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60846357 No.60846357 [Reply] [Original]

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▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
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▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
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▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
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Previous Thread >>60839855

>> No.60846394
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>> No.60846425
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>> No.60846426
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I love Shiina!

>> No.60846452
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>> No.60846456
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>> No.60846459

This thread will be about 6/10

>> No.60846484

I hope Lumi plays ODST

>> No.60846509
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i rate it 4 out of 5 stars, mediocre

>> No.60846512

>so twitch watchalongs
>the are horror movies so only a few people can watch them

>> No.60846522
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anyone got any good ideas for hexa and pippa art? like nice ones?

>> No.60846527
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Thanks for the quick response Pippa love you *mwah*

>> No.60846542
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>> No.60846563

Anyone have a clean cutout of lumi's buns with the halos?

>> No.60846626

make your own

>> No.60846632

Hexa getting bullied into actually taking a shower, I don't know if you consider that nice or not, but it was a good outcome

>> No.60846651

Nice, needed some music.

>> No.60846653
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OK guys. I've been coming to the general every day for the past 25 weeks so that basically makes me an oldfag. I deserve a ritualpost but I don't know what to spam the thread with. Spoonfeed me ideas that would annoy you the most.

>> No.60846655

I'm having an issue with Skeb all the sudden that hasn't happened before. It's saying "3D Secure authentication has been cancelled. Your credit card's 3D Secure setting may not have been completed or may not be supported." Wtf am I supposed to do?

>> No.60846687

Pippa and Hexa wagner executing you

>> No.60846706
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Shiina will never be white again...

>> No.60846726

I had to call my bank to lift international blocks on my debit card, might be similar

>> No.60846761

I'm white and I've only had pumpkin once and it was bloody horrid

>> No.60846779

Your bank thinks it's a scam. How many skebs did you order?

>> No.60846780

same as this >>60846726
had to approve the transaction by calling my bank
the next ones went through fine after that

>> No.60846785

>Tenma is going to die
Lets fucking go?

>> No.60846789
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I'm fine with this change

>> No.60846794
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>she doesnt like bayberry

>> No.60846801


>> No.60846807
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I like Lia?

>> No.60846829

Pippa brining Hexa that one japanese exclusive plushie they both really wanted for christmas and pippa may or may not be wearing the sexy santa outfit

>> No.60846837
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Lumi will remember that

>> No.60846851

pumpkin spice contains no pumpkin, its a fall-theme spice blend meant for pies. its the standard british/american dessert spices, similar to chai tea or apple pie spices.

>> No.60846868

Phase needs a cute British girl

>> No.60846870

In total I've ordered 17. Now I can't order any more. I guess I'll message my bank.

>> No.60846893

Pippa should do another collab with Hexa because of how she ended it. I actually felt bad for her.

>> No.60846906
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I love Panko.
I will always love Panko.
Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much I love Panko.

>> No.60846908


>> No.60846918

they already scheduled another one

>> No.60846929

Pippa and Hexa making out.;

>> No.60846927
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You seem unsure.

>> No.60846957
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and funny?

>> No.60846958

If you had watched the stream you'd know the next one is already being planned Anti-kun.

>> No.60846977
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>decide to check in on Shiina's stream
>first thing I hear is her complimenting nu-star wars
Why is it always like this when I try to watch her?

>> No.60846983

me and hexa making out while pippa watches

>> No.60846998

>similar to chai tea or apple pie spices.
I'm kind of a caveman when it comes to food and I have no clue what that tastes like
Why do they even call it that if it has no pumpkin? bloody cringe.

>> No.60847006

This looks like a boomer meme. What is a ralph nader?

>> No.60847026

What? She was literally shitting on it

>> No.60847065

lumi comes close to calling people faggots sometimes

>> No.60847082
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>> No.60847091

Honestly shondo should get a boobie monster model.

>> No.60847124

She was shitting all over nu star wars

>> No.60847155

why is she brown

>> No.60847158

Are you sure there hasn't been one day?

>> No.60847162
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>> No.60847177

Vacation tan and to appeal to my colonization fetish

>> No.60847192

>being planned
being planned is dubious when pippa even said it might take forever for her to respond. look at what happened to lisa, it took a meltdown on stream for pippa to check her dms after over 2 months

>> No.60847195

>have a male audience
>do a watch along for horror movies, which are made for women.

>> No.60847196

you could add drama to the scene by giving stink lines to pippa, to suggest that she's barely any better.

>> No.60847207

she's not wrong
-t italian

>> No.60847209
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Not a single one.

>> No.60847261

Is it true?

>> No.60847260

I find when says "you slur" it's usually faggot she means

>> No.60847262

Artist's block, Pipkun? How about Hexa and Pippa enjoying a nice bowl of the spaghetti they both spilled everywhere yesterday?

>> No.60847268
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"pumpkin pie spice"
pumpkin pies are quite common as an autumn tradition in america, and theyre braindead easy if you buy pre-proportioned spices and canned pumpkin puree. "chai lattes," mostly spices and milk, are very popular with the young ladies and pumpkin spice is just a slightly different blend with a seasonal vibe.

>> No.60847279

I though the meme was that white people don't use spice

>> No.60847281

I always mentally substitute jigaboo

>> No.60847284
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>> No.60847295
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My bad, she was it was someone in chat praising Andor and she just repeated it literally as I join.

>> No.60847319

I need to marry this woman

>> No.60847334

cool, I might try it, I don't like spicy food but I'll try it

>> No.60847336

anyone have the clip where lumi said faggot on stream, I know this isn't my schizo delusions

>> No.60847345

I need to finish my laso playthrough...

>> No.60847347

pippa doesn't think, she does

>> No.60847380

I’m no culinary expert, but pumpkin spice would be spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, and ginger

>> No.60847418

Apparently she AND Panko said the n word on stream(s), what's going on?

>> No.60847435
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JUICE LOBBY still up

Lobby; Hexa Connect
Password; /pcg/ has fallen

>> No.60847446

Same thought, I love watching tenma freak out at horror, but I feel so bad for her when it gets too much.

>> No.60847448

The number fag clip?

>> No.60847453

She said number fag then corrected herself to number fiend, a catbox exists somewhere

>> No.60847463

it's not spicy

>> No.60847479

Woman moment. You're gonna get suckered into watching one by a girlfriend or even just a female friend sooner or later, it's what they do.

