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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 413 KB, 1676x964, 72952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
61289513 No.61289513 [Reply] [Original]

Why do these grown ass women from hololive let their parents control them? A lot of them still live with their fucking parents like bae or pekora

>> No.61289549

you must not live in the west, because our women come stock retarded. most of them are barely functioning well into their 20s.

>> No.61289583

Virgin detected.

>> No.61289587
File: 195 KB, 500x673, 1663994122047880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and? Assuming you are mad, you must be living alone, not having your parents to feed you, love you and keeping you safe

>> No.61289613

Isn't that just the typical male experience, though?

>> No.61289652


>> No.61289687

Pekora doesn't live with her parents anymore

>> No.61289696

there's no reason to move out unless you're getting married
I'm sorry that you have shitty parents

>> No.61289719

Let me guess, you just drop by this board occassionally or even more likely, you don't watch streams whatsoever since you are using a clipped image?

>> No.61289747

It's just awkward to live with your patents as you get old. Imagine bringing your date to your room and fucking her while your parents eavesdrop you.

>> No.61289806


>> No.61289836 [DELETED] 

>parents like bae or pekora
Do you research you fucking moron

>> No.61289863

Moving out asap is an American thing, and I've never understood it, despite being an American. If you have an even somewhat okay relationship with your parents, it's like 98% positive benefits to both you and them if you continue to live at home and help around the house.
You get stuff like food, to save most of your money, social needs satisfied by living with people who care about you, etc. They get to have someone around the house who can help with physical things like repairs, chores, errands, etc.
I run errands and fill in for my parents watching my tard brother all the time. Really the only downside is less privacy for jerking off

It's fucking psychotic, and I swear it's some sort of scheme to keep Americans perpetually poor, because on paper I make way less money than everyone I know, but I've currently got enough money on hand to both outright buy a used car, and a new high end gaming PC, if both broke, all because I live at home still. Meanwhile my friends who "make more" can't even afford the new Armored Core game without saving for weeks

To tie it back to Bijou, she's some sort of small Asian girl, iirc, and in turn I'd wager her experience is similar to mine. It's not that she can't move out, it's that nobody in her family, including herself, wants her to.

>> No.61289901

stop being a whore

>> No.61289921

Nerissa lives with her parents too despite being a boomer...pathetic

>> No.61289933

Dykes aren't welcome here

>> No.61289988

The cost of living in the US has ballooned well past what employers are paying, so even a lot of older people are living with their family now when they might have rented a house or apartment in the past.

>> No.61290095

Haha and all her sisters are married with kids.

>> No.61290096


>> No.61290128

I don't think nerissa is Japanese.

>> No.61290177

>He believes her

>> No.61290245

>we can't post about their rms
>they straight up talk about their personal lives
What's the point of even being a VTuber at this point?

>> No.61290250

Boomers have a "fuck them kids" mentality

>> No.61290280

propaganda to sell more house, car and other products

>> No.61290344

My dad didn't move out until he got married at 30.

>> No.61290371
File: 66 KB, 644x644, 1673172420394998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine bringing your date to your room

>> No.61290376

How else are they supposed to learn to be independent?
Also people who move out have a higher chance of finding a partner to stave off loneliness and they develop financial skills to maintain a household.

>> No.61290377

Bae has Asian tiger parents, that’s a whole different thing.
It’s a relic from a time when striking out on your own and spreading your wings was actually financially viable. Food was cheap, land was cheap, you could move to where you could find the opportunity to thrive, and people got married earlier, so it’s not like you’d be completely alone either. Feds tried to keep that going with mortgage subsidies after WW2, but that fell apart after the 60s and 70s.

>> No.61290441

Being with your parents also infantilizes you so you don't ever have to grow up. Since you mentioned being an American, you should ask yourself how come your grandparents or parents had kids at 20-25 and stepped up to provide for themselves and their new family. Moving out teaches responsibility and prepares you for a family. You get hispanics and asians who have 4 generations living in one house and they're all manchildren.

>> No.61290468

American boomers were legitimately brainwashed to hate their children.

>> No.61290498

>why do unmarried asian girls still live with their parents
A mystery anon.

>> No.61290526

>for millennia, men and women grew up and died under the same household
>only the generation after the Boomers, the most narcissistic, catered to, and greedy generation in history, decided it was bad

>> No.61290563

Nerissa is 70 yo?

>> No.61290564

Anon, sorry to tell you, but you've fallen for the propaganda.

>> No.61290578

Being independent and being alone are not the same thing.
There is nothing about having and living with a family that stops you from being able to grow into a healthy competent adult.
In fact, staying around your family is probably so good for your mental health that it produces more competent independent adults

>> No.61290600

Living with parents until you get married and start your own family is the standard in most cultures and most eras. The modern burger "kick out your child at 18" is an anomaly.

>> No.61290620

>How else are they supposed to learn to be independent?
Historically speaking no one ever learned this. Multigenerational households were the norm until after WWII.

>> No.61290639

>striking out on your own and spreading your wings was actually financially viable
It literally still is, when you leave your house every single piece of opportunity in the land pretty much opens up to you. You've got 49 states and the whole fucking world to explore and be your own person.
infantile zoomzooms like you could yammer on and on about propaganda but the truth is you're the one who's clinging on to a relic of ancient times. Yeah of course back in the fucking stone age up to the 1800s before antibiotics were discovered job opportunities were limited and everyone pretty much owned one family business that everyone was expected to continue. That's not the case in the MODERN world.

>> No.61290646

Biboo has helicopter parents but she doesn't live with them, and she's planning on moving to Japan next year

>> No.61290668

You raised a generation of school shooters.

>> No.61290674

>There is nothing about having and living with a family that stops you from being able to grow into a healthy competent adult.
You can't cohabitate with your partner
Your parents will manage most of the household affairs and you'll just listen to their instructions.
Basically you'll never learn to be an adult

>> No.61290689

t. born with silver spoon

>> No.61290705


>> No.61290713

>go to a job and listen to instructions
>come home and listen to instructions from the wife
>go to school meetings and listen to instructions of the teachers about your kid
>listen to government instructions
Wait. You think ignoring instructions is adulthood?
Besides, when the FUCK have boomers EVER demonstrated independent thinking?

>> No.61290721

>The modern burger "kick out your child at 18" is an anomaly.
China Korea and Japan do the same thing. UK does the same thing. Europeans do the same thing, but sure it's a """boomer burger""" thing

>> No.61290730

Its literally a luxury of the modern world to go out and establish yourself instantly and build a life already in your 20s. Unfortunately there has been a concentrated effort to ruin that and keep us all poor and stupid

>> No.61290743

>How else are they supposed to learn to be independent?
You're not supposed to be "independent", you're supposed to contribute to your family and your family is also supposed to support you even after you've started your own. This is how people always lived until American boomers decided it was better for everyone to live isolated from their own family.

>> No.61290760

being independent is another jewish propaganda

>> No.61290766

>Europeans do the same thing,
Not the Mediterranean ones

>> No.61290798

Are you just typing out stupid shit hoping something will stick?

>> No.61290803

>You get hispanics and asians who have 4 generations living in one house and they're all manchildren.
Their children will be raised by multiple generations of their own flesh and blood. Your children will be raised by the internet.

