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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61110293 No.61110293 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>61043459

Mahiru Kumaboshi

Ageha Himeragi

Charo Nemurime

Kobi Ururu

>> No.61111742

Good thread

>> No.61111848

>la más bonita edition

>> No.61112756

extremely cute

>> No.61113959

Anal a nisha

>> No.61114688
File: 27 KB, 281x328, 1594029084951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no new yuu song

>> No.61115129 [DELETED] 

Yamu, did some nigger attempt to blackmail you?

>> No.61116563

The other thread died like a bitch without reaching bump limit just 3 hours ago, and somehow still you thought it was a good idea to make another one without at least waiting for a stream.

>> No.61118251 [DELETED] 

Slay the whore

>> No.61118686

I'm slaying her pussy rn if you catch my drift.

>> No.61118976


>> No.61118985 [DELETED] 

Silvia stream in a hour

>> No.61119123

This girl doesn't waste time.

>> No.61119262

Reminder that if your chuuba is a fans of Sanrio stuff as an adult, she's 100% a menhera.

>> No.61119687

I've come to the conclusion that >90% of women born after 2000 are menhera. Growing up with unsupervised or unrestricted internet access really screwed them up.

>> No.61119709

Ok Akira

>> No.61120255
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>> No.61120650
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>> No.61120683

>still having a melty after getting his underage posts deleted yesterday
tourists never learn

>> No.61120697

could care less

>> No.61120758

>Slay the whore
don't talk about nisha like that

>> No.61120869
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>> No.61121469

I'm not talking about Nisha

>> No.61121659 [DELETED] 

Liatards in panic

>> No.61122128

Today is her 6 months anniversary, I don't want to annoy her today

>> No.61122177

Lía did nothing wrong

>> No.61122247

>slay the who-ACK
>gets deleted
keking at facetards

>> No.61122266

Good afternoon, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...
Never will stop thinking about her, forever in my mind, my only love, true love. Love that never dies, love that never doubts, love that eternally stays.
Nothing will change this.
No time, no distance.
Immutable as the universe itself.

>> No.61122371

Who's the character she is using or it's original?

>> No.61122422
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>> No.61122553

Feels like watching a kid play

>> No.61122561

Camel by camel edit when

>> No.61122564

>she still hates calvos
minoxidil bros...

>> No.61122685

Just a reminder that bald people are less likely to be evil

>> No.61122763

>Just a reminder that bald people are less likely to be evil
Sounds like cope Alopecia Anon

>> No.61122817

I really doubt that

>> No.61122954

fuck off shura, nobody likes ofeb

>> No.61123253

Ofeb is a Erudito

>> No.61123297
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Literally the most based chuuba

>> No.61123390
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>the face of racism

>> No.61123479

>lolololol based xdd
exactly what we needed a facetard vtuber wew, it's like i was watching a Yuritroon stream...

>> No.61123541

Working on it

>> No.61123626

negro spotted

>> No.61123695

Keep the racism up, it filters faggots.

>> No.61123701

affirmed the mexichango

>> No.61123760

>le based racist
Go back to facebook nigger, you must be over 18 to post here

>> No.61123785

My brain literally shuts down watching Ru, I have been watching her for half a hour and I don't remember a single word

>> No.61123889

>Joined on April 8 2023
This bitch really just joined Wactor to farm simps and fucked off as soon as possible KEK

>> No.61123898

Ru > Eru

>> No.61123947
File: 1.33 MB, 1500x2200, 20231023_112843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joined on April 8 2023
>This bitch really just joined Wactor to farm simps and fucked off as soon as possible KEK
Pic related

>> No.61123962

Just like Eru, Shura and Yukine

>> No.61123991

Go back guardiatrannies

>> No.61124060

>Trannycom translating to EN

>> No.61124226

>Carete is in

>> No.61124253

Ru la mas groomeadita

>> No.61124262

Ru will take the spic vtubing scene by storm

>> No.61124275
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>> No.61124361

I'll now proceed to shill Ru on full force.

>> No.61124380

I hope after this those faggots stay there and get nowhere close to Yamu anymore, please Yamu don't give attention to them anymore

>> No.61124540
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>> No.61124560
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Don't forget your vows

>> No.61124572

bad news, anon...
also prepare cause they will raid these threads every single day now

>> No.61124598
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>> No.61124661

>hard Nisha stance
>no males
>no mods
>no discord

>> No.61124727
File: 264 KB, 500x551, nishahole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61124818

No way she isn't /here/

>> No.61124948

>Yo no quiero nada de discord
Ru, For memes just use a hashtag and better off if you already plan to pick them in advance.

>> No.61125032

ru+nisha when

>> No.61125087

>cripling yourself like that
you better prepare yourself, you will have natamotier numbers or even less.
also get some mods or you will be raided by shitters.

