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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60885223 No.60885223 [Reply] [Original]

How devastating would a graduation from this branch be?
How likely is it?

>> No.60885284

It would be healing, especially mori

>> No.60885318

>especially gura and ame

>> No.60885323

devasting to people with their head up their ass? 3/5 have "quiet quitted" already

>> No.60885348

Kiara is really the only one which matters to Hololive as a whole. Gura would be a financial loss.

>> No.60885487

just do what they did to council. Aint that easy

>> No.60885527

Unlikely since they have passive income most vtubers would die for.

>> No.60885554

>using zoomerfag terms when you've never even held a job because you heard it on TikTok once
Go back.

>> No.60885586

wait who besides ame and gura quiet quitted?

>> No.60885646

They talk to each other once a year, I don't think anybody would give a shit

>> No.60885676

nice tantrum. two words to describe exactly what I mean instead of a sentence is good enough for me

>> No.60885726

Only Gura and Mori matter. Either of them can single-handedly raise any EN vtubing group to the front of the pack, while devastating HoloEN's audience by taking their audience with them to the next gig. HoloEN as a branch will sink to NijiEN level after that.

>> No.60885788

9 9/11s

>> No.60885806


>> No.60885829

Very few people would miss ina or ame and gura doesn't stream anyway

>> No.60885868

((9 × 99)(9/11s)^9)^11

>> No.60885888

I actually thought Gura was a pillar and the branch couldn't survive without her but apart from the financial hit, and it would be substantial don't get me wrong but I think people would accept it now that she has basically left already. You can't say the writing isn't on the wall. I hope she comes back though to regular streaming. She's good when she's present

>> No.60885901

I still like Ame, but I was never a unicorn

>> No.60885976

Even though I love Gura, if Mori is going to graduate, it's worth it the sacrifice

>> No.60886033

What are you talking about, Gura soft graduated at this point

>> No.60886049

still wont stream chumbud :)

>> No.60886071

How do you define survive? How is it that Advent can't revive Minecraft kino at all?

>> No.60886082

Gura is already soft graduated.
Don't forget Ina. Kiara is also a boring fuck and needs to go so Fauna can get better numbers.

>> No.60886117

Minecraft was never kino on the En side, Jp and Id on the other hand...

>> No.60886120

soft graduated my ass, it's only been a month

>> No.60886138


>> No.60886161

She's only come back during promotional corpo-mandated events and to shill her merch. It's over.

>> No.60886182

literally nothing would change if gura graduated. her absence wouldn't even be felt at all.

>> No.60886200

I have celebratory pc prepared for if Mori graduates. I know it's unlikely but better to be prepared

>> No.60886228

This is some amazing levels of gaslighting, especially when it's likely you don't even watch ID. Point is if the branch is fine, how is it that the most active gen we've had thus far can't resurrect the good ol' community feeling of old HoloEN when there were even fewer members?

>> No.60886311

>How devastating would it be
About as bad as Selen and Pomu leaving Niji (lol, lmao) but times 10, and times 1000 if it’s Gura
>How likely?
100% - after they get married a decade from now or get too old to work 40 years from now.

>> No.60886318

This, none of them will ”actually” graduate in the conventional sense as long as there are such large amounts of money involved.

>> No.60886355

sad little existence right here

>> No.60886406

She took another month off?

>> No.60886438

Not fifteen 9/11s?

>> No.60886550

Isn't it "quit" not "quitted"?
t. esl

>> No.60886603

You probably feel that way because you got into vtubers due to Myth hype and it was your first experience with the hobby and "good o'l community feeling of old HoloEn" and thus due to nostalgia you will never find newer En gens comparable.
The branch I watch the least is En since it was always aimed mostly towards Eop tourists who prefer twitch style streamers with anime avatars.

>> No.60886605

Only Gura and Cali matter.

>> No.60886646

It wouldn't. Kiara is unpopular and Gura is soft-graduated. The other 3 graduating would just be celebrated.