>> No.61290804

Then I'm sorry but it's your parents fault for not giving you a secure headstart in your life. If you're saying that at 18 your parents weren't able to set you up for a few months while you strike out on your own to start a good career and build your own roots somewhere then that's EVEN MORE of a reason to leave them and find your own success. You can keep posting antisemitic jokes about the concept of being an INDEPENDENT ADULT all you want but it's the truth.

>> No.61290814

Girls won't even look at you if you live with your mom, and it's important to establish that sort of relationship as soon as possible because after 25 you won't have the testosterone to be able to be a proper husband or birth children.

>> No.61290818


>> No.61290861

>muh indenpendence
Keeping you "independent" is how they keep you isolated and powerless.

>> No.61290874

I dont live in a country where people were brainwashed by israeli propaganda. Trad girls are even okay with living with the man's parents here, people have been living like that for centuries. First they invented the nuclear family bullshit to divide people and now they're pushing for being independent.
I'm sorry that you live in a shithole

>> No.61290878

I thought even farmers in rural America would expect that one of their kids inherit the farm. Kicking them out once they turn 18 would screw that up since then they're down one more pair of hands to help out.

>> No.61290911

That was my first post and im a different guy. i dont disagree but depending on your start its difficult to actually pull it off. Yes some of us have parents that failed us which is why we need independance from even more. Nowadays taxes regulations and businesses moving overseas have hurt that ability in a lot of places and if you were a poor SOB that just happened to be born in Philly Chicago or some other shithole its gonna be like carrying a fucking moai statue on your back

>> No.61290915

Boomers sold the farms to corporations to prove kids should be independent or something.

>> No.61290918

Why do you conflate independence with alienating your family? You can keep in touch with your relatives even if you're independent. Ever heard of a phone? The internet? Planes?

>> No.61290943

Farmers had multiple kids. Younger sons weren’t going to inherit the farm, so they moved out to start something of their own.

>> No.61290960

Wtf I couldn't ever imagine living with my partner's parents, that sounds like even more hell than living with my parents.

>> No.61290997

maybe you should try not being an asshole who hates people

>> No.61291006

A lot of virgin NEETs in this thread coping at the fact that they're living in their parents' basement with no hope of getting out and will never become parents themselves.

>> No.61291022

>ITT: zoomers who don't realize "muh multigenerational household" just meant that your parents have a house and a farm and when someone gets married they build a house near beside the main house and they think the same principle can still apply today.

>> No.61291023

it's okay when grown-ass women do it
(they're female)

>> No.61291029

That's because you're the manchild.

>> No.61291042

Where do you think you are, retard?

>> No.61291051

>anon thinks everyone just lived in farms before the 1950's

>> No.61291056

I'm not American.

>> No.61291097

You say that, but of my cousins on my mom's side, I'm the only one who moved back in with his parents, partially to help watch my brother, partially for my own sake, and they're all financially irresponsible mentally unstable wrecks. On my dad's side, the ones who live with their parents are also far better off mentally, too.

As for your point about maturing and responsibility, I'm pretty sure I'd rather have the assistance of the people who raised a decent guy, than trying to deal with putting them in daycare like another of my cousins do. Like >>61290803 is saying.
Not that it matters much, given the bloodline dies with me, but that's an entirely different can of worms

>> No.61291129

No shit retard that system became unmanageable when people started being in cities. That's what I'm saying, multigenerational households are a thing of the past.

>> No.61291159
File: 356 KB, 1601x1440, europe-young-adults-living-with-parents-25-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europeans do the same thing,
Sure they do

>> No.61291168
File: 109 KB, 1169x1169, 1694221234625799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good question.. why become vtuber when you mostly go on about irl life? this is mostly en problem

>> No.61291209

Look how the poorest european countries have the highest percent whereas nordic chads are the lowest

>> No.61291241

I've done both, and it's really not the same. I'd visit my parents weekly, before moving back in, and the way it impacts you psychologically is completely different compared to living in the same house and just seeing them around all the time. If what you're claiming is true, the coof wouldn't have obligaterated what vestiges of community were left before it.

And don't tell me it didn't, or I'm just not trying hard enough, several of the groups I used to meet up with before (from meetup.com) were in person events each week, and these days those same groups are either defunct, or online only. No I'm not going to watch a fucking discord stream of anime, the whole point of what we used to do was to casually shoot the shit, after watching this week's episodes, IRL. It's not the same.

>> No.61291266

>nordic chads are the lowest
that's because they cant be femboys while living with their parents

>> No.61291269

Honestly in America, its not about even being independent, the vast majority of people who get memed on for not driving, are also the ones doing outreach for the community, caring for their parents, and working hard. It is just that difficult to do so, hell, the driving exam, unless you waste money on very high tuition in some cases is $300-$500 in some cases, on top of the fact that after all that you need a car, which is the car note, the insurance and the down payment for the car itself(not to mention gas). Its why so many who tried to strike out in that bubble of the 2010s to 2020s degree in hand, suffer because they get into employment gaps. Some with families having to survive in the gig economy. So a good deal avoid that and bringing kids or a spouse into that. Not that they couldn't, but that its stupid.

The ones who seemingly avoid all these things I mentioned usually already had things like a solid family with suitable income and resources, so things like inheriting a parent' older car to have time to upgrade. Tropes like that are just not part of everyone's life, and its that blindness to other people's reality that causes disconnects. I'm sure if you laid out a good number of these vtubers before they made it, a good number just are grateful to have made it by the skin of their teeth, regardless of talent, because a wealth of talent ready to be exploited is a problem in a market where employers have an abundance of power.

>> No.61291272

not for my mental health, kek.

>> No.61291387

I did try but meds aren't helping lol, I'm content with hating people

>> No.61291395

Americans will find any excuses to avoid admitting that their parents just hate them. Thinking that having close relationships with your own parents is weird is just mind-blowing.

>> No.61291448

pekora moved out years ago

>> No.61291530

fell for yet another propaganda
I feel so bad for americans, you're barely sentient

>> No.61291593

Must be hard being stupid

>> No.61291720

Why are Americans so obsessed with their good mood pills

>> No.61291745

I mean no, there are plenty of us who take care of our parents. Its that the mentality is split because its an unspoken thing to move out, seperate yourself, get a spouse/home/kids, and maybe come back home with the grandkids from time to time. Reality kinda mindbroke people out of that illusion of if you work hard sooner or later it pays fruit, not acknowledging their own circumstances, and that you have to be more savvy than that. You'll see that often people who have families living near each other or in the same town just usually stay in that area, raise kids, use siblings/parents as daycare because why the hell wouldn't you, house raid all the time because having the family get together for dinners saves money overall. So its not that Americans just overall hate their parents or their parents hate them, its that rugged individualistic mentality that can be good or bad. A mix of that and sometimes not having that same close family network.

>> No.61291780

most of estern eu have like 3-4 kids while in nord 1-2.. it's common in esterneu to have at least 1 kid that remains home to take care of parents

>> No.61291808

Half the fun is trying to stay quiet. I also just live with my dad so he don't give a fuck.

