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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61036705 No.61036705 [Reply] [Original]

She's damaging the holoEN brand

>> No.61036807

she's damaging my sides

>> No.61036818

>Kiara loves her
>IRyS loves her
>Bae loves her
>Kronii loves her
>Fuwamoco loves her
>Biboo loves her
You lost.

>> No.61036862

What does that have to do with anything
They keep using her for sponsorships and its always low quality garbage.
She's becoming Al Pacino in Jack and Jill

>> No.61036866

Cry about it offline in your room

>> No.61036979
File: 1.76 MB, 1153x1073, 1697960769260721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, wrong pic

>> No.61037000

Out of all HoloEn members she's the most responsible for keeping the branch alive and relevant

>> No.61037021

she's a large part of the holoEN brand

>> No.61037049

Because jp think mori-san kakkoi

>> No.61037155

which there in lies the problem. She suffocating it by always being the face of it.
She's becoming synonymous with trash content as the face of holoEN

>> No.61037173

Sneaking has the most atrocious chorus I've ever listened to. She should be graduated for recording it.

>> No.61037270

Unironically true

>> No.61037306

To be fair that's mostly Gura's fault, she could eclipse Mori if she wanted but doesn't feel like doing so and prefers to play dead instead, hence Mori will remain in the spotlight for the foreseeable future

>> No.61037504

Would you be happy if they would realize that she only appeals to certain demographics, and so have her be their face towards those demographics. While having holomems that your demographic likes be their face towards you?

>> No.61037520 [DELETED] 

niji will never get a MGS collab. seethe harder

>> No.61037644

oh yeah because i'm sure if one of them did dislike her, they would definitely be open about it

>> No.61037682

you do know she is literally the least popular hololive english girl right? kiara literally doubles her viewership on a regular basis

>> No.61037742 [DELETED] 

>t-they actually all s-secretly hate her d-d-duh!!!
try harder

>> No.61037782

I could understand getting upset if this song was actually in the game proper, but this amount of seething and wailing over what is essentially a dumb advertising jingle meant for the JP audience is beyond fucking retarded.

>> No.61037869

Is it bots that make these posts?

>> No.61037880

I am glad she is destroying hololive, it was only ever gonna die from within
When the shareholders ask why the answer is clear

>> No.61037949

i never said that, but pretending like they all definitely love her is also stupid, we have no idea how any of the hololive girls feel about each other

>> No.61037951 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking nigger
Unironically a fucking nigger, OP
Not about your skin color, it is about your shit, Sub-saharan, street shitter attitude.
Get a life already

>> No.61038019

the problem is that she doesn't deserve it, they literally gave it to her because she has a music deal and her career is currently floundering so they need to try and promote her as much as possible to keep that music deal

>> No.61038025

Pomu stop it.
Let it go.
This hate, it won't do you any good.

>> No.61038027 [DELETED] 

jakartan hours at sunday night, just to inform you this

>> No.61038059 [DELETED] 

>deadbeats hate black people
like oshi, like fan

>> No.61038096

I want to assemble a team of scientists to mathematically quantify the level of seethe in this post.

>> No.61038101

I've seen stupid reason to hate a Tuber, but Mori antis are the worst.

>> No.61038274

Not even a mori fan but she’s objectively one of the most successful and important in EN considering her music deals AND she still streams

>> No.61038297

here OP. your welcome

>> No.61038636

she's damaging my penis

>> No.61038813

I don't watch her, is her music still considered irredeemably shit?

>> No.61038837
File: 95 KB, 724x199, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her MGS shill song seems to be doing way better than the Pekora, MIko, Subaru, and Okayu energy drink shill song

>> No.61038971

I don't care. My oshi will play Metal Gear because of her and for that I am forever thankful.

>> No.61039005

Half the views are people coming to leave a mean comment.

>> No.61039091

Seething 2view Vtweeter Troon hands typed this bait

>> No.61039109

There are only 1700 comments, so a minimum of ~426k of those views are not that anon.

>> No.61039134

Not news

>> No.61039158

Sounds like the other girls should get motivated. You can dislike Mori's content, but she knows her strengths, tries to work on her weaknesses, and plays to them while keeping her fans happy. As an idol should.

>> No.61039168
File: 1.75 MB, 2508x2631, moricool8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are wrong.

