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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61010331 No.61010331 [Reply] [Original]

Main stars of Holo EN. Everyone else is just a side character.

>> No.61010397


>> No.61010450

Let me know when they actually do something because in their two years of existence they’ve ridden the coat tails of Myth and ID

>> No.61010496

Well, yes.

>> No.61010564


>> No.61010615
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>> No.61010651

Not side character. Former character.

>> No.61010699

>and ID
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Funniest shit I saw on this board lately. Thanks.

>> No.61010705

>Fauna demanding that Bae not do that shit where she plays as a male
Unicorn is pleased.

>> No.61010717
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>> No.61011468

gura is like the mascot animal that you associate with the anime, but isnt one of the protagonists due to their screen time. The rest are the friends of the main cast introduce halfway through the first season, and have recurring roles, but still aren't the "main" group. You may have a favorite in one of the side characters that are your "best girl," but you still acknowledge they're not the focus of the story.

>> No.61012570

Why the sudden Gura essay ?

>> No.61012742

Holo vs Holo nijigraduations deflection thread

>> No.61012755

gura was in one sentence, adhdchama...

>> No.61013214

myth fall off is so sad....

>> No.61013482

>anything i don't like on the catalog is a <something> deflection thread
kill yourself you npc mongoloid. learn some new buzzwords.

>> No.61022143

now you got it

>> No.61022420

I legit forgot Kronii was in the collab at the end. She barely said anything until she commented on Aussie school being similar to Canada's

>> No.61022490

Get new material other than Holo vs Holo

>> No.61022501

Ame still has more streaming hours than multiple promise members and she hardly streams.

>> No.61022558
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>> No.61022583
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You mean Hololive is the main star of vtubing and everyone else is just a side character. Reminder that Gura won vtuber of the year rumao.

>> No.61022630

This stream was a lot of fun. I like cute girls being silly and having fun.

>> No.61023236

>Stars of EN
>Post women
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.61023863

I forget Mumei even exists all the time, honestly.

>> No.61023964

How? she's the most popular EN now that Gura is gone

>> No.61024944
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>> No.61025040

I remember because she cost them the first 2 matches.

>> No.61025180

>Post the one who makes jokes about sucking dicks.
The Holosanji merger is complete.

>> No.61025294

main stars are not determined by screen time.

>> No.61025358

FWMC were botted by the numbers thread.

>> No.61025583

Weird how no one ever seems to have anything interesting to say about her.

>> No.61025709


>> No.61026285

i thought /vt/ hated council? are we loving them to try and be contrarians this week?

>> No.61026601

>it’s ok when Mumei does it

>> No.61026627

she's a better shitposter than she is a streamer.

>> No.61027007


>> No.61027033

you're missing your confused gura anon

>> No.61027098

This feels like deadbeat deflection for her botted streams.

>> No.61027125

Highest CCV amongst 5
Most supperchatted amongst 5
Soon to be the most subs amongst 5

>> No.61027141
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I love these girls so much
They always had good chemistry as a group but their collabs over the past 6 months have been especially amazing
Promise gives us consistent high quality CGDCT content

>> No.61027196


>> No.61027250

golden gen of holoen

>> No.61027350

>council didnt do well as expected
The fact that unrealistic expectations had been put on this gen, along with being burdened by omega levels of managerial retardation, allowed these girls to form a bond above what myth and advent have, which i suppose is an achievement in itself

>> No.61027420

CouncilRyS/Promise have been hard carrying the EN branch this entire year
Myth is a sad shell of its former self
Advent had a strong start but they can only hope to be as good as Promise in the long run

>> No.61027500

All they need to do is kick out Kronii, and it would be perfect.

>> No.61027782

>Zoomer whore
>Pretentious whore
>Literal whore
>Homo cocksleeve

Nice unit you got there.

>> No.61027928

Irystacrats still seething that Kronii called IRyS a dog

>> No.61027958

Sure, IRyS is a dog, but Kronii is a whore. Don't like either, but everyone knows who is by far worse.

>> No.61028341

yeah, I hate dogs.

>> No.61028377

>i thought /vt/ hated council
The Myth boomers of /hlgg/ island are not representative of /vt/

>> No.61028418

BAU BAU faggot

>> No.61028436

Mhm! You tell em sister!

>> No.61028721
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Seethe more, whore ATM.

>> No.61029274

What's funny is IRyS was the latest one to collab with homos.

>> No.61029406

If that counts as a homo collab then it's not even her first one because she played apex against males around debut

>> No.61029434

Post timestamp of her interacting with 1 (one) homo.

>> No.61029549

stopped reading at the first word

>> No.61029807

Bae is the one that streams the most and kroni...

>> No.61029838

Fuwamoco and bijou have streamed more than irys mumei and kroni this year
And they are there for 3 months

>> No.61030018

The guy entered their vc to say thank you. She talks about showing her nails to sound engineer. Talks about going to have dinner with manager kun and plays games with her rigger
Also this

>> No.61030104

She was fucking useless

>> No.61030373

But they SHOULD be streaming more. What are you even doing as a vtuber in a huge company if you are not using your debut buff? Dumb comparison. Both Mumei and Irys had health issues and Irys had a sick family member that she needed to take care of. Watch streams instead of clips.

>> No.61030413

Replace Kronii and Bae with Biboo and FWMC and you've got it.

>> No.61030862

>Remove Bae
>Entire gen collapses
I don't think these people even watch streams and just want to larp as unicorns

>> No.61030874

They're the forgettable middle gen that functioned only as an interlude between the real heavy hitters of Myth and Advent

>> No.61031046

>Catalogue shitters don't watch streams
Who'd've thunk?

>> No.61031427

>Myth is a shell of it's former self because half it's members don't stream
>But 4/5ths of Myth and 2/5th of Advent (despite having started 6 months later than everyone else) streaming more hours than 2/5ths Promise doesn't count because "They should be"
I'm sure they sounded better your head

>> No.61031500

Nothing to do with males, defensive anon. I'm not saying any girl is a bad streamer - this thread is about the main stars of EN, about the audience's perception. Who holds the group together emotionally is irrelevant for that.

>> No.61031596

Having half of your members drop participation entirely is way more impactful than an average decrease across the whole group.

>> No.61031654

In that case, Kronii still ranks above Fauna.

>> No.61031840
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Irys isn't anywhere near council she's just a pity addition. Otherwise they're pretty great.

>> No.61031843

>Having half of your members drop participation entirely is way more impactful than an average decrease
Expect in this scenario 4/5ths of Myth streams more than 2/5ths of Promise so they're at 4 to 3 advantage

>> No.61032252

only if you count from the start of the year
Like I said, it makes a much bigger impression when you go from streaming some of the time to streaming none of the time.

>> No.61032422

IRyS is amazing and has great chemistry with almost everyone. If that is a "pity" addition then I don't know what to say...

>> No.61033062

omg so true sis!

>> No.61033667
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