>> No.61291931

Tjeres a lack of perspective on history for a lot of people here too. Beginning of the 20th your parents were probably Irsh or German immigrants who routinely beat you and your mom and drank themselves into the grave by 50 while needing your help by 40. Post Depression and WWII you suddenly had massive job opperunities in the suburbs with good paying jobs for life so you damn right all the Micks and Krauts were glad to move there and call their parents once a month and figured they would give their kids a better life than they had. It ran a good couple generations before they started moving the factories overseas to use foreign slave labor and all that was gone. Now you got a couple gens raised working minimum wage because that was all that was available in the city while being told that was all you neededand the job should just pay you more

>> No.61291976

Bijou is a growing girl and still nurses on her mommy's milk.

>> No.61292028

Pekora moved out for quite a while
Bae belongs to a hardcore chinese family, they won't let her escape their supervision until she's married

>> No.61292422

500 for the exam is pretty cheap, even if you have to pay for the car insurances and such.
i got my driving license at 2005 ( i live in finland ), it was around 2000 euros total

>> No.61292440

Not realizing that maintaining those golden age lifestyles require a country that pays its workforce well, gives them proper benefits, with a strong economy built on reinforcing the workforce, and not exploiting it for unsustainable gains. Corporations using the advent of vtubing for exploitation of the millenial and zoomer generation who (usually) have above average technical skills is just one facet of corporations seizing people's desperation to make it and seize their dreams.

Not to mention people not understanding the logic of if your parents retire before 60, if they aren't suitably wealthy or don't have a suitable nest egg, they'll need you soon enough, they've have to work well into their golden years, or they die off. So inevitably, unless you don't give a damn about them, you're sustaining them and yourself, depending on if your parents want to keep their home, you might end up supporting most if not all their expenses and taking time to care for them. Something even some actual boomers struggle with now and have their children help with.

>> No.61292486

just for the schooling and the exams.
and later i had to pay 1500€ for the car, and rest of the stuff

>> No.61292517

>parents watching over their daughter and making sure she isn't whoring herself out
>a bad thing
Only in jewmerica

>> No.61292565

I have met many manchildren that are married and don't live with their parents so your point makes no sense.

>> No.61292566

It's amazing how effective the brainwashing is. It's like they want everyone to be miserable.

>> No.61292588

momseki is most likely a numberfag

>> No.61292732

And what was your salary at the time? I get paid biweekly, so having the extra $500 is already a stretch with making $2200 a month and $1100 for rent and utilities not being covered with that.

>> No.61292756

She said she can't say or retweet "sus" stuff because of her parents

>> No.61292898
File: 329 KB, 460x499, 1694578995557560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom is watching
>mom is proud
>OPs mom watches OP
>OPs mom is sad

>> No.61292897

so does Bae's situation technically count?

>> No.61292937

>cares about parents' opinion.

>> No.61292966

"grown ass woman" but forgets to eat for days.
I feel like with this type of girl if her mom is not looking out for her she'll randomly pass out during streams

>> No.61292978

Yeah some people didn't grow up unloved.

>> No.61293008

Good, that means her parents are doing a good job making sure their daughter stays pure.

>> No.61293012

Its kinda funny how you'd regularly see the "typical married guy" depicted as a person who doesn't clean, forgets to take out the trash or wash dishes, enforces a one income household that has the breadwinner housewife dynamic to basically make their spouse their mother to press their clothes/do laundry/make meals. I was taking care of my brother including sometimes making lunch and washing the dishes while my parents we're working since I was like...8 or 9. I was shocked others didn't do that.

>> No.61293098

I feel sorry for you

>> No.61293184

I didn't grow up unloved and I don't hate my parents but they're Mormons and I don't want anything to do with that church anymore.

>> No.61293291

Debt slavery is easier when you alter culture through decades of Hollywood propaganda to revere individualism and materialism. The sad reality of western culture is that living paycheck to paycheck is considered normal.

>> No.61293309

She said her mom opens her streams on every device possible. SEA and numberfaggotry go hand in hand.

>> No.61293321

Biboo lives with her "brother" tho

>> No.61293370

They\re stopping her from being true to herself

>> No.61293385
File: 181 KB, 403x402, 1698143997049538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah me

>> No.61293387

Everything points to her living alone even before holo

>> No.61293429

To be fair, she does eat like a chipmunk, where she could eat at In & Out a half a burger and feel sick later on. I would say that isn't normal, but a lot of people have weird dietary habits these days. I would guess if she eats once a day, most of the time its random snacks the rest of the time and burning a hole in her stomach with constant coffee. That's something you do when you're young thinking you can shrug it off, then regret when you've got issues with caffeine addiction and digestion problems.

>> No.61293463

having anything more than that allows people too much negotiating power
they need a desperate populace in order to sell what they're actually giving

>> No.61293685
File: 582 KB, 915x1280, 1697856656064825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers control over 80% of all money in every country, no complaints about parents outside of this please since they're intellectually dishonest. people still siding with their system are scabs. a double trump voter says this, even. just stop.

>grow up to be cooler than your dad and he implies you're an idiotic brute even though you're a girl because you don't care about his nerd stuff that you graduated from anyway

She inspires me. I would own my dad that hard if he was still alive.

>> No.61293781

silly anon
this is why you save sex for marriage

>> No.61293823

It may come to a shock to some of you who're 30+ yr olds,
but some of them are in there early 20s or younger that still live with their parents.

>> No.61293832

anon please dont post a picture of mr koro
if youre going to post ESL dribble

>> No.61293894
File: 76 KB, 233x221, 1694413977625008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine bringing your date to your room and fucking her while your parents eavesdrop you
Why the fuck I got turned on?

>> No.61293914

Only to find out you both aren't sexually compatible and she'll cheat on you to satisfy her sexual needs

>> No.61294131

>she'll cheat on you to satisfy her sexual needs

>> No.61294190

Lol no retard, JP vtubers talk about their personal lives all the time too

>> No.61294554
File: 511 KB, 1447x2047, 1694825006243698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei literally played a recording of her dad trying to play guitar in her member stream before, wtf are you talking about

>> No.61294703

Shitposters who pretend to watch chuubas shouldn't be allowed access to this board

>> No.61294755

I moved out to move across the country and start a life for myself.
You didn’t, because you’re not a man.

>> No.61294870

If you care one way or the other what your parents think of you, you aren’t a man.
And since you found a reason to complain about Americans, the protagonists of Earth, we’ve established that you’re a bitter, irrelevant side character on top of that.

>> No.61294878

You're mentally ill already anyway so that's not a usable standard

>> No.61294899

Go die for Israel like a good zogdog

>> No.61294918

You’re not a man.
You may be mentally healthy, competent, or whatever other buzzwords you like as a coping mechanism.
But you’re certainly not a man.

>> No.61294919

Bijou is proof that chuubas should know that their parents are actively watching their streams
>parents who support you but also have expectations and standards... are good?
Wow what a surprise

>> No.61294958

The fags? Is that who you want to replicate, little guy? Faggots?

>> No.61294994

If you need meds to be a socially acceptable human being you're beyond rescue. I'm toxic and edgy on the internet and told people to kill themselves over video games as well, but go and learn how to leave out that side only on the internet.

>> No.61295040

>ook ook ook
Third world monkeys like you are irrelevant. You’ll die poorer than me and fuming that you never got to be a human, let alone a man.
You may now type some more /pol/ buzzwords to cope, monkey.