Mori's gotten away with so much shit and has done so much damage to the brand it's honestly way too late.

>> No.60886653

Kiara by FAR. Her graduation streams would have the rest of the Hololive girls lined up and crying like babies. AME and Ina would be a fart in the wind. And desu, most of what Mori brings to the table is greatly exaggerated by cuckbeats still doing damage control from all the absolute dumb shit that whale has done

>> No.60886688


okay? your dad showing up once every three months is a whole hell of a difference between your dad being in the ground

>> No.60886709

It would overall be a positive for Holo EN. Gura and Ame already soft graduated at this point. Watching Ina is like watching paint dry. Mori was never good. Kiara is fine but her viewer base is so small the average viewer would have moved on a year later. The fall of Myth has been sad to watch. At least Promise is succeeding where Myth failed, even if they will never reach the Myth glory days.

>> No.60886859

okay? if you are content with monthly streams then ok

>> No.60886928

yeah its quit or quitededed

>> No.60886931

I at least hope you're not still paying membership fees

>> No.60886966

all of them are so mainstream it'd be catastrophic

>> No.60887007
File: 460 KB, 2159x2159, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura,ame and ina are soft graduated at this point

i wouldn't suprise if one of them announce graduation this year or early next year.
its been 3 years, it was a good run though
everything must come to an end at some point.

>> No.60887769
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>soft graduated
Clueless. She streamed 300+ hours this year, communicates even when on braaks and a 3d concert is planned for December. You niggers are still stuck 2022. Just because YT alogoryth m isn't showing you her streams anymore doesn't mean she doesn't exist.

>> No.60888087

>when you realize that communicating her breaks puts her in the top three most active myth members.

>> No.60888140

How many streams this year?
How many were mandated?
Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say soft graduation.

>> No.60888207

pretty obvious Cover keeps them on life support because even without streams they still sell merch and shit. Just like Garfield, Snoopy or Hello Kitty, they are mascot characters.

>> No.60888395

I don't care. I don't like her ugly model, annoying voice, and she's a boring sitter

>> No.60888504

Don't care about your shit taste either, I'm just correcting misinformation.

>> No.60888518

why do people think Ina is likely to graduate? She's been quietly chugging along quietly in the background since literally day 1, and that hasn't changed afaik

>> No.60888586

actually seething about Ina, the most inoffensive vtuber ever, is actually pathetic

>> No.60889220

the only person seething is you over me not liking ina

>> No.60889402

>Nijis graduating on a monthly basis like clockwork
>"B-But hey guys, what if a Myth hypothetically graduated???"
Very subtle.

>> No.60891015

>How likely is it?
Gura already quiet-quit.

>> No.60891030

Also conveniently overlooking all the JPs that don’t stream. Ayame is graduating any day now right?

>> No.60891165
File: 225 KB, 851x673, e5355c6d0cfcf085d4fd606ae70a4c20dbf63469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a champagne bottle for if Mori ever decides to graduate and/or die.

>> No.60891361

>Gura not even in the pic
Nice touch

>> No.60891982

She's being raped in the other room, everyone knows that

>> No.60892151

If anyone should be graduating it'd be kronii. Idol culture is a prominent thing in Hololive and she's obviously not cut out for it

>> No.60892235

You'll end up in the hospital because you "slipped on it". Or you'll pull a Serb and accuse her of shoving it up there.

>> No.60892577

it's not rape if she consents

>> No.60892599

Considering that they were the ones that popularized the EN V-tubing space. I feel like any of their graduations would be a really big deal.

>> No.60892975

If any of them graduated it would be devastating to me emotionally. They are like old friends now.

>> No.60893120

Fucking faggot. Also, same.

>> No.60893262 [DELETED] 

Ina must graduate, the less frigid Korean whores the better

>> No.60893619

Why do you think Kiara is stealing anyone's numbers? She basically streams in her own personal slot.

