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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61007161 No.61007161 [Reply] [Original]

>flash back to 2019
>first big NijiID Vtuber
>first big EN Vtuber
>but feel isolated from your genmates due to your standout success
>purposely debuff yourself for years, never speaking English, playing boring games, and streaming at intentionally SEA-focused times to filter your audience back down
>it works, and now you can finally collab with your coworkers again as equals

>flash forward to 2023
>NijiID has long since dissolved
>ID talents were “integrated” into the main branch, but now they feel even more isolated, getting basically zero support, even less than NijiEN
>all your coworkers are graduating left and right
>you feel even more alone than ever before
>and it’s all your fault
>if only you had capitalized on your success years ago
>if only you tried to introduce your EN audience to your coworkers back when you still had one
>if only you’d taught them some fucking English so more than 20 viewers would be able to understand what they were saying
>but you didn’t, and now all your old “friends” are getting fired because of your inaction, and they all blame you
What do you think is going through her head right now?

>> No.61007365

Hana is not a real shitdonesian therefore your post is invalid

>> No.61007455

>your success
kek, just do a few collabs with daddy, career restored.

>> No.61007656

>Debuff yourself
Why would that be a good thing long-term? Is she retarded?

>> No.61007767

>and they all blame you
I dont think any of them do. If hana had her 3d and pandered to EN, the rest of the IDonly would still have been culled. Maybe mika could have been saved but this requires additional miracles where nijiEN doesnt also collapse.

>> No.61007812

>if only you tried to introduce your EN audience to your coworkers back when you still had one
Won't change anything. They're boring af

>> No.61008349

Imagine being Mika and getting called a terrible leech for actually giving a shit and growing your audience

>> No.61009340

>and it’s all your fault
all of thing happening to her, is her own decision, true
>if only you tried to introduce your EN audience to your coworkers back when you still had one
she tried, all of nijiid new debuts always asked hana to collabs to promote themselves, but thats it, most of her branchmate are spoiled lazy retards who blame the company instead working their own success story, refused to interact with other chubbas even indies, creating their own weak little bubble, hana cant carry the branch alone, there is mika, siska and bonnie who tried to break the wall but they got hatred by their so called elite but weak fanbase.

>> No.61011124

What is this subhuman cope that its all her fault? You are implying that her branchmates ever had a viewship when she was in her peak which was never true. The only reason why she had a following to begin with was because she spoke english and none of the others did

>> No.61012214

All of holoID benefitted a lot from moona's sudden popularity and kobo.
Hana was LITERALLY the most popular English speaking vtuber around early 2020. And she flushed it all down the toilet because she just HAD to antagonize gachikoi.

>> No.61013907

he is probably a newfag, don't bother. they don't know how important hana was before myth. her and coco bridged jp corpos with en audiences

>> No.61014106

Yes, Hana did. Not NijiID

>> No.61014534
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I'm always wondering
what would've happened if she did the thing
she IS pretty good and all

>> No.61014643

ollie was made to pander to en, she did good too, but too bad en audience never stay

>> No.61014815

what? rendezook?

>> No.61014825

There's a difference.
HoloID wanted big numbers. Niji ID didn't and got mad at Hana for having big numbers. She's stated several times on member's streams that the rest of ID wouldn't speak to her until she culled her numbers.
Same thing happened to Mika. She got popular and Niji ID didn't want anything to do with her.

>> No.61015040

I remember in one of her many menhera unarchived streams in the summer of 2020, she would talk about how she has no friends in NijiID.

>> No.61015292

They went to Kaela

>> No.61015506

Unironically the second she started to get popular the rest of ID started ghosting her and wouldn't respond to her invites for collabs or host her on their channels.

People talk a lot about how bad Nijisanji treated ID but ID themselves treated each other like ass the second one of them became popular. The few left probably want to be popular but the damage has been done.

>> No.61017500

maybe some of them, but most of it gone before gen3, some people still dropped by to send sc, people back to work post memeflu era.

>> No.61017744

That sounds incredibly fucking retarded

>> No.61017795

ID always wanted to be a small indie group that just happened to be part of a corpo, the reason they hated the merge so much was because they felt like they lost their safety net and everyone was expecting them to start trying for real now, which is why so many of them did streams talking about future plans and other shit that didn't last a week before they all just agreed on leaving

>> No.61017851

She really could have been huge. She was in the algorithm, getting recommended to everyone and she squandered it. So many potential talents do this. Dumbasses like Filian got to where they are by spamming shorts and stupid clipbait, why is it such a hard formula for others to immitate?

