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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61001399 No.61001399 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.61001588 [DELETED] 

who? i don't watch Nijisanji.

>> No.61001656
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1680425208734673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61001879

went right over your head.

>> No.61001975

Kneel before dog!

>> No.61002026

Those are Holos, you stupid fucking retard

>> No.61002033

I'm a straight white male what is this cuck chink graph supposed to represent?

>> No.61002066

>holofags accusing others of botting when they're the ones actually botting
least surprising outcome

>> No.61002162

botting, that's what holo's are known for

>> No.61002214

see >>61001879
you are true retard.

>> No.61002242

It's when someone bots a stream. Holofags post these charts whenever non-holo members hit 4 view status.

>> No.61002321

but enough about nijisanji.

>> No.61002390

are you saying you were just acting retarded?

>> No.61002398

All me baby

>> No.61002441

probably a raid, but nijifags going to say it's bots, retards.

>> No.61002453

holocucks really have no shame

>> No.61002454

everyone knows holo's heavily bot their streams, stop being retarded

>> No.61002518

i am asking why we are talking about Nijisanji, they use bots, nothing new.

>> No.61002525

Oh look, it's another episode of numberfags botting a stream with cheap bots to take screenshots

>> No.61002614

nijifags projection, many such cases.

>> No.61002682

Advent chuubas, Fuwamoco.

>> No.61002731

wipe your chin you still have some of yagoo's cum on it

>> No.61002831

numberfags actually came into our thread to tell us about it like we give a shit

>> No.61002836

Unironically why doesn't vox just bot his streams back up to 20k?

>> No.61002895

Fuwamoco bot

>> No.61002910

>Holofags post these charts whenever non-holo members hit 4 view status

Literally no one does that.

>> No.61003003

hololive more like botlive am i right fellas

>> No.61003128 [DELETED] 

>slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp
Keep sucking it fag

>> No.61003252
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>> No.61003434 [DELETED] 
File: 745 KB, 1228x686, 1697940169505987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so blalant its ridiculous
nice bots holocucks

>> No.61003484
File: 151 KB, 500x464, 1695961599251861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its really amazing how buckbroken #'s fags are

>> No.61003631

Probably nousagi did this

>> No.61003650

The board would improve if that shit thread gets deleted and numberfags banned.

>> No.61003887

No, someone has been botting already high view count holo streams recently for seemingly no reason. Mooms had a steady ~10k viewer doom stream the other day and suddenly someone botted 4k viewers for 30 minutes near the end of the stream

>> No.61004429

>raids are now bots
I hate newfags so much

>> No.61004691

These schizos made a thread called numbers to give themselves mickey mouse medals and excluded every other vtuber agency and streaming website. it's just a big circlejerk.
The thread should be nuked forever

>> No.61004745

Bruh, I was watching both streams. There was no alert of a raid. It's soem random retard who can only seem to afford 30 minutes of bots at a time since that's how long the dog's ones lasted.

>> No.61004764

what I'm hearing from this is that you're jealous you aren't allowed into the super secret club

>> No.61004941

They would just infest other threads. It'd be more productive to just delete numbers cancer outside of their containment thread. Didn't they actually try to bot the stream of some poor small corpo girl to prover that they could, only to get caught immediately after?

>> No.61004989

it's in plain sight, they literally brigade groups for viewership on top of botting. it's just sad because the concept of competitiveness is nice.

>> No.61005104

No clue what kind of meds you're on, why doesn't vox just bot his streams up too?

>> No.61005362
File: 318 KB, 1610x1081, 1682540778958555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No clue what kind of meds you're on, why doesn't vox just bot his streams up too?
ermmm eh... well you see... just
just stop noticing that hololive uses bots OK?

>> No.61005756

>eight hour stream
Are you serious?

>> No.61005760

True, although these fags already post their shit on other thread.
I would be happy if jannies just clean up numberfag threads from the catalog just as a starting point.

>> No.61005926

It happening so late and with no raids is definitely suspicious but if it were holofags botting I see no benefit to botting near the tail end of a stream. I suspect a shitposting /#/fag is toying around with viewcounts to fuck with /#/

>> No.61006144

anon? the stream is still going

>> No.61006266
File: 1.73 MB, 2960x4352, 1695302193321457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji are well known to bot holo just to win some imaginary war.

>> No.61006270


Is this the schizo thread?

>> No.61006274 [DELETED] 

Nijiniggers botted us

>> No.61006563

Based retards

>> No.61007015

>forty thousand people vanish in the lapse of 15 minutes
>then return
>then vanish again
Not botting according to you? cope and seethe BELO JOGO

>> No.61007076
File: 904 KB, 1025x749, 1674097782688693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 hour variety stream through the middle of the night

>> No.61007145

What is this cope kek nousagi are schizophrenic

>> No.61007188
File: 387 KB, 1040x590, 1689035094037731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worry about your own bots nijikek

>> No.61007205

Botting. Do you seriously think anyone in hololive actually has more than 10k regular viewers?