>> No.61125109
File: 1.31 MB, 1366x768, Silvye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahí estoy yo con ustedes

>> No.61125158

Seethe discordnigger. More girls choose to stay truth to the best style of vtubing (Holostyle) and you can only seethe.

>> No.61125209

Man, that pic has a lot of potential for spicy cunny stuff.

>> No.61125262

reminding you anons who are the subhumans antiying the girls

>> No.61125363


>> No.61125464

>Alguien malo trató de alejarme de ustedes, pero aquí estoy.
>Primera regla, no voy a tener mods

>> No.61125490

seethe yuritroon

>> No.61125498


>> No.61125658

It is Buranbuta's drawing style

>> No.61125785

She really is /our/ little sister.

>> No.61125840

hehehehahahaHAHAHA oh nonono

>> No.61125894

>Yo tenía mi oshi, mi ex oshi y ella hizo colaboración con hombres
>Y me dio muchos celos por que yo estaba viendo
>Yo estaba viendo como se coqueteaban entre si
>No no no no no no
>Solo chicas.

>> No.61125908
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That's Ren tho

>> No.61125953


>> No.61126001


>> No.61126023

Then you remember she cucked her fans

>> No.61126063

She never did a male collab. She's pure.
RM shit is irrelevant.

>> No.61126182

Who was she talking about?

>> No.61126252

>RM shit is irrelevant.
holy cuck

>> No.61126257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.61126269

Who would've thought that she genuinely likes Nisha and the way she runs her community, kek

>> No.61126291

shitters from those subhuman places think that fags give a flying fuck about muh RM faggotry, i'm really starting to belive that they are just jealous women or failed 0views "chuubas" or plain retards.

>> No.61126341


>> No.61126346

Friendly reminder that this is Ren and Yurigang, trying to make Anya think everyone /here/ hates her. YURITROON YOU WILL NEVER BE A MOD

>> No.61126365

Is Ren the luckiest motherfucker in the world?

>> No.61126401
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>Che loco, she said no mods and no discord...

>> No.61126411

hi Ren. Ru doesn’t love u anymore, kek

>> No.61126470

Bitch criticizes other chuubas for talking to dudes while she pretends to be pure and cuck all her fans at their backs

>> No.61126481

>Cute but psycho
Is she trying tap into Himea's niche?

>> No.61126503

yeah didn't read past threads and those dramatard shills? we have those turds floating here, time to flush toilet.

>> No.61126566

So anons win again, but I don't care because the only girl I care about seems to be ignoring us...

>> No.61126570

ru you will never be nisha

>> No.61126602

More like a boring and obnoxious leftist fat tranny.

>> No.61126627

If you talked and befriend Haise, you can also do the same with Ru, come on

>> No.61126672

Arturo didn't you managed to get mod?
care to share the ips of these shitters?

>> No.61126692

She wants to be Shondo anyway

>> No.61126850

thank goodness because nisha is very boring

>> No.61126928

>RM shit is irrelevant
That's a lie and you know it.
just watch suisei drama

>> No.61127049
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>> No.61127138

What happened

>> No.61127144

No fan actually cared. Only larpers that pretend to care to shitpost. Suisei stance on gachis and unicorns has been known for years already.

>> No.61127154


>> No.61127336

They care, it got to the point that she had to talk about it on stream.
jp twitter is on fire.
You don't know how bad things are just because mods delete everything

>> No.61127400

Fabricated drama. Suisei killed her unicorns and gachis ages ago.

>> No.61127582

That's not how things work, retard.
I'm not going to delve into the matter because I'm too lazy to ban evaded.
and just so you know matsuri and laplus also got screwed over rm's things

>> No.61127727

Hi kinetic.
Matsuri didn't bother to kill her gachis before Za Hando happened, and Laplus is just a plain bitch with a bad attitude that doesn't care for vtubing.

>> No.61128064

ngl ruru's oshi mark is pretty sick

>> No.61128092

kinetic? really?
everything was rm stuff.
>but she killed her gachis
You don't know shit how things work for female streamers.
I don't know if you are naive or completely idiot

>> No.61128133

RM stuff are irrelevant, don't watch vtubers otherwise

>> No.61128189


>> No.61128195 [DELETED] 
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What do you think?

>> No.61128234

My little sister's private life is none of my business.

>> No.61128241
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>> No.61128243 [DELETED] 


>> No.61128269 [DELETED] 

cuernuditoooooos your response????????????

>> No.61128301

I've knew it, Yuri is still a double face bitch

>> No.61128311

Now you know who're the ones shitting on her. I never expected to see proof so evident.