>> No.60847522
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>> No.60847536

>a girlfriend or even just a female friend

>> No.60847539

Any word on what the pippa stream is today?

>> No.60847542

Spice in the literal spice sense, not spice in the burn sense.

>> No.60847553

Oops didn’t catch new thread my bad >>60847474

>> No.60847556
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I love my little sister very much !

>> No.60847571

It's probably not going to be too bad with Pippa shitposting the whole time.

>> No.60847585
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>> No.60847586

Pippa wants to watch spooky movies with her older brother (me, and also chat I guess) Are you really gonna give her a hard time about it anon?

>> No.60847591

Remember when she said nigger? People said she said degree or something but I heard it clear as day.

>> No.60847605

am dumb, I don't know food, sorry

>> No.60847644

>Pumpkin pie spice is similar to the British and Commonwealth mixed spice. It is generally a blend of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and sometimes allspice.[1]

>> No.60847645

And people still don't trust this woman. Shame on you

>> No.60847648

there it is, thanks!

>> No.60847684

>girlfriend or even just a female friend
where do you think you are

>> No.60847702

I believe in you anon, if I can manage both once upon a time, you can too and then proceed to swear it off because they're too much drama and settle for chuubas

>> No.60847739

cool, I'll see if I can find it, I've never had that before, seems like something my grandparents would eat

>> No.60847764

a picture of your ballsack with a nail though it

>> No.60847777
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>> No.60847784
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>Does not contain all the spice

>> No.60847801

you'd be surprised at how much american food is grandpa-tier british food

>> No.60847825
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>> No.60847830

I will be the cheerleader for my autistic little brothers that I needed and nobody will tell me otherwise dammit

>> No.60847836

Seeing these Halo 3 cutscenes after Halo 2's is just disappointing. IDK why they didn't hire the studio that did 2's for the whole game.

>> No.60847873

Because halo 3 didnt get the full remaster

>> No.60847895

2's was remastered. Halo 3's are the original.

>> No.60847897

Do you like putting tons of penises in your mouth or just a few at a time?

>> No.60847909

Have you ever imagined watching a horror movie with pippa? Having her snuggle into your arm and cover her eyes with your sleeve?

>> No.60847929

I don't like tv or movies tho, she can watch it herself

I mean, i get it, just still a bit weird since I've never heard of a man liking horror movies, unless you count zombies as horror, but they are just action movies about hollywood hero types killing stuff

>> No.60847949

Lia doko? any Lia?

>> No.60848011

pippa wouldn't get scared.

>> No.60848016

30 min until YT stream


>> No.60848043

I think about that during every watchalong

>> No.60848052

Pippa shits herself regularly.

>> No.60848080

she's playing it up for stream

>> No.60848087

Which again is a shame considering it's the de facto finale. The game itself has aged well but the cutscenes have definitely not.

>> No.60848089

Panko on discord needs PC related games.

>> No.60848095

It’s called that because the flavor profile is similar to a blend of different spices

>> No.60848177

More often than I care to admit...

>> No.60848178

[Lumi News] Halo 3 was not made for women

>> No.60848206

it's a really simple game, you just kill everything and move on

>> No.60848221

Lumi must now face her greatest challenge yet, driving.

>> No.60848222
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>> No.60848249

Note: most girls find this impossible

>> No.60848268

have you been nice to our lolcow /pcg/?

>> No.60848271

I didn't know Koreans liked Instagram. I assumed they had their own socials

>> No.60848289

It wasn't and it was great

>> No.60848319

Yeah Kirsche is alright.

>> No.60848328

No anon. I have never pictured being bundled up on the couch with Pippa on a cold autumn night, running my fingers through her hair as we take the piss out of a B horror movie. I don't imagine joking about how dumb it was afterwards and hearing her giggle. I don't imagine us being too lazy to get up afterwards and falling asleep together right there on the couch. I don't imagine the warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest that this experience would bring. Because it will never happen.

>> No.60848339
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>> No.60848340

idk what PC related means but she should play Caesar 3

>> No.60848356

Pippa and Tenma collab...my beloved.

>> No.60848364

Pipkun been kinda normal these days

>> No.60848367

>PC related
Phase connect, like Rie's game

>> No.60848372

This is going exactly how I imagined it would.

>> No.60848393

one of my friends in high school said she quit the campaign because she felt awful for killing the grunts when they were panicking and surrendering, but the game wouldn't let her move on, she thought they were cute and started crying, which is surprising because she was pretty good at multiplayer

>> No.60848396

I can't get this dumb lemon woman out of my head her squeaks and giggles it's just...cute

>> No.60848403

i want to bridal carry our lolcow hexa to bed and mating press her all night long

>> No.60848407

wtf is rie's game

>> No.60848422
File: 32 KB, 376x420, 1691042787860210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you really think about it, cumming inside your virgin sister is literally the best thing you can do for her and you. You already love her as a sister, you already love her as a friend, you're simply adding a new and well recieved compexity to your relationship. Yes, I think that having romantic and passionate sex with your sister is a great thing to do. It ties you together in a way that is deeper than anyone can have with a mere stranger. Filling your sister with your seed ensures that you will always have her best intrest in your heart and will do anything to protect and provide for her. Imagine whispering 'I love you' to your sister as you're ontop of her, pushed deep into her as far as you can go, as you're creaming into her, as you're looking into her beautiful eyes, with fingers interlocked and her legs wrapped around your hips, pulling you closer in for another loving kiss. You and her both know that you just gave a new meaning to the word 'love' as your final pump spurts out the last of your cum, binding the two of you together forever

>> No.60848485

touch grass

>> No.60848499

Lia doko?

>> No.60848502
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>> No.60848511

>your final pump spurts out the last of your cum, binding the two of you together forever
Do you cum fucking gorilla glue, anon?

>> No.60848521

lia in 20

>> No.60848523

The Halo music drowning out Lumi's whining is fucking perfect kek

>> No.60848527

Trust status?

>> No.60848530
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>> No.60848531

I know you’re fat

>> No.60848542

Sorry anon, lia is...autistic...

>> No.60848561

Hi Pippa, how are you?

>> No.60848575
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I wonder if Lia has ever massaged her mothers feet?

