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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61170087 No.61170087 [Reply] [Original]

Should more vtubers (especially bigger ones like holo and niji) be upfront with their viewers from the get go?

>> No.61170211

She won't get any viewers/money like that. I hope it's just a hobby for her and not a career.

>> No.61170222


>> No.61170231

They can go either route. They just can't change midway.

>> No.61170276

Just say you hate this girl, don’t pussyfoot around it

>> No.61170339

>I'm not into parasocial relationships
So she doesn't interact with chat? Wtf

>> No.61170491

ok i gotta ask, how do women unable to cover up their irl relationship while being fully fledged parasocial vtuber

>> No.61170537

Basically this. No matter what you think of the ethics of BFE shit, what actually gets people furious is when they're given an inconsistent expectation and reality. If you start BFE, stopping it WILL cause a shitstorm, and require rebuilding your audience, which will likely be tricky since you've likely already made first impressions as your BFE self.

>> No.61170545

Kinda dumb move though, why does she care about her paypigs? Just keep them in their sad delusion

>> No.61170705

Yes, but it's also brand suicide.

Most fans (beside the mentally ill) know that the VTuber they call their wife will never meet or touch them.
An unwritten agreement. A cooperative game of pretend. No more real than "Rent-a-girlfriend" services.

They appreciate their wife from afar - like a statue raised on a high pedestal behind rope barriers.
The pedestal makes her equally out of reach of anyone and is a sort of solace.
A comforting assumption that even if they don't have her, nobody else does either.

Then you find out somebody is dry-humping the statue after-hours.

>> No.61170971


>> No.61171360

Absolutely. I actually admire her awareness because she seemed to realize early on that her model would attract a certain type of viewer so she spared them the trouble by letting them know she’s not that kind of streamer. She could’ve just baited them into investing in her and reaping the extra $$$ from them but had enough integrity from day 1 to shut that stuff down. If Kronii for example did this then she never would’ve got shit for the male collabs

>> No.61171417 [DELETED] 

isn't this the woman who was outed to have given out her nudes "but she wasn't parasocial in giving out nudes"

>> No.61171482

Just the fact she's a who proves it's a dumb strategy, people that support that doesn't even know her voice since they won't bother to listen one second of her stream

>> No.61171625
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>> No.61171786

>female vtuber
Don’t think to highly of yourself. You are a sex object and everyone only watches you because they want to fuck you.

>> No.61172097 [DELETED] 
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These are the same girls who seethe on /vt/ when they inevitably fail as streamers and start anti'ing anyone who's more popular

>> No.61172190

It's makes no difference as long as they're actually entertaining in some way. She doesn't sound very confident with this message, so I'm not interested. I think it could've been phrased differently, and it wouldn't put me off.

>> No.61172984

There are a few 4view /lig/ indies that don't hide that they're married irl and they still pull in over a thousand viewers. But obviously they aren't GFE streamers.

>> No.61173090

I instantly discard the opinion and views of anyone that does the tired old "parasocial...bad?" shtick.

>> No.61173137

It's not the relationship that kills you. It's how often you talk about or make that relationship your entire persona.

>> No.61173189

It's about being honest, if they want that kind of thing they should move on. Stringing them along with the lie that you're available will just make you feel guilty if you have a conscience.

>> No.61173214

Yes. Parasocial is a thing and it can be used to take money from lonely men

>> No.61173248

>It's how often you talk about or make that relationship your entire persona.
Yeah, true. The /lig/gers I was thinking about almost never actually mention it, it's just known because they put it out there or were asked once and answered truthfully.

>> No.61173296

Who is this and why should we care what this person says?

>> No.61173369

Only the worst service provider loathe her paid customer. If she sees them as stupid pigs, they'll see her as a greedy whore

>> No.61173473

That shit can kill IRL friendships too. I've known people that once they get into a relationship, that is mostly all they talk about. Or when you're gonna hang out with a friend and they bring their partner with them.
No one ever likes to be the third wheel and that's what kills off any interest in wanting to hang out with them anymore. Same goes for most streamers.

