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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61218939 No.61218939 [Reply] [Original]

Notice and Request

I have noticed that there have been numerous posts on Twitter and internet forums, containing defamatory content regarding my activities as "Mikeneko" and my other endeavors.

While I believe that some level of criticism and negative feedback is unavoidable given my public presence, I have taken legal actions against posts that go beyond reasonable criticism, include insulting content, or spread baseless falsehoods that can be deemed illegal. This has involved requests for the disclosure of the identities of the posters and pursuing legal actions against them.

In fact, I have identified multiple individuals and entered into settlement agreements, including compensation for damages and commitments to cease such postings.

Such illegal posts not only deeply affect me but also cause discomfort to my supportive fans.

In the future, I intend to continue taking resolute actions, including criminal complaints, against posts that can be considered illegal. Therefore, I earnestly request refraining from making such posts.


>> No.61218972
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>> No.61218996
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Aww sweet! New menhera arc lets go!!!

>> No.61219064
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>> No.61219090

Not again Miguel...

>> No.61219138
File: 10 KB, 228x221, suiringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

menhera bitch is back. I'm eating my popcorn.

Let the world burn once again

>> No.61219166

At this point I'm not sure if it's mental illness or just a hobby for her when she gets bored

>> No.61219233

This is pointless

>> No.61219247

It's more like she has sorted some of those legal actions.
I don't think this is the start of some new menhera arc.
Looks like she's getting more confident in dealing with this in a legal manner instead of going straight up menhera.

>> No.61219251

Prove you successfully sued someone. You should be able to do that without exposing anything from behind the veil by registering your multimedia presence as a business entity.

>> No.61219254

I don't have time for her shit anymore it's been 2 years of this let's just move on.

>> No.61219274

I somehow have trouble believing she can get any kind of info from twitter considering there are hardly any humans working there.

>> No.61219289

So who's getting sued this time so I can back him up.

>> No.61219302
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oh nyo she is going to sue anons in yon channeru what do we doo

>> No.61219316


>> No.61219352

They probably have some JP scrubs kicking around to handle this shit for them as far as JP users go, the rest of the world won’t care about some insane 33 year old woman screeching into the void though.

>> No.61219357
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>> No.61219367

I'm going to start a business where I charge JP antis 500 yen to post tweets harassing Mikeneko for them.

>> No.61219372
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Remember when she wanted to sue 4chan and 5chan?
I remember.

>> No.61219425

Classic Miguel

>> No.61219481


>> No.61219491

She can't. The whole discore yab was her play to trap mafumafu in a relationship with her, but he chose his yumes instead

>> No.61219608

Finally a good reason to learn Japanese so I can anti her as far as I legally can within the scope of the FIRST AMENDMENT

>> No.61219687


>> No.61219690

Unironically genius

>> No.61219835

>less cash than usual
>sue for some change to buy another worthless fashion item
My belief at least

>> No.61219844

Mikeewhore pls sue me you bludy bictch bustard

>> No.61220010

Isn't she already filthy rich from sc alone, whats stopping her to settle down somewhere nice and quiet and enjoy the retirement with her soulmate.

>> No.61220090

She keeps spending it like she continues to make the money she did back in hololive

>> No.61220108

The ride that never ends and never will

>> No.61220278

Isn't that like the third or fourth time she's told her antis she's suing them

>> No.61220374

Honestly I was never a fan but over the past few months I have zero sympathy for her

>> No.61220670

>antis spam about the idolfag and get her hashtag trending
>makes sarcastic tweet about it
Almost 30.000 Japanese netizens that are too autistic to understand sarcasm. A small percentage of people who saw the tweet but still a large number.

>> No.61220837

There are no mentions of him in her tag. Why are you lying?

>> No.61220843

I forgive her

>> No.61220923

You must be blind, or can't read, lol.

>> No.61221004

You are a liar.

>> No.61221067

are you guys bullying the mentally ill woman again?