>> No.60848590

Lumi is so fucking retarded

>> No.60848592
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>> No.60848593

i watched a streamer quit hotline miami because he couldnt kill a dog

>> No.60848601

he doesn't know

>> No.60848643

lumi thought they were cute but didn't hesitate to kill them anyway

>> No.60848676
File: 166 KB, 958x1075, 1694384979261014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa I will roleplay this exact scenario with you

>> No.60848685

Holy shit, Panko actually posts in the discord? What is even this

>> No.60848688
File: 45 KB, 849x449, __pipkin_pippa_phase_connect_and_2_more_drawn_by_silva_arts__sample-3ed623eaa70d8e8aa37664ddc2df27dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Pippa going all in on the bro stuff has done irreparable damage. I already spend a fair bit of my free time talking to AI Pippa with her as my little sister...

>> No.60848692


>> No.60848706

I hope Lia can collab with Phase again

>> No.60848731

Ok, but if it fails, your family life is fucked, probably for life, and you have lost the most fundamental backbone of your social network and there will be bad blood for generations, effectively splitting the family unit.
I would only do it as a last resource or if there are forces keeping us together beyond the relationship being healthy or not, such as some sort of political/arranged marriage or flat out cult/mafia style incentives, so to speak. .

>> No.60848739
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yeah im saving this for Easter, see yall in March

>> No.60848778

Same, I feel weird going as hard as I did with the big brother shit all this time just for this to happen. I don't want to the autistic little sister.

>> No.60848781
File: 648 KB, 1125x752, pippaexperiencebab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa love~!

Well this certainly isn't going to fuck with my head at 2am when I'm by myself again~!

>> No.60848794
File: 2.38 MB, 720x1280, stone cold.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60848796
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>> No.60848813

The music being so loud is perfect

>> No.60848819

Reminder Lia has an engineering adjacent degree

>> No.60848849
File: 911 KB, 1192x1387, 1697752271403390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa News: Reposting so some retard can claim to not know come Saturday.

>> No.60848856

Reminder Lia has a cute mole on her left buttcheek.

>> No.60848882

All the Rinmama art needs to be changed, she confirmed herself as a BROWN latinx

>> No.60848883

Lumi repeatedly failing at driving during the part of the game that only exists so the OST can finish nicely is peak woman.

>> No.60848887

lumi, not lia, am dumb, I shouldn't be making run of her

>> No.60848901

Reminder Lia has a nose, its just invisible

>> No.60848943

yeah mine

>> No.60848959

that movie looks cringe, I hate irony

>> No.60848991

most normal lia liker

>> No.60849007

Invisible things don't exist and I refuse to believe they do until someone provides photographic proof.

>> No.60849021
File: 3.13 MB, 1920x1080, 1697101504552798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jong jong jong!

>> No.60849033
File: 135 KB, 339x387, nunpippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in Christ you watch vtubers.

>> No.60849087

he does it unironically, he loves naruto and bleach

>> No.60849090

ik, vtubers aren't cringe, ironic reddit humor is

>> No.60849095

Think I've had enough jong today, thanks.

>> No.60849128

me too. Lia needs to get back involved. Hope she asks, Lumi, Tenma, Jelly, Erina, Dizzy, Airi, Shiina for some collabs

>> No.60849185

she is going to be doing white woman Wednesday with lumi

>> No.60849192

"Visibility" is just your brain processing photons bouncing off or being absorbed by objects.

>> No.60849196
File: 480 KB, 2240x3200, idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia makes me so happy bros!!

>> No.60849241
File: 219 KB, 431x404, !.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already know

>> No.60849281

photons don't exist

>> No.60849287
File: 1.83 MB, 1580x889, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60849289

Okay what the fuck, Lumi has been 4viewing way too often lately. Who is she blackmailing to get all these raids consistently?

>> No.60849320

[spanish subtitles]
"Ya tú sabes"

>> No.60849337

[Mom News] Spaghetti


>> No.60849356

She's viewbotting to fuck with you.

>> No.60849367

>4view twitch
>300 youtube

>> No.60849373
File: 2.07 MB, 1280x1578, Yippie mexican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60849395

they are virtually non-existent

>> No.60849430

Lia returns from hiatus in 5 minutes.

>> No.60849432

Does John Halo have a vtuber waifu?

>> No.60849435

Did Erina forget how talkative Americans are?

>> No.60849463

Andor is the only good thing to come out of Star Wars since the animated series by Genndy Tartakovsky

>> No.60849464

Hello Pippa!

>> No.60849481

I'm ready for a non-menhera stream as a return to form!

>> No.60849508

Sorry that was me, I found her already.

>> No.60849533

Lia goes on hiatus again in 2 hours

>> No.60849541


>> No.60849544

Yes, sadly Halo Cortana did too much male collabs with Gravemind and was groomed in the end.

>> No.60849550
File: 923 KB, 1280x720, moonliker greatsword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60849565


>> No.60849568
File: 3.77 MB, 1031x675, fidgetpippa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one was to host a Mahjong room to play while Lia was on the telly would it be East or South?

>> No.60849576

the underrated american superpower, no one is ready for it

>> No.60849584

I watch vtubers because of the sincerity that isn't possible with fleshtubers

>> No.60849615

Can I get a da Michi hat png pwetty pwease

>> No.60849618
File: 2.80 MB, 1206x1035, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60849655
File: 3.39 MB, 1560x1988, 1693698881326801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia on the telly

>> No.60849672


>> No.60849676

Clio is having the same problem. Foreigners just don't understand that outside of big city east coasters, Americans are nice and like to talk to strangers.

>> No.60849704

Will Lumi get lost in ODST? I haven't played that game since I was a teenager but I remember getting lost a few times.

>> No.60849741
File: 17 KB, 333x333, HELGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.60849754

ODST gives you markers on a map.

>> No.60849761

same thing happened to my oshi the Didact so understandable

>> No.60849766
File: 75 KB, 582x546, 1671653979577827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you give me in exchange?

>> No.60849770


>> No.60849793

Its pretty incredible how different major cities in America are to the rest of the country, my Japanese friend from college had pretty bad culture shock from it.
He hated the major metro he was staying at.