>> No.61018036

Her heart was in the right place but the decision was ignorant, Even if you can only get 10% of your base to support someone else that's a huge boost If the largest Virtual streamers on YT and Twitch directed their fanbase towards a literal one view and a few of them bothered to stay that would be GIGANTIC.

It would've sucked to be pulled further away sure but that would still be in the best interest of the others in her branch, the main problem I see in Niji rather malicious or not is this every man for himself mentality, once someone hits it big they kinda go lone wolf and don't try to pull up wavemates or branchmates that are struggling.

>> No.61018050

Sometimes I wonder if YouTube exclusive vtubers feel some sort of elitism on their content, avoiding shorts and other stuff already confirmed to help with the algorithm, because when I look to twitch vtubers they're often doing shit like subathons and donation goals all the fucking time

>> No.61018372

Hana and reddit dragon were the turnijg point for EN vtubing. Look at them now lol

>> No.61018674

can she pull back and get into the algorithm again?

>> No.61018852

>getting fired
They werent terminated
>checks the time
of course SEA hates SEA

>> No.61018958

>>but feel isolated from your genmates due to your standout success
>>purposely debuff yourself for years, never speaking English, playing boring games, and streaming at intentionally SEA-focused times to filter your audience back down
>>it works, and now you can finally collab with your coworkers again as equals
Indogs rewriting history.

NijiID was basically welfare for lazy third indonesians, someone like reza avanluna with his audience of 13 people didn't want to grow because he was already getting a decent salary because nijiid had a different payment structure compared to the main branch (le 2%).

Hana was pressured into falling down into the slums with people like reza, bonbon and mika and layla because of the crab bucket mentality where they refused to work with anyone who was making it out of the nijid ghetto.

NijiIN was cut specifically because of this failure to grow, NijiID only lasted as long as it did because Tokyo thought Hana could be a breakout star.

Bonnivier saw his audience grow from 30 people to 300 people (not much but big compared to all the other failures) from collabs with the larger NijiEN branch and Selen, which caused him to become shunned by the losers who didn't want to grow and didn't want anyone else to grow which is why bonny stopped streaming much at all in 2022 up to the present.

Mika saw Mysterio and his mysterious package between his legs as the way out of normal indo poverty and got to 'it', her CCV growing to 1100 from becoming "honorary EN" for 18 months. Before she started to be a hyper pseudo-EN streamer she was a depressed 'chill' girl streaming to all of 50 people.

NijiID, in particular the members who didn't want to grow, were the ones who killed their own branch by being lazy fuckup retards. The ones who wanted to grow did and left the rest of them behind. That's all it ever was.

>> No.61019249

She was a leech. I remember how her personality did a 180 from quiet and and low energy to hyper and crazy to hoover up that NijiEN audience. But you respect the hustle.

>> No.61019461

>I don't know anything
Here you go
I summed up all your text in four words

>> No.61020265

Short answer yes. Maybe she had impostor syndrome. She was one the very early English speaking vtuber from a big corpo. Months before Coco. She had tons of clippers, numbers and hype around her. But then she started not streaming, having her father on stream to spout his political views, playing debuff games and refusing to speak English. Got offered a 3D debut super early but declined it because she wanted to 3D debut with her genmates. She could have taken all that hype around her and tried to spread it to her ID coworkers. A few of them spoke well enough English that it would have honestly probably worked. Back then the vtuber scene didn't really have a lot of English speakers and the western scene really really wanted some. She not only sabotaged herself but the people around her. Mika was smart enough to figure out early and her numbers compared to other Niji ID showed. Imagine how different the scene would have been if it had been Mika instead of Hana early on??

>> No.61025195

>Imagine being Hana Macchia
At this point Id rather not

>> No.61025346
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>but feel isolated from your genmates due to your standout success
she and the others actively encouraged small numbers

>> No.61025403

She deserved to fail for being such a prude over gachikoi.