>> No.61221069

And you don't know how to use the search function, nor did you read any of the tweets. Also people don't have to mention the person by their full name to make a connection.

>> No.61221089

Why don't you demonstrate how to use search then? You're a liar until you can prove me wrong.

>> No.61221107


she is streaming right now please support her with akasupas

>> No.61221150

Oh yeah the usual drama to stay relevant

>> No.61221179

When is her crash course on how internet rrats work?

>> No.61221203


>> No.61221302

I never understood this type of action. Like, what can they even do, take down some twitter posts?? And how do they know a person's goverrnment details by reading their online bait?

>> No.61221343 [DELETED] 
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Bitch acting like a victim again

>> No.61221398

>enjoy the retirement with her soulmate
She doesn't have a soul.

>> No.61221417


>> No.61221475

What is the first and only entry under トレンド in that screenshot you retarded fuck?

>> No.61221479

anon if nintendo can hunt anyone who makes derivative works of their ip they can hunt anyone. japanese defamation laws are merciless.

>> No.61221509

Her hashtag. Now why did she include something completely unrelated to her hashtag in the screencap, you cum gargling cuck?

>> No.61221510

only difference being that nintendo has billions of yen at their disposable to go through with that shit

>> No.61221511

it's always entertaining to see her getting into another unnecessary drama caused by herself

>> No.61221539

You can be sued for objective truth if you're damaging someone's reputation.
Like Johhny used to sue people who call him pederast.

>> No.61221608

>but also cause discomfort to my supportive fans
I think her own actions caused way more discomfort to them (or at least those who are still around)

>> No.61221632

deja vu

>> No.61221641

her fans love to see her suffer

>> No.61221688

You can't blame her for her actions when she is being controlled by her mental illness.

>> No.61221738

>suisei yabb with a super famous japanese male idol from some group known as johny's snowman
>suisei just ignore it and continue streaming and singing
>problem solved
>Rushia and Mafumafu drama when streaming gta with Sakura Miko
>Rushia suicide bait and shout and blame everyone and can't stop talking about it and share it with dramatuber while exposing private company info to korekore
>Rushia got fired
>Mikeneko repeat the whole shit again everyday without proper guidance and discipline
>Proceed to soft quit vshojo because they don't entertain her menhera shit
>sign up with a new company but still acting like a retard everyday
what is her problem?

>> No.61221744

i can fix her all i need to do is give her all my money

>> No.61221753

Based psycho Mike crashing her own plane with no survivors.

>> No.61221758

in japan, if a person makes a defamation claim, a case for it will be made. if investigation concludes that defamation has occurred, the website host must provide the known credentials (such as IP address) of the user. of course, this only applies to Japanese sites like 5ch. said credentials can then be investigated to figure out the user's identity and subsequently sue them

>> No.61221794

Have you tried reading her tweet? She quite literally explains it.
People were making tweets about the drama using her hashtag and spamming about it during the stream. So how is that hashtag unrelated?

>> No.61221810

Mikenyan Fighto!

>> No.61221817

>People were making tweets about the drama using her hashtag
But they weren't.

>> No.61221862

This is like the third time this year she posts a notice like this
I'm starting to think these are just empty threats

>> No.61221884

People were. If you have the time to waste on ehre you have te time to read some tweets from that day then and watch the archive of her stream.

>> No.61221942

Nothing comes up in the search. I already told you to show how to use the search properly since you're such a smart guy who knows it all.
The truth is you're just lying.

>> No.61222019

So is she friends with Suisei or not?

>> No.61222161

>nothing comes up in the search
Maybe you should try reading the tweets and comments in her stream?

>> No.61222330

good for you mike

>> No.61222349

I told you, there's nothing about the guy on her tag. Why can't you show some of these tweets if they really exist?
>comments in her stream
That's not even what's being discussed here.

>> No.61222507

She's firmly establishing she's a lolcow.