>> No.61128313 [DELETED] 


>> No.61128322


>> No.61128334 [DELETED] 

>6 sem
>random ass facekek ss
Anya talked about Ren just like Shondo did when she talked about that bf mod, I'm pretty sure those who keep on with that crap just to ruin her reputation is la caca real just like this faggot.
>esta vez haré las cosas bien, no tendré mods
keep seething Yuritroon, you will never be a mod

>> No.61128357

Make sure you take a screenshot of everyone, not just yuritroon.

>> No.61128359

Not even in the matrix we talk about girls like that. Disgusting behaviour.

>> No.61128384

rotten to the core

>> No.61128392

HOLY KEK I WAS RIGHT>>61128334(me)

>> No.61128406

double kill

>> No.61128408 [DELETED] 


>> No.61128414

Take SS from all the participants. DESTROY THEM.

>> No.61128417

or at least an actual screenshot before they shut down that server

>> No.61128462

Remember that Ru said to warn her about troublesome fags, well there you have them.

>> No.61128463 [DELETED] 

>random ass facekek ss
holy newfag

>> No.61128527

It’s all the same caca real faggots, Anya isn’t there btw, they shit talk abt her too. also the shitter who took those screenshots it’s in that server

>> No.61128547

thanks for not disappointing baldie, i didn't know you were the insider anon

>> No.61128590

That’s some random ass facekek ss. There’s no proof that’s anya. and still, they’re not togheter, Ren it’s in that server.

>> No.61128655

The tranny will get blocked and have a new menhera rant on twitter

>> No.61128669

Disgusting double face assholes.

>> No.61128698

apocalypse of the guardiafaggot v2 is coming, more faggot than ever.

>> No.61128775

I always said, Ren and Yurigang want to make believe that Anya is all alone.

>> No.61128792
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>flat ass
i got scammed

>> No.61128847

and they are right, i could care less about her, especially after all the shitstorm

>> No.61128851

Flat asses are the best.

>> No.61128873

kys Guardia tranny

>> No.61129032

Who's hincha de sexeyes?

>> No.61129065

argument your opinion, please

>> No.61129080 [DELETED] 

i don't give a fuck about Nisha
i don't care about Shura
i could care less about your compulsive lying chilean
and i hate your prostitute choripanegra

>> No.61129126 [DELETED] 

>That’s some random ass facekek ss. There’s no proof that’s anya
Newfag kun...

>> No.61129144

I'm a flaquita enjoyer.

>> No.61129184

Then fuck of Eructo/brocucksito.

>> No.61129201

based, me too but flaquitas can have good asses tho

>> No.61129276 [DELETED] 

>Censoring the last name
>Still no proof
Come on, Renacuajo. get over it

>> No.61129285

why is he still posting? he have a humiliation fetish?

>> No.61129430

Ruru is officially adopted as /here/'s little sister btw.

>> No.61129506
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>> No.61129534

I wanna fuck my little sister, anon...

>> No.61129553

>Later these niggers ask for a discord knowing how cancerous is that place.

>> No.61129560

H-Holo onii chan!!!!

>> No.61129582

i'll make her hate you like i did with Meica, Shura, Nisha, and Eru, get your asses ready gordos putos.

>> No.61129640

She loves /us/ i know she love every anon, she even interacted with us.

>> No.61129643

speak for yourself faggot

>> No.61129648

as if you didn't already do it

>> No.61129650

>nisha's dreams

>> No.61129657

Shura, Nisha and Eru love anons. Only the burraca got brainwashed.

>> No.61129699

keep seething anya

>> No.61129709 [SPOILER] 
File: 177 KB, 362x426, 163202252021252025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck my older sister, anon...

>> No.61129744

Hi Nishita la mas Rushita

>> No.61129772 [DELETED] 
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>now the troon try to falseflag
you will pay

>> No.61129775

Shut up trannycom

>> No.61129817 [DELETED] 

So Anyaschizo all this time was la caca Real and Ren…

>> No.61129825
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I support that motion, with total violence.

>> No.61129841 [DELETED] 

what's worse? that your oshi lost her virginity at 21 or 14?

>> No.61129886

You'd think they would learn their lesson after esewey shitfest, but no. They're still the same faggots that shit talk girls behind their backs.

>> No.61129890 [DELETED] 

Anya can’t lose her virginity, her relationship with Ren was a long distance one, check osu profiles, KEK

>> No.61130042 [DELETED] 

Dude, Pettanko, that was half a year ago, you're more obsessed with Ren than a girl's vagina

>> No.61130085

Funny you name him because that shitter is back as well.

>> No.61130238 [DELETED] 

Every comment about Ren comes from a Mexicuck IP

>> No.61130341

proofs? so is he the faggot that make the m****x?

>> No.61130354

Do not fall for it comandante, you dont need a discord server to manage your channel and activity

>> No.61130411

The matrix has nothing to do with that nigger.