>> No.61173575

Uh huh, if they have skills other than seducing men, why not? Just clear it up and do their thing

>> No.61173974

>I'm here to entertain and make friends
If friends she means chat then that's parasocial too, I fucking hate those illiterate who doesn't know the meaning of the word and throw it around like they're smart

>> No.61174061

why are we posting tweets from literal nobodies? this bitch probably gets 5 viewers tops

>> No.61174072

idiots dont even understand tons of people give no shits about their worthless fleshy dicksponge bodies and just want anime character to be anime character

>> No.61174100


>> No.61174104

I think she means make friends with other streamers.

>> No.61174125

this reads like the average /vt/ schizo posting I see everyday on this board

>> No.61174210

>used goods scrotes
I don't get it. Are we sexless virgin losers or manwhores?

>> No.61174217
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>8 ccv
nobody is trying to get into this foids pants, what self inflated egomaniac

>> No.61174222
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>> No.61174407

>13 times more twitter likes than viewers
The average vtweeter

>> No.61174469

god i am glad there is someone out there that gets it.

>> No.61174472

It's good because it filters out boring whores who thought they'd make money for being a girl.

>> No.61174620 [DELETED] 

Fuckin kek

>> No.61174631

If women want men to watch them every day on stream and give up their hard earned wage money they need to sacrifice something too. Vtubing is still relevantly in it's infancy but it's much more intimate than typical entertainer roles. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.61174671

Women do not have logic and thus do not have consistency, they just scream obscenities like some whorish animal in the woods demanding free food.

>> No.61174716
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Someone whose ego is bigger than her audience.

>> No.61175075

Holy shit, I thought she was a low 3view at least

>> No.61175311

My average is three above hers kek, maybe if she does an offcollab with me I'll consider letting her leech!

>> No.61176117

I never really thought about it but that might explain why i always start feeling wary whenever one of my buddies get together with a girl

>> No.61176133

They see a small subset of women making bank and think that just by existing and being female they can do the same.

Honestly, it used to get me heated. But, just look at the old women at the grocery store that look more like babe ruth. That is the future for most of them and they are just gnashing their teeth because they know once their physical value degrades no-one will give them the time of day.

>> No.61176150

>.4 viewers

>> No.61176153
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Wait, you people actually think of them as your girlfriend? I thought it was a joke

>> No.61176494

sure, but pretending and roleplay is fun, even if everybody knows its not serious. and sometimes we pretend its serious when its not. if youre from the very beginning restricting not only your viewers but also your content then good luck i guess. as a woman you are letting go of the one advantage you have over males. and no its not "leading on" or "sex rp" or whatever the fuck your retard brain thinks of, its also not farming parasocials. If you genuinely cant make out why saying this publically is a terrible move youre not made to be a streamer and or entertaining at all.

>> No.61176889

This girl really went on a whole ass tirade on the 8 people who bother to watch her? Wtf is wrong with westoids?

>> No.61177205

It only takes one viewer to become a schizo. Maybe she had someone get a little too weird.

>> No.61177880

Shit gets much worse when they have kids. Trust me...

>> No.61178265

That’s not a good way to make money or be popular though.

>> No.61178805

If you're not into parasocial relationships, why even try to be vtuber or streamer which both hinge on having a parasocial relationship with your audience? Even if the relationship isn't GFE, it's still parasocial no matter what. It would be impossible for a streamer to have normal relationships with their audience unless the audience is low double digits or single digits.

>> No.61178833
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>> No.61178937

>misunderstands parasocial relationships like it's a command you can just tell your dog to stop
>assumes people want to fuck her just because they watch her
>only thinks about how she's taken now and unless she's actually married in all probability she'll be single sometime in the future again
if she fails it'll be because she's a genuinely stupid and uninteresting person, and genuinely stupid and uninteresting people will believe it's because she wasn't emotionally manipulative enough

>> No.61179003

Just don't lie. Its not that hard. Be upfront and foster the audience you want.

>> No.61179141

Not going to lie, if my girlfriend did GFE id feel pretty weird and uncomfortable about it.

