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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 115 KB, 768x501, 1691635795418526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
61003339 No.61003339 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
PixelLink (Oct 30): https://www.pixel-link.com/audition
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>60963306

>> No.61003571


>> No.61003701

Hello Gumpai!
Quick rundown:
>She has alts and snitches inside of viewercord to keep tabs on people.
>She's currently shitposting about Denpa and Mond.
>Has shitposted about Lavandel, Rimaeri, and possibly Eira
>GenesisPrism is one of her cronies, she gave the viewercord mods an ultimatum and forced them to ban Denpa or else her and her friends would leave, which Germ wouldn't want because he's a big fan of hers, as well as the person who permitted Gumpai to have a secret alt in viewercord after meeting at Offkai.
>Shits up threads with dox and rrats pulled out of her ass then blames it on Denpa
>Other online handles include Zhuuba, anon_to_nona, and friendcel
>Psychotic, will decide she randomly hates you at any given point
>Hated her fanbase so much she deleted her old affiliate account and made a new account where she brags about having a boyfriend (FuzaKeruNah) to spite them
>Should be banned from your servers and chats

>> No.61003840

Gumpai did nothing wrong

>> No.61003853

I'm not going to give a QRD on Shania but he's apparently getting with the times and decided to pick Gumpai as a replacement for Rin

>> No.61003990

I love denpafish!

>> No.61004080

Daiya is still live as a zombie

>> No.61004576
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>> No.61004719

My holo oshi is mori calliope. If I ever get into holostars, I will thank her for all her hard work.

>> No.61004778


>> No.61005009

none of these girls will ever date me so why should i care if they have a boyfriend or if they're all backstabbing and hate each other? I'll watch and support them all

>> No.61005045


>> No.61005099
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sneaking neaking neaking neaking neaking neaking

>> No.61005348
File: 137 KB, 800x600, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fine Liz if i may say so this one is going in the picture books

>> No.61005492

You should focus your energy towards the boys instead. They mostly don't have boyfriends.

>> No.61006195
File: 460 KB, 857x833, itchio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found a box with some free games, i will stream them now!!!

>> No.61006852

any proof?

>> No.61007262
File: 34 KB, 375x360, potato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allow me to take some time of your awake time to give you insight,

>> No.61007744

i warned you about viewercord

>> No.61007844

idk what this means but I don't hold any grudges against gumpai that shit was so long ago bro

>> No.61008116


>> No.61009002

He's at it again. Potato is ascending to a higher dimension.

>> No.61009361

I love my hard working oshi! I love my hard working oshi so much!

>> No.61009395

cute art

>> No.61009893

Can't be talking about me. I'm lazy as shit.

>> No.61010554

it's amazing how much one fat french girl can derail a thread, the french were a mistake

>> No.61010567


>> No.61010655

Posting more content because streams are fun

>> No.61010823
File: 374 KB, 1344x1257, 9C948E00-39C7-4EEF-B18B-1B8128688CFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No link for Cabu Hollow Knight??? That needs to change.

>> No.61011573

Fuza's tapping that? Good for him. Maybe he can fix her

>> No.61011628

What a fucking deranged individual.

>> No.61011758

Who do you think is the most oblivious male aspie?
The one who'll probably not realize someone is flirting with them?

>> No.61011841

someone wanna spoonfeed me on the pink girl?

>> No.61011921

any virgin
that means like 80% males here

>> No.61012169

I'm curious who you think the 20% are, anon.

>> No.61012367

Virgin is a mindset. I've had sex and I'd still be oblivious to someone flirting with me

>> No.61012445

Who are the nonvirgin males?

>> No.61012605

I can pretend to be oblivious if it makes you more comfortable.

>> No.61012678

Daiya and Keitaro, they had sex with each other

>> No.61012743
File: 10 KB, 96x96, 1684063532215404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61012894

So does ANY /asp/ie network outside of this general? Seems like everyone just kinda stays in this circle

>> No.61013050

I played mario all day instead of streaming

>> No.61013132

Me but I'm also kind of a prude and don't bring that stuff up

>> No.61013436

Worried about coming across as a clout chaser, so I don't really network unless somebody has raided me before. Even then I am terrible about reaching out.