>> No.61039242

The silly MGS Collab is literally the most interesting thing she's done this year. It's cringe but in a cute and fun way.

>> No.61039266

If you have no idea then why you insist in making it your narrative Calli is not liked by Her coworkers ?

>> No.61039358

Nah, the One Piece collab song was way more interesting.

>> No.61039376

>another thread with disproportionate reply/poster ratio

>> No.61039390

almost all of them are positive?

>> No.61039469

What else do you expect from colleagues? "Wow, she sucks"?

>> No.61039592

OP, Mori IS the EN brand, believe it or not.

>> No.61039690

With mori it's always either "she's so cool" or "she works so hard" nobody ever comments on the quality of this so called hard work of hers for obvious reasons. I'd honestly be ashamed if people around me were forced to throw hollow compliments at me

>> No.61039846

>they literally gave it to her because she has a music deal
I think you have a misunderstanding that these music collabs are being given to her by Hololive and not Universal. They're only Hololive collabs incidentally.

>> No.61039912

Maybe if the other myth girls would pull their weight, but nooooo
literally this, but gura's either stuck in a hospital or too busy overdosing to give a fck

>> No.61040060 [DELETED] 

Well that's the default "quality" Hololive decided to give to the Mori character. A lot of those girls saw her irl and you surely know what japanese people think about fat women.
hint: not cool at all

>> No.61040281

cope. mori antis are some of the most braindead "people" that exist

>> No.61040323

>Women like each other
What a world

>> No.61040594

the irony is palpable

>> No.61040671

its amazing how much seethe pink woman generates just by existing, i can't tell if it's embarassing for y'all or impressive from her

>> No.61040737
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>> No.61040770
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2views, pomu fans, chumkeks/teakeks/takekdachi. You name it. Success breeds jealousy

>> No.61040769

Pink woman got all EN perms for mgs1-3. Pink woman good. Kill yourself.

>> No.61040772

>coworkers like her
hahaha I'm sure your coworkers like you too, anon

>> No.61040802

It has been my observation that in recent years Mori seems to be the one who attracts the majority of seethe from jealous wannabe e-girls instead of Kiara.

>> No.61040881

Go back to resetera

>> No.61041489

its not 2021 anymore op.

>> No.61041539 [DELETED] 
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>> No.61041890


>> No.61041901

>got a sponsorship to promote a much loved classic video games franchise
>damaging the HoloEN brand

>> No.61042392

>Kronii loves her
>Mori constantly keeps asking Kronii to collab for a song
>Kronii always waffles
>Anya asks Kronii if they can collab for a song once
>Kronii immediately agrees

>> No.61042514

Hey now don't be rude.
Al Pacino was a good actor, there's no need to compare him to her.

>> No.61042550

stop projecting

>> No.61042719
File: 339 KB, 724x474, 1696427404151692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With mori it's always either "she's so cool" or "she works so hard" nobody ever comments on the quality of this so called hard work of hers for obvious reasons.
Bullshit, just from this board alone
>"Hurr music suck. It doesn't fit Hololive."
>"I like it, it was good/decent (insert genre here)"
>"You have shit taste"
>"What a boring stream"
>"Her stream was fun because (insert Mori doing this)*
>"What do you mean? She's (insert very unrelated ramblings"
>Someone likes her design and call it cool/beautiful/cute
>Schizos call her fat and joked about earthquake
There's no one more dedicated in Mori discusion than Mori antis, suffocating people who DO like her for specific reason by flooding threads with garbage.

>> No.61042793

She's damaging my dick too someone stop her

>> No.61043085

Mori is one of the few HoloEN talents in Myth that actually fucking streams. She deserves her rewards in terms of company sponsorships now. The seething on Twitter is just a bonus.

>> No.61043727

>lip service
sweet baby anon...

>> No.61043914
File: 118 KB, 532x800, a7c88df7f0d3f39c0703c7366fb96f1d4bdcaf00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.61043916

She's damaging vtubing in general. The whole thing will always be viewed as a joke full of untalented retards thanks to her.

>> No.61044155

There is nothing closer to the virtual equivalent of pissing yourself than making a thread pretending you care about the "brand", like you're some sort of Japanese equity investor, instead of a SEA discord invader who just wanted a safe thread to bitch about pink woman and garner (You)s.