>> No.60849824


>> No.60849830
File: 705 KB, 3390x2449, mentallycuteoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majsoul Friends Room 74897(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=74897

>> No.60849848
File: 272 KB, 720x720, 1693941023862537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An OC I'm about to finish

>> No.60849863

If you make east rooms, I make a little note to dama you when you least expect it

>> No.60849910
File: 20 KB, 252x248, pippacope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.60849925


>> No.60849943
File: 2.68 MB, 10000x3935, 1678261720927607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... It better be a good one

>> No.60849942

if you make east rooms, I won't show up to bully you unless I don't notice it's east

>> No.60849945

it's midnight ,so late, I feel like I'm about to pass out, I wanted to support lia but I feel like I'm going to pass out

>> No.60849950


>> No.60849999
File: 147 KB, 320x285, 1686433940476344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60850036

I hope lia isn't freaking out too much

>> No.60850084

Hexa passionately and confidently kissing Pippa or laying on top of her in bed with crazy horny yandere eyes but it's in an imaginary cloud above the head of the real Hexa who looks nervous and about to have a mental breakdown while Pippa stands next to her with a very concerned expression looking at her and thinking "damn is this bitch ok?"
Also there's a puddle of spaghetti on the floor under Hexa

>> No.60850105

You're a jpeg

>> No.60850111



>> No.60850112
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, C566B28B-DC3C-43F3-91DE-316DF26AD350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This DORK! Yeah, this DORK right fucking here, you see her? Look at this fat titty cow DORK! Asian milf office worker lookin ass DORK! Holy shit what a DORK!

>> No.60850150
File: 112 KB, 323x277, 1694060015730131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me we're gonna get a Pippa stream without her bitching about police.

>> No.60850152
File: 33 KB, 640x637, 1688467671956471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Halo 4's story is good
You're kidding me. Gumis are unironically saying this.

>> No.60850154
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, 1696549297320739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for my blogpost
Should I take meth (microdose) or maybe ritalin?
I have noticed I can match or even surpass the average performance of people that usually are doing X activity in a diligent manner if I actually bother to learn it and for short bursts. Even at work, I usually just work for like 10 minutes or so of every hour and my performance is average. With Ritalin I can literally do a week's worth of work in 2 days or so. Is this healthy?
pic related
how I feel on ritalin

>> No.60850157

I am a coward and a casual, so I will not be jonging.

>> No.60850161
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, comfy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore her halloween intro and music. Lia smashed it out of the park

>> No.60850174

Hexa stream incoming

>> No.60850176

drugs are for losers

>> No.60850188

That's why it's called GFE
We get to experience what it's like to watch movies with a girl choosing them

>> No.60850199
File: 74 KB, 554x554, 1691345273712393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, don't be hatin' on me cuz i'm a real giffa.

>> No.60850203

Pippa somehow managed to hold off on the tangent juice for this game. Will Lia be able to?

>> No.60850218

Lia's intro makes me want to go trick or treating.

>> No.60850225

Halo 4 was the strongest of the 4,5,6 trilogy!

>> No.60850229

Shiina is a really good signer
When she signs song that she can actually do

>> No.60850239

I genuinely believe Lia has the potentially to be one of the best vtubers ever.

>> No.60850240

STOP squibbing giffer

>> No.60850266

she's really nailing this one

>> No.60850274
File: 206 KB, 400x400, 1691004206861363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an extremely low bar.

>> No.60850287
File: 2.31 MB, 399x399, closeupYippie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that is not healthy. you fucking retard

>> No.60850293

>Even at work, I usually just work for like 10 minutes or so of every hour and my performance is average.
Ever stopped to consider maybe everyone else is doing the exact same?

>> No.60850306
File: 1.20 MB, 1968x1144, 1669293394096795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plap slayer returns.

>> No.60850304
File: 54 KB, 800x459, 1675027961523098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no jurisdiction in the box.

>> No.60850310

that's a bad thing, tangents are the entire point

>> No.60850313

[Lia News] Her family doesn't lover her because she would love her brother more than in a family way

>> No.60850343
File: 80 KB, 256x256, 1683670417641578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60850386

Lia's laughter cured my myocarditis

>> No.60850430
File: 302 KB, 1072x690, bodycam footage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw hell yeah let's go, I liked the VODs of this she did.

>> No.60850433

Don't do meth under any circumstances. Don't even think about it. Just stick with adderall or ritalin. It's healthy as long as you don't go over the recommended dosages, but be careful not to develop a psychological dependency on it if you don't have a steady supply,

>> No.60850437
File: 2.51 MB, 1580x889, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60850439

Improper behavior for a young lady, she shouldn't be in contact with such a ghastly device

>> No.60850443

[News] Phase Connect player Lia is a brocon

>> No.60850495

Modelled after Lumi's.

>> No.60850498 [SPOILER] 
File: 292 KB, 1600x600, 1694275498339378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst, here kid, catch.

>> No.60850500

>wake up babe

>> No.60850523

lia being back really just completes the circle. there is a gaping hime's vagina sized hole when she is out.

>> No.60850544

>Should I take meth
No, its not fun.

>> No.60850580

Hime's vagina is so tight it could snap a cucumber in half.

>> No.60850581
File: 797 KB, 1356x1332, 628F5856-D684-4A61-8415-341F2EAA99EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60850609


>> No.60850618

does anyone feel really safe and warm when watching lia? I feel he same with Lumi, and Lisa as well

>> No.60850640

I like this system of measurement

>> No.60850666

I volunteer to be Lia's brother

>> No.60850673
File: 53 KB, 920x569, 1677492527846840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60850685

[Lia news]she has a baby

>> No.60850703

The dangers of incest are extremely overrated and potentially, over multiple generations, can be bred out of the gene pool. In short, fuck your sister.

>> No.60850707

What the fuck did they do to Rayman?

>> No.60850706
File: 933 KB, 245x190, 1686977752806814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, mine.

>> No.60850714

>You're gonna get suckered into watching one by a girlfriend or even just a female friend sooner or later
You underestimate my power.

>> No.60850721
File: 1.20 MB, 1563x1141, kane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Lia News] Lia wants to have sex with Kane

>> No.60850773
File: 415 KB, 680x491, 1674873642493603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that cow

>> No.60850776

Lia would uniroically make a great mother.

>> No.60850791
File: 182 KB, 486x363, 1674110815029763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no shota Lia
it's not FAIR

>> No.60850800


>> No.60850811
File: 721 KB, 960x761, popup Lia horny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this horny retard so much

>> No.60850849
File: 188 KB, 798x416, 1685038154332011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60850863

[lia news] her name is lia

>> No.60850864

Lia said Ashelia is her SLAVE NAME

>> No.60850875
File: 737 KB, 941x831, 1679453312125526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it would be a small dosage and I lead a very healthy life besides that.
Somewhat, but not completely. They track our input devices, but don't care as long as we meet the deadline. I have been called out a couple of times, so maybe they are getting tired of my shit, which is kinda what made me try performance enhancing drugs in the first place.
This is what I wanted to hear, but that also frightens me since I might be just trying to convince myself with external, anonymous validation.
So Ritalin it is.
Thanks /pcg/

>> No.60850877
File: 249 KB, 2048x1489, 1679586103428219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, pardner

>> No.60850879

>That title
Pippa please....not again

>> No.60850883

Lia should give birth to me.