>> No.61013557

I need to fill every one of Rura's holes with an ungodly amount of cum and then beat the shit out of that fucking stupid dino slut.

>> No.61013682

Slushy simping hard

>> No.61013700


>> No.61013709

I spend enough time networking for my real job, by the time I'm VTubing I just want to hang out with people I already know.

>> No.61013792
File: 601 KB, 320x197, dsfghj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning sirs.

>> No.61013971

Most of my viewers are from outside of here but I like keeping an eye on newbies and helping out where I can because I like this place.

>> No.61014575

I am. I'm a fucking retard.

>> No.61014933

I literally had a girl rape me because she got so sick of the fact I couldn't see her flirting so she got me ultra drunk and booked a hotel room.

>> No.61015106

Me. I am maidenless, unironically.

>> No.61015267
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1 the general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing a general

>> No.61015379

Ok but one of you guys have to sacrifice yourself and pretend to be gay to get the juicy info from the sleepover girls

>> No.61016128

Me. I'm pretty boring by /asp/ standards so if I didnt network outside the thread I'd probably be a 0view half the time. I still appreciate everyone who stops by though.

>> No.61017301

Haru doesn't have to pretend he's already cute enough

>> No.61017608

Im only acquainted with 3 aspies. They are all I really need, so I am happy.
But there are other established (non-asp) chuubas I wish I could also be friends with.

>> No.61017947


>> No.61018038

You're anonymous. Name your oshi right now.

>> No.61018052

I don't do a ton of networking but I do try to make connections when I bump into non-/asp/ies in my chat or elsewhere. I don't want to be a /here/chuuba forever.

>> No.61018272

a lot of the older gens did; I think naturally by existing for a decent length of time you end up branching out to other groups/getting discovered by others
/here/projects like the vtuber choir also helped because while a lot of people from the threads joined in, it also pulled the attention of outside chuubas

>> No.61018295
File: 91 KB, 447x447, 1679629570154638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you would be disappointed since they be talking about their bfs during most of the sleepover, what doing you think they're talking about right now in the female-only discord? That's right, bfs again, they're always talking about their men, it's so tiresome

>> No.61018399

Yeah, me

>> No.61018425

Yeah, me.

>> No.61019901

Dear oshi,
Give me more content! Give me more content!

>> No.61020193

I've been taking a break from streaming in hopes of learning to make my own model as an upgrade from the thrown-together Vroid I've been using.
But I'm also itching to get back into streaming soon.
How much would an only-kind-of-shitty 3D model cost on average? I've got a decent amount of money saved up, but if it's going to breach the thousands, I'll just stay learning to do it myself.
Also, where would I find an artist to commission for this? I don't use twitter much, so I don't really follow any artists.

>> No.61020743

2D model would work too, actually. As long as someone is willing to make a character move without charging an arm and a leg.

>> No.61020754
File: 757 KB, 500x500, picmix.com_11344791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stream. Please for the love of god stream. Somebody. Anybody. I'm begging you.

>> No.61020787


>> No.61020916

i love fucking your oshi too anon

>> No.61020955

I promise not to be a whore and never get another oshi. You are my one and only oshi. I won't be a whore. I will never lay eyes on another in an oshi way. You are my one and only oshi.

>> No.61021082

These posts are still schizo but at least they're nice schizo :)

>> No.61021237

Stop being a bunch of pussies and name your oshi like Iriya does (>>61013557)

>> No.61021310

Fuck you nigger

>> No.61021527

No! They're smart enough to know figure out how I type!

>> No.61021601

Tiny is probably your best bet but she's booked out. God bless our rat wife.

>> No.61021617

Ok. I want to fill every one of Ace, Basil, Beryl, Bunkum, Daiya, Patchey, Gurun, Gween, iLoidtupo, Kenny, Lago, LCOLONQ, King Kuro, Koko, Kuku, Mawg, Merlie, Mond, Olga & Rinna's chats with an ungodly amount of supportive messages and then tell them they did a great job and I had fun on their fucking great stream.

