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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61197249 No.61197249 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so hated by normies?

>> No.61197388

Is she still hated?

>> No.61197396 [DELETED] 

Because she's hated by everyone that isn't a cuck. Some normies will be included in that group.

>> No.61197471


>> No.61197494

I too love being a heckin' 4chan contrarian! 4chan gold to you, my good sir!

>> No.61197497

Because she is a vtuber who invades the normalfags space and they lash out. Just like how we lash out at normalfags who invade our space.

>> No.61197534

Too cringe for normalfags
Too normal for weebs

>> No.61197571

She's the only one they have any meaningful exposure to

>> No.61197578

Just because seaschizos have a hateboner for her it doesn't change the fact that she's an obnoxious weeb wigger

>> No.61197589

Did you see the response to her MGS video on Shitter? It was overwhelmingly negative

>> No.61197606

Go back.

>> No.61197675

>people being negative on xitter

>> No.61197714

they aren't into vtubers so the vtuber fan bias isn't there to protect her from criticism of mediocre music

>> No.61197727

>gonna melt on your plate like I'm FLAKE

>> No.61198614

I dislike Mori and Kiara because I think they are obnoxious. I can only imagine what normies that don't like vtubers at all feel about her.

>> No.61202151

just normies?

>> No.61203176

I only found out about vtubers from her awful music

>> No.61203359

Too weird to live
Too rare to die

>> No.61205763

Bitches are loud, but in terms of likes and such, it wasn't that one sided.

>> No.61205975

Because the Japanese believe that she has that Ohio gyatt rizz and give her more attention than smoke detector Americans that watch Dragon Ball and One Piece.

>> No.61206165

there's your answer

>> No.61206280 [DELETED] 

Because she is an alcoholic, druggy, and nigga lover.

>> No.61206282

Do you have a few hours to talk about it? Because there are so many reasons. Also you've got it backwards. Normies like her.

>> No.61206652

normies hate anime that isnt for blacks (naruto, dbz, etc)

>> No.61206816

She's clicking out of the program, game isn't made for that.

>> No.61207018

She lost about 60-70% of her viewer base so it's not even fair to say it's just normies that hate her.

>> No.61207180

>tries to appeal to people who don't like vtubers
>they still don't like her
>vtuber watchers don't like her because of that
>her viewers decline

>> No.61207670
File: 228 KB, 1044x269, 424bac127d7d74c0e97899e2baea07280f313020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check current ccv
KEK Holy shit. How is she crashing and burning this hard. I thought this was the greatest sponsorship ever?

>> No.61208143 [DELETED] 

>SEAmonkeys only care about muh CCV numbers
Go back to your containment thread

>> No.61208352
File: 118 KB, 532x800, a7c88df7f0d3f39c0703c7366fb96f1d4bdcaf00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent entire week saying this is the greatest sponsorship in holo history
>Nobody watches it
What happened?

>> No.61208764 [DELETED] 


>> No.61209106

guys guys guys
is mori a big titty goth girlfriend?

>> No.61209178

is she good at the game or is she playing like its her first time?

>> No.61209300

What in the goddamn fuck are you on about

>> No.61210242

People in general just hates talented, hardworking, or successful people.

>> No.61211443

It helps that she's awful at Metal Gear Solid. I remember owning a demo of the beginning part of sneaking into Shadow Mose and didn't nearly have as many fuck ups as Calli.

You'd think a official sponsorship with Konami would need her to practice off camera.

>> No.61211593

She's playing awful, completely wasteful of resources (using chaff for any camera rather than cling to the walls for example), dies alot and obviously gets caught a lot.

She's about to fight Gray Fox right now after playing for 3 hours.

>> No.61212541

She's really just hated by /v/cels.

>> No.61213494

>talented, hardworking, or successful
try again

>> No.61213544

i was there. She was talking about the scenes in the video. It's sad that it only got around 3k. I guess despite what they're saying, cuckbeats really don't care about her song.