>> No.61222552

Her tweet is being discussed?
People were making comments about the idol drama with another vtuber in her livestream. They were making tweets about it and her past.
In response to that she made that tweet to make fun of them and includes the picture so people get the joke (hint both are trending), which apparently went over your head.

>> No.61222561
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She's still got average Hololive member numbers in regards to view count and a very high like to dislike ratio. I can't be assed to look into superchat earnings, but I'm sure they're doing fantastic still as well.

Glad to see her career ain't tanking anytime soon.

>> No.61222588

Ah yes, and she bought all the exact same furniture and dishes and shit as him to do the same as well…

>> No.61222608

She’s hot, but batshit insane so men only want to pump and dump.

>> No.61222618

4k is not average hololive member numbers

>> No.61222633

unironically she can not live without the attention

>> No.61222657
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my official reaction to this information
Yes. It's documented that she was an orbiter of his for almost a decade if not longer, and he constantly rejected her. The woman is actually insane and will probably be used in mental health books in 20 years as a reference to what schizophrenia looks like. Do your reps, the reality of that situation is the funniest shit that's probably ever happened in the vtubing sphere.

>> No.61222695

Aren't there Niji streams you should be catching right about now?

>> No.61222696

Even the fucking products are idiots.
No wonder why everything in this world is going to shit.

>> No.61222717

usually i hate to hear girls cry but when she does it my heart melts

>> No.61222720

Why are you deflecting? I was being nice when I said 4k. Her average is more like 2k.

>> No.61222734
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>> No.61222741

funniest part is they dont even match aside from the cat scratching and that one you can find in every second japanese household

>> No.61222766

3.2k hmmm
Well that's more than ID members...

>> No.61222789

She is not hololive and said nijisanji is the best.

>> No.61222816

>haven't been in /vt/ for a while
>first thread I see is mikeneko antics
Ahh, some things never change.

>> No.61222841

here we go again lmao

>> No.61222847

Crazy how schizos after like two years just cannot leave her be

>> No.61222856

The tri-annual mikeneko "notice me i'm still here guys reeeeeeeeee" post

>> No.61222889

Stirring drama to get attention, see Zaion/Sayu

>> No.61222896

Twitter recently had to pay fines in Japan for being too slow to respond to court requests relating to such cases

>> No.61222924

Oh yeah, same people are totally keep stalking her. It's not like she can't settle down and have a couple of streams without alienating someone new.

>> No.61222933

More like her response to people stirring drama again

>> No.61222942

mike has done nothing wrong

>> No.61223015

>a schizo felt called out
>It's not like she can't settle down and have a couple of streams without alienating someone new
that is exactly what she has been doing?

>> No.61223028

Aside from literally everything
Mike has done nothing wrong

>> No.61223064

>that is exactly what she has been doing?
in what fucking universe lol

>> No.61223122

She can ignore it
Like she should have done the previous dozen times
Like she should have done before she got fired
But she didn't, and she seems to still not have learned her lesson.

>> No.61223154

bro, your waifu is steering right into wings of redemption arc and you're encouraging her

>> No.61223161

what streams have you been watching?

>> No.61223216

this one.
what does it matter? she still felt the need to post that thing in op, alienating someone new.

>> No.61223340

Impossible for someone even without any mental illnesses
It is the same as telling a butcher to ignore PETA protesting infront of their store and attacking any customers that are buying from the store
The butcher is going to go out of business if he cannot get rid of PETA and stop them from harassing him and his customers

>> No.61223342
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>> No.61223420

>alienating someone new
Alienating people who have no interest in her content and are watching or following her just to harass her*

>> No.61223489

Stay the fuck away from girls with uncontrolled BPD. Don’t try arguing with them, they will not admit they’re wrong, even with actual evidence and manipulate the shit out of you. Even if you caught her playing "APEX" with man all night, she still will be able to convince your dumb ass to stay with her. She’s going to keep trying to manipulate you and get you to come back. Get ready for her to try and contact you every few months for the next several years. Chicks like that are absolute serial cheating psychos.