>> No.61021613

That's very funny because you lot seem to think I'm mentally stable.

>> No.61021696

You are a whore. 1 oshi only, maybe 2 if you pick a male and female.

>> No.61021730

The world is my oshi. I want to support everybody.

>> No.61021780

I want to become a husband worthy of andygraviti

>> No.61021792

When you support everyone, you support no one.

>> No.61021817

>not on the list
Am I not good enough for you

>> No.61021852

They really are a whore, unlike me. I'm very loyal, because even if I give my oshi all my love, it's still not enough and it's still less than they deserve. My oshi deserves everything (as long as they keep making content that is, so get to it!)

>> No.61021927

Name them, coward.

>> No.61021968

I don’t remember writing this post.

>> No.61022000

Andy love.

>> No.61022009

I just want to cuddle with bunkumm, no homo

>> No.61022150
File: 306 KB, 1500x1912, aum0vxw951z41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody in gen 5 deserves my affection. Sad.

>> No.61022227

Sometimes I wonder. As a thread darling, does it hurt as people slowly talk about you in the thread less and less. Then a new girl starts streaming and you begin hearing them say the types of things that they used to say about you. I think it would hurt.

>> No.61022252
File: 44 KB, 448x448, Dante_BIIG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened a maro for a 200 follower celebration stream soon.

>> No.61022364

That's not true! You don't always have to compete with others and beat them anon, you can relax sometimes and just enjoy streaming in good company.
I'm likely simply not aware. nvn``

>> No.61022373

It's a good thing I will continue to shit up the threads with my oshi forever.

>> No.61022457

Nah. If, hypothetically, I was the 'thread darling', not hurt because look at how cute those new girls are! I love them.

>> No.61022462

It does sting a bit. But as long as you appreciate the people who stick around for you, you'll never feel lonely.

>> No.61022476
File: 490 KB, 884x863, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnight peeple

>> No.61022515

Most of the girls form their own communities before that happens. By the time new girls come around, the old ones have their own fans already.

>> No.61022577

I really, really want to punch Rura's tummy.

>> No.61022652

Tysm seeing messages like these is what makes me stream

>> No.61022755

Not sure I've been that but I amthankful for the support and I welcome new girls.
Nini cheen!

>> No.61022775

Do you want her to puke?

>> No.61022865

No, you definitely know me

>> No.61022866
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>> No.61022928

Yes. It would be really good if she gets force fed a lot of milk beforehand.

>> No.61022929

I feel bad for Daiya.

>> No.61022953


>> No.61022963

Well, there's a lot of aspies you can network with, new and old, so it takes some time to get to know them all, but yes, I do take any opportunity I can get to connect with other interesting people.

>> No.61023027

Well, if I definitely know you then I may be unsure if you would be ok with me supporting you. :'>

>> No.61023282

slaps your burger out of your hands

>> No.61023343

I want Tiny to call me a good boy.

>> No.61023368

>thread darling
that aside, some people overstay their welcome and they need to move on
they brought it upon themselves

>> No.61023690

Just ask her, or I'll ask for you.

>> No.61023846

>that list
who the hell is patchey

>> No.61023871

I'm waiting for a stream.

>> No.61024105

I'm glad people appreciate Andy. She's supportive and entertaining.

>> No.61024243


>> No.61024296

She doesn't get enough love. I finally got to catch one her streams the other day and it felt like having a caring older sister.

>> No.61024594

Dear oshi,
Please release an HD wallpaper of yourself so that I can make it my desktop and phone wallpaper. Thanks, I'll be waiting.

>> No.61024687

Who is your oshi, I will do my best to draw a wallpaper for you

>> No.61024796

>Artist once again hates the work they did on my design and wants to try again
>They made a design for themselves
>They've also grown to hate it
>Might take another few months to start streaming again
This is why I don't make promises anymore. Designing is hard.

>> No.61024861

I pretend to not notice to maintain plausible deniability and have proof of affirmative consent

>> No.61025234

Dear viewer,
Please stop masturbating to me. You disgust me.