>> No.61179248

Depends on what you're trying to do with your streaming. If you're a corpo whose job is to rake in cash, then being upfront about relationships is bad business.
Anything goes for indies. You get to decide what kind of people you want watching

>> No.61179344

and vague tweeting to random people who don't even watch you helps with that how?

>> No.61179420

Yes because it weeds out the bad vtubers that float on people that want to fuck them.

>> No.61179528

but vshojo still has a audience

>> No.61179654

Is anyone actually into parasocial relationships? That term is synonymise with saying "yes. I like mentally ill fans that will kill me if we ever met for no other reason than the fact that they saw me talk to my brother once in public." Imho every streamer should be upfront in shaming those retards so they fuck off every platform and streaming as a whole can be more enjoyable for everyone. Also anyone trying to attract those retards with fake gfe should be shamed off the platform because nobody likes either of these two extremes. Unless you're one of the mentally ill.

>> No.61179688

Stop using words you don't understand.

>> No.61179708


>> No.61179707

I think you should kill yourself for making shitty bait catalog posts.

>> No.61179862

You're literally just proving everyone's point in this thread that people have completely misconstrued and butchered the definition of the term.

>> No.61180077

Automatic drop, fucking scamming whore
>literally who?

>> No.61180280

this sort of thing is just a power trip for women.

>> No.61180492

Yes. Anyone who says no is aware that their oshi has a boyfriend and is coping.

>> No.61180524

So true sister

>> No.61180792

>Retard doesn't know the meaning of the words
Normal occurrence

>> No.61180980

maybe ur gay bro lol

at least thats what their gf will tell them

>> No.61181337

great analogy. every time some stupid chud starts in with the "lul u incel they'll never marry u wtf" bs it's like yeah no shit. That's not the point. They're just a shining beacon on a hill giving you a bit of hope and happiness in your boring day to day life. And they get paid rather handsomely to play along and keep it in-character for the most part. Everyone wins.

>> No.61181498

As long as its not onlyfans/lewd asmr tier I think I'd be fine with it.

>> No.61181621

I don't believe its necessary to divulge everything like that but I do think its best to stay away from gfe type stuff if you are in some sort of relationship. Healthier all around.

>> No.61181640

This would be like if when the prostitute walked in she said up front "I dont actually like you and i'm just doing this for the money, everything is fake and i'm not actually going to cum"

Like yes, we know retard. But for most people, its the illusion, the fantasy, which is broken when the obvious is stated.

>> No.61183039

It's so easy to understand, not everything needs to be said, you don't arrive at work and call your boss an asshole and sit down to do your job normally, even if everyone agrees with you nobody does that, it's just common sense

>> No.61183135

That heavily depends on the kind of friends you have.
Mine would get together to watch stuff like league worlds and have dnd sessions, so having a friend's gf over wouldn't matter because she'd participate in them too and actually became friends with us that way.

>> No.61186543


this right here is what I lurk around here for,
finding the sane members of groups after wading through it’s crazier members

>> No.61187140

wtf no that shit's meant to be a surprise

>> No.61187209

8 average viewers

>> No.61190827

And the split second the methods of how vtuber’s can actively cultivate what their audience’s demographics that are willing to pay are, is the same second that exchange lonely men currently rely on falls apart. Lonely men will get stuck with vtubers who’ll at most only cater to them temporarily because they’re either stupid or desperate for money, with only some willing to continue catering to them afterwards out of guilt or pity unless they’re chased out for not being single. But most vtubers that will cater to the lonely men will be flat out grifters, completely guiltless over those they exploit. Things will inevitably turn out this way because why would anyone subject themselves to the same loneliness that lonely men experience if they could just get the same things without needing to remain single? There isn’t anyone who’d actually do it. The better question though is why would any decent person even wish for another to go through anything similar to that loneliness, especially someone they admire? Because “Misery loves company”

>> No.61191099

If any streamer doesn't do GFE content, this should be assumed. Not the other way around.

>> No.61191184

Until you see the money roll in and then suddenly the weirdness disappears and is replaced by cope. It's what the ethots experience as well as the cucks dating them (not just in vtubing but in general).