>> No.61223503

Alienating? This is attracting me to her even furthrer.

>> No.61223518

I refuse to believe a person like this used to be part of a corpo, bless whoever her manager was

>> No.61223597

t. a serial cheating psycho

>> No.61223599

Pretty sure she's already a part of some small corpo (but she doesn't collab with any of its members, again)

>> No.61223640

Hasn't her old corpo released a similar statement before? And are we really supposed to feel bad for retards who talk shit on twitter getting sued? She wants to ruin twittertards lives I say go ahead.

>> No.61223672

Doesn't matter because the butcher already had a terrible reputation before PETA arrived, nad will have an equally bad or worse reputation when they leave

>> No.61223689

Based, they are fighting a common enemy.

>> No.61223931

Is laughing at Michael Cat's ridiculous outbursts and drama considered defamatory as well? Because she makes me laugh a lot, the comedian.

>> No.61223944

holy shit ESL

>> No.61224034

i learned engrish by watching mike pls understand

>> No.61224132

She never left
Actually my bad, she did leave Vshojo

>> No.61224175

Didn’t she literally do this a few months ago with her other persona? And didn’t she accomplish literally nothing with that?

>> No.61224188

cry about it, bitch.

>> No.61224201

that's why she ditched her other persona

>> No.61224270

making antis and twittertrannies pay is based af

>> No.61224475

>And didn’t she accomplish literally nothing with that?
Yeah, there's obviously no changes whatsoever, but she did get a decent amount of money out of that.
She's getting paid quite a lot by regularly suing people on the Internet.

>> No.61224583

How's the information superhighway these days, anon?

>> No.61224905

i can save her eggs

>> No.61224958

she herself is basically that sort of person you hate...

>> No.61225010

you don't seem to know or follow her very well if that's your impression of her...

>> No.61225316

the chilling effect on a culture that equates "reasonable criticism" with no less than "glowing praise" is pretty gross

>> No.61225323

Serious question, what can I do to increase the chance of her entering the AV industry?

>> No.61225426

unironically by not talking about it
one of her reasons for not wanting to do fanservice or asmr is antis talking about it all the time

>> No.61225478

Fuck you, you made burst a laugh in the library

>> No.61225526


>> No.61225533

anon please touch some grass and use real words

>> No.61225547

suing critics IS a menhera arc, if she's already go ahead with it that's worse than having a twitter melty, not better.

>> No.61225562


>> No.61225588

This mf has revealed himself to be a SEA

>> No.61225593

read the op again. she is not suing critics, anon.

>> No.61225633

suisei didn't ignore it, though. she had a fucking press release telling people to reject rumors and speculation like the good little cultist she is. when your relationship gets your name trending on twitter, you aren't "ignoring it"

>> No.61225658

he is correct but a boomer

>> No.61225670

>Menhera Arc #37

>> No.61225686

the fact you think mike's averages are good reflects really poorly on the kind of fan she has tee bee ehtch

>> No.61225727

>Even if you caught her playing "APEX" with man all night, she still will be able to convince your dumb ass to stay with her. She’s going to keep trying to manipulate you and get you to come back.
Only if you're a retarded saviorfag or a doormat. These girls have one use only: pump&dump. Take their cuteness as spice when you're fucking the shit out of her, not as a trap for your soul, idiot

>> No.61225760
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>illegal posts
Dumb retard.

>> No.61225800

Probably a nice side gig for some monetary conpensation

>> No.61225817

She won’t fuck you Anon, she’s only into aliens.

>> No.61225864

She's not suing every single critic in existence.
She's suing the ones that cross certain lines or that can be easily dealt with.
I'm sure she has professional assistance keeping her fits in check.

>> No.61225941

yeah, just like she had professional experience not leaking company documents to a dramatuber, right?

>> No.61226043

My dream is to be Mikeneko's lawyer, that man must he rich.

>> No.61226099

>company documents
Such as unimportant messages from her manager.
Yes, she breached her contract but let's stick to the facts of what was leaked and not make shit up.