>> No.61025415

Shhhhhhh… You’ll scare him away…

>> No.61025499

Funny as I've never masturbated in my entire life.

>> No.61025619

dear viewer, please continue masturbating to me. you disgust me.

>> No.61025655
File: 69 KB, 578x599, 1677131956571896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I masturbate way too much.

>> No.61025673

What is 'The Pipeline'

>> No.61025719

I haven't masturbated in years due to depression

>> No.61025793

I masturbate 5+ times a day due to depression

>> No.61025802

Is miriuie still alive?

>> No.61025841

i think i'm falling for denpa someone pls help

>> No.61025858

No, we should hold a funeral for her.

>> No.61025885

There's a nonzero chance your oshii had an intrusive thought about you that happened to take place during masturbation.

>> No.61026196

I had a dream about meeting Lava on a bus last night. She was autistic and goth.

>> No.61026392

that's why I'm glad I've never been a thread darling and realistically never will. I'm already grateful enough with the small, irregular mentions I get; I don't need anything more than that.

>> No.61026489

I masturbate once a day, right after I wake up, that way I can shower off the cum from my bellybutton

>> No.61026658

Everytime I get my Oshi to say my name I masturbate

>> No.61026673

It's been pretty depressing. It felt like people cared about me and liked me but now I just feel like I was a fad and everyone's moved on.

>> No.61026698

Dear oshi: if I found myself in a room with you, you wouldn't be able to leave before being filled with enough cum to impregnate a small city.

>> No.61026731


>> No.61026886

I don't even know if my oshi masturbates. They don't seem interested in those kinds of things.

>> No.61026972

It wouldn't surprise me if my oshi streamed with a plug in. He seems the type.

>> No.61027076

Clonk networks indiscriminately, he gives zero fucks.

>> No.61027122

i've considered it a few times at least

>> No.61027175


>> No.61027188

Who the hell do you oshi

>> No.61027305


>> No.61027343

Haru is the purest boy. He would never.

>> No.61027388

He openly talks about crossdressing, he's less pure than he lets on.

>> No.61027552

Haru is good, I won't stand for Haru slander

>> No.61027670

He's good but dirty. Sometimes you know.

>> No.61027774

my viewer account contains my real name so every time my oshi calls me, she's saying my real name

>> No.61027796

My vtuber name is one vowel away from being my real one

>> No.61027814

Stop ruining Haru for me with your degenerate fantasies

>> No.61027829
File: 1010 KB, 1254x719, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you remembered to be silly today?

>> No.61027849

The more of a virgin a person is, the more horny they are. (Didn't harm sleep with his viewers and made a tutorial on how to sleep with them?).

>> No.61027872

He wears a collar. The signs are all there.

>> No.61027903

Hi honeey <3! Daily reminder that I love you!

>> No.61028053

Hi Chrii! Sorry I can't do your piss kink roleplay today. I'm all out of peanut butter. :(

>> No.61028421

someone sanctify this thread

>> No.61028491

momomomomo is streaming https://www.twitch.tv/momomovt

>> No.61028569

>get update on model
>bunch of new toggles and shit
>mouth doesn't work now though
>tweak a bunch of settings
>redownload model
>get artist
>japanese isn't great, say "Mitte" ("look")
>mouth is moving


>> No.61028612
File: 549 KB, 1024x576, 1674089180502600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of picrel

>> No.61028765

Lava karaoke

>> No.61029443

Most schizo/autistic aspie GO!

>> No.61029498


>> No.61029611
File: 646 KB, 727x868, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice i'm nice

>> No.61029774

Her voice is pretty nice, but she fucks around a lot with gremlin noises so whenever I start seriously getting into her singing my immersion is broken 5 seconds later.

>> No.61029907

She has the tism, please be understanding.

>> No.61029966

You don't know him because he's irrelevant and streaming to the void

>> No.61030061

I have the opposite kind of tism, where every song I sing must be serious, until I sing Ghostbusters.

>> No.61030131

Crossdressing is the manliest thing a man can do

>> No.61030141
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>> No.61030143
File: 128 KB, 726x607, tiny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rat strim in 5

>> No.61030162

rat love <3

>> No.61030171


>> No.61030284

viewers turning into chuubas

>> No.61030416
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1500, 1697715004659275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr no cap

>> No.61030469

What is this from?