>> No.60893736

I would only miss Gura from this entire batch.

>> No.60893799

I feel like people like to downplay Mori, but I feel like she would be the biggest hit to hololive as a whole if she graduated. Besides her contract with Universal. She's also been responsible for some of the biggest brand collabs in Hololive; One Piece and Metal Gear. Losing her would actually be a big deal.

>> No.60894082

Why is KFP like this?

>> No.60894090

Her fans would still move to Fauna if she left and that is a net positive for both the company and my oshi.

>> No.60894232

>How devastating would a graduation...
In 2021? Very
Now? Not so much
>How likely is it?
Within next 18 months, very likely

>> No.60895129

Ironically her departure would be more noticeable in the JP sphere than in EN.

>> No.60895953

There's some logic to his post
>Ina and Ame eternal hermits
>Gura just a mascot at this point
>Calli getting outside corpo deals all the time, but nothing really relevant to hololive, ie. you don't care or even notice if you're not a deadbeat
>Kiara one of the few actively trying to socialize with the rest of hololive, and though she vibes better with non-EN members, several EN collabs wouldn't have happened if not for her

>> No.60897225

and you should graduate from life cause you're still obsessed with someone who will never even know you exist

>> No.60897341

>How likely is it?
Won't happen anytime soon
Now... Selen leaving Nijisanji EN on the other hand...

>> No.60897945

I'd be happy if cancers like mori or kiara would be expelled. Ame and Gura are irrelevant now. Ina is the only myth with any value left but if she graduated I will follow her into the void

>> No.60898052 [DELETED] 

**Kiara is the only one worthy of a graduation from life

Kiara the psychopath
- tried really hard to hide the real reason she got fired from her old company
- pinned blame on her boogeyman (already this part makes her an unethical person)
- even worse than Mori, she joined a vtuber corpo because her chink friends told her to do so
- mentally ill numberfag
- narcissistic menhera
- doxxed Subaru and sold info about hololive members to the chinks https://files.catbox.moe/l08p3f.png
- never cared for Coco, in fact was caring about only chink gacha games, Genshin and Arknights to name a few
- due to insecurity issues of being a failed idol she felt the need to harass IRyS
- harassing her co-workers on a regular basis
- caused the EN civil war and in the process, made Ame hate Gura
- said the EN civil war was worth it https://youtu.be/W0lICCjnuDs?t=4468
- the insider G who has the patience of an actual saint said Kiara was making her stressed and she hated it
- Orcschizo (Mumei) did a 180 again seeing how insufferable Kiara was after working with her "oh if only you knew" https://files.catbox.moe/a5qake.png
- "Oh they've already got their own 3D lives? I'd better not invite them to my bday streams" https://youtu.be/W0lICCjnuDs?t=2955
- neglectful of due diligence, e.g. traveling and infecting her co-workers with the coof
- untrustworthy and dangerous to her co-workers, e.g. trying to take IRL pictures of the EN girls
- "no compromise" https://youtu.be/niJDkgLMkwk?t=13893
- often uses horrendous hardball tactics with her co-workers, e.g. "I won't let you join Holotori", "I won't let you finish the TTRPG"
- constant name-dropping
- hypocritical "she's been like that since we wouldn't let her play Genshin" https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1592164766617071617
- often throws someone under the bus
- attention-seeking behavior https://youtu.be/Lf4DdORCLN8
- treats Jenma like a slave
- "Nijification good" https://youtu.be/qU5hbJAQE7w?t=24798
- TT collab https://youtu.be/h3ONaq0jhPE
- robbed the Connect the World center position from Gura https://youtu.be/rUJy8BwA6hY?t=11757
- still dwelling on the past after all this time https://youtu.be/rUJy8BwA6hY?t=11570
- uses hololive as a stepping stone for clout
- said all of this is for "my own satisfaction" https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/interviews/2022/8/3/interview-hololives-takanashi-kiara-on-bridging-languages-and-countries-through-vtubing
- plenty of things /vt/ has said about her