>> No.61007404

>pekora caught using bots
>but what about nijizhangli?
my fucking sides nousakeks

>> No.61007470
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>> No.61007779


>> No.61007882

>>pekora caught using bots

>> No.61008418


>> No.61008471

this but unironically

>> No.61008553

>someone has been botting already high view count holo streams recently for seemingly no reason
This was done in such a blatant way they might be proving that anyone can bot a stream to get a higher CCV. If some random person is capable of buying thousands of bots than the same would be possible for major vtuber corpos like Hololive and Nijisanji.

>> No.61008689

they are at 6k views now...holy botting shit.
they are deleting most post in that number thread

>> No.61009085

Jealous sapling botting "rival" channels to invalidate their view count
This is the type mental illness that brews out of browsing /#/ and being obsessed with horse races for shitposting
Pathetic subhumans

>> No.61009484

Must be a day ending in Y

>> No.61009801

They did it twice actually

>> No.61010949
File: 2.14 MB, 2960x4352, 1697942223399488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do nijidogs love to project so much?

>> No.61011095

>screencapping your own posts
man you'd believe everything if it was in a screenshot huh

>> No.61011326

>proves the point instantly

>> No.61011492

the fact you try to put your own posts together admiting that you are botting then trying to pass it on ass proof of someone else's malice is pathetic
get a fucking life numbers obsessed schizo

>> No.61011529 [DELETED] 

>nijiniggers using their cheap chink bots to shitpost about holo

>> No.61011621 [DELETED] 

all 21 posts and 36 updoots on a doxsister site? all me

>> No.61011829

yea nobody has ever heard of inspect element kek
man you're pathetic

>> No.61011897

What is the point of botting anyway?
Do they get more ad revenue? Doesn't Youtube realize something is up?
I'm an ignorant retard so I really don't know.

>> No.61012160

Youtube culls it from views, and it would cost more to run than you would get in ad revenue anyways. Only real reason would be to generate false interest, "a lot of people are watching this so it must be good" is a common thought amongst people.

Though Fuwamoco would have gotten 15k anyways, so it is not something they would need or get any advantage from.

>> No.61012300

>Though Fuwamoco would have gotten 15k anyways, so it is not something they would need or get any advantage from.
For the average viewer perhaps. But you have to remember cover is now a publicly traded company and if investors wanted growth, a 30k karaoke is what they want.
Botting can be used to cook the books.

>> No.61012333

Being a numbernigger is so fucking sad

>> No.61012623

Kpopstans bot the shit out of anything kpop related because they're fucking insane.
Luxiemsisters used to do the same.

>> No.61012628
File: 321 KB, 500x500, 1675059751601491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh so now its fake? what will the next step in this development be

>> No.61012770

Notice how your post was deleted? that means you're being told to go outsde and quit shtting our board number schizo.

>> No.61012924

The only purpose is winning some dick measuring contest that only numberfags care about

>> No.61013094

>The only purpose is winning some dick measuring contest that only numberfags care about
The most retarded part about that is they are 100% convinced everyone else gives a shit about it so when they're having a bad day they just scapegoat to anyone with lower views than a hololive member.

>> No.61013403

>Ctrl+F "Niji"
>11 matches

Truly the holobronies boogeyman

>> No.61014035

You mean the wolf quest stream? I was actually there. She got raided by advent which boosted her numbers.

>> No.61018677

reminder that youtube only counts tabbed in viewers so none of these numbers even matter anyway

>> No.61021075

They can fuck off to reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HoloStatistics/

>> No.61021320

Wasn't it proven that YouTube and Twitch count viewers in vastly different ways? I guess they could do a separate count for Twitch streamers, but i don't think a lot of people care about it.

>> No.61021430

Cover has been bottling streams and subs since forever. What else is new?

>> No.61021531

They bottle their streams now? Where can I get a Fauna stream bottle? Gonna pour that right into my mouth

>> No.61022050

says the riku cucklet

>> No.61023719

/mlp/ taught us that containment boards only work if their contents are banned everywhere else on 4chan. So yeah, keep /#/ but ban numbershittery on the rest of /vt/ and you're good.

>> No.61024965

Na, it's just the way jewtube does recommendations.

>> No.61026582

>karaoke stream
>fag is confused why they have these many viewers
why are you even alive?

>> No.61026729

I want my Ina sweat soda...

>> No.61026949

It's just a 16k Gura redirect bro, nothing suspicious.