>> No.61025927

>ID cosplayer
its melted and just drama left and right

>> No.61026181

She should go the KR route and fully commit to JP. It is not like she has a place in the EN community and there isn't much growth for her there to make and ID fans are the biggest numberfagging tribalists refusing to watch anything that isn't blue dorito brand or something that has low numbers. So sticking to JP and trying to make some friends there would be for her best.
Or maybe just graduate idk lol

>> No.61026417

>not like she has a place in the EN community
Selen handed her a spot as commentator on the puyopuyo tournament, and she did fuck all with it. Barely spoke, had no followup before or after the tourney, or even tried to join in on NijiEN antics.
She's basically the person that wants to win the mega millions lottery, but won't even buy a lottery ticket

>> No.61026536 [DELETED] 

>well paid
Nijinigger lies. The black company would never pay them well.

>> No.61027338

I honestly don't get why she hasn't left yet, it's not like she's trying to grow either

>> No.61027607

This bitch even had fucking MICK GORDON in her chat at one point and she fucking fumbled really hard

>> No.61027654

Yeah faggot bootlickers have been parroting and reposting that one screencap nonstop

>> No.61027826

So on top of hana handling it in a retarded way, rest of nijiid were actual retards that because of jealousy or something worse bullied her into irrelevance compliance?

>> No.61027875

>Imagine how different the scene would have been if it had been Mika instead of Hana early on??
That's one of the greatest 'what ifs' of vtubing if ID had someone who was willing to say fuck off to the clique and carry everyone who wanted it on her back.

>> No.61030813

>What do you think is going through her head right now?

>> No.61031079

She could've been Doom Girl...

>> No.61032590
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Yep. Niji ID was a shithole full of people like Reza who milked the fuck out of it while not maintaining more than 50 viewers half the time. Azura was pretty much a vtweeter and didn't even stream that often but would complain that people followed her on Twitter and didn't subscribe to her channel. When she graduated she talked about how she blamed en for taking away from ID but in reality ID were incredibly spoiled for being as unsuccessful as they were.
Bobon found success, IDs stopped talking to him,
Hana found success, IDs stopped talking to her.
Mika found success, IDs stopped talking to her.

Every single time. It's not to say that they all were awful but Hana herself said that being around other IDs post merger was one of the most depressing things she could put herself through because they were full of negativity.
Here's Rezas graduation statement though.

Niji ID unironically deserved to be absorbed years ago

>> No.61032868

Funny thing, Kaela hinted during her 3D post talk that she really wants to focus on her ID audience because she feels she focuses on the EN side more. If she were to do that, the fickle as fuck en audience would leave.

>> No.61032882


>> No.61032901

Honestly kaela streams enough that she might be able to support both audiences.

>> No.61033262

Timestamp? I don't remember her saying this

>> No.61033359

To be fair though, Mika is not milking this graduation much at all from what I have seen. She has made it 100% clear she is only leaving because she doesn't think Nijisanji can help grow her audience anymore with the current ex-ID treatment and isn't really hiding she will continue somewhere else. No sob stories about how she needs to leave for perosnal reasons and how much she will miss the Niji shithole she was left in.

>> No.61033516

She doesn't really have to, from the moment mysta fucked off to Vshojo everyone was expecting her to follow

>> No.61034796

I'll never forget the time she complained about being half-white.

>> No.61035100

>first big EN Vtuber
That's Natsumi Moe, who is now in HoloEN.

>> No.61035480

>What do you think is going through her head right now?
should've joined the main branch sooner or not been a menhera retard
NijiID was always some weird crab bucket between the fans and the livers themselves. it's like if /jp/ were successful in gatekeeping 2019/2020fags but an entire region.

>> No.61035800

Certainly explains why Hana is still staying, she's even getting a single soon and has her 3D.
Must really sucks to blow up like that and be bullied into irrelevance by jealous assholes.

>> No.61035849

KR is flourishing like never before, she should 100% go that route, that said she still speaks 95% english in her streams, I think she's aware that her remaining audience is EN at this point.

>> No.61035881

She did nothing to improver her station. I remember her collab with Pikamee when she was still a nobody and then Pikamee kept grinding and eclipsed Hana

>> No.61036067

You can blame the entire NijiID audience too for that whole "Indonesian VTubers should speak Indonesian" shit, even goes as far as attacking Hololive members (Moona, Ollie, Reine) for the same shit.
After that debacle, the audience splitted and there are close to no tangent between NijiID and HoloID audience after that.
This IMO, is the real killer. Nothing kills a small community more than people going at each other's throat for something that shouldn't even be a problem to begin with.

>> No.61036309

Ollies rant about that still makes me diamonds.