>> No.61130447

Now that she's the militar loli, she can be as racist as she wants

>> No.61130469

Just look at it in the archives newfag

>> No.61130537

That sounds so lefty for some reason, I can't stand it.

>> No.61130609 [DELETED] 

>Anon she went to visit him many times, with 15/10 being the most special day if you catch what I mean

>> No.61130651

Proof -my balls

>> No.61130659
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, hackerman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the hacker known as 4chan who hacks these threads everytime.

>> No.61130773

i'll shit my pants is someone post a sniffer rn

>> No.61130794

She said it on her channel many times retard

>> No.61130818

I kneel ofeb, so you were the infiltrator

>> No.61130821 [DELETED] 

Latinx jannie is a wactortard?? wtf

>> No.61130830

He posted two some threads ago.
Really spoopy stuff.

>> No.61130878 [DELETED] 

Ruru, we don't care about what happened in your private life. Don't fear us hating you because of it and just ignore those assholes.

>> No.61130924

lmaoing at you

>> No.61130945

>t. threadwatcher
she mentioned it when she was anya

>> No.61130952


>> No.61130962

Charo felt asleep

>> No.61131038

You must be someone so stupid to lie so badly that I could bet you are Nisha, shaking in fear

>> No.61131054

You didn't even watch her streams, don't you? KEK

>> No.61131059

Yes we. You'll never be an anon.

>> No.61131067


>> No.61131117

Shut up cuck

>> No.61131173

>mexinigger timeline
>japanese larping
>anohito san redemption?

>> No.61131178

I watched every minute of every stream since her debut

>> No.61131186

>t. Kinetic false flagging

>> No.61131196
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>> No.61131230

scared of what? She literally only has one fan here (you) and like 80 followers on her streams/spaces lolololol

>> No.61131265

KEK Hi Nisha!

>> No.61131267

She still makes you seethe somehow

>> No.61131301

Stop samefagging tard, you're being ridiculous.

>> No.61131326

>She said on her channel
They never meet. Mexico to Chile.
>A mí una vez me intentaron secuestrar
Keep trying, guardianigger, also, she in her space confirmed that it was a long distance relationship

>> No.61131327

Nishita la mash rushita uwu

>> No.61131339

If it weren't for some anon complaining about favoritism she would have been groomed by yuritroon.

>> No.61131410

Sylvie loves Anons

>> No.61131487

cuernuditos in shambles

>> No.61131565 [DELETED] 

literally everything is on her personal facebook

>> No.61131568 [SPOILER] 
File: 284 KB, 888x634, 1697927016110605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice argument Anyaschizo but you didn't expect this

>> No.61131596

Imagine malding so bad over a girl larping as an animegirl on the internet.

>> No.61131648

There’s no personal facekek, stop trying Ren.

>> No.61131650

Anons we need to clarify something here, does the private life of a vtuber matters?
For you, do you see the vtuber or the persona behind it?

>> No.61131666

>subhumans with rm shit
>that shitter retard
why you insist on keeping this cancer alive

>> No.61131678

Imagine malding so bad over a comment on the internet

>> No.61131698 [DELETED] 

Then, show her personal profile

>> No.61131723

And all of them. hurts the girls.

>> No.61131793

Guardiafaggot running damage control
They beat eructos today.hopefully keep leaking shitty information /here/

>> No.61131817

It matters, it's a fact.
Anyone who tells you otherwise hasn't been in this hobby long enough.

>> No.61131847
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>> No.61131861


>> No.61131875

That's a complicated matter.

>> No.61131997

Imagine malding so bad over an anonymous person on the internet malding over a girl larping as an animegirl on the internet.

>> No.61132012
File: 805 KB, 2894x4093, 20231023_180448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexo live

>> No.61132030

I'll be cynic about this.
It depends on the content that the vtuber in question does.

>> No.61132053

If you think it matters then that means you don't see this as a hobby anymore, anon. You watch an anime girl, not a flesh streamer

>> No.61132193

Lets say they do GFE, I think they could be compared as a japanese hostess. You see her as a actual girlfriend or as a girl acting as your girlfriend?

>> No.61132197

This is from an Anya's stream, come on newfag, do you think that you can fool anons?

>> No.61132320

Do you think stupid faggot that she will go to another country alone? KEK

>> No.61132358
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>> No.61132387

Also watch the fucking stream, she always says that she go to another country with her family.

>> No.61132452

Shura at least honored her contract for half a year and found a lawyer, and Yukine was doing double streams just so she could stream in ES so she earned it

>> No.61132496

And Eru?

>> No.61132520

It's statistics, anon.
hard numbers.
It's funny that even the burraca knows about that and keeps saying that she's single.
Are you more stupid than Meica?