>> No.61191284
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If that's the character, but that's not the character of holos or nijis. I don't think any corpos are actually gonna fall for your attempt to culturally mutate the outcome of right_wing_male_hobby_03 even though it's a totally killer map with a very memorable railgun spawn

>> No.61191824

This is something most western vtubers should know instead of explicitly telling your audience that they aren't your friend or nothing at all. It's obvious (except for the mentally ill) but there is never any benefit on bursting the bubble for your viewers.

>> No.61192512

>cucks dating them
I don't get this, unless she's fucking someone else I don't consider it getting cucked, but maybe I'm just weird since everyone seems to agree with you.

>> No.61193703

It will keep viewers you don't want away

>> No.61196109

Yes. If you're starting out with a corpo, you're guaranteed an audience, even a small one, and while it might make it smaller, it's better than causing an entire shit show of schizophrenia and broken feelys. Indies it's a little different because it's harder to grow, but it's still the more honorable route to take. Cuts down on the people constantly testing your opsec if they know right out the gate too

>> No.61196297

Both routes are fine, but do know that both routes have their own consequences.
You can't have both or just want the sweet part from both.
The things is, most (western) vtuber doing is while being gfe and want their gachikois easy money, but bitching about the repercussions that it would eventually bring. That's scummy..

What people also doesn't like is subverting their expectation, saying don't have SO but get caught that's it's lie. In this context, being upfront at the beginning is better, being known to have SO is different than getting caught having SO.

Also, most people doesn't like being rubbed by their oshis relationship, so i think, while admitting to be taken is good, rubbing it out is no no.

>> No.61196475

You mean every viewer, the only ones who would watch someone like that is a total coomer, but you need a good(probably expensive)model to attract them

>> No.61198014

Guess what sister, those little girls defending sssniperwolf right now are also parasocial

>> No.61198206

It would help, yeah.

>> No.61198395

Just be entertaining, that's the only requirement.

>> No.61198604

wasn't she posting gfe shit before and after this post?

>> No.61200314

>Corpo chuubas cutting off more than 50% of their income.
yeah, smart move.

>> No.61200992


>> No.61201622

This entire thread is full of coping cucks. Jesus Christ.

The answer OP is: it depends. If you have talents or other redeeming qualities, maybe draw or sing songs well, or can actually act like an anime girl stereotype, then that is fine.

But let's be honest 99% of vtuber HAVE NO REDEEMING QUALITIES so they rely on parasocial relationships to make money. They wouldnt be larping as an anime avatar (which conveniently hides their implied terrible looks and personality) if they had and semblance of talent, this especially applies to the West.

They should realize that they are just twitch whores with an anime avatar.

>> No.61202305

Kek. Unless you're chad supreme and she sees you as husband material woman are not going to share more of their money with you.

There has 100% been at least a few chuubas who have broken up with their bfs behind the scenes after they made it big because she was making too much money compared to him and started seeing him as icky for not making more then her.

>> No.61202309

was that english?

>> No.61202459

this. they think there is some divine justice by going "ha, you don't want me to say that? I'm gonna do it to own the patriarchy" and either don't care about the financial/reputational hit or think they're rebels trying to change a system they feel is unjust because guys just don't want to go hang out/flirt with random taken girls, generally. the thing is there is no moral/ethical/justice shit involved. that's just fucking biology. raw, pure instinct bred over fucking millions of years. their being butthurt about it won't change the facts.

>> No.61202749
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bf gets jealous and tells her she can't go full GFE because she is literally emotionally cucking him by servicing men online emotionally. she can't tell him to fuck off either cause he can go full nuclear and leak who she is irl so she to comply

>> No.61202807

jannys should remove threads with twitter screencaps from literal who 1 views.

>> No.61202937

a lot of chuubas are college age or 20s range, and at that point in life most men they'd know are either still students (aka no actual established career yet, bad or no income, maybe big incoming debts), or are by good odds are shelf stockers/baristas/uber drivers etc. if the girl is suddenly way-more successful than the average guy who is either unproven or kind of a weak prospect as it turns out then the justification goes from "well we're both baristas and he has good personality/looks" over to "here I am making six figs and this bozo is a fucking barista for years now with no future, it's too bad because he has good personality/looks but he'll only ever be a boytoy." I've seen it happen with friends several times if there's a dynamics shift and suddenly the girl is much more successful - it's not every time however, if they're suddenly doing really-really well stay-at-home dads actually are a thing too and such. but it's pretty common the girl starts to just wall herself off mentally from settling down with a dim prospect and thinks she can do better.