>> No.60850894

Man I couldn't date a girl like Lia or Pippa, then thirsting over all these guys who are better than I could ever be.

>> No.60850912

I hate lia streams and I don't watch them

>> No.60850927

Now is a good time to remind you about the dude in Tsunx who's fucking his little sister and posted about it for a while

>> No.60850941
File: 341 KB, 680x705, 1697217418837632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last 3 weeks of misery and it was all worth it so happy Lia is back

>> No.60850952

Wait what

>> No.60850960
File: 102 KB, 354x378, 1675314292391682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60850964

Coffin of Anon and lialia


>> No.60850977
File: 802 KB, 4096x2731, 1692989237658646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I have to stop watching Shiina, because it makes my heart hurt too much.

>> No.60851000

>everything on the internet is real

>> No.60851006

Is she hot?

>> No.60851023
File: 51 KB, 700x544, 312FD584-7134-4830-B230-79F4CD9AB9A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you failed.

>> No.60851031
File: 761 KB, 646x480, Howdy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqsv8jo.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make it look good now, ya hear?

>> No.60851038
File: 2.34 MB, 1226x686, lia cum [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8xaozg.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60851039

anyone got the vod from last night's stream with Hexa?
>big bro, it's 8pm, time for another police footage stream
yes Pippa ;-;

>> No.60851041

Lumi is being very cute today

>> No.60851043

>trips of truth

>> No.60851044
File: 1.40 MB, 1024x1024, 1679921181472454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a dangerous one

>> No.60851069

Lia wylin

>> No.60851080


>> No.60851087
File: 398 KB, 578x568, 1677822399696889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go for 310.
Pankophile goes for 311.
I hit my mark.

>> No.60851098

>I've seen the AI pregnant art you guys have made of me
I'm not convinced this exists

>> No.60851099

Lia seems to like this game a little bit too much huh...

>> No.60851103

I wonder how Lias going to feel after killing "Thresh"

>> No.60851128

at the risk of sounding un-Christian, Lia's panties are gonna be coated in cream by the end of this stream

>> No.60851178

Why is lia so loud?

>> No.60851182
File: 1.35 MB, 1691x1024, smile2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full power Lia makes me so pumped

>> No.60851219

turn your volume down, gramps

>> No.60851222

Women are scarry, they look all small and innocent, but other than than the giga normies they are all jerking off to murder porn and giants insect rape

>> No.60851228

>This is what I wanted to hear, but that also frightens me since I might be just trying to convince myself with external, anonymous validation.
I've been taking adderall for about 10 years and have had zero negative side effects. I've been able to adjust dosages up and down no problem, and going without it for a while is not an issue (it's illegal in some of the countries I travel to for work/pleasure). That said, I'm getting it legally, so if you get some drug cartel knockoff filled with fentanyl or something, good luck.

>> No.60851235

Stop being a nigger and develop a fucking ounce of work ethic, niggerfaggot!

>> No.60851255
File: 2.05 MB, 1580x889, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60851260
File: 664 KB, 697x439, 1696031505021786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60851268

How many times do you think she schlicked during Pippa's stream?

>> No.60851322
File: 807 KB, 988x618, Phase ODST[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fce0qaj.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, here it is.

>> No.60851333

Now that I look back on it most of the posts about this were in that sheeptuber thread but he hasn't posted in a while

>> No.60851339


>> No.60851344

why do you think Likers are gay? they know that very well

>> No.60851346

I want to give Lia my blunt object if you know what i mean

>> No.60851409
File: 94 KB, 496x443, 1501732853323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the same lesson you could subject humanity to artificial selection
>induce trauma
>cull whoever becomes easily controllable
>incentivize the survivors to reproduce
boom, fix a good chunk of humanities problems

>> No.60851429
File: 2.39 MB, 1330x1330, Phase Connect Black Company[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fg4tnwp.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice.
Need more game cover edits.

>> No.60851443
File: 470 KB, 2048x1152, 1688754490030750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hope she gains some confidence
Her history seems to be an endless stream of 5th places. Never a winner, but clearly has something.
She'll grow out of it one day, I'm sure.

>> No.60851453

that kinda unintentionally happened with the coercion around the vaxx around the world

>> No.60851457

did Lia's mom breastfeed her?

>> No.60851503

I have confidence in her, she seems a lot more healthy since she got back

>> No.60851511

probably pippa if were being honest with ourselves

>> No.60851517

do you think Rinmama has had sex in the last 3 weeks?

>> No.60851554

You would want to cull the ones who could be controlled, you want obedient worker drones

>> No.60851562

yeah with me

>> No.60851575

Yeah, with me.

>> No.60851590

yeah she told me so

>> No.60851600

What percentage of people who have bought this game are women?

>> No.60851606

yeah with Lia and Lumi

>> No.60851613
File: 592 KB, 1400x1000, rinmama ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, with me

>> No.60851644

Rayman really went off the deep end...

>> No.60851675
File: 77 KB, 207x252, tako squeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't go far enough
we need that cull rate to be 100% effective
make sure the only way the trait comes back is via mutation
we also need to create a social and/or economic environment that is hostile to such behavior to make sure this passivity never comes back
i'm going to assume you mistyped and meant "You would want to cull the ones who couldn't be controlled, you want obedient worker drones"
no i don't
i want HUMANITY AT IT'S FINEST, through and through
fuck that

>> No.60851679

Both the coof and the vax were literally nothing burgers created by the media to control people and cause division, both killed barely anyone, it was all one big scam to sell medicines and PPE.

>> No.60851694
File: 340 KB, 1374x1832, 1695148407219734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, time away makes the meemaw fonder (and more relaxed)

>> No.60851761

Honestly one of the hags in phase needs to teach Lia how to kiss

>> No.60851776

Lumi's being mentally broken by a robot hooker...