>> No.61030920
File: 48 KB, 1253x1159, sad keanu rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much to think about

>> No.61031129

Han I appreciate you, hope you have a good day

>> No.61031170

I'm not actually sad I'm just having a giggle over tiny stream, if I were really sad I would just vanish

>> No.61031247

Just wanted to let you know that you are well liked just in case you were sad <3

>> No.61031273

Thank you.

>> No.61031544
File: 121 KB, 616x406, 1671524154096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61031665

That's what I say, I'm not hurting anyone by having sex with my dog, why is everyone telling me that it's wrong and that I need to stop

>> No.61031741

That dog? Me.

>> No.61031742

pics or not real

>> No.61031828

Reminding these retards to use the thread as intended instead of turning it into unreadable trash? Yeah, sure.

>> No.61031857
File: 186 KB, 743x787, 1695607528243391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellas I love my autistic little sister

>> No.61031888

I love her like a sister or a cousin only

>> No.61032441
File: 284 KB, 1080x1080, ntr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for coming everyone it was so fun!! <3 ^^ i think ill go kms

>> No.61032536

Thank you for calling me a good boy.

>> No.61032772
File: 38 KB, 512x512, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far above your CCV is "punching above your weight class" when it comes to asking for collabs?

>> No.61032823

Viewer thread?

Ask, the worst they can do is say no

>> No.61032840

It's either Bettel from StarsEN or one of the Mahjong Soul males

>> No.61032930


>> No.61033064

I think it's Ryan from jong soul

>> No.61033091

Tiny seggs hehe

>> No.61033395

Viewer love.

>> No.61033480

yeah, with me

>> No.61033559

I posted this

>> No.61033623

>tfw too scared to ask hanabi for a one of them cute doodles
One day senpai notices me

>> No.61033814

Just wait until he post asking for chuubas and post your name

>> No.61033864

I did and they responded with "who" and i had an autistic moment where i didn't wanna say who I am ahhahahah
Yeah I will do that

>> No.61033881

Assume if he hasn't drawn you yet, he doesn't like you

>> No.61033893

I'm partial to VTubers with cute accents. What's your vtuber kink?

>> No.61033899

I feel so sorry for you but I can't laughing this such an artist mindset lmfao

>> No.61033904

>I did and they responded with "who"
he's not the kind to do that so you probably got hit by someone else, it isn't like he's the only one that posts asking for doodle requests

>> No.61033918


>> No.61033979

Someone with a deep voice but not too deep and very smooth voice desu very deep voice is fine too just don't be the fake corpse husband kind

>> No.61034023

Being from third world countries. I can save them.

>> No.61034065

Corpse's voice isn't fake. Dude has a medical condition that's literally eating away at his vocal cords.

>> No.61034077

I think I'm in love with her

>> No.61034154

By paying for their condom money? You're saving the world too, overpopulation is really bad in third world countries.

>> No.61034182

Most third world chuubas seemingly hate their own countrymen, so doubtful they have boyfriends.

>> No.61034367

>the worst they can do is say no
they can also read your message and not respond.

>> No.61034615

Sounds like you don't know what the mexican sloots are like, first pregnancy when they're 15 I tell you

>> No.61034661

We're talking about chuubas.

>> No.61034695

Are there even any mexican aspies?

>> No.61034738


>> No.61034765

I only really recall Lava being mexican but she's far from being a slut that I wanted to ask if there was anyone else

>> No.61034801

Give me your best advice for filling dead air.

>> No.61034860


>> No.61034989

The advantage of being a vtuber is that you can pretend to be a character that's not you, so yes, Lavandel is a massive slut offstream when she is no longer a vtuber
Stop trusting women, they lie as easily as breathing air

>> No.61035182

Me, I don't have an accent but I can switch to spanish and teach you Mexican slang

>> No.61035363

Me, but I'm a male so you don't know and like >>61035182 said, I don't have an accent.