>> No.61036325

I remember Ollie got fucking pissed at one of her viewers for that

>> No.61036397

still remember EN was just Hana , Pikemee and Coco

>> No.61036437
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She also had the worst outfit reveal of all time. What the fuck were they thinking when they gave this the OK?

>> No.61037563

Like monkeys in a barrel....

>> No.61037823

>Bobon found success, IDs stopped talking to him,
>Hana found success, IDs stopped talking to her.
>Mika found success, IDs stopped talking to her.

>> No.61037830

arknight headass

>> No.61037952

No fucking way this is real

>> No.61038068

The 3 of them found success by appealing to EOPs, which offended the rest, who believe in "Indonesian VTubers should speak Indonesian"

>> No.61039198

>who believe in "Indonesian VTubers should speak Indonesian"
always dumb to limit yourself to that

>> No.61041001
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>A single person in a group is a break out star
>It is now the duty of this single person to prop everyone else up
I do not understand this train of thought. This shit happens all the time with actors in old sitcoms and movies, the show is meant to be something X character but a co-star winds up being the most popular.
At what point does accountability set in for the rest of NijiID, when it does being Hana's fault, and not their fault for doing enough for themselves.

>> No.61041788

She lost half her fans when she bellied up to Nijisanji management to ban her father from streaming with her.

Only reason I knew who she was was due to Papamachia's collab clips.

>> No.61041875

>can you get another break when the market is saturated with EN chuubas

>> No.61042622

>The ones who wanted to grow did and left the rest of them behind.
Let me preface this by saying Mika absolutely did the smart move and pandering to get the bag is fine.
That said, I wonder if this is why other NijiID members hated anyone who inclined too much. Because that means they probably got noticed by overseas fans and so are likely to change their streaming times, the language they stream in, etc.
In other words, imagine all the fan backlash Ollie got, but instead of lashing out at them and saying the quiet part out loud (“why tf would I stream in Indo if I have westerners with more money watching me”), they listened to the faggots who got mad at this prospect and formed a clique.
I mean, not every Indonesian vtuber can get popular with EOPs and break out of the box, not least because not all of them are fluent in English. Of course some of them might be jealous/hate the idea of their comfy branch becoming another EN. Even if that’s what ultimately killed them.

>> No.61043014

looks fine to be honest

>> No.61043203

Is it like this with EN or even JP?

>> No.61043208

It's all about the exchange rate and cost of living. A $10 USD dono is worth a lot there because the local currency isn't valued very high, it's probably why several of the graduated members that managed to get English viewers that followed her like Nara have continued to stream in English after her graduation.

>> No.61043221
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As an EoP burger I don't think I would have ever bat an eye at the ID chuuba scene or even SEA culture in general if Reine wasn't the perfect storm of English use, stream times that generally don't overlap with my oshi, and a passion for spreading ID culture to other Holomems. It's a shame hearing them be so averse to EN.

>> No.61044625

That's just an arknights inspired outfit

>> No.61045713

Am I crazy or do they all speak WAY more ID since Kobo showed up

>> No.61047217
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Hana is an idiot who squandered her success, but at least she was right that one time.

>> No.61047573

The issue with Hana is not that she failed to elevate NijiID into success, but that she didn't even try to and did everything she could to squander what she had for what are ultimately selfish reasons. This is why she's so relentlessly mocked here. After all, Mika too had a breakout success of her own far superior to Hana's at her height, and nobody is blaming her for not turning NijiID into a force to reckon with because she didn't throw it all away because being popular is scary

>> No.61048259

>limit yourself to an irrelevent dead language
>stay stuck in 2 view hell
>somehow this is the fault of english speakers
If true, these seamonkeys deserved to fail. Pure crab bucket retardation.

>> No.61048535

god I hate gacha techwear shit

>> No.61049995

tl;dr for this whole thread and situation:
All the memes and shitposting you've heard about NijiEN are unironically true for NijiID. Cliques, backstabbing, numberfaggotry, shitty management, and all.

>> No.61050462

Ollie lost viewers because she pandered to zoomer retards.
Risu pandered to older viewers and she now has around 1200 viewers that will tune in to all her streams.
Ollie's mistake was sucling up to E-celebs. Only underage retards are into that shit.

>> No.61050526

this was a good thread, learned a bit. i'd known for a while that Hana didnt want to grow (and her excuse for this was college iirc), but this is the first time i heard the Niji ID behind-the-scenes bullshit. i always wondered what the landscape of EN would have been if it grew with Pikamee, Coco, and Hana at the core, but i guess it wasn't meant to be. i miss the pikamee&hana animal crossing era. simpler times

>> No.61050774

Kobo did spark an uptick in ID speak, especially from Reine because there was a time where Kobo would just drop into her place. Multiple streams were interrupted by this.

