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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60914504 No.60914504 [Reply] [Original]

Once again, vtubers are the laughing stock of the entertainment world thanks to mori…

>> No.60914578

I dunno seems like a win for cover to me

>> No.60914646
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>> No.60914775

Thought it was cute and I'm a big fan of mgs. Not sure why it would upset anyone.

>> No.60914782 [DELETED] 
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I love how she's getting relentlessly shat on on twitter, reddit, youtube, tiktok, etc right now. But SOMEHOW 4chan is the only place where making fun of her might lead to consequences.

>> No.60914876

you should go back

>> No.60915168

I mean...they are entertainers. Mori made people laugh.
Jesters gonna jest.

>> No.60915202

Oh no no what would the normalfags think of us now /vt/bros?

>> No.60915471

>entertainers cope

>> No.60915592

Because a large group of people who played the games when they were 12 think they games are super deep with some sort of message and weren't basically giant shitposts with some of the most silly moments in mainstream gaming.

>> No.60915697

It's like the people who watched Gundam 8th MS team/0083

and struggling with the reality that Gundam is built around the toys.

>> No.60915767 [DELETED] 

The cuckbeat mods have to go

>> No.60915824

Well it is the contrarian site

>> No.60915894

Bad guys are in control.

>> No.60916420

Do not kid yourselves. Everyone but SOME people here are repulsed by this. I say this getting over my hate for Mori, respecting her grind and even enjoying her streams somewhat, but man, her music is just not good. I say that completely devoid of maliciousness - I just cannot enjoy it.

>> No.60916724

>Do not kid yourselves. Everyone but SOME people here are repulsed by this.
It's literally the same handful of retards that just hate vtubers regardless
The fact that this faggot had to go to what I presume is Brad Taste in Music's comment section (I.E a literally echo chamber) and has been spamming it all day just illustrates how shallow his point is (double ironic considering the guy did a 180 on his opinion of Mori kek)

>> No.60916857
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>> No.60916944 [DELETED] 

If anons were aloud to post freely about hating Mori this board would be an unusable pink mess. Nothing but Mori antis and Deadbeat bait threads. There needs to be some semblance of order here. But deadbeat janny is undoubtedly quick with the trigger.

>> No.60917020

Anon, I do not know how to break this to you, but a lot of people are repulsed by vtubers and hate them because vtuber fans are easy to hate and people have very low opinion on them.
I don't doubt some hate is from schizos or Niji-antis, but most is not. Most people that play video games do not like vtubers, and most people into anime do not like vtubers, /a/ users especially.

>> No.60917092

NijiID deflection thread

>> No.60917289

/vt/ is literally, and i mean actually literally worse than Reddit when it comes to circlejerking/groupthink. You can't say anything remotely negative about anything even tangentially related to Hololive without getting dogpiled by rabid fans who will accuse you of being an agent of another company. This board just sucks and is actively against everything 4chan is about

>> No.60917730

>Anon, I do not know how to break this to you, but a lot of people are repulsed by vtubers and hate them
I know, I even agree with that lol
I'm pointing how retarded is it to single Mori out as if this is a her specific thing, and not that there is a vocal community of "people" who are just anti-vtuber in general

>> No.60918576

It's both. Those people have never played them. It's very serious and it's also very silly.

>> No.60918943

>it should've been pecola....

>> No.60918958

>Nukes are bad, the CIA are bad, the military and the industry surrounding it are horrible, etc.


>Haha, soldier man have diarrhea and poop himself, haha!

>> No.60918987

Same, after she stopped fighting the idol culture. Her original rap style is not good. It's like a bad imitation of Eminem after he fell off. She crams her line full of words without a smooth flow.
Even the verses of "Sneaking" are better than what she used to do. I'll take a basic industry flow over extra discounted Dollar Store Em. Her voice is low, but she ain't tough like Eve. Like others have said, she should stick to singing. Jigoku 6 was alright since it was more pop than rap.

>> No.60919155

These are incredibly shallow takeaways, for 1 and 2 especially.

>> No.60919215 [DELETED] 


>> No.60919289

nijiID deflection thread

>> No.60919476

Pomu.... dont look.

>> No.60919837

If your general is a circlejerk thats not my fault

>> No.60920253

The fact you and most of this board keeps to generals proves his point. The anonymity of 4chan is meant to do away with the trappings of usual forums, which are all present in generals. To a degree I get it's in the nature of the beast - this is a board about gossiping about vtubers. The average user here is as autistic or mentally ill as a ponyfag, so rampant, incessant and targeted shitposting abounds. But that guy is still right - nuanced conversation in general is very hard nowadays in 4chan period, but this board is especially bad.

