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61155480 No.61155480 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, why did she do it?
Is this the new direction Hololive is taking?
Is it the beginning of the end?

>> No.61155514
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>> No.61155535 [DELETED] 
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She's unironically into ugly bastards

>> No.61156213

Chuubas like pekora is thriving so hard with these collabs,
while you anons are here stuck in your parent's basement posting and browsing /vt/

>> No.61156429

Why did she become one of the top vtubers? For fun mainly
Making faggots seethe about it was just a bonus

>> No.61156957

>new direction
Marine has been doing this for 3 years. Pekora is just finishing the job.
Next year they will be crying about incels not giving them money.

>> No.61157999

Pekora is a numbermonkey, the fact she got to collab with japanese pewdiepie probably made her so wet she was barely containing herself. If given a chance she would jump on his dick without second thought.

>> No.61158024

yasssss sister sooo trueee!!! #cut4hex

>> No.61158045

>Now that the dust has settled, why did she do it?
>Is this the new direction Hololive is taking?
>Is it the beginning of the end?

>> No.61158670

Because you need to take your goddamn meds

>> No.61158824

The beginning of the end was her collabs with nijisanji. And it's not just Pekora either. Many other Holos who previously gave no fucks about nijisanji or any other vtubers suddenly started interacting with them this year.

>> No.61158935

There are no such things as endings, only new beginnings.

>> No.61159276

>started interacting with them this year
Oh my sweet summer child, how ignorant you truly are

>> No.61159696

When I saw the nijishit showing up more frequently I knew Hololive was beginning to die. The fact that they acknowledged nijishitters, nijicucks, and the yacht guy by spamming nijicollabs on the big channels was proof that they were removing the standards they had built up for the past 2 years (which admittedly didn't exist at the inception of Hololive, but was clearly there during it's peak). Gotta wait for a market alternative, Hololivers are getting too comfortable, they're bound to be replaced soon by younger, hungrier talent.

>> No.61159697

Now that this nontroversy is losing steam, Pekora antis are starting to get desperate.
Try again next month, fags.

>> No.61160695

Yeah, bring up those collabs from before 2020. That sure proves how much Hololive cares about other vtubers.
Care to remind me how many collabs has Pekora had with outsiders before this year? How about Subaru? Miko? In fact, almost everyone from gen 1 onward stopped interacting with other vtubers after the Holoboom. The only ones who gave a fuck about nijisanji or anybody else are the runts of their respective gens.
There has been a noticeable uptick on collabs this year especially when you look at the top performers.

>> No.61160920
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>> No.61162047

>Is it the beginning of the end?
yeah sure its all over bro

>> No.61162201
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Yeah, hololive is finished this time for sure nijisister! A-anyday now!

>> No.61162309

>pekora numbermonkey
>pekora bought Jill (fuckin monkey)
>we haven't seen Jill in a while
Did she sacrifice him in a Pekoritual for big #?

>> No.61162689

Hoshityomi defelection post

>> No.61163967

All this because males. Sigh.

>> No.61164070
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>> No.61164403

tranny behavior.

>> No.61164674

incels are bottom tier retards. They'll be giving them money again after they haven't collabed with a male for a week

>> No.61166296

Maybe that is the real goal of holo: give them a nice ending by marry them off to Japanese e-celeb

>> No.61166873

why are you so obsessed with hypno oji? do you have a crush on him?

>> No.61167079

Pekora antis are getting pretty desperate, huh? No one cares about this outside of this shithole. Pekora will keep thriving and making retards seethe, that is all.

>> No.61169247


>> No.61169300

To take heat off of Suiwhore

>> No.61172986

You mean the company whoring out its talents to make them money? That's always been.

>> No.61173187

It is impossible to feel threatened by the man she is collabing with. If it was some homo I'd get it but surely everyone here is better looking than this person.

>> No.61174577

and yet he is the one collabing with pekora

>> No.61181435

that's all Kiaras fault. She told Pekora on her stupid talkshow that the memes about her monkey were in bad spirit and making fun of her so she got sad and stopped sharing

>> No.61184787

It goes to show you that they were never standards, just what people felt like doing. You make it sound like all of these interactions across the whole brand are each done meticulously like a move on a chess board.
It's not. It's just content creators doing what they want.

>> No.61189709


>> No.61191240

Hololive is trying to expand its audience, that's why the girls are doing more collabs outside of Holo.

>> No.61191951

That vod has about ten times more dislikes than she usually gets, although the rate still works out to less than half a percent. It only has slightly more views than her usual streams, and less than any big collab with other holos.
If she's just going by numbers it probably won't be really worth it to do it again.

>> No.61196018

do they tho?

>> No.61199139


>> No.61202557


>> No.61202563

what kind of retard would unicorn pekora of all people? pekora’s environment doesnt give off that kind of experience at all, and i mean 0. her whole thing is that youre supposed to make fun of her

>> No.61204137

nousagis get off on pekora winning it all and the resulting zenloss. everlasting saltmine just like elite, except more skilled