>> No.60898128 [DELETED] 
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pic related doesn't lie

>> No.60898233

What does the Ina thing have to do with Kiara being a prostitute

>> No.60898317

That's a fucking 9/11 polynomial

>> No.60898535

ina brings out a surprising amount of seethe from catalogfags, I think it's because they're largely troons and her effortless femininity reminds them that they will never be real women

>> No.60898539

The EN civil war part. Ina was actually afraid of Kiara so much so that she would rather eat her own words

>> No.60898610


>> No.60898721

To be completely honest, Gura, Ina and Ame could al graduate and basically not move the needle for EN success

Gura's always gonna have pull, can't deny reality, but in terms of being consistent entertainers that aren't hard stuck in their own bubble Mori and Kiara are the only two that move the brand forward and not just themselves

>> No.60898779

How are they moving anything forward when nobody watches either of them, kiara is completely irrelevant and the only reason mori is relevant is the deal

>> No.60898900

>Kiara is irrelevant

true as all hell but at minimum the JPs can drag her around as a translator and even that's getting snatched from her now that Bae's around

Mori's was a similar deal but at least now she fucks w council+advent

>> No.60899142

Kiara became irrelevant when IRyS debuted since she does almost everything she does but better, except maybe translating which as you said, is also better done by Bae.Ever since Advent mori reached 3 view status even with all the raid begging

>> No.60899341

This post best post

>> No.60899397

Anons here don't realize how big ang influential myth was back then,
I can already see the "She inspired me to be-" and "She was my 1st oshi" posts when someone in myth leaves.

>> No.60899442

Depends on who. 3 of them barely stream and are virtually retired anyway, while 2 still pump out content.

>> No.60899476

Quitted is a word, retarded zoomers

The correct phrase is quietly quit

>> No.60899497

Gura was my first oshi but if the impostor she became graduated I wouldn't feel a thing

>> No.60899516

Do realize that not everything in the livestream ccv are what keeps their shit moving forward.
I thought mori on her new EP and solo concert would flop so hard but it exceeded sales.
Even got so many big name collabs(One piece, Mgs, etc.)
So no, its not always about their livestream views anon.

>> No.60899527


>> No.60899532

>The branch I watch the least is En since it was always aimed mostly towards Eop tourists who prefer twitch style streamers with anime avatars.
It's hilarious when ken-samas say this when they barely act any different
JP streams more on twitch than EN

>> No.60899566

That's what they all say till the chuuba eventually does graduate.

>> No.60899669

I honestly wouldn't be sad if any of my oshis graduated because I know where to find them

>> No.60899677

When you stream as little as Gura does, streams no longer reset the count. We’re no longer counting the days since Gura last streamed since no one cares anymore. We’re counting the days since Gura even pretended to give a fuck anymore.

>> No.60899726

I'm not sure where you got the numbers but everything else is sadly thanks to the contract deal

>> No.60899810

she's soft-graduated already. don't project your own creepy emotional attachments onto others because not everyone is as emotionally fragile as you.

>> No.60900353

Kiara and Gura graduating would fuck me up, honestly.

>> No.60900522


It was UNIVERSAL that got Mori's collabs with One Piece and MGS, they trying to make worth because the EP and Concert have flop.

>> No.60900737

Honestly, Gura will quit whenever she can't be assed to even show up to shill merch anymore. She is probably doing the literal bare minimum, but it wouldn't surprise me if she slipped below that next year.

>> No.60900914

Gura is a branch face
Calli is valuable as she's signed to a music label, does some numbers with her music, and gets sponsored collaborations
Ina is...
Kiara is a collab tool
Ame was Gura's sidekick

>> No.60901164

yeah, no. I watch kiara and if she graduated I would just have more free time. i feel nothing for fauna and wouldn't just start magically watching her if kiara was gone.