>> No.61044333

She's inspired many to get into vtubing and is one of the few myth members that actually still has passion. Today, she just announced she's running a TTRPG campaign for halloween with 5 other EN girls. Can you imagine anyone else in Myth going to that level of effort?

>> No.61044513

That's the saddest part about this, she's inspiring many like-minded normies to ruin vtubing and also puts so much effort into churning out pure shit

>> No.61044653

Viewed as a joke by whom?
Who exactly is out there that would see a bunch of dorks pretending to be anime characters while they play videogames on Youtube as serious business, until "Oh, that pink haired one released a bad song. Nevermind."? What group of people could you possibly be imagining?

>> No.61044764


>> No.61045026

the blue one was spoonfed a type of success one can only dream of and she does nothing with it.

>> No.61045159 [DELETED] 

Gets the whole brand to simp for her
Not even 10k watching
No1 cares
Bahahhahahahahah this made my day
Wonder how the lying cuckbeats gonna spin this

>> No.61045174
File: 55 KB, 642x531, 7c71698881064233f4e39555d78674f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll ruin her insides with my dick as revenge for ruining hololive

>> No.61045280

as a fellow wigger I am happy to have representation in hololive

>> No.61045351

I don't think Mori antis even know why they don't like her anymore

>> No.61045406

I came around on her alot. I don't think she is either. Looking forward to her playing the MGS games on stream this week.

>> No.61045440 [DELETED] 

Gets the whole brand to simp for her
Not even 10k watching
No1 cares
Bahahhahahahahah this made my day
Wonder how the lying cuckbeats gonna spin this
-jannies are deleting this cuckbeats madding

>> No.61045482

As a former anti I can confirm.
I just hopped on the band wagon here, now I'm anti-ing Gura.

>> No.61045513

Post the graph from the beginning, I dare you.

>> No.61045540

Even lose to kirara playing the meh newest FF game over the diehard core MSG base
Real win right ?

>> No.61045678 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 720x381, IMG_20231023_010312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is seething and mad
I wonder who ?

>> No.61045681

male collabs. always has, always will be. bitch is literally a success story but they hate her for it because she collabs with males.

>> No.61045691

They live off (you)s and discovered they can get their fix by just replying to each other with bullshit.

>> No.61045831

>bitch is literally a success story
The lies never end do they ?
A one hit based of the old fans now struggling to stay relevant

>> No.61045958

Ship left port on that a loooooong time ago. Luckily Advent is bringing it back to form though.

>> No.61046006

Nothing Mori has done should have worked but it did. Godbeat looks after his own.

>> No.61046008

yeah? she was clearly struggling while she was in japan pre holo living on a dogshit apartment to a vtuber that has had 2 albums, fuck knows how many songs, a LIVE concert, multiple collabs and sponsorships and was able to afford to buy a fucking house in japan
she makes you faggots seethe so much it's funny

>> No.61046102

>Past tense
Kek has been is a has been not counting the amount of careers she ruined

>> No.61046146 [DELETED] 

I like how one side keeps needing to censor whole the other doesn't care
Who's really winning ? Kek
Winning so hard it hurts

>> No.61046192
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>sponsorship deals with One Piece and the MGS franchise this year alone
>"struggling to stay relevant"

>> No.61046207 [DELETED] 

Ah removed again
Can't stop winning
Mori with ehtite MSG simping loses to kirara on meh FF game>>61043914

>> No.61046243

She has increased hololive profits the most out of any of their idols. She put hololive in the history books with the one piece collab.

>> No.61046250 [DELETED] 

Then why removed my so called lies ?
Truth hurts doesn't it ?
Can't stop winning ~

>> No.61046255

>She keeps getting bigger sponsorships and her last EP sold so well it actually charted in the top 10 world billboard, something that no vtuber has came even close to doing
You have a very weird definition of a hasbeen

>> No.61046280

She IS: living in the country of her dreams, on the music charts of that nation, actively in a contract with a huge label, streaming regularly, a beloved part of Hololive who inspires both current talents and active indies.
You ARE: seething-eething-eething like you're gay, keep it livid.

>> No.61046298

>the amount of careers she ruined
Name five.
Homos don't count btw, they were their own destructors.

>> No.61046332

>Anon hates her
You lost.