>> No.61050940

Anon. They're probably true for nijiEN too.
They were true for nijiKR and partially true for nijiJP. Hell NijiKR's situation was absolutely insane.
Nijisanji management let's the insane run the asylum and fosters and environment where their vtubers start backstabbing each other for clout.

>> No.61051376

And I fucking hate it.

>> No.61051785
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>The popular ID's barely collab with other ID's
Even if I thought most of these posts here are rrats, that alone makes me think its all true.

>> No.61056468

and she's flopping

>> No.61056684

I understand EN is the one bringing the money, and English allow her to connect with wider Hololive network, but feeling alienated in your own country is real.
If you're ID tuber that refuse to do Indonesian stream, you literally single out yourself and no one else to blame.
This is true, she could easily do BOTH timezones with her ailments. Do more streams a day but make each one shorter, some for Indonesian, some for EN, and maybe some Jap stream here and there. Kaela could cover all the bases if she could manage her autism.

>> No.61056797

you don't know shit about nijiID, are you..?

>> No.61056946
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I didn't even know Reine spoke English for the longest time. Kaela's kimono was what snagged me.

>> No.61058210

Debut Reine had no clue she'd be using so much English either.

>> No.61058668

You can say whatever you want, she had the time and opportunity to try and help elevate ID but instead decided to dick around. Hana was the flagship of ID, it was her at the front who should have acted as the role model.
ID needed her as leader to survive but she just sat on her ass and brought down everyone with her.

You know its true. Dont fucking deny it.
Niji as a corp may have pulled the trigger but Hana loaded the bullet. Hope this bitch is proud of herself.

>> No.61065984

All I'm reading here is that she never wanted to be famous. If her family is okay with supporting her activities, then so be it.

>> No.61066923

I think the notion that Hana could have saved herself and/or her friends if she tried is pure cope.

>> No.61068118

He (and Taka, also Miyu) have a well-paying day job that let them to invest in their streaming equipment, but in the end, they're trying to tackle this problem with hobby mentality, it didn't end up well (still mentally exhausting), and decided to quit streaming as Niji and suck it up on the day job. Now the question is, why quit if they still have the passion? Well, aside from aforementioned reason, it also boils down to their own personal reason (Reza had this autistic mentality when it comes to copyrights and things, causing him unable to publish his music properly; Taka just got promoted into a higher position in his day job, effectively draining his attention; Miyu and his mother complex after his father passing, and also the fact that come to accept her fate as her family breadwinner). Now, if you're a SEAmonkey with above average day job that pays well, even enables you to dabbles in expensive hobby, would you rather risk it all on said hobby, hoping to make it big and do creative work from there, or just play it safe and suck it up in the day job, as bad as it is?

>> No.61071661

Just wanted to tell you good job on the double dubs.

>> No.61075343

Why act so petty then? Why act like it was all anycolors fault

>> No.61078035

I mean, what I've described in here >>61068118 is just from the talents perspective, but you can't deny that management also has a role in pushing the growth of the talents, which is to say, that during the time of ID management, they probably reluctant to do so, while JP management is so passive about it, even with their golden goose, which was Mika at that point. Heck, in the end Mika is graduating, and I can't help but blame the management on that.

Now on the issue of pettiness (and crab mentality), sure there may be some things involved behind the screen, but ultimately all of the things posted in this are mostly exaggerated rrats that you'll never see the receipts (except the few leaked mengen streams, especially by Hana, but I'll incline to believe that's just her having a wahmen moment)

>> No.61078402

Mika left to join her buddies, no way they didn't sign on without guaranteeing she comes along as well, Mika's got TONS of twitch connections outside of them to.

>> No.61078849

That's why I can't blame Mika there, because it's the management job to keep the talents interests aligned with company interests. In the end, the company can't do that, and all of the talents, regardless their attitude towards the company, will leave. It's not a one-sided issue. Yes, some of the talents are lazy, but on the other hand, the management is also at fault for not whipping them to shape (or provide a better benefit to make talents stay rather than leave)

>> No.61078882

No no no, he speaks absolute facts here
I remember this because one of them said it like this
>NijiID is a small pond yes, but it's our pond
>Main branch may be a bigger pond but it's not ours anymore
They never cared about taking chances to be successful in the main branch unlike the KRs, they only cared in stealing anycolor resources for their selfishness

>> No.61080421

>stealing anycolor resources
good, anycolor deserves to be drained of its resources if it cant even properly use it and just steals money from those that work for them.
my boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, thats why i shit on company time.