>> No.61132590

You are pathetic

>> No.61132700 [DELETED] 

>we don't care about what happened in your private life
roru lmao even

>> No.61132734

>Shura and Eru love anons

>> No.61132740

I'm asking about anons opinion, altought meica talked about her last relationship and how she even thought about marriage, she still is the queen of spics

>> No.61132838

She fucked off with Nisha and Meica because that where the numbers were going

>> No.61133051

But she's single and that's all that matters, for some.
Look, if I'm just telling you my observation, maybe you don't care, but many do.
no stream woman is immune, not even vshoujo

>> No.61133055
File: 78 KB, 400x400, 1698107143657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great now I have to develop a war game
Silvie's theme btw:https://youtu.be/dE4p_bCKRJ8?si=QBtlJ9MEctGGpSf8

>> No.61133107

Depends on the girl.
If she clearly states that it is a service/kayfabe/roleplay then the client has no business on her private matters.
If there's no such statement there's still some non spoken contract that hints about it being just roleplay.
But if the girl goes on her way to tell it is not kayfabe/roleplay and says it is real, asks exclusivity, etc. Then you end up falling for it and it becomes real for you.

>> No.61133166

>It's statistics
if we go that way, it is already proven that going for parasocial relationships only attracts a lot of stress and uncomfortable moments and the reward is few views and argentine money

>> No.61133243

Yamu's theme: https://youtu.be/dbahb4kUmvw?si=QhYZ1imNpSC50aht

>> No.61133304

Shura is GFE (said by herself) and is being showered in money.
Nisha too.
Himea was getting lots of money too before the shitstorm.

>> No.61133377

And Eru started GFE because of it too

>> No.61133428

parasocial is more than gfe, anon
If you didn't know, Meica and her fans are in a parasocial relationship.

>> No.61133549

post proof of earnings

>> No.61133562

The following doesn't apply to Meica because she isn't GFE.
When you get a girlfriend do you expect to be her first one? No, unless you're a kid in HS there's no chance of that.
You only expect her to not have another bf while you're dating her. I.e you don't want to get cucked.
The same applies here.

>> No.61133584

She's still a vtuber playing a role but it's interesting, you in fact may believe that kind of love is real so think I get you. Too bad that could work as a double edged sword for the vtuber

>> No.61133635

Ruru sing Katusha

>> No.61133722

I'll tell to you another thing too. What if the girl brings her vtuber stuff to her rm along with the GFE? Would you be able to make the separation with that too? It gets really hard.

>> No.61133897

I gave her as an example because she practically admited to have cucked her audience when she was Hina Misora yet her audience doesn't seems to care about it. Maybe there's where the statistics are wrong, I could also name Nimu, the last queen of vtubing or the other big vtubers from twitch too

>> No.61133939

Shura's GFE is strange, she has close contact with her mods/staff (discord), she collaborates with men, she mentions that sometimes her fans write to her via DM... I feel like she is a time bomb or she will create schizophrenics or she will lose fans, I feel like your manager is trying a GFE+liberal style

>> No.61133963

With Shura you can see the throne, but with money it’s tricky because she’s switched all her earning to streamloots but you can just calculate that each box costs $5 and she sells at least 15 or 20 per stream + twitch money and streamloots subs
With Nisha it’s easier because of SC
With Yamu you can just read threads from some months ago

>> No.61134016


>> No.61134065

She is single now and Nimu is dead.

>> No.61134258

>she practically admited to have cucked her audience when she was Hina Misora
The ones that were around at that time and care about it already left.
The fans that she still has from that time never cared about it. And if she has that kind of fans now, they're new and they don't care about it because it happened in the past, so they weren't the ones getting cucked.
But most likely she doesn't has any type of those fans because she constantly says and does stuff to make them leave.

>> No.61134320

If the girl does that, I would say she's as parasocial as her fans and you could consider that "real love"
I don't know any girl doing that tho but if they go private I think the message is pretty clear

>> No.61134325

Fucking weird right?
Shura has this air of maturity that no other girl has in the entire spic scene that reassures that all her mods interactions are professional and she genuinely cares about her viewers.
Last Wactor months were running only on her PR and reassurance that everything was right, even people were starting to tune again for streams, Yamu is cute but she doesn't give that kind of vibe she is just very capable of taking hits like no other

>> No.61134369

I sent her a marshmallow lol

>> No.61134383

You have to give it to Akira, he really created the biggest schizo factory in latam

>> No.61134399

Shura’s fans are all adults who don’t care about HS boy shit, she gives them their place by always asking them if they’re okay with things before carrying them on. Having a girlfriend is about trust too and not keeping her captive, and yes schizos wouldn’t understand but she got rid of them since Sezia era, and her move to Twitch is to finally cut the last remaining of them off, her whales aren’t that type anyway