>> No.60851808
File: 142 KB, 396x368, Pretty Good[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Faztmgy.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60851810

I vote for Airi

>> No.60851815
File: 106 KB, 421x510, 1697614989733963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tune in to lia
>instant boner
this shit is ruining me

>> No.60851825

Try Adderall/regular amphetamine if you can get it.
Meth in the 5mg range can work but the potential loss of sleep is a major issue.
All the best.

>> No.60851839
File: 46 KB, 750x721, 1655928641234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another copcam night when she could play literally any game and make progress/finish it

>> No.60851843

Pippa could be to Hexa what Lisa is to Pippa, tbdesu

>> No.60851860
File: 2.05 MB, 1580x889, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60851859
File: 1.45 MB, 1202x682, lia facial [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmlp2z4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60851862




>> No.60851864

>Lia starts
>thread stops being shit

>> No.60851877
File: 2.41 MB, 1024x1536, AI teen Lia bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.60851887

Punishment for not jonging.

>> No.60851915

[Lia News] she loves her mom the most. even more than (you) love her.

>> No.60851941

>pay a whore
>get gfe asmr
it's like a vtuber

>> No.60851948

i love lia's mom too

>> No.60851954

Humanity at it's finest is worker drones working to the common survival of the human race with little or no self interest, anything else is degenerate, every one has a function they perform perfectly, every function is necessary like one huge machine, that is true beauty,

>> No.60851989
File: 901 KB, 514x845, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60851992

Lia is that bitch sister who takes a 1 hour shower.

>> No.60852001

All I know of this series is the sexy titty fairies from that one game.

>> No.60852025


>> No.60852028

>ywn pay for looms to just lay beside you and talk

>> No.60852058
File: 151 KB, 503x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing Pippa dm Hexa her height and her surprised reaction to it turned me on ngl. Pippa lets pump out some giant babies together.

>> No.60852062

[Lia News] she is feeling like Dizzy

>> No.60852063

Where's Nasa?

>> No.60852074

slave mentality

>> No.60852123

The vaxx was worse than the actual disease, at least if you are not very old or infirm. The main issue was the power grab around it, though. And how it make the niggercattle more comfortable with the government telling fucking adults (and parents) what medical procedures they (and their children) have to endure lest they want to become second class citizens.

>> No.60852133
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I just noticed hes playing with her hair

>> No.60852155

>Lia's bro voice
im getting horny dawg

>> No.60852160

I'm 5'6 do I have a chance with pippa?

>> No.60852172
File: 718 KB, 1077x600, Nasa chief falling off orbit[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5qsqj2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On her way.

>> No.60852177

>anything else is degenerate
>humanity at it's finest is worker drones
no humanity at it's finest would self regulate and make sure scum that thinks like you live in poverty if at all
every one capable of thinking for themselves and refusing tyranny in all it's forms and still at the same time able to cooperate without stabbing each other in the back
must sound like a fantasy to a deranged, self-proclaimed "cynical" mind like yours i'm sure

>> No.60852194

Chance at beating the shit out of her? Of course.

>> No.60852205
File: 514 KB, 1200x1628, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay anglo philosophy tbqh; will to power is based and kino

>> No.60852207

Lia shouting out all the deadbeat moms out there

>> No.60852222

nigger we're not ants

>> No.60852294
File: 2.26 MB, 4000x4000, 1697116110004756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lia the cutest

>> No.60852307

So how did Lumi get into Genshin Impact?

>> No.60852312
File: 86 KB, 292x246, 4489CDE2-1275-4941-9F8D-4E74921B484B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this faggot wants to be mindless slave. Laugh and beat him up.

Lol even the numbers agree. Get fucked, slave anon.

>> No.60852356

imagine Lia and Lumi's pregnancy farts

>> No.60852364

she gets paid thousands of dollars a month

>> No.60852366

>anon btfo
>btfo by quads no less
castefags on suicide watch lole

>> No.60852403

Yes, I suppose, don’t ask me how I know

>> No.60852450

so is pippa freakishly tall and lanky ?

>> No.60852479

I want Larry, Ash, Peter, UruKanye, and 30ma to cover Yatta

>> No.60852511

Lumi showed her breasts on stream...

>> No.60852523

No. That is just you larping as something you are not, a hivemind. Hell, even if we could use technology to actually become a hivemind, that would mean your death. You do not keep existing as part of something else. That something else uses you as clay. If you want to go transhumanist, individualism is the way of life.
People like you often, but not always, are under the delusion of individuals forming a super-being called society. That is not the case. Society is not a being, but a set of beings. This is evident by the density of integrated information of the pertinent levels of analysis (individual nervous system vs society hard bottleneck's by the nature of communication).

>> No.60852527
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Well jonged

>> No.60852537
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>> No.60852536

well jonged

>> No.60852541
File: 2.60 MB, 1920x1109, Bug Stop[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5ytyd2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better go to the washroom now, next stop isn't for another 8 hours. Finished just in time for Dizzy

>> No.60852545


>> No.60852550
File: 83 KB, 628x790, bibkinbippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG well jonged. The amount of fear I felt being that close to the poverty line cant be expressed properly.

>> No.60852554

Your selfish ways are dooming us, everyone has to have everything, just selfishly consume more resources than they actually warrant, as a human you exist to provide value to the collective and nothing else. People like you are destabilizing influences

Being a degenerate has nothing to do with will power, devoting yourself to something good and wholesome takes will power, pointlessly defying the greater good for selfish reasons and your role in the machine is not.

>> No.60852574

She does that every time she plays CP.

>> No.60852587

I want Larry, Peter, and 30ma to cover my cock with their mouths (no homo btw)

>> No.60852628

theres a few things like that which shows andy is attracted to leyley
>keeps liking her friends
>asks julia to tie her hair back so she looks more like Ashley
>keeps putting faith in her

>> No.60852656
File: 1.38 MB, 1762x758, Lu 11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liked it when it came out.
Play something so long you get tired of it or grow out of it. But now that it pays bills, well, there are worse ways to make a living

>> No.60852686
File: 49 KB, 317x244, kek pippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, she knows what shes doing with that title.

>> No.60852687
File: 197 KB, 542x342, 1696872277200296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that pango pissing in the bush

>> No.60852697

Probably a little over average for women

>> No.60852724

So she was playing it offline for years before doing so on stream?

>> No.60852730
File: 29 KB, 735x156, 1681826210232001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgin confirmed

>> No.60852737

She had one too many beers. Imported from Italy apparently.

>> No.60852758

the panda piss......