>> No.61083733

Mad because bad

>> No.61083809

>a dime
What company do you work for where you earn 10% of your boss's salary and how do I join?

>> No.61084156

>What do you think is going through her head right now?
anal sex

>> No.61084300

Yah, the constant no streaming and then political talk just erked me, then she started going after clippers and specifically called one of them out one day basically trashing her rep. If you have something good capitalize it and feed it back. Hindsight is 20 20 tho so whats done is done.

>> No.61084320

Hay you never know, weirder shit has happened. If Rick Astley can restart his career from just one old meme why can't anyone else?

>> No.61084524

Labeling a field is just as bad so she's basically calling herself out about the time i dropped her anyways.

>> No.61085014

That’s a severe downgrade

>> No.61085229
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>"Indonesian VTubers should speak Indonesian"
Indo here.
I will never understand retards with this mindset.
Because, anime girls talking in indonesian girls make me uncomfortable.
My guess is; these retards only watch anime with indonesian dub and think it's the best thing ever, basically ironic anime fans, that's why they are so few.

>> No.61085329


>> No.61085461

literally more reason for her self-sabotage
>Be Hana
>Not indo
>speaks EN and JP
>joins ID branch
>your source of success is speaking english and having you EOP dad say funny things on stream
>extreme fear of being ostracized 101%

>> No.61085642

It’s probably because many of them are severely ESL and have an inferiority complex about it.

>> No.61085704

>these retards only watch anime with indonesian dub and think it's the best thing ever, basically ironic anime fans, that's why they are so few.
Are there actualky people that think like this? I find Indonesian a harsh language to listen to like chinese, it just doesn't feel as soft or pleasant to listen to compared to Japanese. I can understand people liking dubs in their native language if they grew up on it or just because they think its a fun novelty, but it's hard not to prefer JP quick.
At least thats how I feel after growing up on English dubs, maybe actors on Spanish or Italian groups do a better job.

>> No.61085754

I don't think vshojo wants mika
but she can go indie and orbit around him and Nina just like any other vshojo orbiter

>> No.61085787

yeah another indo here i agree with these.
the idea someone need to do 1 language just because u from certain branch is weird.
but lot of indonesian cant speak English aside of "yes, NO"

>> No.61086112

It's probably some weird sense of patriotism, since most youngsters here have high patriotic spirits.
Older people like me prefer sub.

>> No.61088367
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>all your old “friends” are getting fired because of your inaction, and they all blame you

>> No.61088485

>"Indonesian VTubers should speak Indonesian"
I wouldn't care about these people, because someone who is too dumb to learn english probably can't member or send superchats anyway. They aren't worth anything.

>> No.61088586

You can thank her genmates for that, it's not really Hana's fault really but that's the price she's willing to pay just to be closer with her genmate back then

>> No.61088652
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Imagine being a filthy shit-eating jungle child and suddenly becoming co-workers with a wealthy spoiled-sweet heiress and being able to crash at her place any time you want. And you get paid for it. And in the process you prove it is actually possible, if an anomaly, to succeed while speaking almost entirely Indonesian.
Meanwhile Reine my Oshi speaks a lot of English and might have the lowest average views of the Holo girls right now. She streams almost every day and still gets around a thousand viewers, and that is with the debuff of half her content being niche 60-hour mystery visual novels and the like. Part of what keeps her afloat I think is the support from more popular members both in her branch and the other branches. Basically the opposite mentality of what is described in this threat.
I guess If I was Niji, instead of wanting her talent and work to be more appreciated, I'd want her to stay smaller so I can pretend to be part of an exclusive club.

>> No.61088763

>Indonesian VTubers should speak Indonesian
this is ok
>Indonesian VTubers should speak Indonesian only
this is not ok.