>> No.61134486

Damn she's fucking loaded

>> No.61134503

While you argue, me and Yamu:

>> No.61134611

imagine giving money to a vtuber KEK

>> No.61134612

Anya is literally saying it there retard

>> No.61134635

that makes sense, that would mean shura is an excellent vtuber

>> No.61134656

you have too much faith in people on internet faggots, anon

>> No.61134701

> being showered in money.
>nisha earns just enough money to sub-exist
>shura earns a little more than nisha and that's good for the people that have
>Himea only KEK
so it doesn't change anything

>> No.61134784

Neon earned like 2 dollars per stream while Eru earns way more, you can just see it

>> No.61134795 [DELETED] 

retard she got doxed the day after her first stream, schizos look at her feminazi past, her bf and shit, no one toke her seriously, also as Sezia she didn't go full gfe, she is a e-thot girl now basically

>> No.61134842

shut up nisha

>> No.61134847


>> No.61134862
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>> No.61134875

you saying she's doing a character? a vtuber? I could have never imagine that...

>> No.61134876 [DELETED] 

post her onlyfans

>> No.61134940

>Anyaschizo its still trying

>> No.61134951

hello, i love gorditas!!!

>> No.61134970

If Shura manages to survive without losing her whales for the next 3 months, then she will have created a new style of GFE, one that is mature and not schizophrenic. I would like to see that but it will depend on if her fans are real adults or just 30 year old kids.

>> No.61135003

Sezia WAS gfe anon, when she announced no more male streams and that she wouldn’t engage in relationships during her career and did streams like the moving in together one
Said by herself she’s grown past some things and has learned how to be a vtuber

>> No.61135022

it's hard to believe but there are retards /here/ who believe that.

>> No.61135026


>> No.61135064

Why is she going to lose her whales now?

>> No.61135084

>"real adults"
>watching vtubers

>> No.61135166

for what will happen in 40 days :)

>> No.61135280

this is the weakest damage control I've ever seen cuernudito

>> No.61135333

All me

>> No.61135393

fuck off guardianigger, Ren and Anya never met irl

>> No.61135450

She herself calls her style as "GFE maduro" so you're onto something.

>> No.61135504

This is some thot/roastie tier mindset.

>> No.61135546

Holy cope KEK, Ren has papanya's blessing retard

>> No.61135550

>be a simp is to be a real adult
Holy shit, Hahahahah

>> No.61135612

Hi Ren! Listen to Ru’s last space, now fuck off

>> No.61135716

>mature gfe
>gets jealous because a fucking pizza

>> No.61135736

her "mature" gfe is only effective because her fans are not many.
If she grows too much it will become a bloodbath between fans

>> No.61135838

>not many
I love how anons always degrade Shura to being some 2view when her and Nisha’s ccv are not that far apart

>> No.61135915

>gets angry at her leech friend for showing her true face

>> No.61135944

she have 600+ fags? thats what Nisha had on her last freetalk on twitch, and 400 onthe RE shit.

>> No.61135982

>Pedacito de su corazon
It was not pizza and that guy is a whore.

>> No.61135987

oh hard cope

>> No.61136038

Besides, there are fans who are very jealous, Jose surprises me a lot, he donates a lot of money but the one who gets all the attention is Log or Roy, if he doesn't become schizophrenic then Jose pays whores on the weekends, I have no doubts

>> No.61136039

I'm not degrading her, shura gfe is very effective because she gives a lot of attention to her fans, but there comes a point where it becomes too much fans and it is physically impossible to respond to everyone.

>> No.61136122

Her special streams like noche mexicana had 500 ccv and peaked at 800, and her usual streams vary around 300, so yes, not that far apart

>> No.61136184

viewers are worthless just look at Meica, she is getting half what she used to get as HM

>> No.61136193

Ren you will never meet Anya IRL. now go cry in ur osu profile, kek

>> No.61136259

>he really doesn´t know

>> No.61136292

oh no guardiaFags

>> No.61136304

Jose himself doesn’t comment a lot, but each comment is read by Shura, also in her extensible she gave him an extra chance so he could stay longer in the game, another paypig is Khaos and Shura complies to his every streamloots demand, she just knows how to play her cards

>> No.61136312

>B-but they broke up
You have to be as foolish as pettanko to actually believe that lol

>> No.61136375

I have proof Ren :)

>> No.61136393

Just imagine if shura stops paying attention to him.
The worst antis are devoted ex-fans.

>> No.61136451

Sure Ren

>> No.61136495

If believing that makes you feel better. . .

>> No.61136498

It seems that the troon and her gang will not understand until they get completely blacklisted from the vtuber community.