>> No.61215318

People on twitter don't matter

>> No.61215352

NEET pork sausage fingers typed this post

>> No.61215434

They hate vtubers in general, she is jsut in a position that she becomes more visible by normalfags for often. I saw a random suisei thing show up on a normalfag site and the comments were similar.

>> No.61215448

Because vtubers are cringe to everyone but vtuber fans.

>> No.61216187

She's the most ambitious of EN and often breaks out of the bubble. Collabs with One Piece and Metal Gear.

>> No.61216202

Then I am an anomaly.
T. Seabeat

>> No.61216461

Go back to plebbit, normalfaggot.

>> No.61216639


>> No.61216742

Literally every single one of her fans is a massive normalfaggot though

>> No.61216994
File: 152 KB, 708x1000, 1685741082227533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ni... i mean.. hip hop fatigue.

>> No.61217039

I think you were right about the first one lol

>> No.61217091

The only people defending the song are diehard deadbeats and anons being contrarians because xitter hates it.

>> No.61217211

Her music sucks balls. It reeks of mediocrity and it's clear she has no idea how bad she actually is or why.

>> No.61217257

Despite being someone with no charisma nor talent, Mori is one of the most famous EN chuubas and this happens because she's been abusing the hololive brand power since day 1. When your job requires charisma and you don't have any, people lash out

>> No.61217395 [DELETED] 

>Luckshit into the biggest company "as a joke"
>Immediately leave 'hints' in your songs and album covers to the account you actually want to get famous as
>Use the company to get in with ecelebs
>Watch in horror as said account collapses leaving you with only the cartoon avatar you though was just going to be a temporary meal ticket
>Have to come to terms that no one will every know you for you
I guess at least she can make 'own the haters' songs whenever she wants to?

>> No.61217436

Executives love Mori for some reason, maybe they think she appeals to both JP and EN audiences.

>> No.61217584

Normalfags love Mori. (They just won't watch her.) It's insular communities like 4chan that hates her. (And black people on twitter, but they hate everybody.)

>> No.61217645

They're out of touch actual boomers who think every young person loves hiphop.

>> No.61217891

HOLY SHIT lmfao. Does anyone genuinely watch Mori anymore?

>> No.61217980

Only the most pathetic Deadbeats who pray that one day she will touch their peepees

>> No.61218738

Her numbers have unironically rebounded in the latter half of this year compared to the beginning. She was truly in danger of being a 3 view for a while. Now she's generally above Ame, Kiara, and Bae. In other words, it's so over, deadbeats.

>> No.61220350

>Gets mogged by bae
>Gets mogged by Kiara streaming a "debuff game": >>61208352

>> No.61221188

Hivemind bandwagoning

>> No.61221385

They have a low tolerance for cringe.
Of course Mori get specific haters because she's (almost) said nigger in the past and is a white women who raps.

>> No.61221427

Pomu would have pulled better numbers and sang a better song. Pretty fucking bleak!

>> No.61223332

She is hated by everyone

>> No.61223813

normies don't like vtubers
they would probably have a similar reaction to your oshi if she became high-profile enough for normies to realize she exists
though I admit "white girl rapping" probably doesn't help

>> No.61223969

Cringe is like, her brand.

>> No.61224155

She's trying to appeal to people who find the whole hobby as cringe as she did when she debuted, but THEY don't have to pretend to like it for their meal ticket.

Literally everyone but ironic weebs hate that. And even these often deny being deadbeats, hell, bvtm recently went tardmode trying to defend her. That's damning enough.