>> No.61089775

>You can thank her genmates for that, it's not really Hana's fault
Was it really her genmates that's asking for her to purposefully debuff herself, or was it just her own feeling that's projected to action while putting words in her genmates words? Because I don't think ZEA or Taka would say that to her (Well, maybe Taka, but that's a whole different matter)

>> No.61089903

>>61089775 (Me)
*genmates mouth

>> No.61090298

They needed someone in NijiID like Ollie. She was the lightning bolt for ALL The hate when she had that rant about wanting to talk english to her english fans

>> No.61091252

Elaborate more on the Taka part because from what I see, it's ZEA who has fear of being popular

>> No.61091681

ZEA fear of being popular only applies in RL (she doesn't want to be identified as a popular person IRL), and I don't think she has the heart telling Hana to flop herself in order to stimulate ZEA's growth.
Taka, in the other hand, was ... how do I say it ... competitive, but for the wrong reasons. I remembered the rrat about the cold war between him and Bonni was because Bonni is more skilled than him in competitive FPS. Taka, instead of trying to grind for practice, continue loathes his present self for not skillful enough in competitive FPS. Same story with FGC or High-end Raiding in FFXIV, he has this low self-esteem that's borderline self-destructive, it's easy enough to sort of imply that it was Taka who spoke to Hana to flop herself (but then again, this was a stretch of rrats that's stemmed from observing their behavior)

>> No.61092410

>A few of them spoke well enough English that it would have honestly probably worked
It's not just about language. I've tried watching some SEA streamers and they're all living in incomprehensible conditions to me as a westerner. None of them are relatable.

>> No.61094134

>They needed someone in NijiID like Ollie.
If she did that in NijiID, management gonna shadowban her for some weeks

>> No.61095325

Honestly this. The things that make some of the Holos successful would be outright snuffed in Niji, which is ironic, considering how the narrative used to be that it was the Holos who had a super strict code to abide by. And the probably still do, but more in the sense of a company having guidelines, rather than in a prison sense like Niji.

>> No.61095868

I remember seeing a post on twitter about how most indo indies act exactly like nijiID. they are okay with small fandoms as long as it had "soul" and didnt advertise themselves enough. a lot of posts itt mention the crab bucket but I think it had to do with indonesians as a whole. maybe holoID really is the exception.

>> No.61097092

If that's the case explain holoID

>> No.61097122

Anon the whole "I'm happy with my small audience" is pure copium and you know it

>> No.61098046

There are in fact a lot of indies who are unironic nijinogs, which is why a lot of indog anons here have been trying to remove NijiID influence on local vtubers so that local industry can stop debuffing themselves and finally prosper, NijiID are nothing but absolute cancer to the growth of indochuubas

>> No.61098194
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>most indo indies
thats a problem with pretty much all indies and small corpos
take part in the event
reply to the (somewhat) bigger vtuber
bait that clip
do the current thing

>> No.61100372

>History erasure
Kek, just like their colonizer

>> No.61102361

>company having guidelines
Yeah, probably this

>> No.61102489

cope or not, it is what most of them believe and want.
not everyone in life wants to dominate and have power, otherwise everyone would be politicians.
its not going to work, its just an scapegoat for something that naturally has always been there.
look at epel, shes the ironmouse of id in terms of how long shes been around and how everyone looks up to her but shes still a small community focused person.
that sort of grinding takes a toll on even those with the strongest constitutions, imagine how those with weaker ones handle it.

>> No.61102772

By Hana's own words in a mengen, she said Zea's personality changed by the day, sometimes she was sweet and kind, others a complete bitch.

>> No.61103079

Woah, really? Would you care to elaborate what she said about ZEA?

>> No.61103653

>NijiID is a small pond, yes, but it's our pond
>Main branch may be a bigger pond but it's not ours anymore
Those are Hana's words if I remember correctly.

>> No.61104959

>Hana's words
Do any of her viewers ever asked about this words again after the merger and graduation trains, and how is her response now?

>> No.61105142
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Make it three.

>> No.61105584

she said this after graduation train

>> No.61105856

Found it, 'tis gorgeous


>> No.61107092

Idk why EOP's treat this as something based while this same vid turned Ollie into a laughing stock in indog community

>> No.61109133
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>Negative IQ subhumans that where the target of her rant didn't like being called out
Wow, shocking.

>> No.61110605

Reine is the richest woman in Hololive, she isn't your typical indog. Others aren't as extreme but they stand out too.

>> No.61110755
File: 73 KB, 1080x826, 234233324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it four.
there a reason i save this pic

>> No.61111090

It's boring, but at least it's not another (((casual pajama))) outfit.

>> No.61114349

yeah those the retard i called "cant speak english above "yes, no" vocabulary"