>> No.61136514

>Anyaschizo its mindbroken

>> No.61136559

>Anya and Ren are mindbroken

>> No.61136577

>the troon and her gang will not understand until they get completely blacklisted from the vtuber community
for gromming a literally who 2 view

>> No.61136586

GFE is shit, you girls should drop the intensity of that, and center on you like to do, if you give too many fanservice it will backfire, just find the right proportion, you know that if you go all in will filter your views and also will make more jealous retards

>> No.61136647

They already are, I see why from afar messing with Shura looks like the best option out of the png gang, but she has the most contacts overall.
Just look at esewey in Sedai discord. You really think those girls like your after what you did to her friend, anohito3san?

>> No.61136663

>Guardiatranny its mindbroken

>> No.61136682

>cuernudito is mindbroken

>> No.61136803

so guardiatranny is trying to do damage control by blaming everything on Anya, kek. that's pathetic.

>> No.61136864

Bony was the creator of the server and the root of the problem but Yuri is taking all the shit, I almost feel sorry for her, almost

>> No.61136877

Like every day

>> No.61137005

so cuernudito is trying to do damage control by blaming everything on la guardia tranny, kek. that's pathetic

>> No.61137021

La más bonita is streaming

>> No.61137045

Also they're trying to put the blame on Bony. Poor guy just wanted a server without Wactor mods in it, and stepped aside when Anya left the company.
I remember that faggot zeta trying to become an admin there when it was first created.

>> No.61137085

thats not Lia, fuck off with your ugly balding tranny

>> No.61137089

The troon basically hijacked that server too, that's why.

>> No.61137098


>> No.61137122

Ok Meica.

>> No.61137178

She did the same with Tongashiro's server lmao

>> No.61137200

They were going to groom her with or without Yuri

>> No.61137213

Yuritroon it’s desperate, she’s losing it.

>> No.61137310

I thought that lomicucks were the most mentally broken trying to deny reality but the cuernuditos are on another level

>> No.61137437

Every time you talk about Anya the thread goes to shit.

>> No.61137438

Did you notice the fags that care the most about RM shit aren't the fans themselves but antis that hate GFE in general? The same faggots got try to put dirt on every girl that does it.

>> No.61137443

don't speak plural, it's literally just one faggot kek

>> No.61137453

kek, josh and edwin, shura fans supporting ruru. Will Shura become a menhera?

>> No.61137456

Try talking about Eru

>> No.61137509


>> No.61137537

They support her since Anya days, I doubt it

>> No.61137648

It has always been like that. Even since Rushia times, the most vocal antis were proven to have never been her fans but falseflagging nijiniggers.
And her top gachis stayed with her, at least until her repeated fuck ups months later.

>> No.61137665

KEK Anya is terminally obsessed with /here/, so pathetic

>> No.61137765

poor girl she will be the new toy of this fucking subhuman shitters...

>> No.61137809

fuck off eructo, it’s Eru streaming tonight?

>> No.61137824

Not as obsessed as (you), you double faced discord troon.

>> No.61137893

With Haise on vacation

>> No.61137905

There is nothing wrong with having a boyfriend, get a life schizos

>> No.61137963

Homosexual anon...

>> No.61137966

Fuck off Eru

>> No.61137975

so… why are these faggots shitting on anya (again) tf did she do this time?

>> No.61137978

there is nothing wrong with losing 80% of your salary

>> No.61138024

Anya said she doesn't want mods or a discord server

>> No.61138050


>> No.61138176

I simply won't watch girls that have a bf, hope you respect my choice.

>> No.61138181

Nisha would masturbate if Ruru made an Asmr

>> No.61138185

Anons are the sanest fans.

>> No.61138242

She said she won't collab with males, she won't have mods and that she won't have a discord server.

>> No.61138275

This is the second instance of those fags shitting on the girls on their back while pretending to be fans in public.

>> No.61138366

>anya redebuts
>people asks her about mods
>says she ain't getting any
>also doesn't want pisscord drama
>yuri goes ballistic
>starts insulting her in the guardia server
>the other troons come here shit on anya as well
I mean, they've been doing the same for months but now there's a proof of that >>61138050

>> No.61138468

I don't know, for example this >>61129825 faggot was supporting Yuri's grooming shit

>> No.61138505

Did you notice how any girl that pandered to anons standards has been target of attacks as soon as she declared her intentions? And somehow they try to put the blame on us.
Homobeggars are way worse antis when girls don't pander to them.

>> No.61138627
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ASMR collab; Nisha spanking that cheeky brat ass
>"noo... onee-chan.. ahhm ahaaa ah"
>"en el ano, en el ano~~"

>> No.61138684

New Bread


>> No.61138718
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Weak deflection guardiatroon but I've been warning Anya about your faggot gang since the very begining.

>> No.61138752

/ewg/ chad is your time

>> No.61138829

You are part of that group too, Andres.