>> No.61046336 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 720x381, IMG_20231023_010312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they have to censor u know u winning hard so much damage control it's just funny now

>> No.61046368

MGS sponsorship that is currently getting absolutely mogged by Kiara playing a game that deadbeats called number poison when Mori was playing it and struggling to get 2k viewers. Despite once again having "announcement" in the title.
Let that sink in for a second.

>> No.61046395

Post the full stream graph so I can laugh at you.

>> No.61046410

>the ESLs have arrived

>> No.61046448
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must be nice for a person so success she generates jealousy.

>> No.61046479 [DELETED] 

Oh no not the SEAmonkeys, whatever will she do without their support?

>> No.61046490

She is still in Hololive so I would say she is doing just fine.

>> No.61046551

>make twitterfags piss and shit themselves with rage
For this alone, I'll say it: Kari-chan kakkoi

>> No.61046632

kiara is replaceable, mori isn't

>> No.61046665

>you do know she is literally the least popular hololive english girl right?
But enough about Fauna.

>> No.61046736

You guys spent the last few days loudly jacking off to this collab announcement. Shamelessly bragging and putting down other vtubers.
And she ends up losing to FFXVI overlap. Kiara beat her with her tales of Arise DLC sponsorship.
You set yourself up to get grudgeposted. Deadbeats are cocky and never learn their lesson

>> No.61046819

I didn't do any of that shit.

>> No.61046860

Anon, are you stuck in 2021? Fauna is one of the most popular EN vtubers in terms of CCV these days.

>> No.61046896
File: 368 KB, 1450x2048, 1697820975650269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a newfag, but I really hate how she yells and swears so much. She has her nice moments, like how she nicely set up her part of the FWMC collab, but she's just not for me.

>> No.61047008
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buy more bots, monkey.

>> No.61047136
File: 565 KB, 1039x594, ff960250147ca8ccec49df427070d0bf107d101c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slow incline is "bots"
Wonder what the fuck this is. You're really grasping at straws huh.

>> No.61047148

Cheers kings

>> No.61047186

damn, looks like a niji spike if i ever seen one. mori schizos literally paid for bots so they can have something to shitpost with KEK

>> No.61047199

>she's just not for me
And that's a perfectly acceptable view. Some other Holos aren't for me, but Mori ticked all my boxes and created some new ones.
I also appreciate that she does know how to tone down some of her solo-stream behavior when collabing with others who may not be so loud or profane. She is self-aware and professional.

>> No.61047293

>Slow incline
lmao she doubled in viewers exactly at hour mark
>wonder what the fuck this is
two raids by advent. you dont even watch streams lmao

>> No.61047304

finally some sane post in this thread so far

>> No.61047327

Are they poor or something can't they just buy for the whole stream stop being cheap
It's like they gasps never buy merch or supa at all

>> No.61047406

>two raids by advent. you dont even watch streams lmao
Kek can't believe u help made it worst for yourself it's like the raid came and they instantly fucked off what a selfown

>> No.61047411

Oh. Raiders almost instantly closed her stream? Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was bots getting culled. Guess it's just people that don't want to watch her.
Let me check who raided and doubled her views.
Ollie? ID gets more viewers than her?

>> No.61047589

That's a perfectly sane and valid opinion vs the schizo babble that is the rest of this and most catalog threads about Mori. I enjoy Fauna and FWMC's content, but something about all 3 of their voices hard filter me.

>> No.61047630

I understand FWMC, but Fauna too, really?

>> No.61047692

If you didn't know,
The opposite is also true.

>> No.61047779
File: 160 KB, 1266x712, youwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more successfull people like One piss, teddloid and Reol CHOSE to work with her because.... SHE SUCKS OK????
the ramblings of a mad man.
there are far more people having more than her 2 million subs to cooperate with

>> No.61047810

With these fanbase of Mori , you'll hate her soon enough
Didn't care back then but she really keeps doing shit to make fans hate her
I wish u thr best though

>> No.61048066

>/vt/ shits on Mori for Jps always saying how cool and hard working she is
>Ignores Jp always saying how Kawaii Gura is
Really makes you think.

>> No.61048094

Whisper talking is grating on my ears.

>> No.61048186

Mori cute

>> No.61048188 [DELETED] 

Her "racism" and cgdct "incel pandering" is necessary to keep the worst twitter trannies hating hololive

>> No.61048420

>they said bland positive thing on stream, it must be true
And they're pure virgins too, right anon?