>> No.60901238

>not everyone is as emotionally fragile as you
How ironic coming from gura seethers

>> No.60901300

based and true

>> No.60901394


>> No.60901421

bro hasnt heard of the summer hit HOLOTORI DANCE

>> No.60902133

I have heard of it but I haven't heard it because there's an insufferable cunt's voice in it

>> No.60902292

>why do people think Ina is likely to graduate?
Ina never wanted to be a lewd vtuber but Cover gave her the skimpiest outfit in Hololive. Flare had a similar problem but things were getting worse for Ina who gradually became so depressed that she likely did get close to graduation. No corpo vtuber takes 5 months of breaks in a year or goes radio silent unless things were getting heated during negotiations.

Winter seems to be the season when most of the EN branch does their contract renewals. Vesper was getting into fights with management in November and coincidentally he got a full 2.0 redesign in the summer.

>> No.60902346

Ina is not going to graduate, this is such a dumb angle

>> No.60903119

>Ina is not going to graduate
Of course not and she finally released her 3 year membership badge and even said that she would be in Hololive for many years. Ina was curiously optimistic after that radio silent break.

>> No.60903134

nta but please produce an argument and not just call someone dumb. i'm guessing she's your oshi and you don't want to admit she's an unlikable absentee, but here's your opportunity to prove me wrong.

>> No.60903502

It wouldn't affect much, JP graduated their top 2 SC earners and they're still doing fine.

>> No.60905904

IRyS also been streaming less lately, is she also soft graduating?

>> No.60907130


>> No.60908146

Whatever mumei had, irys got. She's legitimately sick

>> No.60908584

Having a boyfriend means you're sick now?

>> No.60908617

so you're saying mumei and irys were swapping spit then? hot

>> No.60909088

Now i Really want to fuck Kiara in the ass.

>> No.60909278

Not that guy but projecting your dislike on her is no better and shows inherent bias, speaking as a neutral party.

>> No.60909902

I like how the first image you linked as a source was from my ass. nice to know you're full of shit

>> No.60913878


>> No.60913927
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> already deflecting from the triple bomb including Mika

>> No.60918021

Only Mori or Kiara would have any real impact. Gura basically ignored ID and JP unless she was needed to be leeched off of. JP forgets Ame exists, and Ina can draw. Gura is most liekly to leave followed by Ame and then Ina as a distant third.

>> No.60918356

It'd only be a big deal if Gura graduated. Mori has her rm, Ame and Ina rarely stream, and no one cares about Kiara (although Holotori would die). Gura doesn't stream much, but she's huge for merch and brand recognition, so losing her would be rough for Cover.

>> No.60919098

You must be retarded, only Kiara and Calli (mori for retards) are left.

>> No.60919200


>> No.60919255

Gura is soft retired. Ame is quiet quitting. Ina is just cashing checks. Mori and Kiara are the only ones trying to make a career out of this.

>> No.60919500

Totally mogged by Marine's latest song and ultramogged by Ui's 'Loli-Gami Requiem'.

>> No.60920221

No matter who, it would be on par with Coco's graduation, far surpassing Sana's. The question is how long would the grievance last, and I have an answer for that.
The thing is, very few people are attached to the avatar and most of the vtuber audience cares for the person behind the rigging. It all depends on what they do after graduation: if a Myth member would resume activities on their roommate's account or get a new persona at Vshojo or something, then people would just flock there or even if they don't, they'd know that nothing serious happened, so the grieving would pipe down instantly, save for a few nostalgics. However, if they quit content creation altogether, it truly counts as a goodbye, never seeing them again, so they would be brought up for years surely.
This is the reason why Sana is still shoehorned into content she has no connection to to this day: she left the internet behind her as a content creator, making the graduation more meaningful.

>> No.60920298

sana still tweets though, and I think she streams more often than gura

>> No.60920514

Tweets are not content by themselves and I honestly don't know how often she streams, but anons used to link them in Global, but I don't think I've seen her as being active this year.

