319959

They're not missing out at all. Anyone that has what it takes to make it in can do so.

>> No.61319998
File: 45 KB, 754x414, 1690360080840344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they love kson
they might liked kson in the past
don't even follow her on twitter

>> No.61320103

>he doesn't know

>> No.61320123

Management doesn't let them

>> No.61320133

and before you say
>oh but holo doesn't let them...
their rm account doesn't either

>> No.61320160


>> No.61320195

Does she follow them though? Does she even know who they are?

>> No.61320245

They're Kson fans but Kson doesn't know them

>> No.61320247

about their "favorite" vtubers from their PL I do know
also know they met her at a convention
And I also know they don't even follow her twitter account

>> No.61320287

Vshojofags keep arguing that the twins should be with them while completely omitting the fact that they are basically a company of nepo hires that wouldn't have hired her in the first place. Sure, now you'll consider having them since they made it big. Where were you fags when they were essentially fired from their previous job?

>> No.61320311

>Kson fans
>don't follow her on twitter not even on their rm account
weird fans

>> No.61320361

And the reason you're so desperate to falseflag as a FWMC fan (lmao) is because you're utterly seething at Hololive's success.

>> No.61320384

I don't know much about that but it sounds like they were just being polite when a viewer asked. Like they are a fan of what she's doing but aren't THAT into her.

>> No.61320431

>i know that they are fans but i made up this retarded twitter follower rule to cope despite the fact that they literally said she's one of their biggest inspirations
why are tribalfags so weird

>> No.61320514

the favorite youtube list they did back in GGN was about as friendly as they could be to every other corpo out there and indies
not that this retard pretending to be fwmc fan knows any of this

>> No.61320518

>he actually doesn't know

>> No.61320597

>pls you have to believe me they are massive fans but they don't even follow her on twitter

>> No.61320683

Power level too high

>> No.61320699

I was one of the ~80 people watching them every day before you doritofags found them.

>> No.61320718

yes, not even their irl account follows her

>> No.61320746

sure you were

>> No.61320852

here's a post i wrote about them >>23242449

>> No.61320857

>I was one of the original fans that's why I wished they had joined vshojo even though vshojo only hires former big time vtubers and not 2view indies because their auditions are a joke
>no there are no contradictions here and also I'm about to miss their member stream that starts in 1m even though I'm a massive fan
>have I told you I'm a massive fan??
last (you)
I'm actually going to watch them now you keep baiting

>> No.61320900

there were only a handful of people that watched them on this board and they would all fucking spit on you for pretending to be one of them and using them as your bait for tribalfagging

>> No.61320914

>shit post with Henya in the OP
>Most of the replies are just seething at Kson
What the fuck is wrong you

>> No.61321017

no anon you don't get it
he searched the archive for GGN and kson and found that post
it must be him

>> No.61321053

you're mixing up 2 different anons, all i said was that they love kson and hate miserable pricks such as yourself. imagine numberfagging and then acting like a fan. literally disgusting. don't (you) me anymore. have fun staring at their viewer count faggot retard.

>> No.61321219

>good person
lol, lmao

>> No.61321276

holotribalfags ignored them yes but some of us actually watch indies.

>> No.61321306

She wants to be an idol without having to be an idol

>> No.61321399

Interesting OP premise:

>Henya should have been Bijou


>Bijou is highly successful, building a good following, and people like her as she is

So... you'd prefer to have potentially lost out on Bijou for Henya. Fascinating.

>> No.61321418

you're really blaming holotribalfags for this shit when the original reply that started this shit was clearly a vshojotribalfag that wanted them out of hololive? Lmao.

>> No.61321461

If fwmc could join vshojo they would leave holoshite today
They don't like any holo more than they love kson

>> No.61321541

10K green spectators.
She does not resort to inflate the numbers with the trick of not being allowed to make streams in the time of her colleagues' events, in order to concentrate the largest audience (of casuals) possible.
on the contrary, she lets anyone do mirror streams of her.