>> No.60920330

>it's bad because... it just is okay?!

>> No.60920747

While I do think Mori’s music is bad do you really think a company as big as Konami would let an outsider write music for them? She probably had minimum input

>> No.60920789

Based Mori keeping the normies away

>> No.60920883

I just don't care about Mori anymore. I watched the thing, thought "heh, that's cringe" and then moved on. I just popped in here as a passing curiosity.

>> No.60921042

It's bad because the drop sounds cringey and childish as fuck, Mori has a few songs that are decent for her like "Dawn Blue" she did for ALTERNATIVE but I think she should give up on rap it's just not her thing.

Here's a better rap made for both Snake and Sam fisher

>> No.60921085
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This is great

>> No.60921217

She said as much, but people are gonna ignore that cause pink woman bad.

>> No.60921258

why are mori songs either the best song ever or hot garbage theres no inbetween

>> No.60921549

Well, with the nature of her label contract, her songs are either almost fully under her creative control and she can work with top tier talent like Giga, Reol, Teddyloid and design her lyrics and vocals exactly how she wants, or she's doing a gig that the label asks her to, and she's basically just a performer in someone else's song.
Personally, with how Jigoku6 and her covers have come out, I think having to throw a bone to the label with a project she has less control on is worth it to enable those other projects.
Plus hopefully this get HoloEN MGS perms, it's worth it just for that desu.

>> No.60922096

Yup, deadbeats saw the writing on the wall as soon as they saw
>Producer: Chaki Zulu. Composer, Author: Chaki Zulu. Composer, Author: Nvmbrr

>> No.60922174

its very funny that konami, a zombie company trying to milk a franchise they no longerhave anything to do with creatively, gives her absolutely zero control yet one piece, arguably the biggest media brand in japan, gives her tons and they get a great song out of it.

>> No.60922531

I’ve come to believe that any group imaginable becomes more & more of an echo chamber if given enough time. With how length of time the process will take being proportional to both the density of conflicting standpoints and the size of the group. Even longer if everyone is immortal and is unable to leave.

>> No.60922659

I think this illustrates why konami is a zombie company while One Piece is thriving kek.

>> No.60923417

good, everybody should have fun

>> No.60924259

Thank you Mori for keeping the gate

>> No.60924662 [DELETED] 
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smells like desperation

>> No.60924811

Yeah more like she smeared the gates in feces so now everyone looks at it and is disgusted while you people keep licking the shit off the gate and thanking her for making it so only those as derranged as you remain

>> No.60924874

It's just a sponsor song bro

>> No.60924887

please keep your fetishes to fanfics anon, I just ate.

>> No.60925062

Yeah it's embarrassing, we should just stop watching vtubers altogether man, this is so cringe.

>> No.60925764

oh wow, they couldn't have given her a more fitting model? Jesus

>> No.60925975

They always have been and always will be, but it's mostly thanks to loli streamers like Gura and Bijou.

>> No.60926234

Should've been Pekora...Jesus is so fucking easy to pick the right vtuber, what's next she will get a Devil may Cry song instead of Gura or Flare? Or a hitman song instead of Fauna?

The only things Mori is really passionate about are Adam Sandler and Shrek, everything else she changes the fandom in a month

>> No.60926854

You've done it, now it's probably gonna happen. When will they learn saying those things just makes her more powerful...

>> No.60926937

If you think this is bad wait until Kiara is on Eurovision

>> No.60926969

> everything else she changes the fandom in a month
that's probably exactly why she even got the deal in the first place, she has no self respect and would probably shill everything they want her to

>> No.60927132

You can just say you know nothing about her and be done with it. Btw Bijou confirmed they all of MGS perms because of this

>> No.60927332

She an opportunist.

>> No.60932309

thanks, mori!

>> No.60932896

if your gonna blame pink woman she had better had done something worth blame and not whatever this is

>> No.60938951

The catalog should be less stupid, and people who wanna shitpost should grow a thicker skin for when fans call them retarded.

>> No.60939487

>The catalog should be less stupid
but it won't be fun anymore

>> No.60940059

Not significantly less stupid. Just smart enough for idiots like this>>60917289
Not to cry when their latest "fat pink wigger" post goes over like a lead balloon.