>> No.60921643

>she's huge for merch and brand recognition
Anon, this isn't 2021 anymore, Mori is more or less the face of EN and is the most recognizable EN member now with TV appearances, collabs with huge artists, and gaining two of the biggest sponsorships in EN history, along with being signed to a major label. Gura just has a half a second in a taco bell commercial

>> No.60921835

all of those things are a consequence of the label deal, she'd be irrelevant otherwise

>> No.60922154

Imagine seething so much on vtuber you don't even watch, basic nijinig behaviour, kek.

>> No.60922229

People would only notice if it was Mori or Kiara, since they are the only ones that actually stream somewhat regularly.

>> No.60922242

You basically describe most holo anon... Naruhodo, no wonder they always seething

>> No.60922301

>Imagine seething so much on vtuber you don't even watch
Every anti ever

>> No.60922403

This is just dumb, no one fucking graduates because their outfit is too skimpy, especially when you have 3 other oitfits who are much less revealing.
She went on that break because working 2 jobs at once was slowly killing her. And the fact that after this she didn't go Sana route and chose to reduce her other work shows her willingness to stick with Hololive. And that was all already almost year ago, 2023 Ina streams, keeps interaction, even releases music. She isn't graduating anytime soon.

>> No.60923452

Mori and Gura are the only important ones here, but Mori will never graduate because it's her entire music career at this point and Gura the IP will never be allowed to graduate even if the actual person fucks off entirely.

>> No.60923574

>Mor is only relevant because she's relevant and if she wasn't relevant she wouldn't be relevant
So this is the power of the catalog...

>> No.60925119

enough time has passed that nobody would really give a shit unless it's Mori or Gura

>> No.60925476

Reddit and here will act like it's the biggest event in history and exaggerate their emotions - meanwhile they had stopped caring about Myth about a year ago

>> No.60925574

Does Nene even care about her anymore? What the fuck happened to their "friendship"?

>> No.60928370

I don't understand the shit on Kiara. I'm not KFP, but it seems like on paper she does literally everything that I see other talents get criticized for not doing. Kiara streams regularly, interacts with her chat, tells personal stories, stays true to her interests, genuinely loves idol culture, interacts with other branches frequently, doesn't awkwardly censor herself, plays games she finds challenging and does her best to finish them, she tries to sing various genres even though she's got that funny ass voice.
She just seems like she fits perfectly in the "if you don't like her don't watch her" category. You can't really diss her work ethic or medium, unless you ultimately just wanna shit on this whole vtubing thing in general.

>> No.60929083

Kiara reeks desperation. She failed hard before hololive (and in the process tarnished her image). And now, because of that past, she overcompensate in everything, and comes across as phony. If you are not into the saviorfag thing that is a recipe to generate total aversion.

>> No.60929634
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Kiara is too much of an idolfag to let go of her position. Cover won't let go of Gura dying body and will hold onto her even when she dies of old age. Mori relies on Hololive too much for her music career, leaving would only tank her and she knows it. Ina seems to have gotten lazy with being an artist and I don't see her pushing out commissioned work like she use to before Hololive, so I don't see her going back to it full time like Sana did. Ame, I don't know what holds her here to be honest with you.. I feel like out of all she'd be the first to go throughout the whole Myth branch.

>> No.60930055
File: 260 KB, 946x2048, F6IUMdFbkAASl8h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she left the internet behind her as a content creator
You must mean content like "streaming". Because she surely doesn't do that anymore, but she is still around and very active. She was an artist before Hololive, she still is an artist without Hololive. She's working for Arknights mostly and doing shoe brand deals through that company. (pic related)

>> No.60930109

Gurame have 1 foot out the door already. Kiara's very happy where she is. Mori isn't budging unless she loses that UMG contract. Ina seems content. Not thriving, not floundering. But content.