>> No.61321726

what i see is one guy is arguing that they will be happier in vshojo. the other guys are arguing about fucking nooombers and money. it's pretty clear who actually likes them and who is a tribalmonkey who only wants them to prop up their team like they're a commodity and not people. you're such a piece of shit that you can't even tell how much you stink.

>> No.61321782

Bijou would still be around, just on her old account or in another group. I mean if she's so great you'd watch her no matter where she was, right?

>> No.61321799

We've reached levels of vtuber tribalfaggotry that shouldn't be possible
>Region/language jp-en
>Streaming platform
What next?

>> No.61321868

>the other guys are arguing about fucking nooombers and money

>> No.61321916
File: 2.91 MB, 3873x3151, 1684060339756237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both sides are getting baited by the retarded Selenposter. The mentally challenged mongoloid has been spamming Vshojo bait in /#/ for a few weeks now. We're talking about this retard.

>> No.61321939

and you are acting like they are doing any of that in good faith? Get fucking lost. If they want them to be truly happy they would want them to be indies so they have unlimited freedom and be able to do idolshit and talk about weebshit.

>> No.61321943

here is the first post i replied to >>61319707

>> No.61321947
File: 207 KB, 557x665, 1684868094230674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy another holobeggar thread.

>> No.61321987

you're forgetting oshi marks

>> No.61322013

you retards are so transparent. just shut the fuck up. close the tab and go make a graph or whatever it is you do.

>> No.61322033

>shitty generic garbage "idol dances" and that trash they call "music"
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like that.

>> No.61322072

Even if she could speak Japanese fluently, the streaming culture is EN-oriented and different from JP's.

>> No.61322099

Where's the mention of money?

>> No.61322280

scroll up i don't feel like rereading 100 posts

>> No.61322317

Retard. VShojo is a western english-speaking company with barely any JP viewers. Their JP branch has 1 JP member that barely streams and the rest are speaking English. And the JP viewers are really only there for that 1 JP streamer. You want them to be themselves, their powerlevel would be too high for any of vshojo's audience and no one would watch them when they start speaking japanese.

>> No.61322373
File: 339 KB, 535x523, 1694221292064692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best thing is watching henya on stream right now saying how happy she is while retards keeping fighting over her.

>> No.61322470

The first mention of money in this thread claims that someone would make less money in hololive. Sounds like you were the one posting about money all this time.

>> No.61322526

No vshojofags could not be any more obvious. You guys do not care about them at all and are just using them to shit on another company you despise. If you truly want them to be happy then indie is the route to go for them. Fuck every corpo.

>> No.61322605

>they would want them to be indies
Vshojo are indies

>> No.61322680

Please start seething about windy bigolaf, brown keksonshart.

>> No.61322743

High quality ass

>> No.61322761

With Sana being allowed into Hololive with no streaming experience, anyone is "hololive tier".

>> No.61322832

Indies do auditions?

>> No.61322913

Oh, of course! The hordes and legions of people who are watching FuwaMoco now clearly watched the incarnation before right? Clearly it isn't JUST because they're a blue dorito pair now right?

>> No.61322991

Henya and Mouse are squeeing over Reese's and peanut butter M&Ms while Matara joins in. Only in VShojo can you make this magic happen.

>> No.61323075

sounds like someone that only watches VShojo lmao.

>> No.61323338

Are you saying that they are shit streamers who only have viewers because of blue dorito?

>> No.61323389

fuuuuuuuck that's true. Biboo is great tho

>> No.61323402

I'm sure you're indulging in the stream right now, aren't you anonymous.

>> No.61323489

I'm not SAYING a certain Welsh Monke was right, but I'm not SAYING a certain Welsh Monke was wrong either.

>> No.61323563

So you are saying they are shit. What happened to being a big fan?

>> No.61323828

>>Ironmouse wins streamer of the year
Anon weren't the nominees all vshojo talents.

>> No.61323917

I'm not saying that's what a certain Welsh Monke said because it isn't. But what he did actually say might have been right.

>> No.61324215

For streamys it was all vshojo and codemiko. Codemiko won.

>> No.61324365

So you are saying that they're shit. Thanks for the confirmation.