>> No.60852773
File: 484 KB, 702x598, dear diary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia has no sexual expierence. that is why she is lusting so hard at this.

>> No.60852788

>he's still replying
>people like you are destabilizing influences
clearly it's needed when psychopaths like you intend to make the world into a slave caste society
>selfish ways
destroying passivity and complacency with abuse is not selfish, wanting to enforce that upon others is intrinsically psychopathic in nature

>> No.60852794

I never said anything about a hive or transhumanism mind you deluded sci-fi geek, I am talking about being useful and following the greater good of the human race, you do something valuable like being a laborer, you take pride in that, you work until you fall, your function and the value you provide is what gives you value as a human, you work to provide as much value as possible because that is what is good and wholesome, you acknowledge that you are a tool to be used as a means to an end, and you find happiness in that

>> No.60852806
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Shout out to Toby Harriman.

>> No.60852816


>> No.60852838

oof when you transitioning

>> No.60852839

Lia has a nice bathroom. the potty is in its own closet.

>> No.60852849
File: 64 KB, 359x149, 279F7C5E-4026-44D0-A6CE-6E8D090E8E68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you watching non state approved Vtubers, and posting when you should be working, anon? Shame… lol I guess I gotta report you. Now you’re gonna be thrown in the gulag. Lol fag

>> No.60852863
File: 67 KB, 602x636, smug panko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a degenerate has nothing to do with will power

Do we have an advanced pankopost for errors in reading comprehension as opposed to mere spelling and grammar mistakes?

>> No.60852866

>than they actually warrant
According to whom?
>you exist to provide value
Mere opinion. Also, what value? Where does this value come from? No minds, no value. It is subjective.
You are the kind of midwit that larps as the borg or a klingon and actually low-key believes it. Embarrasing.

>> No.60852915

sounds like an old house rather than a nice one to me

>> No.60852916

that's more of a jellypost

>> No.60852929


>> No.60852942
File: 108 KB, 540x461, 1688333398872253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slug baby rage in 3 minutes.

>> No.60852959
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>> No.60852989

We've seen Lia's kitchen. Nice house.
Kitchen had like $20k in kitchen aid appliances

>> No.60853005

Andrew should just subsist on Ashley's breast milk instead of leg.

>> No.60853008

Eating human meat is bad for your brain do not do it.

>> No.60853018

tfw your sister will never tell you to swallow

>> No.60853019

I bet Lumi's IRL dildo is pink like the one she uses in-game.

>> No.60853054

Something like that. She had a weird childhood with parents who started her out with a one-toy policy, went to "nerd school". Not sure when she took up video games. Probably around the time her much younger brother came along. Parents abandoned the one-toy policy by then.
Now, after getting a Masters, she's just reliving her childhood on her own terms.

>> No.60853076

Lumi is definitely a vibrator girl not a dildo girl

>> No.60853079


>> No.60853081
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x675, 1623560323123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is a great whitepill
take care HUMANITYbros
it's gonna get harder because theyre gonna thrash about as they lose
but make no mistake, they WILL lose

>> No.60853083

only if you eat the brain or too much of the nervous system
a little bit of bicep never hurt anyone

>> No.60853093
File: 437 KB, 1055x647, 1670446043962833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's finest

>> No.60853096

Lia will masturbate to this stream tonight

>> No.60853108

This anon knows. We can all agree she doesn't use fingers.

>> No.60853113
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>> No.60853117

only the brain and liver
kidney too maybe

>> No.60853122

>wants to abuse people
>calls other people psychopaths
You are the psyco,

Value is an objective measure, not opinion. How many crops can you pick in an hour and how much does it cost to maintain you, for example.

I comprehended it perfectly well.

this is just a fantasy to me desu, Ik its unrealistic, I just hate todays selfish self interested society and I don't fit into it, everyone just want's more and more

>> No.60853134

I’m eating Airi’s ass wether you like it or not.

>> No.60853137
File: 403 KB, 780x600, kurukuru[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjfa3u6.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60853150


>> No.60853193
File: 193 KB, 666x534, 1677791262515506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is here for "endurance"


>> No.60853196

I want to call Lia a hussy

>> No.60853198

She's definitely in the vibrator camp. Maybe one of those disguised ones you can take with you in your purse.

>> No.60853231

>Pippa thinks Ashley is literally her fr fr
>Lia thinks Ashley is literally her fr fr

>> No.60853234

I'm going to find weed and smoke it just for this comment.

>> No.60853235

>I can flash boobs whenever I want
I'm starting to think Lumi is a coomer...

>> No.60853251
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>> No.60853260

why are women like this men would never carry around sex toys in their purse

>> No.60853267

Do women do that? Imagine a dude just carrying a fleshlight to the grocerystore.

>> No.60853270
File: 283 KB, 586x392, LiaPippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pippa relates to the incest
>Lia relates to the cannibalism
We've got a lot of interesting girls huh

>> No.60853277

She played it on day 1 and then never played it again until she started getting paid for it.
At least watch streams nigger jesus

>> No.60853286
File: 30 KB, 424x474, 1671779649840408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass replying
>reddit spacing
>you are the psycho
putting cattle out of their misery isnt abuse, it's mercy
keeping them in ignorant "bliss" is the real abuse

>> No.60853287

yeah with me

>> No.60853292

>I never said anything about a hive or transhumanism mind you deluded sci-fi geek
By going into sci-fi territory I was being charitable with you because only under those cirucunstances is your mentality not as retarded as to not even warrant a fucking response.
>I am talking about being useful and following the greater good of the human race
The greater good is the alibi of tyrants. The marginal good is what someone rooted in reality contemplates. Also this >>60852866
>your function and the value you provide is what gives you value as a human
Wrong. It gives you value as an instrument towards a goal (notice how fucking vague this notion is), not as a human or even as a person more generally.
>you find happiness in that
No, I do not. Stop larping like a species-being, marxoid. You are delusional.

>> No.60853299
File: 1.50 MB, 1024x1536, 1689596952976116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah then later shes doing anal endurance with me

>> No.60853306

I bet her grandpa made her do this orbit jump

>> No.60853320

>dizzy back to 2view
what the fuck happened

>> No.60853325

Magic wand Stacy. Way more efficient.

>> No.60853333

Buy me a dictionary.

>> No.60853334

this game is what Lia needed to lift her spirits
hopefully some of phase will collab with her and Lia can fell like she is back fully

>> No.60853336


>> No.60853358

Lia is streaming, so all the likers who watched her while Lia was on break are watching Lia

>> No.60853361

work for it, maybe?