>> No.60931349

Kiara is anything but happy with her current situation. She feels like she's stagnating and that Cover is holding her back by denying her proper support for her projects. Honestly, I can see her joining VShojo and unite with her buddy Mama Roach, with Pomu and possibly Rosemi to follow soon after.

>> No.60931359

People probably forget that artists posting their work online (in the form of highly compressed JPGs) was at one time the /only/ meaningful type of content creation on the internet other than building a website or posting a text FAQ to a database.
That was the case even before AOL caught on, and all the MIDI upload sites.

>> No.60934685

People would make a huge deal out of it and then the next day absolutely nothing would be different.

>> No.60938056

Kiara will never willingly leave. She will be the last myth standing even if its financially not rewarding.
Reaper has come a long way since her 5% comments. She's now working hard, streaming regularly and being a good girl. She's learnt that holo is the only reason people care about her.
The rest of them may be lazy but they are still a net positive for Cover. None will want to quit. Myth is one of the most stable vtuber generations in existance. They have a better bond than most too.
Are there imperfections and problems? Yes. Are they big enough to cause a graduaton. Impossible.

>> No.60938166

I find it hilarious faggots here call Kronii's model pure Sex , Calli has all that "Sex" for real , unlike 95% of the girls in Hololive , Faggots here proceed to call Her a whale

>> No.60938367

I know kinks aren't logical and i'm happy for you Deadbeat. Reaper is still a fatty and Clock is still puresex.

>> No.60940123

Fatty? She works out a lot , more than anyone in EN , Girls that have offcollabed with Her always mention how well shaped is Her thick body , again, something 95% of the Holo talents don't have , specially Kronii irl

>> No.60940272

Calm down deadbeat. You can't expect a holo not to praise another holo on stream right?You don't have to def her here like this. Go watch her streams.

>> No.60946761

>This is just dumb, no one fucking graduates because their outfit is too skimpy
Ina doesn't have a problem drawing sexy fictional waifus but she clearly is embarassed with her default outfit which is why she rarely used it on custom merch. How do you think her family viewed her working at Hololive after Cover gave their first Korean vtuber the skimpiest outfit in the company? The Japanese managers probably weren't trying to be malicious but their was at least some unconscious bias.

>> No.60946934
File: 114 KB, 640x360, 1689567845443276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina is just cashing checks.
Sometimes I forget just how many newfags are loose in the catalog.

>> No.60947407

Thing is, it seems to me that a lot of them are weak individually, but their strongest content is with collab streams. But those are basically not a thing anymore. Half the roster is basically missing already, which leaves the rest incredibly weak.

Basically, I expect they're going to essentially dissolve the whole generation. Gura and Ame first, followed by Ina, then the rest. Maybe they'll try to fold Mori and Kiara into a different project or something. Hard to say. But I don't expect Myth to exist for much longer.

>> No.60949485

I like this take but I hate Anime so I hope they all end up like those bashed out whores that sit in the gutter

>> No.60949658

I believe this, Kiara's a toothpick though so for anyone to be Ho'ed out on of all fucking people in EN you could do way better then some german lank ex-escort who could dropped if you blew to hard on her

>> No.60949829

>Ina realizes it's all or back to being a pissed-on back at home

To be Frank, all the girls give off an insane amount of whore desperation if they can't make Hololive work out, which I swear to Hod and hope it does not

>> No.60949831

>Mori graduates
Lots of back end contracts and sponsorships disappear, the idea of IRyS replacing her is floated around until the investors can't laugh any harder, Her fandom doesn't care too much since they know her already
>Kiara graduates
No one apart from Pomu and maybe Nerissa care
>Ame or Gura graduate
"Oh thank you sweet death" - Teamates/Chumbuds
>Ina graduates
Alot of upheaval at wondering if she'll reincarnate, but everyone ultimately throws her a huge farewell

>> No.60949890

easy fpbp