>> No.61138962

>Blatantly effortless shitter thread

>> No.61138974

Radfems tend to do the same when they encounter girls that don't follow their ideology. I wonder if there's an overlap. For one we know Yuricom is a hardcore leftist.

>> No.61139112

You said that you don't care who she hung out with offline, do you want me to look it up in the archive?
She almost got groomed because you were a yesman

>> No.61139172

it have nothing to do with muh politics but the vtubing style that like, so she hate the ones that do hololive/idol/jp style

>> No.61139325

Please be my guest. I don't remember posting anything of the sorts.

>> No.61139462

You should know tby now hat biggest schizos are just jealous fans and they are worse when you do something like hard GFE, we have some examples to look at like Misora (2021-2022) or Nisha

>> No.61139589

stop replying to the shitter, let that shit be buried, shes starting from scratch, don't be a nigger and stfu and don't fall for baits.

>> No.61139680

Shitter thread got nuked, kek

>> No.61139747

You really seem to hate gfe for some reason. Let people be and enjoy the things they like to enjoy.

>> No.61140021

>hard GFE
>Hina Misora
Go back tourist

>> No.61140186

I've noticed, that's why I've asked if anons cared about RM stuff. They care and antis feed them

>> No.61140516
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>> No.61140734

Left one is me and I'm not that avatarfaggot

>> No.61141476

fk off Ru

>> No.61141607

This was directed to the avatarfag why are you responding?

>> No.61141631

>Anya totally mindbroken

>> No.61141669

>You really seem to hate gfe for some reason
Where? I just told the truth, just look at the Pettanko-Anya fight grom some months ago

>> No.61141803

She did it back then and the general was a shitstorm everyday because of that

>> No.61141850

HOLY KEK, well. that’s makes sense, now they’re going to shit on Anya on a daily basis, pathetic af

>> No.61141974

shura will have official discord

>> No.61142023

I had nothing against Ru, I have spent most of the thread just watching and I have only made a few posts but thanks to this faggot and his faggottry, Ru has just made another enemy

>> No.61142119

It's over

>> No.61142162

At least make it less obvious, Guardiatranny, kek

>> No.61142192

She always said "Yo no acepto gachikoi"

>> No.61142272

Shut the fuck up tranny

>> No.61142292
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>> No.61142310

Pettanko is not representative of the gfe public.

>> No.61142344

fk off faggot is all your fault for avatarfagging

>> No.61142347

Ru, i know you’re reading this. please don’t ever come to this place, you’re doing great, but please, don’t come to this shithole.

>> No.61142374

>he doesn't know that early sopa called us her boyfriends.

>> No.61142402
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>> No.61142418


>> No.61142462

She got flustered when chat said that, but she rejected it immediately.

>> No.61142604

I thought I was the only one who felt the same

>> No.61142699

Na, there was a time when she said it herself, but I'm lazy to look it up, it's among her first streams.

>> No.61142830

Sorry avatarfag was just calling you out for being a yesman, I didn't think things would turn into this.

>> No.61142842

Sup guardianiggers

>> No.61142957



>> No.61143085

Seethe more Anya

>> No.61143167

say all what you want I'm not part of that group of faggots and now thanks to that other faggot Ru is going to have another enemy

>> No.61143295

He is representative of schizos among the gfe public

>> No.61143532

two with me

>> No.61143574


>> No.61143647

On your mind.
So that's what you want Ru to believe.

>> No.61143670

three with me

>> No.61143681

never forget

>> No.61143761

anya wasn't even doing GFE when he went schizo, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.61143818

Pettanko was already a piece of work before Anya

>> No.61143863

>She even adopts one of our vocabulary.
Sasuga the queen of clover

>> No.61143983
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>> No.61144049

Anya, you'll always have someone that loves you /here/

>> No.61144051

four but i won't do anything against Ru but if that faggot continues I'll join the shitpost i just hate avatarfaggottry

>> No.61144076


>> No.61144087

kys attention whore, you are not an anon

>> No.61144134

wew girl, don't fall for faggots baits

>> No.61144141

Anya pls stop this is pathetic

>> No.61144152

He is, let's be obvious samefag

>> No.61144158

No, kek

>> No.61144185

My existence proves you wrong

>> No.61144195

the avatar faggot is an attention whore just as this one >>61143983, both looking for the dopamine their parents deny to them

>> No.61144252


>> No.61144256
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>No argument

>> No.61144267

>no una de las miles de copias que hay por ahí
Nisha pay attention, this is already personal against you

>> No.61144269

these nishadows never tire of embarrassing their oshi

>> No.61144353

what a retard kek

>> No.61144366

Where's the new thread

>> No.61144480

This is the last thread ever. We reached
The End of /WACTOR/

>> No.61144503

Retard they aren't anonymous