>> No.61035369

every time i tell myself to give up on the romance genre, i find a chuuba who would be a perfect fit for a romance fanfic.

i am not iriya, just scared to bring it up in lava's DMs bc i feel that would make me a sexpest

>> No.61035548

just share em here instead

>> No.61035683

I want to hug you like you're a teddy bear and then suck on one of your ears like you're a teddy bear

>> No.61035741
File: 291 KB, 540x507, F3JymH3bcAAYBUi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It might not be the right time
>I might not be the right one

>> No.61035762
File: 78 KB, 988x730, F3LuLrHXoAIG-7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61035801

Stop being such a pussy. How can your oshi ever expect to love a pussy? Is she gay?

>> No.61035830

no but she's got a massive cock and loves gay sex.

>> No.61036022

What aspie is pro mint chocolate?

>> No.61036152
File: 1.10 MB, 1344x768, thumb02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The advice I got were great so I wanted to record something else kero! Any and all feedback appreciated!

>> No.61036215


>> No.61036334

Only watched a minute so far, but you took a lot of the advice to heart obviously and you've made an incredibly improvement in your voice.

>> No.61036358
File: 5 KB, 457x111, freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm free.

>> No.61036425

You must learn to tap into your stream of consciousness. I don't care how nonsense the thought might be, give voice to it and roll from there.
That said, what you should try to avoid doing is using filler words ("like," "um," "uh," etc.), at least when it can be helped. I'd rather you take a few seconds to find the next word you're looking for than to throw filler words in just to avoid dead air.

>> No.61036426

Oh I meant like people who try to fake Thier voice to copy him it pretty common that it annoys and I feel bad for corpses

>> No.61036434


>> No.61036500

I'll return that hug with one of my own
I'll run my tongue along your neck when you least expect it

>> No.61036549
File: 11 KB, 128x128, 5131-frog-happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I'm glad you like the improvement! It's a bit awkward listening to myself doing this voice while editing but I guess I'll get used to it! It was a lot of fun desu!

>> No.61036608

Wrote down on a note or something you have to talk about and go on rant when you just feel like there going to be a dead air like "oh yeah today I just do something crazy..." Hope it help even if it not the best advice

>> No.61036940

Love that song, Daft Punk!

>> No.61036951
File: 1.12 MB, 969x929, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live, doing nothing

>> No.61037112

You can share them here, Lava has talked about loving all kinds of fanart

>> No.61037332

create macheens create macheens create macheens

macheens create

>> No.61037566


Just letting you know I never gave the mods an ultimatium, you got banned because of your behavior. I just left, didn't even say anything until people started dming me about it

>> No.61037864

so why should I watch you?

>> No.61038051

Please don't.

>> No.61038073


>> No.61038105

I have a vagina

>> No.61038294

you are not nice

>> No.61038381

I want to groom a vchooba and enter their inner clique like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.61038462


>> No.61038491

You'd be better served watching anyone else during those red ocean overlap hours desu... but I'll appreciate you forever if you stop by

>> No.61038513

someone name a chuuba

>> No.61038572

>/asp/'s ace slut with a heart of gold
>deleting her OF account before launching any content
Worst timeline desu
Fansly content when?

>> No.61038735

hmm that is a good point
but do you have a good voice?

>> No.61038833


>> No.61038968

Stop being a backstabbing whore, GenesisPrism.

>> No.61039049

>random viewers keep asking to play with me
>none of them are streamers that I can collab and network with, just filthy worthless viewers

>> No.61039160

Maybe stop shittalking your viewers behind their backs, taking screenshots and posting it to peoples dm's and discords

Why are you even a vtuber if you unironically hate your viewers, find a different hobby3

>> No.61039177

Based, viewer HATE!!

>> No.61039253

i'm not coco i'm just a recovering addict. who cumtributed coco during my relapse.

>> No.61039305

miyu also has an OF but she also never posted any content.

>> No.61039348

Its pretty obvious you're talking to a user not a producer anon.

>> No.61039658

Are you talking about gumpai or denpa? It sounds like something either one of them would do

>> No.61039785


>> No.61039929

I've played with multiple chuubas as a viewer. Skill issue from their part.