>> No.61295104

I am a rich jew and I am telling you what you have to do bitchboy, suck my dick like every single one of your elites do

>> No.61295124

America has third world tier living standards lmao
You guys don't even have free education, free healthcare and advanced public infrastructure

>> No.61295187

The thing that gets me the most is how many of the NA girls don't have drivers licenses. I get it if you're in Japan or the EU because the transit is generally better and more accessable to most, but it's wild that there's only like 2 licenses between 15 girls in EN.

>> No.61295218

This thread is basically two extremes. Of course it’s understandable that you might possibly stay with your parents for a year or two after high school just to help gain some footing, but staying with your parents well into your 20’s is something else. I’ve never personally met someone living with their parents that’s above 22 that is “doing well in life.” Usually they failed at a career goal or are mentally unwell. I also doubt these anons are helping with the family business as mentioned happened long ago. Anons taking about parents hating them is more like they’re just disappointed that their child isn’t doing well in life in this modern world.

>> No.61295299

Nothing is free, monkey. Your life is subsidized by other people. Because you’re a weak, stupid monkey with no money that can’t take care of itself.
I also own a huge house with multiple rooms I never go in, can buy a gun on the way home from work, and my choice of multiple cars to drive into the office (if I don’t feel like working from home).
You’re a sad, angry monkey listening to papa monkey rape sister monkey through the paper thin walls of your 800-sf apartment. When you get stabbed to death by a camel fucker refugee, no one will care.

>> No.61295372

Because ((they)) fucked up the housing market.

>> No.61295402

which means they rely on their boyfriends

>> No.61295418

I own your government. Go on goy slave, post a picture of where you work and you doing something anti-semitic and I WILL destroy your life within a week.

>> No.61295443

You're probably not wrong but I prefer not to think about it.

>> No.61295538

>ook ook ook
Now now, monkey. No need to start throwing your shit against the glass because a human with a much better life than you came to the zoo to laugh at the monkeys.
Oh, and my country has laws protecting free speech, and the Supreme Court has repeatedly refused to acknowledge “hate speech” as punishable. Tell me what third world country you live in so I can report your posts to the commissar, monkey.

>> No.61295545

It’s pretty common for either shut-in girls who can depend on their family or young outgoing girls who can depend on guys to not have drivers licenses. States also play a role as the above two assume non metropolitan area. Ubers never use to be a real option due to the cost over time, but now that money isn’t an issue for them I could see them going from one of the above to Ubers.

>> No.61295551

Sir this is /Virtualyoutuber/

>> No.61295579

They're Asian, they don't live with their parents, their parents live with them.
It's an important distinction.

>> No.61295638

> I’ve never personally met someone living with their parents that’s above 22 that is “doing well in life.”
Because they don’t exist, or not in enough numbers to be statistically relevant. I knew one guy who lived with his parents until he was 25, and he was looking for a house because it had gotten too embarrassing telling women he lived with mommy and daddy.
Of course, losers on 4tran won’t see the downsides if they’re rotting to death in a computer chair.

>> No.61295653

Free speech laws don't mean shit when I can get you fired or make your shitty little business go bankrupt, enjoy having all your money vanish in a society that worships money aka worships us jews.
Go on bitchboy post proof of you doing something anti-semitic and I will demonstrate within a week how much of a pathetic slave you are.

>> No.61295692

And you, are an idiot.

Apparently, your definition of man, somehow excludes living around and contributing to taking care of your parents and siblings.
What about that is stopping you from being a man ?
You will always live in a place, surrounded by other people.
Whats the big difference if that place is where your family is ?
What, you think you cant fuck women if you live around your parents ? Havent people been doing that through all of history ?
I know a dude who lives with his mom and grandma in their big house, and almost every weekend he flies in some hot colombian whore, and fucks them all weekend, in the same house his mom and grandma are sleeping in.

Are you saying you wont be able to effectively handle hardship in life because you are coddled by your family and it makes you soft and weak ?
Tell me, Are you handling hardship in YOUR life effectively right now, you big strong masculine lone wolf ? Are you really ok ?

I doubt it man. Because you're here, posting on a Tibetan basket weaving forum about women who pretend to be anime girls that you spend your time and money on.
Im not ok either, i did not have a good family life. Thats why im here. But im not stupid, like you

>> No.61295753

Federal government also put their finger on the scale regarding the postwar suburbanization through the FHA and the GI Bill.

>> No.61295809

The only reason I don't live with my parents is that my parents refuse to accept any money from me, so I feel like leeching if I stay at home. That and my workplace gave a rent free dorm that's close to workplace. If I don't have those reason I would either live with my parents or live in my car until I collect enough money to buy a permanent home, I'm not renting

>> No.61295810

>Of course, losers on 4tran won’t see the downsides if they’re rotting to death in a computer chair.
He says, on 3chan, vt, of all places. (i said 3chan because my 3 key is broken and im not masculine enough to fix it)

>> No.61295814
File: 148 KB, 1200x1200, mikoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing her mother caring her senile bed-ridden father-in-law for years.
>I have the same responsibility. I'll gift them a new house, and in the future I'll take care of them as well.
The filial piety is the ethic that all Holo idols are trying to spread into the world.

>> No.61295932
File: 183 KB, 1080x624, IMG_20230907_015413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or at least don't type mucho texto

>> No.61295976


>> No.61295982

>ook ook ook
Monkey REALLY doesn’t want me to know which third world country it lives in.
Worried you might get some jail time for wrongthink, monkey?

>> No.61296064

>you both aren't sexually compatible
this is bullshit. Only fornicators could compare and contrast partners while virgins would be none the wiser.
You have a dick and she has a vag. Make it work.

>> No.61296081

I live in NYC and work on Wallstreet, you are literally my slave. Please doxx yourself doing something anti-semitic so I and my jewish friends can have a laugh at destroying your life.

>> No.61296082 [DELETED] 

Men don’t take care of their siblings or parents. Women do. Men start their own families to take care of.
You aren’t a man, so you behave as a woman.
Your faggot friend fucking foreigners in mommy’s house certainly isn’t a man, either.
>Tell me, Are you handling hardship in YOUR life effectively right now, you big strong masculine lone wolf ? Are you really ok ?
Yes, I’m a man.
>Im not ok
Correct, and you’re not a man.

>> No.61296099

There's no such thing as a female virgin in 2023.

>> No.61296124

Families actually care about each other in the rest of the world.
And most dads don't run out on their kids.

>> No.61296127

The only place in the world where you get to 18 and parents kick you out of their home is America. In all other countries people live with their parents till they get married or just just want to move out on their own and not because they get kicked out.

>> No.61296158

>ook ook ook
Should’ve committed to the fact that you were a third worlder, monkey. There’s nothing more pathetic than a finance twink pretending it’s a man.
But sure, I’ll play along. How tiny is your Manhattan apartment, twink?

>> No.61296168

My guy, you're making some hefty assumptions here. Its hard for a good number of people in buying their first home, and if people are paying the rent/mortgage and putting money into the household, they're living together.
That would be people taking advantage of their aging parents retirement funds in their own place, or parent's who take a cut of their son/daughter's money when they stay at their parent's place. Whatever distinction you tried to make is so you can look down on others, not prove a point.

>> No.61296170

All of this bullshit discussed in /vt/ of all places. Anyone claiming to be a man here can fuck right off, no man is watching cartoon character bitch about their day.