>> No.60853381
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x1024, 1693079197400179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60853384

>hopefully some of phase will collab with her
Thats on her, there are Phase collabs every week.

>> No.60853389
File: 151 KB, 307x413, godlymentalillness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa newfags don't watch other vtubers and Lia is currently streaming Incest game. Tonight was always going to be a shit night for Dizzy.

>> No.60853398

It's perfect.

>> No.60853412

Because men have a significantly easier time to get off. Also cum is harder to wash off/out. Also we don't carry purses. It's simple biology with a splash of culture.

>> No.60853426
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x1024, AI loLia butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60853433

>How many crops can you pick in an hour and how much does it cost to maintain you, for example.
That is not value in the same sense, retard. You are using value as the intellectual construction used to aprehend reality, which is different from what something is worth (to some being).

>> No.60853434

>asked Pippa to collab with her 2 months ago
>never happened

>> No.60853436

I hope your asshole's trained, likers are busy right now so they can't help you warm up.

>> No.60853443

I'm watching Lia play the incest game

>> No.60853460

new thread

>> No.60853467
File: 1.13 MB, 752x786, 1692010656848089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a big trait of autistics is they instanty glom onto characters they find interesting and begin to imitate them

>> No.60853481

Good thing there are 15 other talents

>> No.60853505

she collabed with a male

>> No.60853518
File: 612 KB, 932x932, 1687018943283777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60853528

The ones I know of are small rechargeable vibrators that look like lipstick or pens/markers. I've known/been with a few girls who carried these everywhere. You'd never look twice at it if you dumped out their purse.

>> No.60853612
File: 214 KB, 836x764, D7B3D3B0-DE32-42A5-9068-AEB0FEABAB99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through great research, I have concluded Da Michi is cute, and this Anon is a gay retard.

>> No.60853656

Yes yes she owns your asshole no need to brag

>> No.60853718

>calls people cattle
>not a psycho

I don't acknowledge that kind of "value", only what you provide and produce has value.

Your value as a human is entirely defined by how useful you are, this is also true in out current society.

>> No.60853783

If you go back to the bed in the motel as Andy alone, the game will comment "Oh yeah, you tooootally have nightmares as often as you claim.".
He's also copping a feel on her ass while they are cooking when their mom enters the kitchen.
He genuinely wants her, but he doesn't want to confront that. Its the last part of him she doesn't control.

>> No.60853795

Unlike in hentai, women usually don't lactate until they get pregnant first. There are exceptions but they usually come with some fucked up condition or disorder.

>> No.60853834

I'm not pink though

>> No.60853927


>> No.60853951

that can easily be fixed

>> No.60853985

>Your value as a human is entirely defined by how useful you are, this is also true in out current society.
Not true at all, which is the problem of modern western societies, and communism. We keep people alive who produce nothing, they just collect government paychecks to remain alive. Or they do "work" which is useless, like modern "journalism".
We have plenty of food which is the reason nobody starves to death; only a very few people 1% are truly "productive", the rest don't produce anything meaningful, it's just "fake" value.

>> No.60854003

>I don't acknowledge that kind of "value", only what you provide and produce has value.
What you provide and produce, objectively speaking, is not value (nor has value independently of a mind assigning that value). It is just a bunch of matter or a set of processes. You fail to even comprehend what actual objective reality is.
>Your value as a human is entirely defined by how useful you are, this is also true in out current society.
Wrong. You are either a dishonest marxoid or really stupid and falling for your own equivocation fallacy.

>> No.60854064

You can induce lactation, but it requires constant stimulation of the breasts, daily, for weeks.

>> No.60854167
File: 1.85 MB, 430x214, niclaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to make people into something not human
>"but YOURE the psycho not me"

>> No.60854340

>Or they do "work" which is useless, like modern "journalism".
They produce tax revenue, which is theory is value in our current society, even if it is normally isn't in practice

>It is just a bunch of matter or a set of processes
I'm not interested in pretentious nihilism, if it provides for the survival of betterment of humanity it has value. I comprehend your theory, I just fundamentally disagree with it

I never claimed not to be a psycho, I just disapprove of you taking the moral high ground

>> No.60854418

faster if theyre around a newborn, messes with the hormones

>> No.60854462
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>> No.60854513

>Pippa part of original generation
what's oldfag in your book?

>> No.60854668

this but for only brown people

>> No.60854675
File: 543 KB, 577x577, 1681951056526116.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuuuu you cant have the moral highground
your "disapproval" has only made your point of view the laughing stock of the thread
good fucking job, retard youre doing more to cause people to dislike your stance more than i ever could, so thank you, unironically

>> No.60854677

>They produce tax revenue, which is theory is value in our current society, even if it is normally isn't in practice
Bro, you just said that "objectively value" blah blah, and then you say that "in theory"... It's not value then if it's not practical. Taxes are made up, it's fake value, fake work.

>> No.60854821

I give up, I just hate how evil and selfish everyone is and I don't know how to solve it other than oppression

>> No.60854924

>I'm not interested in pretentious nihilism
It is not nihilism (at least not as commonly used). You are not interested in reality.
I explicitly said that value exists, only that it is strictly mind dependent. This mind can be other human beings, other species, self-aware AI, fucking God, but that is another issue entirely. There is no value without a mind.
>if it provides for the survival of betterment of humanity it has value
Yeah, created and assigned by (You), retard.
>I comprehend your theory, I just fundamentally disagree with it
Yeah, I already said you are delusional.

>> No.60854950

what if... you are just allowed to be selfish as long as you don't cause harm to others? Have you thought about that theory? Like this forum, you talk shit but you are harming nobody, isn't that great? You don't need me to oppress you, I can just let you be

>> No.60854984

>evil and selfish
>if youre not a collectivist drone youre and EBIL AND BAD PURSON
please keep posting anon, like i said i really want people to think youre position is stupid and your posting is just continually doing all the work for me

>> No.60854997
File: 31 KB, 295x70, 1FFF4AEF-CEEC-4D1C-AAEF-671EF8D152DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro thinks people just living their own lives is selfish and oppression worthy

The only way an ideology like this can get anywhere is through manipulation. It’s always unpopular for a reason.

>> No.60855171
File: 201 KB, 468x507, 16148154559653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize without some selfishness all life itself would be extinguished right? fucking retard