>> No.61040458

My brother whose name I'll never know

>> No.61040637

>hating your viewers
baka if you aren't in a parasocial relationship with them then are you really a chuuba?

>> No.61040929
File: 41 KB, 683x257, samegaffer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive me for remembering sloth after the fact

the coconut water really did help.

>> No.61041020

Stop avatarfagging in these threads.
Just ask your questions, we don't need to know it's you asking them.

>> No.61041218

You revealed way too much, Loine. I now know your real name!

>> No.61041290

Should I reach out to someone I feel is depressed but I'm not that close with?

>> No.61041403

The worst that can happen is that they thank you for your concern but they don't need your help. People are depressed are very hard to have them open up about their depression so don't take it personally if they don't want to talk about it.

>> No.61041446

I used to hate the sound of my voice but now I keep watching my own vods. Have I made it?

>> No.61041477

But what if one of them is a big eceleb in disguise testing you?

>> No.61041511

that big eceleb? me

>> No.61041522

thanks for posting me, anonymous poster uu

>> No.61041562

We all love you momomomomomomomo

>> No.61041585

Yes, Daiya needs help

>> No.61041586

Who's your favorite male /asp/ and who's your favorite female /asp/?
Who's one underrated /asp/ you think I should check out?

>> No.61041605

Still can't believe this is an L... You should kill your evil twin. Your fake version. Demolish her.

>> No.61041710

Dante or Sterling

>> No.61041725
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>doesn't have the tag

>> No.61041770

bruh even when I go out of my way to not watch aspies the new chuubas I watch somehow end up raiding some obscure asp from a previous gen
third time it happened this week

>> No.61041814


>> No.61041882

Merlie, Mawg, maybe even Ace... But there is many

>> No.61041959

You wouldn't believe how many versions of that tag are misspelled in the suggested options and I was too tired to check myself lol

>> No.61042073
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>> No.61042265

This is why literally all of you are more capable than 90% of the twitch channels streaming right now btw

>> No.61042597



RuadhUaCailte and KokoMelipan

>> No.61043417

I am never fucking talked about here and most of my chatters are not seen in any other aspie chats because I went and networked out of here, but I haven't done it much admittedly. I'd probably be a 0view if I hadn't, since the newer blood has already overtaken me quite quickly.

>> No.61043488
File: 494 KB, 881x844, F9Deg-GWgAA_eh6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to act up

>> No.61043577

My dream live2d artist said yes. It's going to happen in December. I'm almost too excited to go back to sleep.

>> No.61043635

Congrats, Haru

>> No.61043778

Omochi is booked out until June, can't be Haru

>> No.61044462

I’ve figured out how to network on twitter, but should I be networking elsewhere? I’m scared of discord but should probably get over it.

>> No.61044933

The thread wasn't sanctified and it shows

>> No.61045452

We are unworthy

>> No.61045712

Not me, sorry. Someone very kind I was chatting with told me I should just message him and ask instead if waiting for him to open commissions, I just haven't found a moment to yet. Hopefully there's good news!

>> No.61046322

Somewhere along the way it turned into /wvt/. Everyone in this thread must be purged

>> No.61046694

This place was always destined to be /wvt/-lite

>> No.61046767

How did it avoid becoming that earlier?

>> No.61046959
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>> No.61046966

Not many chuubas from /here/ in the wild early on, some chuubas attracted quite the attention to this place

>> No.61047033

it never did
the thread always had overlap between the two threads and it only became more like that now that viewers have been posting here.
honestly with the mix of viewers and chuubas posting here it feels more remniscent of early 2021 wvt where everyone knew each other and the thread talked about collabs and community streams

>> No.61047275
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1333, american mcgees alice edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone still breathes in Wonderland, so Alice's work isn't over. Her knife drips with blood, but her thirst is far from being sated.
We play American McGee's Alice again.


>> No.61047475

Can’t make it but cool art!

>> No.61048081

so when will everything crumble? I don't go to /wvt/ but apparently it's a shitshow now? will this place turn out like that?