>> No.61203136

No because it makes you look like a bitch out the gate. If you can't be sufficiently entertaining enough to make people watch you for more than loneliness then you're bad at what you want to be.

>> No.61203155

that would require them doing their jobs

>> No.61204523

>this who can't gather 8 viewers
>makes more than 100 replies on this thread
Sugoi, saying dumb shit on the internet really pays off huh, I now understand why those "vtubers" dramafags do that and why 2views always are so salty

>> No.61208773

Let me set this shit straight:

You can be a parasocial anti, but first you need to be actually entertaining without ever using the crutch of being a woman on the internet. From there, the first move should always be ignoring behavior you don't want, and positively reinforcing behavior you do want. If for whatever reason that just isn't working and the genuine autists keep prodding the boundary and being deeply annoying, it's fine to have "the talk" about it, as long as there is absolutely no toxic, self-righteous bullshit. Regardless of you being retarded about thinking you're not parasocial just because you shirk full on GFE, the majority of your audience that will ever actually watch your streams and support you financially are going to be lonely men, who despite whatever they may initially say in support openly of your retarded belief, are still there because they *like you.* The vast majority know you aren't their actual girlfriend, even if you do actual full on GFE, and assuming you aren't doing extremely inadvisable shit like interacting directly with them on discord or something, they're not going to be operating under the serious pretense that they can change that one day. You are escapism, end of story, and the only thing accomplished by having an "improve yourselves" moment about it, because you let yourself get One Guy'd, is bitterly reminding those people about what waits for them off the screen.

As for the specific subject of having a partner and particularly about being upfront of such, it is important to always understand that people knowing that is ALWAYS going to be a hard debuff. But sure, if that's fine with you and you believe it's right, be upfront, and be aware that the more you bring them up, the worse the debuff is going to become.

That said, I do not believe there is any strong moral compulsion to not keep it a secret. There are only 2 groups of people that are going to even be actively trying to look behind the curtain in the first place; groomers that YOU have foolishly enabled to some degree, and antis (forma de dramafag or failed groomer). If they suss out a bf it'll inevitably make its way to the rest of the fanbase, and make no mistake no one is going to be "happy" about it, and some genuine unicorns are going to be butthurt enough to stop watching and possibly leave a mean message on the way out, but the vast majority are going to suck it up and forget about it, at least as much as antis and cuckposters here will permit them to. As long as you otherwise aren't actively fucking the escapism up, people will be happy. It'll be harder to make new fans obviously from there on, but whatever.

Notice also that not once did I use the word schizo. Despite the fact that their existence plays such a big factor in these discussions and the decisions made therein, very few genuine schizos exist. You being pro or anti parasocial or openly having a boyfriend or what the fuck ever, has little to no effect on whether you personally lose the schizo dice roll. Dodger, Sweet Anita, and especially Meg Turney are all among the most notable schizo cases in the western woman streaming, and none of them were pretending to be anyone's girlfriend. It is a pure numbers game that comes with being famous.

Addendums because this wasn't long enough: Everything I said also applies to homocollabs, although it should never be forgotten that male vtubers are obnoxious sexpests, also applies to the inverse of genders albeit not as equally, and it should never be forgotten that most of the people here in schizo unicorn central throwing around extremist opinions are falseflaggers and shitposters.

>> No.61210202
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There's plenty who are upfront about being virgins and not having a boyfriend before.

But trannycels call them "fake whores" for not being a degenerate with loose ass is unimaginable for these loons with daddy issues.

>> No.61211668

Should more people be honest?

>> No.61213871

Yes, but then they would have to be very good entertainers to keep their audience. And guess what? Most vtubers aren't.

>> No.61214432

the sad truth

>> No.61215748