>> No.61048507

wait until Kiara is on Eurovision...

>> No.61048622

Always has.

>> No.61048766

>highest Spotify monthly listeners in EN
>collabs with tons of big IPs and popular musicians
She's done more to help Hololive's brand then any 1 individual.

>> No.61048795

Damn it really sounds like you bought bots to try and beat Mori but still failed lmao

>> No.61048801
File: 434 KB, 1841x1440, Lowest stream hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again, damn, wrong again, what's up with me today...

>> No.61048815

>the problem is that she doesn't deserve it
and back to twitter you go

>> No.61048868

hey, why not just include them instead, we have both no streams and lowest stream time

>> No.61048904

SEAfolk don't watch streams, all they know are graphs, eat hot chip, and lie.

>> No.61049000

What about your oshi anon? Is she doing anything for vtubing?

>> No.61049238

>trash content
>every song gets multi-millions of YouTube views

>> No.61049287

Nah, even sadder is inspiring so many seanigs to waste their lives spamming insults with the four English words they learned from /pol/ddit

>> No.61049337

t. Never was

>> No.61049623

Samefag seething-eething-eething-eething-eething

>> No.61049894


>> No.61049987

>HoloEN brand
lmao even

>> No.61050179 [DELETED] 

Dumb & Industrious = Eliminate
keep coping cuckbeat/kfpiss

>> No.61050325

Correct, a game vs a non-game stream.

>> No.61050761

She's damaging my dick and eardrums.

>> No.61050796

I don't think she's damaging the brand at all. But her music stinks.

>> No.61050864

>>"I like it, it was good/decent (insert genre here)"
Grade school level
>I thought it was good and interesting and fun and I liked it almost as much as I like skibidi toilet

>> No.61051048

you are not trying anymore

>> No.61051086

Is she damaging the brand more or less than her three genmates who combined have streamed less than FWMC in the last month.

>> No.61051937

nigga what? it's a very basic and well-known principle
Smart & Lazy = put that person into a leadership position
Dumb & Industrious = eliminate that person as they will keep doing wrong things, the company would be better off if they never existed

>> No.61052735

Because they want to make excuses as to why they obsess over pink women as posted above.

>> No.61053145 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 599x315, 1663583427920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuckbeats still coping
never forgive, never forgot :)

>> No.61053254

>Gura hates her
What is it with Pink Women and rape of Blue Women?

>> No.61057754

Absolutely no-one in the vtubing-sphere has any sort of positive opinion of her. You can fuck right off.

>> No.61059196

Source: My ass

>> No.61064095
File: 364 KB, 1000x1000, 1689330933098986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does she need to do to improve her music? Choose only one:
Learn music production
Learn an instrument
Learn music theory
Improve her signing
Learn more about poetry(metric, rhyme, etc)
Learn more japanese
Other: tell me

And tell me 1 artist that you think would be a good influence for her. It can be a poet, rapper, novelist, musician, band, film director, etc.

>> No.61064128

Wish she'd damage my asshole

>> No.61064665

This is the most schizo shit imaginable. Taking pot shots at other members when the one thing she’s known for. Did you know her music doesn’t perform well like at all when you compare to actual top artists? Now you make an excuse that it shouldn’t be compared because… but will still try to compare to other members

>> No.61064888

kari kakkoi

>> No.61067329

No one said she sucks.

>> No.61068030

Nobody likes her though. People shit on her on every social media.

>> No.61068597

Artist Inspiration: Kurt Cobain
Improvement: self inflicted hole in forhead

>> No.61074704


>> No.61074965

Doesn't she just sing this song? She didn't compose the music and was only 1/3 of the people that wrote the lyrics. All she needs to know to do is find better people to produce her music.

>> No.61078467

That is not that hard to do tho.

>> No.61078712

At least she streams.

>> No.61081332

Having haters means you aren't liked?

>> No.61081513

Don't use logic and facts, that's not what these anti threads are for

>> No.61081647

There are plenty of people who like her, you're the one who is probably unloved by the entire world

>> No.61081787

How so? Numbers are up across the board, and her album sales are frighteningly good. The only people who hate on her are anons here and maybe a dozen total fags on twitter.

>> No.61082262

she's the least popular EN girl

>> No.61082458

Kek I still remember buy my blueray arc
Fun times
Also what's that about an en concert with Susie and she's the side show ?