>> No.61224254

I still hate her, and it seems plenty of other people do as well

>> No.61224545

acting like a retard who genuinely thinks mori isn't hated by most people is the most surefire way to get you replies, congrats on finding the recipe

>> No.61225775
File: 343 KB, 1012x675, Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 15-21-42 【MV】 SNEAKING - Song by Mori Calliope(メタルギア公式コラボソング).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu fans are seething

>> No.61225843

She's not, /vt just likes to pretend that she is

>> No.61226001

>Smoke detector Americans

>> No.61226148

Normies like her though. It's the schizos from SEA /here/ and retarded Twitter communities that try to hate brigade her

>> No.61226219

her music

>> No.61226859

Correction, everyone hates her

>> No.61226937

normies hate vtubers in general + her rm’s considered racist

>> No.61228823 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 931x216, 1685233997184801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being such a delusional wigger lover

>> No.61230775 [DELETED] 

Hated by everyone
Men are gay nowadays and hate all women
Poor people hate successful people because their typically too lazy to do anything themselves

>> No.61230870

whenever they see Mori they just see those rapper dudes laughing about how her music is ass

>> No.61231118

Skip anything with Mori, Kronii or Ame, it's that simple.

>> No.61231527

You forgot to add fauna and kiara

>> No.61231652

>Skip the people who stream

>> No.61233667

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.61236390 [DELETED] 

nijikeks cant help themselves but seethe huh

>> No.61238505

I don't know about normies, but her music is ass. Japs might think she's cool, but native english speakers all know she's awful.

>> No.61238524

she's not hated by normies. normies are fueling her entire career. remember vtubing is extremely mainstream now and she's signed with a major label. she's hated by online people in every circle imaginable though. people here hate her but she's equally hated by twitter lefties and that whole sphere

>> No.61238599

I like her because she makes tranime lovers on 4tran seethe, but I’ve never watched one of her streams and don’t care about her music.

>> No.61239061

Who the fuck cares about what normalfaggots think?

>> No.61239126


>> No.61239255

This. I personally like her since she's a fellow Texan tho.

>> No.61239308

her 'rapping' sounds like liquid dogshit.

>> No.61240365


>> No.61240562

It's simple really. She is everything they wish they could've been.

>> No.61241238

Just saw art of her getting her throat slit. Mori attracts the weirdest haters.

>> No.61241336

>normies don't like cuckholding
>/vt/ hates cuckholding
she walks a thin line

>> No.61241390

Daily pink woman schizo thread?

>> No.61241429

Implies you had feelings for her at some point, then got your heart broken.
Which makes you a huge lolcow.

>> No.61241446


>> No.61242704

Normies protest against vtubers as much as they protest against killing terrorists.

>> No.61243130

What? I thought she was the Normies go to EN girl since she's the closest to a live action twictcher.

>> No.61248283

she is bad at rapping and singing plus an annoying voice

>> No.61248382

They tend to last several days since someone necro bumps them off the edge of page 10 consatntly.

>> No.61249367 [DELETED] 
File: 754 KB, 1133x641, 1696676316076343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am leechy leeching leechy leechy leechy leechy
leeching leechy leechy leechy leechy leeching kind of gal ~

>> No.61249649


>> No.61249723

Nothing to do with leeching.

>> No.61249877

everything is for normies especially hololive vtubers, if you don't pander to the masses then you don't get sponsorships

>> No.61250038

>rapper dudes laughing about how her music is ass
I need to see this

>> No.61250324

shes kinda cringe, also the voice is unbearable, 10/10 sex model tho she was also doxxed to fucking oblivion, so that ruins alot

>> No.61250856

Most ones that have even a semi-decent following on youtube seem to praise her rapping. The ones that shit on it tend to be the sub 1k follower shitters or they edit one of her songs into that one video of a black dude laughing really hard which means nothing.

>> No.61250869

the only true tuber who hit the normies is Gura and only Gura so far

>> No.61250985

And those people just say she is pandering to pedos. There is no winning if you reach that audience.

>> No.61251090

well people be seething at her power, pros and cons of being the top
the other ones in mainstream are Susei, Pekora and Marine for JP that's for sure.
no other hololive ever comes close

>> No.61252846
File: 625 KB, 1280x720, mori enjoyer 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up my Choco-bros?

>> No.61253017

Sauce on pic?

>> No.61253077

Rap is holy according to modern culture, if you make shitty rap you deserve death.

>> No.61253091

Mori's life.

>> No.61253132

Mori deserves to die in general.