>> No.61048316

When streamers stop posting here and it becomes just viewers circlejerking the same few chuubas, that's when it'll become a shitshow.

>> No.61048456

So it already did.

>> No.61048529

if it's an inevitability then that's unfortunate, but chuubas outnumber viewers here by a lot (you can probably count the non-aspiring viewers on one hand), so maybe we're still good for now

>> No.61048630

Will never happen, new aspies will continue to roll in displacing the old ones.
This thread has always worked on cycles but I do agree that this particular cycle is shit.

>> No.61048791

The problem is that the viewer thread is garbage so there's no incentive to discuss the new channels there or for the channels to want to be discussed there and because they're not discussed there there's also nowhere else to do so.

Its a Catch22 that hurts actual viewers while also drawing in the usual crowd of schizos, discord drama and the like.

>> No.61048805

I can't do it, Mond's voice filters me. She doesn't need me to be successful though.

>> No.61048871

You should have expected the uwu when you saw the model

>> No.61048910

the difference between asp and wvt is that new aspies keep rolling in as old ones leave
the thing about /wvt/ is that their period of having homegrown chuubas really stopped around the time /asp/ got active, and there was a lot of tribalism between who came from where. at the same time though, new selfposting chuubas in /wvt/ were rare, and schizos spammed the threads nonstop causing more and more chuubas to leave.
the way for /asp/ to avoid this fate is for the thread to be louder than the schizoposters. if there's regular conversation about chuubas, and chuubas aren't driven away from selfposting, then discussions can drown out the schizos.
/asp/ also has the benefit of being a place for chuubas to talk primarily, as opposed to /wvt/ being a place for viewers primariy
/wvt/ is more or less gone... a few viewers hold down the fort but it's a shell of the community it once was, with most chuubas and viewers branching out to different communities and servers.

>> No.61048960

>new aspies will continue to roll in displacing the old ones.
This is what the /wvt/ refugees refuse to understand

>> No.61049332

Well, that is true if this place doesn't go through this cycle: >>61048910

>> No.61049357

Any aspies that play OverWatch?

>> No.61049416

As in, have played it or do so regularly? Most probably fall into the former, very few in the latter. Really don't remember seeing anyone but Kankuro actually stream it.

>> No.61049447

Haru played it one time and seemed like he had a really good time.

>> No.61050113
File: 21 KB, 1152x648, 20231022_144332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting in 15! Karaoke time, finally, for real.

>> No.61050225

we have tribalism here
the denpa vs gumpai drama, both girls have an army of simps, those simps are viewers from here, external viewers and even other /asp/ies
both girls have communities, they are not /asp/ies anymore, they should go to /wvt/
this is the "Aspiring Vtubers and Startups" thread, we help/discuss new people who want to be vtubers, people who started streaming and people who are 0view
yes, we have some schizos, drama, circlejerk but keep it /asp/ie related, because not everything is perfect
we have bad threads, but we have good threads, and on both we can keep a conversation (yes, even in bad threads)
and that thing is what differentiate us from /wvt/
the moment somebody mentions denpa or gumpai, derail all the thread because both girls, unironically, had networking with all /asp/ and turn this into a tribalistic /wvt/ style civil war, both girls are too big to /asp/

>> No.61050412

>army of simps
>civil war
there's like two schizos who argue about them here and no one else cares

>> No.61050597

they should go to /wvt/

>> No.61050664

He's kinda right, it's like an all out war in here

>> No.61050821

Two retards posting off cooldown does not a war make.

>> No.61050822

where are the bakers when you need them

>> No.61050825
File: 374 KB, 712x801, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to stream all day but i can't aiieeeeeee

>> No.61050866

I'm actually baking pan dulce right now, sorry bro

>> No.61050892

>pan dulce
what the fuck they look so tasty let me have some

>> No.61050895

I'll bake when I'm less sleepy...

>> No.61050989

>denpa vs gumpai

>> No.61051051

I have had so many ideas, but this place seems reluctant to try anything harder than "just stream lol" or similar...

>> No.61051080



>> No.61051153



>> No.61051172

maybe express those ideas first

>> No.61051192

Buy a panettone, it's close enough