>> No.60943246

>Here's a better rap
this is not better

>> No.60944869

Sponsor songs don't have to be embarrassing, Future Island wasn't.

>> No.60945311

Part of Kojimas brilliance is how he effortlessly he can segue from a poignant and heartfelt condemnation of war and the constantly evolving horrors it brings into a high octane firefight between an old man in a skinsuit and a pack of heavily armed autonomous cow mechs

>> No.60947073 [DELETED] 

Mococo did it better

>> No.60947319

Mococo did it better

>> No.60949857

you're welcome

>> No.60949967

Reddit has an updoot system that can literally censor you if you say something that goes against the grain, even if it's facts you're stating. Reddit is still worse. Though not by much.

>> No.60950586

Remember when IRyS started watching JoJo then Mori decided it was her new identity and ruined it?

>> No.60954756

nothing wrong with it

>> No.60954998

>caring what normies think
Its good gatekeeping, now run along back to your dumpster for dindin

>> No.60956604

Thank you Mococo and Kanauru for creating the only good thing about that song.

>> No.60956643

>It's like the people who watched Gundam 8th MS team/0083
>and struggling with the reality that Gundam is built around the toys.
I am still amused how certain "fans" are still broken by Gundam Try's existence.

>> No.60956681

the more you listen to the song
the more it makes sense to the game

>> No.60956881

What is it that makes people on this site behave in such a way towards Mori and no one else literally EVERY TIME she does something

>> No.60957299

mori is a dork who used to be /here/, she worked hard and didn't let herself get poisoned by irony and now she's found success and is living the dream. a good portion of mori's haters are very obviously bitter and jealous

>> No.60957498

If only she could have great lyrics like the real rap superstars like Drake's Falling Back

>> No.60957535

she's literally an ironic weeb who is friends with ironic weeb ground zero and collabed with them

>> No.60959077

thats really cool

>> No.60959136

anon, she's been on /a/ sings and has been /here/ far longer than you ever have been.

>> No.60959218

If you werent so new you'd know how embarrassing it is to act like /a/ isnt full of ironic weebs

>> No.60959549

Was it 10+ years ago? That's when she was a board regular.

>> No.60959682

So we're supposed to thank her for helping gatekeep for us?

>> No.60959788

Comics, videogames and TTRPG, were good when they were the laughing stock of the entertainment world.

>> No.60959853

I've been here since Gundam 00 and Code Geass aired.

>> No.60961295

But that's what VTuubas are all about.

>> No.60961912

I once posed the question: "EN is all dying, you can only save one, who and why?" Someone responded "I'll save your Oshi."
I asked him instead to kill Mori twice.

And even then 'sneaky sneaky knee key sneak' is a new low.
She can't sing at all, even with a shitload of lessons and practice she's not in the top 25 hololive singers. She can write lyrics sometimes because she's made like 3 good songs in a sea of garbage. She has a horrible attitude, horrible history, lies to her genmates, her forced stream personas are cringeworthy but at least less insufferable than her being her wigger self.
And to top it off she commits yab after yab only to write awful lines to 'own the haters' as if everything she receives isn't her own fault.
The only good news is now covid is over people and better options are available she's losing her market share and having to parasite off rising stars to try to stay relevant, like an over-the-hill crone injecting young blood to try to stave off her decline because she's a talentless hack who can't age gracefully.

>> No.60962009

So why hasn't /vt/ gotten her fired then?

>> No.60962058

Awful lot of sourgrapes here. And chances are, whoever your oshi is, she'll get graduated because the world works in hilarious ways.

>> No.60963380

don't be a fag, i dislike her for being a girlboss and a bad influence on every female vtuber in the world

>> No.60963682

>entertainment world
and I should give a fuck about them because?

>> No.60964284

WTF I love Mori now

>> No.60964749

The worst fanbases to be guilty of it are deadbeats, kfp, saplings, kronies, and whatever the fuck shiori fans are
They have shitty oshis who deserve less

>> No.60968293 [DELETED] 


>> No.60968401
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>> No.60968707

This makes me feel like you're pretty young. 4chan has been an amorphous blob where half the limbs are blindly attacking the other half from the start.

>> No.60971672

she realized she actually has not fucking talent in singing and hololive and the fans was what carried her
burning that bridge sure made sure no1 gave a shit anymore.

>> No.60972373
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Reminder that /vt/ is hugebox for holobronies, you can't say anything bad or mean about any holo.