>> No.61226150
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She just won't stop.
She just can't stop yabbing.

She is the menhera queen. She knows sueing and making a stink everywhere is how she gets new viewers, its the ultrimate PR move.

>> No.61226159

Ive seen streamers comfortably coast for a decade now with 400ccv, id assume 3k its "i could retire in a couple of years" money.

>> No.61226276

How is her issuing a statement about suing antis yabbing or making a stink? That's what every corporate has done and plenty of indies do all the time

>> No.61226319
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>> No.61226562

nice cock

>> No.61226892

>Isn't she already filthy rich
she spent all her money on mafumafu and lawsuits, she wasnt smart enough to buy a house or invest or even save any money. Pissed it all away on gifts to buy attention from a twink

>> No.61226928

[citation needed]

>> No.61226968

here we go again <yawn>

>> No.61226979

>Isn't she already filthy rich from sc alone
Not anymore if you are to trust what she said. Of course, that's a big "if"
>whats stopping her to settle down somewhere nice and quiet and enjoy the retirement with her soulmate
She could've if she wanted to. Now she can't even if she wants to.

>> No.61227364

So, has anyone here been sued? Speak up.

>> No.61227373

I wish I understood this image, that, and who the hell made it...

>> No.61227594

What's the point of beating a dead horse?
She's trying to do her thing.
It's bad enough that she keeps repeating models.
She's trying to keep going on.
She could possibly retire and build her own company with a few faces, NoriPro-style.
But she's still fighting on and getting burned for it.

>> No.61228157

Considering she's ghosting BOTH companies she's in, I can't imagine she would want to start a company just to have more people to ignore.

>> No.61228733

Kill yourself already you stupid hag
I'll wipe my ass with your "legal threats", you are powerless

>> No.61229053

You think he is getting paid in money?w

>> No.61229105

She needs to take meds

>> No.61229239

NTA, but she ignored it until the managements (both Cover and Johnny's) gave her and the guy greenlights to address it. Now she and the other guy have the coordinated story and the talking points, regardless whether they were or weren't in an intimate relationship, it's much easier for them to deny that if they want to
If only Rushia waited for Cover to deal with it (as her manager told her) like Suisei did, she'd have gotten off virtually without a scratch, too

>> No.61229315

Mission Impossible

>> No.61229960

Because she's making a public announcement about something unneeded. She's doing it solely for attention. She is (or should be...) perfectly aware she has zero chance of winning lawsuits because she's the one in the wrong.

>> No.61230203

Cover should have sued her when they could, but if you say it miketards start seething. Maybe that would have fixed her mental issues

>> No.61230265

Why is it unneeded? People were making slandering, insulting and hateful tweets and comments about her.
Plenty of them have since the announcement deleted their tweets or accounts, like the one that was posted in this very thread.
Zero chance of winning? It's the exact opposite. Most cases are either won or resolved outside of court because the slanderer's lose is guaranteed and it saves time and money for everyone involved.

>> No.61230595

she has won zero cases and has a restraining order issued against her

>> No.61230664

>Why is it unneeded? People were making slandering, insulting and hateful tweets and comments about her.
1) just like they do about everybody else
2) she herself made slandering, insulting and hateful tweets and comments about her fans and non-fans too
It's simply just desserts. She has no moral right to be butthurt about it.

People will continue shitting on her as long as she's active and keeps being a dumb menhera. Yeah they might delete a tweet or burner account but they'll make another ones a month later. She isn't winning anything, other than steadily dwindling money support from poor males who fell for her manipulations.

>> No.61230715
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>as an active net user, i am very careful about my identity leakage. This is the package i received today.

Meanwhile mafumafu be like.

>> No.61231456


>> No.61231493

mknk's a gift that just keeps on giving, isn't she.

>> No.61231531

How can I get sued by her? I want to be noticed by senpai.