>> No.61082522
File: 499 KB, 879x688, 1697564349878100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61082596

HOLY SHIT, does Cover know this? You'd better e-mail them and let them know so they and the sponsors can stop giving her these huge endorsement deals.

>> No.61082699
File: 647 KB, 646x859, Screenshot 2023-10-21 210442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her round fat ass is ruining the HoloEN brand

>> No.61082850

Blame the lazy shark. Mori's stepping into that void

>> No.61083129

Shark lazy but loved
Reaper works like a dog but hated
It's like people don't hate someone for no reason

>> No.61083901
File: 497 KB, 600x700, 1657557986492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's damaging my pelvis

>> No.61084434

You also need to email her fans, so her CCV and Supers income isn't in the upper half of the branch.

>> No.61085345

Why lie?

>> No.61085649


>> No.61086704

JPs haven't been competitive with EN since 2021.

>> No.61087392

you hit the nail right on the head

>> No.61087728

X stage in a game vs hyping up a huge franchise to game/stream that got no hype

>> No.61087980

I mean normies now say "they put out that game on steam"

>> No.61090761 [DELETED] 

Reminder that she got Gura gangraped to steal the top EN position

>> No.61093962
File: 1.65 MB, 1024x1536, DaringOwl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Mumei ther-
It cuts way deeper than it should.

>> No.61094222

They can just... not comment? How fucking retarded are you

>> No.61094292
File: 75 KB, 203x203, 1662367491591723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile collabs with One Piece, MGS, and well known industry artists

You meant she's legitimizing HoloEN right?

>> No.61094333

It's mori so it causes shid and farding

>> No.61094946


>> No.61095065

i dont care about mori so i hate that you keep spamming the catalog with her

>> No.61095689

Kek real

>> No.61096296

stop rapping, or at least stop writing the rap parts. Her voice on the deep end is quite soothing. I enjoyed her ASMRs. If i were to recommend someone's voice, she's not a musician but her voice is similar to TeacupAudio.

>> No.61096372

i'm surprised deadbeats doesn't jump your statement immediately. They usually get very trigger-happy at the slightest mention of "pink woman bad"

>> No.61097007

Because it's a reasonable take

>> No.61097336

what qualifies as a reasonable take?

>> No.61097441

simply going "nah, not for me" and moving on with your life instead of coming up with 100 schizo reasons and rallying an army to try and hate them to death with you

>> No.61097541

so it doesn't matter what the reason is as long as they move on?

>> No.61097715

not spending 400 years obsessing over how some streamer you mildly dislike is an evil whore destroying the brand is what qualifies as reasonable, yes

>> No.61098266

so i can say 'i hate this streamer because she tried to destroy the brand' as long as i say it only once?

>> No.61098457

did someone actually like rap nowadays?

>> No.61098718

That's 3/4 of SNOT...

>> No.61098940

You can say it and people and deservedly call you dumb for doing so.
>She's ruining the brand!
>I don't like her!

>> No.61099064

oh so suddenly it's not a reasonable take

>> No.61099785


Oh no. They're making fun of us... I am so embarased to be a vtuber fan :((((((((((

>> No.61100683

No, >>61046896 is being reasonable.
You trying to twist it around aren't.

>> No.61100691

Maybe quote the whole phrase
>Viewed as a joke full of untalented retards
Well, Connor for one.

>> No.61100764

So are you, anon. What's your point?

>> No.61100872

Kiara would, she can't help it

>> No.61100887

>damaging the holoEN brand
who the fuck cares lmao
are you a cover shareholder or something?
you will never win over the people who hate vtubers by censoring yourself to please them, so why worry about their opinions?

>> No.61101072

>women have shit taste
Yes anon, we didn't need a reminder but thanks anyway.

>> No.61101116


>> No.61101123

"i don't like this streamer because of (reason they don't like said streamer)"
>"that's very reasonable"
"i don't like this streamer because of (reason they don't like said streamer)"
>"that's not reasonable and people CAN deservedly call you dumb for doing so"

>> No.61101157

>I am the arbiter of what's reasonable
I expect no more from retarded cuckbeats indeed.

>> No.61101158

Not everybody is like your mom

>> No.61101204

Is that really the best you have? You faggots are pathetic.