>> No.61296186

can confirm i live with my parents after graduating college since i cant find a job. they also do my taxes for me, cook for me, pay my bills, make my doctors appointments, and handle all of that stuff while i watch my chuubas. thanks mom and dad. get fucked wagies

>> No.61296195

>my 3 key is broken
Nigga just copy paste

>> No.61296197

Americans are humans and make lots of money. Why would they care what third world monkeys with no money do?

>> No.61296206

Women should be property of their parents until they are married off.

>> No.61296250

>stealth tranny brainwashing post
Nice try. It's "you'll never be a woman", not "you are a woman".

>> No.61296259

This is a raw, visceral example of something that is not a man, and never will be.
When mommy dies, and this little faggot is on the street, it won’t even be able to suck enough dick behind an Applebee’s to afford a bus ticket to the homeless shelter.

>> No.61296300

No, faggot, I was deliberate in my word usage. Unlike you, I don’t care or think about cross-dressing queers getting fucked in the ass for fun.
You do think about them, because you’re not a man.

>> No.61296308

My apartment is worth more than your bloodline's net worth, I have plenty of rental realstate where I fleece you goyim, and I own land in hickland for when I want to relax (the boomers therein treat me like a god because we've taught them we are god's chosen people). You meanwhile are nothing more than cattle who laughably thinks he has any agency.

>> No.61296349
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>> No.61296361

No, you clearly said "you aren't a man", and since there are only two genders that leads to only one conclusion. Of course you'd be the type to believe gender is a spectrum too.

>> No.61296388

Isn't that categorically untrue when the top vtubers usually have fans who have parents who watch them or they watch with their spouses being a more common thing? The main problem we've got is some Billy von Big Britches want to look like tough guys on the Internet. When the actual swag guys/girls are banging their SOs and just enjoying content without a care in the world, and it infuriates some conservative minded people that some are happy like that.

>> No.61296389

Ok Jannies, I just wanted to talk about how it waa weird that most of the girls didn't have drivers licenses and that they still have their parents come over to do simple shit like take care of their plants properly or replace a lightbulb. Nuke this shit thread because it devolved into these two fags larping.

>> No.61296396

If you move out to a hostel or something during college or work, then sure it's totally understandable.
I think the confusion is more about people who live in the same fucking cities as their parents yet choose not to live with them.

I honestly think sex is the biggest reason, a lot of Americans seem far more into having sex with as many people as they can before "settling down", and that would obviously be awkward and embarrassing if you were living with your parents. Hell some women would probably never put out if you were doing it at your parents' place.

>> No.61296405

>ook ook ook
That tiny, huh?
This game of pretend is cute, monkey. Now tell me about all the human pussy you get living on Not-Monkey Island.
Make sure to use even worse English this time.

>> No.61296433
File: 48 KB, 750x920, url(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiet, Anon. You're not a man

>> No.61296448

What's up with this seething burger?

>> No.61296458

No, faggot, I said you’re not a man, because you’re a woman.
If you were a man, you would have left home to start a life for yourself.
You didn’t, because you’re not a man.

>> No.61296471

I am, but unlike you that fact doesn't cause me pain.

>> No.61296504

You need to be a man, Anon.
Get angry and argue with /vt/sisters about how they're tendie sucking babies, cause they live at home and help their parents, past 25 years old, like a man
Be a man.

>> No.61296515

Quiet, monkey. The humans are talking.
If you live with mommy monkey, your opinion means nothing.
Because you aren’t a man.

>> No.61296529
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Literally just Asian Parent behaviour bro...
Selen for example also has her Parents living with her, controlling much of her own life at times, despite her being the one to pay rent at this point.

>> No.61296544

Hey buddy, you think you're that man?

>> No.61296566

If you make less than $3000 a month and/or your dinner consists of chicken tenders it doesn't matter if you live with your parents or not, you failed at life regardless.

>> No.61296581

If you're not Asian you won't really get it.

>> No.61296595
File: 44 KB, 602x489, 1697511466740469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in the attic of my parent's house throughout college
>Since it was all the way upstairs figured it was safe to have sex without sound transferring
>Parents decide to sell the house to move states and I help them move stuff out
>while in living room on the first floor I can hear the movers clear as day moving stuff out of the attic through the vents
>My parents listened to me and my girlfriend have sex for three years and never said a word about it

>> No.61296602

>that man
Who are you talking about exactly?

>> No.61296618

What if she just likes living with them?
Hell, before COVID ruined everything, a big chunk of my extended family would just regularly get together on the weekends, just because we felt like it.

>> No.61296640

Okay? Doesn’t apply to me, but I guess you tried to take me down a peg.
Perhaps if you expended that energy into leaving mommy’s home to travel and create a life for yourself, you wouldn’t be so bitter about not being a man.

>> No.61296664

Not you.
You aren't a man. And you're certainly not that man.

>> No.61296668

Cope, I get the best of your shiksas throwing themselves at me just for a chance at joining the jewish master race. If you're nice to me I might even fuck your daughter and give her a mischling bastard, so at least some of your descendants can be part of the future middle class, and not be wiped out.

>> No.61296687
File: 38 KB, 800x356, b69ec-16167733910223-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething fans living in worthless apartments meanwhile...

>> No.61296692

The Japan move might just what breaks the chain.

>> No.61296705

Again, who is that man, and why should I care about what he does?

>> No.61296726

He's that man, bud. And a bigger man than you.

>> No.61296730

>ook ook ook
You don’t own a house.
You can’t buy a gun.
You’ll go to jail if your monkey government catches you being mean on the monkey internet.
You aren’t a man, and you never will be.

>> No.61296732

Am i really going to go around copying just the number 3 every time i want to say 3chan ?

>> No.61296748

So you're talking about God. And that's fine, I don't need to be God because I'm a man.

>> No.61296755

Seething pigs, I can smell you through the screen

>> No.61296757

>Not showing off your dad playing guitar
Yeah sorry that you have daddy issues anon

>> No.61296770

Isn't Bae's family Japanese?

>> No.61296772

onscreen keyboard...

>> No.61296788
File: 37 KB, 800x400, url(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard you guys talking about That Man. Any idea where I can find him?

>> No.61296803

>still haven't posted proof of anti-semitism
Thank you for confirming you're nothing more than my bitch, now enjoy getting drafted to fight for greater Israel.

>> No.61296825

Not God, he's that man. You'll never be that man.

>> No.61296864

I guess I learned in this thread why americans have homeless problems. Visited new york and washington and holy fuck homeless people are everywhere, tunnel vents when on winter, subway for sleeping, even at the side of a highway, like wtf

>> No.61296874

>ook ook ook
Asking for dox is against the rules, monkey.
Enjoy a weekend with no internet to distract you from your crippling monkey sadness.
And remember: you’re not a man.

>> No.61296889

Mama rat said she would be visiting her bi-monthly to check up on her so not really
Her family are strict hardcore HK canto speakers , the kind that believe in ginseng roots and soul fire

>> No.61296902

>Yes, I’m a man.

he says, again, on 3chan, vt. ON FUCKING VT.
You like a fucking clown dude
Go do some "man" shit bro, show us how its done, stud

You gotta believe all this obviously stupid shit because if you stripped all of it away you might accidentally catch a glimpse of your real pathetic self in the mirror
And you can't handle that

Because you're not a man

(shit, the captcha has a "3" in it)

>> No.61296908

maybe if chuubas like mori and bae had a little more parental supervision, their careers wouldn't be so rocky

>> No.61296909

Keep coping while you slave away on my behalf.

