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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61181687 No.61181687 [Reply] [Original]

I think we all can agree that Risu should get a music contract as well similar to Suisei and Mori just because of the talent she has.

>> No.61181758

>le sovl meme
>overrated meme squirrel who isn't even the best singer of her generation
Opinion discarded

>> No.61181784

She is way better than Moona lmao. Everyone agrees on this who isn't from Indonesia

>> No.61182378

I’m sorry but how the hell is Shiori in god tier? Her singing is total ass

>> No.61182500

It's the stupid fucking SOVL meme where we pretend that bad things are good and good things are bad because le funni 4chan contrarian culture.

>> No.61182574

>Total ass
Just like your opinion, newfag.

>> No.61182674

terrible as always

>> No.61182741

>DAE le holoboard, holotierlist holosingers?

>> No.61182875

Her improvised songs are better than any original song.

>> No.61182946

Gura's singing way overrated as usual.

>> No.61183427

Risu needs to work on her dogshit pronunciation before she can top a singing chart. Her voice has a very pleasant sound though.

>> No.61184076

I'm kind of disappointed that Fauna's singing has improved. She's not good, but she used to be shockingly bad.
And Shiori's autistic so it's just not the same.

>> No.61184328
File: 2 KB, 253x168, tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61184471

Gura >>>> Suislut

>> No.61184486

An actually decent list for once. Not bad, kid.

>> No.61184532

Least delusional chumshit.

>> No.61184607
File: 720 KB, 983x403, ultimate singing tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61184678

Least assblasted chumpedo

>> No.61184695

>risu sss
>dead shark s+
>rissa a

so many more questionable choices, and not a single JP here, of fucking course

>> No.61184770
File: 276 KB, 2048x1536, 1658203266790219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any EN list without IRyS in a separate tier above everyone else is defacto a shitpost

>> No.61185120

Gura shouldn't even be close to B tier. She has a generic moe voice and her actual singing isnt anything impressive other than that.

>> No.61185390

Moona is a shit singer. There I said it, maybe I'm being too harsh but the way IDkeks hold her up as the pinnacle of Holosingers pisses me off because every time I try and give her a chance it's the most stilted monotone english I've ever heard. It's like listening to a SEA mom rehearse a play at the rec center, it's like she can belt a few notes but 80% of it is uhh huhh uhh uhh, it fucking grates on me.

Honestly I think SEAkeks just are so use to that guttural indian accented slop they say is english they can't hear how bad it sounds.

>> No.61185516

I like how everyone keeps saying how Gura has fallen, but gives bi reason for that
From one of her latest Karaoke. She is better than everyone here barring IRyS

>> No.61185684

how the fuck is bae in A-

>> No.61185697

This one aswell

>> No.61185719
File: 659 KB, 796x919, 18df57067b24da56b98ab2b4ced0e624723f47a9 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you'd question Risu being number 1. Pretty much half of Hololive acknowledges she's a prodigy and no one even comes close to her. Including Suisei.
You should watch the concert watch along streams, postconcert discussion streams and the streams where they shill the concert blu-rays. The JPs always pick Risu as one of the highlight moments and then rant about how good she is.

>> No.61185745

Cause she is better than everyone at B Tier and around wawa level when wawa is serious

>> No.61185852

Because 1st, she is inconsistent.
2nd she barley does Karaoke
3rd, when was the last time she reached sung so well in "Karaokes".
Even Marine sounds good when she records in a studio.
Mumei, Gura, Kobo and Moona are better than her.

>> No.61185905

the only karaoke streams I listen to are the soul trinity and noel and I love every minute of it
if I want music performed well, I'll just listen to the original songs instead of some anime woman

>> No.61185959

Suisei and Risu are always overrated. They're good, just overrated on these lists. Neither of them should be on a whole tier above (or below for that matter) anyone. When they're bad, they're really bad. When other top Hololive entertainers are bad, they're funny.
And if SOVL, or any other meme rank, is anywhere near the top of the list the whole thing should be thrown out.

>> No.61186031

you're saying you DON'T like when english songs sound like someone gargling with a mouthful of marbles?? moona and risu are so insanely overrated it's crazy. Okay their raw voices are nice but they are actually shit at singing and they're both as bad as ever and do not care about improving

>> No.61186046
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1661079418361241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, as a Risuner, the only one who is even at the same table as Risu here is IRyS, and you didn't even mention her.

>> No.61186089

>Only EN and ID
Try to make it less obvious where you're from next time.

>> No.61186101

Shiori's singing fucking sucks it's not even sovl tier. Her karaoke was a massive boner killer. She desperately needs to do more idol reps

>> No.61186131

>She is better than everyone here barring IRyS
I guess it makes sense that only a chumshit could be this delusional.

>> No.61186161

nice fanfiction

>> No.61186453

She is though, anyway your butthurt is really funny. Not sure why you're on a vtuber board when you don't even watch them.

>> No.61186534


Now what faggot? I can literally dig up 15 more of these statements.

>> No.61186567

It's all true but Risu is very lazy so it doesn't matter much.

>> No.61186591

you could produce hundreds of these for Suisei

>> No.61186650

>appeal to authority

>> No.61186715

>Not sure why you're on a vtuber board when you don't even watch them.
Dunno what you mean, I'm not a chumshit, I actually have plenty of streams to watch.

>> No.61186816

Irys should be #1 and Mumei #2
t. A Sapling

>> No.61186824

you don't though, you just want to shit on people because you're a fucking loser kek

>> No.61186881

Linked Suisei herself saying she's the best.
Trust the experts, chud.

>> No.61187027

even kobo is better than suisei

>> No.61187033

That the best you can come up with chumshit? Upset everyone stopped treating your oshi like she was gods gift to vtubing?

>> No.61187385

>god tier
This is pretty good bait. Got a good kek

>> No.61187506

Whoever made this wanted people to shit on Gura and "bump up" Nerissa.
Conclusion: it was a jailbird.

>> No.61187869

Mori should be slightly higher. it's better than her raps.

>> No.61187935



>> No.61188192

too bad she only does stuff like this 0.002% of the time and instead sings shit pop slop all the time instead

>> No.61188485

Her karaoke is always full of jazz, blues, soul music which perfectly complement her voice and yet all her official releases are moe idolshit run through a blender

>> No.61188748

>should be thrown out.
why? it acknowledges that it's not actually good.

>> No.61192385

not a chumbud but i agree

>> No.61192942

Mori tier where

>> No.61196711

why is Zeta so low?

>> No.61198223

She's inconsistent, and doesn't use her Ayunda voice as often as she should.
Wish she put more money and effort into singing and producing songs instead of her shitty family.