>> No.61231603

Spread lies on Twitter using your real name and address

>> No.61231609

I can'[t believe there are enough fandead left to defend lolsuits on /vt/ and yet here we are.

>> No.61233016

More like braindead

>> No.61233293
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It just never ends with this crazy bitch huh

>> No.61233471

again?, this menhera never learn.

>> No.61233543

She could have just stuck with Nazuna and had collabs with Henya, but noooooo, she has be fucking crazy and constantly hopping from drama to drama instead

>> No.61234146

If she wasn't, she'd never even have become Nazuna

>> No.61234348

In multiple ways, even. If she wasn't crazy she'd still be Rushia, and even if not, she's join VShojo as Mikeneko

>> No.61234522

just waiting for the day Mike gets a nedo so i can put her next to the other two

>> No.61234662

fun game: Guess which hololive members have a restraining order against mike to prevent her harassing them?

>> No.61235050

be careful before she sues you anon

>> No.61235082

mike being a vexatious litigant. Classic

>> No.61235459

obsessed schizo

>> No.61236143

That's besides the point. The claim was that she has "average Hololive member numbers".

>> No.61236617

my personal favorite win is the forty year old guy that still lived with his mom who cried about it on twitter

>> No.61236772

Are japs not better with this? Do they also have lawyers that go around telling retards "Oh yeah you can totally win. Now give me tens of thousands of dollars to fill out all the paperwork"

>> No.61239388

You should ask her that, she's the queen of not being able to let go and keeps chasing her glory days as a holo. Maybe if she were to disassociate from rushia completely and go with nazuna people would stop bringing up her rushia sins

>> No.61239527

Miguel Gato.;..

>> No.61239613

Mike if you're reading this sit on my face please

>> No.61239799

>telling people to reject rumors and speculation
is that a bad thing?

>> No.61239971

>She's trying to do her thing.
No she's not.

>> No.61241058

why am i attracted to crazy girls

>> No.61241127


>> No.61241447

Does anyone have the numbers regarding her superchat earnings over time? Does she still make as much as before?

>> No.61242289

it is not possible to take legal action against anyone outside of Japan
i can defame her as much as i want, though she does it best herself already anyway

>> No.61242456

I haven't plotted a graph or anything, but it's on a downward trend. She still pulls in top 10 superchat numbers, which is impressive for her viewership, but every time she fucks up she loses some of her momentum. She's even admitted she's receiving a lot less in the wake of the Apex tournament destroying her kaigai fanbase during a twitcast a couple weeks ago. One big difference I've personally noticed is that even though she talked her former top donor into coming back after the tournament, he cut his donations down massively. He went from dropping multiple akasupas every single stream to only giving 20 or 30 bucks when he actually bothers showing up. She also said she lost a ton of Japanese members last month though, so she's seemingly taking losses on all fronts right now. She can't afford to keep fucking up like she has been or she really will completely destroy her own livelihood.

>> No.61243769

she unironically needs to rope herself in the suicide forest

>> No.61245047

One of the symptoms of bipolar disorder is that they go on spending sprees. While this isn't the case for everyone with BPD, it is something that we have seen her do. So she has likely been purchasing a bunch of random shit and is danger of going into debt if it hasn't already happened.

>> No.61245251

Basically this. Susei doesn't have mental illness like Rushia, so she could follow orders from people who actually know what they are doing. In fact, with the information that she did release ended up making a lot of sense and received significantly less backlash. She also didn't end up doxing her co-workers in a menhera fit compared to Rushia

>> No.61246643

>like the good little cultist she is
You seem upset

>> No.61246924
File: 79 KB, 671x750, 1672223584419031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cyber bully

>> No.61249056

how do you call them now, zoomer?

>> No.61249193


>> No.61250952

Alright, you convinced me. I will now make anti rrats about your menheratuber.

>> No.61251407

>go from #1 to a lolcow
the best part is none of the shit i even rrats, she really just keeps giving ammunition herself

>> No.61251561

She was never #1 in the metric where lolcow is in the opposite end.