>> No.61296911

They are not white and have a family culture, unlike whites who seethe every second they see each other until they are 18 and leave to start the cycle over again.

>> No.61296934

Do you live with mommy, faggot?

>> No.61296941

>onscreen keyboard...

Phone posters are DEFINITELY not men, thats for sure

>> No.61296977

>ook ook ook
No house. No gun. No money. No life.
Monkey will die to an immigrant’s knife.

>> No.61296990

Put on music or something? Wouldn't your parents be happy you are getting laid and might start a family.

>> No.61296998

Apparently this is how "men" win an argument. Pay attention lads, this guys handing out lessons
He sounds like a man who knows what hes doing....right

>> No.61297002

I suspect that's what my folks are tryna prevent. That's why they're tryna make me "accept that I couldnt make it in the outside world".

Bullshit, you're afraid you'll lose an extra pair of hands to do chores.

>> No.61297016 [SPOILER] 
File: 416 KB, 580x365, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I've got a picture of That Man.

>> No.61297019

Is that a yes, faggot? You live with mommy?

>> No.61297029

Not a good idea, you need to know if you are compatible and sex and living together a huge step in that.

>> No.61297033

The amount of seething fat fucks in here is outstanding

>> No.61297048

man 10-15 years ago America used to be a dream land to move to
how quickly things change

>> No.61297070

>Mom insults
Literal 12 years old lmao

>> No.61297108

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.61297110

I didn’t make a “your mother” joke, faggot. I asked if you live with mommy.
Do you live with mommy, faggot?

>> No.61297113

Damn right I do. I even do her chores sometimes, when she's tired, and often spend the evening talking to her.
Because I'm a man, and men care about the woman who gave the best years of her life to literally grow him from scratch and raise him.

As the other anon said, you aren't that man, bud

>> No.61297131

>you need to live on the street at and be kicked out at 18 to be independent.
Dumb faggot

>> No.61297150


>> No.61297166

How? Literary how. You live in a house with your parents and you also live with your gf, what does that have to do with independence.

>> No.61297169

No that will be you as we flood a new serf class to where you live, while the entire police and military of America act as our bodyguards.

>> No.61297173

>men care about the woman who gave the best years of her life to literally grow him from scratch and raise him.
Caring about something doesn’t make you a man.
Furthermore, you can care about someone you don’t live with.
But you’re not a man. You’re a little boy living with mommy. A failure.

>> No.61297211

I went back to living with my mom after my dad died. I don't want to leave her alone. I pay for pretty much everything in the house

>> No.61297237
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>> No.61297239

Is that a yes, faggot? Do you live with mommy?
>ook ook ook
No house. No gun. No money. No life.
Monkey will die to an immigrant’s knife.

>> No.61297259

>It’s a relic from a time when striking out on your own and spreading your wings was actually financially viable. Food was cheap, land was cheap, you could move to where you could find the opportunity to thrive, and people got married earlier, so it’s not like you’d be completely alone either. Feds tried to keep that going with mortgage subsidies after WW2, but that fell apart after the 60s and 70s.
And it was a stupid thing to do then. If you can stay with your family do it, the nuclear family meme led directly to the wokefag problems of today. Fuck conservatives their stupid ideas, their nuclear family meme ended up ruining family relationships.

>> No.61297286

>zogdog's brain broke so he can only repeat
Thank you for conceding that you're nothing more than a jewish slave

>> No.61297289

Think you're that man, buddy?
Sorry, but you ain't. You'll never be that man

>> No.61297301

Do you live with mommy, faggot?

>> No.61297310

You're a good son

>> No.61297323
File: 390 KB, 220x220, 1670413373232083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only americans are psychos who throw out their kids while suing them or demanding rent from them. meanwhile the rest of the world take care of each other and likes each others company. its rational. Especially now when you can't buy any houses or apartments since they are priced 5000% above their real value.

>> No.61297335

Remember also the generations after that so called independence ended up going crazier and turned into trannies.

>yes dont help your family, you have to be "independent" and forget about them, be a good conservative cuck.
Dumb faggot

>> No.61297344


>> No.61297355

>ook ook ook
No house. No gun. No money. No life.
Monkey will die to an immigrant’s knife.
Is this a “meme”? Do you post memes to distract from the fact that you’re a little boy living with mommy, faggot?

>> No.61297385

>It literally still is, when you leave your house every single piece of opportunity in the land pretty much opens up to you. You've got 49 states and the whole fucking world to explore and be your own person.
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.61297388

It's not a meme, he's just that man

>> No.61297400

If you can’t afford a place to live as an adult, you’re a failure.
And if you rely on mommy to shelter you, you’re certainly not a man.

>> No.61297456

Weak, impotent little boys often dismiss useful advice as being “impossible” or “retarded” the moment it requires effort on their part.
Do you live with mommy, little boy?

>> No.61297478

Blud really thinks he's that man

>> No.61297485

Yes, i live with my mom and dad and i can promise you i make more than you. Eat shit fag, my mom makes me eggs and pancakes in the morning while i make 100k+ at my job and take parents out to eat on the weekends. Keep your "independence"

>> No.61297491

Yes and I drink mommy's milk too
Got any problem with that bucko?

>> No.61297506

Asians tend to live with their families even in the west

>> No.61297525


>> No.61297528

>you are close to your family and have a stable family unit, haha look at this fucking loser

>> No.61297546

I'm gonna find and start dating Selen and slowly coax her into ditching her parents to come live together with me.

>> No.61297570

Don't waste your time, anon. This guy's too big for his britches, and seriously thinks he's that man

>> No.61297618

>brags about barely making six figures
Money doesn’t make you a man. I have plenty of money. Unlike you, I also have a house and a life.
You didn’t leave home to start a life of your own, because you’re not a man.
It’s your problem. You’re not a man, and the longer you wait to become one, the more likely you are to never overcome your weakness.
I’m happy to laugh at you as you ruin your life and die alone, if that’s what you want.

>> No.61297672


>> No.61297684

>You’re not a man, and the longer you wait to become one, the more likely you are to never overcome your weakness.
I am a man because I have male chromosomes. Fuck off with your gender bs tranny man

>> No.61297730


>> No.61297764

you're all retarded
talking about what a "real man" is is the gayest shit someone can do. if they have a penis they're a real man, whatever requirements you have for your imaginary boyfriend don't matter
if you live with your parents after 20 i'm going to assume you hide in your room and eat microwaved nuggies all day

>> No.61297774

The future is now old man

>> No.61297800

dude, completely this. Once you get a full understanding of how Asia and Asians work. You see how they differ from the West.

t. Western Asian

>> No.61297833

Hey man, I bake my nuggies

>> No.61297846

That's a child

>> No.61297883

they exist, you faggots just can't see them outside of your retarded bubble

>> No.61297890


>> No.61297939
File: 33 KB, 600x493, 1684322272000656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting your time and money on women

>> No.61297955

>In fact, staying around your family is probably so good for your mental health that it produces more competent independent adults
My parents cause most of my mental health stress because they try to treat me like a slave even tho I pay rent to live with them. And that's a majority of parents these days.

>> No.61297982

circular logic works because circular logic works!

>> No.61297988

>Anon, can you do the dishes?
>"This is literal slavery"

>> No.61297989

Look at him, so macho, so alpha.


>> No.61298380

Do you live with mommy, faggot?

>> No.61298408

Do you think anyone is buying your act?

>> No.61298441

>paying rent
Well below market rate, or you wouldn’t stay with them.
Which means you’re a failure. And certainly not a man.

>> No.61298460

It's really just about finance. Anyone who could afford to move out would in a heartbeat.

>> No.61298582

I can believe it, my friend's family seemed moderately more strict. But had about the same expectations as my mother, who is black. When we first met it was kinda funny he (and they) were surprised I could keep up with his grades in our Honors classes.

It was funny when his mom was so obsessed to play Badminton with him all the time.

>> No.61298640
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>> No.61298774

Mommy Ami...

>> No.61298790

No shit things cost money. The US just sends it all to Israel instead of helping people here.

>> No.61298820

The government doesn’t exist to “help” people, monkey.
You would know that if you were a human.

>> No.61298850
File: 1.02 MB, 2894x4093, 20231006_112022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't say that.
Even though her ass can't be contained and I need her m*mmy silkers in my face.

>> No.61298866

bro, they want those fucking grandkids

>> No.61298881

Other countries it does. Just the US is too busy killing brown kids in the middle east to give the homeless vet a roof over his head.

>> No.61298947

Theres some uncharacteristically high quality discussion happening in this VT thread and its kinda weird

>> No.61298957

I've banged 2 chicks in the last 6 months after moving back in with my family. I'm doing ok.

>> No.61298961
File: 62 KB, 1152x860, 1696077327476768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-n-n-n-n-n-no, it's not than I'm a jobless incel who got into vtubers as a substitute for getting a girlfriend
>I'm j-j-j-j-j-j-just fighting back against the Zionist World Order, mom

You guys are fucking pathetic, just own it instead of coping this badly for 300 posts

>> No.61298966

Maybe watch some of her streams? It's painfully clear to anyone that actually watches streams that her mom is 1. insanely sweet and caring, and 2. so supportive it blows my mind. 3. The very thing in your picrel was an adorable moment where she told chat to stop listening so she could tell momseki she took her vitamins and did stretches which is so on brand for her wholesome kayfabe.

Clippers and fags that get their opinions from watching clips alone deserve the rope.

>> No.61299014

Microwaved nuggies are shit. Using the oven or even toaster oven is barely more work and the pay off is souch higher. I personally am more of a frozen tendies guy myself.

>> No.61299081

Fucking cows doesn’t make you a man, faggot.
Certainly not when mommy is paying for the house that you fuck them in.

>> No.61299108

I mean it's a little bit of both. It's not the Zionist world order but its this stage of capitalism in the west. It's far more profitable for western capital to invest in imperialist measures than using the money at home. The big billionaires get more money selling rockets to Israel to bomb Gaza instead of building more housing in the states. It's that simple.

>> No.61299130

Monkey countries don’t matter.
Least of all countries that don’t allow you to own a gun or hold a Klan rally publicly.

>> No.61299167
File: 2.97 MB, 200x180, 1628203684776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought a house by saving and living with my parent
>Rent it out for +150% the mortgage value
>Still live my parent to help them and get way below market rent.
feels good to be a dependent chad

>> No.61299171

Says the guy who never got his dick wet. I don't care about being a man I just like fuckin, drinking, smokin, and watching chuubas. I do it all with a full belly and a warm bed. I also like the company of my folks they're nice people.

>> No.61299181

>talking about capitalism in stages
Go the fuck back, retard.

>> No.61299204
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>> No.61299222

You depend on mommy to survive.
You’re not a man, and you never will be.

>> No.61299227

How much Lenin have you read retard? Go back readin Ayn Rand. She rights like a literally fuckin highschool student. She also died collecting social security.

>> No.61299272


>danish zoophile

>> No.61299275
File: 117 KB, 659x892, Mao_Zedong_in_1959_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a piece of shit and should get guillotined

>> No.61299335

>ook ook ook
No house. No gun. No money. No life.
Monkey will die to an immigrant’s knife.

>> No.61299338

Don't care. Sorry you feel the need to slave away and lick your bosses boots.
Don't care if I'm a man, fag, tranny, or whatever. I'm getting laid and your not.

>> No.61299397

>muh hecking bootlickerino
>y-y-y-yeah I'm totally a chud, I mean chad
They lie as easily as they breathe

>> No.61299420

amerimutts find out their ideology isn't the entire world's

>> No.61299427

>no gun
Hahah nigga you dumb. You know how much money I save living at home. Im plenty strapped. My family is gonna be a ok if shit ever went down. Good luck bringing your shitty PSA in your Ford super duty to your moms house to protect her to find out she's already been killed then your shitty hunk of plastic breaks and the raiders get all your 5.56 ammo but theyre gonna leave your shirry wish dot com optic with your piece of shit gun and you and your moms dead bodies.

>> No.61299446

Burgers will never be able to understand how it feels to have parents that love you or that you are close to after the age of 18.

>> No.61299483
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>> No.61299502

>never heard the 30 year old boomer meme

>> No.61299531

(((Doctors))) LOVE to prescribe that shit over here

>> No.61299706

Men leave home to travel across the country and build a life for themselves.
You didn’t, for which there is a simple explanation:
You’re not a man, and you never will be.
This little faggot thinks owning a few shotguns and rifles makes him “strapped.”
Which would be less pathetic if he also wasn’t a man.
Mommy’s getting raped and tortured for fun when this little faggot tries to pull his gun.

>> No.61299735

All women's "true self" is being an attention whore. Attention is like a drug to them and the easiest way to get it is being a whore. When you unshackle them from morals and traditions it becomes an arms race over who can act like the biggest whore. The internet has made this infinitely worse.

>> No.61299802

Because most of us are of weak will and character. It's a lot easier to take a pill than it is to do the things most people need to do to fix their "depression". Including the list below in case there are any menhara anons that actually want to improve their lives.

-Fix sleep issues.
-Balanced diet (ie: each meal having a protein, vegetable, and smaller carb portion)
-Consistent exercise 3-5 times a week. Including cardio that gets your heart rate elevated for at least 20-30 minutes.
-Cease breaking your reward circuts with mindless cooming constantly. (you can still jerk it just don't do it as a response to having bad feelies or compulsively. If you actually take a few days off your body will tell you when its time to j-it)
-Make small and achievable goals. Confidence is built over time. Trying to make big changes all at once usually fails and deepens the failure mindset.
-Practice meditation/stoicism/buddhism just something that gets you to focus your mind, and exercise self control.

As opposed to doing any of these practical things that will 99.9% of the time fix most peoples issues they just take more drugs because we have become a slovenly embarrassing people.

>> No.61299813

You know the people who are portraying these cartoons you are obsessed over are...women

>> No.61299843

Skill issue

>> No.61299856

You’re a third world monkey. What you think or feel are irrelevant. You’re subhuman.
Americans leave home to start lives for themselves, because Americans are better than you.
For many reasons, one of which is, they’re human.

>> No.61299869
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>ctrl F "boomer"
>12 results
You guys really hate your dads for telling you to get a job, huh?

>> No.61299901

Some women are inexplicably attracted to fucking losers

>> No.61299915

Literally the shithole of the world, the source behind all the problems

>> No.61299929

These things aren’t men. Many of them are third worlders, and therefore subhuman.
They have nothing but coping mechanisms. Like the little boy above who is smoking and drinking himself to death on mommy’s dime.
When they die, no one will be upset.

>> No.61299944

The fact you think getting laid is the pinnacle of success is probably why you are living with your mommy, kek.

>> No.61299965

You're fucking stupid. The entire human race lived this way until the baby boomers came along and we managed to make it to the modern era and develop into a technological socitety fine enough.

The default position is living in large family groups and still is in most of the world. It's only America and a few other western countries where kicking your kids out at 18 is seen as normal, and even that is becoming more and more impossible due to the insane cost of living in the west.

>> No.61299997

Go back to /pol/ and read the threads while you pour your 4th drink of the day and slowly become an alcoholic like your father retard

>> No.61300003
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>vtuber fans are failure-to-launch losers
>more news at 11

>> No.61300014

I can tell you are incredibly insecure about your masculinity

>> No.61300031

>ook ook ook
You’re an irrelevant side character. America is the protagonist.
You have no money. You have no rights. You ride a monkey train to get around town because you can’t afford a car.
You lost before you were even born, monkey.

>> No.61300040
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Sorry you had white parents. I have a 6 figure tech job with 90k in savings and if my current living situation falls apart, I can start a mortgage and have my parents, whom I love and love me, move in with me. This is normal and expected behavior outside the US.

>> No.61300072

I'll have you around a leash in my hand soon enough pig, mark my words

>> No.61300093

But it is the case in the modern world, its only Americucks and some Europoor countries that ever took up the kick your kids out at 18 idea. Most of the rest of the world still lives at home at least until marriage. Doesn't matter anyway because more and more people are staying at home even in America because they cannot afford to live alone anymore.

>> No.61300095

90k what?


>> No.61300117

Holy mother of insecure burger rage
My sides

>> No.61300119

>watch anime puppet shows on the internet
The quintessential /vt/ man

>> No.61300123

>humans were designed to live in tribes in huts made of mud and die at 32 from dysentery
That’s one way to cope with hating your life.
Because you’re not a man, and it sounds like you never will be.

>> No.61300145

Vietnamese dongs actually

>> No.61300177

This ameriturd is very insecure of his own masculinity and he's projecting

>> No.61300205

At least he doesn't have to pay an arm and a leg to live in a house that is falling apart with a fentanyl user as a neighbor.

>> No.61300273

>embarrassed of own worthless currency
>tries to flex a "tech job" while squatting with his parents

>> No.61300339

I can beat you in a fight very easily

>> No.61300367

>bragging about a five figure savings account
You have less than me, despite living on mommy’s dime. Humiliating.
You’re not a man. You’re a monkey and a loser.

>> No.61300411

>impotent ooking
You can’t even buy a gun, monkey. No one is afraid of you. And monkeys don’t go to heaven when they die.

>> No.61300418


Prove it goy lol

>> No.61300420

>I can le punch you hard
Your larp fell apart and you're left with this
Just sad

>> No.61300463

There is nothing manlier than a test of fists, the most primal method to determine a virile warrior. Suddenly scared are you?

>> No.61300472

White american piggu unleashes his tard rage on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.61300489

>le hecking goyerino
Why do left-wingers(the vast majority of /vt/) suddenly become 1488 when people tell them to stop being worthless NEETs and get a job?

>> No.61300501

Sorry, monkey, I don’t dox myself at the behest of subhumans.
When papa monkey rapes sister monkey at night, can you hear her ooking in pain from your bedroom?

>> No.61300505

Well at least he has actual savings and isn't larping KEK

>> No.61300514
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Cracker so angy grrrr

>> No.61300576





>> No.61300578

When the only rebuttal left is “you’re just pretending not to be a worthless faggot living on mommy’s dime like me,” I won.
You’re not a man.

>> No.61300580

Maybe I should learn to slaughter pigs and become a butcher, you seem like a particularly smelly and fat one with how much you snort and oink and squeal

>> No.61300645

>impotent violent fantasies
Name a more iconic duo

>> No.61300659

Have you considered having a go at mama monkey as a way to get revenge against papa monkey?
Do you ever wonder what mama monkey’s brown ass looks like on your banana?

>> No.61300671

>"I'm a m-m-man, a big boy billionaire!"
>"Nuh-huh, I'm m-manlier!"
>*They continue arguing on anonymous forum trying to seem more masculine*
Holy kek wtf is this, I got second hand embarrassment reading this shit, you turd 12 or something?

>> No.61300684
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His cock don't work, his oshi doesn't love him, and he'll have to resort to sex tourism like his ancestors before him. The bloodline ends with Jacob. Sad.

>> No.61300714

How loud are Mama pig's squeals upstairs when Papa pig is away? I pity your poor neighbors

>> No.61300758

>IP counter didn't go up

>> No.61300770

This is the funniest thread I have ever seen holy fuck
a blessed moment in the catalog
Thank you seething burger-kun for providing entertainment

>> No.61300798

The irony being that Koseki Bijoo is a thai

>> No.61300856

>trying to get the last word in to pretend he "won"
Impressive 90 thousand pesos, pedro

>> No.61300915

a clown and a pig! a piggy clown!

>> No.61300944

Name a more iconic duo

>> No.61300966

>you're not a man
>uhhh, YOU'RE not a man!
>endless cycle of meaningless buzzwords and arbitrary epeen stroking ensues
I know (We) /vt/ aren't known for being the sanest bunch, but god, I've literally never seen it this bad

>> No.61300967

Fix your machine? That was my first post itt and this one is the last. Anyway, carry on larping as manly man on whichever side of the argument you are.

>> No.61300987

What do you get when you combine a honk and an oink? a hoink!
Piggy clown-kun berry berry funny kekku kekku

>> No.61300999

It's one thing being a NEET in a first world country, but in a third world shithole?

Come on

That's a whole new level of pathetic

>> No.61301046

>runs away from the thread in tears

>> No.61301061

I’m half-convinced that “burger” is some third world larper. See the last sentence of >>61300093 for a more accurate take on the American situation.

>> No.61301067

The angriest pig of our times, ladies and gentlemen
Look and laugh

>> No.61301092

>got duped by the homobeggars

>> No.61301160
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All these fags talking shit and boasting. What happened to the strong silent type? Flailing about while you both race to the bottom of a shit slinging fight just proves you are both pathetic.

Real confidence and masculinity doesn't have proving oneself to others as a criteria. It stands on its own. You lot are just little boys.

>> No.61301220
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>> No.61301442

I laughed.

>> No.61301468

thirdie NEETs utterly BTFO

>> No.61301525

The pig is STILL seething? well more entertainment for me

>> No.61301567

pooinloosisters......................not like this

>> No.61301726


>> No.61301770

How many creatures do we have in here?

>> No.61301991

Theres a lot of faggot commie college kid stink in this thread and im glad I bowed out 1/4th of the way through

>> No.61303440

Use your brain, anon. If they weren't such useless womanchildren, do you really think they'd be Vtubers?

>> No.61303665

>high quality
Anon, it's literally just two retards fighting.

>> No.61303739

Seething poorfag detected

>> No.61304091

Before the thread gets archived, the seething burger pig lost
